Technical means of computer networks. Moscow State University of Printing Computer central devices

1.1. Composition of technical means

All devices that make up a modern computer are divided into two classes - central devices(primarily the processor and main memory) and external devices. Moreover, external devices are called not by their location, but by their functions. Central devices work with information presented in a specific form - in the form of binary numbers. The main purpose of external devices is to organize communication between central devices and the outside world, that is, to transform information from a form understandable to the user into an internal representation and vice versa. In addition, external devices are used for long-term storage of large amounts of information, for communication with other computers, etc.

All external devices can be divided into four groups.

1. Input devices : keyboard, hand controls (mouse), scanner, CD ROM, etc.

2. Output devices : video system, printer, plotter, etc.

3. Storage devices : external storage devices.

4. Communication and information transfer devices : modems, network cards (adapters), etc.

The general diagram of a computer complex based on a personal computer can be presented as follows (Fig. 1):

Rice. 1. General diagram of the computing complex

In Russia, the most widespread are the so-called IBM compatible personal computers.

1.2. Computer central devices

Rice. 2. Structure of the system (motherboard) board

Typically, all central devices are located on the so-called system (motherboard) board. The general structure of the motherboard is shown in Fig. 2. Let's briefly look at its contents.

Central Processing Unit – a software-controlled electronic digital device designed to process various information presented in digital form.

The main functions of the processor are:

§ Management of the entire computing complex.

§ Perform mathematical and logical operations with data.

Carrying out control functions, the processor ensures proper interaction of computer system components with each other. Control is carried out using pulse signals sent to the controlled components.

When performing calculations and logical operations, the processor is tuned to various operations and directly performs them.

IBM-compatible computers are equipped with microprocessors such as Intel or similar. Modern computers are equipped with Pentium model microprocessors.

The most important parameter of a specific processor model is clock frequency, which is measured in frequency units (megahertz and gigahertz). This indicator determines the speed of the processor and, therefore, its performance. Typical clock speeds for some processors are shown in the table. It should be said that an increase in the serial number of the processor indicates an increase in its characteristics and, therefore, an improvement in the parameters of the computer as a whole.


Clock frequency


75 - 200 MHz

Pentium II

160 - 400 MHz

Pentium III

400 MHz - 1.1 GHz

Pentium IV

1.1 GHz – 2.0 GHz

Main memory– an electronic device designed to store information. Main memory consists of two parts: RAM and ROM. RAM is designed to store information necessary for the current work session. It provides both reading and writing of data. This memory is volatile, because its contents are destroyed when the power is turned off. Read-only memory provides read-only data. The contents of this part of the memory are permanent and can only be changed by special techniques. This non-volatile Memory and its contents are not lost when there is no power.

The most important characteristics of memory include its capacity (volume) and access time. Yocapacity memory is the number of addressable elements (cells) included in it. The volume of the computer's main memory is largely determined by the user's needs and is set based on the user's capabilities and the class of tasks he solves. It should be noted that a small amount of memory significantly slows down the completion of tasks, up to the complete impossibility of solving them. It is irrational to have too much memory, as it increases the price of the computer. For most general purpose personal computers, the memory currently lies within 32 MB¸ 256 MB. Access time is defined as the time interval between the moment a memory request occurs (for the purpose of reading or writing information) and the moment when the information is read or written. The typical value of this value for modern memory chips is 4 * 10 -8 s¸ 0.5*10 -8 s.

External Device Controllers etc They are software-controlled electronic units for matching (interfacing) external and central computer devices with each other. The need to use controllers is due to the fact that external devices usually cannot be directly connected to central ones. One reason for this is that the nature of the signals generated or perceived by the processor, as a rule, differs from the signals generated or perceived by the corresponding external device. The controller ensures coordination of these signals. In addition, since the controller is a software-controlled tool, with the appropriate software, the same controller can provide connection to a computer of different types of external devices. The use of controllers somewhat complicates the design of the computer, but at the same time it becomes possible to easily increase its technical capabilities.

System backbone(common bus) is used to transmit signals between elements of the system board. Monitoring the occupancy of the highway and controlling the passage of signals along it is carried out by the system highway control device. It does not allow access to the bus at those moments when it is already busy and “regulates” the flow of information along the highway.

Ports computers are used to connect external devices to the central unit.

1.3. External computer memory

External computer devices designed to store large amounts of information are called external storage devices. Modern computers most often use external storage devices on magnetic disks. There are two types of disk drives: floppy disks and hard disks.

Devices of the first type consist of two parts: a disk drive that allows you to read or write information (drive), and a storage medium (floppy disk). The drive is installed in the computer, and the media is removable. A disk made of synthetic material coated with a magnetic layer is used as a storage medium. Currently used discs with a diameter of 3.5 inches (about 90 mm ). They are placed in a plastic protective envelope. Information is written to and read from the disk by magnetic heads using well-known principles of magnetic recording. Before use, a new floppy disk is marked in a certain way with a magnetic field (formatted). The information capacity of the floppy disk is quite small and amounts to 1.44 MB.

Another modern type of magnetic disk drives are hard disk drives. The fundamental difference between them is that the disks are made of aluminum alloy and are irreplaceable. The entire mechanism (drives, disks, heads, etc.) is placed in a sealed housing, which significantly increases the durability of the device. High quality magnetic coating, high rotation speed and other technical solutions make it possible to increase the recording density of information storage devices of this type. The information capacity of serial drives is up to 40 GB, and for some models it reaches hundreds of GB.

A fundamentally different method of recording and reading information is used in devices with laser compact discs ( CD disks). They have several varieties. The simplest and cheapest of them only allow you to read information. Such devices are called
CD ROM . Strictly speaking, they should be classified as information input devices. More expensive CD drives allow you to record information. They're called CD-RW . The capacity of a standard CD is about 650 MB.

The most modern recording standard at present is called DVD (digital multipurpose disc). Already the first of the models that appeared had a capacity of more than 4 GB. Following them appeared disks with a capacity of tens of GB.

The access time to external memory devices is significantly longer than to the main memory of a PC. For hard and optical drives it is microseconds, and for devices with floppy disks it is already tenths and even whole seconds.

1.4. Information input/output devices

Let's consider the main input-output devices of modern computers.

Keyboard. Serves for manually entering information into a PC and for controlling the operation of the computer. The keyboard contains keys for numbers, Latin and Russian letters, operation marks and punctuation, function and control keys. The keyboard recognizes the key being pressed, generates the corresponding digital code and transmits it to the central devices.

Mouse. It is a device that allows you to control a computer. The mouse connects to the computer with a flexible cable and has two or three buttons that serve as controls. When you move the mouse on the computer screen, a special pointer moves synchronously, which, depending on the program or situation, looks like an arrow, rectangle, etc. Working with the mouse comes down to pressing, holding and releasing buttons in a certain order.

Scanner. This is the name of a device for entering graphic information into a computer. Using scanners, drawings, photographs and even texts are usually entered. The information entered by the scanner can be subsequently processed.

CD ROM. A device for reading information from an optical disk (CD). The principles of its operation are the same as those of similar household appliances (CD player). The advantage of CD ROM is the large amount of information stored on the disk (hundreds of megabytes) and the security of this information.

Video system. Serves to display the displayed information on the screen. The main parts of a video system are a video monitor and a video adapter. Modern monitors allow you to display information while preserving halftones (gradations of brightness), as in household televisions. The main function of a video adapter (video card) is to convert signals coming from central devices into a form accessible to the monitor.

Printers. A printing device (printer) is designed to display information on paper. Typically, the following types of printers are used: matrix impact, inkjet and laser.

Plotter (graph plotter). This is a device for displaying graphic information, primarily of a technical and scientific nature, on sheets of paper in large format. In principle, it is possible to output illustrative material using printers, but this is not always convenient, ineffective and often impossible. A plotter is a specialized device for displaying graphic images and is especially convenient for creating technical drawings, diagrams, diagrams, etc.

1. 5. V computer networks

A computer network is a system of computers connected by information transmission channels. Networks allow you to increase computing power by using network resources and redistributing the load between machines. Networks allow you to organize a number of additional services, such as operational meetings, e-mail, training, etc.

Distinguish local And distributed computer networks. In a distributed computer network, computers can be hundreds or thousands of kilometers apart from each other. They are connected by telecommunication lines to exchange information. In local networks (LANs), the maximum distance between machines does not exceed several kilometers. As a rule, LANs are intended for processing information within one organization. In this case, the network nodes are computers (workstations) and other user equipment.

The main technical parameter of the network is the data transfer speed. In modern networks it is usually up to 100 Mbit/s.

The following hardware is used as technical devices for connecting computers into a network.

Network adapters. They are electronic devices that allow you to combine individual computers into single computer networks. The network adapter is installed in a computer and connected to similar devices on other computers using special communication lines. Typically, such networks connect computers that are not too distant from each other.

Modems and fax modems. A modem is a device that allows a computer to communicate with the outside world. Unlike network adapters, a modem allows you to access remote computer systems. The modem connects the computer to existing communication lines, for example, telephone, radio relay, etc. A special type of information that computers are capable of exchanging are faxes, which allow the transmission of images. This uses a device called a fax modem. It can be used to send any documents.

Rice. 3. Bus topology network with dedicated file server

An important property of a network is the way computers are connected in it (network topology). There are several types of network topologies. The simplest one is a bus topology network (Fig. 3). It is a common cable to which network adapters of workstations and other network devices are connected. Each node in such a network is physically connected to two neighboring nodes. The message passes sequentially through all workstations.

Based on the priority (importance) of computers in the network, the following types of networks are distinguished.

IN peer-to-peer networks, all network workstations have equal rights and have the same priority. At each moment, data transfer is controlled by the computer that initiates the transfer process. However, the use of peer-to-peer networks is justified only with a small number of workstations - up to ten or a little more. As the number of network nodes increases, the performance and data transfer speed drop sharply. Therefore, for networks with a large number of workstations, one of the computers is assigned the task of managing the operation of the network. In this case, we get a network with dedicated file server. In such networks, not only information is transferred between workstations, but it is also possible to use machine resources (processor, part of RAM) of some workstations to meet the needs of other stations. Network resource distribution, data transfer management and other operations place increased demands on the file server. To support the work of a large number of users, a computer used as a server must have a large amount of RAM and disk memory, a powerful processor and a high-speed system bus.

Rice. 4. Diagram of a star-type computer network with a file server and a hub

Computer networks with a large number of workstations often have a star topology, when each workstation is connected to the server by a separate cable (Fig. 4). Bus topologies are simpler and more economical than star topologies because they require less cable, but they are very sensitive to faults in the cabling system.

Workstations are usually connected to the network not directly, but through media access devices that act as multiport hubs. Concentrators are either passive or active. Active hubs not only transmit a signal to each of their ports, but also regenerate it, acting as an amplifier. The use of these devices is often due to restrictions on the length of the network and the number of workstations. Hubs are also a key component in ensuring the reliability of a local network because they are placed at the center of the network.

Personal computer architecture is determined by a set of properties that are essential for the user and include the structure of the computer and its functionality, which can be divided into basic and additional. The main functions determine the purpose of the computer, i.e. processing, storing information and exchanging information with external objects. Additional functions increase the efficiency of performing basic functions: ensuring efficient operating modes, dialogue with the user, high reliability, etc. These functions are solved using the components of the personal computer architecture - hardware and software.

Computer structure- a certain model that establishes the composition, order and principles of interaction of its components.

The PC structure is central system unit, to which external devices are connected via connectors, a keyboard that allows you to enter characters into the computer, and a monitor for displaying text and graphic information.

The system unit consists of:

n system (motherboard) board on which it is located microprocessor(CISC - with a full set of instructions, RISC - with a reduced set of instructions, MISC - with a minimum set of instructions, Intel, AMD, Cyrix), designed to control the operation of all PC blocks and to perform arithmetic and logical operations. Microprocessors differ from each other by two characteristics: type (model) and clock frequency. The microprocessor includes:

control devices(supplies control pulses received from the clock pulse generator to all blocks, generates addresses of memory cells);

arithmetic-logical device, designed to perform all arithmetic and logical operations on numeric and symbolic information;

microprocessor memory, which is built on registers and ensures high PC performance, MP interface system for communication with other devices

math coprocessor, designed for accelerated execution of operations on floating point numbers;

n power supply;

n clock generator, which generates a sequence of electrical pulses, the frequency of which determines the clock frequency of the PC. Clock frequency is one of the main characteristics of a PC; it determines its operating speed, because each operation is performed in a certain number of cycles. Clock frequency, measured in megahertz (MHz), indicates how many elementary operations (cycles) the microprocessor performs in one second.

n system bus, which ensures the interfacing of all PC devices with each other and exchanges data between the MP and the OP, between the MP and the input-output system, between the OP and the input-output system.

n random access memory chips (RAM - memory and ROM - ROM - memory, register cache memory - ultra-random access memory, which is a buffer between the OP and the MP.

Structurally, the OP consists of millions of memory cells with a capacity of 1 byte each. The capacity of RAM is 2 orders of magnitude greater than the capacity of ROM.

n keyboard adapters, HDD and HDD

n power supply - a block containing autonomous and mains power systems

n interrupt controller, which temporarily stops the work of one program in order to promptly execute another (priority one).

n timer (in-machine electronic clock that provides automatic reading of machine time);

n floppy drive

n hard drive

n CD-ROM drive

n connectors for additional devices

n expansion cards with controllers - external device adapters

External (peripheral) devices:

n Storage devices

HDD hard drives

Flexible magnetic disks NGMD



ZIP drives

Magneto-optical devices

n Input devices

Keyboard (special keyboard)

Manipulators (mouse, trackball, penmouse, infrared mouse)

graphics tablets (digitizers)

scanners (handheld, flatbed, drum, form scanners, bar scanners)

digital cameras

n Output devices

printers (matrix, laser, LED, inkjet)

video monitor (radiation: soft x-ray, ultraviolet, radio radiation, electrostatics; protective filters: mesh, film, glass)

plotter (plotters)


n Communications and telecommunications devices

Many of the devices listed are classified as means multimedia, representing a complex of hardware and software that allows you to communicate with a PC using a variety of environments that are natural for the user: sound, video, graphics, texts, animation, etc.

Computer information.

General information about traces of crimes in the area

The main sign that traces belong to crimes in the field of computer information and the identification of the carriers of such traces is their formation as a result of the use of computer equipment.

Computer equipment is divided according to its functional purpose:

1) hardware (Hard Ware);

2) software (Soft Ware).

Computer hardware represent technical means used for data processing; mechanical" electrical and electronic equipment used for information processing purposes. These include:

1) Computer (electronic computer, computer).

2) Peripheral equipment,

3) Physical media of magnetic information.

Computer (electronic computer. Computer - a set of technical means designed for automatic information processing in the process of solving computational and information problems. Computers can be classified as:

1) Super-computers - computers and computing systems that are unique in terms of the purpose of their creation, speed and memory capacity, designed to solve particularly complex problems;

2) Mainframe computers - stationary computing systems with a large number of different peripheral devices that are equipped with computer centers.

3) Mini-computers, micro-computers, personal computers - computers intended for individual use, usually desktop or portable, comprehensively consisting of a system unit with an external memory device and

a drive on a flexible storage medium, a display (monitor), an information input device (keyboard) that provides data input and instructions for processing information.

To solve forensic problems, computers should be distinguished:

(1) by size: a) stationary large computers, i.e. permanently installed in a specific room and having the ability to work only in this room; b) “desktop” small-sized PCs, i.e. personal computers, the installation of which requires only a table and which can be easily moved from room to room depending on the user’s needs; c) portable PCs (laptop PC, notebook PC, pocket PC), i.e. portable computers, ranging in size from a briefcase to a notebook, which, thanks to compact battery power supplies, provide the ability to work with them anywhere; d) small-sized computers included in mechanical and/or technological systems (controlling flights, movement, production processes, etc.);

(2) By the presence or absence of: a) peripheral devices; b) means of communication or inclusion in a computer network;

(3) By location and main task being solved in the networks: a) end user computer; b) computer of the network administrator or system operator; c) a computer that acts as a “storage” for a database; d) a computer that controls the technological process in offline mode; e) a computer operating as a mail “server”.

In the practice of investigating computer crimes, one most often has to deal with personal computers (PCs, PCs). In this case it can be:

An autonomously working personal computer, i.e. not part of any computer network and not have telecommunications systems, i.e. devices that allow the use of radio, telephone and satellite communication systems. This is a versatile single-user machine;

An element of a computer system - a complex in which at least one computer is an element of the system or several computers make up the system;

Enter into a local computer network connecting a number of computers located in the same local area. Such a zone may be limited to one or more adjacent buildings or one organization. In this case, information is transmitted in the form of a continuous signal through cables, the length of which can reach several kilometers;

Enter into a computer network, which is an unlimited number of software-compatible computers interconnected by telecommunication lines. In “global networks,” the issue of compatibility between different computers is resolved by creating special relay devices so that users of different software do not have inconvenience when interacting.

Periphery equipment - equipment that has a status subordinate to the computer, ensuring the transfer of data and commands between the processor and the user relative to a specific central processor, a set of external computer devices that are not under the direct control of the central processor. The most common types of such equipment are:

A printer (printing device) is used to output information contained in the computer’s memory and reproduce it on a physical medium (paper, film, etc.) in a form accessible to human perception.

The manipulator is an additional device for entering information. Together with the keyboard, it improves the user experience with a number of interactive programs where you need to quickly move the cursor around the screen to select menu items or highlight screen fragments. One such manipulator is the mouse.

A scanner is a device that allows you to enter images into a computer in the form of text or graphic information.

A modem is a device for exchanging information with other computers via the telephone network. They can be internal (inserted into the system unit) and external (connected as a separate device).

Fax Modem - combines the capabilities of a modem and the ability to exchange fax images with other fax modems

and regular telefax machines.

Physical media of magnetic information - devices designed to store information used when working with a computer.

The main one is the hard disk drive (hard drive). It is designed for permanent storage of information used when working with a computer. The hard drive is located inside the computer and is non-removable. If it is necessary to obtain information from such a disk, it must be copied to other media.

The amount of information recorded on a hard drive depends on its capacity. Information about this disk can be obtained from technical or reference documentation, which provides characteristics of standard sets of various types of PCs. Accurate information about the technical parameters of a particular computer is displayed on the monitor when the machine boots up or at the special request of the user.

It should be remembered that when storing application software packages on a hard drive, the information on the programs (what is usually of interest to the investigator) is most often contained on external storage devices. However, neither the package itself nor digital (text) materials can be used in a separate form, separately from each other.

Hard drives do not provide confidential information if more than one user is using the computer. In this case, various ciphers and passwords can be used to access programs.

Another widespread type of storage media is floppy disk drives (FDD - Floppy Disk Drive). To work on such a drive, floppy disks (FD) are used - floppy disks.

Floppy disks are designed for long-term storage of programs or arrays of information that are loaded into computer memory as needed. With their help, backup (copying) of information is carried out, ensuring data confidentiality, transporting (moving in space) data, and distributing (replicating) information. The essence and structure of floppy disks are the same. They distinguish-

vary in size, appearance and design.

Another type of information storage device is magnetic tape. They have not received sufficient distribution in professional computers, since the time to access information on them is much longer than on floppy disks. Most often, this type of drive is used to duplicate other drives and store archived information. This type of storage device is called a streamer.

In recent years, another type of magnetic information storage devices has been widely introduced - optical disk drives. To use them, the computer must be equipped with a special device - an optical disk drive.

The operating principle of optical drives is based on the use of a laser beam to write and read information in digital form. Based on their functional characteristics, GCDs are divided into three categories:

Non-writable (read-only);

Write once and read many times;

With the ability to rewrite.

In order to increase the reliability of information storage, other types of computer information storage media are being developed. Among them:

Memory on cylindrical magnetic domains (CMD);

Holographic memory.

However, these storage media have not yet become widespread.

Computer software- represent objective forms of representing a set of data and commands intended for the operation of computers and computer devices in order to obtain a certain result, as well as materials prepared and recorded on a physical medium obtained during their development, and the audiovisual displays generated by them.

These include:

1) Software, which is a set of control and processing programs designed for planning and organizing the computational process of automating programming and debugging programs for solving applied problems, consisting of:

System programs (operating systems, maintenance programs: drivers, shell programs, auxiliary programs - utilities);

Application programs (a set of specialized programs) designed to solve a certain class of problems, for example, text editors, anti-virus programs and systems, programs to protect against unauthorized access, table processors, database management systems (DBMS), graphic editors, computer-aided design systems (CAD) ), integrated systems, accounting programs, process control programs, automated workstations (AWS), libraries of standard programs, etc.;

Instrumental programs (programming systems) consisting of programming languages: Microsoft Visual C++, Pascal, Borland Pascal, Microsoft Visual Basic, Clipper, Delphi, etc., and translators - a set of programs that provide automatic translation from non-rhythmic and symbolic languages ​​into machine codes.

2) Machine information (information on machine media) owner, user, proprietor.

In the most general form, software tools are descriptions perceived by a computer and sufficient to solve certain problems on it. To compose programs, artificial languages ​​are used, called programming languages. Typically, a computer accepts and executes programs written using one specific language, which is the machine language of that computer. A machine language is a language that consists solely of the characters “O” and “1” and is necessary for a computer to directly execute instructions and commands. However, today the use of special programs can provide the ability for a specific computer to understand other programming languages ​​- by translating texts written in these languages ​​into texts in machine language. Thus, it is possible to use any programming language if the means for their implementation on a given computer are available.

1. Which pairs of objects are not in the “object - model” relationship? A) computer - its photograph; B) a computer - its functionality

B) a computer - its processor;

D) computer - its technical description.

2. An information model that has a hierarchical structure is...

B) lesson schedule;

B) periodic table;

D) TV program.

3. Which model is static (describing the state of an object)?

A) formula of a chemical compound;

B) formulas for uniformly accelerated motion;

B) formula of a chemical reaction;

D) Newton's second law.

4. An information model that has a network structure is...

A) computer file system;

B) periodic table;

B) family tree;

D) model of the Internet computer network.

5. The information (sign) model is...

A) anatomical model;

B) building layout;

B) model of the ship;

D) chemical formula.

6. In information models of open-loop control systems there is no...

A) control object;

B) controlled object;

B) control channel;

D) feedback channel.

7. Which of the following definitions of the concept “model” are correct? Mark all the answers that you think are correct.

A) a model is a kind of auxiliary tool, an object that in a certain situation replaces another object;

B) a model is a new object that reflects some aspects of the object or phenomenon being studied that are significant from the point of view of the purpose of modeling;

C) a model is a physical or information analogue of an object, the functioning of which - according to certain parameters - is similar to the functioning of a real object;

D) a model of some object is another object (real, symbolic or imaginary), different from the original one, it has properties essential for modeling purposes and, within the framework of these goals, completely replaces the original object.

8. Insert into the sentence the most accurate term from the list below.

If the material model of an object is its physical likeness, then the information model of an object is its...

A) description;

B) accurate reproduction;

B) schematic representation;

D) transformation.

9. Which statement is true?

A) information models of the same object, even if intended for different purposes, should be largely similar;

B) information models of the same object, intended for different purposes, can be completely different.

10. Can information be transmitted from person to person and from generation to generation without the use of models?

A) no, you can never do without models;

B) yes, sometimes, for example, genetic information;

C) yes, most often knowledge is transferred without using any models.

11. Is it true that modeling is one of the main methods of cognition, a way of existing knowledge?

A) no; B) yes.

12. Which of the following models are probabilistic? Choose three correct answers.

A) weather forecast;

B) report on the activities of the enterprise;

B) device operation diagram;

D) scientific hypothesis;

E) plan of events dedicated to Victory Day.

13. Is the type of the following model correctly defined: “A computer model of the flight of a ball thrown vertically upward is a dynamic formalized model that imitates the behavior of a given object”?

A) no; B) yes.

Task #1 Question: The Internet is: Choose one of 4 answer options: 1) a group of PCs located in one room 2) a global computer network,

uniting many local, regional and corporate networks 3) a complex of terminals connected by communication channels to a computer 4) a multimedia computer with a printer, modem, fax Task #2 Question: A file is: Select one of 4 answer options: 1) a unit of measurement of information 2 ) a program in RAM 3) a PC memory area with a name 4) text printed on a printer Task #3 Question: Specify the file extension proba.docx Select one of 4 answer options: 1) no extension 2) proba 3) docx 4) .docx Task #4 Question: Specify the file type fakt.exe Select one of 4 answer options: 1) text 2) graphic 3) executable 4) Web page Task #5 Question: The data transfer speed through an ADSL connection is 256,000 bits /With. Transferring the file via this connection took 3 minutes. Determine the file size in kilobytes. Select one of 4 answer options: 1) 125 2) 56,250 3) 45,000 4) 5,625 Task #6 Question: For what purposes is system software needed? Select one of 4 answer options: 1) for developing application software 2) for solving tasks from problem areas 3) to manage computer resources 4) to expand the capabilities of the operating system Task #7 Question: A local network unites: Select one of 4 answer options: 1) computers of one institution 2) computers of several institutions 3) computers of one region 4) computers that have common domain names Task #8 Question: Match Specify the match for all 6 answer options: 1) information recorded on disk under a specific name 2) a program that makes it easier for users to work with files and directories in the Windows operating system 3) programs that used for working on a computer 4) initial preparation of the disk for work - applying magnetic tracks and sectors to its surface 5) programs that ensure the operation of the computer and all its devices as a single system 6) a place on the disk under a specific name where lists of files and subdirectories are stored (folders) on a specific topic __ software __ disk formatting __ operating system __ file __ directory (folder) __ explorer Task #9 Question: URL of the Web page htm. Enter the computer's domain name. Select one of 4 answer options: 1) 2) http 3) htm 4) index.htm Task #10 Question: Browsers are: Select one of 4 answer options: 1) Internet servers 2) antivirus programs 3) translators programming language 4) Web page viewer Task #11 Question: Which of the following applies to browsers Select several of 5 answer options: 1) Opera 2) Google 3) Excel 4) Mozilla 5) Hyper Text Task #12 Question: Tag - this: Select one of 3 answer options: 1) an instruction to the browser indicating how text should be displayed 2) text that uses special characters 3) a pointer to another file or object Task #13 Question: Specify tags that determine the visible part of the document Select several of 8 answer options: 1)2)3)
