Play market does not download via mobile Internet. Waiting for Wi-Fi network in Google Play

Recently, many Xiaomi smartphone owners suddenly encountered a very strange situation. When you try to download an application from the Google Play Store, a regular picture appears with the words “Downloading” and a “slider” showing the progress of this download, but on the right there is a message: “ Waiting for Wi-Fi network". In fact, downloading does not occur, and the “waiting” can last as long as desired. Interestingly, the problem occurs both when Wi-Fi is working normally and when connecting to the Internet via a SIM card via a mobile network. Moreover, its occurrence does not depend on neither the firmware version nor the Xiaomi device model.

It is clear that the cause of the error is not the connection of the smartphone to the Internet. Experts have determined that this version is to blame Google Play Store 7.6. To date, we have found several ways to solve the problem, and we are ready to introduce you to them.

Method 1: Substitution of Google Play Store file

To resolve the "Waiting for Wi-Fi network" error, try the following procedure on your Xiaomi smartphone:

Applications from the Google Play Store should download normally, without the “Waiting for Wi-Fi network” error appearing.

Method 2: Google Play Store firmware via Recovery

In order to use this method, you will need an unlocked bootloader and the TWPR recovery menu. The steps to correct the "Waiting for Wi-Fi network" error are as follows:

After this, applications from the Market should load normally.

Method 3: Turn off the download accelerator

Many users sooner or later encounter problems when downloading applications from the Google Play Market. These could be various types of errors or other possible reasons due to which applications may not load or load incompletely. But since every problem or error has a cause, there are also ways to solve it.

Why are applications not downloaded from the Play Market?

There are a lot of reasons why applications may not be downloaded from the Google Play Market, and each of them has its own cause and solution options. The first step is to determine the cause of the problem in order to choose the most correct approach to solving it.

Applications are not downloading

If, when you try to download applications, the Play Market freezes and closes or the text “Not enough space on the device” appears, then the problem may be in the Google Play server itself or in the amount of free memory.

Solution: if the reason is really in the Google Play Market service, then you just need to wait about 15 minutes and try again. Also, it is worth noting that if large-scale technical work is carried out on the server, then users are necessarily warned with a text notification indicating the timing of the technical work. works

In cases where a text appears on the screen indicating that there is not enough free space on the device or SD card, you simply need to clear the memory by deleting some little-used applications on the device or memory card. After clearing the memory, applications will be downloaded from the Play Market again.

Programs are not downloaded completely

Sometimes users encounter a problem when a program or game does not download completely. This occurs due to issues related to the device cache.

Solution: To solve the problem, clear the cache of Google Play Market and Google Play services. To clear the Play Store cache you need:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Then go to Applications > All.
  • Select "Google Play Market".
  • Click on “Clear cache”.

To clear the Google Play Services cache, the same combination of actions is used. (“Settings” > “Applications” > “Google Play Market Services” > “Clear cache”).

After these steps, the applications will be downloaded completely.

Files are not downloaded over mobile network or Wi-Fi

Via mobile network (3G)

Before looking for a solution to the problem, you must check whether data transfer is enabled in the device settings and whether the mobile Internet data indicator (3G or H/H+) is shown at the top of the screen.

Solution: try disabling and enabling the “Data transfer” function in the device settings, and if that does not help, turn on “Airplane mode” (airplane mode), wait 1 minute and turn it off. If the problem persists, you probably have a traffic limitation. To clarify the information and solve the problem with this limitation, you must contact your mobile operator.

Via Wi-Fi

The reason that applications from the Google Play Market are not downloaded using Wi-Fi may be a weak connection or its absence. If the download process does not start or stops at 0%, and after a few seconds the text “Waiting time expired” appears, be sure that the problem is with the Internet connection. You can also check this by trying to load any website (for example, Google) in the device’s browser and if the site does not load, the problem is a weak connection.

Solution: First you need to try rebooting the device, as in most cases this helps solve the problem (if it is on the device side and not the Wi-Fi router). You should also try turning off and on Wi-Fi on your gadget or rebooting your router.

Applications are not downloaded due to a Play Store error

If there are problems downloading an application from the Play Market due to an error, a text appears on the device screen describing the error and the reason for its occurrence. There is an optimal and most importantly effective way to solve such problems, which is used by users of Android devices.

Solution: perform a hard reset, that is, reset the device settings to factory settings. To do this, go to “Settings”, then click on “Backup and reset”. Next, you need to select “Reset settings”, after which all device settings will be reset to factory settings.

Note: Be sure to create a backup before resetting your device to avoid losing important data. The backup copy can be used after resetting the settings, after which all data will be restored.

How to create a backup on Android

Google Play Market is not working

There are very rare cases when the Google Play Market stops working, which prevents users from downloading applications. There are two options to solve this problem:

Solution #1: Uninstall Google Play Market updates and Google Play Services. To remove Market and Services updates, the same algorithm of actions is used:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Next, go to “Applications”.
  • Select "All".
  • Then select "Google Play Market" or "Google Play Services".
  • Click on the "Uninstall updates" button.

Solution #2: Delete and then add your Google account. Go to Settings > Google Accounts > Account Setup > Delete Google Account. Next, restart your device, and then add your Google account again.

Other problems downloading apps

There are also other problems that make downloading applications from the Play Market impossible.

Error with the text "The content filtering level does not allow downloading"

An error with such text means an age restriction that contains the downloaded application.

Solution: you need to allow all age categories, to do this, go to the Google Play Store settings, then go to “Customize filter” and check the boxes next to all applications. After clicking the “Ok” button, the user will be asked to create or enter a four-digit password (if one has been set). The password is used to ensure that no one other than the device owner can change the age categories.

“Connect SD card” and “Damaged SD card” errors

Such errors mean that the user's memory card is damaged.

Solution: the first thing you need to do is connect your memory card to your computer using a card reader and try to transfer all the files from the card to the computer, because if the memory card completely breaks, the files on it cannot be recovered. Next, try checking the memory card for errors using the chkdsk command in the command line (Win+R > cmd), or try formatting it. If the SD card still doesn't work, you'll have to buy a new one.

How to download from Play Market to SD card

It is worth noting that relatively new smartphones of all brands have built-in memory of 8 Gb or more, and after all the internal memory is full, applications begin to download to the SD card automatically.

If the user has an older model smartphone that has a small amount of internal memory and there is a need for all applications to be downloaded immediately to the memory card, then you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to “Settings” of your device.
  2. Select “Memory”.
  3. Under “Default recording disk”, select “SD card”.

After the completed actions, all downloaded applications will be immediately installed on the memory card.

How to prevent download problems in the future. What to configure

It is impossible to prevent Play Market errors or any other problems with downloading. You can, perhaps, download applications from sources other than the Play Market, but before that you definitely need to get a good antivirus. Also in the device settings, in the “Security” section, you must allow the installation of applications from other sources.

Using one of the methods for solving problems and errors, each user will be able to restore the ability to download applications from the Google Play Market, as well as learn how to download applications directly to the SD card, and not to the built-in memory.

Quite often, users complain about the message: “Waiting for Wi-Fi network” in the Play Market. This message appears when you try to download an application and as a result it fails, even after a long period of time.

As a rule, this problem occurs on Xiaomi devices, regardless of the method of connecting to the Internet (the message appears both when connecting via a Wi-Fi network and when using the mobile Internet). With the help of the methods given below, you will surely be able to get rid of this message on Xiaomi devices.

How to get rid of the message: “Waiting for Wi-Fi network” in the Play Market

Many users managed to get rid of the annoying message by enabling the “Download without restrictions” function. For this:

1) in the application menu select "Downloads" and click on the button "Menu" in the upper right corner;

2) go to "Settings" and click on the item ;

3) select "No limits".

Check if the message has disappeared in the Play Market. If the “Maximum file size” option is not available on your device, you can use another method.

Method 2: Clear Download Manager data.

Another effective way is to clear the Download Manager data. To do this you need:

1) go to "Settings" and click on the item "All applications";

2) in the list of applications that opens, select "Download Manager"(you may need to enable the “Show system applications” function by pressing the “Menu” button);

3) if files that are important to you are stored in the Download Manager, you can transfer them to a memory card or cloud storage (so that the files are not accidentally deleted);

4) press the button "Erase data", and then "Close" ;

5) reboot device.

Check the Play Market again for the message.

Method 3: Disable automatic downloading of system updates.

To disable automatic downloading of updates:

1) go to "Settings" and go to the section "System Updates";

2) select "Update Settings" and disable the function "Download automatically" And "Download using mobile data"(“Download using mobile data”);

3) reboot device.

For most users, these methods helped get rid of the message: “Waiting for Wi-Fi network” in the Play Market. We hope that they will help you too.

Users of Android smartphones may encounter a problem: if the Play Market is not working, they cannot connect to Wi-Fi. That no connection, signals the corresponding error name. But the main difficulty is that everything is fine with Wi-Fi, since you can easily access the Internet and open any website from another phone, laptop or tablet. And only the Market refuses to see the wireless network and writes that there is no connection. An interesting point: if you use regular mobile Internet to connect, while turning off Wi-Fi, the Play Market immediately corrects itself and starts opening any sites.

But without the Market there is nothing to do with Android, since downloading a game or video from the mobile Internet is not a cheap thing. The problem seems insoluble only at first glance, and today I will show you three ways to deal with the difficulties of installing Google Play Market on Android.
But this material will only help you if you have problems with the Market. .

For those who, when trying to access the Google Play Market, see a message that there is no connection, but other applications and sites open without problems, which indicates that Wi-Fi is working normally, you need to follow the following recommendations.

Disabling the proxy server

Troubleshooting problems with the Play Market should begin by checking the proxies, that is, making sure that they are really disabled. The verification is carried out on your Android.
When selecting Wi-Fi in the settings, wait until the list of available wireless networks opens. Your network is the one that is causing the Market to not work. After clicking on the desired network, wait a moment until a list window appears. You need to click on the line “ Change network».

Then make sure that next to the line “ Advanced options" there is a check mark, and proxy servers are disabled (the sign says “No”). If there is no negative word, this means that proxies are set, and you definitely need to disable them.

Are you sure you disabled proxy servers or were they not enabled, but the problem is not solved? Then move on to the next step.

Set static DNS in the Wi-Fi menu

You again need to go back through the settings to the wireless connection properties. Check the box again " Advanced options" and check the static IP setting. As you scroll down, you will see two fields to fill out: DNS1, where you should put And DNS2, which you fill in with the numbers Check that you have done everything according to the instructions and click " Save».

We reload Wi-Fi on our Android and try to enter the Play Market again. Works? If difficulties arise, move on.

MTU change

In the router settings, most often the automatic MTU parameter is 1500. Because of this, some programs may not work correctly, and some sites may not open at all. Moreover, this problem may affect not only your Android, but also all devices connected to the same point.
You can find the MTU parameters in the router settings in the tab Network-WAN(for Tp-Link). At the bottom of this page you will see the inscription MTU Size and a window next to it that needs to be filled in with the recommended four numbers.

Before changing the MTU parameter, it is better to contact your Internet provider and find out what numbers they recommend to set. If you do not have this option, but you need Internet access immediately, then try several options: 1420, 1460, 1500. After saving the settings after changing, be sure to reboot the router.

If you have an Asus router, then first you need to find the Internet tab. At the end of the page you will see the line “ Additional pppd options", next to which in the window you write MTU 1460 MRU 1460. The variable value here is still numbers.

These simple instructions will help you establish a connection to the Google Play Market with a wireless network and download as many videos or games from the Internet as you like. You can ask questions or suggest your own solutions to this problem in the comments.

Hello Sergey. Your website is amazing, everything is written very clearly. I have this problem, I’ll write names in Russian faster :) and so on the Miui phone (Xiaomi Redmi 3s) and on the Asus tablet there was a problem that YouTube and the Play Market do not work over the Wi-Fi network, at first the videos on YouTube were all gray , but they played, then disappeared completely and says that connect to the network, and if on the mobile Internet everything works and loads.

Everything works on the computer via Wi-Fi. I called the Internet company that distributes our Internet via OSC cable, they said everything was fine with them, it’s a Wi-Fi router. I found your site and decided to reset the router to factory settings, following your recommendations I installed everything again, started the router, everything works fine. on the computer and on the phone tablet too, but YouTube and the play market remained lifeless. What to do?


Hello. If YouTube and Google Play open on your phone and tablet via the mobile Internet, then for some reason I am sure that the problem is with your Internet provider. Hardly anything in the router settings. Moreover, no one changed them. Everything stopped working suddenly.

It would be good to check:

  • Does YouTube open through a browser on a phone or tablet?
  • And will there be access to these services if you connect your ASUS or Xiaomi to another Wi-Fi network.

What can be done? I would try changing the DNS addresses. On your phone and/or tablet, go to your Wi-Fi settings and open the properties of your Wi-Fi network to which you are connected. There you can set the settings statically. Enter DNS: and

The "No Internet connection" and "Check your network connection" errors may no longer appear.

Separate article with main solutions: . There I showed in detail how to change DNS on Android.
