The role of information activity in modern society: economic, social, cultural, educational spheres. Introduction

Lecture No. 1

Introduction. Role information activities in modern society: economic, social, cultural, educational spheres.

    The role of information activity in modern society

    Information transmission channels

Lecture progress:

1. The role of information activities in modern society

The colossal information potential accumulated to date and the emergence of new information and communication technologies changed the socio-economic character of modern society.

If until the middle of the twentieth century society had a pronounced industrial character, then scientists characterize its current state as post-industrial, considering it as a transition to information society u.

The transition from an industrial society to an information society is characterized by the redistribution of labor resources into the service sector and the information sphere:

Services sector- part of the economy that includes all types of commercial and non-commercial services; provided by enterprises, organizations, as well as individuals.

In economically developed countries, the service sector constitutes the main part of the economy in terms of the number of employees (more than 60%).

The scope of services includes the following services: financial, information, housing and communal services, household, rental services, tourism, legal, hotel security, translation services, trade, transport services.

Information sphere is a set of information, information infrastructure, entities involved in the collection, formation, dissemination and use of information, as well as systems for regulating the social relations that arise in this case.

Examples of the use of computers in various fields: automated control systems, robots, communications, CAD, construction, banks, science, trade, education (database, distance learning), medicine, law enforcement, agriculture, army, art, social sphere, everyday life.

Thus, society has information resources. Sectors of employment in the USA in 1983 service sector 30% industry 20% agricultural 5% information services 45%

The information resources include :

Libraries (more than 150 thousand in Russia, electronic catalogs are being created, books are being digitized);

Centers for scientific and technical information (registration of new inventions and discoveries),

Archives (translation into electronic form is in progress),

Industry resources (computer centers of enterprises, information processing and management organizations),

Social resources (health care, education, pension fund, insurance system, tourism, etc.).

For the development of human society, material, instrumental, energy and other resources are needed, includinginformational . The present time is characterized by an unprecedented increase in the volume of information flows. This applies to almost any area of ​​human activity. The greatest growth in the volume of information is observed in industry, trade, finance, banking and education.

Currently, it is impossible to imagine the dissemination of information in the information sector of the economy without the use of new information technologies(NIT). The use of modern IT provides almost instantaneous connection to any electronic information arrays coming from international, regional and national information systems and their use in the interests of successful business.

Thanks to the rapid development of scientific and technical information, not only is there now open access to the global flow of political, financial, scientific and technical information, but also the possibility of building a global business in Internet networks.

The growing popularity of the Internet is due to the fact that using this technology it is possible to implement almost all business processes in in electronic format: buy and sell goods and services, invest money, receive information, enter into agreements, etc. The current moment in the development of the Internet is associated with the avalanche-like development of e-commerce.

    Information transmission channels.

A person constantly has to participate in the process of transmitting information. Transfer can occur during direct conversation between people, through correspondence, using technical means communications: telephone, radio, television, etc. Such means of communication are calledinformation transmission channels . Information channels are divided into two types: biological and technical.

Biological information channels - These are human sensory organs. There are five of them:vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch . According to the way a person perceives information, it can be visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, muscular and vestibular.

Technical information channels - telephone, radio, television, computer, etc.

The process of information transfer is always two-way: there is a source and there is a receiver of information.Source transmits (sends) information, andreceiver receives (perceives) it. Each person constantly moves from the role of a source to the role of a receiver of information.

A person has to process information almost continuously.

Information perceived by a person in speech or written form is called symbolic (or sign) information.

Human speech and writing are closely related to the concept of language.

Language is a sign system for representing information and exchanging information. Smells, taste and tactile sensations cannot be reduced to any signs and cannot be conveyed using signs. Of course, they carry information, since we remember them and recognize them. This information is calledfigurative information . Figurative information also includes information perceived through vision and hearing, but not reduced to languages ​​(the sound of the wind, birdsong, pictures of nature, painting).

Although information is associated with a material medium, and its transmission involves energy costs, the same information can be stored on various material media (on paper, in the form of a photograph, on magnetic tape) and transmitted with different energy costs (by mail, by telephone) , with courier, etc.).

Scientific and technological progress has offered society a computer (electronic computer, computer) as a means for storing, processing and transmitting information.

Literature: Tsvetkova M.S., Velikovich L.S. Computer science and ICT: textbook. – M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2012, 1.2

Information activities– activities that ensure the collection, processing, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information, as well as the formation of an information resource and the organization of access to it.

Information has always played an extremely important role in human life. Whoever has the most information on any issue is always in a better position than others. It is a well-known saying that whoever owns the information owns the world.

Since ancient times, collecting and systematizing information about the world around us has helped people survive in difficult conditions - experience and skills in making hunting and labor tools, creating clothing and medicines have been passed on from generation to generation. The information was constantly updated and supplemented - each studied phenomenon made it possible to move on to something new, more complex.

Over time, large volumes of data about the surrounding world contributed to the development of scientific and technological progress and, as a result, the entire society as a whole - people were able to learn to control various types of matter and energy.

Over time, the role of information in human life has become more and more significant. Now, in the first half of the 21st century, the role of information in a person’s life is decisive - the more skills and knowledge he has, the higher he is valued as a specialist and employee, the more respect he has in society.

In recent decades, there has been persistent talk about the transition from an “industrial society” to an “information society.”

There is a change in production methods, people's worldviews, and their way of life. At the same time, changes are taking place in the nature of work, which is an indicator of the degree of freedom of working individuals, an indicator of their attitude towards work. This is expressed, first of all, in the “learning” of labor - in the increasing scale of application of scientific knowledge in the production process, which leads to an increase in creativity in the labor process. Labor becomes more creative, the share of mental labor increases, the importance of its individual characteristics increases, and accordingly the share of physical labor, which exhausts a person’s muscular strength, decreases. The new technology requires not standard performers, not robots, but individuals, creative individuals.

Information has become one of the most important strategic and management resources, along with resources - human, financial, and material. The use of microprocessor technology, electronic computers and personal computers led to a radical transformation of relations and technological foundations of activity in various spheres of public life: production and consumption, financial activity and trade, the social structure of society and political life, the service sector and spiritual culture.

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1.2 Properties of information

1.4 Information processes


List of sources used


Information has always played an extremely important role in human life. It is a well-known saying that whoever owns the information owns the world.

Since ancient times, collecting and systematizing information about the world around us has helped people survive in difficult conditions - experience and skills in making hunting and labor tools, creating clothing and medicines have been passed on from generation to generation. The information was constantly updated and supplemented - each studied phenomenon made it possible to move on to something new, more complex. Over time, large volumes of data about the world around us contributed to the development of scientific and technological progress and, as a result, of society as a whole - people learned to manage various types of matter and energy.

Over time, the role of information in human life has become more and more significant. It was necessary to study and understand not only the laws of nature, but also the concepts and values ​​of human society - literature, art, architecture, etc.

In modern society, the role of information in a person’s life is decisive - the more information he owns, the higher his value in society.

The purpose of this work is to reveal the concept of information and outline the place of information in modern society.

1. Information and its role in modern society

1.1 Concept of information and its types

Understanding the world around us, a person constantly deals with information.

In modern society it is impossible to imagine the existence of a person separately from the concept of “information”. The term information is used in many sciences and in many areas of human activity. It comes from the Latin word “informatio”, which means “information, explanation, presentation.”

Despite the familiarity of this term, there is no strict and generally accepted definition. In the literature you can find quite a lot of definitions of this term, reflecting different approaches to the interpretation of this concept.

So in Federal Law Russian Federation“On information, informatization and information protection” the following definition is given: “information is information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation.” the federal law“On information, information technologies and information protection” defines the concept of information as follows: “information (messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation.”

In computer science, the following definition of the term information is most often used - this is conscious information about the world around us, which is the object of storage, transformation, transmission and use. Information is knowledge expressed in signals, messages, news, notifications, etc.

The main types of information according to its form of representation, methods of encoding and storing it, which is of greatest importance for computer science, are:

Graphic or pictorial - the first type for which a method of storing information about the surrounding world was implemented in the form of rock paintings, and later in the form of paintings, photographs, diagrams, drawings on paper, canvas, marble and other materials depicting pictures of the real world;

Sound - the world around us is full of sounds and the problem of storing and replicating them was solved with the invention of sound recording devices in 1877, its type is musical information - for this type a coding method was invented using special characters, which makes it possible to store it similarly to graphic information ;

Text - a method of encoding human speech with special symbols - letters, and different nations have different languages ​​and use different sets of letters to display speech; This method became especially important after the invention of paper and printing;

Numerical - a quantitative measure of objects and their properties in the surrounding world; acquired especially great importance with the development of trade, economics and monetary exchange; similarly text information to display it, a coding method is used with special symbols - numbers, and the coding (number) systems can be different;

Video information is a way of preserving moving pictures of the surrounding world, which appeared with the invention of cinema.

There are also types of information for which methods for encoding and storing them have not yet been invented - these are tactile information transmitted by sensations, organoleptic information transmitted by smells and tastes, and other types for which modern science I haven’t even found universally accepted definitions (for example, extrasensory information).

To transmit information over long distances, coded light signals were initially used, with the invention of electricity - transmission of a signal encoded in a certain way through wires, and later using radio waves.

When using computers, information is stored on magnetic disks or tapes, on laser disks (CD and DVD), and special non-volatile memory devices (flash memory, etc.). These methods are constantly being improved, new devices and storage media are being invented. Information processing (reproduction, conversion, transmission, recording to external media) is performed by the computer processor. Using a computer, it is possible to create and store new information of any kind, for which they serve special programs, used on computers, and information input devices.

Currently, a special type of information can be considered information presented on the global Internet. It uses special techniques for storing, processing, retrieving and transmitting large volumes of distributed information and special ways of working with various types of information.

Constantly improving software leading developers (for example, Microsoft Corporation), providing collective work with corporate information of all types.

1.2 Properties of information

Like any object, information has properties. Characteristic distinctive feature information from other objects of nature and society is dualism: the properties of information are influenced both by the properties of the initial data that make up its content and by the properties of the methods that record this information.

The most important properties of information are its general qualitative properties: objectivity, reliability, completeness, accuracy, relevance, usefulness, value, timeliness, understandability, accessibility, brevity, etc.

Objectivity of information. Objective - existing outside and independently of human consciousness. Information is a reflection of the external objective world. Information is objective if it does not depend on the methods of its recording, anyone’s opinion, or judgment. For example, the message “It’s warm outside” carries subjective information, while the message “It’s 22 degrees Celsius outside” carries objective information, but with an accuracy that depends on the error of the measuring instrument.

Objective information can be obtained using measuring instruments. Reflected in the consciousness of a particular person, information ceases to be objective, since it is transformed (to a greater or lesser extent) depending on the opinion, judgment, experience, and knowledge of a particular subject.

Reliability of information. Information is reliable if it reflects the true state of affairs. Objective information is always reliable, but reliable information can be both objective and subjective. Reliable information helps us make the right decision.

Information may be inaccurate for the following reasons:

Intentional distortion (disinformation) or unintentional distortion of a subjective property;

Distortion due to interference and insufficiently accurate measuring instruments.

Completeness of information. Information can be called complete if it is sufficient for understanding and making decisions. Incomplete information may lead to an erroneous conclusion or decision.

The accuracy of information is determined by the degree of its proximity to the real state of an object, process, phenomenon (the error of the measuring instrument).

Relevance of information - importance for the present time, topicality, urgency. Sometimes only timely information received can be useful.

Usefulness (value) of information. Utility can be assessed in relation to the needs of its specific consumers and is assessed by those tasks that can be solved with its help.

The most valuable information is objective, reliable, complete, and up-to-date. It should be taken into account that biased, unreliable information (for example, fiction) is of great significance for a person.

Social (public) information also has additional properties:

It has a semantic (notional) character, i.e. conceptual, since it is in concepts that the most essential features of objects, processes and phenomena of the surrounding world are generalized.

It has a linguistic nature (except for some types of aesthetic information, such as fine arts). The same content can be expressed in different natural (spoken) languages, written in the form of mathematical formulas, etc.

Over time, the amount of information grows, information accumulates, it is systematized, evaluated and generalized. This property was called growth and accumulation of information. (Cumulation - from Latin; cumulatio - increase, accumulation).

Information aging is the decrease in its value over time. Information ages when new information appears that clarifies, supplements, or rejects, in whole or in part, earlier information. Scientific and technical information ages faster, aesthetic information (works of art) - slower.

Logicality, compactness, convenient form of presentation facilitates understanding and assimilation of information.

1.3 Concept of amount of information

The property of completeness of information tacitly assumes that it is possible to measure the amount of information. The amount of information is a numerical characteristic of information that reflects the degree of uncertainty that disappears after receiving information. The concepts of “information”, “uncertainty”, “choice” are closely related. For example, a person suggested in the morning that there may or may not be precipitation during the day, and if there is, it will be in the form of snow or rain, i.e. it’s unclear - “either it will be or not, it’s either rain or snow.” Then, looking out the window, I saw a cloudy sky and with a high probability assumed that there would be precipitation, i.e., having received the information, I reduced the number of choices. Next, looking at the outside thermometer, he saw that the temperature was negative, which means precipitation should be expected in the form of snow. Thus, having received the latest temperature data, a person received complete information about the upcoming weather and eliminated all but one choice.

The information received reduces the number of possible choices (i.e., uncertainty), and complete information leaves no options at all.

One bit is taken as a unit of information (English bit -- binary digit -- binary digit). This is the amount of information at which uncertainty, i.e. the number of choices is reduced by half or, in other words, this is the answer to a question that requires a monosyllabic solution - yes or no.

A bit is too small a unit of information. In practice, larger units are more often used, for example, a byte, which is a sequence of eight bits. It is eight bits, or one byte, that is used to encode the characters of the alphabet, the keys of a computer keyboard. One byte is also the minimum unit of addressable memory in a computer, i.e. You can access memory by a byte, not a bit.

Even larger derived units of information are widely used:

1 Kilobyte (KB) = 1024 bytes = 210 bytes,

1 Megabyte (MB) = 1024 KB = 220 bytes,

1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 MB = 230 bytes,

1 Terabyte (TB) = 1024 GB = 240 bytes.

1.4 Information processes

Obtaining information is closely related to information processes. For the purposeful use of information, it must be collected, transformed, transmitted, accumulated and systematized. All these processes associated with certain operations on information are called information processes. There are the following types of information processes.

Data collection is the activity of a subject to accumulate data in order to ensure sufficient completeness. When combined with adequate methods, data gives rise to information that can help in decision making. For example, being interested in the price of a product, its consumer properties, we collect information in order to make a decision: to buy or not to buy it.

Data transmission is the process of exchanging data. It is assumed that there is a source of information, a communication channel, a receiver of information, and agreements have been adopted between them on the procedure for exchanging data; these agreements are called exchange protocols. For example, in a normal conversation, there is an unspoken agreement between two people not to interrupt each other during a conversation.

Data storage is the maintenance of data in a form that is constantly ready for delivery to the consumer. The same data may be required more than once, so a method of storing it (usually on physical media) and methods of accessing it at the request of the consumer are being developed.

Data processing is the process of transforming information from its original form to a specific result. Collection, accumulation, and storage of information are often not the final goal of the information process. Most often, primary data is used to solve a problem, then it is transformed step by step in accordance with the algorithm for solving the problem until it is obtained.

output data that, after analysis by the user, provides the necessary information.

1.5 The role of information in modern society

Humanity, from the day it emerged from the animal world, has devoted a significant part of its time and attention to information processes.

Nowadays, millions of people have become users of information. Cheap computers appeared that were available to millions of users. Computers have become multimedia, i.e. they process various types of information: sound, graphic, video, etc. This, in turn, gave impetus to the widespread use of computers in various fields of science, technology, production, and everyday life.

Communication means have become ubiquitous, and computers are connected to participate jointly in the information process. computer networks. The worldwide computer network Internet has appeared, the services of which are used by a significant part of the world's population, quickly receiving and exchanging data, i.e. a single global information space is being formed.

Currently, the circle of people involved in information processing has grown to unprecedented proportions, and the speed of exchange has become simply fantastic; computers are used in almost all areas of people's lives. Before our eyes, an information society is emerging, where the emphasis of attention and importance is shifting from traditional types of resources (material, financial, energy, etc.) to an information resource, which, although it has always existed, was not considered either as an economic or as another category. Information resources are individual documents and arrays of documents in libraries, archives, funds, data banks, information systems and other repositories. In other words, information resources are knowledge prepared by people for social use in society and recorded on material media. The information resources of a country, region, or organization are increasingly considered as strategic resources, similar in importance to reserves of raw materials, energy, minerals and other resources.

The development of global information resources has made it possible to transform the activity of providing information services into a global human activity, to form a global and domestic market for information services, to increase the validity and efficiency of decisions made in firms, banks, exchanges, industry, and trade through the timely use of the necessary information.

In the modern world, the role of information, the means of its processing, transmission and accumulation has increased immeasurably. Computer Science and computer technology now largely determine the scientific and technical potential of the country, the level of development of its national economy, the way of life and human activity.

Receiving and transforming information is a necessary condition for the functioning of society.

Information has become one of the most important strategic and management resources, along with resources - human, financial, and material. Its production and consumption constitute the necessary basis for the effective functioning and development of various spheres of social life, and, above all, the economy. This means that not only sources of information in any part of our planet become available to every person, but also the new information generated by him becomes the property of all humanity. In modern conditions, the right to information and access to it are of vital value for all members of society. The growing role of information in society has been the subject of scientific understanding. Theories have been put forward to explain its place and significance. The most popular theories are the post-industrial and information society.

The world is entering a new era - the information era, the age of electronic economic activity, online communities and borderless organizations. The advent of new times will radically change the economic and social aspects of society. Such changes most directly affect the place of man in the information world. A person changes in accordance with the vector of information and technical characteristics of society. However, this is not at all a passive acceptance of new conditions of production and consumption. A person acts as a subject of information reality, far beyond information specifications. The informatization of everyday life and the emergence of a new information field of human existence does not pass without leaving a mark on the human life world. In the electronic space, behavioral standards and value orientations of individuals change.

New conditions for world humanity are manifested in a special form in Russia. Modern Russia is not yet an information society. First of all, because some of the information is not available to a wide range of users or has been replaced by misinformation. However, the informatization of certain segments of social life, certain spheres of politics and economics will sooner or later create conditions for the emergence of a genuine social fabric of a new type, from which an information society can grow. Post-industrial trends can be quite organically combined with the characteristics of Russian civilization.

The information society is often called a mass society and a consumer society. This is due to such informatization processes as the development of the sphere of mass communications. Global and local computer networks, tools cellular communications, the television and radio broadcasting system, being components of the information structure of society, at the same time provide communication between people. Mass communication is one of the important phenomena of modern society, which significantly affects the development of all technologies, information technologies in particular, both within each country and between countries. Often, informatization processes are given a negative connotation, which is inherent in a consumer society. Many representatives of social and scientific thought see in informatization processes that are destructive for the spiritual sphere of society and associate information civilization with the antipode of culture and spirituality.

In the field of theoretical understanding of ongoing processes, there is also still no consensus regarding the ways of development of the information society, the priority of one or another of its directions, the clarity and precision of formulations and concepts expressing what is happening in the information sphere. Therefore, theoretical research into both conceptual and practical (real) prerequisites for understanding current information processes remains relevant.

information society resource world


In this work, the concept of information was defined, its types were considered, and the main properties of information were given. The concept of the amount of information is given. The main types of information processes are considered. The role and place of information in modern society is described. The objectives of the work have been achieved.

To summarize, I would like to note that an information society is emerging before our eyes, where the emphasis of attention and significance is shifting from traditional types of resources (material, financial, energy, etc.) to an information resource, which, although it has always existed, was not considered as an economic , nor any other category. Information is beginning to play a dominant role not only in its traditional areas, but also in completely new ones. Society is moving into a new information era.

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Slide 1

The role of information activities in modern society The presentation was prepared by the teacher of the Baimak Agricultural College, Musina Zh.M. For the development of human society, material, instrumental, energy and other resources, including information, are needed.

Slide 2

The information society is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge. Information is one of the main, decisive factors that determines the development of technology and resources in general. In this regard, it is very important to understand not only the relationship between the development of the information industry, computerization, information technology and the informatization process, but also to determine the level and degree of influence of the informatization process on the sphere of management and intellectual activity of a person

Slide 3

Problems of information in general and management as information process paid a lot of attention due to the following objective processes: humanity is experiencing an information explosion. The growth of information circulating and stored in society has come into conflict with a person’s individual abilities to assimilate it; development of mass communication processes; the need to develop a general theory of information; development of cybernetics as a management science;

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The problems of information in general and management as an information process are given a lot of attention, due to the following objective processes (continued): the penetration of information technologies into the spheres of social life; research in the field of natural sciences confirms the role of information in the processes of self-organization of living and inanimate nature; actualization of the problem of sustainable development, the formation of an information economy, the main driving force of which is information potential and information resources; the problem of the prospects for the development of humanity as an integrity makes it necessary to raise the question of the criterion of progress in modern conditions.

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Distinctive features: increasing the role of information, knowledge and information technology in the life of society; an increase in the number of people employed in information technology, communications and the production of information products and services in the gross domestic product; the growing informatization of society using telephony, radio, television, the Internet, as well as traditional and electronic media; creation of a global information space that ensures: effective information interaction of people, their access to global information resources, satisfaction of their needs for information products and services. At the end of the 20th century. The terms information society and informatization have firmly taken their place, not only in the vocabulary of information specialists, but also in the vocabulary of politicians, economists, teachers and scientists. In most cases, this concept was associated with the development of information technologies and telecommunications, which make it possible, on the platform of civil society (or at least its declared principles), to make a new evolutionary leap and worthily enter the next, 21st century as an information society or its initial stage. Unlike revolutions taking place in human society, each information “leap” forward did not destroy, but absorbed and improved the achievements of previous stages

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The main characteristics of the information society are determined by the following criteria: Technological: the key factor is information technology, which is widely used in production, institutions, the education system and in everyday life. Social: information acts as an important stimulator of changes in the quality of life, “information consciousness” is formed and established with wide access to information. Economic: Information is a key factor in the economy as a resource, service, commodity, source of added value and employment. Political: freedom of information leading to a political process characterized by increasing participation and consensus among different classes and social strata of the population. Cultural: recognition of the cultural value of information by promoting the establishment of information values ​​in the interests of the development of the individual and society as a whole. The present time is characterized by an unprecedented increase in the volume of information flows. This applies to almost any area of ​​human activity. The greatest growth in the volume of information is observed in industry, trade, finance, banking and education. For example, in industry, the growth in the volume of information is due to an increase in production volume, the complication of manufactured products, materials used, technological equipment, and the expansion of external and internal connections of economic entities as a result of concentration and specialization of production.

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As a result of the unification of various information networks, it became possible to create a global information system, the Internet, which allows information services to be provided on the principle of “always and everywhere: 365/366 days, 24 hours a day anywhere in the world.” Thanks to the rapid development of the latest information technologies, now there is not only open access to the global flow of political, financial, scientific and technical information, but also the possibility of building a global business on the Internet has become real.

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Now information technologies have turned into an independent and quite profitable type of business, which is aimed at satisfying the various information needs of a wide range of users.


Target:introduce students to the role of information in modern society.


· educational – an idea of ​​the role of man in the information activities of modern society;

· developing - developing the skills to highlight the main, essential, generalize existing facts, the formation of logical thinking, attention, interest in the subject; development of mutual assistance, speech, and the ability to listen to each other;

· educational - instilling respect for a friend, the ability to behave with dignity, nurturing a culture of communication, working to improve oral literacy.


1. Introduction.

2. The role of information activity in modern society: economic, social, cultural, educational spheres.

Theoretical material .

1. Introduction.

Information has always been an important factor in social development. With its help, humanity has concentrated the centuries-old life experience of previous generations. The saying “Who owns the information owns the world” emphasizes the social role of information. Further social development will, of course, be primarily associated with informatization. Possession of information opens up new management models and forms new social structures of society.

Under the influence of the rapidly developing system of social communications and information, the information sector of the economy is being formed. A new capital emerges - knowledge. Under the influence of these processes, the nature of labor is changing: unmanned technologies are being introduced, that is, labor itself in direct production disappears, and the participation of workers in production management is expanding.

Information as a tool for promoting progressive ideas contributes to increasing transparency of borders between countries and peoples. Folds up new system public wealth using information technology, where, first of all, human mental abilities are valued.

According to UNESCO, more than half of the total employed population of the most developed countries is directly or indirectly involved in the process of production, storage and dissemination of information. Scientific and technological progress requires government intervention in information exchange and mandatory investment in information spheres activities. Technologies for information exchange must be more effective: thanks to them, people's knowledge and culture will be even more universal. People will become less dependent on the circumstances of place and time that accompany their lives, which should improve the quality and standard of living of society. This means improving the quality of access to information; achieving compliance and quality of services provided to the population, ensuring universal access to information through maximum simplification of interfaces. The development of telecommunications opens up new opportunities in acquiring knowledge and self-realization for people with disabilities and elderly citizens, people working at home, in providing greater opportunities for citizens to perform various roles in society (employees, students, entrepreneurs, etc.); promotes the development of creativity, provides greater opportunities for learning, the development of multilingualism and cultural diversity.

2. The role of information activity in modern society: economic, social, cultural, educational spheres.

The intensive use of information technologies in various spheres of life has significantly changed the idea of ​​the place and role of information in modern society. When implementing the state scientific and information policy, the main attention should be paid to the creation of a telecommunications infrastructure for the exchange of information, support of existing information networks and their compatibility with global networks, and ensuring access of Russian users to the global wealth of scientific knowledge.

The use of information technology in science is extremely important. The use of information technologies in science should, on the one hand, develop within the framework of the country's informatization, and on the other, ensure closer interaction between science, education, industry and the social sphere. The introduction of new information technologies will make it possible to organize continuous monitoring of scientific and technical potential, including such aspects as statistics of science and innovation, restructuring of the system of scientific organizations, financing of science, integration of higher education and science, assessment of the results of reforms at both the federal and regional levels .

Modern studies of information technology show that the most effective type of information system that stores heterogeneous information and is a relevant means of implementing integration processes is electronic libraries (EL). When creating an electronic library, it is necessary to take into account the experience of library and information activities in general, as well as the general organizational principles of the creation, construction and operation of automated library and information systems, including the requirements of international and Russian standards in force in the library field.

Digital libraries are designed to work with heterogeneous information resources, but to ensure user interaction with these resources, a unified language for exchanging information is necessary, which opens up great opportunities for students who participate in this process. After all, electronic information systems are accessible via the Internet, and modern global information networks and the databases included in them provide their users with the broadest opportunities. Therefore, new forms of scientific activity that involve the use of modern information technologies should be fully supported - electronic journals, remote access to databases, teleconferences, etc. This will create new prerequisites for the structural restructuring of scientific organizations and improving the methodology for conducting research and development. In the coming years we will see a process of development mobile computers, mobile television, broadband wireless access, online diaries (“blogs”), RSS technology, and what is called “evolution in progress.”

It turns out that with the use of new information technologies, global opportunities for scientific research and development are opening up.

Assignment for independent work : study the safety instructions and sanitary standards.


1. Instructions for labor protection when working on computers - http://*****/instr_pk. htm

2. Rules for safety and behavior in the computer class - http://www. *****/page-1-2-3.html

3. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions - http://www. *****/2011/03/16/sanpin-dok. html

4. Man and the information world - http://*****/filosofiya/chelovek_i_informacionnom_mire. html
