Not included in the personal account of the tax. How to open a Taxpayer's Personal Account? What can be seen in the service "My taxes"

The Federal Tax Service of Russia has updated the personal account of an individual taxpayer. By default, when you click on a link from the website, a new version of your personal account opens, however, you can go to the old one using the corresponding link. There is no link to go to a new account in the old one, so you won't be able to go directly from the old to the new one.

What functions and tasks does the updated personal account perform?

First of all, in the personal account of the taxpayer, you can find out general information about the status of tax settlements with the budget. This information is on the main page.

At the top right, next to the name of the taxpayer and his TIN, there are small icons:

The first icon indicates the amount of available funds. With these funds, you can pay off the accruals made by the tax inspectorate. Inside "Purse" a replenishment operation is available. Replenishment is possible with a bank card, using a receipt or through a bank.

« magnifying glass» provides the ability to search the site. You can search, in principle, for anything, and quick links are also available in the search “dispose of an overpayment”, “apply for a benefit”, “order a 3-personal income tax declaration” and “request a certificate on the status of calculations”. These are the most common of life situations, we will discuss them below.

The third icon in the form of three parallel lines hides the view submenu:

A menu is hidden here with general contacts of the tax service and contacts of a specific inspection where the taxpayer is registered. For contacts, please click on "Handset". Icon "Calendar" contains reminders of events - for example, the date of payment of a particular tax. Third icon "With an arrow" allows you to end the session, i.e., exit the taxpayer's personal account.

The last icon of this submenu in the form "Cross" closes the submenu and returns "Parallel lines".

The new personal account of the taxpayer received four large icons on the main page:

The workspace consists of icons " My taxes«, « My property«, « life situations«, « Messages“, as well as links to the opportunity to leave a review, request help in your personal account. The site map (located on the left) and the version for the visually impaired stand apart. Let's take a closer look at the indicated pictograms offered by the new taxpayer's personal account.

Menu "My taxes"

Menu « My taxes»contains two sections: property taxes and income tax.

property taxes

  • consist of taxes on the registered property of an individual - real estate, land, vehicles, motor vehicles, water and air transport (the so-called "transport tax"). Here there is an indication of the presence of debt / overpayment, as well as the amount of the tax itself and the penalty interest that must be paid / set off.

There are also links in this section "operation history" and "income information". With the history of operations, everything is more or less transparent - accruals, payments, offsets, penalties. Information on income contains data on the amount of income received in different periods, in the form of certificates 2-NDFL.

Income tax

  • this is the same personal income tax that the employer usually pays for the taxpayer as a tax agent, or the taxpayer declares it himself, for example, if he acquired a car and then sold it at a price exceeding the purchase price without waiting for 3 years of car ownership. There is a special link for this case, and it is called “Information on income from the declaration”.

Personal income tax can be viewed for the available periods, indicating the total amount of income for the year and the amount of calculated personal income tax. In addition, from this section you can download the 2-NDFL certificate by clicking on the appropriate link. In addition, you can get a certificate signed with an electronic signature by clicking on a separate link.

Section "My property"

Chapter " My property» contains information about the property, which is the tax base for calculating taxes.

There is an indication of the property, the presence of which is in charge of the tax office. The taxpayer can report the acquisition of property himself, however, the inspection will still find out about it, since the registration data of both real estate and vehicles are received by the tax authority from the traffic police and Rosreestr, i.e., this happens automatically.

In addition, from this section, you can report an object that is not in your personal account, or that an object that previously belonged to you has retired from your possession (sold, donated, i.e., alienated), declare the availability of property tax benefits (for example, large families), and choose a preferential object (if such a possibility exists).

Objects in your personal account can be sorted according to the criteria: “real estate”, “land”, “land transport”, “water transport”, “air transport”, as well as according to the criteria “operating objects” and “removed from the register”.

Section "Life situations"

The section "Life situations" is the most "voluminous" and allows you to perform the following actions:

  • dispose of the overpayment - if, of course, there is
  • apply for a benefit - if the taxpayer has a basis for applying a tax benefit (for example, a large family is entitled to exemption from transport tax)
  • file a 3-NDFL declaration if the taxpayer is required to declare income on his own
  • report that there is no information in the personal account about the property of the taxpayer, which is the object of taxation
  • inform about the presence of an account in a foreign bank
  • request a certificate or any other documents (a reconciliation act, an extract from the USRN on your property, certificates of confirmation of rights, and some more)
  • to clarify information about the objects of taxation (for example, if the taxpayer’s car has 149 horsepower instead of 352, etc.)
  • change personal data (name, passport details, address)
  • see what other situations happen - the so-called. "other" (refers to what is not included in the list above)

Other situations include:

  • application for paper documents - if the taxpayer receives them in electronic form, i.e., in a personal account
  • tax registration and deregistration, including for mediators
  • really "other" situations, not typical - free-form appeal
  • complaint against documents issued by the tax authorities
  • refusal to use a personal account - blocking an account in the personal account in the application form (more on this below)
  • disclosure of tax secrets to a wide range of people - with the ability to choose which data to disclose and which not, for example, information about insurance premiums
  • contacting the technical support of the LC (on the work of the office, its functions, etc., i.e., not by right and duty)
  • filing an application for the issuance of an electronic signature, which can be stored on the server of the tax office or on your computer

Section "Messages"

Chapter " Messages»contains the very essence of tax-taxpayer communication, namely, tax notices. They are the basis for paying taxes.

Message archive

Personal account users often ask the question " why in the taxpayer's personal account there is only an archive of messages» ? In order to answer this question, we note that the archive consists of messages received and sent before 08/10/2018. It was on this date that the Federal Tax Service updated the LC FL. All messages prior to the specified date were automatically archived.

Messages (including tax notices) sent and received after the specified date are displayed directly in the " Messages". Therefore, if there are no notifications in this section, it means that neither the taxpayer nor the Federal Tax Service sent them. How is this possible?

One of the options for the existence of such a situation may be the following. The fact is that if the amount in the tax notice is less than 100 rubles, then it (the notice) is not generated. However, after three years and the accumulation of 100 rubles, the inspection will still notify the taxpayer. Three years have not yet passed since the update of the LK FL - this may be one of the reasons. Another reason could be a software glitch.

personal information

Noteworthy is the section with personal information of the taxpayer " Profile", available by clicking on the full name in the upper part of the account.

Here you can see (clarify) contact information about yourself, i.e., phone, email address, personal data - TIN, date of birth, passport and registration, as well as upload an avatar - photo. The section contains the history of actions - logins to the personal account with the IP address of the login and the date. Data on foreign accounts is immediately available and, lastly, in the tab under the heading “Get ES”, you can issue a cloud (unqualified) electronic signature by sending a corresponding application.

Section with personal data

In general, we can conclude that the new taxpayer's personal account expands its functionality and becomes more convenient to use. Also, quite serious changes have taken place in the design of the cabinet, which makes it more attractive.

The tax service takes care of taxpayers and does everything so that the latter can pay the taxes accrued to them as much as possible. You can enter the new personal account of the taxpayer using the following

It is very common to hear complaints about the work of the taxpayer's office from users of the Tax Committee website. It is difficult for beginners to set up a personal computer, errors systematically appear when sending tax returns, users cannot receive or print documents. Problems with the work of the taxpayer's office constantly appear on the pages of Shakhimat, but government officials are in no hurry to solve the problems of taxpayers. At the same time, thousands of users work with the website of the tax committee every day, and in all likelihood, unlike officials, these problems are being solved. In order to learn the secrets of working with the taxpayer's office, it was decided to turn to third-party specialists for help.

The Shahimat site managed to contact a competent specialist, an engineer with a decent experience in maintaining the Software of computer equipment and automated systems.

— Sergei, what do you think are the most popular mistakes that occur when working with the taxpayers' cabinet?

“Today, the whole family visits the taxpayer's office. At the same time, they try to use one computer and only one configured browser. Due to the peculiarities and imperfections of the software of the Tax Committee, errors often occur associated with the use of several keys on one computer. Perhaps the most popular error is the message "Your TIN does not match the TIN of the signing certificate." An error occurs after the user has logged into the account using his own key, filled out tax returns, but cannot be sent to the server.

— What browser, in your opinion, should be used when working with the taxpayer's office?

— Taxpayers have long chosen the Google Chrome browser. It works faster with the site, and is easier to set up. Setting up Google Chrome is to open full access for the taxpayer's office. In additional browser settings, you should add restriction exceptions for cabinet.salyk.KZ.

— How to set up a browser to work with the taxpayer's office? Maybe there are some instructions?

— Unfortunately, the instructions on the website of the Tax Committee for setting up and working with browsers are morally and technically outdated. To get rid of the errors that occur, you need to seriously override all the settings of your browser. Ideal recommendations do not yet exist, but if they do appear, they may exceed the Great Soviet Encyclopedia in volume (just kidding).

- How to get rid of the popular error and the message "Your TIN does not match the TIN of the signing certificate" from the side of the Tax Committee server?

- If a group of taxpayers using one computer to send tax returns is sure that everything is in order with their keys, then it is enough to set up work with cookies (cookies). The paradox of the Tax Committee software is that when registering a key, some data is stored in the browser. When reporting is sent, the stored cookie data is compared with the key data. If the cookies of the previous key are not deleted, then at the time of sending the tax reporting, the cookies will be different, a failure will occur and the message “Your TIN does not match the TIN of the signing certificate” will appear. Don't panic! The prepared form for sending should be saved using the "Save in the PN office" button. Select "Settings" in the Google Chrome browser, then "Show advanced settings", after "Personal data" and "Content settings". A new pop-up window will appear, where in "Cookies" you should select the inscription "Delete local data when the browser is closed". In general, and all the settings for this problem. After closing the browser, the saved key cookies will be deleted.

- With the problem of the error and the output of the message “Your TIN does not match the TIN of the signature certificate”, we contacted the Software User Support Service of the Tax Code of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan twice, having previously described the problem in detail (answers numbered 1449747 and 1449750). Here is the first answer.

Dear User of the Information Systems of the Tax Code of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, This message appears if, when sending the TNF, the taxpayer uses a key with a TIN that is different from the one under which he entered the IR Cabinet. The TIN, under which the taxpayer entered the Taxpayer Account, is visible in the upper right corner of the Taxpayer Account “You entered as ....” When sending TNF in the IR Cabinet, the TIN is extracted from the signature certificate and compared with the TIN of the taxpayer authorized in the system.

- And this is the second answer.

Dear User of Information Systems of the Tax Code of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, please clean:
1. Internet browser cache.
2. Java application cache. The instructions are in the attachment.
Then go to the NP Office again.

- Sergey, how effective are the methods for eliminating the error that have been proposed by the support service?

- To put it mildly, the answers are not professional and do not solve the user's problems. In the first case, this is a standard unsubscribe, in the second case, the proposed solutions do not fix the error. Doubters can experiment!

» » » Eliminate errors in the taxpayer's office

23 comments on the article “Fixing errors in the taxpayer's office”

Amazingly simple solution! The error "Your TIN does not match the TIN of the signature certificate" crashed constantly when trying to send tax returns. I climbed a bunch of sites, all around solid advice on reading the instructions. Thank you smart people for simple solutions.

Working with the taxpayer's office is like talking to a blonde, new tricks every time. For several years of work, it was not possible to get used to the perversions in the software. Either the browser is not the same, then the settings do not match. I sympathize with all taxpayers who submit tax returns electronically!

The same problems. I have not been able to send a report for a month now. As soon as I press enter from my personal computer or from someone else's computer, the Computer Setup Wizard exits, the browser does not match, the java version of the program does not match, etc. How many of them I downloaded, they all do not fit. So what's now?

  • In any public service center there are several computers for independent work with the portal. The website also provides access to the Taxpayer's Cabinet - between Electronic Licensing and Electronic Government.

    Try to submit your tax report to the Public Service Center (or NK).
    For me, this move turned out to be easier than installing Java on a computer with Windows 10.1.

    • Stepan writes:

      Why suffer like this? Of course, specialists in software. But after all, there are paid services where everything will be set up for you in 30 minutes for a small amount. And you don't have to go anywhere and kill yourself.

      Peanut writes:

    • The e-gov port has apparently been hacked! They don’t talk about it officially, but upon request on Google, you can find documents from this portal in the public domain. The situation is actively discussed in social networks. In the near future, it seems that it will not be possible to submit tax returns.

      • How to open a Taxpayer's Personal Account?

        Why do you need a tax office?

        The taxpayer's personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service is a convenient tool with which you can resolve all issues with the tax service. Here you can submit a 3-NDFL declaration, find out about the status of tax debts and ask a question to the tax service.

        How to register a personal account of a taxpayer?

        First you need to apply with a passport to any tax office or to the MFC. This can be done not only at the place of registration.

        Getting access to your personal account will take no more than five minutes. In your presence, the inspector will check your passport data and print out a registration card. It will contain a username and a primary password.

        It is important to consider: the primary password must be changed within a month after registration! If this is not done, then the registration procedure of the cabinet will have to be repeated.

        After you have received a registration card in your hands, you can enter the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the section “Individuals”.

        In the upper left corner, select “Login to your personal account” (as shown in the figure).

        You can also enter the taxpayer's personal account through the Portal of State Services of the Russian Federation if you have a verified account.

        After you have entered your Personal Account, you need to fill in your personal data or check compliance. Fill in all the lines that the system offers you.

        This is data that you know well and you do not need to collect many documents in order to enter information.

        Enter a new password, your email, which must be activated.

        In this case, the new password should be complex:

        Next, a link to activate your email will be sent to the email address you provided during registration. We recommend that you obtain an electronic signature key certificate: you will need it when sending documents to the tax office.

        After receiving the certificate of the electronic signature verification key, you can send the document and the 3-NDFL declaration using your account.

        Congratulations on registering in the Taxpayer's Personal Account!

        The new personal account of the taxpayer for individuals pleased everyone with the simplicity of the interface and colorful design. The new website of the tax inspectorate appeared in early August 2018. It has changed not only the design, but also some functions. Let's take a look at them in our article below.

        Registration in a new personal account on the tax ru website is already beneficial for the taxpayer in that there is no need to stand in a painful queue at the tax office. Solutions to issues can be found without leaving home, namely:

        • receive information about transport, property, overpayments and debts;
        • monitor insurance premiums;
        • receive tax receipts;
        • download programs for processing 3-personal income tax on your computer, as well as fill out a declaration online via the Internet;
        • send 3-NDFL data to the tax office via the Internet using EDS;
        • monitor the status of the audit according to the 3-NDFL declaration.

        All of the above features make the use of the LC very convenient. After all, it saves time, practically nullifying trips to the tax office.

        How to access the LC service

        Despite all the advantages, the site is quite simple. The only difficulty may be that you still have to personally go to the Federal Tax Service in order to gain access to your personal account. The good news in this situation is that this trip to the tax office may be the last for you: then all operations can be performed without leaving your home.

        There are 3 options for how to enter a new taxpayer personal account:

        • Register with any tax office. Registration is carried out by the IFTS employees only if you have your passport and TIN. After that, you will be provided with access data by which you can enter the new taxpayer's personal account.
        • With the help of digital signature. In this case, the key certificate for checking the EDS must be issued by an organization authorized by the Ministry of Economic Communications of the Russian Federation. It can be used on any media, but for its correct operation, the CryptoPro CSP software of module 3.6 and higher is required.
        • Through a personal profile on the GOSSLUGI website. If in the past you were already puzzled by registration and went to the post office or to the MFC for a password, then your page on the public services portal can use this data to go to the new personal account of the tax inspectorate. At the same time, the LC itself will not open to you immediately, but will first form in 1-2 days.

        In case of loss of the password along with the login, as the tax authorities say, the personal account (new version) will be available only after a second visit with an identity card to the IFTS.

        If there is a confirmed login and access password, then we go to the site of the tax inspection

        In the window that appears, enter the personal access data to the personal account received from the tax authorities. If you need to enter using other parameters, then select the appropriate sections, which are located on the right of the “Login” button: using an EDS or through the State Services.

        Overview of the functions of the personal account

        On the main page of the new version of the personal account of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, an inscription about the status of your taxes shines in bright large letters.

        Or, you will see a less optimistic message about your tax debt with due dates.

        There you can also see a number of buttons that go to further actions:

        • taxpayer profile indicating full name and TIN;
        • my taxes;
        • my property;
        • life situations;
        • contacts;
        • letters.

        On the same page, you can switch to the version for the visually impaired or customize the colors and font of the interface as you wish.

        When you click on the central inscription about the debt, you will find yourself on a page with a breakdown of taxes, showing the entire history of transactions.

        The new version of the personal account of the taxpayer for individuals allows you to make selections by types of taxes, transactions and tax authorities. There you can also analyze in detail the accruals and payment status for a particular tax.

        What can be seen in a personal profile

        When you go to your personal profile, all your identification information will be visible:

        • contacts;
        • Personal Information;
        • action history.

        In the same place, you can get a cloud version of the digital signature, but it will be unqualified and valid only for the updated version of the taxpayer's personal account.

        To do this, you need to come up with a password and send a request to create an EDS. In this window, you can also register with the Federal Tax Service an existing qualified EDS to work in the new version of your personal account.

        And in this window, monitor the status of accounts abroad, and when opening such an account, notify the Federal Tax Service.

        If, according to the IFTS data in your personal account, when you download a new version of the interface, you notice a discrepancy in personal data, then you need to write an adjustment to clarify the information. This is done by clicking on the orange button "Specify personal data".

        After that, the application goes to the tax office and its processing will take about 30 days. But the very next day after filing the application, the tax authorities will write you an answer that it has been accepted into the case.

        What can be seen in the service "My taxes"

        When you click the "My taxes" button, you go to the history of transactions for current taxes.

        For each tax, it is convenient to view the details, it reflects the amount of taxes paid and accrued by date. From the same tab, you can go to the page to clarify information about the property.

        Additionally, in this window there are links to go to information on insurance payments and income, which the employer shows to pay personal income tax for you. True, insurance premiums will not be displayed immediately, since a request is first made to the Pension Fund, and this usually takes several days.

        But in the income information, you will instantly find information about the amount of your official salary in the form of a history of 2-NDFL certificates from the employer.

        Each certificate can be downloaded here and read in detail. It downloads as a PDF document zipped into a ZIP folder.

        In the same tab there is a button "Information about income from the declaration", which shows data on income tax.

        What can be seen in the service "My property"

        When you go to the "My Property" tab, information about your property is immediately displayed. Optionally, you can put a filter and see in detail by type:

        • real estate;
        • land in the property;
        • cars;
        • boats, yachts, boats;
        • airplanes, helicopters.

        In addition, the property is filtered by the state of accounting and you can track even the property deregistered.

        In this department, an application for a benefit is written or information on property is specified if they are incorrectly displayed in the IFTS. The application will go to the tax office immediately, but changes in the taxpayer's personal account will be displayed only after a few days.

        At the bottom of the interface of the My Property window is the Property Assistance section.

        It tells in detail what to do in non-standard cases. For example, if in your account when loading the page of a new service:

        • not all properties are visible;
        • shows an object that does not belong to you;
        • objects are displayed with errors in the characteristics.

        All parameters for the object can be viewed in detail by clicking on the name of the property.

        What can be seen in the service "Life Situations"

        On the tax ru website, the most extensive department in the new personal account of the taxpayer is “Life Situations”. They contain all the examples from life that can be managed online:

        • transfer excess payment from one tax to offset payment of another;
        • issue a refund of overpayment of tax to a bank account;
        • correct information about the property;
        • take advantage of benefits for certain categories of citizens;
        • inform about an account in a foreign bank;
        • submit a 3-NDFL declaration;
        • make changes to the data on objects of taxation or the amount of tax;
        • request various references;
        • change personal data;
        • get up and deregister in the tax;
        • complain about the poor performance of the tax authorities.

        Most of the operations in this window require an electronic signature. It is registered by following the link from this window to the service for obtaining an ES.

        Updating the personal account of the taxpayer has turned into a holiday.

        The interface provides detailed examples of when a 3-personal income tax declaration is required:

        • additional income, deductions from which have not yet been paid;
        • overseas earnings;
        • margin from the sale of property owned for less than 3 years;
        • getting a win;
        • a gift not from family members;
        • expenses for the purchase or construction of housing;
        • spending on health care;
        • spending on education;
        • pension spending.

        The declaration can be filled out directly on the website or you can download a special program for filling out 3-personal income tax on your computer.

        If you planned to fill out and send the declaration through the site, then you will need an electronic signature. In the case when it is missing, the service will redirect you to register an ES.

        The same window displays all declarations sent in previous periods.

        What can be seen in the "Contacts" service

        The "Contacts" tab displays the data of the Call Center for working with taxpayers and the data of your territorial tax office, in which you are attached.

        At this place, a preliminary time for admission to the Federal Tax Service is issued for the following situations:

        • receipt and delivery of various documents;
        • authorization in a personal account;
        • reporting on paper;
        • provision of information from various registries;
        • registration and approval of TIN;
        • entry in the passport about the TIN data.

        The function allows you to select any tax department, regardless of the place of attachment.

        It is very convenient to sign up in advance at the IFTS. In this case, you will be able to drive up to the inspection at the specified time and will be able to go to the inspector without a queue.

        Comparison of the new version of the LC with the old

        If desired, the user can view and evaluate the old version of the personal account. To do this, hover over the orange button in the upper right corner "Go to the old version".

        If you have not previously been registered in the old version of the personal account, then you will be asked to come up with a tricky password. Otherwise, you will not get access to the full functionality of the site.

        To do this, you will need to go to the new version of the taxpayer's personal account as before and enter the old password in the "Contact details" tab and come up with a new one. If you got into the office through an account on GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES, then, of course, you don’t have the old password and therefore you won’t be able to change it.

        In the old version of the LC, the functionality is much less than in the new one. So, for example, in the taxes tab, only data on income and insurance premiums are displayed. In the new version, absolutely all taxes of a private person are reflected in a similar window.

        And in the “Documents of the taxpayer” tab, only electronic document management and the possibility of contacting the tax office are included.

        After you enter the old version, you will not be able to update your personal account. Therefore, you must either make a series of cancellations of the action, or close the IFTS website and re-enter the personal account.

        Obviously, the Federal Tax Service is trying to simplify the work with taxpayers as much as possible. After all, the bulk of the issues can now be resolved from any computer using the new version of the personal account for individuals.

        If you need personal advice or assistance in filling out a 3-NDFL tax return, as well as sending it to the tax office through the “Taxpayer's Personal Account” service, feel free to go to the page with ours.

        Created Internet portals are created with the sole purpose of making life easier for a modern person. This is very valuable in our high-speed age, when time is one of the main values. Today's progress allows you to significantly save your strength when using public services. Login to the taxpayer's personal account for individuals, how to register correctly and the reasons why this function may not work. You will learn about this from this article.

        Let's start everything in order, in order to create your personal account, you must strictly follow all our instructions, following them, it will not take you much work. In what such a function can help, we briefly list:

        • control and settlements with their budgetary funds;
        • print important tax notices and send out tax receipts;
        • attract partner banks to pay tax debts;
        • track the status of the desk audit of the tax declaration;
        • the ability to communicate with the tax inspector without visiting the service in person.

        This is not a complete list of what you can do by going to your personal account. In fact, its functionality is able to amaze your imagination, create, come in, see.

        Getting access

        There is no need to stress too much here. We bring to your attention three ways at once how you can access the Internet service of interest. Choose the best one for you:

        In the first case, you are initially provided with a password and login, using these data you will enter your personal account. To receive them, you must personally come to the tax office at the place of residence. You must have a passport and a document confirming the fact of tax registration for an individual.

        It is possible to log in using an individual electronic signature, or as it is also called an electronic card of a universal direction. It can be obtained at any certification center that has the appropriate accreditation, which is issued by the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. This information is usually placed on a hard drive or on a specialized USB key. In this particular case, some software is used - a cryptographic provider.

        The latter method is suitable only for those who have already applied and received access details personally in places where there are ESIA operators. So, you will be able to use an account in the unified ESIA identification system.

        Login to your personal account

        The registered card number of this taxpayer (TIN) is used as a login. At the initial stage, you will be provided with a password, but you yourself must change it within a calendar month, if you do not do this, then access to your personal account is automatically blocked. This can also be a reason for denied access. One of the reasons why the cabinet does not work is if you forgot your password. In this case, the entire procedure for obtaining it will have to go through again. However, it should be borne in mind that in case of any difficulties, you can always use the advice of the support service.

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