MTS change the tariff plan to smart mini. Smart mini basic set

Picking up a profitable offer from a mobile operator is not as easy as it seems. The thing is that now companies offer different tariff plans for any needs. A modern client cannot always decide what is more important for him - calls, Internet or SMS messages. Therefore, many people prefer to connect package tariffs right away. For example, "Smart-mini" (MTS). How to connect it? What conditions does this tariff plan? How much will the connection cost? Our article will help you understand all this.

Short description

Before you connect "Smart Mini" (MTS) for 150 or 200 rubles, you need to pay attention to the description of the offer. Maybe it is not very suitable for the client.

"Smart mini" is a package tariff plan that allows the subscriber to receive unlimited communication with MTS subscribers within the home region. It also provides some internet traffic. You don't have to pay to work on the Internet from your phone.

An advantageous offer for those who prefer to sometimes use the mobile Internet, but at the same time actively talk with MTS subscribers within the service connection region. You can use a federal number, or you can use a city number. The subscription fee for the use of "Smart-mini" (MTS) depends on this. How to activate this offer? What specific opportunities does the tariff provide?

Details about the offer

So, if you are interested in Smart Mini from MTS, you should study in more detail all the conditions that are offered to the subscriber. Today, a federal number (as well as a city number) allows you to:

  • get 2 GB of Internet traffic;
  • talk for free with all MTS subscribers within the home region;
  • use 200 free SMS per month;
  • gives 200 minutes of free conversation with MTS in Russia, as well as to all numbers in the home region.

After that, all calls to other operators in the connection area will cost 1.5 rubles. The same amount will have to be paid for a conversation with MTS in Russia. Messages will also cost 1.5 rubles after the limit is reached. These are the conditions offered by Smart Mini (MTS). How to activate this offer?


The first and most sure way is to buy a SIM card with a tariff plan. Depending on the region, as well as the selected type of number, the cost of connection will change. As a rule, a SIM card costs 150-200 rubles.

A passport is required to purchase. It is enough to come to the MTS office and inform about the idea of ​​​​acquiring a SIM card with the Smart Mini tariff. The worker will quickly issue the number. You can use!

The method is good for new clients. It is also suitable for those who want to change the MTS phone number. Many are interested in how to connect "MTS: Smart Mini" to a phone without changing the SIM card while keeping the number. It's not that hard to do it! There are several options for the development of events.

USSD Commands

For example, you can use the USSD command. This is the most common method of action if the client wants to change the tariff plan on his own. By the way, the transition is free. But there must be enough funds on the account to write off the subscription fee.

Interested in "Smart-mini" (MTS)? How to connect it using USSD command? You need to dial *111*1023# on your phone. After that, just click on the "Call" button and wait for the operation to be processed. After a few minutes, the subscriber will receive an SMS about the successful change of the tariff.

I'm going to the office

How can I connect "Smart-mini" (MTS)? 200 rubles - and you can, as already mentioned, get a new SIM card. But this is far from the best scenario. USSD command sometimes does not work. For example, due to a system failure. Then you have to search alternative options actions.

For example, you can connect "Smart-mini" by contacting the office of MTS. The offer is valid for existing subscribers. It is necessary to come to the company office with a phone, inform employees about the desire to connect to a new tariff plan, name it and transfer mobile device employees. A few minutes of waiting - and the phone will be returned with the connected tariff.

This method is popular among the elderly, as well as those who are "not friends" with technology and gadgets. What other ways help to use the Smart Mini tariff (MTS)? How to connect it?

"Personal Area"

You can use the "Personal Account" on the website of the mobile operator. In order to connect to the "Smart Mini", you will need:

  1. Visit the MTS website. You need to log in there in the "Personal Account".
  2. Find on the "Smart Mini" page. Be sure to indicate the exact region of residence.
  3. Click on the "Connect" button under the tariff description.
  4. Confirm actions. An SMS message with the service activation code will be sent to the mobile device. It must be entered in the appropriate field on the screen in the browser.

There is nothing difficult or special about it. In fact, everything is easier than it seems. There are no other relevant ways to connect the tariff plan. But you can improve it a little. It is clear how to connect the Smart Mini tariff to MTS. But what if you need to actively use the Internet with this offer? For example, do you need more than 2 GB of traffic per month?

About the Internet

Then the traffic will be automatically extended to the subscriber. Initially, all MTS customers are offered 2 GB of Internet, after which the service called "Additional Internet Smart" is activated. It costs 75 rubles. You can activate no more than 15 packages per month. Adds 500 MB of traffic.

How to connect the Internet to "MTS: Smart Mini"? You can activate "Additional Internet" in the following ways:

  • auto-connection on the Smart line;
  • in the "Personal Account" on the official page of MTS;
  • command *111*936#.

You can also ask to connect the Internet at the MTS office. It is not necessary to activate "Additional Internet". Any tariff plan for unlimited internet will do.

You can refuse auto-connection of traffic by the command *111*936#. If you type it with the "Additional Internet" connection option enabled, the function will be disabled. There is nothing difficult or special about it.

Deactivation of the tariff "Smart Mini"

It is clear how to connect the Smart Mini tariff to MTS. You can choose any method. It all depends on the desire of the subscriber and his skills. How can I opt out of this plan? What methods can be suggested?

To date, turning off the "Smart Mini" occurs through:

  • changing the tariff plan (by connecting/switching to a new offer);
  • buying a new SIM card with a different tariff;
  • change of cellular operator.

Perhaps this is all that the subscriber needs to know. It is clear what the "Smart Mini" (MTS) is. How to enable or disable this offer is also no longer a secret. The subscriber can use this opportunity at any time! The main thing is to have the necessary amount of money on the SIM card balance to charge the monthly fee.

From September 4, 2018, the Smart Mini tariff is closed for connecting new subscribers. For new subscribers, MTS offers the Smart tariff for connection. Subscribers who have previously connected "Smart Mini" can use it under the old conditions.

Let's pay attention to the "Smart Mini" tariff from MTS, which is quite in demand in Moscow and many other regions of the country.

Who will suit the MTS "Smart Mini" tariff

In short, "Smart Mini" is the best offer for secondary school students, students of colleges, institutes and universities, as well as people who cannot or do not want to spend too much money on communication services every month. This package has a very affordable monthly fee, and a fairly wide package of services offered for a monthly fee.

In addition, the tariff is also noted by the fact that under its conditions, even if the provided quotas are used, the cost of calls and the use of other services cannot be called too expensive.

However, if you are a very active user cellular communication, it's better to look at another package, because you may not have enough quotas within the "Smart Mini".

Detailed description of the tariff "Smart Mini" from MTS

The monthly subscription fee for the MTS Smart Mini tariff is 400 rubles for federal numbers or 900 rubles for city numbers;

For this money, MTS customers receive the following service packages for use within a month:

  • Internet traffic at high access speeds in the amount of 2 gigabytes, which operates throughout Russia;
  • The ability to make calls to MTS in unlimited mode (for the connection region);
  • Quota for calls to other numbers in the connection area and to MTS numbers throughout Russia: 350 free minutes;
  • Quota for sending SMS: 350 messages in the connection region.

The service packages provided cannot be called large-scale, but this is quite a generous offer from the operator, given the monthly fee of 400/900 rubles per month.

If all provided free minutes for calls are used within a month, then all calls, except for calls to MTS at home, will be charged. And the tariffication conditions in this case will look like this:

  • Calls to other numbers at home/in Russia: 2/14 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to MTS numbers within the country: 2 rubles.

Messages can be sent for 2 / 2.80 / 8 rubles to numbers in the home region / in the country / abroad.

If you suddenly need to contact subscribers outside the Russian Federation, calls to the CIS countries, Europe and the rest of the world are charged at 35, 49 and 70 rubles per minute, respectively.

Sending MMS-messages is offered to subscribers for 9.90 rubles. for 1 message.

Be careful: on the tariff, when connecting, the “Basic Internet billing” option is activated by default with, to put it mildly, a rather high cost of 20 Mb Internet access. for 25 ₽. We recommend changing this option to something cheaper.

On May 23, 2018, MTS went to meet subscribers and canceled the auto-connection of this option. Now the package is 2 GB. in the tariff can be used throughout Russia, including in the Crimea and Sevastopol (there are no restrictions in the footnotes to the tariff). After the traffic limit is exhausted in the tariff, “Additional Internet packages” of 500 Mb are connected. for 95 ₽. Compared to the “Basic Internet Tariffing”, this is more than humane.

Other available options for Internet options on the Smart Mini tariff: BIT series, Internet series or Turbo buttons.

How to connect the MTS "Smart Mini" tariff [connection is closed, the tariff is archived]

  • You can connect the "Smart Mini" tariff using USSD - request for newer offers of the operator, then you should not worry about this issue. All you need to do is select a new tariff and switch to it. The "Smart Mini" tariff will turn off automatically and without your intervention.

How to switch to Smart Mini on MTS? This question arises for many users. It is worth understanding the main features of the proposal, providing maximum information for further study.

There are price differences. Users are looking for a program for 200 rubles, others for 100. This is due to the following factors:

  • The billing plan has been updated. The company changed its terms and cost.
  • Options may vary by region.

Therefore, it is worth studying the current conditions for your subject. Usually they can be found on the operator's website in a special section with current offers.


What are the conditions for the tariff? Let's study the last version of the program from the operator:

  1. The subscription fee is 100 rubles per month.
  2. Unlimited within the home network.
  3. 100 minutes are issued for other operators.
  4. You receive 50 SMS.
  5. 1 GB of traffic is provided.
  6. The cost of calls to numbers of other operators after the end of the package is 1.5 rubles.

The advantage is a significant number of free minutes and unlimited in the home network. The operator is quite common at the moment. If you actively call MTS numbers, then such a program will be an excellent solution.

For many, a small amount of traffic will be a disadvantage.

With a monthly usage, 1 GB is only enough for browsing email and infrequent visits to social networks.

Even in this scenario, it is highly likely that the package will end earlier.

Is it worth using the tariff? Everything depends on your needs. If there are enough offered packages, then it will become good decision. For 100 rubles, the client gets unlimited in the home network, 100 minutes and 1 GB of traffic, which is quite good.

How to study the rest of the packages?

How much traffic is left per month, minutes or SMS? You can check this information in the following ways:

  • Using the command *100*1# . Enter a request and wait for a response.
  • Go to Personal Area. The LC contains all the information of interest, including the balances of the packages.
  • You can use the application "My MTS". The program allows you to manage your account and quickly receive the data of interest. It acts as an analogue of a personal account.

How to switch to the Smart Mini MTS tariff for 200 rubles per month

Attention! In many regions, the tariff is officially closed!

The company constantly updates its offers. Separate programs pass into the category of archival. This means that they are completely closed for connection. You won't be able to access them in any way.

This also happened with the Smart Mini tariff. The company decided that this option is outdated. Therefore, he moved to the archive, and Smart was created as a replacement.

Everyone who used the billing plan can keep it for now. But what happens next?

  1. The Company may adjust the conditions for the archive rate.
  2. The offer runs the risk of not being as attractive as it used to be.
  3. Archival programs are closed after 5-7 years, when they have a minimum of users.

How to switch to the MTS Smart Mini tariff? You won't be able to do it. All archival programs are completely closed for connection of new users. Smart Mini is saved only by people who managed to join it.

Do not look for ways to connect to the archive tariff, they simply do not exist. But if you study the information, you will find on the Internet special offers for joining the program.

Do not believe in such promises. Most likely these are scams.

A person will lose money and get nothing in return. Be very careful and use only the official connection methods of the operator.

How to switch to the tariff in the regions where it still remains?

Smart Mini operates in some regions of the country. If your subject is on the list, then you can connect. How to clarify this fact? Go to the MTS website and study the list of tariffs. If Smart Mini is on the list, then the transition can be performed in several ways:

  • Request for number *111*1023# .
  • Call the contact center operator.
  • Use your personal account.
  • Through the program.

It's easier to use the application for activation. You need to download the program in the official store. Then go to it and open the tab with tariffs. Among them, find the appropriate option and immediately connect.

Are you tired of always running out of money on your phone, no way to call other cities and not enough internet? If you have ever thought about changing the tariff, you should pay attention to the Smart mini package from MTS. This really worthwhile novelty from MTS is undeservedly forgotten by many users.

If you need to talk to other subscribers of your operator, check your mail or watch the news without immersing yourself in social networks for a long time, this tariff is ideal for you. If you like to devote a lot of time social networks, constantly update the news page and often call other cities or countries, you should choose another solution for yourself.

The cost of the MTS Smart Mini tariff plan is about three hundred and fifty rubles per month in Moscow and the region.

In some small towns, you will have to pay from two hundred to two hundred and fifty rubles a month for this tariff. The price is more than acceptable, considering that other operators usually ask for a little more money for approximately the same package of services.

For three hundred and fifty rubles a month you get:

  • one gigabyte of ultra-fast internet;
  • no limit on calls to subscribers of your operator within the same city and region;
  • three hundred and fifty minutes of calls to other numbers in your city and to calls with MTS subscribers who are in other cities;
  • three hundred and fifty SMS messages for other MTS owners in your city;
  • quality service in MTS communication salons.

This package of services is relevant at all times. If you do not spend a lot of time talking and prefer real meetings to online communication, such a tariff must appear on your smartphone. If you are not sure that this package is enough for you, you can always buy additional minutes or gigabytes, or switch to another tariff.

Call cost

You can receive incoming calls on this tariff completely free of charge - one of the significant advantages of MTS. Also, you can make absolutely free calls to the numbers of your operator to people who are in your city or region, or even make free video calls.

After three hundred and fifty minutes of calls to other numbers are over, the cost of one minute of a call to a person who is not an MTS subscriber, but located in your region, will be two rubles per minute.

If you run out of minutes and you are going to call an MTS subscriber who is outside the region, the price will also be two rubles per minute. Fourteen rubles will be charged for one minute of conversation with the owner of another operator, which is located outside your city and region.

Internet cost

The Smart Mini tariff provides one gigabyte of Internet per month for free. If it turned out that you suddenly ran out of traffic, you can pick up a separate package for yourself, including only Internet megabytes. The cost of such a package of services ranges from seventy to ninety-five rubles in various regions of the country. For this price, you are guaranteed to get another gigabyte of Internet at the highest possible speed.

How to switch to Smart mini tariff

If you have finally decided on the choice and are ready to connect to this tariff, you can do this in several ways at once.

  1. The first way is to contact the communication salon. The sales assistant in the MTS salon will either offer you to take a new SIM card with a tariff, or independently transfer your phone to a new tariff plan. When you go to the salon, be sure to take your passport with you!
  2. If a special application from MTS is installed on your smartphone, you can connect by going to the "tariffs" section and selecting the Smart Mini package.
  3. By dialing the key combination *111*1023# in the call menu.

Tariff Reviews

Kalipso232 in his review writes that the Internet megabytes ended very quickly, and the speed was low.

Ilkasimov believes that this tariff does an excellent job of its functions and fully satisfies its requests and needs.

Elodeya notes that she was pleasantly surprised by the tariff: she has more than enough minutes package, even taking into account calls to numbers of other operators, and buying an extra gigabyte of Internet is not a problem.

Akhmedova29 is extremely annoyed that for some additional services money was deducted from her number, and the Internet was not enough for one month even with inactive use.

Tariff features

Like any tariff, Smart Mini has its own characteristics. Some of them can be attributed to shortcomings, but for someone, in turn, they will be very convenient.


  • minutes from the tariff package are not wasted if you call MTS service numbers;
  • additional activation of the music service from the operator, which is free for one month;
  • the service of connecting an additional Internet package is automatically enabled when the main one is used up;
  • in some regions the speed mobile internet somewhat limited.

Smart mini tariff connection regions

Smart Mini is a very relevant tariff. Every month the number of people who use the services of MTS and connect this tariff is only growing. The tariff plan has spread far beyond Moscow and the Moscow region, and now you can find it in almost all cities of Russia.

Which regions can use this tariff:

  • Vladimir region;
  • Voronezh region;
  • Transbaikal region;
  • Kaliningrad;
  • Krasnodar region;
  • Kurgan region;
  • Magadan Region;
  • Moscow region;
  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Novosibirsk region;
  • Omsk region;
  • Ryazan Oblast;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Sakhalin region;
  • Smolensk region;
  • Stavropol region;
  • Chelyabinsk region;
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug;
  • Yaroslavl region.

Competitors' rates

Many other operators also have tariffs that are very similar to the offer from MTS. However, there are also some differences between them. What to choose, the user decides for himself.

Megafon offers a tariff called "XS", which includes:

  • a fee from two hundred and fifty to two hundred and twenty rubles by region;
  • two gigabytes of internet;
  • two hundred minutes of calls and SMS messages to numbers of various subscribers.

From the Beeline operator, you can find the offer "Everything for one hundred and eighty", which includes:

  • three gigabytes of internet;
  • three hundred minutes of calls to various numbers;
  • three hundred SMS messages to the numbers of any subscribers.

Tele2 offers the My Conversation tariff:

  • two hundred rubles a month;
  • two gigabytes of internet;
  • two hundred minutes and two hundred SMS messages to all numbers.

As you can see, the MTS tariff has many different competitors, some of which will differ only in monthly fees, while others have a reduced number of minutes and SMS messages. You may have to try several offers at once to find the ideal tariff for yourself.

Convenient monthly fee provides internet, minutes and sms packages. You can call and write to the operators of your region and MTS of the country.

Tariff Description

The number of calls, sms and internet depends on your area. Basically, the TP includes:

  • free calls to MTS subscribers;
  • 1000 minutes for calls to MTS RF;
  • 500 MB or 1 GB internet;
  • 50 messages to all numbers in the home region;

The monthly fee is only 200 rubles.

We connect "Smart Mini"

It is very easy to connect a tariff plan. Choose one of the convenient methods and use all the convenient TP options.

  1. Contact the call center operator. He will give you detailed instructions how to connect or switch to "Smart Mini".
  2. Visit the MTS dealer showroom. The specialist will help you solve the problem. Here they will help you switch to the TP or recommend purchasing a starter package with an already connected TP.
  3. Use the website. Log in to your personal account. Find the "Tariffs" section, select "Smart Mini".
  4. Submit a request from your mobile phone by dialing the combination: *111*1023# call key.

Features of TP "Smart Mini"


Tariff plan "Smart mini MTS" serves customers on a subscription fee. Once a month, 200 rubles are debited. For this amount, you can use calls, Internet and SMS messages for a whole month for free. To estimate current expenses, you first need to.

Home region

  • Any calls and messages to MTS subscribers in the home region are completely free.
  • Communication with other operators and city phones will be 1.5 rubles per minute.
  • 50 free messages are provided monthly, which can be spent on numbers in your region. If the package is over, the fee for one SMS will be 2 rubles.

For whom a package of messages in the home region is not enough, it is possible to connect 100 SMS from "Smart Mini" for 30 days for only 25 rubles. When using the main package, additional messages are connected automatically. Disable the service: *111*937# call.


  • The package "1000 minutes" makes it possible to make calls to MTS subscribers throughout Russia. Over the package, the cost of one minute will be 1.5 rubles.
  • Calls to other operators in the country cost 10 rubles per minute.
  • A package of 50 messages applies to MTS roaming and at home.
  • Messages for other operators in the country cost 3.8 rubles.
  • MMS messages - 6.5 rubles.

International communication

  • Calls to CIS countries cost 29 rubles per minute. You can call European subscribers for 49 rubles per minute. Calls to other countries will cost 70 rubles.
  • Message to anywhere in the world for 5.25 rubles.


The monthly package consists of 500 MB or 1 GB depending on the area of ​​residence. Additionally, you can connect the package "Internet Smart - 500 Mb" for 50 rubles. Dial the command *111*936# call key.

  1. Call the operator to switch to another TP at 0890.
  2. Go to the site, choose the tariff plan you like.
  3. Use the assistant by sending a request *111# call.