Shutdown - command to shut down or restart the computer. Shutting down the computer according to a schedule Rebooting the computer according to a schedule

Situations often arise when you need to step away from the computer, but it is not possible to turn it off, for example, because a file is being downloaded, some program is running, etc. Some programs, like Nero or Flashget, provide this function. We will mainly look at ways to turn off a computer using Windows capabilities.

Shutting down the computer using the shutdown utility

The program runs via the command line, so let’s open it first - Start – Run – cmd or P usk – All programs – Accessories – Command line. To find out all command keys shutdown, enter it with the parameter /?

shutdown command keys:
-i- display of the graphical interface. When used, this key is placed in front of everyone else.
-l- Sign Out. Incompatible with key –m.
-s- turning off the computer. - canceling the reboot/shutdown.
-m A- applying an operation to a remote computer named A.
-t N- operation execution timer N seconds
-c “T” comment on the operation. When used, a comment will be displayed in the window T. On the command line, be sure to enclose it in double quotes. Must not be longer than 127 characters.
-f- Forced shutdown of applications without prior warning.
-d [u] [p]:xx:yy Reason code. u– user code. p– planned completion. xx– main reason code (1-255). yy– additional reason code (1-65535)

The command can be entered with any of the listed parameters. For example, to automatically turn off the computer after an hour, enter the command shutdown –s –t 3600, where 3600 is the number of seconds that make up one hour.

After entering the command, just press Enter and a window will appear with a completion warning and a countdown timer.

You can cancel the shutdown by re-entering the command shutdown with key –a .
The described method works in Windows XP and 7, but does not work in Vista.
Another option for the same command is to immediately enter the time when the computer should turn off in the format:
at time shutdown –s
In this case, a shutdown task will be added; you can see it in the list of assigned tasks: .

Using a script to shut down your computer

There is a ready-made one that allows you to assign a task to turn off the computer after a specified time. Just download it, unpack it and run it. For convenience, you can save it directly on your desktop to run the script as needed. After starting you need to enter the time in seconds and confirm. The script will appear in the list of processes and after the specified time will execute the command shutdown to turn off the computer.

Assigning a task to shut down the computer

You can manually schedule a task to turn off your computer automatically. Let us immediately note that an administrator password is required and if you log in to the system without a password, you will have to set it in accounts, or do not use the proposed method.

Go to the menu Start – All Programs – Accessories – System Tools – Scheduled Tasks. Add a new task and indicate it as an application in the folder windows/system32 file shutdown.exe. Alternatively, you can select any application, and later enter the full path to shutdown.exe in the task properties. Then we set the task completion time. And we immediately move on to additional settings, where we indicate the key parameter –s to turn off the computer.

The added task will appear in the list and when the specified time arrives, the scheduler will execute the shutdown command.

Using the psshutdown utility to schedule a computer shutdown

The psshutdown utility, offered by Microsoft, has greater capabilities compared to shutdown. It is included in the PsTools set of utilities and, in addition to turning off the computer, allows you to put it into sleep or standby modes, specify the exact shutdown time or time until shutdown, and also provides many other convenient functions. The utility works in Windows versions XP, Vista and 7.

Let's run it and wait for the installation to complete. After this, it will be possible to run the psshutdown command on the command line. Viewing all keys, like its counterpart, is performed with the parameter /? When you first start, you need to confirm your consent to use by clicking the button . Here are the main options for the psshutdown command:
-k- turn off computer
-n- number of seconds before the command is executed (maximum 20 seconds)
-r- to restart a computer
-t- specify the shutdown time in hours:minutes format
-a- abort the shutdown operation

Please note that the key letters for this command differ from those discussed earlier for shutdown. To turn off the computer at a certain time, for example, at two in the morning, enter
psshutdown -k -t 02:00
As a result, a countdown to shutdown will start, displayed in a separate window on top of all windows.

By learning how to use the automatic shutdown feature in Windows 10, you will get rid of the need to turn off your computer yourself, which is convenient in a number of situations.

For example, you set a file to download and went to bed, having previously configured it to turn off until the download process is expected to complete. As a result, the file was downloaded and the computer turned off in time.

Automatic shutdown is configured using standard OS tools. Do the following:

open Start, enter “task scheduler” in the search bar (in Windows 10, enter “Taskschd.msc”)

click “Create task”

enter any process name and check the “Run with highest rights” checkbox if the function is deactivated;

open the “Triggers” section and click the “Create” button

set the duration of the task and specify the start date for its execution. The desired automatic shutdown frequency is also set here.

open the "Actions" tab and click the "Create" button

enter the following command in the “Program” line: “C:Windows\System32\shutdown.exe” in the “Add arguments” field enter “-s” (without quotes). Thanks to this, upon completion Windows operation 10 running applications will close

Open the “Condition” section and check the “Run task when the computer is idle” checkbox. Set the desired time and activate the “Restart when downtime resumes” function;

open the “Settings” section and activate the “If execution fails, restart after” function. Here, specify the time after which the task will restart. Set it to 10 or 30 minutes.

Finally, click OK, and the computer shutdown function will be activated.

Automatically shut down your computer via the command line

The method is suitable for one-time setting Windows to automatically shut down after the desired time. Do the following:

Press the Win+R key combination and enter the command shutdown -s -t 1200. In this case, “1200” is the number of seconds after which the computer will turn off. Replace the value in seconds and click the Enter button.

To cancel automatic shutdown, do the same, replacing the previously mentioned command with the following: shutdown –a.

Software timers to automatically turn off your computer

There are many applications that allow you to configure automatic shutdown of your computer through a graphical interface familiar to the user.

Power Off!

At first glance, the interface seems complex and overloaded. In reality, you just need to “make friends” with him. The utility offers several sections.

Timers. This is where you set options for shutting down, rebooting, or entering standby/sleep mode.

In the “Standard Timer” block, you can configure the computer to turn off at a certain time, or upon completion of the countdown (set by the user), or after specified time OS downtime.

Winamp's dependent timer. The software is tied to the popular media player Winamp. The operation of the utility can be controlled from the player.
For example, you can set the system to turn off after playing a certain number of songs or after finishing playing the last position in a playlist. The function will appeal to those who like to fall asleep to music (see).

CPU dependent timer. The application adapts to the state of the processor. For example, the utility can be configured to shut down the system if the permissible load on the processor (see) is exceeded for a certain period of time.

Internet dependent timer. The function will be useful for users who regularly download large files from the network. The software can be configured to shut down / activate sleep mode after downloading files, etc.

Other functions. The utility has a customizable diary and other useful features.

Time PC

The program can be configured to put the computer into hibernation mode and then wake it up according to a schedule. The built-in scheduler is designed for weekly use. There is a function to launch the application along with Windows (see).

Hibernation can be compared to “lethargic sleep.” Unlike sleep mode, during hibernation the main system processes are completed (even coolers stop making noise) and the computer appears as if it is completely turned off.

System state information is saved before entering Hibernation mode. After waking up, all processes are restored.

Before using the utility, find the power management section in the Control Panel, open the sleep mode settings and enable the use of wake timers. Otherwise, the application will not be able to wake up the system on a schedule.

Sleep Timer 2007

Modest in its functionality, the program will take up minimal space and will not require prior installation. The application can do the following:

turn off/reboot/sleep the computer at the specified time;

forcefully terminate user-selected processes;

gradually reduce the volume;

launch a user program via a shortcut.

OFF Timer

Another representative of the category of elementary programs from the “nothing extra” category. There is only one function: turn off the computer at a time specified by the user.

All running programs will be forcibly closed (see).

Before the system shuts down, the program will issue a corresponding notification. The user will have 10 seconds to cancel the upcoming event.

The program does not require installation.

SM Timer

A miniature utility with two main functions:

1. turning off the computer at a specified time;

2. ending the session after a certain period of time.

The time is set using sliders - the only decoration of the modest minimalist interface.

Now you know how to configure Windows 10 to shut down via the command line, task scheduler and popular third party programs. Choose the option you like, follow the appropriate instructions and everything will work out.

Greetings, blog readers! In this lesson, we will look at the situation of using a computer as an alarm clock, or more precisely, turning on or.

I think every novice user has faced the question of how to turn off the computer on a schedule? After all, there are situations when a computer performs a certain task, for example, downloading information that is important for us from the Internet, or it can be recording data, or some other significant tasks that must be brought to their logical conclusion from the moment they are placed in the execution queue .In this case, the completion of the task can be expected at a fairly late hour, for example, only by 5 o’clock in the morning. Of course, in this case, you can take advantage of additional program functions that allow you to configure the computer to turn off after a successful operation. But what if some programs do not have such functions to turn off the computer after completing a task?

In this case, it is advisable to use a program to automatically shut down the computer, called “Task Scheduler”.

IN operating system Windows 7 task scheduler is present from the moment the system itself is installed. Using the task scheduler, you can manage the power of your computer by specifying a specific command. In order to open the task scheduler, you need to click on the “Start” button and type “Scheduler” in the search bar. To enlarge the pictures, click on the pictures.

After that, left-click on it and as a result the main window of the task scheduler will open. Then we will need to open the “Create a simple task” section.

In the new window that opens, we will need to set necessary settings. First, specify a name, for example, “Turn off the computer.”

In the next item “Description” you can specify the task being performed by the computer, for example, “Switching off the computer at 05-00”.

After that, click “Next” and in the next window indicate the startup type. Here you can pin the task you are creating so that, for example, it is executed daily. I select the startup type “One-time” and in the next paragraph I indicate the time to turn off the computer, namely at 05-00.

After you have set the time to turn off the computer, you will need to click “Next”. In the next step we will need to select a computer shutdown program. Click “Browse” and select Shutdown.exe, located at: local disk C - Windows - System32 - Shutdown.exe.

In the “Argument” line we will need to enter the “-s” command, which is responsible for turning off the computer. At the final stage, click “Next” and then “Finish” and minimize the task scheduler window.

When the time comes when the computer needs to shut down, a notification will appear indicating that the computer will shut down in one minute.

Thus, using the task scheduler, it will be possible to turn off the computer at a time we have previously set.

Let's consider another example when you need to turn on the computer at a given time (set up the alarm clock function for the computer). To do this, we use the same task scheduler. Open the main scheduler window and click “Create task”.

In the new window that opens, on the “General” tab, enter the name of the alarm clock, for example, turning on the computer or. In the “Description” item you can write the computer to turn on, for example at 07-00. In the “Configure for” drop-down tab, I recommend selecting Windows 7 (if you have Windows 7 installed).

Then go to the next tab - this is “Triggers”, and click “Create”. As a result, the “Create a trigger” window will open, in which you will need to set the time for the alarm to turn on; in addition, in the “Options” item you can set the frequency of the alarm clock: daily, weekly, monthly. After you have set all the necessary settings, click “OK”.

Thus, the scheduled task of turning on the computer will appear in the field in the “Triggers” tab. Next, you will need to go to the “Actions” tab and click on the “Create” button. In the window that opens, click on the “Browse” button and select for yourself, for example, your favorite music file that will be played when the alarm clock turns on. Once you have selected the music file, click OK.

In the next tab “Conditions” you will need to check the box “Wake up the computer to complete the task” and then click “OK”.

Thus, we set up an alarm clock for the computer. Finally, you will need to put the computer into hibernation or sleep mode. To do this, click on the “Start” button and click on the additional shutdown menu and select “Sleep” or “Hibernation”. Within 30 seconds, the computer will go into sleep mode and turn on at the time you set. In my example, the player was used Windows Media Player. Oh, by the way, do not forget to adjust the volume of your player, otherwise it may turn out that the computer turns on, but the volume of the player is turned off.

It should be noted that there are quite a lot of programs that include not only the functions of turning the computer on and off, but also contain various reminders, diaries, I would like to introduce you to one of these programs. The program is called . This program is distributed absolutely free and has quite wide functionality in terms of computer power management, you can download it by clicking the link below.

After you download this program, unpack the archive and run the file PowerOff63_RUS.exe, which will open the main program window, which, as you can see, contains various computer power management tabs.

By default, the first tab “Timers” opens, which contains: information, additional features, processor load. In the additional features section of the “Schedule” tab, you can set the time to turn off the computer, select all days or a specific day and set the time accordingly.

The following tabs allow you to customize the diary to your liking, I think everything is clear here. In the “Hot Keys” tab you can assign system control to various commands. Let's say, to set some system control command, you will first need to check the box and then press and, while holding the Ctrl key, additionally click on any Latin letter.

The next tab, “Scheduler,” allows you to set a specific task and display it at a specified point in time. For example, you can tell the program to open text file at a given point in time.

In the next tab “Program Settings”, in order to ensure automatic launch of Poweroff, you need to check the boxes, as shown in the figure. At the same time, at your discretion, you can edit the “Texts” that will be displayed when the computer goes into sleep mode, when you shut down, or reboot. I left the rest of the settings at default.

In general, there is nothing difficult to manage; you just need to work with this program a few times and you will already acquire the necessary skills in managing the system.
That's all for today. I hope that after reading this material, you will know how to enable and! See you in the next lesson!

The Windows operating system is the most widespread in the world and it is probably quite difficult to find a user who has never worked in it. However, many people do not know about this OS tool called Shutdown. The command issued with its help allows you to shut down or restart the computer according to a schedule or remotely. How to use this correctly useful tool, we will tell you in this article.

Windows Command Line

Command line interface in the operating room Windows system implemented using two programs. The first is Cmd.exe, present in all versions of the NT family of operating systems, and the second, which first appeared in Windows 7, is more modern and flexible - PowerShell. The peculiarity of their use is the direct input of text commands, without using a graphical interface.

Modern users, accustomed to working in windowed mode using a mouse, do not pay too much attention to the command line. However, the method may not be very fast, but in some cases it is extremely effective. The toolkit numbers over one and a half hundred useful commands, the capabilities of which can be expanded by using additional keys.

Shutdown command parameters associated with control keys can be viewed by entering in the management console:


The output result will contain a complete list of keys for local and network operation, as well as a list of digital notification codes transmitted by this command to the user of the remote computer.

Shutdown.exe and windowed mode

To call the graphical interface that Shutdown has, the execution command must be entered with the “/i” switch. Oddly enough, the program running from the command line in this case opens a window familiar to the user. It's called "Remote Shutdown Dialogue".

Use this interface It is intended for remote administration of computers belonging to a domain. The selection of machines on the network is carried out at the top of the window. You can then set the type of shutdown and the notification that the remote user will receive. In this case, the choice can be made between planned and unscheduled work related to hardware maintenance or software updates.

Network control keys

Let's go back a little and see what capabilities the Shutdown command gets when using keys. Windows 7 and newer versions can work with it both through the old console and through the PowerShell interface. The syntax of the commands in it has remained virtually unchanged, even expanding through the use of new ones, similar to those used in the Linux command line.

So, the control key is entered with a space behind the main text and separated from it by a slash “/”. Below we provide the keys used for remote control computers and deciphering their actions:

/ m\\"computer name"

Accessing a remote machine. Enter either a domain name or an IP address, without quotes.

The field can contain up to 512 characters and is intended to convey to the remote user a comment about the reasons for shutdown or reboot.

/ f

Forced, without warning, termination of all running applications.

/t xxxxxxxxxx

Delay time in seconds before the command is triggered. Allows you to set a time period ranging from zero seconds to one year. In seconds this is 31536000.

/ d[p|u:]xx:yy

Makes it possible to specify the type of event, choosing from three categories - planned, unplanned, expected. Additional parameters xx and yy contain digital reason codes from the system event directory.

Canceling a command

No person, not even a system administrator, can be one hundred percent immune from errors. And in this case, the question arises: is it possible and how to cancel the Shutdown command sent to the remote machine by mistake or with the wrong key? Microsoft has provided this possibility.

It is possible to cancel any action, including an incorrectly specified one, but only if, when issuing the command, a delay parameter for its execution was specified. Before the selected period of time has expired, the administrator can reissue the command to the remote computer shutdown/a. In this case, any pre-planned action will be canceled.

This method works for both local and remote computers. On a local machine, having received a warning about an impending action, you will have to issue a command in the console to cancel it. Successful execution will be confirmed by a pop-up message in the notification area.

Local control keys

The capabilities of this team are not limited to working only with remote computers. You can also use Shutdown Windows on your local computer. In this case, the command is specified in text mode through the control console. The keys for controlling the local machine and a description of their actions are given below:

/ l

Ending the session of the current system user.

/ s

Shutdown and shutdown.

/ r

Shutdown and then reboot.

/ g

Shutdown, reboot and restart local computer with all previously opened applications.

/ p

Immediate shutdown without warning.

/ h

Switching the local computer to energy-saving mode.

As you can see, the set of commands for a single computer is also quite large and allows you to shutdown, reboot and put it into sleep mode. In this case, simultaneous use of several keys is allowed.

Task Manager

In addition to working with command line, it is possible to create a rule using the task scheduler and the Shutdown function. In this case, the command with the necessary keys is specified in the Windows scheduler interface. This program is located in the “Standard - Utilities” group of the main menu of the operating system. To enter a task, you will need to run it as a system administrator.

Select “Create a simple task” and fill out the fields that will open to us as we complete it. These steps will prompt you to name the new scheduled activity and set its schedule. Having reached the step in which we need to specify the program, we will enter our command in the field and specify the necessary arguments. The syntax for entering keys in this case is slightly different. Instead of a slash, they are preceded by a hyphen.

For example, by specifying the -s and -t arguments we get an analogue of shutdown /s /t. A command executed according to the schedule created in this way will lead to the computer shutting down after 30 seconds, during which we will see a warning window.


Now, if you wish, you can independently create shutdown or maintenance rules for your computer using Shutdown. The team, as you noticed, is very flexible and has a sufficient number of control keys to satisfy the needs of both a simple user and a network administrator.

The idea of ​​setting up a computer so that it automatically turns on at a given time comes to mind for many people. Some people want to use their PC as an alarm clock, others need to start downloading torrents at the most advantageous time according to tariff plan time, others want to schedule installation of updates, virus scans, or other similar tasks. How these desires can be realized will be discussed further.

Methods by which you can configure your computer for automatic switching on, there are several. This can be done using the tools provided in the computer hardware, methods provided in the operating system, or special programs from third party manufacturers. Let's look at these methods in more detail.

Method 1: BIOS and UEFI

Probably everyone who is at least a little familiar with the principles of computer operation has heard about the existence of BIOS (Basic Input-Output System). She is responsible for testing and regular inclusion of all components hardware PC, and then transfers control to the operating system. BIOS contains many different settings, among which is the ability to turn on the computer in automatic mode. Let’s make a reservation right away that this function is not present in all BIOS, but only in more or less modern versions of it.

To schedule your PC to start automatically via BIOS, you need to do the following:

Currently, the BIOS interface is considered obsolete. IN modern computers it was replaced by UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface). Its main purpose is the same as the BIOS, but the possibilities are much wider. It is much easier for the user to work with UEFI thanks to mouse support and Russian language in the interface.

Configuring your computer to turn on automatically using UEFI is as follows:

Configuring automatic startup using BIOS or UEFI is the only way that allows you to perform this operation on a completely turned off computer. In all other cases, we are not talking about turning on, but about waking up the PC from hibernation or sleep mode.

It goes without saying that in order for auto-on to work, the computer's power cord must remain plugged into the outlet or UPS.

Method 2: Task Scheduler

You can also configure your computer to turn on automatically using system settings. Windows tools. A task scheduler is used for this. Let's look at how this is done using Windows 7 as an example.

First, you need to allow the system to automatically turn on/off the computer. To do this, you need to open the section in the control panel "System and safety" and in the section "Power supply" follow the link "Setting sleep mode".

Then in the window that opens, follow the link "Change advanced power settings".

After that find in the list additional parameters "Dream" and there set the permission for wakeup timers to the state "Turn on".

Now you can configure a schedule for automatically turning on your computer. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Open your planner. The easiest way to do this is through the menu "Start", where there is a special field for searching for programs and files.

    Start typing the word “scheduler” in this field so that a link to open the utility appears in the top line.

    To open the scheduler, just left-click on it. It can also be launched via the menu “Start” - “Standard” - “Service”, or through the window “Run” (Win+R) by entering the taskschd.msc command there.
  2. In the scheduler window, go to the section "Task Scheduler Library".

  3. On the right side of the window, select "Create task".

  4. Come up with a name and description for the new task, for example, “Turn on your computer automatically.” In the same window, you can configure the parameters with which the computer will wake up: the user under whom you will log in and the level of his rights.

  5. Go to the tab "Triggers" and click on the button "Create".

  6. Set the frequency and time for the computer to automatically turn on, for example, every day at 7.30 am.

  7. Go to the tab "Actions" and create a new action similar to the previous paragraph. Here you can configure what should happen when the task is completed. Let's make sure that some message is displayed on the screen.

    If desired, you can configure another action, for example, playing an audio file, launching a torrent or another program.
  8. Go to the tab "Conditions" and check the checkbox "Wake up the computer to perform a task". Add other marks if necessary.

    This point is key when creating our task.
  9. Complete the process by pressing the key "OK". If the general settings specified logging in as a specific user, the scheduler will ask you to specify his name and password.

This completes setting up the computer to automatically turn on using the scheduler. Evidence of the correctness of the actions taken will be the appearance of a new task in the scheduler task list.

The result of its execution will be to wake up the computer every day at 7.30 am and display the message “Good morning!” on the screen.

Method 3: Third Party Programs

You can also create a computer operating schedule using programs created by third-party developers. To some extent, they all duplicate the functions of the system task scheduler. Some have significantly reduced functionality in comparison with it, but compensate for this with ease of setup and a more convenient interface. However, there are not many software products that can wake a computer from sleep mode. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

Small free program, in which there is nothing superfluous. After installation, it minimizes to tray. By calling it from there, you can set up a schedule for turning on/off your computer.

Thus, turning on/off the computer will be scheduled regardless of the date.

Auto Power-on & Shut-down

Another program with which you can turn on your computer automatically. The program does not have a Russian-language interface by default, but you can find a localizer for it on the Internet. The program is paid, a 30-day trial version is offered for review.


The interface of this program has functionality typical of all alarm clocks and reminders. The program is paid, trial version provided for 15 days. Its disadvantages include the long absence of updates. In Windows 7 it was possible to run it only in Windows 2000 compatibility mode with administrative rights.

This concludes our consideration of ways to automatically turn on a computer on a schedule. The information provided is sufficient to orient the reader to the possibilities for solving this problem. And which method to choose is up to him to decide.
