Scheduled computer shutdown windows 10. How to set up a scheduled computer shutdown in Windows! Creating a shortcut or bat file

We are faced with the fact that most of the manuals present the computer shutdown timer on Windows 10 as part of system function, but does not explain at all what exactly is happening. Typically, the shutdown command is used. The easiest way to accomplish this is through a bat file or Windows scripting language (PowerShell). But somehow it is forgotten that the brainchild of Billy Gates is controlled through a registry and special graphical menus. It’s logical to start by studying nutrition plans, and then get into programming.

The optimal way to solve the problem depends on whether we are going to configure the computer to auto-shut down for each session, or whether this is just an isolated case. Anyone who has something to do even without settings understands well what we are talking about: the event should be simplified and accelerated as much as possible. Ideally, one click and you're done. Windows 10 retains all the tools from previous generations and adds the PowerShell script editor. Its difference from a regular bat file is manifested in its support for tooltips. Although to a limited extent. More likely, professional programmers will be a little disappointed with PowerShell. And then no one bothers you to write your own module in C for the same purposes.

Regular task

Although many people search online for how to set a timer, this is not always what is required. Let's say the computer often plays the role of a nanny. It is known that a child falls asleep after listening to this or that composition. It is clear that you can set a timer to turn off the computer, but there are simpler and more convenient means of doing the same. You, of course, know that many antiviruses offer to select an action to be performed after the scan is completed. The same thing happens with players.

Bedtime story

Let's say the computer is used to put the children to bed:

  1. Plays songs.
  2. Reads fairy tales.
  3. He's telling me something.

This is a typical case, and you need to turn off the machine when the child falls asleep. The specificity of the event is that no bats are needed. There is one powerful way to accomplish this task efficiently. We must admit that we were unable to find him in standard applications, but this is not necessary. Instead, we will install the K-Lite codec package. You will still need to download it because some media file types are not supported by default. This package is unique, we will show you how to get it.

Anyone can find the download page on the Internet. We are interested in the component circled in red. This is a built-in media player. Therefore, we need a codec package no lower than the standard one. At first glance, the program looks like some kind of unsuccessful experiment by a self-taught programmer. This is a completely erroneous impression. MPC-HC is immediately added to the context menu, and after a few days many will notice that this thing is much more convenient than any other specialized utilities (including WinAmp).

The only thing this program cannot do is loop the composition. It's good for watching movies, it can play the entire folder sequentially, but it won't work to repeat the same thing. However, in our case, there is an option that exactly 100% satisfies the task. See for yourself.

Unfortunately, you can’t enter hibernation using a timer, and the sleep mode is still a little different (to put it mildly) and requires a lot of setup before it can become an alternative. This method has been tested and has never failed. Enjoy it for your health.


This path is much more logical than any other. The operation takes a little longer, but is set until it is canceled by subsequent actions.

In the window that appears, you not only set the actions when you press some buttons, but also indicate the time of transition to hibernation. This is the same as shutting down, but it does not require rebooting the system. Therefore, the PC will be ready for action much faster. Plus, all running applications will be saved in open form. Sometimes you go into this window and realize that there is already a Sleep setting there. And the transition time is less than what we need. What to do?

Click on the Sleep window and type “never” there. Windows will accept this value. After this you should set a timer shutdown Windows 10v desired condition. Pay attention to one important thing - you can exit hibernation:

  1. When you click on a mouse button (sometimes even just by moving it).
  2. When entering from the keyboard.

There are some other signals, so you can turn on the PC using different methods. Here is another parameter that needs to be checked if you are connected to the network.

The Sleep and Hibernation parameters are sufficient for most cases. The second of these modes can be enabled via Powercfg from command line, but that's a completely different story.

Create a manual timer

Billy Gates noted that command line controls are very tedious. Therefore, I introduced support via PowerShell executable files scripts with the bat extension. In our case, the shutdown command will be used, the executable file of which is located at C:\Windows\System32. Before starting operation, it is recommended to study the instructions at least a little, because we have seen it used with the -f switch. This means that all applications will be forced to quit.

On the one hand, this is good because automatic shutdown computer will happen with 100% probability. On the other hand, let’s imagine a typical case: someone left the PC to turn off on a timer, and then another person comes up, starts working, and oops... All unsaved data is lost. It's especially annoying when working in Notepad. Use only the keys you need. A list of them can be obtained from the command line (Win + X) by typing shutdown.

In our case there are two main keys:

  1. /s – commands the computer to shut down.
  2. /t – allows you to set the time XXX (in seconds, from zero to 10 years) after which the sleep timer will work.

In this case, do not forget that modern motherboards can receive alarms over a network or even a power line. Therefore, do not be surprised if the computer is turned off, and then (at night) some strange manipulations are observed. This is especially true for laptops that download updates using this method. Only individual settings via the BIOS can help here (disable wake-up after a power failure, and so on). And even then, some PCs still continue to turn on due to power surges and some other physical phenomena.

BAT files

To optimize the timer activation, you can create a script and write it to a bat file. For example, the command described above looks like this: shutdown / s /t 1000 (shutdown after 15 minutes). We put this line in text file, with two successive slow mouse clicks we change the extension to bat. A timer file program is generated, which can be launched at any convenient time. To edit a script, use two slow clicks on its name and change the extension back to txt.

Task Manager

It is convenient to perform a one-time shutdown through the built-in Task Scheduler. To find the snap-in, use the search to the right of the Start button.

In the window, use the Create a Simple Task Wizard.

You will need to enter some information. In particular, at the first stage, information about the title and description is recorded.

The action can be performed regularly if there is such a need.

You've probably encountered a situation where you need to step away, but you can't turn off your computer because certain tasks are running. In such a case, you can schedule an automatic shutdown of the computer according to a schedule. Windows 10 has built-in shutdown scheduling mechanisms, although not every user will find them. Here we have collected all the ways you can set a computer shutdown timer.

How to set the Windows 10 sleep timer using the Run command

Click Win+R and enter the command shutdown -s -t 60. The number is responsible for the number of seconds after which the computer will automatically turn off.

In this case, the shutdown will occur after 1 minute. You can set any time you prefer. Just remember that it is indicated in seconds.

How to Schedule Your Computer to Automatically Shut Down Using the Command Line

How to Automatically Shut Down Your Computer Using PowerShell

Other commands for the computer shutdown timer

You definitely noticed that after the main command shutdown There is also an additional argument that indicates to the system the nature of the action being performed. Using these arguments, you can assign additional commands and not only turn off the computer using a timer, but also reboot or put it into sleep mode.

It looks like this: shutdown -s -t 60. Instead of a letter - s you need to substitute one of the following:

  • r- reboot. The team will look like shutdown-r-t 60 . Stands for reboot after 60 seconds.
  • h– hibernation. Shutdown-h-t 60 . If you enter this command, the computer will go into hibernation after 60 seconds. You can set any time, as in the previous command. In both cases -t is responsible for time in seconds, followed by any amount of time you specify.

How to set an automatic shutdown timer using Task Scheduler

  1. Open the built-in operating system Task Manager. To do this, click Win+R and enter the command Taskschd.msc. Alternatively, you can press menu Start and enter into search Task Manager. There are also other launch options, but these two are the fastest.

  2. On the right side of the window, click Create a simple task.

  3. The window for creating a simple task will open. On the tab Create a simple task provide a name and description if you need the latter. Click Further.

  4. On the tab Triggers set value One time.

  5. Click Further and in the next step set the time when the computer will automatically turn off.

  6. Next, you need to tell the system the action it needs to perform. Select on the next window Run the program and press Further.

  7. Near the point Program or script click Review.

  8. An Explorer window will open in the system folder system32. Find the file in it shutdown.exe. It is he who initiates the process of shutting down the computer.

  9. Click OK.
  10. In field Add arguments enter -s. Click OK.

  11. Click Further, review the options you specified and click Ready.

For a single shutdown, this method may be too complex. But unlike scheduled shutdown using the command line, Task Scheduler allows you to make this procedure regular. For example, turn off the computer every day at 22:00. Trigger timing options can help you sort this out and set a schedule that works for you.

Setting the Windows 10 sleep timer from a shortcut

If you need to use sleep timers frequently, you can create shortcuts on your desktop or anywhere else operating system. Opening this shortcut will take over the task of activating the shutdown, reboot, or timed hibernation command.

  1. Right click anywhere and select Create – Shortcut.
  2. In the first step, enter the command shutdown-X-tY. Instead of X indicate the letter s to turn off, r to reboot or h for hibernation. Instead of Y– the time you need in seconds.
  3. Next, name your shortcut and save it.

You can also create a shortcut to cancel shutdown/reboot or hibernation. Everything is done exactly the same, only the command is specified shutdown-a. Once the shortcuts are created, you can move them, rename them, or change the icons as you wish.

How to stop your computer from automatically turning off in Windows 10

If you set a scheduled PC shutdown using the command Execute, Command line or PowerShell, then you can disable everything using a very simple action.

Click Win+R and enter shutdown -a. The system will then notify you that the automatic logout has been cancelled. You can run the same command in Command Prompt or PowerShell.

If a scheduled shutdown is set in the Task Scheduler, then the cancellation process will be slightly different.

There is also a large number third party programs, which help schedule a shutdown, reboot, or hibernation in Windows 10. Often, there is no need for such solutions due to the fact that the system already has the necessary mechanisms built in that can regulate the automatic shutdown of the computer. They work quite simply and effectively, which cannot always be said about third-party programs.

Please also note that the scheduled shutdown method is not suitable if you want to use it as a means parental controls. To do this, Windows 10 has separate mechanisms installed that work differently, much more efficiently and reliably.

In addition, pay attention to the settings of the application that occupies your computer for a long time. Often, programs with a long period of task execution have an option to automatically shut down after completion. In this case, you won’t need system methods, not to mention third-party ones, at all.

The Windows 10 computer shutdown timer is a convenient option for users who often leave working or downloading processes while they are away or asleep. It allows you to set the moment when the equipment will automatically turn off. This is necessary when you download programs at night, limit the time your child plays on the PC while you are away, or simply to save energy.

There are three ways to determine the duration of the shutdown.

Command execution window

You can set the shutdown using shutdown commands, which sets this “alarm clock”.

  1. Press +[R] at the same time.
  2. Enter the line shutdown -s –t and specify the time in seconds. For example, an hour is 3600, 2 is 7200, etc.
  1. Click “Ok” to confirm.

In our example, the PC will turn off after two hours.

This is not final as disable the shutdown timer Windows computer 10 can be accessed at any time using the shutdown – a command.

The same actions can be done via the command line.

In the top ten, command options are written using “/”, although the old syntax is also supported.

A warning will appear shortly before shutdown.

You cannot set the Windows 10 computer shutdown timer twice in a row - an error will appear.

Task Scheduler

This convenient service can be used to automate any actions on a PC: you can enter commands in it, specify programs to be launched on time, etc. You can set a timer to shut down your computer on Windows 10 in the scheduler using the same shutdown directive.

  1. Open the action window and enter taskschd.msc.

  1. In the window, click on the “Action” menu and select create a simple task.

  1. Then enter a name for it and click Next.

  1. Select the execution frequency. You can run it every day or on certain days, or just once.

  1. Specify the time when you want to turn off your computer using the Windows 10 timer.

  1. Leave program launch selected.

  1. In line "Script/program" enter the shutdown command itself, and specify –s as an argument in the field below.

  1. To confirm, click “Done”.

  1. Click F 5 to update the data in the window. Yours will also appear among the system tasks.

We see how easy it is to set a shutdown timer for a Windows 10 computer - you only need to know one directive. If you want to know what it is needed for, follow the link and read the article on this topic.

Using this tool, you can write your own bat file, which you specify instead of a directive in the “Script” field. You can specify a set of commands in it, for example, taskkill /f /im<ИМЯ ФАЙЛА ПРОГРАММЫ> will close specified process, and familiar to us shutdown /s/ organizes computer shutdown using a Windows 10 timer.

Removing a previously created option is even easier:

  1. Select a line with one click.

  1. Tap the right key on the manipulator.

  1. A context menu will appear.

  1. Point to "Delete" and click.

You will find out what to do if the SuperFetch service in Windows 10 loads the disk

Automatic shutdown of the computer after a certain period of time is a function of the operating system. Windows systems, which is not obvious to users. Moreover, it is implemented in software from Microsoft, but not everyone knows about it. You can also set a timer to turn off your computer in Windows 10 or earlier versions of operating systems using third-party programs that have a more user-friendly interface, but they must be downloaded separately. We suggest looking at a way to set a scheduled shutdown of your computer after a certain period of time using the command line.

How to set a timer to shut down a Windows 10 computer using the command line?

Attention: The method of automatically turning off the computer after a certain amount of time, described below, works not only on the Windows 10 operating system, but also in earlier versions - Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP.

Microsoft, when developing the Windows operating system, assumed that users may need to turn off their computer after a few hours or minutes. At the same time, even advanced user Windows does not always know that the operating system has a built-in timer to turn off the computer. This is due to the fact that it does not have a graphical interface, shortcuts, and can only be accessed through the command line. To set a computer shutdown timer standard means Windows should:

The Windows command line also supports a number of other commands related to the shutdown function. We suggest you familiarize yourself with them, since a combination of commands allows you to achieve the desired results in automating the process of turning off your computer at a certain time or after a specified period.

Windows Command Line Options

When using the shutdown command to shut down the computer, you should be aware of the parameters entered after it, which are specified by letter keys. The key can be written after the dash symbol (examples: -a, -p, -h) or slash (examples: /a, /p, /h). It is important to remember that all letters entered into the command line along with the shutdown function must be written in Latin characters (that is, in English).

Windows command line options for the shutdown command:

Please note: you can read for yourself the full list of parameters that are expected to be used with the shutdown command. To do this, just enter the following combination of functions “shutdown /?” on the MS DOS command line. To do this, launch the standard Windows command line (Windows + R key combination), enter the cmd.exe command in it, and then in the MS DOS command line window that opens, write “shutdown /?”.

How to create a convenient timer to shut down your computer on Windows 10 after a certain time?

If you regularly have to use the function of turning off the computer after an hour, two, or any other period of time, then the process of starting the countdown timer until shutdown can be automated as much as possible. Instead of regularly remembering the values ​​of functions for the command line, you can write them down once in a separate shortcut, by double click at which the computer will begin counting down to the shutdown time.

Creating a computer shutdown timer shortcut on Windows 10 is simple:

By double-clicking the created shortcut with the left mouse button, you can easily run the command that is written in it. Thus, you can automate the process of setting a timer to turn off the computer after a certain time - 10 minutes, an hour, 5 hours or more. These shortcuts are often created by system administrators for employees who need to leave their computers turned on at the end of their shift to process certain tasks.

Many people have had situations when they had to wait for some program on their computer to complete its work. For example: converting video, watching a movie, downloading files, and so on. In fact, you don't have to wait - you can set a timer to turn off your computer. Today, taking into account the development of various applications and the operating system itself, there are a huge number of ways to configure automatic shutdown of your PC, including built-in Windows capabilities.

In order to configure automatic shutdown of the computer using the console, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Open your console. For example, using the keyboard shortcut Win + X. Next, select the highlighted item.

If you have another one installed Windows version 10, then there instead Windows PowerShell will be written.

  1. Type the following command.
shutdown.exe /s /f /t 7200
  1. Press the Enter key.
  2. The following notification should appear in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Team Shutdown has a large number of parameters that allow you to set the instructions you need when turning off or restarting your computer. For example, the number 7200 means after what time the device needs to be turned off. Measured in seconds. 1 hour is equal to 3600 seconds.

Is it possible to cancel shutdown?

It's easy to schedule your computer or laptop to shut down. But sometimes there are times when it is necessary to cancel this command. For example, if you first decided to set the time to 2 o'clock, and then changed your mind and wanted to set a different time.

When re-entering shutdown.exe /s/f/t 7200(or any other time) the following message will appear.

To cancel the schedule, enter the following command.

Please note that after each entry you must press the Enter key. Immediately after this, the following notification will appear.

Now you can re-specify the shutdown at any time convenient for you.

It should be noted that when you enter the command shutdown it is not necessary to always specify the extension in the console . exe.

In order to familiarize yourself with additional parameters To exit the system, just enter the following statement:


Shortcut to desktop

If you need to constantly turn off your computer after a certain time interval, then it is recommended to automate this process as much as possible. You can start the sleep timer through a shortcut. It's easy to create. All you need to do is follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the desktop. In the appeared context menu select items “Create” – “Shortcut”.
  1. A shortcut will be created on the desktop. You will be prompted to specify additional parameters.
  1. In the highlighted column you need to indicate the following line.
C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe /s /f /t 7200
  1. Proceed to the next step using the button "Further".
  2. In the window that appears, you will be asked to enter a name for the shortcut. The default is the team name. For beauty, you can enter any name convenient for you.
  1. Save settings by pressing the button "Ready".

The code described above can be used in other places. For example, in the Run utility. To launch it, press the Win + R keys simultaneously.

Initially, the input field is empty. But if you have already used this program before, then the old command will be saved there. Write the above code here but without the full path.

shutdown.exe /s /f /t 7200

After this, press the Enter key or the button « OK".

As a result, you will see the following notification in the lower right corner of your screen.

If this message is not present, then you have done something wrong.

Delayed shutdown in Windows Scheduler

You can also set the timer in a special system scheduler. To do this, follow these steps.

  1. Launch the Run utility as described above.
  2. Enter the command there msc and click on the button « OK» .
  1. In the window that appears, you need to select the item “Create a simple task...”.
  1. Next, specify the name of the task and click on the “ Further".
  1. After you click the " Further", you will move to the final stage.

Press Ready. Now your computer will turn off every day at exactly 11 pm.

Please note that you can turn off your laptop in the same way.

Automatically shutdown your computer using third-party applications

How to set a timer to turn off a computer on Windows 10 using other programs? You can download a computer shutdown timer on the Internet. There are a lot of such applications. For example:

  • Wise Auto Shutdown;
  • Airytec Switch Off;
  • Sleep timer;
  • PowerOff;
  • Auto Power OFF;
  • SM Timer;
  • and many others.

You can download any of them for free in Russian. The timer program works on exactly the same principle as the system scheduler in Windows.


As you can see, there are a large number of methods by which you can restart or shut down your desktop computer or laptop. Choose the option that you like best. If you only need to turn off the device once, then it is not necessary to use a scheduler or any gadgets. It is much more convenient to enter a command into the console than to install an entire application.

Video instruction

If you still don’t understand how to set a timer, then it is recommended to watch a video in which everything is demonstrated step by step with additional comments.
