What is offline mode? Enable, disable, work on different devices and applications. What is online and offline on the Internet

The words "online" and "offline" have a special meaning in connection with computer technology and telecommunications. In general, the first term indicates a connected state, while the second alludes to being disconnected.

Speaking about what “online” is, it should be noted that it has gone beyond telecommunications meanings and moved into the field of human interaction and conversation. For example, discussions held during a business meeting are “online”, while issues that do not concern all participants in direct communication should be resolved “offline” - outside the event.

Regarding mail

One example of these concepts being used together is a mail user agent, which can be in an online or offline state. One such application is Microsoft Outlook. When connected, it will try to connect to mail servers (to check for new mail at regular intervals, for example). In offline mode, it will not do this. The online or offline status of an agent does not necessarily reflect the state of the connection between the computer on which it is running and the Internet. That is, the device itself can be connected to the Internet through a cable modem or other means, while the user's status remains unconnected.

What is “online” in relation to the media?

Another example of the use of these concepts is digital audio technology. The player, digital audio editor or other device located on the site is synchronized with the user's actions. When connected, playback begins, the device automatically synchronizes with the master and begins playing music from the same point in the recording. This technology continues to develop rapidly. Today you can remotely listen to not only music, but also watch movies and even TV series online. This category also includes news and other video and audio resources that are available for direct viewing when the Internet is turned on.

What is "online" and offline viewing?

A third example of these concepts being used together is a web browser, which can be in a connected or disconnected state. It will only attempt to fetch pages from servers while it is connected. Users can perform offline browsing, where pages can be opened using local copies that were previously downloaded when going online. This can be useful when the computer is disconnected from the network or connecting to it is impossible or undesirable. Pages are loaded either in the web browser's own cache as a result of an online preview by the user, or by an application configured to save local copies of some pages. The latest ones are updated while it is in a connected state. For example, when playing browser games online, you can save the page. And then continue passing from a certain level.

One such web application that can load pages for offline viewing is Internet Explorer. When they are added to your favorites list, they are marked as "available for offline viewing." Internet Explorer will load local copies as full pages.


To sum up the conversation about what online is, we can draw the following conclusions. When an Internet connection is available, there is constant access to various files as well as communications. In turn, for areas that do not have such an adequate network connection, users try to provide themselves with offline access to information.

Having rummaged through dictionaries, you can easily find out that “online” means “on line”, “in touch” (from the English “online”). And “offline” is quite the opposite when there is no connection. We are not too interested in semantic details; we will talk about the practical meaning of the above concepts. About how to live with all this.

ChromeOS and other webOS

Since online-only operating systems are advertised with such monstrous force, some clarification is necessary. For educational purposes.

Yours is a personal thing. You can store private data on the disk. All the things you don't want to show to anyone. However, these days there is an intensive washing of the gray matter between the ears, propaganda of “cloud” operating systems, ChromeOS and others like them.

The bottom line is that to work with such an OS you need to be constantly online, because nothing is stored on the computer at all. Everything is in the cloud, on the Internet. Even the most private things. And you never know who has access to the files, who is viewing them, so that a new WikiLeaks does not arise. A warrant is only needed to search household items, including computers.

But the owners recently took and gave all the personal data of European users to the US intelligence services. According to the laws of the European Union, they did not have the right to do this, but they gave it up anyway, since they are an American company and cannot disobey their masters. And how can you then trust them and use their ChromeOS?

But the attitude towards confidentiality is not so bad. Few people today respect privacy even without “clouds”. The real problem is functionality that is tied to the network almost one hundred percent, except for a short-term cache in case of connection failures.

Let's give a small but concrete and quite real-life example. You urgently need to print a document, but you don’t have access to it. The provider has a fire, flood, earthquake, hurricane, magnetic storms, financial crisis, mice chewed through the wires. You never know what can happen. Well, since the printer in ChromeOS works exclusively through a “cloud” proxy process, offline printing will not take place.

Email can be used... partly offline. Yes, no need to rub your eyes in amazement! An Internet connection is required only in two cases:

  1. to receive messages;
  2. to send letters.

However, there is one catch: you need a postal one. For example, Mozilla Thunderbird. Let's consider it.

Do you work on multiple computers? One - for example, in the editorial office where you work as a journalist, the second - on your table at home, the third - a netbook with which you go on business trips. Therefore, it is more convenient to carry mail with you on a flash drive. So, go to, find in the “Applications” section there a portable version of Thunderbird (Russian-language - via the “Languages” link), download and unpack it onto your removable media. Flash memory in a regular mp3 player will do, why not.

If there is only one computer, then it is advisable to acquire a regular version that is permanently installed in the system. You should only get it from http://www.mozilla.org/ and nowhere else! (Nowhere at all!)

Connect to the Internet and launch Thunderbird for the first time. The program will prompt you to create an account. She will configure the parameters for connecting to servers herself. And downloads the mail.

That's it, you can disconnect from the network! That is, go offline. Calmly read the correspondence, delete what is unnecessary, and respond to what is necessary. All your replies, all new letters after clicking the send button will be saved in the “Outbox” folder. (Before pressing, the buttons are added to “Drafts” as you write.)

Outbox is a secure storage facility where messages will wait patiently until they reach the Internet. Once you're online again, your mail will be sent immediately after you launch Thunderbird.

Now let's look at the settings. In the program menu: “Tools” -> “Account Options” -> “Copies and Folders”. There, by default, it most likely states that drafts, sent letters and templates should be stored on a server on the network, and not in the program itself. Well, someone really wants to control your correspondence, what can you do?

Therefore, you need to set the switches in such a way that everything is stored only in local folders. Instead of “Sent”, located at your e-mail address, you should simply indicate “Poisoned”. And also simply “Drafts”, “Archive” and “Templates”. Those in front of which this address is not displayed.

That's all, now you can actually use email partially offline, connecting to the network only to receive and send messages.

In addition to email, people use instant messaging clients. In the post-Soviet space - most often ICQ. Some people need (or just want) to stay online all the time so that they can be contacted at any time. Some people do not want to be distracted by idle chatter, tearing themselves away from more important matters.

It will probably be useful for everyone to know that ICQ can be removed from autorun. Go to settings and uncheck the option that launches the program when you turn on the computer.

The fact is that ICQ can work like regular email. We wrote a message to a person who is offline - he will receive it as soon as he connects to the Internet and launches his copy of the program.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need to sit and wait for a person to appear online and his “daisy” to turn green. Write and let me know when you can chat with him.


There is no need to live online all the time. Often, work requires concentration, and pop-up notifications about new messages are at first simply distracting, and then begin to irritate. And in general, many interesting things exist offline, including real life.

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Last edit: 2011-10-30 06:07:49

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Initially, online and offline (“on line” and “out of line”) are English technical terms denoting the state of special electronic equipment, but by now they have entered many languages ​​of the world as commonly used words.

The word "offline" is often used by Russian speakers in the context of using the Internet; the adjective is also used offline. Thus, the phrase “offline media” means “traditional media,” that is, any media other than online media. “Offline communication” usually means “traditional communication”, that is, any communication that does not involve Internet communications, for example, correspondence via paper mail, personal or telephone communication (it should be noted that in the case of IP telephony, which acquires everything increasing popularity, voice telephone communication ceases to be “offline” in the usual sense of the word).

Sometimes a slang expression synonymous with the word “offline” is used “ in real life", that is, "not on the Internet."

The term “offline” is also used to refer to the “offline” state of some software, for example, Internet messengers or browsers. The expression “send a message offline” in relation to ICQ means sending a message to a user who is not currently online ( not "online" / « not online"): it will only receive it after it connects (" will go online»).

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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With the spread of computers, and especially the Internet, a number of new words have appeared in the Russian language. Among young people you can often hear, for example, expressions such as “I’ll be online in the evening” or “Meet me offline.” What this means, an ignorant person may not understand. But in fact, the meaning here is very simple.

The words “online” and “offline” themselves, as can be easily seen, originate from the English language. The word "line" means "line", and in a broader sense - the Internet. You can imagine it this way: previously, communication between computers occurred mainly using a modem and a telephone line, which is where this relationship apparently originated. And the words “on” and “off” mean, respectively, “on” and “off.” Thus, we easily get the translation of these words from the slang of avid Internet users: “online” means “on the Internet”, and “offline”, respectively, means “not on the Internet”.

With the first, everything is clear, since it says “I’ll be online in the evening,” it means that in the evening this friend will be sitting on his favorite site such as social networks, forums, ICQ or in his other favorite “habitats”, where he can be “caught” to communicate in some way.

The word “offline” is not so obvious. Indeed, what does this mean – “not on the Internet”. But in fact, everything is very simple. This is the name of everything that is located outside the Global Network. If it says “Let’s meet offline,” it means we leave the house and go to the meeting place, with our feet, and not by pressing mouse buttons.

Offline is simply real, not virtual life. For example, an ordinary book that is printed on paper is an offline book. You can take it, put it in your pocket or bag... But the text of the same book, which is located on some website, and which can be read there only when connected to the network, is called an online book.

The same situation, for example, with films. When you watch it on some website, or using a program that broadcasts Internet TV, it is called “online video,” or “online video,” as you like. If you downloaded a movie to your computer and then can watch it at any time without an Internet connection, then such viewing will already be offline, that is, not online.

There are many online games that can only be played online. Some, of course, you can try to play like that, just for the joy of wandering around the world in splendid isolation - all the other characters appear from the Internet. Offline – games do not require a network. These include regular games for one person, although many also allow network or online play. Offline games are not only games on a computer, but also all games for which it is not required at all, for example, football in the yard with friends takes place offline.

If you use any means of communication via the Internet, for example, ICQ or Skype, then you probably know that people who have the “offline” status are simply inaccessible - they are simply not near the computer, or they have ICQ or Skype turned off, then They simply aren’t available online. As soon as you disconnect, you will move from the “online” category to the “offline” category, simply put, you will return to the sinful earth from your virtual clouds... And sometimes online dating, that is, on sites, develops into offline - meetings where - either in a cafe or in a park, face to face...

What about online stores? There you can buy any item you like online, that is, while on the site, look at its photographs, place an order, and if you have questions, write to the support service of this site, and all this without leaving your computer. Offline stores are those that are located on the street, and where you still need to get to.

Today, the Internet has penetrated our lives so much that the terms “online” and “offline” go almost side by side. It’s no longer clear where people live more – in the virtual world or in the real one. Another interesting option is also possible, for example - the Olympics are held offline, but broadcast online, where anyone can watch it. Offline stores often have their own websites, such as online stores, where they also trade, in order to expand the circle of customers.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to understand the meaning of the words “online” and “offline”. Just something simple – “online” or “in real life”...

The term “online” (from the English “to be on line” - to be on the line) appeared in use long before the advent of the Internet, at a time when computers were connected to each other via dial-up telephone lines using modems. Typically, in this way, users connected to electronic bulletin boards (BBS), and while they were “online”, they could read messages left for them, respond to them, and participate in general discussions. As soon as the connection was interrupted, they went into an “offline” state and became unavailable to other BBS users.

Nowadays the expression “online” is most often used to mean “connected to the Internet,” although this is not entirely correct. After all, you can connect to the Internet, but if no communication programs are running on your computer, and you are not logged in to any social networks, then for all your contacts, you will still be “offline”.
This means that Online status is the state when you are available for communication by other users.

There are many programs that work only when a connection to the Internet is established. Most often, they check whether the copy installed on the computer is counterfeit. And some programs require access to databases located on their manufacturer’s servers to operate. For all such programs, the term “online” will mean the ability to connect to services on the Internet.
Online banks and online stores are really banks and stores that only allow them to carry out their usual operations on the Internet. Online gaming software runs on powerful servers (), and a small client part is downloaded to your computer. You can watch online video without downloading it first, but by receiving a video stream from a remote server in real time.

In all cases, online means the possibility of open two-way communication between users or services, and offline means the absence of such an opportunity.

The word “offline” (from English “off line”) is also used to mean “disconnected, autonomous”. For example, offline may be peripheral equipment that is not connected to your computer (). You can save a page from the site on your computer and then view it offline, without connecting to the Internet. That is, offline. There are even special offline browsers that allow you to download entire sites.

A new interesting meaning of the word offline is its use to distinguish real-life events from what happens in virtual reality. For example, an offer to discuss an issue offline means that you really need to meet and talk.

Now you know what online and offline are. It's up to you to decide what status to be in.
