7878 what kind of number and how to disable it. Transferring money from beeline to beeline

A few years ago, when I was just studying, my phone rang in the early morning on the subway. A cheerful male voice cheerfully introduced himself as a Beeline employee and said that my SIM card would be blocked. Before that, a sleepy fly, I woke up abruptly and sent it under the surprised glances of passengers passing by. She came to the university, then went home and told everyone how to respond to such “threats”. Who would know...

Today my mom got a call from a scammer. It was introduced by *** as a Beeline employee (and deliberately presented to them several times during the entire conversation). The first name and patronymic is hardly real, but he also called him methodically, considering, as it turned out, according to searches in Yandex, the previous experience of divorces.
Mom talked to him for about 3 minutes. From the conversation, in fits and starts, I realized that my mother was connected to the Beeline Mobile Bank service and she wanted to turn it off (which Beeline, by the way, sins even too much). Since she was busy, she called me (“I’ll call my daughter now” - which again killed my vigilance). But I understood this, sitting through 2 walls and reading a book, from fragments of her conversation. She often asks to do something “technical” for her and not really, referring to the fact that she doesn’t understand anything about it, in fact, she simply doesn’t want to. To my astonished look and the question, "What's going on?" she just waved her hand (“she has no time, figure it out”), shoved the phone at me and asked me to bring my phone.
At this moment, I hear on the other end: “Well, did you click?” I think: aha, again he doesn’t want to “poke buttons”.
This ***, having understood the situation, sent an SMS, as it turned out, with a number to pay for services on RURU.RU - Payment World, and said to send it to number 7878 with confirmation to 8464 - Beeline mobile payment.
I use the phone only to call / send SMS and therefore did not notice the catch. I somehow already turned off services with the help of an operator (although at that time I called Beeline myself), she also asked me to send some numbers to some short numbers.
And here is the result - a minus is not critical, but a good amount, which I personally would spend a year or 2.
As a result, it turned out that they were not going to turn off the service to my mother, but re-register the SIM card, which they were going to (ha ha) BLOCK, which I pulled out of it when the policeman had already arrived. Get this bastard to me ...
Both Beeline and Ruru.ru refused to help, they sent me to write a statement. We wrote a statement to the police, we are sitting, hoping for a miracle. The hope that this creature will not withdraw money from the account until Monday tends to zero, but I hope that someone, before going on about this ***, will get into the Internet and break through these 2 lucky numbers.
And Ruru.ru CJSC National Service Company should take care of the safety of its activities. Self-respecting companies require confirmation of a mobile number, at least, and link it to a specific user's account. And you, moreover, do not social network, but directly work with money and their transfers!

Our valiant police called back only a month and a half later to ... ask us for proof that our numbers belong to us. They were waiting a month and a half. I took the application, because. money will obviously not be found, and running from work is inconvenient for me.

I went to the Beeline website, registered, entered my office, turned off the hell out of mobile payment and a couple of other services for the whole family. Which is what I recommend to everyone.
About how it's done, I did.

To the stump of mobile payments, to the stump of Ruru.ru, to the stump of the rest of the participants in these frauds. Some steal from technically not very literate old people, others eat lunch during reception hours, others “can’t help in any way” if you didn’t come to give your money, but for the help you need because of their negligent and incompetent work.

Update 2
Fraudsters are closer to us than ever. .

Beeline mobile operator provides a service that allows you to send and receive money transfers to a mobile number and bank cards. Subscribers can use the Beeline Money service to send cash money transfers to their loved ones and replenish the accounts of subscribers served on a contract or prepaid basis.

The Beeline Money program provides network customers with the opportunity to manage the funds of the main and special advance accounts.

The service website money.beeline.ru allows you to transfer money to the following areas:

  • an account in a Russian bank;
  • Visa, Maestro, Mastercard;
  • financial transfer systems CONTACT and UNISTREAM;
  • wallets of electronic payment systems;
  • subscriber accounts of Russian mobile operators.

Through Beeline Money, payment of traffic police fines, payments on bank loans, purchase of air tickets and movie tickets is available. With their help, payment of taxes and utilities is available.

You can go to the service website from personal account Beeline official portal.

Beeline Money service has the following limitations:

  1. Within a month, a transfer can be made to one bank account or card from no more than two phone numbers.
  2. to one phone number you can bind no more 5 bank cards to which transfers can be made.

Conditions for connecting the service "Money Beeline"

No additional steps are required to activate the service. It is available by default to all Beeline subscribers ( individuals) reaching 14 -years of age.

To use the service, the subscriber must agree to the terms of its provision. Direct transfers are carried out by banks and credit organizations. The Beeline operator is engaged only in information and technical support for operations. Any problems with money transfers are considered by banks and partner organizations. Beeline is only responsible for possible failures of communication networks and technical platforms through which the money transfer service is provided.

For prepaid payment system

For prepaid subscribers, the Beeline Money service is not available from the moment they connect to the Beeline network. To start using the service, the subscriber must spend at least 150 rubles for a monthly fee, voice calls, SMS, MMS. When calculating the amount, payment for long-distance and international calls, roaming and additional services is not taken into account.

For postpaid payment system

Postpaid subscribers can transfer using a special advance account. It can be created using the USSD command * 110 * 271 # . The special account (САС) is replenished in the same way as the main one. The only difference is that when specifying the replenishment number, the first digit must be indicated not " 9 ", a " 6 » – 6хх-ххх-хх-хх.

There is no additional charge for the creation and use of the CAS.

How to withdraw money from a Beeline phone at an ATM?

Withdrawals from the phone through the Money Beeline system are available through ATMs of SMP Bank JSC. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  • send an SMS containing the RUB code and the withdrawal amount to free number 7878 ;
  • confirm the application following the instructions received in the message from the bank;
  • receive a message with a PIN code required to withdraw money;
  • find an ATM of SMP Bank with the logo of the service;
  • enter number mobile phone and pin code;
  • get money.

A translation from the Beeline website is also available. The transaction fee is 5,95% . Minimum transfer amount - 100 rubles.

Transferring funds to another subscriber's account

The system allows you to make money transfers from your Beeline account to other subscribers of Russian mobile operators.

Payment is available through the website or via SMS. Commission when transferring to Beeline subscribers is 3% (at least 15 rubles), other operators - 7,95% (at least 10 rubles).

The minimum transfer amount is 30 rubles, maximum - 5000 rubles. Transfers are also available to subscribers of mobile operators in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

Transfers between Beeline subscribers

You can make a money transfer to a Beeline phone through the Money Beeline system in two ways:

  • through a personal account on the official portal;
  • by sending a message to a service number 7878 .

When transferring amounts up to 200 rubles, a commission of 15 rubles is charged per transaction. For payments in the amount of 201-5000 rubles, you will have to pay a commission of 10 rubles plus 10% of the transfer amount. The total amount of transfers from a mobile number is limited 5000 rubles per day.

How to transfer money from Beeline to a number of another operator?

Beeline subscribers can top up the phone number of another mobile operator by sending a message to the number 7878 . The service is also available on the Beeline Money page after authorization in the personal account of the site. The transaction fee is 7,95% a plus 10 rubles. Minimum transfer amount not limited.

International transfers to numbers of operators of CIS countries

Subscribers can transfer money to the numbers of foreign operators associated with Beeline. Available companies include:

  • Unitel LLC (Beeline Uzbekistan);
  • Tacom LLC (Beeline Tajikistan);
  • Sky Mobile LLC (Beeline Kyrgyzstan).

There are several simple ways to transfer money between Beeline subscribers. The operator does everything so that users do not feel limited in their capabilities. This indicates that you can transfer money from your personal account to another Beeline subscriber at any time if he is in a difficult situation.

It is worth knowing that you can make a financial transfer from your phone to another Beeline subscriber using three methods: using SMS, sending a USSD command, or via the Internet.

Any user who is in the prepaid system can use this service. This service does not require any connection and is completely free. The service is available at any time of the day, even if your location is roaming. This method is the easiest and fastest way to transfer finance between Beeline subscribers. The transfer is carried out by sending a USSD command and is divided into two stages - a request for payment, as well as confirmation of payment.

Submit a payment request. Next, type the command *145*number*amount# and click on "Call". It should be remembered that the number of the subscriber to which the money will be transferred must be dialed in the format of 10 digits, that is, without +7 or 8.

After that, you need to wait for an SMS message in which a three-digit code will be sent to you, with which you will confirm the payment. Without this code, you will not be able to transfer funds to another Beeline number. To confirm the payment, you need to send a command with the code sent by SMS: *145*code# and click on "Call". Beeline does not charge any commission for transferring funds through the Mobile Transfer service.

Money transfer via SMS between Beeline subscribers

If you do not like the process of typing long USSD commands, then you can use another money transfer service "Beeline money". In this case, you need to send a free message to the service number 7878 . In the SMS, you should specify the operator code - bee, then the subscriber's phone number in the format of 10 digits, as well as the amount of the transfer. Please note that all information in the message must be entered with a space. For transferring money in this way, Beeline withdraws a commission of 3% of the transfer amount.

Transferring money between Beeline subscribers using the Internet

If you spend a considerable part of your time on the Internet, then this method will be very convenient for you. To make a money transfer from your Beeline personal account to another subscriber, you can also use a direct link to the web form. To do this, you just need to fill in all the available fields of this form. You can also act according to another plan: go to the money.beeline.ru website, then go to the “to another subscriber” section, or go down the “Other money transfers” heading page. In this case, the commission for this transfer will be 3% of the total amount.

Sometimes a much larger amount is debited from the balance on the phone than you expect, and then the realization comes that you do not regularly use all the services that are connected to the number, and it would be time to turn off some content as unnecessary. That's why you need to spend money on a quiz that a child installed on your number during a tedious trip or a book, because there is a similar application on a laptop or tablet. So what to do: how to disable paid services on Beeline? Now we will deal with this.

Options for how you can disconnect from unnecessary options on your phone

Attention! This article is only a hint, do not take it as a call to action. Before you do anything, be sure to analyze the importance of the service you want to cancel.

All options and subscriptions in Beeline are very easy to block and remove from the number.

In order to refuse them, there are several ways, and which one is more suitable for you to decide, of course:

  • Contacting technical support Beeline will give you the opportunity to find out directly from the operator what connected services are included in the tariffs of your homer on the phone and how much they cost. They will immediately help you disable services or unsubscribe from unnecessary subscriptions. You can do this by calling the short number 0611 . The only negative in this method is that, like any other technical support, it can be difficult to get through. In this case, it will be possible to prohibit the "Surprise for Erudite" or the daily "Horoscope" mailing list using the voice menu.

  • Second way, no less popular - changing options in your personal account on the my.beeline.ru portal. Here you can not only place an order to cancel infotainment services, but also vice versa - establish a connection to additional services that you need (for example, English lessons or an economizer). Here you can disable the subscription to the Videomir 18+ channel. Personal Area will also lift the veil for you over how much money you spend on everything, including subscriptions.

  • Another easy way: dial *111# and call button- You will be taken to the service control center. After dialing this number, a list of all services (paid and free) will appear on the screen, as well as information on how to add or remove them from the phone.

  • The same can be done using the SMS dialogue and in the SIM menu or the My Bilan application

  • For users who are used to solving such issues on their own, Beeline has introduced special short numbers for each of the existing services that it provides, but before that, dial the number: *110*09# and call

It will be helpful to look at:

And now we will share with you the commands with which you can set up the most popular services offered by Beeline.

The main commands that are useful when disconnecting / connecting Beeline paid services

Reference. All the presented commands are designed to remove some of the popular options and subscriptions, information on the rest (there are more than 90 of them at the moment) can be found on the company's website.

Stay in touch*110*400#
Stay informed+*110*1062#
Voice mail*110*010#
Number anti-qualifier*110*070#
Internet notifications*110*1470#
Hello service67409770
On-screen balance*110*900#
Disable Auto Responder or Auto Responder+*110*010#
Acquaintance*111*4*4*5*2 #

What services can still withdraw funds and how to prevent this?

Some users often have the question “Number 5555, what is it and what does it offer me?”. In addition to official Beeline services, there are also additional mailings from content providers that usually interact with subscribers using short numbers.

Ordering details in personal account

In order to order content from these comrades, you just need to write a message to the proposed number (the text can be anything - everything except the word STOP or STOP). But to disconnect - just write STOP or STOP in the message.

Here are some examples of short numbers for which the balance on the phone may suffer losses:

  • 5555 - Quiz for scholars;
  • 7878 - Money Beeline;
  • 6275 - English lessons online;
  • 2838 - Subscription to Kinohod;
  • 6305 - Beeline Music;
  • 7906 - Auto fines;
  • 6442 - Radio portal.

Attention! Basically, calls within the network are made free of charge, but some services have their own tariffs, so we advise you to familiarize yourself with them before editing the number options via the phone.

What is the result?

Now you know that operators have in their arsenal not only free services connected to your tariff, but also those for which you have to pay and sometimes the amounts are not small. In order to save money on the room, we advise you to use our tips and edit the list of services provided.

For users of cellular communications from Beeline, the RURU.ru payment center provides the ability to transfer money from the balance of one mobile phone to another. The operation is performed by sending SMS messages to the number "7878". This quick money transfer service is convenient, but can be used by scammers to steal money from subscribers. You can find out about the rules for using the number "7878" and how to protect against theft with its help in the presented article.

Danger level:

Interest in the number:

Beeline money transfer

The algorithm for using the number 7878 to replenish the balance of another Beeline subscriber is simple, but requires care when entering data. It includes the following steps:

In a similar way, you can replenish the balance of subscribers of other mobile operators, you only need to specify a different code at the beginning of the SMS:

  • For Tele 2 - tele2;
  • For MTS - mts;
  • For Megafon - mgf.

To transfer funds from a telephone account to a MasterCard or Visa bank card, the algorithm of actions is similar, only the text of the SMS message is different. You need to specify in it - "Master / Visa" space "card number" space "transfer amount".

Number 7878 allows you to send money from a Beeline phone account to a specified citizen of the Russian Federation using Unistream. The following information must be entered in the message, separated by a space:

  • name of the sender;
  • sender's passport data;
  • name of the recipient;
  • transfer amount.

To make transfers to the CIS countries, the “uni” code is changed to the record of the corresponding country. You can find the codes on the Beeline website.

Transactions using the number 7878 are not free of charge, the amount of the commission can be clarified on the Beeline website.

Known scams with number 7878

There are several ways to steal funds from the accounts of Beeline subscribers using the number 7878. The most common algorithm is the following:

  1. On Avito or another resource where the contact details of users are indicated, scammers find a phone number and send SMS to it with a profitable offer - usually this is an exchange with a surcharge.
  2. The subscriber clicks on the link contained in the message, and thereby installs a virus on the phone, which gives attackers access to the services of transferring funds, paying for cellular communications, connecting automatic payments, and so on.
  3. Fraudsters send SMS messages to number 7878 containing requests to transfer funds, and the subscriber may not immediately notice where the money is being spent, since the details will show the costs of mobile commerce.

A special case of this type of fraud is the use of a mobile bank from Sberbank.

In this case, the virus, using SMS to number 900, tops up the phone balance from a bank card and then transfers these funds to attackers through service 7878, and incoming messages from Sberbank and RURU.ru are hidden from the subscriber.

Recognizing this method of stealing money, especially if a small amount is withdrawn per day, will not work right away.

How to beware of scammers

  • Do not dial any USSD commands on the phone at the request of people who called from unknown numbers, even if they introduced themselves as employees of a mobile operator. To check the information, dial the provider's official support service and find out details about the USSD request imposed.
  • In the case of calls with a request to return the transferred money by mistake, offer the victim to write an application for a refund, since if the funds were really transferred, then the scammer will submit it anyway.
  • Do not click on links or call back the numbers contained in SMS. Please note that scammers can use the numbers of your friends, since any phone can be hacked, infected with a virus. When you receive SMS with questionable content from subscribers saved in the contact list, call them and check the fact of sending the message.

The number of fraud methods using official services, including 7878, is constantly growing and it is almost impossible to be aware of all of them, so you should just follow the recommendations indicated in the article. This will most likely protect your accounts from theft.
