How to configure computer shutdown? How to set a timer to turn off your computer? Combination to turn off the computer on Windows 10.

You've probably encountered a situation where you need to step away, but you can't turn off your computer because certain tasks are running. In such a case, you can schedule an automatic shutdown of the computer according to a schedule. Windows 10 has built-in shutdown scheduling mechanisms, although not every user will find them. Here we have collected all the ways you can set a computer shutdown timer.

How to set the Windows 10 sleep timer using the Run command

Click Win+R and enter the command shutdown -s -t 60. The number is responsible for the number of seconds after which the computer will automatically turn off.

In this case, the shutdown will occur after 1 minute. You can set any time you prefer. Just remember that it is indicated in seconds.

How to Schedule Your Computer to Automatically Shut Down Using the Command Line

How to Automatically Shut Down Your Computer Using PowerShell

Other commands for the computer shutdown timer

You definitely noticed that after the main command shutdown There is also an additional argument that indicates to the system the nature of the action being performed. Using these arguments, you can assign additional commands and not only turn off the computer using a timer, but also reboot or put it into sleep mode.

It looks like this: shutdown -s -t 60. Instead of a letter - s you need to substitute one of the following:

  • r- reboot. The team will look like shutdown-r-t 60 . Stands for reboot after 60 seconds.
  • h– hibernation. Shutdown-h-t 60 . If you enter this command, the computer will go into hibernation after 60 seconds. You can set any time, as in the previous command. In both cases -t is responsible for time in seconds, followed by any amount of time you specify.

How to set an automatic shutdown timer using Task Scheduler

  1. Open the built-in operating system Task Manager. To do this, click Win+R and enter the command Taskschd.msc. Alternatively, you can press menu Start and enter into search Task Manager. There are also other launch options, but these two are the fastest.

  2. On the right side of the window, click Create a simple task.

  3. The window for creating a simple task will open. On the tab Create a simple task provide a name and description if you need the latter. Click Further.

  4. On the tab Triggers set value One time.

  5. Click Further and in the next step set the time when the computer will automatically turn off.

  6. Next, you need to tell the system the action it needs to perform. Select on the next window Run the program and press Further.

  7. Near the point Program or script click Review.

  8. An Explorer window will open in the system folder system32. Find the file in it shutdown.exe. It is he who initiates the process of shutting down the computer.

  9. Click OK.
  10. In field Add arguments enter -s. Click OK.

  11. Click Further, review the options you specified and click Ready.

For a single shutdown, this method may be too complex. But unlike a planned shutdown using command line,The task scheduler allows you to make this procedure regular. For example, turn off the computer every day at 22:00. Trigger timing options can help you sort this out and set a schedule that works for you.

Setting the Windows 10 sleep timer from a shortcut

If you need to use sleep timers frequently, you can create shortcuts on your desktop or anywhere else operating system. Opening this shortcut will take over the task of activating the shutdown, reboot, or timed hibernation command.

  1. Right click anywhere and select Create – Shortcut.
  2. In the first step, enter the command shutdown-X-tY. Instead of X indicate the letter s to turn off, r to reboot or h for hibernation. Instead of Y– the time you need in seconds.
  3. Next, name your shortcut and save it.

You can also create a shortcut to cancel shutdown/reboot or hibernation. Everything is done exactly the same, only the command is specified shutdown-a. Once the shortcuts are created, you can move them, rename them, or change the icons as you wish.

How to stop your computer from automatically turning off in Windows 10

If you set a scheduled PC shutdown using the command Execute, Command line or PowerShell, then you can disable everything using a very simple action.

Click Win+R and enter shutdown -a. The system will then notify you that the automatic logout has been cancelled. You can run the same command in Command Prompt or PowerShell.

If a scheduled shutdown is set in the Task Scheduler, then the cancellation process will be slightly different.

There are also a large number of third-party programs that help schedule a shutdown, reboot, or sleep mode in Windows 10. Often, there is no need for such solutions due to the fact that the necessary mechanisms are already built into the system that can regulate the automatic shutdown of the computer. They work quite simply and effectively, which cannot always be said about third-party programs.

Also note that the scheduled shutdown method is not suitable if you want to use it as a parental control. To do this, Windows 10 has separate mechanisms installed that work differently, much more efficiently and reliably.

In addition, pay attention to the settings of the application that occupies your computer for a long time. Often, programs with a long period of task execution have an option to automatically shut down after completion. In this case, you won’t need system methods, not to mention third-party ones, at all.

Many people know how to turn off Windows 10, but still sometimes shutting down raises questions among computer and laptop users, and so we have made a short instruction.

Recently, many users have begun to actively switch to the updated Windows 10. This OS has many innovations and advantages over previous versions. In it, the developers managed to implement new interface, which initially causes some difficulties for some people. For example, those who have been working with “Seven” for a long time do not immediately understand how to turn off their computer under such a system. Let us immediately note that there are several ways to stop working with the “ten”:
  • When using a PC with a locked screen;
  • Through the Start menu;
  • Using the well-known keyboard shortcut ALT + F
The simplest option is considered when the screen is locked. There is a special icon in the lower right corner, clicking on which will immediately stop your PC or laptop.

The most popular way is through “Start”

This method is considered not only very popular, but also the most correct. To use it, you must:
  • Save all changes in working files or other applications;
  • Click “Start”;
  • After this, select the “shutdown” menu item and the button of the same name.
Depending on how powerful the computer is shutting down and how many processes the user is running, shutting down may take some time - up to several minutes.

How to turn off Windows 10 with a keyboard shortcut

Everything is simple here too. But this method is faster. Although there is an opinion that it turns out to be less correct. But OS malfunctions with this method of shutting down the “ten” have not yet been identified. That's why:
  • Again, correctly shut down all programs and save changes to working files;
  • Go to the OS desktop;
  • Simultaneously press ALT + F4;
  • A dialog box will appear in which you select the “shut down” option.

Using the Power Button

This method came to the top of the list of developments for managing laptops. Many users probably remember that such devices can be turned off at the touch of a button. But this action had to be configured in the corresponding section of the Control Panel.

But how to turn off a PC with Windows 10 using a similar method. And everything is very simple here. To do this, go to the “Control Panel” section described above and find where you can change the power button settings. We select “Shut down” and simply rejoice at the opportunity to click on the button and do nothing else!

If you do not make any settings in advance, then the method works, and exactly the same as in all previous versions of the OS. You need to press the large button on the case, the one you use to turn on the PC. And then wait. As a rule, you have to wait about 5-10 seconds. This method works even on old PCs, and even if they freeze while running particularly complex applications, such as or, for example, .

Computer, laptop or tablet - are there any differences?

Please note that on a regular computer and laptop, all actions are identical, only the device format is different. But in the case of a Windows 10 tablet, everything is a little different. There is no reset button, which is familiar to many, and there is no shutdown button either. But everything works in general the same way - you need to press and hold the button for a long time to turn on your device. It will turn off the device even if it is frozen.

Some models have a small hole in the case that cannot be used without a pin or other special narrow device. Try to find it for yourself. This is a reset button, which is specially “hidden” so that you have protection from accidental pressing. In our opinion, it's convenient and actually protects.

If you still have questions about how to turn off your computer on Windows 10, then either re-read our instructions, since we have covered all the methods, or write your comments on this page. We will try to work together to resolve your difficulties.

  • Best programs for Windows 10

The Windows 10 operating system has a feature that allows you to start a timer to shut down your computer after a specified time. Your Windows 10 computer will shut down automatically, without user intervention.

The Windows 10 computer shutdown timer performs a complete system shutdown; it does not put the PC into sleep or hibernation mode. This ability to turn off the computer is often sought after by users for various reasons.

It often happens that the user needs to go away, but work on the PC is not yet completed. At the same time, it is not possible to interrupt the execution of any actions, due to the specifics of the operations being performed.

For example, a large file is downloaded to a computer; this process takes quite a long time, and the user cannot, for some reason, wait until the file download is completed. After a forced shutdown of the PC, the download will have to start again, which is not very productive.

The way out of this predicament is to turn off the computer at a time preset by the user. The personal computer will automatically shut down after a certain amount of time, sufficient to complete the current work.

How to set a computer shutdown timer in Windows 10? The operating system has built-in tools to perform this task. The user can use alternative option: third party applications.

In this article we will look at instructions on how to set a timer to turn off your computer using system tools. Most methods assume that the user will need to set a certain period of time, after which the system will shut down.

There are options where you can set a specific time to turn off your PC. You will also learn how to disable the computer shutdown timer if you no longer need to shut down.

How to set a timer to turn off a Windows computer using the “Run” command - method 1

By performing a certain task, you can set the time to turn off the computer.

  1. Press the “Win” + “R” keys on your keyboard.
  2. In the Run dialog box, enter the command: “shutdown -s -t X” (without quotes). “X” is the time in seconds until the system shuts down.
  3. Click on the "OK" button.

A message will appear on the right side of the screen near the notification area informing the user that the Windows 10 session has ended after a specified period of time.

How to disable computer shutdown in Windows 10 using a command in the Run window

Plans can suddenly change and you no longer need to turn off your computer. In this case, you need to run another command to cancel the automatic shutdown of the PC.

  1. To open the Run window, press the Win + R keys simultaneously.
  2. In the Run window, enter the command: “shutdown -a” (without quotes).

The scheduled automatic shutdown of the operating system will be cancelled.

How to turn off your computer using a Windows 10 timer using a shortcut - method 2

If the previous method causes certain difficulties for the user, you can simplify the task by creating a special shortcut to start a countdown timer until the PC shuts down.

  1. Right-click on the Desktop.
  2. From the context menu, select New and then Shortcut.
  3. In the “Create Shortcut” window, enter the path to the location of the object “C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t X” (without quotes). “X” is the time in seconds before the computer turns off.
  4. Click on the "Next" button.

  1. In the next window, enter a custom name for the shortcut. For the shortcut name, choose something clear, such as “Shutdown PC” or the like.
  2. Click on the "Done" button.

The created shortcut will appear on the computer desktop.

It makes sense to choose an image for the shortcut so that the purpose of the shortcut is visually clear to the user.

  1. Right-click on the shortcut.
  2. In the context menu that opens, select “Properties”.
  3. In the shortcut properties window, open the “Shortcut” tab, and then click on the “Change icon...” button.
  4. In the warning window, click on the “OK” button.
  5. In the “Change Icon” window, select the appropriate icon, and then click on the “OK” button.

  1. In the "Shortcut Properties" window, click the "OK" button.

The shortcut on the Desktop for turning off the system by timer will change its icon.

Now, to start the time countdown, you just need to double-click on the shortcut on the Desktop.

You can change the timer start time as follows:

  1. Right-click on the shortcut, click on “Properties”.
  2. In the “Properties” window, in the “Shortcut” tab, in the “Object” field, change the time in seconds to another time period.

  1. Click on the "OK" button.

How to turn off the computer shutdown timer in the shortcut properties

To disable scheduled shutdown using a special shortcut on the Desktop, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the shortcut and select “Properties” from the context menu.
  2. In the “Properties” window, in the “Shortcut” tab, in the “Object” field, remove after “shutdown.exe” the symbols “-s -t X”, where “X” is the time in seconds before the computer turns off.
  3. Instead, add a space followed by the "-a" argument. The path to the object should look like this: “C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -a” (without quotes).
  4. Click on the "OK" button.
  5. Double-click on the shortcut to cancel automatic shutdown of the operating system.

Shutdown the computer using the command line - method 3

The user can start a timer to shut down the system from the command line.

Launch Command Prompt in Windows 10. With default settings, Command Prompt is hidden in the Start menu. Therefore, read how to open the Command Prompt in Windows 10 in different ways.

In the command prompt window, enter the command, and then press the “Enter” key on your keyboard:

Shutdown -s -t X

“X” is the time in seconds before the PC turns off.

After executing the command, the countdown will begin until Windows 10 shuts down.

If you need to set an exact time to shut down the system, enter this command:

At XX:XX shutdown /s /f

Instead of "XX:XX", enter a suitable exact time, for example "23:30".

Cancel system shutdown via command line

To cancel shutting down your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Command Prompt.
  2. In the command line interpreter window, enter the command and press the Enter key:
shutdown -a

Starting the PC shutdown timer in Windows PowerShell - method 4

In this way, you can automatically shut down the system in Windows PowerShell:

  1. Open a Windows PowerShell window, for example from the Start menu.
  2. Execute the command, press "Enter":
shutdown -s -t X

“X” is the time in seconds before the computer turns off.

How to stop your computer from automatically shutting down in Windows PowerShell

To cancel logging out of your Windows session, in the Windows PowerShell window, type the following command, then press Enter:

Shutdown -a

Turning off the computer using a timer in Windows 10 using a bat file - method 5

Another way is to automatically shut down the PC after a specified time, using an executable batch file with the “.bat” extension. The user needs to create a special "bat" file and then run it to start the countdown timer until the system shuts down. We will create a file using Notepad. Enter one of the following codes into the Notepad window:

Shutdown.exe -s -t X -c "message text" shutdown.exe -s -t X

“X” is the time in seconds before Windows shuts down. Instead of the text: “message text”, you need to enter some text in English, for example, “computer off timer”, which will be displayed on the computer screen.

When using the second command, the display will not display a warning about automatic shutdown systems.

Save the file, select “All files” in the “File type” field, and name the file with the “.bat” extension in the “File name” field, for example, “Shutdown PC.bat” (without quotes).

At the desired time, click on the created file to start the computer shutdown timer.

Automatic shutdown of the system in the Task Scheduler - method 6

Using the Task Scheduler, you can schedule an exact time to automatically shut down the Windows 10 operating system.

  1. You will need to launch the Task Scheduler in one of the following ways.
  2. In the application window, in the “Actions” column, click on the “Create a simple task...” option.

  1. The Create a Simple Task Wizard will launch. In the “Create a simple task” window, in the “Name” field, enter any name for the task, for example, “Shutting down the PC” (without quotes).
  2. In the “Task Trigger” window, activate the “One time” option to run the task once.
  3. In the Once window, select a date and time to automatically turn off your computer.
  4. In the Action window, select the Run a program option.
  5. In the next “Run a program” window, in the “Program or script” field, enter the full path to the file, or select the file using the “Browse...” button:
  1. In the "Add arguments (optional)" box, enter "-s" (without the quotes).

  1. The Summary window displays all the settings for the scheduled task; click the Finish button to run the task.

How to turn off the computer shutdown timer in Task Scheduler

In the Task Scheduler window, in the left column, click on the “Task Scheduler Library” option. In the list of tasks by task name, find the task to turn off the PC at the scheduled time.

Right-click on the task, and then select “Disable” from the context menu that opens.

Conclusions of the article

If the user needs to automatically shut down the computer running Windows system 10 after a certain time, you can use system tools: by entering a command in the “Run” window, creating a special shortcut, executing commands in the command line or in Windows PowerShell, using an executable “.bat” file, create a task to turn off the PC in the Scheduler tasks.

Experienced PC and Internet user

In mid-summer 2015, a well-known transnational company released a new version of the operating system of the same name. Considering the not entirely successful voyage of its predecessor to users’ computers, the developers decided to take into account the G8 fiasco and Windows 10 simply could not be a disappointment. Moreover, everyone had been waiting for her for so long. So the filling new version not without innovations. Moreover, changes were made even to the most basic processes. In particular, this applies to the shutdown process, which can raise a number of questions. This article will help you dispel any doubts and ambiguities in this matter. So, how does a Windows 10 computer shut down?

Tens users are offered several ways to turn off the device correctly and without consequences, so that in the future there will be no problems with applications or the entire system. It is worth noting that if this process is completed incorrectly, the files of applications and processes that operate in the background or normal mode will be damaged.

Using Start

The main menu of the system has been used since the very beginnings of the Windows operating system. Of course, changing this old and good tradition is absolutely pointless.

Before turning off the device, save any files that were open and close active applications.

After that, click on the main menu button and select the “Shut down” option. Then click the button with the same name.

In addition, following the same instructions, you can activate “Sleep Mode” or “Reboot” only by selecting the corresponding button at the last stage, and not the “Shutdown” option.

Some users have configured the main menu to appear in full screen mode. In this case, after clicking the “Start” button, you will see the “Shutdown” icon, and then three options for the subsequent operation, including “Shutdown”.

In general, as you can see, there are no special changes compared to the same process in previous versions. If the shutdown takes several minutes, do not worry that there are any problems in the system. PC parameters are the key authority in this matter and it depends on them how long the shutdown process will take - a few seconds or a few minutes.

Shut down your computer using a keyboard shortcut

This method is no longer so common. It is used by users who are familiar with the computer and usually do not delve into the parameters, but achieve the desired goal with two or three key combinations. To turn off the PC in a more “advanced” way, one combination is enough. To begin, go to the desktop and at this time press the Alt+F4 key combination on your keyboard. After this, a window will appear in which, under the line “What should the computer do?” The “Shutdown” option will be highlighted. Click OK and the process will be completed. In addition to the “Shutdown” item, the list contains options such as “Change user”, “Exit”, “Hibernate” and “Reboot”.

It is also possible to turn off the PC using the Win+X combination. You will see a list of options, among which there will be the line “Shut down or log out” (second from the bottom).

After selecting this option, the system will offer to choose one of the options for subsequent actions. The list of actions is the same as in the described method using “Start”, only in this method There is also a “Log out” option. By the way, about “Start” - you can call the mentioned menu with the line “Shut down or log out” by right-clicking on the system main menu icon.

How to shut down PC via command line?

Type the key combination Win + R to open the “Run” window, in which you need to enter the command shutdown /s, then click OK.

If you are a true lover of working with the command line, then following the same instructions, you can reboot the device. To do this, use the shutdown /r command.

Another method using the command line, although not at all popular, is effective. Type the command slidetoshutdown.exe in the field and press OK or Enter.

After this, a floating image will appear on your monitor. In the center of the screen there will be a message “Swipe to finish”, and below it there will be an arrow pointing down. Using the cursor, drag the arrow down to complete the job. If you change your mind, drag the pointer to the top of the monitor.

Quite a funny way, isn't it? If you want to permanently shut down your device this way, create a shortcut on your desktop for further use of this application.

If you need a password to access the system, then to turn off the device, find the “Shutdown” icon in the lower right corner and click on the “Shut down” option.

Other ways to shut down your PC in Windows 10

In general, in addition to the standard options for turning off the device, there are 2 more methods that will help stop the PC for a short time. The first method is well known from previous versions - this is “Sleep Mode”. “Sleep mode”, as always, can be activated using “Start”, where this option is located next to the “Shut down” function. Moreover, the “ten” allows you to switch to “Sleep Mode” using the power button, which should be pressed once for the device to go into “Sleep Mode”.

Of course, the power button is also intended to turn on/off the device, but it is worth remembering that in no case should you use it frequently to shut down work.

Such processes are a direct path to damage to system files. This method justifies its use only when the system is completely frozen and for 1-2 minutes does not respond to all your attempts to resume work using the mouse or keyboard.

The second method (“Hibernation mode in Windows”) involves cutting off the power supply. It is worth noting that this method is also perfect if not all programs have been turned off or when you are working with a document.

The mode allows you to save all the latest changes and when returning to stationary mode, the user will be able to continue working from where he left off before activating the mode.

That's all the ways to safely and correctly shut down your PC. Follow these instructions and then you will not worry about possible failures and violations in the system. Also, do not abuse the “direct” shutdown using the power button alone. In addition, experts strongly do not recommend turning off the device while installing updates, as this can lead to damage to the operating system.

You can also find out why your Windows 10 computer won’t turn off on our website.

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