Quick Windows system recovery. How to enable or disable System Restore in Windows XP How to enable System Restore in Windows 7

Recovery points are created in one of the partitions hard drive, provided that System Restore is enabled on that drive. Recovery points can take up quite a lot of disk space. In this article, we will figure out how to enable or disable system recovery on a specific hard drive partition. To do this, you don’t need to install any additional software and everything is done quite simply.

Click "Start - Control Panel"

We put "View: Small Icons" and click on the item “System”.

In the window that opens on the left, click on the item "System protection".

Now in the window we can see a list of hard drive partitions, opposite each of which there is a mark indicating whether system recovery is enabled or not. In order to enable it, you need to select a hard drive partition and click on the “Configure” button.

In the next window you need to set the switch to position "Restore system settings and previous versions of files".

Also set the maximum amount of disk space that will be used for recovery points. When the allocated space runs out, obsolete points will be deleted. Let me remind you that we can delete system restore points whenever we want. You should not allocate too much space for system recovery.

Then click on “Apply” and “OK”

In order to disable system restore on a certain section you need to do almost the same thing.

Select the hard drive partition and click on the “Configure” button:

We put the switch in position "Disable system protection" and click on the “OK” button

In conclusion, I would like to add that it is better not to clog up the system drive C with recovery points and generally disable it on this partition and enable it on another, for example D.

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Surely, most of you have heard about what system recovery is and why it is needed, but no one delved into it too much. But since you came to this article, it can only mean one thing, that due to the appearance of some error (For example or), you needed, but there were no saved points, and the service itself was simply turned off.

Therefore, right now, I will introduce you in detail to how to enable System Restore in Windows 7 on your computer and how you can create and save a restore point yourself. Just in case, I will also consider a way to disable it for those who find this service disturbing or do not need it at all.

What is System Restore

System Restore is a feature that is installed by default on every operating system. Thanks to it, a checkpoint is created on the computer before installing various programs or drivers, as well as updates. Which, in turn, saves the affected system files in a backup copy with the further prospect of resuming them in the event of a failure or breakdown of the operating system.

Initially, this function does not use a large amount of unoccupied space on your disk; perhaps this will seem like a huge minus and an unnecessary waste for someone, who is always missing free space. But believe me, as practice shows, turning on system recovery helps solve almost 60% - 70% of all problems and errors that appear on a computer.

Of course, restoration cannot solve all problems, but still, in some cases you will be able to save your nerves, and sometimes money that can be spent on a specialist. “The miser pays twice” - this saying applies here 100%, so don’t regret it free space and read on to learn how to enable System Restore in Windows 7.

How to enable System Restore

To enable the function System Restore in Windows 7 go to the protection settings. To do this, go to “ Start" and select properties " Computer" by right-clicking on it. Now, in the properties window that opens, where all the information about the car is indicated, in the left navigation panel, click on “ Extra options ».

The following window will appear with the title " Properties of the system"where we go to the "" tab.

Please pay attention immediately in the “Protection Options” field in which our sections will be indicated hard drive. If opposite each section there is the word “ Included“that means everything is fine, your system is monitored and periodically creates checkpoints and saves the necessary system files. But if opposite these disks there is a parameter “ Disabled" this means that the computer is not monitored and will not be able to restore its previous state.

So, having marked the drive " WITH:\» click « Tune" And in the window that appears, mark “ Restore settings and previous versions of files" Further, going a little lower, we need to use the slider to indicate the amount of free space on the hard drive that you consider necessary. I recommend betting from 5% to 10% maximum, no more, you can choose the golden mean by setting 7% or 8%, whichever you like. Having dealt with this, press “ OK».

That's all, now we can easily create a checkpoint and restore the system in case of malfunction or failure.

Create and save a restore point

Of course, there is no need to create restore points regularly. Basically, only in those situations in which you are not 100% sure of the installed program, driver or operating system updates. For example, by creating a checkpoint you will begin installing the sound driver. But this driver will turn out to be of poor quality and every time you boot the computer, the screen will display a blue screen with . It is in this case that you can use the previously created point with the saved files of the previous version and simply, without straining, select a date and return the computer to its previous state.

In case you forgot to save the settings and have already installed something, it doesn’t matter. Almost always operating system It itself recognizes the installation of the application and automatically creates a rollback point. And the manual option is suitable for you as a safety net, because the system monitors this, but the cases are different.

Let's get back to how to create a restore point yourself. All this must be done in the same " System properties", only this time we will not configure, but create, so accordingly click on " Create" A window will open where we indicate the name for further nitrification of our point.

The creation process will begin, lasting a few seconds, followed by a notification that the restore point has been successfully created.

Now, when you go to the system rollback window, you will be able to find in the list the point you created with the name you specified earlier.

If you suddenly decide, for some reason, to disable this function, perhaps you do not have enough free space on the HDD or you think that you do not need it, then now you will see how to disable this whole thing.

Disabling it can be said to be similar to turning it on. To enter the settings, go along the same path as before to the “ Properties of the system", again we note required disk and go to "N" settings" But this time we put a dot opposite “ Disable system protection" and press " OK».

You will also see a window confirming the deactivation, but if you really decide to disable everything, don’t hesitate to click “ YES».

After application, you can pay attention to the fact that in the “ Security settings", opposite the section the word " Disabled" By clicking " OK"you will confirm saving the parameters, and the window will simply close.

Perhaps someone will tell you that enabling system restore is a stupid idea and a waste of time, but personally, I recommend that you do it without fail, because in my practice, using this function, I dealt with a huge number of errors and breakdowns and freezing. Therefore, if you want to solve any problem without problems, then subscribe to us, and together we will definitely fix any problems and errors.

How to enable System Restore on Windows 7

The System Restore service (that is, the RESTOREPT.API module) is new Windows capability XP, which is similar to the Use Last Good System Configuration feature. However, the System Restore service, instead of the latest configuration, supports multiple restore points that the user can create manually. Besides, System Restore service(System Restore) creates restore points when you perform the following operations:

  • installation of new software, if the application uses a current installer that is compatible with System Restore;
  • using the AutoUpdate service;
  • system recovery from backup copy;
  • creating a backup and restoring the system;
  • installing an unsigned driver;
  • automatic creation of a restore point after 24 hours of system operation.

The System Restore service monitors all hard disk partitions by default. Therefore, after removing executable file You can recreate or fix it by using a system restore to a specific restore point. If you return to a restore point, you will lose all changes made since that point was created, except for files in the My Documents folder and files created using applications such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.

If you use System Restore and find that the new system state is not acceptable, you can return your computer to the previous state before you used System Restore. You can also use System Restore again to specify a different restore point.

To enable or disable the System Restore service, follow these steps.

1. Open the window System from the window Control Panel (Start > Settings > Control Panel > System).

2. Go to the tab .

3. Reset the checkbox Turn off System Restore on all drives to enable the service
System Restore
or check this box to turn it off.

5. Click the OK button.

Alternatively, you can click the button Settings to set the maximum amount of disk space used to store system recovery information. If the selected drive is not a system drive, the service System Restore can be disabled for each disk individually. The maximum amount of disk space allocated for storing recovery information should not exceed 12% of the total disk space.

An alternative to turning System Restore on and off is to make changes to the system registry.

1. Launch the system registry editor (REGEDIT.EXE).

2. Go to section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore.

3. If the entry DisableSR does not exist, go to menu Edit and select a team New > DWORD Value (New > DWORD Value).

4. Assign a value to the entry 1 to disable the service System Restore or meaning 0 to turn it on.

5. Go to section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\sr
to disable the running of this service.

6. Double click on the entry Start and assign it a value 4 to prevent a service or value from starting 0 to start normally.

7. Close the system registry editor.

By default, Windows 7 has a special security feature enabled that creates checkpoints and provides the ability to roll back the system to one of the saved configurations. But if for various reasons this option for the Windows partition is not active, then you should definitely enable it, otherwise you will lose a very simple and effective way, with which you can perform a system restore in Windows 7.

Step-by-step instructions for activating the system protection function

The creation of checkpoints can be enabled in the protection settings. You can get there through the main menu:

In the protection window, you can check whether the function is active for the desired section. If necessary, you can connect it, as well as protect all existing virtual and physical disks to save maximum information in the event of a system failure and the need to roll back to one of the created points.

Security settings

You can see whether the option to return to the previous configuration is active for different disk partitions below in the protection settings field in the same window. Here you can disable it or, conversely, activate it. This is done as follows:

After this, Windows 7 will begin to automatically create checkpoints before each major system change - updating, installing programs, drivers, etc.

Additional protection options

Using the described function, you can restore deleted or changed files and folders on a partition or disk for which protection is enabled. They will be saved on this drive together with control points, actually being part of them. To enable recovery for a non-system partition, follow all the steps described.

The only difference is that in the menu for selecting protection options, instead of the default option, you need to specify Windows 7 to restore only previous versions of files, since no important parameters are stored in sections with user data.

This method can basically only protect the user from accidental loss of any important document or photograph, but it is not a reliable backup tool. For these purposes, it is better to use the data archiving function or create a system image on a separate medium.

Reverting the old version of a file

If the file was modified unsuccessfully, then it old version can be restored as follows:

This action will replace the current file with the one you selected from the list. This command can no longer be cancelled.

Sometimes the button may not be available if Windows 7 does not allow writing to the location. In this case, you can return the necessary information to disk by selecting a different directory for saving.

Recovering a Deleted File

To recover deleted information, you need to know where it was saved. Do the following:

Windows 7 checkpoints and the file versions associated with them are not stored on the computer for long. The duration depends on the disk space that you allocate for storing checkpoints. Once it is all full, the oldest saved files will be deleted and replaced with the newly created ones.

Hello dear visitors! I will write about that now How to enable System Restore in Windows 7. I’ll also write how to disable it and How to manually create a restore point. And in the next article I will write how to restore the system, or in other words, how to roll back to earlier settings.

But first, a few words about what system recovery is. This is a function that allows you to create so-called restore points. If system recovery is enabled, then automatically before installing any drivers or programs, as well as after a certain period of time, a copy of important system files and settings is created. You can also create a restore point manually; I will write in more detail how to do this.

What is all this for? In fact, this is a very useful feature. If there is any problem with loading your computer, you can perform a system rollback. That is, restore system files and settings from a restore point that was created, for example, a few days ago, when the computer was still working perfectly. Such a thing will, of course, not save you from all problems with your computer, but it can easily save you time and even money. Therefore, I advise you to enable system restore and, if necessary, make restore points manually.

How to turn on the systems?

Let's check, most likely you already have everything included.

Right-click on “My Computer” and select “Properties”. On the right, click “Advanced system settings” and in the window that appears, go to the “System Protection” tab.

If where the protection settings are, it says “Enabled” next to at least one local disk, then it means that system recovery is enabled and restore points are being created. You can skip this point.

Well, if you have “Disabled” written everywhere, then system recovery needs to be enabled.

To do this, select one of the local drives and click the “Configure” button. You can choose the partition where you have the most memory, this is not very important.

A window will open in which you need to select the option “Restore system settings and previous versions of files.” Then use the slider below to set the maximum amount of disk space that you are willing to allocate for creating recovery points. When new restore points are created, the old ones will be deleted.

Click Apply. You'll see that System Restore is enabled, which means that if you have a problem with your computer, you can try to restore Windows 7 even if it won't boot.

How to disable system restore?

If for some reason you want to disable System Restore, you can do this very simply.

Highlight local disk on which recovery is enabled and click “Configure”.

A window will open in which check the box next to “Disable system protection” and click “Apply”.

A warning will appear, click Yes.

That's it, system restore is disabled.

How to create a restore point manually?

You need to create restore points before installing any programs or making major settings. If you are not sure that your actions will not harm your computer, then it is better to create a restore point so that you can perform a system rollback, you never know what will happen :).

To manually create such a point, system recovery must be enabled.

Go back to the system properties, to the “System Protection” tab. And click the “Create” button.

Enter names for the restore point and click Create.

You need to wait a little while the restore point is created, a message will appear that the operation was completed successfully, click “Close”. Everything is ready, you can safely install the program or a new driver.

Now you know how to protect your system. And in case of a problem with your computer, quickly restore it.
