How to change the password in Minecraft to a more secure one. How to find out the password for your WiFi: the best ways How to change the login in Minecraft on the server

Minecraft - endless cubic metric spaces. Walk, don't cross. The cherished dream of any gamer - a true fan of sandbox games. And the progress of development in it is exciting, and the extraction of countless wealth-resources, and the production of various items, and battles with mobs. And it’s no joke, these are just the main points. A separate large, thick book can be dedicated to all the delights of Minecraft.

On forums, blogs, and video reviews on Youtube, players vying with each other to brag about their achievements in Minecraft: “Look what I built!”, “Here’s how I overcame this location!”, “Look what I found!”, “Do you know such crafting recipes?” ?!”

This is all for something... Oh yes, all these honors, medals and virtual treasures of Minecraft can be lost in an instant! And not because you couldn’t cope with the gameplay, climbed somewhere in the wrong place, or someone hit you hard... Everything is much sadder and simpler! And because you came up with a simple password, and someone picked it up on the server, knowing your login. Or maybe the password was complex, and some virus stole it. And that’s it, bye bye, your hero has passed into the possession of another player. You yourself understand what the consequences of this situation may be. In short, nothing good.

So, in order to be safe from these misfortunes, read this article. From it you will learn how to change your password on the game’s offsite and directly on the server, what to do if you forgot it, which login key is most resistant to hacking.

1. Do not use the “most popular” combinations on the Internet: qwerty, 12345, abcdefg, myparol. Attackers can manually select them in 5 minutes and, accordingly, treacherously take over the account.

2. Avoid small keys. The optimal password length is 10-16 characters.

3. Alternate numbers, special characters and English letters (lowercase and uppercase) in a character sequence.

4. When registering and changing your password, do not indicate the combination that you use to log into another online service (for example, VKontakte). You risk losing two accounts at once if the key is stolen.


The key can be changed on the fly gameplay.

1. Make sure the English keyboard layout is enabled. Press the "/" key to open the console.

2. To change the password in Minecraft, enter the command:

/changepassword (old password) (new)

Attention! There is no need to put character keys in parentheses when entering a command.

If the operation was completed correctly, a message will appear in the console indicating its successful completion. Now you can log into the game using the new authorization data.

If you do not remember your symbolic key used to log in, contact technical support of the server you are playing on and ask to restore access. Or use the special reset function on the service’s website. For example, on the Rus-Minecraft portal you can change your password on the web page -

Official site

1. On the login panel, in the error message block, click the “Forgot your password?” link. (Forgot… ?).

2. In the “E-mail” line, enter the address Email, which you specified during the account creation process.

3. Click the “Request password reset” button.

4. Go to your e-mail, open a message from the Mojang service (the game developer).

6. On the page that opens in the browser, enter a new symbol combination 2 times to complete authorization.

7. Click “Reset Password”.

The procedure is completed. Now you can go to your profile on

And you need to change the password for on the Mojang website. To perform this procedure:

2. In the “Account details” option block, in the “Password” line, click the “Edit” command.

3. Type a new password in the “New...” and “Repeat...” fields.

4. In the “Current...” line, enter the current password.

Change your Minecraft profile password approximately once every 1-2 months. Have fun and, most importantly, safe gameplay!

Many gamers do not know how to change the password in Minecraft. Each player approaches this task, albeit not immediately.

The thing is that servers usually give out passwords that are not very memorable and convenient.

A it is impossible to change them in any settings, because this game is special in every sense, including in matters of all kinds of settings.

Let's look at the procedure for changing the account access key.


Changing the key step by step

This procedure looks like this:

1 Create your new password immediately.

2 Open the console by pressing the button «/» , it is also called "slash".

3 Enter a command in the following format: “/changepassword [current key] [new key].” That is, if you now log in using the key "ghbdtn2", but want to change it to "ghbdtn", then the command will look like this: "/changepassword ghbdtn2 ghbdtn". This is shown in Figure 1.

These instructions are relevant for MineZ: Villager VS Zombie servers, as well as DayZ, Area 52 and servers with creative 1.5.2.

If you are using the BuildTeam or MineZ: Land server, you must enter "changepassword", but just "password".

That is, the command will look like this: "/password [current key] [new key]".

In this case, you also need to go to the central hub.

Advice: Try both instructions. One of them will definitely work in your case.

After successfully completing the above instructions, a corresponding notification will be sent.

What if I don't remember my old password?

In this case, you need to contact support and describe your problem. After that, it will be restored and you can safely change it.

Perhaps the administrators themselves will change your login key.

About choosing a combination

To keep your login key secure, it is advisable to follow a few simple instructions, namely:

  • length – minimum 16 characters;
  • use different case (large and small characters);
  • use different languages ​​for words, but only in Latin;
  • use the key only for this game;
  • change it every few months.

In this case, the possibility of account hacking will be minimal. This is especially true for experienced players who have invested a lot into the game.

Video instruction:

If this happens, you should immediately change the access key. And then we will tell you how to change the password in Minecraft on the server. By the way, this action is very easy to do in every multiplayer game! In our case, everything is the same, but with its own peculiarities for changing the password, which can sometimes cause difficulties.

Often, users want to change their password because the combination of characters seems simple, and therefore they become worried about the threat of hacking. In fact, this is what you need to do rather than wait until the situation gets worse. It happens that players create very complex passwords that they are unable to remember. And then they can’t log into their accounts. There is only one way out - changing the password to a more memorable one. Therefore, you should know how to change the access code, as well as what criteria to choose it based on.

How to create a password correctly?

  • Under no circumstances should you use combinations that have become so popular on the Internet (23456, myparols, ertyui). Any skilled hacker can quickly identify them and take over the account.
  • Use keys that are preferably long. The most accurate option is from 10 to 16 characters.
  • You should alternate the sequence of numbers, special characters and English letters (uppercase and lowercase).
  • It is recommended not to take existing passwords that are used in other services. There is a risk of losing all accounts if your keys are stolen.

How to change server password in Minecraft?

It is possible to change the password directly during the gameplay. For this:

If the password used for authorization has been lost, the player must contact technical support game server to restore access. It is also possible to reset the data; to do this, go to the main Minecraft website.

Sometimes, when logging into your account, an error pops up indicating that the data entered is incorrect. Now you have to reset your password:

  1. You need to click on the inscription “Forgot your password?” (Forgot your password?), which is located next to the login panel in the login error field.
  2. In the “E-mail” field, enter the address of your current email assigned to your account in the system.
  3. Click on “Request password reset”.
  4. Open your Mailbox and find the letter sent by Mojang (the game developer).
  5. The letter requires you to click on the site address.
  6. A browser window will open in front of you, in which you will need to enter the new password twice.
  7. All you have to do is click on “Reset Password”.

After finishing, you should take the opportunity to log into your account. By the way, to change your password, you need to go to the Mojang resource. The steps should be performed as follows:

  1. Log in to
  2. Find “Account details” and select “Edit” in the “Password” line.
  3. Type a new password in the “New” and “Repeat” fields.
  4. In the “Current” line, enter your existing password.
  5. Click on the “Save” button for the changes to take effect.


According to general data, it is recommended to change passwords once every 1-2 months for confidentiality account Minecraft. Write your impressions, any problems you encountered in the comments and share the information you received with your friends. Rate the news! Thank you!


We are waiting for your comments, feel free to write!

The problem you encounter is the opening of accounts with weak passwords.
You must know how to protect yourself and how to change your Minecraft password.
If you think that schoolchildren and older dunces are looking for ways to hack the admin panel in Minecraft or hack the server, you are deeply mistaken! Having broken down when hacking the admin panel and the server, school hackers begin to think about how to hack the Minecraft account of ordinary players and sometimes they succeed. We constantly monitor them and ban them, but the safety of your account still depends on the complexity of your password. Let's talk about how to protect your Minecraft account, how to change the password on the server and what you need for this.

What to do if your Minecraft account has been hacked.

And so, you have a suspicion that someone is logging in under your nickname, or you have been hacked, things and resources have begun to disappear, or in general your home has become a stranger to you, then your account password has been picked up and you need to change it urgently! What to do if your Minecraft account has been hacked? In fact, everything is very simple here. First, you need to be added to Skype by the Administrator of the Steve's World server glavadmins, report your suspicions and desire to change the password, indicating your nickname. Second, you need to provide your IP address to verify the authenticity of the rights to the nickname you specified. [You can find out your IP address on the website And third, wait a couple of minutes while they check whether this is really your nickname, if so, then your password will be changed, either to the one you say, or to a random one.
So what should you do to ensure that your account on the Minecraft server is reliably protected?

Minecraft online registration

On our Minecraft online registration which will protect your character from hacking. Read more about registering on Minecraft servers
When registering, complicate your password with letters, do not create an account with the password 12345 and the like! It's all yesterday!
Any shkolotron will easily guess the password and you will not only lose everything you have acquired, but also possibly the account itself.
The server administration will not make up for your losses and wipe away your tears, but it’s a pity, but we understand, but no one is to blame for this except you, because you and no one else came up with such a password!

Passwords for registration

The dumbest passwords for registering on Minecraft servers that users create:

and so on xxxxxxxx
We can’t list all the idiotic passwords, but the main point is clear to you, such passwords are most often broken!
Do not use them under any circumstances!

And on Minecraft servers you must know everything about privacy, knowing

Typically, the need to perform such an action arises on servers with automatic password generation - it is almost impossible to remember the proposed combination of characters, and storing it in a separate file is not convenient for everyone. By changing your Minecraft password to your own, you will save yourself from potential difficulties logging into your account.

To change the password use console commands. It is enough to enter the “/” symbol from the keyboard to open the game chat, and the program is configured to accept the command.

The complete command to change the password looks like this: /password. Press the Enter button and the password will be changed immediately.
This system works not only on servers, but also during a single player game.

If you do not remember your old password, it can be restored by clicking on the line “Forgot your password?” in the authorization window. Simple instructions will appear to correct the current situation.

But enough about passwords. Do you want to know more about virtual reality Minecraft? Then read our description of the mountain biome!
