Create or delete a rich text field. Practical work processing text information How to open RTF online

When inserting a document Word or text in the format RTF V MS PowerPoint A multi-level structure is used, which is based on the heading styles of the source document. The first level title in the original document becomes the slide title in Microsoft PowerPoint, the second-level heading becomes the first-level text on the slide, the third-level heading becomes the second-level text on the slide, and so on. If the source document does not contain heading styles, MS PowerPoint creates a structure for inserting text based on paragraphs. For example, in a file with the extension DOC or RTF consisting of several lines in the usual style and divided into paragraphs, MS PowerPoint converts each paragraph into a slide title. While working in MS PowerPoint, you can paste text from a document Word or, conversely, working in the program Microsoft Word, you can create a structure and move it to PowerPoint in order to start working on a new presentation based on it.

8.7.2. Inserting text in html format

When inserting a structure into a presentation in the format HTML The original heading structure is preserved. However, all of the file's text appears in the text box. This text can be edited on the slide itself, but not in the Structure area. To create multiple slides based on files with the extension htm, You should paste each file individually onto each slide on which you want to paste text. When sending a file in the format htm from Microsoft Word V MS PowerPoint headers and subheadings are preserved, and the file is structured as before with the extension doc or rtf.

Online presentation

Exporting a presentation from the format PowerPoint V HTML(Fig.8.7.1) .

Full presentation

(reset) Display speaker notes

Web options...Are common

Add a slide transition bar

Show slide animation when viewing

Fit pictures into the browser window



Page title: = Microsoft Office XP


Fig.8.7.1. Publish Web Page and Web Document Options dialog boxes

Fig.8.7.2. View the presentation in Internet Explorer

After recording the presentation, the following will appear in the folder specified for saving: file “Microsoft Office XP in general.htm” and folder “Microsoft Office XP as a whole _files.” Thus, when viewing a presentation in Internet Explorer this file will be a pointer to the files in the folder. Let's see what happened with the presentation. To do this, double click on the file “Microsoft Office XP in general.htm.” If you have Internet Explorer, something similar to (Fig. 8.7.2) will appear.

8.7.3. Inserting Plain Text

When pasting text from a regular text document, tabs at the beginning of paragraphs determine its level in the structure. So, for example, text that does not contain tabs becomes the slide title, text with one tab indentation becomes first-level text, and text with two tab indents becomes second-level text, etc. If styles are not defined in regular text, then when it is The paste applies the styles of the current presentation.

Practical work Processing of text information, contains 21 tasks on a relevant topic (the work is suitable for 8th grade students studying Bosova’s teaching materials).

Task 1. Entering characters.

2. Enter using the keyboard:
Letters of the Russian alphabet: Aa Bb Vv Gy Dd Her Her Zz Ii Yy Kk Ll Mm Nn ​​Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Ff Xx Ts Chch Shsh Shch yy bj Ee Yuyu Yaya
Letters of the English alphabet: Aa Bb Ss Dd Her Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm Nn ​​Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Alphabet of the decimal number system: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Alphabet of the Roman numeral system: I(1) V(5) X(10) L(50) C(100) D(500) M(1000)
Special characters (Russian keyboard layout): ! » № ; % : ? * () _ + / — = \
Special characters (English keyboard layout): ! @ # $ % l & * () _ + | — =\
Free text about yourself ( name, age, class, etc.)


Task 2. Rules for entering text.

1. Launch the word processor installed on your computer.
2. Enter text:

When entering text, adjacent words are separated by one space. Punctuation marks (comma, colon, period, exclamation and question marks) are written together with the preceding word and separated by a space from the following word.
Quotes and parentheses are written together with the corresponding words.
A dash is distinguished by spaces on both sides.
The hyphen is written together with the words it connects.

3. Enter the text, paying attention to the following rules:
Topic: “Rules for entering text”, hotel “Malachite”, chocolate “Alenka”, novel “War and Peace”.
Stages of creation text document: input, editing, formatting.
Information on the World Wide Web is organized into pages (Web pages).
Still, Mamin-Sibiryak, Firebird, northeast, Rostov-on-Don, New York. I had to stay here for the night, willy-nilly. To be afraid of grief means you won't see happiness. Moscow is a huge city, a city-country. The end of the 17th century - the first half of the 19th century.


Task 3. Inserting symbols.


Prsnlny computer: sstmny blk (mtrnsk plt, central prtssr, prtvn pmt, hard dec), external strstv, klvtr, msh, mntr, prntr, kstchek klnc).

2. Insert the letters representing vowel sounds in the right places to create the names of the devices personal computer.

Task 4. Replacement of symbols.

1. B word processor open the file Replacement.rtf:

K*litka, k*morka, k*kicks, k*bluk, b*grovoy, p*thunder, s*tira, ur*gan, *kv*lang, n*v*zhnie, fight.

2. Replace the "*" symbols with the letters "a" or "o" to spell the words correctly.
3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Words.rtf.

Task 5. Automatic replacement.

1. In a word processor, open the file 100.rtf:

About 100th 100th face
Impenetrable house:
Often there are 100 legs in it
It wanders around under 100 crowbar.
Treasured by 100 legs
And 100 personal wax
Cleans 100 boots.

2. For greater expressiveness, the author of the poem L. Kondratenko “inserted” numbers inside the words. See what this poem will look like after replacing “100” with “one hundred” (use the replacement operation).
3. Save the document with changes in a personal folder under the name CTO.rtf.

Task 6. Removing fragments.

1. In a word processor, open the file Deleting.rtf:

Keyboard, joystick, scanner, printer.
Monitor, plotter, printer, mouse.
Hard drive, flash memory, CD, processor.
Printer, speakers, headphones, microphone.
System unit, central processor, RAM, HDD, power unit.
System unit, keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers.
Video card, expansion card, sound card, LAN card.
Enter, End, Esc, Delete.
Color printer, laser printer, dot matrix printer, inkjet printer.

2. In each group, find the extra word (phrase) and delete it.
3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name No_superfluous.rtf.

Task 7. Moving fragments.

1. In a word processor, open the Move.rtf file:

Video Card -
Sound Card -
RAM, central processor, video card, hard drive, sound card.

2. Create pairs by placing its Russian equivalent next to each English term.
3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Couples.rtf.

Task 8. Copying fragments.

2. Using copy and paste operations, type the text
poems in English:

Meet me in the morning.
Meet me at noon.
Meet me in September
Or the middle of June.
Meet me at midnight.
Meet me in the hall.
Meet me in the summer.
Meet me in the fall.
Meet me in the evening.
Meet me at eight.
N1 meet you any time you want,
But, please, don’t be late.

3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Verse.rtf.

Task 9. Gluing and cutting lines.

1. In a word processor, open the Lines.rtf file:

You can't hide an awl in a bag. Every day is not Sunday. Finished the job - go for a walk safely. Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter. Steam doesn't break bones. You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty. All that glitters is not gold. The word is silver, silence is gold. The sooner you get up, the sooner you finish your work. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. Time for business, time for fun. Think first, then start. Try it on seven times, cut it once. Work is scary not for your hands, but for your eyes. The master's work is afraid.

2. Edit the contents of the file so that each proverb occupies exactly one line.
3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Proverbs.rtf.

Task 10. Changing the size and font of symbols.

2. Type a phrase "I'm learning a word processor". Make nine copies of this phrase, placing each one on a new line.
3. Set the font size for the first two lines 12 points, font type Times New Roman.
For the second pair of lines: font size 14 points, font type Courier New.
For the third pair of lines: font size 16 points, font type Comic Sans MS.
For the fourth pair of lines: font size 18 points, font type Tahoma.
For the fifth pair of lines: font size 20 points, font type Arial.
4. Close the file Font1.rtf, saving the changes.

Task 11. Changing the color of symbols.

1. In a word processor, open the file Color.rtf.
2. Formatt the text as follows:
For the title, set the font size to 16 points and the font color to red;
For color names, set the font color corresponding to them, style - bold, size - 14 points;
For color descriptions, set the font style to italics and font size to 12 points.
3. Save the file with the changes in your personal folder and close it.

1. In a word processor, create new file and save it in a personal folder under the name Indexes.rtf.
2. Choose a font type Arial, font size 14 , style italics.
3. Type the following text:

Units for measuring the amount of information:
1 byte = 8 bits
1 Kilobyte =2 10 bytes
1 Megabyte = 2 10 KB = 2 20 bytes
1 Gigabyte = 2 10 MB = 2 20 KB = 2 30 bytes

4. Save changes to the file and close it.

Task 13. Character formatting options.

1. In a word processor, open the file Effects.rtf.
2. Change the character format as follows:

3. Save the file with the changes in your personal folder and close it.

Task 14. Underlining options.

1. In a word processor, create new document.
2. Font Times New Roman V 14 points Type the text and format the characters as follows:

3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Underscore.rtf and close it.

Task 15. Formatting paragraphs.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
with the following text:

3. Perform formatting according to the following requirements:

4. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Printers.rtf and close it.

Task 16. Formatting paragraphs.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
2. Type a draft document (Times New Roman, 14 points, left aligned) with information about your school, yourself and your teacher:

3. Format paragraphs according to the following requirements:

4. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Title.rtf and close it.

Task 17. Inserting special characters and formulas.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
2. Type the following text containing characters not available on the keyboard:

3. Using the formula editor, enter the following formulas:

4. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Special_paste.rtf and close it.

Task 18. Creating lists.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
2. Create a multi-level list “Modern computer devices”:

3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Devices1.rtf.
4. Reformat the list by putting bullets instead of numbers.
A possible design option is presented below:

5. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Devices2.rtf and close it.

Task 19. Creating tables.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
2. Create a table with the following structure:

3. Add the required number of rows to the table and enter information about 5-6 files stored in your personal folder.
Table.rtf and close it.

Task 20. Creating diagrams.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
2. Create a “Graphics File Formats” scheme:

3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Cxema.rtf and close it.

Task 21. Inserting pictures.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
2. Insert a picture from the Mouse.jpg file into it.

3. Make callouts with labels on the main parts of the mouse.
4. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Mouse.rtf and close it.

Practical work No. 7
"Editing the text"

Exercise 1

1. Open the programWordPad .

2. Open a document

3. Insert one letter into each word like this. to make a new word.

Insert1.rtf .

Task 2

1. Open a document (My documents\ 5th grade\ Preparations)

2. Remove one consonant from each word so that you get a new word.

3. Save the document with changes in personal soldering under the nameDeleting1.rtf.

Task 3

1. Open a document (My documents\ 5th grade\ Preparations)

2. Lock the uppercase letter input mode. Replace one letter in each of the given words so that you get the names of cities, rivers and new words.3. Save the document with changes in a personal folder under the nameReplacement1.rtf.

Task 4

1. Open a document (My documents\ 5th grade\ Preparations)

2. Lock the uppercase letter input mode.

3. Enter replace mode(INSERT key) .

4. Read the words of each line carefully. For each word before the brackets, find the two most important words in the brackets that explain its meaning. Capitalize the words you find.

5. Exit replace mode.

6. Save the document with changes in a personal folder under the nameMeaning1.rtf.

Task 5

1. Open a document (My documents\ 5th grade\ Preparations)

2. Read the text carefully and, according to the meaning, divide it into sentences, putting periods in the right places.

3. Where necessary, replace lowercase letters with uppercase ones.

4. Save the document with changes in a personal folder under the nameLetter1.rtf.

Task 6

1. Open a document (My documents\ 5th grade\ Preparations)

2. Edit the contents of the file so that each proverb occupies only one line.

For this:
if there are two proverbs in one line, then cut this line, place the cursor at the end of the first proverb and press the key
"Enter" ;
if one proverb occupies two lines, then glue them together, place the cursor at the end of the first line and press the key
"Delete" (you can place the cursor at the beginning of the second line and pressBackspace ).

3. Save the document with changes in a personal folder under the nameProverbs1.rtf.

Task 7

1. Open a document (My documents\ 5th grade\ Preparations)

2. Press the keyEnd

3. Press the keyHome and watch the cursor move.

4. Press the key combinationCtrl + -› and watch the cursor move.

5. Press the key combinationCtrl + ‹- and watch the cursor move.

6. Press the keyPage Up and watch the cursor move.

7. Press the keyPage Down and watch the cursor move.

8. Press the key combinationCtrl + Page Up and watch the cursor move.

9. Press the key combinationCtrl + Page Down and watch the cursor move.

10. Press the key combinationCtrl + Home and watch the cursor move.

11. Press the key combinationCtrl+End and watch the cursor move.

12. Make appropriate notes in your workbook.

13. Exit the program without saving changes to the original document.

1. Open a text editor.

2. Open the document Insertion.rtf from the Blanks folder:

3. Insert one letter into each word to form a new word.

4. Save the document with the changes in a personal folder named Insert1.

Task 2

1. Open the document Removal.rtf from the Preparations folder:

2. Remove one consonant from each word so that you get a new word.

3. Save the document with the changes in a personal folder named Delete1.

Task 3

1. Open the document 3amena.rtf from the Blanks folder:

2. Lock the capital letter input mode (Caps Lock key). Replace one letter in each of the given words so that you get the names of cities, rivers and new words.

3. Save the document with the changes in a personal folder under the name Replacement1.

Task 4

1. Open the document Smysl.rtf from the Blanks folder:

2. Lock the capital letter input mode (Caps Lock key).

3. Go to replacement mode (Insert key).

4. Read the words of each line carefully. For each word before the brackets, find the two most important words in the brackets that explain its meaning. Retype the words you find in capital letters.

5. Exit replace mode (Insert key).

6. Save the document with changes in a personal folder under the name Meaning.rtf.

Task 5

1. Open the letter letter.rtf document from the Blanks folder:

2. Read the text carefully and divide it into sentences according to its meaning, putting periods in the right places.

3. Where necessary, replace lowercase letters with uppercase ones.

4. Save the document with changes in a personal folder under the name Letter1.

Task 6

1. Open the document Proverbs.rtf from the Preparations folder:

2. Edit the contents of the file so that each proverb occupies only one line. For this:

  • if there are two proverbs on one line, then cut this line - place the cursor at the end of the first proverb and press the Enter key
  • if one proverb occupies two lines, then glue them together - place the cursor at the end of the first line and press the Delete key (you can place the cursor at the beginning of the second line and press the Backspace key).

3. Save the document with changes in a personal folder under the name Proverbs1.

Task 7

1. Open the Big.rtf document from the Blanks folder.

2. Press the End key and watch the cursor move.

3. Press the Home key and watch the cursor move.

4. Press the key combination Ctrl + → and follow and watch the cursor move.

5. Press the key combination Ctrl + ← and follow and watch the cursor move.

6. Press the Page Up key and watch the cursor move.

7. Press the Page Down key and watch the cursor move.

8. Press the key combination Ctrl + Page Up and watch the cursor move.

9. Press the key combination Ctrl + Page Down and watch the cursor move.

10. Press the Ctrl + Home key combination and watch the cursor move.

11. Press the key combination Ctrl + End and watch the cursor move.

12. Exit the program without saving changes to the original document.

Now you know how

  • and insert the missing letters;
  • and remove unnecessary letters;
  • and replace one letter with another;
  • enter uppercase and lowercase letters;
  • cut and glue lines;
  • quickly move the cursor around the document using keyboard shortcuts.

You can store rich text in the database Access data by using a long text field (also called Note) and setting the property TextFormat fields value richtext. For example, you can make text bold or underlined, apply different fonts to individual words or characters, and change the color of text. You can apply formatting to all or part of a field's contents when it is displayed in Datasheet view and by editing the field using an associated control on a form or report.

In this article

What is rich text?

Rich text is text that has common formatting options, such as bold or italic, that are not available for regular text. To format data, use common formatting tools such as the Ribbon and Mini Toolbar. When you do this, Access applies HTML formatting code to the data. Access uses HTML code because it provides greater compatibility with rich text fields stored in SharePoint lists.

Access stores rich text using the Long Text data type, which is the only data type that has built-in support for rich text. To create a field to store rich text, create a long text field and then set the property TextFormat this field value richtext. There are two possible values:

    Richtext Enable rich text and save and interpret it as rich HTML markup.

    Formatted Includes plain text and is interpreted as plain text.

You set the property TextFormat for the "long text field" field in the mode tables And designer. After you save rich text in a long text field, you can display it in a form or report by using a text field control. The text box control contains the property TextFormat, which inherits initial value from property TextFormat text field "long text field". However, the property TextFormat can be changed in the text box control.

The following table shows the supported rich text formatting options.




Font name

Selecting a different font.

Font size

Selecting the font size.


Converts selected text to bold. If the text is already bold, it removes the bold.

Convert selected text to italic. If the text is already italic, it removes the italic.

Apply underline

Makes the text underlined. If the text is already underlined, the underline is removed.

Left alignment

Aligns text to the left.

Align Center

Aligns text to the center of the field.

Right alignment

Align text to the right.


Beginning of paragraph numbering. A number appears before each paragraph.

Starts placing a marker before each paragraph.

Font color

Select the foreground color of the font.

Text highlight color

The text will appear as it was marked with a marker pen.

Decrease indentation

Decrease paragraph indentation.

Increasing indentation

Increasing paragraph indentation.

From left to right

Fills the control from left to right.

From right to left

Fills the control from right to left.

Create a rich text field

In table view or designer you can create a rich text field.

IN table mode

    Open the table in table mode.

    Select element click to add, and then select from the list long text .

    Double-click the field title and enter a meaningful name for the new field.

    Save your changes.

IN design mode

    Open the table in designer.

    In the table form, find the first empty row. Then in the column field name enter a field name.

    In column data type select item long text.

    In chapter Field properties open the tab Are common.

    Click in the field Text Format and select formatted text.

    Save your changes.

Convert a field to rich text

    design mode.

    In chapter Field properties open the tab Are common.

    Click the field Text Format and select formatted text.

    Save your changes.

Convert a rich text field to plain text

Important! When you change a field from rich text to plain text, you receive a warning that all formatting will be removed. Once you apply a change to plain text and save the table, you cannot undo the changes.

    Open the table containing the field in design mode.

    In the table layout, click the rich text field that you want to convert to rich text.

    In chapter Field properties open the tab Are common.

    Click the field TextFormat and select plain text.

    Save your changes.

Clearing the append-only property

To include rich text in a field, make sure the " add only for field" is disabled. Otherwise, when you place the cursor in that field or any form or report control bound to that field, Access hides the text.

Disabling the Append property

    Open the table in designer.

    Highlight the long text field you want to change and at the bottom of the Table Designer tab Are common press scroll down to properties just adding .

    Click the box next to the property and select No on the list.

    Save your changes.

Enable rich text for form and report controls

If you use the commands on the " tab Creation" to create a form or report, and you edit the text you included for the main text field, the result will inherit the property " text" specified for a long text field. If there is data in the long text field of a table, that data appears in the text control on the form or report. However, Access does not enable rich text editing when you add the control to form or report manually, even if you later bind the control to a long text field with rich text.

    Open the form in design mode.

    On the tab Constructor in Group Controls click Field.

    In a blank area of ​​the form, click and drag the mouse pointer to draw a control.

    Click the text area of ​​the new control, right-click the control's text area (but not the label), and select Properties.

    On the new control's properties page, open the All .

    Click the properties field and select your text field from the list.

    By default, the list displays the table fields associated with the form. If the long text field is in another table, use the following expression syntax to bind the control: = [ table name ]! [ field name ] . Use square brackets and an exclamation point exactly as shown. Enter the name of the table in the first part of the expression and the name of your long text field in the second part. For example, if you have a table called a note with a long text field "welcomes", enter this string in the properties field Control Source : =!

    On the properties page with the tab highlighted All still find and select the properties field Text Format and then select formatted text from the list.

    Save your changes.
