Computer science text editor. General information about text editors and processors

Text editors

1.Introduction of the concept of a text editor

2.Classification of text editors

3.The principle of operation of a text editor

4.Typical interface structure

Text editors

A text editor is an independent computer program or component of a software package (for example, a source code editor for an integrated development environment or an input window in a browser) designed to create and modify text data in general and text files in particular.

Text editors can perform different functions: create text files, edit texts, change the format, view on the screen, and, finally, print texts on a printer.

The text typed on the computer keyboard is reproduced on the display screen in the editor's working area. A special icon - the cursor indicates the place on the screen that the user can currently influence (create, change symbols, etc.) using the editor. When working with a text editor, you can get information on the screen about the current state of the cursor, i.e. its coordinates on the screen (line number and position in the line), as well as the page number of the text, its format, the font used, etc. The interface of almost every text document has a menu for text processing. Formatting, printing. The menu can have not only text form, but also icon form

2. Classification of text editors.

I. According to possibilities

1) The quality of the typewriter, a small range of capabilities for working with text.

Norton Editor

· Lexicon

The list is compiled in ascending order of possibilities. Editors are implemented on computers such as IBM PC, XT, AT.

2) Publishing quality. Implementation of the WYSIWYG principle - What You See Is What You Get.

Microsoft Word

Ventura Publishers

Aldus Page Maker

To work with such editors, a PC of at least AT 486 DX with 8 MB of RAM is required.

3) Technical editors -Tex, Latex, etc.

II. By type of files that text reactors work with

· text files

· graphic set

There are other options for classifying text editors, for example, printed text editors and electronic document editors, etc.

In most cases, the quality of a typewriter is sufficient to create business documents. Therefore, the text editor Lexicon for MS DOS has become widespread.

Here are the characteristics of some of these text editors:

Lexicon was one of the most popular word processors before the Windows era, during the heyday of MS-DOS. This processor allowed data to be stored in a text file with OEM 866 encoding, but it also had capabilities such as

print text on a dot matrix printer;

use bold, italic and bold italic text highlighting;

allowed for simple formatting when entering text (text alignment, justification, word wrapping, dividing into pages and their automatic numbering)

Microsoft Word is the most common and one of the most powerful text editors.

Basic operations of the MS Word editor for working with documents:

Text input;

Editing the contents of a document (making any changes to the text of the document: changing the relative position of individual parts of the document, searching and replacing characters, words and sections of text);

Formatting the contents of the document (setting line spacing, left and right indents, text alignment, etc.).

MS Word Features:

Simultaneous work with several documents;

Spelling and grammar checking;

Automatic document formatting;

Inclusion of tables, figures and mathematical formulas in documents;

Collaborative work on large documents, etc.

WordPad is included with Windows 2000. It can hardly be considered a full-fledged word processor that satisfies all user needs when creating documents. But it prepares you to work with complex Windows text editors. The WordPad editor allows you to format entire text and individual paragraphs of documents: change fonts, indents, borders, etc. WordPad works with OLE objects, so documents created in it have access to graphics and even sound and video clips.

The WordPad editor opens files created in the Write program (with the .WRI extension). Write is a simple word processor designed for Windows 3.x versions. In the past, many software applications used the Write format to maintain documentation, licensing information, and the latest versions of "readme" files. Although the latest version of the Write program system is no longer available, its files remain available in Windows 2000. Documents created in the Write editor can be read in WordPad. In addition, WordPad works with documents and saves them in five other formats: Word 6.0, Rich Text Format (RTF), text, MS-DOS text and Unicod text. The Word 6.0 format, which all recent versions of the Microsoft Word word processor can work with, as well as many other widely used editors, is the default format of the WordPad program.

b) Notepad

Windows 2000 also ships with a simple editor from earlier versions of the system, NotePad. The Notepad program, unlike WordPad, practically does not allow you to format documents; for example, you can select a font for work, but you cannot

TeX is a typographic-quality document preparation system that is particularly strong in its set of mathematical formulas. It is convenient to think of TeX as a special programming language in PDF, or PostScript3, format.

How a text editor works.

The operating principle of middle-class and powerful editors is similar to the operating principle of programming systems.

A text editor provides the user with a text window for entering text and a set of commands for formatting it.

The first step in creating a text document is typing the text. After the text has been entered, you can begin formatting it. When formatting a document, the user applies formatting commands to individual parts of the text. By processing these commands, the text editor changes the external representation of the formatted text and inserts formatting elements into the text of the document, which, when re-reading the document, will give it the opportunity to unambiguously interpret them.

Once the text is formatted, the necessary external objects are inserted and formatted into the document.

It's important to note here that there are two different methods for inserting external objects.

In the first case, the text editor inserts a link to an external object and its formatting elements. Accordingly, this requires the permanent presence of an object at the specified address. For example, we insert into a document a picture located in the image.gif file. If you move, delete or rename this file, instead of the required image, the text editor will display an error diagnosis or a low-quality image (preview). Therefore, such actions are unacceptable with this approach. However, the convenience of this approach lies in the independence of the external object from the text editor. We can process an external object without launching a text editor, and all changes made to the object will be reflected in the text document. In addition, the volume of a text document becomes smaller, which is important for computers with a small amount of RAM.

In the second case, the external object is completely placed in the document, which increases its volume, but makes it independent of the file from which this object is taken. With this approach, it is not a link to a file that is written into a text document, but the command to insert an external object and the codes of this object.

Thus, a text document contains the text itself, elements of its formatting; links to external objects or commands for inserting objects and codes for these objects; formatting elements for inserted objects.

When reading a file containing a text document, the text editor reads the text and its formatting elements, commands for inserting external objects and their formatting, interprets these elements and commands (that is, applies formatting commands to the text and external objects and displays them on the screen (or other external device) ) formatted text and external objects.

In addition to text formatting tools, text editors often provide additional utilities that make working with a document easier: search and replace tools; spelling and punctuation checks; tools for working with the clipboard; help system for the program; automation tools (writing scripts or macros), etc.

Thus, a powerful text editor consists of a text window for entering text, a library of formatting elements, an interpreter of these elements, a number of auxiliary programs for creating and formatting external objects, and a set of utilities that make working with a document easier.

The set of formatting elements is purely individual for each text editor. That is, the interpreter of one text editor cannot understand and correctly process the elements of another text editor. However, the need to read documents created in another text editor still exists. To solve this problem, powerful and mid-range editors provide a set of converters that translate elements of another text editor into commands from this one.

4.Typical interface structure.

The menu bar contains the names of groups of commands, united by functionality. The menu bar is at the top of the screen. Selecting a mode from the menu bar opens the corresponding submenu, and selecting a specific option within it provides access to a lower-level menu. This system of nested (drop-down) menus forms the basis of the word processor interface. Menu commands are selected using the mouse, cursor keys, or combinations of certain keystrokes (“hot keys”).

The status line contains the name of the document being edited and determines the current position of the cursor in this document. The line displays reference information.

The hint line contains information about possible user actions at the current moment.

The working area is the space on the display screen for creating and working with a document. The maximum size of the working field is determined by the standard monitor parameters and is 25 lines of 80 characters each.

The ruler defines document boundaries and tab stops. There are vertical and horizontal rulers. By default, the coordinate ruler is graduated in centimeters. The zero point of the coordinate ruler is aligned with the first paragraph of text.

The scroll bar is used to move document text in the working area of ​​the window. A ruler that moves text vertically is called a vertical scroll bar, and horizontal movement is called a horizontal scroll bar.

Cursor - a short, usually blinking line, shows the position of the working field in which the entered character or text element will be placed. In text mode, the cursor is horizontal, located at the bottom of the familiar place it points to. In graphic mode, vertical, located to the left of the place where the next symbol is inserted. Each word processor has its own capabilities for providing cursor movement (as well as interface control in general). The interface is controlled using a keyboard and mouse.

In keyboard interface control mode, the four cursor keys move the cursor one position in the direction of the arrow. Keys And move the cursor to the beginning and end of the text, respectively. Keys AND Moves text one page (screen) up or down.

Often modern word processors, using various combinations of function and regular keys, make it possible to move the cursor one word, sentence or paragraph, or direct it to the beginning or end of a line.

In mouse mode, you can move around the document by clicking on the corresponding arrow on the scroll bars, or by clicking on the scroll bar itself, or by dragging the mouse along the scroll bar.

Indicators are signs or symbols that reflect the corresponding operating modes of a program or computer. Indicators in the status bar are symbols or service (keywords) that reflect the operating modes of the program. The indicators on the keyboard reflect the operating mode of the keyboard switches; there are three of them: NumLock, CapsLock, ScrollLock.

A switch is an on-screen interface element or a command used to turn on or off a particular mode. The indicator can also be a switch if you click on it with the mouse.

5. Basic functions of a text editor.

As an example, we can take perhaps the most common text editor, Microsoft Word.

Microsoft Word allows you to enter, edit, format and design text and correctly place it on the page. With this program, you can insert graphics, tables, and charts into your document, and automatically correct spelling and grammatical errors. The Word text editor also has many other features that make creating and editing documents much easier. Most frequently used functions:


Cutting out pieces of text, memorizing them during the current work session, as well as in the form of separate files;

Inserting pieces into the desired place in the text;

Replacing words one with another partially or completely throughout the text;

Finding the right words or sentences in the text;

Text formatting, i.e. giving it a certain appearance according to the following parameters: text column width, paragraph, margins on both sides, top and bottom margins, distance between lines, line edge alignment;

Automatic division of text into pages with a specified number of lines;

Automatic page numbering;

Automatic entry of subheadings at the bottom or top of the page;

Selecting part of the text in bold, italic or underlined font;

Switching the program to work with a different alphabet;

Tabulation of lines, i.e. creating constant spacing to present text in columns;

When you enter text, you come to the end of a line, Word automatically moves to the next line;

If you make a typo while entering text, the auto-correct feature automatically corrects it. And the automatic spell check feature highlights misspelled words with a red wavy line to make them easier to see and correct;

If you use hyphens to highlight list items, use fractions, a trademark sign or other special characters, the auto-formatting function will correct them itself;

Possibility of inserting formulas, tables, figures into the text;

Ability to create several text columns on one page;

Selection of ready-made styles and templates;

To present text in table form, you can, of course, use a tabulator, but Microsoft Word offers much more effective tools. And if the table contains digital data, then it is easy to turn it into a chart;

Preview mode allows you to see the document in the form in which it will be printed. In addition, it allows you to display all pages at once, which is convenient for making changes before printing. The program also offers a number of functions that save time and effort. Among them:

AutoText - for storing and inserting frequently used words, phrases or graphics;

Styles - for storing and specifying entire sets of formats at once;

Merge - for creating serial letters, printing envelopes and labels;

Macros - for executing a sequence of frequently used commands;

- “masters” - for creating professionally designed documents.

Special features of text editors:

1) text editing

· working with a section of text



Write to buffer


Recording as a separate file, etc.

· text alignment

Along the edge (right, left, width)



· automatic word hyphenation


According to the transfer rules

· column organization

2) creating backup copies at regular intervals

3) working with tables

· marking

· removing and adding columns and rows

· text alignment in cells

· frame design

4) refusal of the last actions and refusal to refuse

5) operations on drawings

· insert into text

· scaling and stretching along axes

· wrapping text around a picture, etc.

6) pagination

· automatic, by setting the number of lines per page

· tough, forced

· page numbering (top, bottom)

7) use of document templates

8) use of a set of fonts

· true type (ttf) - proportional fonts

· fonts with freely resizable sizes

· various ways to highlight fonts - underlining, italics, etc.

9) contextual search and replacement of a given sequence of words in the text

10) spell checking using the built-in dictionary

11) hint of synonyms and antonyms

12) grammar check - analysis of the sentence as a whole

13) construction of tables of contents, indexes, footnotes

14) a set of complex formulas (mathematical, physical)

15) use of information from the DBMS and ET in the text.


    Computer science. Part 2: Guidelines for laboratory work / RGRTA; comp. N.I. Iopa. Ryazan, 2002. 56 p.

Topic: "Text editors".

Lesson objectives:

Help students gain an understanding of text editors

Fostering students’ information culture, attentiveness, accuracy, discipline, and perseverance.

Development of cognitive interests.

Lesson type: Learning new material.

Requirements for student knowledge and skills: After this lesson, students should know what a text editor, a word processor, structural units of text and the text editor environment are.

board, computer, multimedia projector, presentation.


Semakin I.G. Teaching a basic computer science course in secondary school: Methodological manual / I.G. Semakin, T.Yu. Sheina. – 3rd ed., rev. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2006. – 416 p.

Semakin I.G. Computer Science and ICT. Basic course: Textbook for 8th grade/I.G. Semakin, T.Yu. Sheina. – 2nd ed., – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2006. – 176 p.

Questions studied:

    what is a text editor and text CPU;

    structural units of text;

    text editor environment.

Lesson plan:

    Organizational moment (2 min).

    Checking homework (5 min).

    Learning new material (25 min).

    Consolidation of the studied material (10 min).

    Summarizing. Homework (3 min).

During the classes:

1. Org. moment.

Greeting students, checking the readiness of the room for the lesson, checking for absences.

2.Checking homework.

    What are the advantages of storing texts in files compared to paper storage?(possibility of editing, quick copying to other media; ability to transmit text via computer communication lines)

    What is hypertext?(this is a text organized so that it can be viewed in a sequence of semantic connections between its individual fragments)

    How powerful is the alphabet used in computers to represent texts?(256 characters)

    What is a coding table?(this is a table in which each character of the alphabet is assigned a serial number and an eight-bit binary code)

    What is the name of the international character encoding table?( ASCII)

    In what number system are the codes in this encoding table represented?(binary number system)

    Using table 3.1 of the textbook, encode your initials.

3. Studying new material.

What is a text editor and text CPU.

To work with text documents, there are application programs called text editors.So, write down the definition:Text editor ( TP ) is an application program that allows you to create text documents, edit them, view the contents of the document on the screen, and print the document.

What are these editors for? (they allow you to create text documents and edit them).

In relation to text editors with extensive capabilities for formatting text, including graphics, and spell checking, the name “word processor” (TP) is often used.

There are many TRs - from the simplest educational systems to powerful publishing systems.

Simple text editors (for example, the standard Windows Notepad application) allow you to edit text, as well as perform simple font formatting.

More advanced text editors (for example, Microsoft Word and StarOffice Writer), which are sometimes called word processors, have a wide range of capabilities for creating documents (inserting lists and tables, spell checking tools, saving corrections, etc.).

To prepare for the publication of books, magazines and newspapers in the process of publication layout, powerful text processing programs are used - desktop publishing systems (for example, Adobe PageMaker, Microsoft Office Publisher).

To prepare Web pages and Web sites for publication on the Internet, specialized applications (for example, Microsoft FrontPage) are used.

Let's get acquainted with the basic concepts associated with TR and its capabilities.

Structural units of the text.

The data that text editors work with is symbolic information. The smallest element of text is one character. Words are character sequences separated from each other by spaces or punctuation marks. The structural units of text are also: word, line, paragraph, page, section, symbol. Existcertain techniques (commands) for working with each of these units, they will be discussed by us in the next paragraph.

Text editor environment.

The text typed by the user on the keyboard is displayed in the editor's working field on the screen. The location of impact on the working field is marked with a cursor. The cursor looks like a dash or a rectangle.

Often the text is larger than what can fit on the screen. In this case, only part of the text is located within the working field. The screen is a kind of window through which you can view text. To move this window around the text, use special keys or a manipulator.

Most text editors have information about their current state on the screen - a status bar. As a rule, it indicates the cursor coordinates (current line number and position in the line), page number, text format, current font and some other information.

For anyoneTPThe presence of a menu of editor control commands on the screen is typical. These are commands for changing operating modes, file operations, printing, text formatting,requests for information and others. The menu can have both text and pictographic form.

4. Consolidation of the studied material

Read the paragraph and write down the main definitions in your notebook, then answer the questions.

What is a text editor? (text editor - is an application program that allows you to create text documents, edit them, view the contents of the document on the screen, print the document)

What is a text editor used for?(a text editor allows you to create text documents and edit them)

What is the smallest element of text called?(symbol)

What is the name for the sequence of characters between two spaces or punctuation marks?(word)

5. Summing up. Homework

Summing up the lesson: Our lesson has come to an end. Today you learned what a text editor, a word processor, structural units of text are and got acquainted with the text editor environment.

Grading. Homework: § 14. Know what text editors and processors are, the main structural units of text.

Additional task: find out what text editors you have at home.

Text editors are programs for creating and editing text documents. These are letters, articles, certificates, stories or novels and other information called a text document, text file or simply text.

Under text editing understands the whole complex of operations on internal (semantic) and external (design) work on the text. Each text can be “cut”, i.e., cut out pieces from it, “glued” them together, insert parts from other texts into the working material, change their places, etc. You can change the location of the text on the page, the format of lines and paragraphs, insert into illustration text (drawings, graphs, diagrams, etc.).

When describing word processors, two groups of software products of this type should be distinguished. The first group is focused on creating documents of varying degrees of complexity with powerful formatting tools and the inclusion of graphics. A typical representative of this group is Microsoft Word. The second group of word processors (they are often called text editors) is focused on working with purely text files, which may include program texts written in various languages, configuration files, settings files, etc.

A prominent representative of such software products is MultiEdit. This word processor has a powerful contextual replacement system, a built-in macro language at the Visual Basic level, support for the internal environment, and help with typing keywords.

There is another separate group of word processors - desktop publishing systems. Publishing programs (Desktop Publishing) are somewhat similar to conventional word processors, but differ from them in a wider range of capabilities for working with text. Publishing systems include products such as Adobe PageMaker, Adobe In Design, Quark X Press. However, it should be noted that this difference is gradually disappearing, and editors such as Word Perfect or Microsoft Word are already approaching publishing programs. In any case, they are able to provide typing and printing of simple publications.

Typically text editors include the following features:

  • - typing;
  • - correcting the typed text in the usual way, i.e. changing letters, words, etc.;
  • - cutting out text fragments, memorizing them during the current work session, as well as in the form of separate files;
  • - inserting fragments into the desired place in the text;
  • - finding the necessary words or sentences in the text;
  • - replacing words one with another partially or completely throughout the text;
  • - formatting the text, i.e. giving it a certain appearance to the following parameters: the width of the text column, paragraph, margins on both sides, top and bottom margins, distance between lines, alignment of the edges of lines;
  • - automatic division of text into pages with a specified number of lines;
  • - automatic page numbering;
  • - automatic entry of subheadings at the bottom or top of the page;
  • - highlighting part of the text in bold, italic or underlined font;
  • - switching the program to work with a different alphabet;
  • - tabulation of lines, i.e. creation of constant intervals to represent text in the form of columns;
  • - printing the text or its individual pieces;

The most advanced editors also have additional features, such as:

  • - the ability to see the text on the screen in finished form, i.e. the way it will be printed by the printer;
  • - wide selection of fonts;
  • - insertion of formulas, tables, figures into the text;
  • - creating several text columns on one page;
  • - automatic search and correction of grammatical errors;
  • - selection of ready-made styles and templates.

The operating system not only ensures the coordinated operation of all computer hardware and software, but also provides a small set of standard programs sufficient to perform many everyday tasks. The standard applications are the same for all computers running Windows 9*/2000/XP, allowing them to be used as a learning tool.

Everyone has to work with text documents. To work with texts use: text editors And word processors .

Text editors serve mainly for entering and editing text. Editing is a process edits text. In this case, the appearance of the text on the screen or paper does not matter. For example, when preparing email messages, the design does not play a role, because it is known in advance with which program this message will be read.

Word processors used in cases where not only the content of the text is important, but also its appearance. The word processor allows

control the design of text when it is displayed on the screen or on a printing device. This class of programs is used in the preparation of official documents.

A document created in a word processor contains not only text, but also information about how it should be formatted. This information is contained in invisible codes that do not themselves print on screen or paper, but affect how printing occurs.

Different word processors use different codes to format text. In such cases it is said that documents have different formats. Therefore, transferring formatted text documents from one word processor to another is not always possible or always easy. In cases where such a transfer cannot be done, only the text is transferred, without formatting codes ( transfer with loss of formatting), after which the text is again formatted in a new word processor.

While working at a computer, we are extremely often faced with the need to create, edit, design and print text information. Special programs are used for this. Let's try to figure out what it is and why it is needed.


Text editors are specialized programs that allow you to create, format, edit, save and In addition to the text itself, modern documents can contain other objects (tables, lists, diagrams, images, etc.).

The most popular programs for working with text

Now that you already know what a text editor is, we can talk about which applications in this category are the most popular.

Microsoft Word

Probably the most widespread and easy-to-use program. Lots of settings, options, extensive functionality, support for collaboration and reviewing.

Open Office

Free alternative to MS Office software package. The Open Office text editor is slightly inferior to Word in terms of functionality and does not have the same attractive modern interface, but overall it is quite good for performing basic tasks.


Supports quite a few different text formats, including doc and rtf. This program weighs very little, works quite quickly, does not freeze, and meets all the requirements of a modern user.

GNU Emacs

Multifunctional free editor, adapted to work on different operating systems. The basis of the Emacs ideology is the principles of extensibility, customization to user requirements and the desire to combine “all in one”.

However, be that as it may, the good old Microsoft Word is considered the most popular, reliable and convenient.

Main features of MS Word

What is it and what functions can it perform? A unique program created by Microsoft specialists has been improved over several decades. Modern MS Word allows you to:

  • enter and edit text using the keyboard with the ability to subsequently save it in the computer’s memory;
  • format information (change parameters and text formatting);
  • use tools for previewing documents in the process of preparing them for printing;
  • process multiple documents simultaneously;
  • check spelling, spelling and punctuation in different languages;
  • introduce graphic images and diagrams into the text;
  • create and add tables to the text, edit them;
  • use macros in documents, etc.

As for the disadvantages of MS Word, there are not so many of them. However, speaking about what a text editor is, it is worth saying that not all of them are suitable for certain purposes. For example, in the case of Word, you may have problems entering chemical formulas and complex mathematical expressions. In addition, this text editor is not intended for the production of complex printed products (magazine atlases, etc.) or for editing high-quality images.

Studying the MS Word word processor menu

Knowing what a text editor is, you will, of course, want to know more about its capabilities. You can get a general idea of ​​the functionality of MS Word by familiarizing yourself with the main command tabs of the program:

  • Home. Contains a set of commands related to setting paragraphs, styles and choosing fonts.
  • Insert. Allows you to embed pages, tables, links, illustrations, footers, headings, symbols and text objects into a document.
  • Page layout. Here you can find commands for working with themes, paragraph spacing, and background images. On the same tab there are tools that allow you to configure the page parameters and the order of elements on it.
  • Links. The commands on this tab will be useful to those who already know what a text editor is and are working on creating serious voluminous works (table of contents, bibliographies and citations, index, headings, footnotes, etc.).
  • Newsletters. Here are all the features you need to create, preview, and send mail.
  • Reviewing. Tools for checking documents (thesaurus, spelling, etc.). On the same tab, you will see commands that allow you to share the document with other users for review, add a comment, track and process changes, compare versions, and protect the document.
  • View. This tab is responsible for viewing a document in different modes and the ability to view multiple documents.

In the upper left corner you can find the “File” button, which opens the main menu of MS Word, the commands of which allow you to open, save, print documents, as well as learn more about the installed version of the program, what the Microsoft Word text editor is and go to detailed information certificate In addition, in the "File" menu you can change the default settings of the program itself (spelling settings, autosave, theme, etc.).

Essentially, now you know a text editor, and you can easily find the commands you need to work.
