When will 4g per motive. Inexpensive mobile internet from motive telecom

The Russian company Motiv provides services cellular communication only in some regions of the country, but, nevertheless, it is constantly expanding its area of ​​activity, trying to gain federal significance. Such total plans can be realized only if the consumers are taken care of.

The presented operator's strategy lies in the tireless gravitation to make the use of its own services as convenient as possible for the subscriber. This desire is expressed in many aspects, but first of all it concerns favorable tariff plans and automating the process of setting up basic options, such as access to the network. It is about how to connect the Internet on Motive and what tariff plan to choose today's article will tell.

If the user has already tried to activate Internet access from any Russian operator, then he knows very well that all settings for accessing the network are sent to his smartphone automatically, immediately after installing a SIM card in a customizable gadget. All that is required from the subscriber is just to save them.

In a situation where the settings on the gadget were not automatically received, then you can order them from the Motive operator. To do this, you need to dial mobile device command # # 919 , and then send a call. All settings will be sent.

Important! You should not send a request multiple times, this will only significantly prolong their waiting time.

Another option is to receive the required information on your email inbox. To do this, you need to send a notification to 0111, which indicates the model of the mobile gadget, the name of the option that needs to be configured, and, of course, your email address.

In a few minutes, an email with all the configured parameters will be sent to the mail. They are entered into the gadget manually.

Manual setup

There are cases when the settings that came automatically do not go out to be saved, or their installation does not solve the problem with accessing the network. The way out is simple - creating a new profile, with manually entering into it all the data necessary for Internet access.

When a consumer uses a gadget that operates on Android, he needs to carry out the following operations:

  • APN - inet.ycc.ru
  • Name - MOTIV
  • Username - motiv
  • Password is also the word motiv

Next, you need to save the entered parameters and try if the network connection is functioning. If there is still no access, then you should contact the support service. To do this, you need to call the service number 111 and state your problem to the operator.

For tablet PCs and devices running iOS, exactly the same parameters are entered.

We figured out how to set up the Internet. Next, the subscriber needs to make the right choice tariff plan and connect it to your SIM card. We advise you to decide for what purposes you need Mobile Internet, for example, just to read the news and check mail, or chat in in social networks and watching videos. For such tasks, a completely different package of provided data is needed. When you answer this question for yourself, you will immediately understand which of the tariffs described below suits you personally.

Tariff plans Motive for the Internet

At present, Motiv has several basic tariffs designed for providing Internet traffic. As part of our review, we will consider their main features and ways to connect on your mobile device.

"Internet for 200"

First of all, the package in question is intended for those users who use Internet traffic infrequently. For this, the subscriber is provided with 5 GB of traffic for 30 days, which operates at the maximum speed - 4G. After the bonus traffic is exhausted, the connection speed will be reduced to 64 Kbps. The speed will be restored after the next subscription fee is charged. The monthly payment for using the option is 200 rubles, as can be seen from the name of the tariff.

Note! To work at high speed, you need to dial the service command * 114 * 102 # on the phone, and then make a call. You can also send a "clean" message to 1076.


You can connect the tariff plan in any of the following ways:

  • Dial the command * 114 * 73 # and then send a call.
  • Use the service "LISA" (Personal Internet Service of the Subscriber), where in the tab "Change of billing" you can connect any tariff you like.
  • Send SMS from your phone to number 1042, you need to indicate the numbers 73 in the text.

"Internet for 450"

This tariff is designed for those subscribers who use Internet traffic daily, but in a small amount. The consumer is provided with a package of 20 GB of high-speed Internet operating at 4G speed for 30 days. After exhaustion bonus package connection speed is reduced to 64 Kbps. The monthly subscription fee is 450 rubles.

You can find out the rest of the traffic like this: dial the service command * 114 * 102 #, and then make a call.


The tariff can be connected in 3 simple ways:

  • By sending a special USSD command. It looks like this - * 114 * 74 #, then send a call.
  • Using "FOX" - you need to go to the "Change of billing" tab and activate the required tariff plan.
  • Send SMS with the number 74 to the service number 1042.

"Internet for 800"

The tariff is designed for demanding subscribers who consume a lot of traffic. Within its framework, the consumer is provided with 50 GB of high-speed 4G Internet access for a month. This is more than enough to perform all sorts of tasks. After the end of the proposed traffic package, the speed will drop to 64 Kbps per second. The monthly subscription fee here is 800 rubles.


Tariff connection can be performed by the following methods:

  • Use a special USSD command. To do this, you need to put your phone into dialing mode and enter the combination * 114 * 75 #, then make a call.
  • Use the functionality of managing services and options personal account"FOX". In the column "Change of billing" you can connect any tariff Motive yourself.
  • Send a message with code 75 to short number 1042 .

"Internet for 990"

This tariff was created for the most whimsical users who cannot imagine themselves without Internet access. As part of the tariff plan, the company's client receives as much as 100 GB of high-speed 4G network access for a month. The usage fee is 990 rubles. After the bonus traffic package is exhausted, the connection speed will drop to 64 Kbps per second. It will resume after the monthly subscription fee is withdrawn.


You can activate the presented tariff in the following ways:

  • Use the "LISA" service, where in the "Change of billing" column you can connect any necessary tariff.
  • Send a notification with the number 76 to the short number 1042 .
  • Dial the command * 114 * 76 #, and then make a call.

The eternal theme: which operator is better? Where is the best internet? Each user has mobile communications already have their own experience and opinion on this issue. But with the advent of new operators and the reciprocal activation of the marketing efforts of the "old" operators, the topic "who is better" once again becomes relevant.
Today, in Nizhnevartovsk, all five operators have mobile Internet at 4G (LTE) speed. It's time to compare.
The purpose of this test is to see how 4G behaves at the most extreme points of the city. If you are interested in what happened, go ahead under the cat.

First, about the measurement technique.
All measurements were taken on a smartphone. samsung galaxy S5.
Speedtest program, from the same Perm INNOR server.
I took two measurements and wrote down the results. I took the best scores from two attempts into account.
All measurement screenshots are hidden under spoilers, when you click on the preview, the full size opens. Some screenshots have not been preserved, so in some cases one screenshot.
During the measurements, the smartphone was at the same level and the same orientation.
The best results on the points are highlighted in bold.
Where 4G was not caught, measurements were taken in 3G (marked next to it).

For the test, I chose 10 points. 7 almost along the perimeter of the residential area of ​​Nizhnevartovsk, one (No. 9) at the Nizhnevartovsk GPP and a couple in the city center.

1. Traffic police post on the outskirts of the city towards Izluchinsk.
09/07/2015 Time 19:33 - 19:48

ping(ms) - receive(Mbps) - transmit(Mbps)

MTS ________ 56 ___13___6,5
MEGAFON __134___5____8
B I L A Y N ____80___12____3
TELE2______73___ 29,5 __ 21
MOTIVE ____165___2,5___3

One of three locations in the trial where all five operators had 4G/





2. The road to Megion, about 300 meters from the Alyosha monument.
09/07/2015 Time 20:09 - 20:35

MTS ________48 ___16,5 ___2,7 3G
MEGAFON __130___10.2___1.7
B I L A I N ____126___3.1____0.1
TELE2______102___13 ____ 18
MOTIVE _____170___3.6___9.7

It is noteworthy that MTS could not catch 4G, but at the same time showed the best reception speed. Well, it pays attention to ping, which is many times lower than other networks.
The most unfortunate point for Beeline.






3. Crossroads of Lenin and Dzerzhinsky streets, in front of the Cosmos
09/07/2015 Time 20:52 - 21:10

ping(ms) - receive (Mbps) - transmit (Mbps)

MTS _______42 ___12,2___16,3
MEGAFON __145___2,8____8,3
B I L A Y N ____99___8,2____2,0 3G
TELE2______86___ 15 ____ 16,7
MOTIVE ____157___1.6___ 9.9

MTS shows a ping test record.






4. Severnaya street, 48, opposite the traffic light
09/07/2015 Time 20:26 - 21:39

ping(ms) - receive (Mbps) - transmit (Mbps)

MTS _______52 ___14,9___21
MEGAFON __172___6.3___0.4 3G
B I L A Y N ____69___35,2 ___21
TELE2______84___22.8 __18.8
MOTIVE ____154___2.5___ 5.6

For Beeline, this point is a record in the test for all three indicators.




Tele 2:


5. Moskovkina street 4, in the courtyard of the house.
The last house of new buildings behind the Khanty-Mansiysk.
09/08/2015 Time 20:11 - 20:29

ping(ms) - receive (Mbps) - transmit (Mbps)

MTS _______68 ___0,4___0,13G
MEGAFON __126__3,4___0,8
B I L A Y N ____94___6,5 __1,63G
TELE2______69___6 __ 2.4 loss of 4G
MOTIVE ____158__2,4___ 3,5

One of the difficult points.
Beeline and MTS worked in 3G, and Beeline showed the best speed among all.
Tele2 after one measurement lost the network and refused to catch it. And since the operator does not have 3G, only 1 froze.




Tele 2:


6. Autumn Street, house 3, from the end of the house.
Extreme residential point in the old Vartovsk, then only garages.
09/08/2015 Time 20:48 - 21:03

ping(ms) - receive (Mbps) - transmit (Mbps)

MTS _______67 ___18___1,8
MEGAFON __131__2,7__1,7 3G
B I L A I N ____90__3.1___1.8 3G
TELE2______76__ 40,3 __21,8
MOTIVE ____161__1,1___10

At this point, Tele2 showed an absolute test record in terms of reception speed. I will assume that the reason is in the tower, located next to the point in the line of sight.
Perhaps for the same reason, MTS has a high result, the operator performed better only at the gas processing plant (point 9).
For Megafon, this point turned out to be the lowest speed.

The motive at a low reception rate set a personal record for transmission.




Tele 2


7. 2P-2 Western industrial hub, 68a (Siberian Lights shop). The area in front of the store.
Another extreme point of the city, opposite the previous one. Further only cottages.
09/08/2015 Time 21:32 - 21:54

ping(ms) - receive (Mbps) - transmit (Mbps)

MTS _______57 ___13,6__13,4
MEGAFON __157__5,6___1,8 3G
B I L A Y N ____98__15,9 __0,013G
TELE2______73___9 ____6
MOTIVE ____171__0.6___ 8,3

Beeline, again on 3G overtakes competitors.
For Motive, the lowest-speed receiving point. The result of the operator is very similar to the previous measurement.




Tele 2:


8. Kuzovatkina Street, roadside in front of the Word of Life church.
09/08/2015 Time 22:11 - 22:31

ping(ms) - receive (Mbps) - transmit (Mbps)

MTS _______46 ___12 ___20,6
MEGAFON __119__5,3___9,3
B I L A I N ____99___5.2___2.1
TELE2______70__11.5 __16.5
MOTIVE ____166__0.7____7.5

MTS is relatively good here.




Tele 2


9. Nizhnevartovsk gas processing plant, on the territory.
The farthest point in the test from the city center.
09/19/2015 Time 09:10 - 09:36

ping(ms) - receive (Mbps) - transmit (Mbps)

MTS ________44 ___23 ___18,9
MEGAFON __153__10.2___2.5 3G
B I L A I N ____81___14.8___5.1 3G
TELE2______239__0.2 _ __0,1 2G
MOTIVE ____ 139__12.3__ 9.5

Congratulations are accepted by MTS, a personal record for reception.
But for Tele2, this point turned out to be dead. Voice communication works fine.
Beeline again shows a good 3 G.




Tele 2:


10. Neftchilar Square, closer to the parking lot from Pobedy Avenue.
The very center of the city.
19.09.2015 Time 17:05 - 17:19

ping(ms) - receive (Mbps) - transmit (Mbps)

MTS ________45 ___9,6___7,3
MEGAFON __153____7____8
B I L A Y N ____77___14,3___11
TELE2______93___ 16,3_ __17
MOTIVE ____ 161___3.9___ 8.8




Tele 2:


I will not conduct a detailed analysis and draw capital conclusions.
First, there are not enough statistics.
Secondly, my technical knowledge about cellular communications and information about what is happening in the bins of specific operators is not enough. After all, many factors influence the speed at any given moment at any particular point.
Therefore, I will be glad to comments from technically advanced users and representatives of operators.

However, I did notice some patterns. Just remember that everything that has been said refers to specific points of this test. In the city, things are different.

The best results in terms of speed. Perhaps this is due to the low congestion of the network of the new operator.
It is important that Tele2 does not have 3G in Nizhnevartovsk. Therefore, to take advantage of the operator's profitable offers, you need to get a device with LTE support.
Tele2 receives a big minus in karma for the complete absence of mobile Internet at the GPP.
An incomprehensible loss occurred in new buildings. When MTS and Beeline switched to 3G, Tele2 got lost after one measurement.

The absolute champion of the Ping test. On ALL points the best indicator.
The speed at the selected points is definitely better than Megafon and Motive. In six comparisons, it was faster than Beeline.

In the conditional third place in terms of speed. Consistently good. It is noteworthy that sometimes Beeline's 3G is faster than competitors' 4G. 2 times showed the best speed on 3G.
At the 4th point (Northern) I gave out 35Mbps close to the record.

According to the response, together with the Motive, it loses a lot to the previous three. Ping numbers around 130-170(ms). Fat minus for those who like to play online games.
4th in terms of speed.

The motive was the worst in this test by far.
The biggest pings in the test.
The slowest speed.
But there are also pluses.
motive the only one who has ALL points was 4G.
It is also worth adding a relatively good transfer speed as a plus.
Those who want to use the mobile Internet from Motive should remember that, just like in the case of Tele2, the operator does not have 3G. Accordingly, your mobile gadget must work with LTE.

Well, for fans of the average temperature in the hospital, test arithmetic in one summary table. Customized from klimets for which a big human and blogger thanks to him))

That's all.
I will be glad to comments, wishes, remarks.
I plan to do a test of mobile Internet in closed buildings of the city. There, according to personal experience, the results will definitely be unpredictable and very curious.

Thanks to the city information portal NV86 for help with the test.

Internet setting 4g motif

Faced with problems setting up the Internet via 3G/LTE or Wi-Fi on your iPhone or iPad, or maybe you got confused in the APN settings of mobile operators?

In this article, we will try to figure out how to set it up correctly and how to solve some difficulties.

First, we need to set up the Internet on the device. Obviously, for this you must have the appropriate service connected to the operator - mobile Internet. If this has not been done yet, we connect. The service is connected - follow the path in the iPhone, iPad settings.
Settings - Cellular

Here you need to include:

    Cellular Data Enable 3G/LTE (iPhone only)

Now, in the upper left corner of the status bar of your iPhone, iPad, the 3G / LTE icon will appear, or simply the letter “E”, which means there is no signal from 3G / LTE networks and the Internet works on slow EDGE. If it doesn't work, read on.

Cellular APN settings

Sometimes, very rarely, it may be necessary to enter or correct APN settings your mobile operator. Usually they are filled in automatically, by the way, MMS settings for iPhone, iPad are also entered there, if you suddenly need them.

We follow the path: Settings - Cellular - Cellular data network


    APN: internet Username: [leave blank] Password: [leave blank]


    API: internet. beeline. en Username: beeline Password: beeline
    API: internet. mts. en Username: mts Password: mts
    API: internet. tele2.ru Username: [leave blank] Password: [leave blank]


    APN: inet. ycc. en Username: motiv Password: motiv


    APN: inet. bwc. en Username: bwc Password: bwc

Now everything should work, if it still doesn’t work, then at the very bottom there is such an option “Reset settings”, after which you should restart your iPhone or iPad. After that, we check whether everything was filled in correctly automatically, and if it was not filled out, we fill it in.

And it didn't help? Then it's not the settings of the iOS device, contact the support service of your mobile operator.

How to set up Wi-Fi on iPhone, iPad

If the local router WiFi networks, to which you want to connect distributes ip-addresses automatically, then the process of setting up Wi-Fi on the iPhone, iPad is extremely simple.

You need to go to the following section of the iOS gadget settings:
Settings - WiFi

Here you should have the “Wi-Fi” slider turned on, and below you need to select the network you need. Then just enter the password for the Wi-Fi network.

If ip is not distributed automatically by the router or you need to register DNS, then press the button to the right of the network name and switch to the "Static" tab. Here you need to fill in everything in accordance with Wi-Fi settings networks.

Does it happen that Wi-Fi is configured correctly, but the network is not visible or there is no connection? In the network settings there is an option "Forget this network" will solve your problems, you will only need to make the settings again.

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Incoming search terms:

  • 4g motif modem setting
  • apn motif
  • why 4G is displayed and next to it is the letter R

The Internet has long become a part of our life, helping in all its aspects. Its main characteristic, which is felt by millions of users every day, is the speed of data transfer. And we all strive for its maximum performance, so that you can watch movies in the best quality from your phone, download files faster and perform other operations with greater efficiency. Indeed, many mobile operators have long been introducing unlimited packages, the only difference of which is the data transfer standard.

What speed should 4 ji

First of all, it is worth noting that everything is relative and the speed of 4g Internet will rarely reach its peak performance, declared by marketers. Here, towers, their location and a small quantitative ratio play their role. Indeed, for the new technology, it is necessary to use a completely different standard of cellular communication, and not every operator is ready to spend money on updating their equipment throughout the country. However, according to the standard set back in 2008, the speed should reach:

  • Up to 100 Mbps for mobile subscribers. These include objects moving quickly between towers, such as drivers or public transport passengers.
  • Up to 1 Gb / s for static objects, which, according to the declared standards, should include pedestrians and stationary PCs or laptops standing in 1 place.

Again, it's worth understanding that top speed is an abstract concept that operators get under ideal conditions and promoted during their marketing campaign. In fact, the speed of mobile Internet according to the latest standard will be much lower on average, and even static objects can receive only 100 Mbps, in contrast to the declared 200-300 for some companies. However, this speed is clearly correlated with the performance of LTE, the maximum speed of which did not exceed 10 Mbps.

Megafon and Beeline showed themselves best of all, approaching in some parts of the capital close to the speed declared in the advertisement. But it should be understood that you will receive this only under the conditions that:

  • You will stand in close proximity to the communication tower.
  • Interference will be minimal.
  • The load on the network will also be minimal.

All this is impossible due to the fact that the Megafon coverage area leaves much to be desired, and the number of subscribers switching to new tariff increases the load on the network. Accordingly, the average indicator sags significantly, and even in the main cities of the Russian Federation you will not catch 4G anywhere. If you are lucky, the connection will show 3G, and in most cases it will be the same notorious LTE. However, the situation is getting better and better, because a few years ago there were much fewer zones with 3G, but now the gradual replacement of equipment due to the transition to a new standard gives hope for a technological breakthrough in our country. But how do you know right now in your case?

How to check speed

Just click the "Start Testing" button

other methods

If you are a resident of one of the capitals, or you somehow managed to catch the new standard on your smartphone, then you can find out by your own example what speed it is possible to get on 4G in principle. To do this, it will not be necessary at all to detect peak indicators for half an hour, listening to music or downloading files, it will be enough to have access to the network and an open browser window - Speedtest.net. Or, even easier, download the Speedtest app on your smartphone, which is free and distributed on the main marketplaces for Android and iOS. To check the speed, just:

  • Find an access point to the 4G standard, and get closer to the place with the highest available connection quality.
  • Launch the application and select the closest internet speed and ping test point to you.
  • Press the "Test" button and wait for the end of testing.

Testing takes place on the basis of the utility server closest to you, against which ping and peak Internet speed indicators will be measured, and accordingly, you will be able to determine the real indicators of the new mobile Internet standard. For comparison, you can perform the same operation with the site of the same name on a PC to which a cable or modem is connected to make sure that your peak performance really reaches those that are declared by the operator when attracting customers. You can also test with both 3G and LTE standards to see if the speed difference is worth the extra $200 for a new bundle.

After such a check, many users are looking for an opportunity to speed up the mobile Internet and increase its resolution in the new standard, and here they have only a few ways to solve the problem:

  • Wait until the operator carries out a complete replacement of their towers, after which the speed will approach the declared indicators.
  • Get rid of unnecessary interference, for example, turn off the Wi-Fi router.
  • Get rid of unnecessary consumption of Internet speed. If you want to see real peaks, turn off any apps on your phone that might use the internet in the background.

The last 2 points will only allow you to see the possible maximum performance, but on average everything will be close to the picture you saw when you first checked on speedtest. Let's see how lte speed differs from 4g and 3g, and is it worth overpaying for it?

Speed ​​difference between 3G and 4G

But if we talk about the situation in the path of technological development, then the speed of the Internet 3g and 4g differs dramatically in peak performance and shows the exponent of the development of technological progress in all its glory. Thus, the data transfer rate of the 4th standard is within 20 Mbps, which was considered the maximum for cable and fixed Internet 5 years ago. While in the third generation of high-speed Internet, the situation was much more deplorable and the average to this day does not exceed 2–5 Mbps.

Again, it should be borne in mind that the preparation for the latest generation and the efforts of operators to cover the largest possible areas with the HSPA + network also affected the speed of the old standard, bringing it closer to ideal indicators - 42 Mbps for upload and download. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself that after 2-3 years the new communication standard will function in our country in all its glory and its speed will increase by 2-3 orders of magnitude, approaching the maximums declared by marketers.

website:Alena, first of all, tell us about the advantages of 4G mobile Internet?

Alena Yarushina: The main advantage of 4G Internet is, of course, speed. The speed of 4G is comparable, and in some cases even surpasses the speed of wired Internet. Fast 4G mobile Internet allows you to watch HD movies on the way to work or college, listen to Internet radio, surf social networks, quickly find the address you need or download mobile maps, as well as use many convenient applications.

For example, you can find out at any time how long to wait for your tram, or call friends in another city or even country using video communication applications. With 4G mobile internet, you are no longer tied to home computer and you can go online anytime, anywhere.

website:Tell us what you need to start using 4G mobile Internet?

Alena Yarushina: First, make sure your device supports this technology. The characteristics of the device should contain the following designations: LTE, 1800 MHz, Band3 (B3). On the special page 4g.motivtelecom.ru there is also a list of the most popular models of smartphones and tablets operating in the 4G MOTIV network.

Secondly, you need to come to any MOTIV office and exchange your SIM card for a USIM card, which will allow you to use 4G mobile Internet. Replacement is free of charge, and the subscriber's number and balance are preserved.

website:What if I don't have a 4G phone yet? Maybe there is some alternative?

Alena Yarushina: You can purchase a branded WiFi router in our offices. It is capable of distributing fast Internet to 10 devices that do not support 4G at once.

Thanks to its compact size, it fits easily into your pocket, bag or car glove box. It is enough just to insert a USIM card there and go online at 4G speeds from several devices at once.

When connecting to the tariff "FOR INTERNET 500" or "FOR INTERNET 1000", the cost of a mobile 4G router MOTIV will be only 2,590 rubles. Subscribers who do not plan to change the tariff yet will also be able to purchase a WiFi router at a low price of 2,990 rubles.

website: Alena, Will the prices for mobile Internet increase along with the speed?

Alena Yarushina: No, they will still remain low. You need to understand that in the 4G network, traffic is consumed much faster, so we have already offered our subscribers an updated line of tariffs for active Internet surfers.

The “For Smartphone” tariff line includes paid packages of minutes, SMS and large Internet traffic packages - 2, 5 or 12 GB at high speed. A variety of tariffs in the line will allow you to choose the option that is optimal in terms of the size of the subscription fee and the volume of paid traffic.

website: With the launch of 4G, you have also updated the "For the Internet" tariff line. Tell us more about them?

Alena Yarushina: The tariff "For Internet 250" offers 5 GB of traffic at high speed and is perfect for owners of smartphones and tablets. For users of USB modems, the tariff "For Internet 500" is suitable.

It includes 12 GB of traffic at high speed and allows you to listen to radio and music online, as well as watch mobile TV without thinking about traffic. The ideal solution for owners of mobile Wi-Fi routers is the “For Internet 1000” tariff. Tariff users are already provided with 30 GB of traffic at high speed.
