Where is the shutdown button in windows 8. How to set the computer to shut down? Old school methods

Windows 8 is a new operating system that has significant differences from previous versions. Because of this, users accustomed to earlier operating systems face some difficulties. One of the frequently asked questions is how to turn off a computer on Windows 8.

The fact is that on the eight, unlike previous versions of operating systems, when you click on the start button (lower left corner) you do not get to a menu where you can run this or that program and turn off the computer. When you click on it you will be taken to a tiled menu. It is worth noting that Windows 8 can be of two versions:

  • Windows
  • Windows 8.1.

In the first case, you don't have a Start button at all. To access the tiled menu, users need to press the Windows key on their keyboard. So, in this article, we will look at all the ways you can turn off a computer with eight.

Ways to turn off a PC with Windows 8

In fact, there are quite a lot of options for shutting down a computer with the specified OS. Moreover, many of them remain from previous versions. These include:

  • Key combination Alt+F4.
  • Key combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
  • Switch off from the tiled menu.
  • Through computer settings.
  • Command to shut down work in the Run service.
  • Disabling from the command line.
  • Assigning shutdown to the power key (if we are talking about laptops).

In addition to simple shutdown, the last two options allow, for example, shutdown after an hour or any other time. So, let's look at all these methods in more detail.

Turning off the computer using keyboard shortcuts

The fastest, simplest and most memorable way to turn off your computer in Windows 8 is the Alt+F4 key combination. By pressing these buttons simultaneously, you can close the currently active application. But if you click them on the desktop, a menu will appear in which you can select reboot, shutdown, sleep mode, and so on.

Also, when you simultaneously press the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys, you will be taken to a hidden menu where you can turn off the PC, restart it, or put it into sleep mode. It is worth noting that all these combinations are valid in all versions of operating systems starting from Windows 95 and up to 8.1.

Turning off the PC using a key combination: Video

Quitting from the tiled menu

As already mentioned, when you press the Windows key, you are taken to the so-called Metro menu. In the upper right corner, slightly to the right of the current user icon, there is a disconnect button. In version 8.1, you can simply click on the Windows icon in the lower left corner, after which you will be taken to a tiled menu.

Also, when you press the Windows and X keys simultaneously, a menu will appear in which there is a “Shut down” item.

In addition, you can turn off your computer in Windows 8 in your computer settings. It's done like this. Move your mouse cursor to the upper right corner (it doesn’t matter in the tiled menu or on the desktop). From the pop-up menu, select Options. After this, a menu will open in which you can turn off the PC. As you can see, everything is extremely simple.

In addition, a desktop computer is configured by default so that when you press the power button while the PC is running, you will shut down. If we are talking about a laptop, then when you press the power button while the device is running, the system will go into hibernation mode. But you can change this by assigning one of the proposed actions to this button, including disabling.

This is done simply. Click on the battery icon in the tray (lower right corner) and select "Advanced power options." In the window that appears, select “Power button actions.” Then all that remains is to assign the desired action to certain buttons.

How to set sleep timer on Windows 8: Video

Shutdown using special commands

Each operating system has a command line in which various commands are executed, including to turn off the PC. Therefore, the next way to turn off your computer in Windows 8 is to enter a command in the “Run” dialog and on the command line. Essentially, in this case, both of these services work the same and use the same commands.

So what is this team? First, let's open . To do this, simultaneously press the following Windows keys + R. In the window that appears, just write shutdown /s /t 0 /f. Here Shutdown is the shutdown, /s /t 0 is the time after which the shutdown will occur (in seconds), and /f is the closing of all active programs and services.

The same phrase can be written on the command line. To open the desired service, press the Win+X key combination and select “ ” in the menu that appears. Then simply enter the command and press “Enter”.

How to turn off a computer on Windows 8 with a timer assignment? Everything is extremely simple. We need to execute the command that is already familiar to us, but instead of zero we write the number of seconds after which the shutdown will occur. This can be absolutely any value. For example, if you need to schedule shutdown in an hour, then write the following command: shutdown /s /t 3600 /f. Here 3600 seconds are equal to one hour.

Of course, it’s not very convenient to write a command every time. Therefore, you can create a shortcut that, when launched, will shut down your PC. To do this, right-click on an empty space on the desktop. Select “Create” and then “Shortcut”. Now in the line where you need to indicate the path to the object’s location, we write the command we know. Moreover, you can create a shortcut with a shutdown delay for any time.

Shutdown using special commands: Video

Turning off the computer in Windows 8 - this issue will come to the fore almost immediately after the first acquaintance with the new operating system. Having evaluated - Metro and Classic, the user (both beginner and experienced, but not in Windows 8) may become confused when trying to proceed to shutdown.

Previously, everything was simple and clear: just as you started working from the Start menu, you finished it through the Start menu. There were, of course, nuances in , similarly in . But it’s clear that it’s not for nothing that they say that “sometimes you have to lose something, or almost lose it, to truly appreciate what you’ve lost.”

Because what kind of nuances can we talk about when the Metro tiles on the Start screen don’t even have a hint of a shutdown tile in Windows 8? Alas, the state of the teapot, the researcher, goes away as soon as you master small computer tricks, including those that will be discussed further.

How to find the panel to turn off the computer in Windows 8?

This special panel is located on the right side of the screen. To call it, you need to move the mouse pointer to the lower right corner of the screen (number 1 in Fig. 1) until the desired panel appears to complete the work (number 2 in Fig. 1):

Rice. 1 Options panel (transparent version) in the Windows 8 Metro interface

When using touch controls, we use sliding from the right side of the screen, similar to how we flip through a book from the lower right side with our finger in search of the necessary information. In this way, we will slide across the screen until the “cherished” panel with the Exit button appears, such as in Figure 1.

Sometimes novice users write to me that they panic if, when reading an article, the picture on their screen does not match the one I give in my articles. Therefore, Figure 2 below is for the classic Windows 8 interface:

Rice. 2 Settings panel (transparent version) for the classic Windows 8 interface

The pictures in Figures 1 and 2 are different because they reflect different Windows 8 interfaces: Metro and Classic. But the panel with the “Shutdown” button of the computer is called exactly the same in these interfaces:

  • click the mouse in the lower right corner of the screen,
  • or scroll through the lower right part of the screen with your finger.

Another small nuance inherent in the two interfaces of Windows 8. The shutdown panel can change its appearance depending on our actions. More precisely, at the moment of its appearance it is transparent, as can be seen in Figures 1 and 2.

When you hover your mouse over any of the buttons, the panel changes from transparent to dark (compare Figures 1 and 3).

In Fig. 3 shows a screenshot for the Metro interface. For the classic interface, the panel with the computer “Shutdown” button will also be darkened.

Rice. 3 Options button in the Windows 8 Metro interface

We found the panel, but where is the “Shutdown” button for the computer?

On the panel, click the “Parameters” button (circled in a yellow rectangle in Fig. 3). After this, the next “Options” panel will open (Fig. 4), on which it is easy to find the “Shutdown” button (circled in a yellow rectangle in the lower right corner in Fig. 4).

Rice. 4 Settings panel with Shut down button in Windows 8

For the classic interface, proceed exactly as described above for Metro (Fig. 3 and 4).

Three options for shutting down your computer in Windows 8

Press the “Shutdown” button (in Fig. 4 in the lower right corner). There are three options for shutting down the computer in Windows 8 (Fig. 5):

  • Sleep mode
  • Shutdown

Rice. 5 Shutdown button with an open menu of three modes

Let's take a closer look at each of the three computer shutdown modes.

Sleep mode

Convenient mode. Allows you to turn off the computer's power, but in such a way that its current state will be restored the next time it is turned on. This means that the same programs will open, and you can continue working “from the point” where you stopped before turning off the computer.

In Windows 8 sleep mode, the state of the computer will, figuratively speaking, temporarily freeze and little power will be used. But still, power will be consumed, so you cannot leave the computer in this mode for a very long time, for example, for several days. The computer turns on faster after waking up from sleep mode (almost instantly), and immediately with programs and data open at the time of shutdown, there is no need to reload them.


If the computer turns off for a long time, then you should select “Shutdown”. This will stop all running applications and all programs. The Windows 8 operating system will completely shut down. The power will turn off. The battery life will not be consumed after the computer is turned off. But there are two important nuances.

The first nuance when “Shutting down”

A good rule of thumb when shutting down work is to close all running programs yourself. In this case, special attention should be paid to saving your data so that later this data can be found without problems. Otherwise, you may lose, for example, the text you have typed.

The second nuance when “Shutting down”

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How many ways to turn off a PC do you know? The Start button disappeared in Windows 8, and suddenly it became clear that for a number of users this became a huge problem on the way to shutting down the system. Today I will show you simple alternative methods that are just as good.

To be honest, it came as a huge surprise to me that readers my blogs complain about the inconvenience associated with turning off Windows 8. I’m even a little embarrassed to write about such simple and far from new things, because many of the options described below work even in Windows XP, not to mention newer OSes.

I think that you will not be able to name all these methods right away, but when you see them, you will certainly say: “I know all this!” Shall we check?

List of methods

1. Don't turn off your computer

It's 201x and you still turn off your computer? What don't you like about sleep and hibernation modes that allow you to get started working in Windows faster?

This is how my laptop is configured, but nothing prevents me from setting up a workstation the same way.

2. Use the power button or laptop lid

I do not rule out that you may have your own reasons for completely shutting down the system. But for this it is not at all necessary to use software.

Pressing the power button on your PC or closing the laptop lid shuts down Windows just as correctly as a system command.

You can customize what you do in Power Options, and you have a wide range of choices.

As you can see, my power button turns the laptop on and off, and closing the lid sends it into hibernation.

However, I am sure that there will be readers who will not want to crawl under the table to turn off their workstation. There are many more options for them ;)

3. Get to know the Win + I panel

This is a new Windows 8 keyboard shortcut for quick access to PC settings, including shutdown options.

On your tablet, swipe from the right screen to the center, and in the Charms bar, tap Options. Charms can also be accessed by hovering your mouse over the right corners of the screen.

4. Don’t forget about Ctrl + Alt + Delete

This keyboard shortcut traditionally opens the Windows Security Settings screen, as Task Manager was historically designed for Ctrl+Shift+Esc (a warning shot).

This screen has a button to turn off the computer.

By the way, this can also be done on a tablet, despite the lack of a keyboard. For me, this screen causes me to press the power and Windows buttons at the same time. It is unlikely that it will be different for you, but in any case, the box will open the user manual for your device.

5. Use your lock screen

You can get to the lock screen by pressing the key combination Win + L, or your avatar on the Windows 8 start screen. In it, you then need to pull the screen up, or press the Shift or Enter key on the keyboard.

6. Alt + F4 has not been canceled

Just press the Win + D key combination first, otherwise you will close the current application.

8. Schedule a shutdown

If you live by a strict daily schedule, you can set your computer to turn off at a certain time every day. One command with full rights is enough:

Schtasks.exe /Create /RL Highest /TN Shutdown /SC Daily /ST 23:57 /TR "%WINDIR%\system32\shutdown.exe /s /t 180 /c \"To cancel the shutdown, run shutdown / at the command line a\""

Job named Shutdown will be executed every day (/SC parameter) at 23:57 (/ST parameter), turning off the computer 3 minutes after startup (/t 180).

If you have a battery-powered mobile PC, open the task scheduler and in the task properties, on the Conditions tab, uncheck the “Run only when on mains power” checkbox.

Poll and discussion

At the same time Tell us what methods of turning off your PC you didn’t know about! By the way, maybe you know some other options for completing the job? Share them in the comments!

Finally, if you're still unhappy that Windows 8 doesn't have a Start button to turn off your computer, Explain in the comments why you are not satisfied with any of these methods, or why you find it difficult to explain any of them to people around you.

Let's take a look at how blog readers manage power for their computers. It is clear that you can have more than one of them, so the main one is implied.

With the release of the operating system, many familiar actions for managing the operating system need to be performed in a new way. For example, users often do not know how to shut down their computer in Windows 8. In this article, we will talk about how to shut down and restart your computer in Windows 8, as well as how to speed up and simplify this process.

In order to restart or shut down your computer in Windows 8, you need to perform a number of steps.

  • Move your mouse to the lower right corner of the screen and wait until a side menu with icons appears.
  • Here, select Settings. Next you need to click on the Power icon.
  • After this, a small menu will pop up with two items: Shut down and Reset.

To simplify the process of turning off your computer, you can use a special shortcut. To do this, in the normal interface mode, right-click on the desktop and select “Create shortcut”. Enter the command shutdown.exe -s -t 00, click Next and enter a name for the shortcut.

That's it, the shortcut to turn off the computer in Windows 8 has been created and is ready to use. In order to make it more visual, you can change its icon. To do this, right-click on it and select Properties. In the window that opens, click on the “Change Icon” button and select the appropriate one.

You can also launch this shortcut not only from the regular interface, but also from the Start menu (tiled interface). To do this, right-click and select Pin to Start. After that, this shortcut will be pinned to the Start menu.

It's the 21st century and now few people turn off the computer before going to bed. After all, it’s easier to put your PC into sleep or hibernation mode and continue working in the same place in the morning. But sometimes you still need to turn off your workstation completely. And there are probably those who are already accustomed to turning off “big brother” every day and do not want to change their habits. It would seem that what could be difficult about turning off the power? That's right, nothing. 8-10 years ago, you wouldn’t even bother reading this material, snorting contemptuously and complaining that I’m trying to teach you how to click the “Shutdown” button. But there are some difficult guys at Microsoft, and time does not stand still, the Windows 8.1 system can be turned off in a dozen different ways, and maybe I forgot about some others, write in the comments if you come up with something else. Well, let's go?

Method 1. Standard
In Windows 8, the easiest (and to be more precise, the most obvious) way to turn off your computer is to open the “Wonder Bar” on the right, click on the “Shutdown” icon and select “Shut Down”. This panel opens, by the way, using the Win+I hotkey. Simple, reliable, but boring.

Method 2. Unusual
Rarely useful, but sometimes you still need to turn off your computer from the lock screen. As a rule, this happens if you turned on the computer, but realized that you won’t need it now. In general, the method is not very different from the previous one, except that you don’t need to open any panel, the button is already there. By the way, you can get to this screen by pressing Win+L from Windows.

In addition, the button is available on the Windows Security Settings screen by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del.

Method 3: Using the additional Start menu
Few people know that in the latest editions of Windows, the auxiliary “Start” menu has returned, which opens when you right-click on the “Start” button. Or you can use the Win+X hotkey, it does the same thing. And here there is already the usual “Shut down or log out” item. Further, I think it is clear.

Method 4. Classic
Have you forgotten why you need the Alt+F4 combination? That's right, they used to turn off the PC with its help. So, what’s stopping you from doing this now? That's right, nothing. Just don’t forget to minimize or close all windows first, otherwise the same hotkey in Windows will close programs.

Method 5. Using CMD
If you are not new to Windows, then you probably know what the Command Line is. You can also shut down your PC from it. The command is very simple:

Enter, press Enter and the computer turns off. If you don’t know how to open the command line, just press Win+R.

Method 6: Using a shortcut
Do you know how to create shortcuts? So, there you can specify the command that is written below, and when you double-click on this shortcut, the computer will turn off. You can place the shortcut anywhere: on your desktop, on the taskbar, or on the Windows 8 start screen.

Shutdown /s /t 0

As you can see, the command is very simple. You can choose the time before switching off in seconds and write in the line instead of the number 0 any value you need. You can even configure the shortcut parameters in the shortcut properties and the computer will turn off when you press the hotkey you choose.

Method 7. On schedule
It is not difficult to set up a scheduled shutdown in Windows. If you have a strict regime and you are sure that the computer should turn off at a certain time every day, just run the command below in the command line (Win + R, remember?) and you will be happy.

Schtasks.exe /Create /RL Highest /TN Shutdown /SC Daily /ST 23:57 /TR "%WINDIR%\system32\shutdown.exe /s /t 180 /c \"To cancel the shutdown, run shutdown / at the command line a\""
Let's figure out what this line says. So, we set the task through the built-in scheduler (Schtasks.exe) with the highest priority (Highest). The task to shut down the computer (Shutdown) will be executed daily (Daily), there will be 180 seconds (3 minutes) left before the computer turns off. We also display a message that will tell you what to do to stop your PC from shutting down. But you can just remember this command:

That's all, as you can see, nothing complicated.

Method 8. Hardware
There are rumors that turning off the computer using a button is bad and should not be done. In fact, this is all a lie. Pressing the power button initiates the exact same shutdown procedure as if you were shutting down using any of the methods above. The same thing happens with certain settings when closing the laptop lid. In principle, even if you hold the power button for a long time and thereby force a forced shutdown, nothing terrible will most likely happen, because Modern computer components are protected from sudden power outages, but a few years ago this could have been a problem.

P.S.: there is another option for Windows 8 tablets. Can be turned off using a hardware button or the Swipe to Shut down feature. I won’t describe how these methods work, it’s too trivial.

Perhaps you know some other shutdown options? I personally actively use methods 3,6 and 8 now, and you?
