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Codes of mobile operators in Russia

02 September 2013

Mobile communications have become so firmly and organically integrated into our lives that it is already difficult to imagine your day without cell phone. There are several operators in each country.
As a rule, these are a number of large companies operating at the federal level, and many small, regional ones.
Somewhere there are very few such operators, in developed countries there are about 20-30, and in the USA - more than 100!

Variety is wonderful. We have the opportunity to choose a company whose quality of service and tariffs are the most suitable. It’s just that it’s sometimes very difficult to figure out who owns a particular phone number. But this is important information. Knowing the operator, we can at least approximately determine how much the conversation will cost. A simple example: if you call your mobile operator, the cost will be X, and if another operator, then 2X, 3X, and so on. About the amount that you have to pay for a conversation with a subscriber of a foreign operator cellular communication and it's not worth talking about. Obviously it will be very large. Therefore, it is important to know the codes of Russian mobile operators in order not to get into a mess.


The question arises: how to determine which mobile operator the phone number belongs to? There are several ways. The first is to memorize the codes of the operators of your country. Not the easiest option, you see. The second is to look for data on the Internet. Here, too, difficulties may arise, especially if the operator is foreign. How will you study the operator's website in Arabic, for example, the language? Therefore, we suggest that you use the third method - the base of operator codes. Especially for you, we have created the section "Codes of mobile operators of the world". It contains useful and up-to-date information about codes and tips for deciphering a phone number. From this section, you will learn that each mobile operator has its own special code, after which comes the actual phone number. This code can consist of three or more digits, and is called a prefix (or def-code). It is the def-code that allows you to determine the mobile operator. When examining a phone number, do not forget that the country code may appear before the prefix. Thus, the telephone number of any mobile operator consists of three parts: Country code + Operator code + Phone number


In our country, the most popular phone numbers the so-called "big three": MegaFon, MTS and Beeline. Due to the wide distribution of the numbers of these operators, most people remember without serious problems which codes belong to which operator. If there are difficulties, use our hint. So, how to identify the code of a mobile operator in Russia?


The MTS mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 910-919 belong to subscribers who have already registered for a long time. In new numbers, it is no longer uncommon for the MTS telephone code, which is in the range from 980 to 989.
910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919
980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989


The Beeline mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 903-909 belong to subscribers who have already registered for a long time. The new numbers will most likely use the Beeline phone code, which ranges from 960 to 976.
903 905 906 909 960 961 962
963 964 965 966 967 968 976


The MegaFon mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 920-926 belong to long-registered subscribers. New numbers often contain the MegaFon phone code, which ranges from 927 to 937. Our website contains all the codes of mobile operators in Russia, as well as other countries. Using the reference book "Codes of mobile operators", you can always determine who owns the phone number you are interested in. In addition, we invite you to take advantage of a special offer and buy easy-to-remember numbers for a very attractive price. For example, "MTS Golden Numbers" or "Beautiful MegaFon Numbers".
920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929
929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937
If you have any questions or you decide to make a purchase, then call us by phone: +7 495 997 07 02, we will definitely help. And may you always have a choice!

In the article:

Mobile communication is an integral life attribute of every person, providing free communication, correspondence and access to the global network. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of cellular services, as well as to choose a more efficient and convenient alternative for them.

At the same time, several providers are simultaneously represented in the modern mobile communications market, which compete with each other and constantly improve the quality and conditions of customer service. Based on official statistics, the most popular providers in Russia include Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2, Iota. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which determine their general and subjective usefulness for subscribers. But in order for you to be able to make the final choice and decide for yourself which cellular operator is better, you need to know these very weak and strong points of cellular companies.

Internet assistant will help you understand the difficult issue of choosing the best mobile operator for you, pointing out the pros and cons of each of them.

We will immediately note your suspicions about the marketing component of our article. We are not going to advertise anyone, but we will operate only with facts and objective opinions experienced users. Anyway, the final decision on whose SIM-card will be installed in your device remains solely with you.

Which cellular company is better: a description of the features of operators

It is logical to assume that the whole complexity of choosing an operator is based precisely on the determination of complex competitive advantages both in terms of communication quality and coverage area, as well as the variability of tariff plans and the level of technical support. Therefore, let's take a closer look at the characteristic features of each of the providers.


The mobile operator MTS has been providing high-quality communication services since 1993 and has established itself as a reliable and affordable provider. The company has the largest subscriber base (over 100 million people), introduces advanced technologies in a timely manner, actively develops high-speed mobile networks, provides the possibility of a single Internet for all devices.


  • High quality connection. Thanks to extensive experience in customer service and the use of modern telecommunications equipment, the operator guarantees stable and high-quality communication among dense buildings, inside and outside buildings.
  • Thoughtful tariff plans with Internet. MTS is always ready to offer favorable tariffs with a large amount of traffic for subscribers who need constant and uninterrupted Internet surfing. In addition, night unlimited or completely unlimited mobile Internet is provided.
  • Developed roaming network. Long-term partnerships with national and foreign mobile operators allow MTS to provide its users with comfortable communication anywhere in the country and the world.


  • Relatively high rates for services. The question of the price of MTS communications is rather complicated and confusing. In general, the company offers affordable and favorable rates. But some tariff plans that have similar functional content with competitors, however, cost the user more.
  • Insufficient coverage area. Own network coverage is a weak point of the provider. According to this indicator, the company loses to both Beeline and Megafon. At the same time, the democratic cost of roaming services largely compensate for this shortcoming.
  • Poor quality of technical support. This problem is not unique to MTS, but is common to all operators. But it is in relation to MTS that it manifests itself most clearly because of the huge customer base. Getting through to a customer support center specialist is often not only difficult, but almost impossible. The same users who actively use the provider's self-service services (,) do not notice such a problem. This suggests that against the backdrop of the growing popularity of online services, the difficulties with dialing into the MTS call center are gradually losing their significance and relevance.


Megafon is one of the undisputed leaders in the Russian telecommunications market. The provider has been working for almost 15 years and during this time the number of subscribers has exceeded 90 million people.


  • The largest coverage area in Russia. Each subscriber of the company may not worry that in some corner of the country he will face the problem of lack of mobile communications. Even remote and sparsely polluted regions of Russia are equipped with Megafon base stations. It is clear that with a low number of users, the cost of maintaining the equipment cannot be fully replenished. But the company purposefully goes for it in order to have a clear advantage over competitors and become the No. 1 provider in Russia.
  • Active introduction of advanced technologies. Megafon carefully monitors global trends in the telecommunications market and immediately introduces promising technologies and services. It pioneered mobile video communication capabilities and provided users with high-speed 4G+ mobile Internet at 300 Mbps. The reliability and stability of the company is also evidenced by the fact that Megafon has become an official supplier mobile services as part of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
  • High internet speed. We have already mentioned that high-speed broadband Internet access is becoming Megafon's signature feature. True, the situation here is rather specific and unusual for Russian realities. No, high-speed Internet has not gone away, but almost all full-scale tariff plans associated with it went to the new Megafon brand - Yota.


  • Weak tech support. Let's not dwell too much on this point. Let's say that there are the same difficulties here as those of MTS, as well as ways to solve them using online self-service services. After registering on the provider's website, subscribers can use the functionality that allows them to independently solve a huge list of problems of setting up communications, managing an account and a tariff plan. These features are also implemented in mobile application"Megaphone. Personal Area".
  • The complexity of tariff plans. In comparison with other providers, Megafon has the most difficult system of tariff plans for an unprepared user to understand. Tariffs are quite confusing, they vary greatly in payment depending on the region, they provide for various tariffication schemes when additional options are activated, many of which have the status of archival ones. When choosing a provider, such a disadvantage can become a key one and force you to purchase a SIM card from another company.


Speaking of MegaFon, one cannot ignore the subsidiary brand Yota, which offers the best tariff plans in Russia with unlimited mobile Internet. Largely due to this, the current Megafon tariffs are devoid of built-in Internet traffic packages. The calculation is simple, if you want high-quality and inexpensive Internet, buy a Yota SIM card, and Megafon will provide affordable communications throughout Russia. But recently, this advantage has been significantly curtailed by the operator itself, which has already provided packages of minutes, traffic and SMS for new tariffs.


  • High-speed Internet at low cost. For only 100-150 rubles a month, you can get unlimited access to social networks and instant messengers. The data transfer rate reaches 20 Mbps.
  • Affordable rates. Despite bundling services, Iota tariff plans remain inexpensive and well-filled. For example, 5 GB of Internet traffic and 150 minutes of calls throughout Russia will cost only 250 rubles per month.
  • Transparent prices. In this regard, Yota compares favorably with Megafon, offering clear descriptions of tariff plans.
  • Roaming-free space throughout Russia. This is an important and necessary feature of Iota for everyone. When leaving your home region for up to 30 days, there is no need to worry about increased costs due to roaming. During the month, the operator provides mobile communication and Internet services at the prices of the home region, regardless of where you are.


  • The virtual operator factor. Yota subscribers are completely dependent on the serviceability and workload of Megafon equipment. This must be taken into account when choosing a second SIM card in order to increase the reliability of communication.
  • Insufficient coverage area. Provider Iota is a developing brand and is not yet able to cover the same regions as Megafon. But the value of this disadvantage decreases every day as the service area expands.
  • Differentiation of SIM-cards. It is impossible to use the same Yota SIM card in a smartphone, tablet, modem or router. Each type of device has its own separate card, and it will not work to “deceive” the network, since the equipment is identified by the IMEI number.


Beeline is also an old-timer of the domestic mobile services market, having started its activities back in 1993. The operator's customer base exceeds 60 million people and is constantly expanding due to favorable tariffs and new loyalty programs.


  • A variety of tariff plans, service options. Each user can seamlessly choose the best tariff plan for himself within the planned mobile budget.
  • Promotions and bonuses. Beeline, like no other provider, constantly offers its customers various discounts, promotions and bonuses. For example, you can connect the Viasat premium TV package with a 25% discount, purchase modern devices on credit without overpayments, get an additional traffic package for top-up or an individual tariff offer, etc.
  • Timely and competent technical support. Despite the fact that it can be problematic to get through to the Beeline call center, subscribers can always count on a high-quality and professional solution to their problems. In addition, a mobile online self-service service is always provided to users.


  • Work failures. Frequent negative reviews on the Internet indicate periodic technical failures of the provider's equipment. It comes to the point that even checking the balance using the USSD command becomes unavailable. In fairness, we note that Beeline quickly fixes the problems that have arisen.
  • Expensive roaming. This is one of the main disadvantages of Beeline. Leaving the home region, the subscriber must be prepared for a sharply increased cost for a sick connection.
  • Poor communication quality far from cities. Beeline does not seek to install base stations in places that are disadvantageous in terms of monetization. Therefore, as you move away from the city, the network signal begins to weaken sharply.


We will not especially highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the Tele2 provider. It is a legacy of Swedish investors and is now owned by the Russian financial group VTB. The company has only one obvious drawback - a relatively small coverage area. As a result, subscribers had to constantly deal with rather expensive national roaming. Recently, this problem has been quite effectively solved by connecting the special service “Zero Everywhere”.

The low price of tariffs and high-quality communication allows Tele2 to constantly increase its subscriber base, which now has almost 25 million users and provides the operator with the 34th line in the ranking of the most popular mobile operators in the country.


We hope that this review of the online assistant site helped you in the difficult task of choosing a provider. The final choice depends on your personal preferences and the evaluation criteria you put forward for the reliability, availability and variety of mobile services you need. On our own, we add that many users use several SIM cards from different operators at once in order to receive the highest quality communication and the Internet.

Video: choosing the best mobile operator


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  10. Anonymous

Mobile Internet practical, convenient and allows you to use the global web anywhere in the city and even beyond. Unlike wi-fi is not needed additional devices network connection. Nevertheless, you have to pay for convenience, so let's consider which mobile Internet is best to connect.

Criteria for choosing mobile Internet

Speaking about the mobile Internet, you need to consider:

  • maximum speed and type of connection;
  • coverage area;
  • billing for 1 MB or contract price.

A logical question arises: which operator has the best Internet? Consider offers from:

  • MTS;
  • Beeline;
  • Megaphone;
  • Tele 2;
  • Yota.

Which of the proposed mobile operators is better depends on the goals of the user. But it can immediately be noted that the maximum speed is the same for everyone (from 200 Mb / s to 1 Gb / s, depending on the quality of the connection), and the type of connection is 4G.

The presence of a modem is not necessary, a mobile phone and a SIM card with support for the appropriate data transfer technology are sufficient.

Which operator is better for a good connection can be determined independently by contacting the offices of companies and receiving information from consultants. However, it is worth considering the fact that every service provider seeks to sell their product and convince the client that he is number 1.

To really understand which operator is the best for mobile Internet, you need to start from objective facts.

Which operator for mobile Internet is better to choose is up to you, but looking ahead, we can say that:

  • the best coverage (for travelers) - MTS and Megafon;
  • the best in price - Tele2 and Yota;
  • best for home - Beeline.

Let's consider each operator in more detail.

MTS services

More than 80 million Russians use the services of this operator, and many are confident that it has the best mobile Internet in the Russian Federation. Several rates are offered:

  • Tarifische is the most interesting tariff for active network users with unlimited internet and 500 minutes and SMS for 650 rubles;
  • 15 gigs and 400 minutes/sms in the My Smart package for 550 rubles;
  • "Smart" - unlimited calls to the network, 200 minutes to other operators and 5 Gb of traffic for 400 rubles / month;
  • "Our smart" - unlimited calls to the network, 1500 minutes to other operators and unlimited internet for 1000 rubles / month + the ability to connect 5 more numbers to use privileges;
  • "X" - provides unlimited access to Youtube and other popular sites for a smartphone and 7 Gig for other needs, such a charm costs 500 rubles;
  • Unlimited internet and 3000 min. conversation can be obtained for 1950 rubles. in the Smart Top package;
  • For lovers of premium packages with unlimited gigabytes and 5000 min. There is an Ultra tariff.

Very often, they want to get mobile Internet on their phone for work. In this case, most packages that provide access to popular resources are not suitable, since 5-10 Gb of traffic can go away in a week. And then you have to buy mobile traffic for the phone:

  • 3 Gb for 190 rubles;
  • 5 Gb for 250 rubles;
  • 10 Gb for 300 rubles.

Understanding this, MTS decided to stand out from the rest of the operators and offer a really interesting solution - MTS Artificial Intelligence, which will be able to set up a personal and most favorable tariff for you.

Another important point - also uninterrupted 3 / 4G works from St. Petersburg to the Crimea and from Sochi to Novosibirsk. Good coverage in Sakhalin, Vladivostok and other remote corners of the country. Problems may arise in the far north and in the Siberian taiga.

Offers from Beeline

Unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline involves 5 basic tariffs:

Rate Conditions Subscription fee RUB/month
"First Gigi"10 Gb + 1 year social network traffic as a gift, 400 minutes 420
"Unlim"unlimited traffic, 600 minutes and 300 sms 690
"Family " unlimited Gb, 1200 minutes and 300 sms, 100 Mbps home internet 900
"Super Family"unlimited Gb, 3000 minutes and 300 sms, 100 Mbps home internet 1200
"Super Family+"unlimited Gb, 4000 minutes and 300 sms, 100 Mbps home internet 2000

Considering which mobile Internet operator to choose, it is safe to say that Beeline is suitable for those who not only surf the net a lot, but also communicate even more on the phone.

Coverage area includes:

  • Moscow and region;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • major regional centers.


This mobile operator is only slightly inferior to MTS in terms of the number of customers (76 million users), therefore it also offers high-quality and affordable tariffs:

RateConditionsPrice, rub./month
“Turn on! Write" 300 minutes of calls, 5 GB, 300 SMS, instant messengers, antivirus 400
“Turn on! Look" 1000 minutes of calls, unlimited GB, movies and series on Megafon.TV 1000
“Turn on! Chat" 600 minutes of calls, unlimited internet 500
“Turn on! Speak" 600 minutes of calls, 5 GB, calls to all numbers in Russia, unpaid visits to instant messengers 500
“Turn on! Have fun" 100 minutes of calls, 15 GB, free social networks, instant messengers, music and YouTube 450
“Turn on! Premium» 5000 minutes of calls, unlimited internet, free SMS 3000

There is also a constructor package where you can independently set the required number of minutes and gigs - “Turn on! Choose"

The pricing policy is close to MTS, but the set functionality for those who use the web for entertainment a little wider, which allows you to save traffic and choose cheaper rates. The coverage area is similar to MTS.

Tele2 packages

This operator has developed competitive rates, in many ways cheaper than the rest. The only drawback is that coverage is available only in large regional centers, although it is growing rapidly every year. Users are offered 5 basic tariffs:

  • "My Tele2" - 5 GB for 7 r / day;
  • "My conversation" - 2 GB, 50 sms and 200 minutes for 200 r / month;
  • "My Online" - 15 GB, 50 sms, 500 minutes and unlimited on social networks and instant messengers for 400 r / month;
  • “My Online+” — 30 GB, 50 sms, 800 minutes and unlimited access to social networks and instant messengers for 700 rubles/month;
  • "Everywhere Online" - 40 GB, unlimited traffic in social networks and instant messengers, 500 minutes and 50 SMS for 500 rubles per month.

It is also possible to connect only the Internet to the phone:

  • 1 GB - 120 rubles / month;
  • 3 GB - 200 rubles / month;
  • 15 GB - 400 rubles / month;
  • 25 GB - 600 rubles / month;
  • 40 GB - 900 rubles / month.

If you need a lot of traffic, then the last tariff is the most profitable, but keep in mind that calls and SMS are quite expensive (1.8 rubles for Tele2 numbers and 10 rubles for other operators for 1 min).


The provider used an original approach and stands out quite strongly against the background of competitors: no basic tariff is provided, the user himself chooses what he needs:

Such prices make the offer from this operator the most profitable on the market. However, it should be borne in mind that the service is available only in Moscow, St. Petersburg and some other major regional centers.

For modems

Which 4g operator is best suited for a home modem can be determined based on billing and the need to purchase additional equipment. For example, Yota offers to pay for the Internet depending on the speed you choose, so a package at maximum speed (more than 15 Mb / s) will cost you 1400 rubles. in 30 days.

To connect, you will need to purchase a special router costing from 1990 to 8690 rubles. The specific type depends on the speed and number of devices that you plan to connect.

Prices for MTS modems start from 2600 rubles, and the price includes 60 GB for two weeks, starting from the 15th day of use, you can connect a special 4 Mbps Internet package with unlimited traffic for 749 rubles.

Megafon offers modems in the same price category, and users are provided with three options for the development of events:

  • Unlimited for 6 months - 5000 rubles;
  • Unlim for a year - 9000 rubles;
  • Payment upon use, where 1 MB = 2.5 rubles.

Beeline offers to connect a tariff For a computer with 30 Gb / month and a monthly fee of 900 rubles, this also includes night unlimited.

In any case, the modem must be purchased separately or rented (cost 100 r / month).

When making a choice, remember that tariffs for different regions may differ slightly, the article uses information for Moscow and the region. The best mobile Internet is the one that catches in the places you need.

Many Russian citizens actively criticize mobile operators for poor quality of service, slow mobile Internet, high prices, communication problems, unexpected debits and connection of unnecessary services. Yes, perhaps the operators MTS, Beeline, MegaFon and Tele2 are really not the most honest in relation to the Russians, but their quality of service is at a very high level, the TelecomDaily agency came to this conclusion.

This analytical agency conducted a study in Russia in November 2017 in order to assess the quality of coverage, mobile Internet speed and, of course, the quality of voice communications. The study involved four operators from the "big four", that is, "MTS", "Beeline", "MegaFon" and Tele2. As a result, after testing, foreign experts were amazed at the quality of services provided by all four of these operators.

As stated on their website, they drove over 2,500 km across Russia in a special vehicle that is equipped with measuring equipment. According to them, it emulates the work modern smartphones, but at the same time captures all indicators every few seconds. When the testing was completed and the results were calculated, the experts hurried them to the European operators. In the end, there was no limit to their surprise.

In particular, the worst mobile operator in Russia in terms of the total number of indicators was Tele2, which has the highest latency (ping) and a number of other disadvantages, but it also has a number of advantages, which were not enough to outperform its main competitors. As a result, experts identified the following advantages for all cellular Russian cellular operators:


  • Maximum speed in 3G networks
  • Minimum ping (latency)
  • Good sound quality


  • The highest average speed in 3G networks
  • Maximum speed in 4G networks


  • The most stable connection
  • Maximum average speed in 4G networks
  • The highest speed in 4G networks
  • Minimum number of breaks in voice communication
  • Low connection time - dialing to the subscriber in a few seconds
  • The highest average speed in 4G networks
  • Maximum average speed in 3G networks

If the same indicators are declared for operators, then this means that their indicators are within the error range from 0 to 10%. Thus, in terms of the combination of qualities, MegaFon was recognized as the best operator, which provides the most stable connection to the network, the minimum number of interruptions during telephone conversations and many other features. The second place was taken by MTS, which turned out to be significantly better than Beeline in terms of the quality of advanced sound within the framework of voice services. The third position was taken by Beeline.

As for the worst operator, it turned out to be Tele2. The experts were able to find out that it has the highest average speed in 4G networks and the highest average speed in 3G networks. In other words, its Internet is extremely fast, but the connection stability and coverage leave much to be desired. Although this did not play any role in the study, the cost of his services is the lowest among all the others.

It is noted that the quality of mobile Internet in Russia is generally significantly higher than in Europe. This applies not only to the stability of the connection, but also to the speed of downloading information. In addition, Russian citizens have access to better voice services, while in Europe things are much worse.

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