How to move a file from laptop to android. Several ways to transfer files to Android from PC

There are many situations that require you to transfer some data to your phone's memory. In this article, we will talk about all the current methods for transferring files to mobile devices.

You can send files from your computer regardless of the installed Windows versions. However, in some cases you may need an Internet connection or special programs.

Method 1: Send via network

The simplest method of transferring files from a computer to a phone is to use cloud storage. Any web service convenient for you is perfect for these purposes, be it [email protected], Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive or Yandex Disk.

As for the transfer process itself, you will simply need to download the document from the PC version, and then download it on your mobile device.

Read more: How to use Google Drive, [email protected], Yandex Disk, Dropbox

As an alternative to cloud storage, you can resort to using an electronic mailbox. However, for these purposes you will need two accounts at once, from which you will need to log in on your PC and phone.

Method 2: Memory card

Many modern Android phones are equipped with additional storage - a slot for connecting a memory card. The drive itself is universal and allows you to connect not only to a smartphone, but also to a computer.

Note: Sometimes the phone may format the memory card so that the PC cannot read data from it.

This approach is the simplest in comparison with other options.

Method 3: Direct connection

With this method, you can transfer documents from your PC to your smartphone directly, ignoring the need to use external storage. This may require additional software.

Once you have established a connection between your computer and your mobile device, follow the steps from the previous method. After this, the documents can be viewed and used using any convenient file manager.

Method 4: Sync your phone with PC

If you are using an Android mobile device and you need to transfer not only public documents, but also some hidden files, you can synchronize. This approach is the most complex, but it will result in the ability to transfer files in both directions without significant restrictions.

As with Android, you can use special software to sync your iPhone with your computer. We talked about this in more detail in one of the instructions.

Quite often a situation arises when you need to transfer files from your phone to your computer or vice versa. For example, you take photographs or shoot video with a smartphone, the files accumulate and take up a lot of memory - it is much more convenient to store them on a computer. Or, conversely, there is an interesting movie or music on your computer and you want to watch it on the road - just transfer it to your phone or tablet.

Transfer using a cable to a computer running Windows

Almost any version of Windows, starting with XP, will allow you to connect without any problems Android device as a storage device. You will need the USB cable that came with your phone (used for charging). Plug it into your computer. If the phone is automatically locked, enter the required code. A message will appear on the gadget: “Transferring files via USB.” A folder with the contents of the memory of the external device with the name of the device model will open on the computer.

If your smartphone has an additional memory card installed, the folder will contain two disks: device memory and SD card. You can search for photos or videos in the DCIM/Camera or Download folders (they can be on both drives). If you know the file name at least partially, press F3 and enter the name. Most likely, the file will be found. You can copy any necessary information from your computer to an external device and back.

Transfer using a cable to an Apple computer running iOS

Apple will most likely recognize your Android smartphone as a camera, for which you will need to launch Image Capture from the Applications folder. In this program, find your device by name. Then specify the folder where you want to transfer the photos, to do this you need to use the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window.

Now click on the desired files while holding Command. Click the Import button to copy selected images, or Import All to import all images.
If your gadget is not recognized by Apple, or you do not have access to the necessary files, you can download Android File Transfer, it is located at By installing it, you will be able to use all the file transfer capabilities available on your Windows computer.

Transfer files over the Internet

A convenient option for Android users is to use Google services. This can be Google Drive for any files or Google+Photos for photos.

You need to be able to log in Google drive not only from a smartphone, but also from a browser on a computer via the link If you already have gmail- you will need a password for it.

Let's consider transferring files not exceeding 15 GB (free option) from a computer to a smartphone:

  • On home page Google Drive, right-click, select upload file or folder, find the desired source and click "Ok".
  • On your smartphone, launch the Google Drive application, find required file, select it and click "copy".
  • Select a location in the device memory and click “paste”.

Direct file transfer via Wi-Fi

For this purpose, you can use the SHAREit application. On Android application it is installed via PlayMarket, and for PC it must be version no lower than 4.0. We run applications on both devices at the same time. Let's try to transfer the file from the phone to the computer. The application immediately offers to send or receive a file. Select "Send" and start searching for the file. When a file is selected, a search for the computer occurs, similar to a radar scan. An icon appears indicating a computer, click on it, the connection occurs. If the program writes about connection failures, do the following:

  • On your phone, after selecting your computer, launch the WiFi access point; it might have turned itself off during scanning.
  • Simultaneously on the computer in network settings or in the lower right corner, when you click on the network icon, the designation of a new network may appear (not the brand of the smartphone, but a set of letters), you need to click on it and select “Connect”.

If you do everything correctly, the selected file will be automatically transferred at high speed. You can leave the application open and transfer other files in both directions. By the way, if you use your smartphone as an Internet access point, it will work in parallel.

Why you decided to do this, we won’t discuss, and it’s clear that there are reasons for this (buying a new PC, upgrading an old one, etc.). The main thing is that now we are faced with a task: how to transfer files from computer to computer. In this short article, I will fit in all sorts of ways to synchronize information between two devices. Go.

Via network cable and wifi

In my opinion, this is the most adequate, fastest and easiest way to transfer from one PC to another. All you need to do is connect 2 computers together using network cable(aka twisted pair) or connect both devices to one Wi-Fi router.

How to connect and configure

  1. Connect the cable to the computers.
  2. You need to add both PCs to the same workgroup and give them different names. To do this, open Start, on the “computer” link, right-click with the mouse and click “properties”.
  3. In the left menu – “Advanced system parameters”.
  4. On the “computer name” link, click change.
  5. We give the computer a unique name (example: computer1), and leave the group as “WORKGROUP”. Click OK and close.
  6. In the taskbar, near the time (lower right corner), right-click on the network status icon and select “Network and Sharing Center” shared access" and Click on the left "Change Extra options public access." On all three levers we turn on “sharing” and “ network discovery" And at the very bottom, you need to disable “password protected sharing”.
  7. Once again, go to the “Network and Sharing Center” (lower right corner, click on “network status”) and click on the link “Change adapter settings” on the right. Next, select our connection to the router. This can be either a connection via local network via cable or wireless network connection. Right-click on it and select “Properties”. Find the “Internet Protocol Version 4” component, select it and click on the “Properties” button. We put the switch in the “Obtain an IP address automatically” position. Click "OK".

Ready. Now repeat this same short procedure on the second computer. But it’s not so easy to copy everything you need. Now you need to open access to the files you need that you will copy. To open access, right-click on the required folder “sharing” and select “Homegroup (read and write)”.

Everything is ready and configured, you can start copying information from PC to PC. To do this, open “computer” and in the left menu (at the bottom) there will be a second computer, open it and work.

If it was not clear to you how to create a network of a pair of computers, I suggest watching the video:

Using a hard drive

Way for more experienced users who are not afraid to disassemble the computer and disconnect the hard drive ( HDD). For laptops and computers that do not have an additional connection cable, this method is not suitable. To copy information, do the following:

  1. Turn off the computer (from the network), press the power button (to completely turn off the power), unscrew the lid, disconnect the hard drive and unscrew it.
  2. We do the same with the second computer, only instead of removing the HDD, we look for the same wire and connect the second one.
  3. If everything worked out for you, turn on the PC and copy the necessary information from the first to the second.

All that's left to do is turn off the computer and put everything back together. Good way, for those who do not have internet, and the next one is even better, but for those who have good internet.

Copying information via the Internet

If you have good high-speed Internet, an ideal and less laborious option to transfer files from one computer to another computer is Internet services. There are many of them today, and their essence is the same, so I will explain using the example of Yandex disk, and you decide for yourself what to use. To copy information from PC to PC:

  1. Open -
  2. Click upload and select files
  3. Wait until the download is complete, after which, where the button under the file “share link” is ON. her. You will receive a link to download the files.
  4. On a second computer, open your browser and enter this link into address bar. That's it, wait until it downloads and you're done.

As you can see, this is the simplest method, but it has a significant drawback. Unlike the first method (creating a local network), you will wait 2 times: 1 for the upload to the Yandex server, 2 for the download. If the files are large, even with good internet Everything will have to wait a long time, which cannot be said about the network cable.

Using a flash drive or external HDD

Nothing special, but I don’t think you should miss this option. To copy information from one computer to another, flash drives and portable hard disks. Of course, using an HDD will be faster and easier, but you can get by with a flash drive.

To do this, insert the device into USB, then right-click on the files that need to be copied and select “send”, select your flash drive/HDD and click. Wait until the information is copied, after which you can remove the device and insert it into a second computer.

In the second PC, open the flash drive/disk, then select the files and copy them by pressing ctrl+c (simultaneously). Open the folder where you want to paste and press ctrl+v. Ready.

If you like to watch movies and listen to music on your favorite phone, then you probably wondered: how to make the exchange procedure between a computer and a smartphone more convenient and easy? After all, simply by connecting a USB cord the old fashioned way and plugging its other end into a free USB port of a laptop or desktop PC, you can often find yourself thinking: is it possible to optimize this process? After all, connecting via a cord, no matter how familiar it may be, has a lot of negative aspects, the most important of which is constant fiddling with wires. In times of high-speed 4G Internet and the development of wireless access networks, more convenient ways can certainly be found, right? In fact, to the question “How to transfer files from a computer to Android and back?” you can give several answers at once, and, accordingly, there are also many ways: starting with wireless Wi-Fi connections and Bluetooth communications to cloud servers. In this article I will try to describe 2 methods of transferring files, namely using the same old-fashioned cable (after all, this method is used by 80 percent of all mobile technology users) and over the air, that is, via Wi-Fi.

Transferring files using a USB cable?

The USB cable has become the primary tool for connecting any peripherals to a computer, from a printer and pointing devices (mice and keyboards) to mobile smartphones for every taste, both based on Android and iOS. Although this method may seem inconvenient to some, its main advantage is speed. If you use a modern phone model and have a USB 3.0/3.1 slot among the free ports of your PC, the data transfer speed under such conditions can reach 10 Gbit/s. So far, no Wi-Fi can provide such high throughput. How does it work, i.e. how to transfer files from computer to phone via USB cable?

No matter how “tricky” it may be, we find an adapter cord from the interface that your device is equipped with (this can be mini-USB, micro-USB, Type C or any other connector, depending on the brand and model of your smartphone) to a regular USB and connect it to the USB port of your computer/laptop. The second end, of course, is connected to the smartphone itself.

A warning will appear on the smartphone screen stating that the device has been connected to a PC and permission will be requested to use the connected device not for charging, which is also possible, but as a data storage device (in other words, a request for permission to transfer data will be presented on the information form from your mobile gadget). In order for the device to be correctly initialized by the system, you must confirm this mode and agree to it by pressing the appropriate button.

To move or copy files to or from it, use a simple drag-n-drop mechanism. If an SD memory card is inserted into your mobile gadget, you will see 2 disks: sdcard0 and sdcard1. The first of them will correspond to the internal flash memory of the phone, and the second will correspond to the memory card. If there is no SD card in the device, only one disk will be displayed.

I hope we have sorted this out and everything is clear for now. But there is one caveat: depending on the operating environment of the computer and the phone model, when connecting the phone to the computer via a cord, the device may not appear in the list of available logical drives. Developers and engineers have recently stopped caring about a unified approach to connecting their devices, which is reflected primarily in convenience. What to do then? In this case, a proprietary utility will come to your aid for connecting the device of your particular brand: for Samsung it is the Kies utility, for Lenovo it is a software package called Smart Assistant, for Asus it is the Share Link tool, etc. All that remains for you is to install the appropriate application and connect your smartphone, as always, via a cord. Then everything will go like clockwork: the next steps will be presented on the computer screen and on the phone display, and all you have to do is follow the wizard.

Important Note: with this utility you can not only copy files, but also back up data by saving your address book and phone settings in a separate backup copy, update operating system mobile device, or restore the device to functionality without root access and violation of the warranty service agreement, if your product is completely new and is still under warranty. Due to the fact that each of these utilities is a unique software product, it simply does not make sense to describe their work. Believe me, everything there is intuitive, absolutely clear and transparent - just take my word for it, and let’s move on.

Transferring files from computer to Android and back via Wi-Fi network?

Now about the main thing: how to transfer files from your computer to Android and back? Let's go to Google Play and download the application from there ShareIt. This program is specifically designed for wireless transmission data from computer to phone and to reverse order. I think you will figure out how to download and install the utility; we have already written about this several times on the pages of our blog. You will also have to first install ShareIt on your computer. To do this, go to official page project in the official software store for the tiled interface of Windows 10 and install this product from there. Read about how to download programs from the store. If you are using an earlier version of Windows and there is simply no store in it, download the program from any site you trust using Google search. Off the top of my head, I can recommend the Softonic portal and another resource called Softportal. By downloading the distribution file to your PC from one of these resources, you are guaranteed not to receive a virus along with the installation package, and will also avoid many related problems. Let's move on to working with the application.

Let's go to executable file ShareIt from your smartphone. The home form of the program greets us with a choice of one of two available operations: send or receive. Let's say you want to copy an audio file from your computer to your phone. In this case, select the second option – “Receive”. Click on the corresponding button.

The search begins for paired mobile devices who will participate in the data exchange. But we are planning to pair the phone with the PC, right? To do this, click the “Connect to PC” button and agree with your choice, confirming it in a miniature pop-up message.

It's time to launch the ShareIt program on your computer. We open it through the Start menu and see this window:

Now, as you can see for yourself, the program scans the space wireless network looking for a device for a wireless connection, that is, a phone.

Now a new device should appear on the phone screen, which will be “visible” and available for connection. Click on it.

If everything went well, after a few seconds the display of the phone and, accordingly, the computer will look like this:

This symbolizes that it’s time to specify the files that we want to transfer to the phone from the computer. Drag and drop files from Explorer or use the Files graphical icon available on the form.

To find out whether the files were copied correctly, again pay attention to the smartphone screen. All files that are already in the device's memory and that are still in the process of being transferred should be displayed there.

When all files have been transferred, disconnect the connection. To do this, press the “Disconnect” button on the PC and at the same time make a disconnect on the smartphone by pressing the hardware “Back” key with the arrow on the device’s body.

You can also find other software products for transferring files from your computer to Android in the Google store, including AirDroid and Pushbullet. They work in a similar way: install the program on your phone and the PC client on your computer, and then follow the visual instructions and dialogues. We will touch on the first of them in the near future in one of the articles, but we will already talk about the second. The capabilities of these programs are not limited to just sending files; with their help you can do a lot of other interesting things: remotely control your smartphone from a computer, exchange links and photos, set up notifications. In a nutshell, read the material about Pushbullet suggested just above and follow the news about AirDroid on our IT blog.

Also, soon I will expand the topic “How to transfer files from a computer to Android and back” and talk about transferring files via Bluetooth and by synchronizing with cloud storage. See you later!

Users store information on different devices, and sometimes there is a need to exchange data. How to transfer files from computer to phone? Exist different ways link devices.

USB cable

Usually a USB cable comes with the phone, but it can be purchased separately. On one side there is a USB connector that connects to the computer. The other connector depends on the phone model. To get started, connect your device to your PC via cable.

Go to “My Computer”. IN portable devices we find the connected phone. If you want to move all videos and photos at once, click “Import images and videos” in the context menu. In the settings, you can specify that the contents of the device are deleted after import. If you need to copy individual files, double-click on the device icon. A window will open with two folders - Card and Phone. This way you can easily install a file from your computer to your phone. When finished, simply disconnect the cable.


Dropbox is a popular one that allows you to use it on different devices. For example, if a user downloads data from a computer, they can immediately access it from their phone or tablet.

Before you can transfer files from your computer to your phone or tablet, you need to install Dropbox on all devices in your homegroup. On a desktop PC or laptop, you need to download the client program from Then you should run the installation and register an account. Please indicate your first name, last name, email and create a password. You can download Dropbox to your Android device from Play Market Store. There is no need to register anymore - just enter the address mailbox and password.

How to transfer music from computer to phone via DropBox? Just copy the file using the hot combination “Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V”. If you need to move an object to a folder, select it on your computer and open it. Find the item “Move to Dropbox folder” (the file will disappear from the computer). The data will move to cloud storage, and you can open them from any synced device.

ES Explorer

You can exchange data with a PC via Wi-Fi. To do this, go to the application menu, and in the “Network” item, select “Remote Access”.

Go to settings (the button in the upper right corner of the screen) and specify the following parameters:

  • root folder - most often this is a memory card;
  • creating an account is optional, but when connecting anonymously, problems sometimes arise with gaining access;
  • If you wish, you can create a shortcut to the ftp server.

Exit settings and click "enable". The ftp server address will appear on the screen.

Enter it in and it will open file system android devices. This way you can quickly copy a file from your computer to your phone and vice versa. When finished, disable the service in ES Explorer.

The method described above is suitable for a one-time connection, for example, if you want to connect a friend's phone. But how can you transfer files from your computer to your phone without having to enter the address into Explorer every time? To do this, you need to create a network drive.

Now in “Computer”, in “Network location”, a folder with files of your Android device will appear. Before transferring music from your computer to your phone, enable the FTP connection in ES Explorer. When you're done copying files, disable it.

Total Commander

This computer also provides the ability to exchange data between devices. There is a special icon labeled URL that allows you to create a new FTP connection. Click on it and enter the ftp server address in the line.

Uncheck the “anonymous connection” box and enter your account information. This will give you access to your phone files. Objects are freely copied in both directions.


Of course, the data transfer speed via Bluetooth is very low. But in some cases, this is the only way to transfer files to another device. For example, if Wi-Fi is not connected and a USB cable is not at hand.

Before transferring files from your computer to your phone, turn on Bluetooth on both devices. If you are using Windows 7, open Network and Sharing Center.... In "Adapter Settings Changes" find " Network connection Bluetooth." Turn it on through context menu. On Android, go to settings and move the slider opposite Bluetooth to the active position. Don't forget to make your phone visible to all devices.

On your computer, open Control Panel and click Add a Device. In the window that opens, select your phone. A special code will appear on the screen that must be entered on your Android device. This is how we linked the phone to the PC.

Call the context menu for the required file. Click Send - Bluetooth. Then select the required device. The transfer will take some time, after which you will receive a notification on your phone that the file has been received.
