Unified portal of the budget system - transparency and openness of financial data. Unified portal of the budget system - transparency and openness of financial data Unified portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation

25. In order to organize work with the “Electronic Budget” system, operators and subjects of the “Electronic Budget” system take organizational and administrative measures that provide for the determination of:

a) authorized persons of operators and subjects of the Electronic Budget system using the Electronic Budget system, and their powers in accordance with the list of powers of participants in the Electronic Budget system, determined by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

c) persons of the subject of the “Electronic Budget” system who are responsible for the technical support of working with the “Electronic Budget” system.

26. Persons registered in the Electronic Budget system receive authorized access to the Electronic Budget system to perform the functions of a participant in the Electronic Budget system in accordance with the powers vested in them by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

27. Persons registered in the “Electronic Budget” system are obliged not to take actions aimed at disrupting the functioning of the “Electronic Budget” system.

VI. Legal regime of information and software and hardware of the "Electronic Budget" system

28. The powers of the owner of information that is generated and (or) provided for placement in centralized subsystems of the Electronic Budget system and on the unified portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation are exercised on behalf of the Russian Federation by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as subjects of the Electronic Budget system. in terms of the information they generate and receive.

29. The powers of the owner of information that is generated and (or) provided for placement in the service subsystems of the “Electronic Budget” system are exercised, respectively, by a subject of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity, a state or municipal budgetary or autonomous institution using the service subsystems of the “Electronic Budget” system, as well as government bodies of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local government bodies in terms of the information they generate and receive.

30. Property included in the software and hardware of the “Electronic Budget” system and created or acquired at the expense of the federal budget is federal property.

31. The exclusive right to application software included in the software and hardware of the Electronic Budget system is acquired by the Russian Federation in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

32. The totality of the software of the “Electronic Budget” system, as well as preparatory (design), technical, accompanying and methodological documentation for such software forms the fund of algorithms and programs of the “Electronic Budget” system.

The procedure for forming and maintaining a fund of algorithms and programs of the Electronic Budget system is established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

33. Operators of centralized subsystems of the “Electronic Budget” system, in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, organize the free granting to subjects of the “Electronic Budget” system of the right to use the software of the “Electronic Budget” system, including by reproducing it, to the extent necessary to ensure implementation by subjects of the "Electronic Budget" system of budget legal relations, exchange of documents within the framework of the conclusion and execution of civil contracts and implementation of other legal relations with participants in the budget process, generation and provision of information, including for its placement on the unified portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation and in a unified information system in the field of procurement, as well as to obtain from the Electronic Budget system information necessary for the implementation of other functions and powers.

VII. Information interaction of the Electronic Budget system with other information systems

34. In these Regulations, the information interaction of the “Electronic Budget” system with other information systems means the receipt, placement in an automated mode and use of information contained in other information systems in the “Electronic Budget” system, as well as the provision of information to other information systems, contained in the "Electronic Budget" system.

35. Information interaction of the “Electronic Budget” system is provided with the following state and municipal information systems:

a) state and municipal information systems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities in the field of management of state and municipal (public) finances in order to implement budget legal relations and maintain uniform registers, reference books and classifiers for all budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, as well as their use in government and municipal information systems;

b) a unified information system in the field of procurement in terms of ensuring the exchange of information within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Law "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" and the Federal Law "On the procurement of goods, works, services of certain types legal entities", including information and documents generated by government customers, as well as unified regulatory reference information, including a catalog of goods, works and services;

c) an analytical information system for ensuring the openness of the activities of federal executive bodies, posted on the Internet (www.programs.gov.ru), - in terms of transmitting information on the implementation of federal projects, on the volume of federal budget expenditures related to the implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation, and on the indicators of their cash execution, as well as in terms of obtaining information about the list of subprograms of state programs of the Russian Federation, text parts of state programs of the Russian Federation, main events and activities of state programs of the Russian Federation, planned and actual indicators of their implementation;

d) federal state information systems in which the formation and maintenance of the information resource of the federal targeted investment program is carried out - in terms of information exchange within the framework of the formation and implementation of the federal targeted investment program, including financing of expenses for the federal targeted investment program, the formation and maintenance of a consolidated budget list of the federal budget and limits of budget obligations, formation and presentation of reports on the execution of the federal budget in this area;

e) state automated information system "Management" - in terms of providing information provided for by the Regulations on the state automated information system "Management", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2009 N 1088 "On the state automated information system "Management";

f) federal state information system "Unified Information System for Personnel Management of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" - in terms of obtaining information on the personnel composition of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, other information necessary for maintaining accounting and budget records, as well as for the implementation of budgetary powers subjects of the "Electronic Budget" system;

g) federal state information system for the coordination of informatization - in terms of transmitting information about the planned volumes of federal budget expenditures related to the implementation of measures for the use of information and communication technologies, the creation, development, operation of information systems and information and communication infrastructure (hereinafter referred to as informatization measures) , as well as obtaining opinions on the feasibility of carrying out and (or) financing informatization activities in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2010 N 365 “On the coordination of measures for the use of information and communication technologies in the activities of government bodies”;

h) state information system on state and municipal payments - in terms of posting information necessary for the payment of funds by individuals and legal entities, and in terms of obtaining information on the payment by individuals and legal entities of payments for the provision of state and municipal services, services specified in part 3 of Article 1 and Part 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services", payments that are sources of revenue generation for the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, as well as other payments in cases provided for by federal laws;

i) the official website of the Russian Federation for posting information about state and municipal institutions on the Internet in terms of providing information provided for by the procedure for providing information by state and municipal institutions, posting it on the official website on the Internet and maintaining the said site, approved by the Ministry finance of the Russian Federation;

j) other information systems that use information generated in the “Electronic Budget” system, as well as generating information necessary for the implementation of budgetary powers of the subjects of the “Electronic Budget” system or their maintenance of accounting and budget records;

k) infrastructure that ensures information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services and perform state and municipal functions in electronic form, including the federal state information system "Unified System of Regulatory Reference Information" - in terms of providing information, provided for by the regulations on the federal state information system "Unified System of Regulatory Reference Information", approved by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

36. Information that is used to carry out the functions and powers of the subjects of the Electronic Budget system, implemented through the Electronic Budget system, contained in other state and municipal information systems, is subject to mandatory provision from other state and municipal information systems to the Electronic Budget system "in an automated manner.

37. When organizing the interaction of the “Electronic Budget” system and other information systems, the infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services and perform state and municipal functions in electronic form, as well as regional systems of interdepartmental electronic interactions.

Subparagraphs "d", "h" and "i" of paragraph 35 of these Regulations are carried out in accordance with the rules for the functioning of information systems specified in subparagraphs "d", "h" and "i" of paragraph 35 of these Regulations, approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation Federation is fine.

Requirements for technological compatibility of the Electronic Budget system and state and municipal information systems in the field of state and municipal (public) finance management are established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

39. Operators of the “Electronic Budget” system ensure the maintenance of registers for the exchange of information of the “Electronic Budget” system with other information systems.

40. Operators of state information systems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and operators of municipal information systems provide access to operators of the Electronic Budget system to the information contained in such information systems used to carry out the functions and powers of the subjects of the Electronic Budget system, implemented through the Electronic Budget system. .

VIII. The procedure for commissioning, implementation and use of the “Electronic Budget” system

41. Commissioning of the “Electronic Budget” system is carried out by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in stages according to the subsystems (components, modules) of the “Electronic Budget” system. The list of subsystems (components, modules) of the “Electronic Budget” system is determined in the documentation relating to the “Electronic Budget” system, the composition, content requirements and procedure for the development and approval of which are established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

42. To commission the “Electronic Budget” system (subsystem (component, module) of the “Electronic Budget” system), the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation forms an interdepartmental commission to accept the results of work on the creation and development of the “Electronic Budget” system. Representatives of the Federal Treasury must be included in the commission. The commission is headed by an authorized person of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for organizing the implementation of centralized subsystems (components, modules) of the "Electronic Budget" system in the subjects of the "Electronic Budget" system, as well as general requirements for organizing the implementation of service subsystems (components, modules) of the "Electronic Budget" system in the subjects of the "Electronic Budget" system are established Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

43. Development, development and use by federal executive authorities and management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, federal state government institutions of information systems that implement functions automated in the "Electronic Budget" system (subsystem (component, module) of the "Electronic Budget" system), with days of putting the "Electronic Budget" system (subsystem (component, module) of the "Electronic Budget" system into operation are not allowed.

which are included in the Concept for the creation and development of the state integrated information system for public finance management "Electronic Budget"

at the second stage (2015 - 2017), the development of subsystems for managing income, expenses, cash, debt and financial assets, accounting and reporting, financial control and information and analytical support of the Electronic Budget system is carried out, as well as the development of subsystems of the Electronic Budget system "developed at the first stage, and the unified portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation;";

c) after paragraph sixteen, add the following paragraph:

“at the third stage (2018 - 2020), the development of subsystems for managing non-financial assets, human resources, as well as the development of subsystems of the Electronic Budget system developed in the first and second stages, and a single portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation are being developed.”;

"appeared in 2011 and was approved by government decree 1275-r. The Government Commission on IT became responsible for the strategy and coordination of the work of all participants. The Federal Treasury was appointed as the operator of the system, directly responsible for its creation.

In December 2011, the Treasury announced a tender to carry out work on the comprehensive design of the state information system “Electronic Budget”. The contract is worth 119.8 million rubles. was concluded with the company IBS, which developed the system architecture and technical specifications, and also designed the subsystems and IT infrastructure of the Electronic Budget.


Under the control of the country's top officials

2013: Launch in test mode

On December 31, 2013, the Unified Portal of the Budget System of the Russian Federation began working in test mode at www.budget.gov.ru. Anyone can now find out the volume of the budget in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, items of expenditure in these regions, the amount of funds allocated for the implementation of government programs, etc. In 2014, the resource will be put into commercial operation, according to the website of the Russian government.

At the end of 2013, the Portal contains more than 70 pages of information about the budget system and budget structure of Russia, state support for legal entities and individuals, the public sector and its structure, the financial condition of public legal entities, their assets and liabilities, as well as budget reporting indicators, it says in a government announcement.

The site provides tools for assessing public opinion and hosts 12 open data packages. The portal can also interact with other government information systems, for example, with the official website for posting information about state (municipal) institutions.

Since January 1, 2014, a register of agreements on the provision of subsidies to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals has appeared on the website. The portal also provides access to the Federal Treasury IS, intended for maintaining registers of contracts and bank guarantees.

lk.budget.gov.ru/udu-webcenter- if you came to this page, it means you tried to log into your Electronic Budget account, but were unable to do so.

Why? Let's try to answer the question.

1. First of all, we check whether you also have the Jinn and Continent TLS programs installed (at the time of writing, version 1.0.920.0 was installed). I advise you to immediately switch to

2. - The main reason why you could not enter the Electronic Budget when all the programs necessary for operation were installed was that the browser was not configured (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera). Let's look at the example of popular browsers for working in the Internet.

Browser settings are not required to work in Electronic Budget after switching to Continent TLS 2.0!!!

I advise you to set everything to Internet Explorer!!!

a) Internet Explorer
1. Open web browser properties.
2. Go to the “Connections” tab.
3. Click the “Network Settings” button.
4. In the “Proxy server” section, set the Address:, Port: 8080 fields.
5. Click the “OK” button.
6. Go to the “Security” tab.
7. Select the zone for the “Trusted Sites” setting.
8. Click the “Sites” button.
9. In the “Trusted Sites” window, uncheck the “Server verification (https:) is required for all sites in this zone.”
10. In the “Add the following node to the zone” field, set the value “http://lk.budget.gov.ru” and click the “Add” button.
11. In the “Trusted Sites” window, click the “Close” button.
12. In the “Browser Properties” window, click the “OK” button.

b) Google Chrome
1. Open your web browser settings.
2. Go to the bottom of the settings window and activate the “Show additional settings” link.
3. Click the “Change proxy server settings” button.
4. Repeat paragraph 4-12 of section “a) Internet Explorer”.

c) Mozilla Firefox
1. Open the "Tools" menu and select "Settings".
2. Go to the “Advanced” section and go to the “Network” tab.
3. In the “Connection” settings section, click the “Configure…” button.
4. In the connection parameters window that opens, set the value to “Manual configuration of proxy service”.
5. Set the values ​​of the HTTP proxy fields:; Port: 8080.
6. Click the “OK” button.
7. In the “Settings” window, click the “Ok” button.

d) Opera
1. Open the “Settings\General Settings” menu.
2. Go to the “Advanced” tab, select the “Network” settings section.
3. Click the “Proxy servers...” button.
4. In the connection settings window that opens, set the value to “Configure the proxy server manually.”
5. For the HTTP protocol, set the values ​​of the proxy server fields:; Port: 8080.
6. Set the value to “Use a proxy server for all protocols.”

The article describes in detail the Unified Portal of the Budget System - its goals and objectives, structure, sections, requirements for the generation of information and its placement on the resource.

Elena Aleksandrovna GROMOVA, Deputy Director of the Department of Information Technologies in the field of management of state and municipal finances and information support of the budget process of the Ministry of Finance of Russia

The need to ensure transparency of the financial and economic activities of each individual participant in the budget process, to guarantee the reliability and openness of information about the financial results of their activities, to ensure the possibility of participation of citizens, public institutions, professional communities, businesses and regulatory organizations in the processes of formation, approval and execution of the budget was said in the Budget Address of the President of the Russian Federation for 2013–2015 and the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2012–2013 ( drawing 1 ).

Created to implement these tasks, the Unified Portal of the Budget System of the Russian Federation - EPBS (hereinafter referred to as the Portal) was fixed as an element of the state integrated information system for public finance management "Electronic Budget" in the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2011 No. 1275-r "On the Concept creation and development of the state integrated information system for public finance management “Electronic Budget”. Subsequently, the provisions on the Portal were enshrined in the Budget Code (Article 241.2 “Unified portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation”).

In accordance with the powers established by the Budget Code, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation determines the procedure for creating and maintaining the Portal, as well as the composition and procedure for posting information on it, and the Federal Treasury ensures the direct creation and maintenance of the Portal.

Work on the creation of the Portal took almost three years. In February 2013, a test version of the Portal was published on the Internet, which during the specified period was visited by 220 thousand unique users from more than 15 countries, who made about 2.7 million views of the Portal pages. And from July 1, 2015, by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Unified Portal was put into commercial operation.

The pinnacle of architecture

The single portal was developed in accordance with the requirements for the technological architecture defined in the general architecture of the “Electronic Budget” system, approved by the government commission on the use of information technologies to improve the quality of life and business conditions.

The structure of the Unified Portal has open and closed parts ( figure 2). The open part of the Portal is envisaged as a public information resource that provides free access to regulatory, statistical and analytical information in the field of public finance management. The closed part of the portal consists of “personal accounts”, accessible to users with appropriate authority, and is a single point of user access to the functions of the subsystems of the “Electronic Budget” system.

The single portal of the budget system is the pinnacle of the “Electronic Budget” architecture, accumulating all the information of the specified information system. Despite the fact that it is currently formed on the basis of data available in the information systems of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Federal Treasury and the Federal Tax Service, in the future, as part of the phased creation of the Electronic Budget system, further development of the Unified Portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation is envisaged. It is designed to provide detailing of information posted on the Portal down to primary documents with the ability to view them (in compliance with information security requirements). But already now 245 types of incoming information are used to fill it.

Goals and objectives

The main goal of developing the open part of the EPBS is to create a tool that ensures transparency and openness of the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, the budget process and the financial status of public legal entities for society ( figure 3).

With the creation of the Portal, the following tasks must be solved:

  • coverage of the main goals, objectives and guidelines of budget policy in the Russian Federation, justification of government expenditures and ensuring their relationship with the achieved quantitative and qualitative performance indicators;
  • provision of reliable budget information in real time, accessible to all interested users throughout Russia for all public legal entities of the Russian Federation;
  • ensuring the presentation of open data, structured and unified in a single format, as convenient and easy as possible for analysis;
  • ensuring the possibility of citizen participation in managing the budget process.

Naturally, these tasks will be solved gradually as part of the full-scale implementation of the “Electronic Budget” system.

Compliance with international requirements

The creation of the Portal will also allow for the implementation of international requirements for openness and transparency of the budget system in the fiscal sphere, formulated by the International Budget Partnership (Open Budget Index) and the International Monetary Fund (Guide to Ensuring Transparency in the Budgetary and Tax Sphere) ( figure 4).

When developing the Portal, the experience of creating similar analytical information systems in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Austria, Australia, and Singapore was studied ( drawing 5 ), as well as experience in creating the largest Internet resources in Russia, such as:

  • official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services ( zakupki.gov.ru);
  • official website on the Internet for posting information about state (municipal) institutions ( bus.gov.ru);
  • Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions) ( gosuslugi.gov.ru).

Information visualization

The design and content of the Unified Portal are developed for all categories of users and ensure the possibility of its use by both ordinary citizens and financial experts. The Portal uses a four-level hierarchical structure for presenting information, from the “magazine” technology of news presentation and the main blocks of information on budget topics in the form of infographics to data that is interesting to the expert community in the form of tables, graphs, constructors and, of course, data in machine-readable form (open data ) ( Figure 6).

For convenience and ease of use of the Portal, mechanisms for “intelligent and logical” construction of information are used, ensuring the determination of the user’s interests by the pages visited and the regions of his location, as well as the reflection of cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies in the information structure.

Information interaction of the Portal with other state information systems has been ensured, including with the official website for posting information about state (municipal) institutions ( bus.gov.ru). From the Portal you can also access social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), and subscribe to updates by email and RSS format.

Portal sections

Currently, on the EPBS all information is grouped into the following sections: “Home page”, “Budget system”, “Budget”, “Regions”, “Public sector”, “Russia in the world”, “News”, “Data and services”, as well as information about the Portal.

The section “Budget System” describes the budgetary structure of the Russian Federation, provides a detailed schedule of the budget process, a description of its participants, their budgetary powers and the main characteristics of their activities. Describes the principles of the budget system, the structure and purpose of the budget classification.

The “Budget” section shows the structure and dynamics of income, expenses and sources of financing the budget deficit in the context of the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, consolidated budgets over the past five years. More detailed information about the budget data can be found in tabular form. All digital information is presented both in infographics and in the form of dynamic tables with the ability to select and filter data.

The “Budget” section also provides information on the federal budget in the context of state programs, on state support for legal entities and individuals, on government services and investments.

A separate block of information is devoted to the public sector of the Russian Federation and its structure. This section also contains data on the financial condition of public legal entities of the Russian Federation, their assets and liabilities ( figure 7), main indicators of budget reporting, as well as a comparative analysis of planned and actual indicators.

Using quick links, you can go to other thematic sections of the Portal, for example, to the financial management page, which provides detailed information on the rating of executive authorities in the field of public finance management. The Portal also contains surveys, questionnaires, calculators and other tools for assessing public opinion and services in demand by consumers.

A special section “Data and Services” has been created for experts, which presents a data designer that allows you to independently select the necessary indicators from the existing array, present it in the form of diagrams, and conduct express analysis using various mathematical and statistical methods. Also in the “Data and Services” section open budget data in machine-readable format is posted and will be regularly updated. There are currently over 25 open data sets hosted.

From January 1, 2014, in accordance with the Federal Law of December 2, 2013 No. 349-FZ “On the federal budget for 2014 and the planning period of 2015 and 2016,” a register of agreements (contracts) on the provision of subsidies to legal entities is posted on the Budget System Portal. individual entrepreneurs, individuals - producers of goods (works, services). From the Budget System Portal, access to information systems for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers and a register of bank guarantees began to be provided in order to implement Federal Law No. 44-FZ, and the publication of information on identification codes of customers and banks was launched for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers , and the register of bank guarantees.

From January 1, 2015, in accordance with the Law of December 1, 2014 No. 384-FZ “On the federal budget for 2015 and for the planning period of 2016 and 2017,” a register of government tasks for the provision of public services (performance of work) is posted on the Budget System Portal. . In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2014 No. 163n, a register of participants in the budget process, as well as legal entities that are not participants in the budget process, is published on the EPBS.

Moreover, information from the register of government tasks, the register of participants in the budget process, as well as information about the identification codes of customers and banks for maintaining the register of contracts concluded by customers, are presented on the Unified Portal also in the form of APIs - the so-called special program interfaces, thanks to which the specified information can be used by other information systems.

Requirements for information generation

All information on the Portal is generated subject to the following requirements:

  • relevance and reliability of indicators, indicating the source of data and date of updating ( figure 8);
  • presentation of territorially aggregated indicators using a cartographic framework and spatial data;
  • completeness of indicators in terms of ensuring openness of information that does not fall under access restrictions defined by law;
  • availability of indicators for all users without identification and registration;
  • comparability of indicators in order to ensure analysis of dynamics and structural changes (budget execution indicators - for at least two previous budget years, forecast and planned indicators - within the horizon of economic forecasting and budget planning, but not less than for the next two years);
  • providing explanations for significant changes in the structure of indicators and changes in data classification;
  • consistency of indicators and consistency with relevant data from other sources.


Currently, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is developing regulations for the information content of the Unified Budget System Portal, according to which all subjects of the Russian Federation from 2016, and municipalities from 2017, will independently post information on the Unified Budget System. Ensuring the placement of information on the Unified Portal requires the adoption of appropriate organizational measures by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities in terms of organizing procedures for the preparation and placement of information. Naturally, the data posted on the Unified Portal must comply with the same principles and rules that are currently observed when publishing an information resource. The implementation of these norms will make it possible to fully ensure compliance with the principle of openness (transparency) provided for in the Budget Code.
