Defense personal account. Serviceman’s personal account - log in without registration using your personal number

It is important for a contract soldier to be aware of how things are going with his salary. After all, receiving financial rewards from the state is one of the conditions of his service. This information is comprehensively presented on the serviceman’s pay sheet. In this article we will look at how to view this document online and offline.

What kind of document is this?

A serviceman's pay sheet is a type of document that indicates the amount of a military man's allowance, as well as all the accruals due to him. Here you can also familiarize yourself with the deductions and the exact amount that will be issued in person.

In the Russian Federation, a military payslip is now available in two variations - paper and electronic. Of course, it is easier and faster for a military man to view the second option. However, this requires registration in your personal account on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Every employer is required to provide a paper version of the payslip to its employees. Russian Federation under Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The document must contain the following points:

  • Components of monetary remuneration for the period specified in the pay slip.
  • The amounts of other amounts that are due to be paid to the employee: compensation, vacation pay and other payments.
  • Retentions - their sizes and bases.
  • Total amount to be paid.

Features of the pay sheet for the military

What distinguishes a contract serviceman from an ordinary employee is that he receives not a salary, but a monetary allowance coupled with other necessary payments. What does this mean specifically for our topic? A serviceman's pay sheet compiled by the Unified Settlement Center will differ as follows:

  • Salary according to his military rank.
  • Salary according to his military position (when serving under a contract).
  • Percentage increase for length of service.
  • Monthly allowances for any special conditions of service (under contract).
  • Monthly increase for maintaining secrecy (when serving under a contract).
  • Monthly bonus for class qualifications (when serving under a contract).
  • Award for the effective and conscientious performance of one's official military duties.
  • Vacation accruals.
  • Sick leave.
  • Material aid.
  • Other applicable allowances.
  • Deductions from salary. In particular, this is personal income tax.
  • Result: the amount that (taking into account all the allowances and deductions listed in the document) the serviceman will receive in his hands.

How to get a pay slip for a military man?

So, how can you get acquainted with the pay slip of a serviceman under a contract? There are several ways to obtain a document:

  • Paper variation. In your own military unit.
  • Electronic view on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Just log in to your Personal Area.

Please note that you can view a serviceman’s pay slip for free in both cases. IN electronic version There are two variations of document viewing:

  1. In my own way personal number- if you register in the system.
  2. Without registering in your personal account on the site.

Let's take a closer look at these possibilities.

Viewing a document without registering in your personal account

Let's figure out how to view it on the Ministry of Defense website:

  1. Go to the main page of this online resource.
  2. Click on the "Log in without registering" option.
  3. The visitor must select from the list who he is: a military serviceman or a government employee.
  4. Next, you need to enter the serviceman’s personal number according to a given standard: one or two letters of the Russian alphabet, then a dash and six numbers. Example: AB-123456.
  5. The next item is the date of birth. Also entered according to the standard: DD.MM.YYYY. For example: 03/05/1992.
  6. The last step is to enter the code from the picture. This way you confirm that all actions are performed by a real person and not a robot. malware.
  7. Now you just need to click on the “Login” button.

If all the data is entered correctly, the visitor is taken directly to his payslip using his personal number. If an error was made, the system will notify you: “There is no information on the entered data.”

You now know how to view a serviceman’s pay slip when logging in without registering. However, it is easier to get acquainted with information about the status of your salary in your own personal account. Therefore, next we will look at how to open it and how to log in.

Registration of a military personnel in the system

Login to a serviceman’s personal account (the payslip is most convenient to view there) on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is made using the registration number. Accordingly, first you need to register on the resource.

This process consists of two stages: creating a personal account and then activating it. Shall we begin?

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. Go to the main page of the site.
  2. Select "Register" option.
  3. A working window will appear in front of you with required fields.
  4. Select your category: military personnel or government employee.
  5. Personal number of a military personnel according to the standard.
  6. Date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY.
  7. Create a password (and save this combination of characters in a safe place). As the system prompts, the code must consist of at least 6 characters and begin with a letter.
  8. Repeat the password in the next field.
  9. Please enter your email address.
  10. Now you need to enter the characters from the picture in the next line. This way you confirm that you are doing the actions yourself. If the numbers cannot be understood, click on the "Refresh" icon. The system will offer a more readable picture.
  11. After you have filled out all the fields, all you have to do is click on the “Register” button.

Account activation

The last step remains - to activate the created account in the Internet system of the Ministry of Defense. To do this, log into your email account. Incoming letters should contain a message from this site.

Follow the link provided in the letter. This will confirm that you have provided a personal email address, thereby activating your account. With this action, the registration process is completely completed. You can now log into your personal account using your login and password you created.

Login to your personal account

The steps after registering in the system are simple:

  1. Open the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
  2. Click on "Login".
  3. Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields.
  4. If the information is correct, then a page for generating a serviceman’s pay slip will appear in front of you.

If you forgot your password...

What to do if you have lost/cannot remember your password? The system has a convenient function quick recovery. The email you provided when registering your account will help with this.

Click on "Recover Password". You will need to provide the following information:

  • Your personal serviceman number.
  • Date of birth.
  • Code from the proposed image.

Go to your email Mailbox. A letter with a link should arrive there. By clicking on it, you will automatically reset your old password. After this, you can create a new code. Be sure to keep it in a safe place.

Access to the system has been restored!

Possibilities of a military personnel’s personal account

I must say that it is so comfortable electronic system was introduced in response to complaints from the military themselves. They noted that the amounts in their payslips did not correspond to those stated and did not reflect all bonuses and other allowances. Today, a military man can receive all information about his own salary in electronic format. Previously, this was only possible through special secret communication channels.

In addition to familiarizing yourself with your full pay slip, a serviceman has the following options in his own personal account:

  • Formation of a payslip, which will reflect in detail the amounts of all allowances due.
  • Saving an electronic document on your computer for access to it offline at any time.
  • Continuously monitor your cash allowance.

Until recently, a serviceman could only get acquainted with the amount of monetary remuneration using a paper document provided at the military unit. Today the situation has changed. It is possible to control accruals online on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. It is possible to view the payslip both without registration and in your personal account on the Internet resource.

Recently, the country's Defense Myth has introduced its single portal for military personnel. It contains all the important information. It is also worth paying attention to one important fact - the ongoing fraud on the part of outsiders, both in the Ministry of Defense and government departments, prompted management to create a personal account. Here, every serviceman will be able to find out all the steps for crediting monthly allowances and payroll.

Login by code

Nowadays it is not so easy to log into your personal account; for this, people for whom this service is intended must know their individual code. This is done to ensure that all data about a particular person’s service is not leaked to third parties. Using the code, it is very easy to enter your personal account on the Ministry of Defense website; this can be done, perhaps even without registration.

Other login methods

When carrying out an action for the first time, it is necessary to keep in mind post-Soviet registration, if any. The system can take from you all the personal information that needs to be collected. Here it is worth having military snils available. You will also need to know the password, without which you should not try to log in;

  • personal number.
  • Date of Birth.
  • unique number. Provided to all military personnel, where upon entry you must indicate who you are, a civil servant or a military service member.

Find out all important information you can with registration. To complete all the steps, fill out the form provided without missing a single line. Don’t forget to enter a special code that will be displayed at the bottom of the entire form; this is done so that the system can understand whether you are a robot or a living person.

To activate your account, do not forget to follow the link in the email:

Login without password

Sometimes there are times when the password is lost or forgotten. But this is not a problem, since the registration form asks you to log into the service even without it. For this, know special number, assigned during military service to each employee of a given department.

Serviceman's personal account

In the “forgot your password” tab, you can recover it again. Still, it would be better to know the password with all the data.

What is the service intended for?

Having your personal account at your fingertips is convenient and comfortable. Here, every soldier who serves under a contract or pays military debt to the Motherland will be able, if necessary, to download a pay slip, after all operations performed, according to available funds. The service also offers to calculate wages using the calculator tab. This can be done several months in advance.

Mil ru ( - official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Mil ru - official website of the Ministry of Defense

On the Ministry's website you can familiarize yourself with its leadership and structure, documents, contact and other information related to the activities of the Ministry of Defense.

There is also a personal account, a link to which can be found in the menu located on the left side of the site. Military personnel, as well as civilian employees of the Ministry of Defense, can take advantage of the office’s capabilities. Both registered and unregistered users can log into the account.

In the first case, to gain access to your military personal account, you will need to go through a registration procedure, which involves filling out a standard form in which you will need to indicate who you are registering as: a military serviceman or a civil servant. Here you will also need to indicate the personal number of a military personnel or SNILS of a civilian, date of birth, email address and password starting with a letter and containing at least six characters. You will also need to indicate the code from the proposed image and click on “Register”.


After the system detects data about the presence of the corresponding military personnel or civil servant in the database, an inactive user account will be created, and a message will be displayed indicating the successful completion of the first part of the registration on MilRu.

Next, you will need to click on the link contained in the email sent to the e-mail you specified, which will complete the registration procedure and make your account active. After completing the registration procedure, you will be able to log into your personal account on the mil ru website. To do this, you will need to indicate your login and password.

Login to your personal account

If necessary, you can also recover your password by clicking on the appropriate link. In this case, you will need to indicate the serviceman’s personal number or SNILS, date of birth and the code from the proposed picture. The data required to recover your password will be sent to the email address specified during registration.

In addition to recovering the password required to enter your personal account, you can also change it. This can be done using the appropriate link available in the credentials window in your personal account MilRu. To change the password, you will need to specify the old and new passwords (the latter will need to be entered twice) and click on the “Change Password” button.

You can log into your personal account without registering. To do this, you will need to select the appropriate link, indicate as who YOU ​​want to log in, enter the military personnel personal number or SNILS, date of birth and code from the image, and then click on the “Login” button. As a result, you will find yourself in the “Payment slips” section.

Login to your personal account without registration

Milru's personal account allows its users to generate payslips, which is available in the corresponding section of the account. Here you can create and download a payslip containing information about the amount of your allowance, accruals and deductions made.

In order to generate a payslip, you will need to indicate the required period. This may be one or several months.

Serviceman's pay slip

In the first case, you will need to select the “per month” tab, then indicate the desired month and year, in the second - “per period” and indicate the desired time period. Next, click on the “Generate” button. The payslip can be displayed in normal and mobile versions. The formation of a payslip in your personal account on the mil ru website is possible in three formats: pdf, docx and xlsx.

Formation of a pay slip

Registered users who wish to receive notifications about updates or the addition of new payslips by e-mail simply need to check the box next to the “Receive notifications” field in the user credentials window.

If you are a registered user, you can also take part in surveys available through your personal account. You can find out if there is an available survey using the red indicator, which is located to the right of the “Survey” link. To take the survey, you will need to go to the credentials window and click on the “Survey” link. After this, a window with questions and answer options will open.

If you are also interested in the possibility of receiving banking services at any time convenient for you, check out the capabilities of such a service as AK Bars Online Bank personal account.

Mil ru personal account -

Official site:

Technical support by phone: FKU "United" clearing center Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: 8-800-200-22-06, Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: 8-800-200-22-95, 8-800-200-26-96

Login personal account of a military man without registration and with registration: to come in .

1. Login to your Personal Account

Login to your Personal Account can be performed by both registered and unregistered users.

1.1. Login to your Personal Account without registration

When entering your Personal Account without registration, the user is authorized using the following data:

For military personnel: by personal number and date of birth;

For civil servants: by compulsory pension insurance certificate number (SNILS) and date of birth.

The appearance of the login form is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Login form for your Personal Account without registration

To enter your Personal Account without registering, you must complete the following steps:

Check the “Log in without registering” checkbox at the top of the form;

Depending on the specified user category, enter the personal number of a military personnel (format: one or two Russian letters, not sensitive to case, a dash and six digits) or SNILS of a civil servant (format: 11 digits without spaces and dashes);

Enter date of birth (format: “DD.MM.YYYY”);

Enter the numbers shown in the picture;

Click on the “Login” button.

If all the data has been entered correctly, and the system has found information about the corresponding military personnel or government employee in its database, the main page of the site will be displayed on the screen. Otherwise an error message will be displayed.

1.2. Registration in your Personal Account

The process of registering a user in your Personal Account consists of two parts: creating an account and activating it.

1.2.1. First part of the registration process (account creation)

To create a user account you must:

On the login page (see Figure 1), click on the “Registration” link. A page with a user registration wizard in your Personal Account will appear on the screen.

In the first window of the user registration wizard (see Fig. 2), click on the “Next” button.

Rice. 2. First step of the user registration wizard in your Personal Account

In the second window of the user registration wizard (see Fig. 3) you must:

Enter the password for the future account (the password must consist of at least six alphanumeric characters, begin with a letter and contain at least one number);

Re-enter the password;

Click on the “Register” button.

Rice. 3. Second step of the user registration wizard in your Personal Account

If all data is entered correctly, and the system has found information about the corresponding military personnel in its database, an account will be created given user(the account will not be active), and the third wizard window will be displayed on the screen.

In the third window (see Fig. 4), you must carefully study the instructions for completing the registration process and click on the “Continue” button.

Rice. 4. Third step of the user registration wizard in your Personal Account

Note: Login to your Personal Account under account, created in the first part of the registration process, is not possible until it is activated.

1.2.2. Second part of the registration process (account activation)

To activate your user account you must:

Open a message sent to the email address specified during the first part of registration (see Fig. 5);

Rice. 5. Sample email message sent
when registering a user

Remember the login specified in it;

Receive confirmation that the registration process has been completed (see Fig. 6);

Rice. 6. Confirmation of completion of the registration process

Only after receiving this confirmation the registration process is considered completed and the user can log into the Personal Account using his username and password.

Note: Completing registration (following the link directed to email address user) must be completed within the next 2 hours, starting from the completion of the first part of registration. Otherwise, the user will have to repeat the registration process from the beginning.

1.3. Login of a registered user to your Personal Account

To log into your Personal Account using the account created during the registration process, you must enter your username and password on the Personal Account login page. In this case, the “Login without registration” checkbox should be cleared (see Fig. 7). After clicking on the “Login” button, the main page of the site should load.

Rice. 7. User login to your Personal Account under your account

1.4. User password recovery

If the user has forgotten his password, he can use the password recovery mechanism.

The process of recovering a user's Personal Account password consists of two parts: checking the user's attributes and actually changing the password.

1.4.1. First part of the password recovery process (verifying user attributes)

To check user attributes:

On the login page to your Personal Account (see Fig. 1), click on the “Forgot your password?” link.

In the first window of the password recovery wizard (see Fig. 8), click on the “Next” button.

Rice. 8. First step of the password recovery wizard

In the second window of the wizard (see Fig. 9) you need to:

Depending on the specified user category, enter the personal number of a military personnel (format: one or two Russian letters, not sensitive to case, a dash and six digits) or SNILS of a civil servant (format: 11 digits without spaces and dashes);

Enter date of birth (format: “DD.MM.YYYY”);

Enter the numbers shown in the picture;

Rice. 9. Second step of the password recovery wizard

If the data is entered correctly, and the system has found in its database information about the corresponding military personnel or government employee, then a message containing a link will be sent to the email address of this user specified during registration, which will lead to the opening of a password change page.

In the third window of the wizard (see Fig. 10), you must carefully study the instructions for completing the password recovery process and click on the “Finish” button.

Rice. 10. Third step of the password recovery wizard

1.4.2. The second part of the password recovery process (password change)

To complete the password recovery process you must:

Open a message sent to the user's email address (see Fig. 11);

Rice. 11. Sample email message sent
when recovering your password

On the page for entering a new password (see Fig. 12), enter the new password, confirmation and click on the “Change password” button.

Rice. 12. New password entry page

Receive confirmation of successful password recovery (see Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Confirmation of completion of the process
password recovery

Only after receiving this confirmation the password recovery process is considered complete.

Note: Completion of password recovery (clicking on a link sent to the user's email address) must be completed within the next 2 hours, starting from the moment the first part of registration is completed. Otherwise, the user will have to repeat the registration process from the beginning.

2. Formation of a payslip

The pay slip generation mechanism is available to both registered and unregistered users after logging into their Personal Account.

To generate a payslip you must:

Go to the main page of the site (see Fig. 14) or to the “Calculation sheet” section;

In the “Payment Sheet” panel located on the left, indicate the year and month for which you want to generate a payslip, and click on the “Generate” button.

Rice. 14. Home page site and the “Payment Sheet” panel

A page with the serviceman’s pay slip will appear on the screen (see Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Serviceman’s pay slip

Additionally, the payslip can be opened or saved in one of the following formats:

Microsoft Word;

Microsoft Excel;

To do this, click on the “Export” button and select the desired format in the drop-down menu (see Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Selecting the format in which you need
open or save payslip

3. User changing their own password

This feature is available only to registered users. To change your password, you must click on the “Change Password” link located in the upper right corner of any page on the site.

Rice. 17. Password change page

A password change page will appear on the screen (see Fig. 17), on which you must perform the following actions:
. Enter the old password;

Enter a new password;

Enter password confirmation;

Click on the “Change password” button.

Note: The new password must be at least six alphanumeric characters, start with a letter, contain at least one number, and be different from the old password

I have already talked about a new convenient service - . For those who have at least once communicated with the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense, I think there is no need to explain all its advantages. Many people don’t want to use it because they have to register to access the account. For some it is difficult, for others they are simply not lazy. But few people noticed that you can go to the Personal Account of a military man on Mil.Ru

So, we open the serviceman’s personal account - and see the authorization window. Please note that there is a checkbox “Login without registration”:

We put it on and see. Please note that appearance The window has changed a little - instead of a login and password, the Personal Account asks you to indicate your number and date of birth. But everything is in order. First, in the “User Category” list, select the “Military” value:

Now pay attention to the “Serviceman’s personal number” field - you need to enter your number in it. For those who don’t know, it is indicated on the personal badge:

I’m thinking about what you don’t need to indicate in the “Date of Birth” field :).

All that remains is to enter the verification code from the picture. This was done for security purposes to make it more difficult to select data for unauthorized entry into a serviceman’s personal account.

Click on the “Login” button.

As you can see, you can enter the personal account of a serviceman of the Russian Defense Ministry on even without registration. Now you can view your salary slip in the mode Online without contacting the ERC.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation not so long ago created on its official website new program, intended for contract military personnel. With its help, you can view the amounts accrued for payment in the current month. Let's talk further about how to learn how to use the personal account of the ERC of the Russian Federation: features of the service and important points for the user.

Why was there a need?

The need to develop the ERC of the RF Armed Forces is explained frequently asked questions military personnel and civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense on the calculation of the amounts that are due to them to be paid, as well as when this payment will be made, in what amount, etc.

To simplify this procedure, you can create a personal account on the website of the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense. It's easy to use, practical and, most importantly, free service for military personnel and civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense. It allows you to constantly monitor online the amounts of money due to a person in the current month accrued for payments.

The service is constantly updated and improved to ensure that relationships with consumers are as transparent and honest as possible.

Features of the service

A personal account on the official website of the ERC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is a unique opportunity for every military, contract employee, as well as civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense to control the amount of monthly cash payment.

To enter your personal account on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, you need to enter address bar search engine his address.

After registering and logging in, a serviceman can independently familiarize himself with information about the amount of money accrued to him in the Unified Center of the Russian Federation. At the same time, he does not depend on anyone, and can visit his personal account as many times as he needs.

If desired, a person can print or save information from his personal account on the Unified Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to a removable medium. You can also send it to your email address ( email). This allows you, in the absence of a computer at hand, to remember the amount of money accrued to it for payment. Please note that you can enter your personal account at the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense at any time of the day or night.

How to register

Creating a personal account on the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense and logging into it will not cause you any difficulties if you fill out the proposed forms carefully. You will spend a maximum of 10 minutes of your time on registration, but soon you will be able to appreciate the advantages that your personal account in the Unified Center of the Russian Federation has.

To gain access to the personal account of the Russian Federation ERC, you need to register on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. This can be done by any user: both military personnel and civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense. Create a username and password in advance; this will be required to register with the Russian Unified Center. You will also need to fill out a personal data form at the Russian Unified Center, namely:

  • military personal number;
  • date, month and year of birth;
  • password and its confirmation;
  • valid email.

Note that the service issues password quality requirements. It must contain at least six characters, but to increase the level of security of the personal account of the Russian Federation ERC, it is better to come up with a really complex option. For example, a combination of letters and numbers.

To complete the registration and enter the personal account of the military personnel of the Russian Federation Unified Center, you will need to confirm your decision. How to do it? A letter will be sent to the user's email address specified in the form with personal data. It will contain an active link, by clicking on which you can confirm registration with the Unified Center of the Russian Federation.

You can also create a personal account for civilian personnel of the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense. Registration in this case is carried out according to the same principle.

Is it possible to log in without registering?

You can get acquainted with the information on the website of the ERC of the Russian Federation without registration. To do this, you need to check the checkbox next to “log in without registration” and fill in the required fields. However, it is the registered user who receives greater opportunities.

And after the first login to his personal account, the serviceman will be able to inquire about how his pay slip is generated.

What to do if your password or login is lost?

If you registered on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, but forgot your password, you can recover it. This is a very simple procedure, however, all forms must be filled out carefully. Click on the “forgot password” button and fill out the form that appears. If you have any difficulties, contact the service administration.

If a military man serving under a contract has any questions about cash payments or has identified inaccuracies in the information in the tables, the website provides a telephone number “ hotline» ERC RF.
