Beeline bonus points. Bonuses "Happy time" from Beeline

Bonus programs are offered by many mobile operators. Basically, the essence of these programs is to earn bonuses by spending money from the account or replenishing it. special program savings offers its subscribers and the operator beeline. It is called "Happy Time" and involves the accrual of bonuses as a percentage of the amount by which the subscriber replenished his account. More details about this program will be discussed in the article below.

How to become a user of the program from beeline?

In order for the operator to accrue points to the user, it is necessary to register in the Happy Time program. For this, the following combination of numbers is used - * 767 #. After some time, using the same command, you will have the opportunity to check the bonuses that you have been credited. In addition, to connect to the program and receive data on the accumulated points, you can simply call 0676 from your phone. Calls are completely free.

After the registration process is completed, for all communication costs (SMS messages, calls, used traffic, monthly fee), the operator will add points to a special account. As for the number of points, this figure depends on the experience of the client in the network. The remuneration can be from 5 to 15%. So, if you have been a Beeline subscriber for more than three years, then the amount of accrued bonuses for you will be 15%.

It is also worth noting here that points are not awarded for funds that the subscriber spent in roaming, as well as transferred to other subscribers to pay for services and goods.

How to check accrued bonuses? Very simple - you just need to send a request to the number * 767 # or * 767 * 2 # . After the request is sent, an SMS message with the necessary information will be sent to your number. In addition, each subscriber can view the balance in his personal account on the official website of the operator.

How to transfer bonuses?

The points that you have accumulated can be quickly spent on communication services - calls, subscription fees, SMS messages, purchase of necessary goods in Beeline salons. Also, bonuses can even be presented to another subscriber.

To use points, you must first dial the following combination of numbers on your phone - * 789 #. The service is active for only a month, after which it turns off automatically, and points begin to be credited to your account again. In the case when the team is active, all expenses for calls and SMS messages are paid from the bonus account. Payment from the bonus account is made until they run out. And the accumulated points will be valid for six months from the moment they were connected. After this period passes, the points simply burn out, so check your account periodically to completely deplete the accumulated points.

How can I send points to another subscriber's account?

It is very interesting that the Beeline operator offers to spend points in such a way as to simply give them to another subscriber. To transfer to the account of another subscriber, you must dial the following combination - * 767 #. Next, you need to follow the prompts, enter the subscriber's phone number and the amount of points in the menu. The minimum amount is 10 bonuses, and the maximum is 3,000 bonuses. Just be careful, you need to spend the transferred points within a month.

By the way, to activate additional services with payment by points, each subscriber can use the number 0641686.

Almost all mobile operators have incentive programs in the form of bonuses, discounts and regular promotions. Beeline was no exception: the operator credits a percentage of the funds spent back to the subscriber's account in the form of bonuses that can be spent on communication services and the Internet of your operator.

How to use Beeline bonuses - connection, checking the balance

If at the time of reading the article you find that you are not yet using this service, then dial the following USSD command on your phone:

  • * 767 # Call key,
  • or call the short number 0767 and follow the instructions of the automatic informant,
  • you can also go to your personal account on the company's official website and select the "Beeline bonus" field.

This system of discounts from the operator is called “Happy Time” and its percentage depends on how long you use your number:

  • less than six months - 5% of the funds spent are charged,
  • up to one year - 8%,
  • from one to two years, the percentage will be 10%,
  • from two to three years - 12%,
  • and subscribers with a number older than three years receive 15% bonuses.

You can check the number of bonuses in your personal account or by command *767#Call key. Also, the company always sends this data to the subscriber's e-mail.

How and what to use Beeline bonuses

If you yourself do not choose what to spend your bonuses on, the company will automatically write them off as calls and SMS messages. To manage them yourself, check out the list of possible rewards:

  • dial the number 06740457 and write off 25 bonuses for the “My Country” service from your account. This option will allow you to talk in roaming on more favorable terms,
  • by number 06740459 you can activate 100 free SMS in roaming for 30 days for 295 bonuses,
  • call 06740465 to add 1 GB to your internet traffic for 100 bonuses,
  • 06740466 will extend traffic up to 3 GB for 200 Beeline bonuses,
  • “My planet” service by number 06740458 for 25 bonuses for 30 days.

You can send your bonuses to a friend's account. To do this, enter:

  • *767# friend's number number of bonuses. No spaces or any characters.

After a few seconds, you will receive an SMS confirmation of the operation, which you will need to respond to. Basically, you can send a minimum of 10 points and a maximum of 3,000.

By contacting the nearest communication salon, you can exchange bonuses for a 10% discount on Beeline services.

Bonus programs are an interesting offer that can interest many buyers. For example, now we have to figure out how to spend the Beeline and Happy Time bonuses. And understand what we're dealing with. After all, many subscribers assure that this offer will help save a lot of money when making purchases. Let's find out as soon as possible what "Happy Time" from "Beeline" is. Maybe it's really worth participating in this program?

Service description

Before spending bonuses, you need to figure out how to accumulate them and connect this option to yourself. What is this tempting offer?

"Happy Time" is a bonus promotion that allows Beeline customers to save on purchases. By becoming a member, you receive up to 15% of the amount of communication costs as points. They can then be used. How exactly, we will talk a little later. Please note, 1 ruble = 1 bonus. So if you actively use a mobile phone, then this is a very advantageous offer provided by the Beeline operator. You can either spend the accumulated bonuses under the program on your own or transfer them to your friend. It is worth learning more about these moments, only then we will learn how to spend "Happy Time".

Balance check

Suppose we are already participants in the action. And for a long time we actively spent on communication. How to check bonuses on "Beeline" "Happy time"? There are several options here, and they are all pretty easy to learn.

For example, you can go to the Beeline website, log in there in " Personal account"and check the balance of bonuses by visiting the corresponding page. Not the most popular and effective method.

It is also worth noting that you can use the USSD request. Send the command *767*2# from your phone number and wait for a message with the result. As a rule, the answer comes quickly, but there may be a delay of up to 5 minutes.

If you look at the official website, the Beeline operator also offers to check the Happy Time bonuses using a special phone application. There, as in the case of the site, it is enough to find the corresponding service and click on it. Nothing complicated. But, as practice shows, subscribers use only the USSD request.

Transfer to a friend

How to transfer Happy Time from one number to another? There is a special combination for this. Dial it, click on "Call" and wait for the result. Its format is presented as follows: *767# subscriber number transfer amount *. The minimum transfer is 10 points, the maximum is 3,000 per day. The transfer is valid for 30 days. Please note that the subscriber's phone number must start with 9, and the transfer amount must be written with a space. If you do not comply with this condition, then you will not be able to perform the action.


How to activate bonuses on "Beeline" "Happy time"? To do this, you must become a member of the program of the same name. The task is carried out in two ways - using the official website of "Beeline" and by means of a USSD request.

In the first case, you need to go through authorization on the page in the "Personal Account", and then find "Happy Time" in the list of promotions. Click on "Connect" and enter the confirmation code in the appropriate field on the screen. It will come via SMS after pressing the button.

In the case of a USSD command, just dial *767# and press the call button. After that, you will receive a notification in which they will say that you have become a participant in the "Happy Time" promotion. Please note that the accumulated bonuses have their own expiration date. They are stored for six months. And if you do not spend them within the specified period of time, the bonuses burn out. This fact will have to be taken into account by all participants, so that there are no problems later. But how to spend bonuses "Beeline" "Happy time"?

Purchases from Beeline

For example, you can use part of the points you receive to make purchases in stores cellular communication our current operator. True, there is some limitation here - the subscriber cannot cover more than 10% of the purchase price. This condition "works" when purchasing tablets and smartphones from Beeline.

Let them know before the deal that you would like to spend Happy Time bonuses to reduce the final cost of the products. Please provide your phone number and the number of points you wish to redeem. At the time of payment, the office employee will write off the named bonuses from you. There is nothing difficult in this.

Communication payment

In addition, if you do not know how to spend Beeline "Happy Time" bonuses, you can use the option of paying for the services of a mobile operator. That is, everyone is able to first accumulate points, and then pay with them for telephone activity.

Dial the command *789#. The service is valid for 30 days. After it, you need to either activate it again, or spend bonuses on something else. If there are not enough points on the account, the balance will be written off in rubles.

affiliate program

But how to spend bonuses "Beeline" "Happy time" for the benefit of yourself? Please note that very often the operator holds various promotions with some stores. And you can use the accumulated points to cover expenses during transactions. Usually partners allow you to "close" 20% of the purchase price.

But you can’t constantly spend Happy Time in partner stores. You have to learn about ongoing promotions from the official website of Beeline. Not very convenient, but the participants have no choice.

As you can see, "Happy Time" is a pretty useful promotion that you can participate in. Practice shows that most often subscribers spend their accumulated points on the purchase of gadgets at Beeline offices. Promotions from partner stores are not in such great demand. However, now we know how to spend Beeline "Happy Time" bonuses. Everyone has the right to decide for himself how to dispose of his points.

Each mobile operator has a system of bonuses. Usually, the accumulation of bonuses occurs when replenishing an account or when spending money from an account. The Beeline operator has its own bonus system and is called "Happy time". When replenishing an account, points are awarded as a percentage of the replenished amount.

Each time, acquiring bonuses "Happy time" - Beeline, it becomes possible for us to use them in the future for communication services provided by the company. And also pay for certain additional options and make purchases of devices and equipment of interest at Beeline's official offices.

How to get Beeline bonuses?

From the foregoing, it is easy to understand that accumulating "Happy Time" bonuses is extremely simple - you just need to constantly deposit mobile phone cash.

Bonuses will be accrued every month, to an additional account, also owned by the subscriber from the date of connection to the "Happy Time" program. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the maximum percentage of deductions - in points, cannot be accrued more than 15%.

So what determines the percentage of deductions?

Bonuses can range from 5 to 15% in proportion to the time the subscriber is served by Beeline:

  • Subscriber service period less than 6 months - 5%;
  • Subscriber service period from 6 months to 1 year - 8%;
  • Subscriber service period from 1 to 2 years - 10%;
  • Subscriber service period from 2 to 3 years - 12%;
  • The subscriber's service life is more than 3 years - 15%.

Therefore, if you have been using the Beeline network for a long time, you will receive the highest percentage of accrual in points. And new subscribers will have to be content with a small percentage of deductions.

The points received are transferred to an additional bonus account and from there they can then be used in exchange for the funds of the subscriber's main personal account for Beeline network services. The program applies to all subscribers of the Russian Federation. Points can also be used for other purposes, which will be discussed below.

To use the "Happy Time" bonus program of the Beeline operator, you need to make a call to the service number 0767 Beeline networks (free of charge). Or via USSD command *767# . And after that you start accumulating Beeline bonuses.

How to check Beeline Happy Time bonuses?

To start using bonus points, you should check their size on an additional account. They can be found in two ways:

by visiting "" via the Internet, where the status of the additional account is indicated;

use the USSD command by typing on your device *767# .

How to spend Beeline bonuses?

When accumulating "Happy Time" bonus points, subscribers should decide what they want to spend them on. When a client does not use additional options, but simply makes calls and uses SMS to communicate with network subscribers, as well as enter the global network, then bonuses from the additional account will be used automatically instead of funds from the main personal account to which he makes remittance specific subscriber.

How to use Beeline bonuses to pay for additional options?

You can also use bonus points to pay for additional options, such as:

  • "100 SMS in international roaming" - cost 295 points for 30 days. To use this option, dial the number 06740459 on your device;
  • "My Planet" - the cost of 25 points for 30 days. To use this option, dial the number 06740458 on your device;
  • "My intercity" - the cost of 55 points for 30 days. To use this option, dial the number 06740455 on your device;
  • "My country" - the cost of 25 points for 30 days. To use this option, dial the number 06740457 on your device.

You can also pay with Beeline bonus points on the Internet if you have the required number of points, as well as the additional option "Extend speed":

  • "Extend the speed of 1 GB" - the cost of 100 points. To use this option, dial the number 06740465 on your device;
  • "Extend the speed of 3 GB" - the cost of 200 points. To use this option, dial the number 06740466 on your device.

If you need to connect to additional services with the subsequent calculation through bonus points, you can use the service number 0641686 of the Beeline network. The most interesting thing is that Beeline bonus points provide the opportunity to purchase at the company's offices, but not more than 10% of the total cost of the device or equipment you need.

How to transfer Beeline bonuses to another subscriber?

The system provides the ability to transfer the bonus points you received, under the Beeline Happy Time program, to other participants participating in the program. To transfer, you need to dial via USSD-command *767# and enter the number of the subscriber to whom you want to transfer bonus points, indicating their amount. After confirming the transfer via SMS.

There is the following limitation when transferring:

  • transfer of 10 points is minimal;
  • transfer of 3000 points per day is maximum;
  • the validity period of points after the transfer from another subscriber is 30 days.

Use Beeline services, connect to the "Happy Time" program, get bonus points. And save on communication services from Beeline using them.
The mobile operator Beeline also provides for the transfer of money from the main personal account to the subscriber's bank card.

Bonuses and promotions mobile operators is always a pleasant surprise for subscribers. But not all services are connected automatically. And sometimes you have to understand this or that affiliate program. Today we will find out what the action from the company "Beeline" "Happy time" is. This offer can bring a lot of pleasure to subscribers who have been working with our current telecom operator for a long time. Let's start studying the task at hand as soon as possible.


What kind of action is this from the company "Beeline" - "Happy time"? This is an offer that allows you to return up to 15% of all communication costs as special points. In truth, a very tempting offer. It is worth paying attention: you can spend bonuses at any time for your own needs.

True, the percentage of refunds as points depends directly on how long you have been with the Beeline operator. "Happy time" accumulates in general, starting at 5% of expenses. In principle, if you have been a subscriber for a long time, you can connect to the promotion and use its capabilities. How exactly to do it?

Incredible Opportunities

We already know the description of the action "Beeline" "Happy time". How to connect it, we'll talk a little later. To begin with, it is worth emphasizing all the features of this program. For example, you can always transfer accumulated bonuses to a friend. True, only if he also participates in the proposal.

How exactly can you bring your idea to life? To do this, you need to dial a special combination. Write *767# beneficiary number payment amount*. Now it is worth pressing the call button of the subscriber. And that's it, it's done.

True, the action "Beeline" has some limitations here. "Happy Time" allows you to transfer at least 10 points to your comrades, a maximum of 3,000 points per day. They are kept on the balance sheet for 30 days. If during this time you do not spend bonus points, they disappear. This is worth considering. In addition, in the request to send funds, you must write the subscriber's number, as well as the amount of the payment, separated by a space. No commas or other marks. Otherwise, it will not be possible to realize the idea.

Balance check

Another point that you should immediately find out before connecting to the program is a balance request. It has to be constantly monitored. After all, "Happy Time" "Beeline" has a validity period. The points you earn must be spent within 6 months. Otherwise, they burn out.

How is the balance checked in this program? Dial on your mobile device*767*2#, and then wait until you receive a message with the balance of funds. Please note that there may be some delays. If after 5 minutes no messages have arrived, repeat the request. In principle, this is so far all the important information that the subscriber should be concerned about. You can join the action of the company "Beeline" "Happy time". How to connect it to yourself? Now let's figure it out.


Well, we have decided to participate in a tempting offer from our today's operator. Now you can think about how to bring the idea to life. There are several approaches here. All of them are easy to learn even for a novice user.

Firstly, at the Beeline Corporation, Happy Time is connected through the official page of the operator. Here you will have to go through authorization, look into the "Promotions" section and find the corresponding item there. Next, click on the desired line and select the "Connect" command. Enter the activation code in the window that appears (it will come to your mobile in a message) - and the job is done.

Secondly, the bonus program is also connected using a USSD request. To implement the method, dial *767# and wait for a response. Everything, nothing more is needed. This is the option most often used. We have become participants in the action. There are several solutions. Everyone is able to independently choose how to manage savings.

We spend on communication

For example, anyone has the right to spend their "Happy Time" bonuses to pay for communication services. In principle, this is a rather interesting solution. But it is not used very often. The service is valid for 30 days. After that, you will have to reactivate the payment of invoices with bonuses. If you do not have enough funds on your balance sheet, the balance will be written off in rubles.

How exactly to activate this feature? A special request will help. Type *789# on your phone and press the call button. That's all. In response, you will receive a notification that within 30 days you will pay with the points accumulated under the program. But how to use Beeline's "Happy Time" in a different way? Is there such a possibility at all?

Payment for purchases

Of course, yes. You can spend bonuses to pay for some purchases in Beeline salons and stores. True, not the entire amount can be paid with points. But only 10%. It should be borne in mind that 1 ruble = 1 bonus. By the way, this offer most often applies to the purchase of gadgets from Beeline, as well as equipment for connecting the Internet.

At the time of purchase, you must inform the employee of your intentions to use the accumulated bonuses. Say your phone number, then say the number of points you want to redeem. The store employee will take all necessary actions to reduce the final cost of the equipment. Perhaps, the corporation "Beeline" "Happy Time" is most often spent on purchases in salons.

Promotions with partners

But there is no need to stop there either. After all, the listed methods are not the only ones that allow you to spend points "Happy Time" ("Beeline"). How to use bonuses differently?

This will help special partner promotions, which should be viewed on the official page of the telecom operator. You are fully entitled to cover approximately 20% of the purchase price at a partner store. It's just not a permanent option. Rather, periodic. And it really needs to be monitored. For example, quite recently, subscribers had the right to cover 20% of their purchases with bonuses in "Know-How" stores. Perhaps this is a very profitable, but rare occurrence.
