Online bookmark storage service. Review of Runet social bookmarking services

Bookmarks in the Yandex browser, like any other, are a user-saved link to an article, which includes:

  • Internet page address;
  • Page title;
  • A small site icon (favicon).

For convenience, bookmarks are accessed from the browser interface. The browser itself stores all user information on the computer () in a special profile folder. Bookmarks themselves are stored in the file " Bookmarks».

All browsers (including Chrome, FifeFox and Opera) use the following system - bookmarks are directly accessed from the browser interface, and the file " Bookmarks" is used to transfer them to another browser or in cases of reinstallation.

Viewing bookmarks in the browser interface

View bookmarks in Yandex Browser, most conveniently through the browser interface. There you can also: open, change, display on the panel and even export in html format for later transfer to another PC.

1. Open your browser and go to the menu.

2. Find the item “Bookmarks” - “Bookmark Manager”. Or use hotkeys - by default “Ctrl + Shift + O”.

3. You are taken to a page with a list of all previously saved pages.

In addition to the functions mentioned above, you can conveniently sort them into folders or organize them by headings.

Where Yandex Browser stores bookmarks. Bookmarks File

The bookmarks file can be accessed in two ways: through a program shortcut or directly through Explorer. First, let's look at a quick way to find them - using a shortcut.

All actions are performed on the basis of OS Windows 10. There is no fundamental difference from younger versions.

1. Right-click on the Yandex Browser shortcut on your desktop. From the context menu, select the file location.

2. You are in the directory with the browser executable file. Go back a step to the “YandexBrowser” folder and go to “User Data”.

3. In the “Default” folder, find a document called “Bookmarks” - these are your saved bookmarks.

You can copy it or simply transfer it to another medium. In the second case, it will be re-created, but will be empty.

If there are no specified documents, open the Explorer window, select the “View” tab and check the “Hidden Items” checkbox.

And then just paste the path to the required folder - “ C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default", where "C" is the drive letter on which the OS is installed, and "Username" is the nickname specified when logging into Windows.

I have indicated all the possible ways to find bookmarks in Yandex Browser. I also recommend that you read the article about how or vice versa in Yandex.

One of the most important tools in any browser is bookmarks. It is thanks to them that you have the opportunity to save the required web pages and instantly access them. Today we will talk about where bookmarks are stored in the Google Chrome Internet browser.

Almost every user of the Google Chrome browser creates bookmarks while working, which will allow you to open the saved web page again at any time. If you need to know the location of your bookmarks to transfer them to another browser, we recommend that you export them to your computer as an HTML file.

Where are Google Chrome bookmarks located?

So, in the Google Chrome browser itself, all bookmarks can be viewed as follows: click on the browser menu button in the upper right corner and in the list that appears, go to “Bookmarks” – “Bookmarks Manager” .

The bookmark management window will be displayed on the screen, in the left area of ​​which folders with bookmarks are located, and in the right area, accordingly, the contents of the selected folder.

If you need to find out where the bookmarks of the Google Chrome Internet browser are stored on your computer, then you will need to open Windows Explorer and paste the following type of link into the address bar:

C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

Where "Username" must be replaced according to your username on the computer.

Here you will find the file "Bookmarks" , which has no extension. You can open this file, like any file without an extension, using a standard program "Notebook" . Just right-click on the file and select the item "To open with" . After that, you just have to select Notepad from the list of proposed programs.

We hope this article was useful to you, and now you know where you can find bookmarks in the Google Chrome Internet browser.

Where should we store our bookmarks so as not to lose them and have free access to them from any device?

I’ll tell you a little about sites where it’s convenient, in my opinion, to store bookmarks and have free access to them!

Services for storing bookmarks are convenient not only because they make it possible to save addresses of interesting sites, but also because they allow you to see which sites other users have saved. This review contains the most interesting Russian-language resources for working with bookmarks...

Not a bad site "your bookmarks are simple and useful" You can go to it simply by clicking on the site banner!

By registering on the site, you can simply search by topic from other users, interesting sites...

Site "Picoos" go to the site, just click on the site banner.

Picoos- storage of your links.
You can store your bookmarks on the site or add temporary links.
Separation by catalogs will help you quickly navigate through them.

What I liked about it is that they let you try to work in it, without registration...

A very simple and, in my opinion, convenient site "Bookmarked" Just click on the banner to go to the site...

Well, the last one, what I use.. I’ll explain why... It’s not just important for me to store bookmarks, but also to have access to them, wherever I am... It’s also important to me that what’s on my PC had buttons to quickly go to my bookmarks...

I looked through a lot of sites, and settled on the site to go, just click on the site banner

But there is one thing that is not big BUT The site is paid... only a hundred rubles.... But I personally, I’m calm about my bookmarks!

Perhaps, when we started talking about rubles, some people immediately began to feel bad. Friends! For that kind of money, you won’t be able to buy yourself an eternal link anywhere with such high rates as in MyMesto.

So, why Let's look:

In addition to these indicators, you will also receive additional traffic. More on this a little later, but first let’s find out what else you can get from this service.

MyPlace is:

  • Internet bookmarking service;
  • storing files on the Internet;
  • interesting links.

How to get an eternal link to

1. First of all (as always), you need to go through a simple registration.

2. Enter: Login, E-Mail and password.

3. Then we are transferred to payment (ROBOKASSA system). You need to pay 100 rubles. in any way available to you.

4. After payment, we are redirected to the main page. We go through authorization and go to your personal account.

5. Now you need to go to your profile settings and fill it out 100%. (add a picture, enter the site address in the site (blog) field, etc.).

6. The profile is complete, you can start adding bookmarks (notes). Therefore, click “+Add” ⇒ “bookmark”.

7. We have several fields that need to be filled out. In the “Link (URL)” field you need to indicate the address of the link to your website or blog. We can write anything in the name (you can use the name of the site). The “Description” field is optional. Click “Add”.

This is the panel I have in my browser that helps me work on the Internet, everything is at hand....

If my list of how to store online bookmarks still doesn’t suit you, I’ll insert it into the blog...advanced services for your choice, then what suits you... Read, try, choose!

And let interesting and necessary sites and blogs always be securely stored!

Services for storing bookmarks

    Stickr is a unique service that allows you to take a fresh look at the main tasks of the Internet - communication with a large number of people and access to a huge amount of information. Stickr helps solve these problems.

Tabsbook is a free cloud service for storing bookmarks. All data is stored linked to email and with a password.

Users who use several favorite sites whose addresses they remember by heart may not need the Tabsbook service. But other users who actively use the Internet, email, social networks and other useful services have a question about where to store bookmarks and quickly access them.

Another advantage of bookmarking services is that you don’t have to worry about losing information after reinstalling the operating system or browser. The user can also access their pages through a friend’s computer or in any convenient place.

In one window with visual bookmarks there is a search bar, with the ability to use several of the most famous search engines.

Key features of Tabsbook:

  • quick access to the pages you need
  • the ability to combine pages on the express panel into groups
  • access from any device and browser
  • cloud data storage
  • easy movement of pages relative to each other and from folder to folder

So, to get started and add your bookmarks, register on the Tabsbook website. To do this, go to it using this link.

The service interface is informative and easy to use. You can add pages to Tabsbook either using a tab in the window or through a browser extension button.

In the add dialog, the user must specify the location to save the page.

To add to the express panel, check the corresponding tab and the selected collection where the page will be saved.

If you have a collection of saved bookmarks in your browser, you can import them into Tabsbook. You can also export all data from Tabsbook for uploading to other services or for backup.

The service allows you to customize the appearance: change the background, the width of the work area, and the transparency of individual elements.

What are social bookmarking services and why are they needed? Social bookmarking services were originally created for users who prefer to use the Internet to store personal data. Each browser has a “Bookmarks” or “Favorites” menu item, and they are needed so that the interesting information found can be accessed at any time, rather than rummaging through the history of visited pages. It’s very convenient, however, there is one drawback - if the operating system fails, the bookmarks collected by users for several years will cry.

For many, bookmarks are an almost invaluable resource, a collection of working tools. In addition, not everyone has a laptop, and being away from their own computer, the user remains cut off from their own information, although some get out of the situation by saving their personal data to external media, or synchronizing their data with mobile devices.

To get out of this situation, social bookmarking services were created that allow you to save found information in a matter of seconds, share what you find with other users and access your profile from anywhere in the world. In addition, many webmasters use social bookmarking services to attract additional users to their resources.

There is another option for using social bookmarking services - if you are too lazy to constantly synchronize your favorite pages in your browser at home, at work, on your laptop - create an account in one of the projects described below and save time on data synchronization.

The idea of ​​social bookmarking services fully complies with web 2.0 standards - most of the projects mentioned below are full-fledged social networks, with the ability to rate and comment on information provided by other users. Naturally, if you do not want to put any bookmark on public display, you can close it for the system and leave it only for personal use.

Many people have been using the opportunities provided by various social bookmarking services for a long time. An even larger number of people have never heard of them, or simply do not see any need for using such services.

In this article, we'll look at nine of the most popular social bookmarking services and help you understand the tools offered by various services. In addition to the description, each service will receive an assessment on three parameters: functionality, design and usability, and the popularity of the project among Internet users.

This service is, without a doubt, the leader among similar projects. The author is Maxim Spiridonov - he also came up with the appearance and the very concept of another popular social bookmarking service: Both projects appeared on the RuNet with a gap of about two months (the first was Beaver), but quickly overtook its competitors, including Beaver. From the very beginning of its existence, was positioned as “the most beautiful social bookmarks.”

After it went on air, attracted users with various interesting promotions, including paid ones. For example, in May 2007, the “Invite Friends to Memori” campaign was launched, where the most active users who brought their friends and acquaintances to the resource were promised to pay small bonuses. The 10 most active “recruiters” were promised $100, the second ten – $50, and the last 10 users – $25.

The vast majority of users find this service extremely convenient. This applies to both the interface and some technical aspects. Let's start with the fact that there is very little advertising on, which is so boring to most users. Those who came to the main page for the first time and don’t know what to do next can watch a flash video that explains in detail what, where and how.

Excellent organization of saving found information: not just the link is saved, but also all the information found by the service on the page you specified. That is, even if the site you are interested in is closed or unavailable for any reason, the information can still be used.

The positive point, one of many, is that local links from your browser can be imported into the service.
Another advantage for this service is the presence of toolbars for various Internet browsers, including the beloved FireFox.

The service has relatively few shortcomings; for the most part, these are some imperfections in old tools in the pursuit of innovations. Many users complain that old “bugs” remain unfixed for a long time, although the project is actively developing and often adding new features. In addition, the popularity of the service also has a downside - the server sometimes simply cannot cope with the huge number of visitors, and then the “bookmarker” simply does not work.

In a relatively short time of its existence, this service has become very recognizable among Runet users. In fact, this social network has become a popular brand. The advantages of “Place” are its intuitive operating interface, simple design, and most importantly, the ability to store up to 500 megabytes of personal data. The project is developing very quickly, and new features are added almost every month. Now the project represents not just a “social bookmarking service”, but a full-fledged user’s workplace on the network.

In addition, the site loads and works very quickly even with a poor Internet connection. This is a big plus that has already been appreciated by thousands of users. There is also an import function, through which you can import your local links or bookmarks saved on some other similar service.

The disadvantages include a slightly unfinished rubric and structure, which the creators of the project promised to correct in the foreseeable future, the results of this work are already visible. For a long time, one of the disadvantages of the service was the lack of an RSS news feed. Now the tape is already there, and it works great.

The original social bookmarking service, called by the creators, will certainly delight you from the very first page with its positive design. It works similarly to similar services. There is a tool that allows you to import your local bookmarks. You can also import bookmarks from another service - the same way it works in the two projects described above. In principle, almost all similar services have the ability to import their local bookmarks - and in the future we will specifically mention those that do not have such a tool, but we will no longer highlight the ability to import information into services.

Users can join communities, so this is no longer just a social bookmarking service, but, in fact, a “social network,” that is, a social network. Groups within the service can be of two types: open and closed. Access to personal information can also be limited: either closed altogether, or opened to a limited circle of people, or made available to all users without exception. The web page saved on the service is a complete copy of the original, so if the resource you are interested in is unavailable for some reason, you can always access the information stored on Bobrdob.

In May of this year, the creators of the project opened the API for third-party developers, which added to the popularity of the service, as it became possible to create external applications and browser add-ons, as well as integrate Bobrdob with blogs and other services.
In general, a pleasant, fully working instrument, with almost no flaws. Among a few annoying little things, users include a large amount of spam, which, apparently, no one is monitoring.

Russian-language version of the popular international social bookmarking service. The total number of users visiting this project is about 4 million people per month.

The positive side of the service is its functionality - in fact, it is a full-fledged social network, whose users can exchange any information - both bookmarks and articles, quotes.

The project often pleases with original promotions - for example, right now there is a “spring cleaning” campaign. Its goal is to remove all spam, to “clean up the project” with the help of the users themselves.

The disadvantages of the service include some difficulty in navigation and the same spam - a lot of it was caused by Mr. Wong. I am glad that the authors of the project have begun to actively combat this problem.

This service is very similar in functionality to the projects described above, but its creators do not claim primacy. The authors emphasize that their service was created in order to highlight the relevance of the information provided on popular blogs and portals. Webmasters can use this system to popularize their own resources, and this is very easy to do thanks to an intuitive system for registering and posting personal information.

Naturally, you can import bookmarks from other services, just like your browser bookmarks.
No particular shortcomings were noticed, except for some problems when registering a new user. Perhaps this is a special case.

High-quality service, which, however, is practically no different from all the others. You can limit access to personal information, or even save your data only for yourself, not allowing anyone to view it. If necessary, bookmarks can be made available to friends and acquaintances.

According to the creators, the project is “a free web service, the main purpose of which is to save information about links, files, notes and other data necessary for users while traveling on the World Wide Web.”

The advantages include a fairly high-quality internal search engine for keywords.
Disadvantages: difficulties in the registration system, low profile occupancy.

High-quality service, the main advantage of which is its ascetic design, which allows you to quickly find the necessary tool. However, this is only relevant for users who already have some experience with the system. If you are visiting the site for the first time, you will have to spend a few minutes reading a large amount of text information, which at the same time represents links to the main working tools of the project.

Disadvantages include spelling errors in the interface, which do not detract from the dignity of the site, but it is still unpleasant to see errors on a professional resource. Already on the page that requires user registration, we see the following: “You must log in to view this page.”

By the way, social articles have another interesting aspect that webmasters can use to promote their own resources. How? Yes, it’s very simple - by placing bookmarks on their own projects, a webmaster can achieve a significant increase in search results.

Currently, the topic of social bookmarking is becoming especially relevant - both for ordinary Internet users who want to have at their disposal a universal tool for working with information found on the Web, and for webmasters who want to get additional visitors to their resource. According to rumors, the greatest traffic is brought by the services that rank first and second in our review:,

In principle, most of the listed services differ in nothing special from each other; you can work with all of them. By the way, new social bookmarking services began to appear almost every month - among them there are a large number of “one-day” ones, but there are also quite worthy resources that deserve the right to exist. New services try to take into account the mistakes and shortcomings made by their predecessors.

Maybe the perfect project will appear soon? Who knows. In the meantime, we recommend that you try out all the services we described in order to create your own list of priority projects and use them with maximum comfort and efficiency.
