Word 10 training. Microsoft Word Lessons for Beginners: Free Videos for Home Study

How to master Word on your own?

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Today we will talk about the basic rules of working with a Microsoft Word document. To become a skilled copywriter, first, you need to master at least the very basics of a word document.

All copywriters, even beginners, should be able to use this program.

In addition to skillful and competent presentation, it is also important to learn how to properly format the material. Then the text will be easy to read and look beautiful. How to learn Word on your own? Understand the most basic operations in the program, and then you will get the hang of it very quickly.

How to create a Microsoft Word document?

There is the easiest way to quickly create a Word document. To do this, we will need to right-click anywhere on the desktop.

A small action bar will appear. The penultimate of them will be the word “create”. We point at this word and see a new panel in which the Microsoft Word document (with an icon) is located. Click on it and create the desired document.

Everything is very simple and clear. Now you can start working.

Text formatting

Before or after writing, the text needs formatting. That is, it needs to be given a good and easy to read look. How to master Word on your own?

To master Word on your own, you will need to learn several basic tools.

  1. text alignment (width, center, left or right);
  2. font size (number);
  3. font name. Typically Times New Roman is used;
  4. style (bold, italic, underlined);
  5. if there are lists, you can use bulleted or numbered ones;
  6. indentations (bottom, top and sides). You need to select the text and move it using the linear panels that are located on top and on the side of all the text;

Perhaps these are the basic rules or requirements that every copywriter should be able to use when writing and designing their work.

How to change the keyboard layout?

If you look at the bottom right edge of your monitor, you will see a row of icons there. One of them shows the printing language - RU or EN (Russian or English).

We right-click on it and see the next window called “Parameters”. We left-click on it.

A panel called “Text Input Languages ​​and Services” appears. On it we find another panel “Keyboard Options”. Click on it.

If the markup is Alt on the left + Shift, this means that when you press these letters on the keyboard, the language will change.

To return it back, you need to press these keys again.

If you want to change Alt + Shift to Ctrl + Shift, then in the “Additional keyboard options” panel we will click on the button called “Change keyboard shortcuts”.

Near it there will be another panel with the words “Switch input languages”. Under it, left-click next to the word Ctrl. Mission accomplished.

Thus, we changed the keyboard layout. All we have to do is confirm and save this action by clicking on the word “ok”.

As you can see, learning Word on your own is not at all difficult.

How to count the number of characters in a text?

After finishing work, you should always make sure that you have typed a sufficient number of characters. To do this, we select all the printed text, find the word “service” in the panel (at the top) and click on it with the left mouse button.

There we see the word statistics, which we also left-click on. A small window appears where you can find the number of characters typed with or without spaces, as well as the number of lines, pages, words and paragraphs.

This feature is very simple and easy to use. It helps you instantly count characters and immediately displays their number on the monitor.

Well, congratulations! So you were able to learn Word on your own for free.

Alena (tellat), copywriter at Etxt.ru

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This is a text editor that can be part of the Microsoft Office suite or a program installed separately on your computer. The program can be used to record letters and various types of documents, which may include graphics and images. This guide explains how to open Microsoft Word, launch, create, and save a new document using the Windows 7 operating system.

Don't be afraid that something might not work out or go wrong. This program was created for users, and it is thought out to the smallest detail to make it as convenient as possible for you to use it. And of course, the main thing in every task is training, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. If you accidentally click the wrong button, there is always a curved arrow in the upper left corner that allows you to undo your last action. You can also do this using the Ctrl and Z key combination.

The last tip before starting detailed instructions on using the Windows text editor is to remember to save the file. This is especially important when working with large texts or serious documentation. Anything can happen: the electricity may be cut off, the laptop may discharge and turn off, and no one is immune from breakdowns. Losing important files and then spending hours restoring them is not the most pleasant experience. All you need to do is click on the floppy disk in the upper left corner from time to time.

How to create a document in

The program can be found in the Start menu under Microsoft Office. Follow these step-by-step instructions to launch a document in Microsoft Word.

Step 1. On your desktop or Start menu, open Microsoft Word.

Step 2. Microsoft Word will open and prompt you to select a document template or a blank document.

Step 3. If you don't want to use any of the templates displayed, click Blank Document.

Step 4. A new blank document will open for you to start typing.

Program navigation

Step 1. A blinking cursor (mouse pointer) in a document tells you where you are typing. Wherever the blinking cursor is, the letters you type will be inserted at that point. When you start a blank document, the blinking cursor will be at the beginning of your document, which means it is ready for you to start typing.

Step 2. As you type, the cursor also moves with each letter. This shows you where the input focus is.

Step 3. Move your mouse pointer to where you want to change or add text. Click. The blinking cursor will move to the location where you clicked to edit or insert text.

Step 4. You can navigate through the document using the arrows. Pressing these arrow keys moves the blinking cursor up, down lines of text, and right/left one character at a time.

You can navigate through the document using the arrows

How to select (highlight) text in

Selecting or highlighting text allows you to change the selection in terms of style, font and/or color, and even replace words if necessary. Follow these step-by-step instructions to select text in your document.

Step 1. The mouse is used to select text. The pointer will change as you move it.

Step 2. Move the pointer to the beginning of the desired fragment. Click and hold the left mouse button. While doing this, move the pointer to where you want to stop the selection. As you move the mouse, the text will be highlighted. When you are finished with your selection, release the left mouse button.

The selected text can now be formatted or changed.

You can copy text using the Ctrl+C keys. Delete text - Backspace.

Changing the size and font

The following steps can help make your writing more interesting and engaging. The text can be changed in different ways.

Step 1. To begin with, you need to select a fragment of text; you already know how to do this.

Step 2. To change the font style, click the arrow next to the font style in the toolbar.

Step 3. Select a font style from the drop-down list.

Step 4. Next to the font style field is a field containing a number and an arrow. It changes the font size. Click on the arrow. Select the size as well as the style from the drop-down list of options. So, choosing the font Bad Scrit and the size - 16, we get the following.

Align text in

Sometimes the document you are creating may require a different arrangement of paragraphs. By default, text is aligned left. However, text can be aligned to the right or center.

On a note! Select all text Ctrl + A

Step 1. To change the layout of your text, select the text in any way you like.

Step 2. To center it, click the Align Center icon on the formatting ribbon at the top of the document.

Step 3. To align selected text to the right, click the next icon in this row.

Step 4. To "justify" the text so that it is aligned to both the right and left, click the Justify icon.

You can change the selected text using a combination of keyboard shortcuts, which is sometimes easier:

  1. Center - select the text, press Ctrl + E.
  2. To the right - Ctrl + R.
  3. Fit to width - Ctrl + J.
  4. Left aligned - Ctrl + L.

How to make text bold, italic, or underline

The ability to change the font style can make your document more interesting. Different text styles, such as bold or italic, can make it stand out. Underlining can be useful for headings.

Step 1. As usual, select the piece of text you need.

Step 2. To change the highlighted font to bold, click "F" in the format bar.

Step 3. To change the highlighted font to italic, click "K" in the formatting ribbon.

Step 4. To change selected text so that it is underlined, click "H" on the Formatting ribbon.

Step 5. You can also change selected text using keyboard shortcuts:

  • bold - Ctrl + B;
  • italics - Ctrl + I;
  • underline - Ctrl + U.

Copy and paste

There is no need to talk about the importance of these two functions. They significantly save our time and allow us to insert text from third-party sources without retyping it, as was the case in the days of typewriters.

Step 1. Select the fragment you need.

Step 2. Click the copy icon on the left side of the formatting ribbon. The text will be immediately copied to your computer's clipboard.

Step 3. Move your cursor and click Insert.

This can also be done using hotkeys. Everything is the same as last time: press Ctrl and C at the same time to copy the text, and Ctrl and V to paste.

How to Create a Numbered or Bulleted List

Using numbered or bulleted lists can help highlight items or show important steps, hierarchy, or sequence of something.

Step 1. To create a numbered list, click the numbering icon.

Step 2. The first paragraph will appear in the text.

Step 3. Start typing your text. Once you've finished typing, press the Enter button on your keyboard. A second option will appear. And so on.

To stop adding new elements and return to standard text, click the numbering icon again at the top of the document.

A bulleted list is created using the same principle, the only difference is 1 step. Instead of the “Numbering” button, click on the “Markers” button, it is located to the right.

There is another way to create a list. First, the user enters all the list items, each one necessarily on a new line. When all the items have been typed, select them all and click either on the numbering or on the markers, depending on what kind of list you need.

You will get the same result. These are different ways and there is no right or wrong, the main thing is that the goal is achieved. Use the method that is convenient for you.

Example of a numbered list

Inserting a table

Tables help to structure information and present it in a more presentable form. You can't do without this skill.

Step 1. In the top toolbar, go to the Insert tab.

Step 2. Click on the table icon. A window will open in front of you in which you need to select the number of cells. This can also be done by entering the numbers manually. To do this, in the panel that appears, click on the “Draw table” area.

All you have to do is fill out the fields. If you suddenly need additional rows or columns, you don't have to redo the whole thing. Left-click in the table area. In the menu that appears, click “Insert” and select the appropriate option.

This basic knowledge should form your basic principles for working with text. Let's highlight the main ones:

  1. The text is entered where the blinking cursor is located and nowhere else.
  2. To change a character, word, line, paragraph, or entire text, you first need to select it. It is necessary that the computer understands what exactly it must perform actions on.
  3. Once you select the text, you can do whatever you want with it. You can practice, select a fragment and alternately click on the buttons located on the “Home” tab. You'll notice which features can be used together and which are mutually exclusive.
  4. Don't forget to save your changes to protect yourself.
  5. Use those methods of solving the problem facing you that are convenient for you.

Video - Word for Beginners

How to make a second page

To make a second page in Microsoft Word 2007/2010, you do not need to press the Enter key repeatedly. There is a “Page Break” function for this purpose. You will find it in the “Insert” tab.

A page break is not as static as the void created by many Enter presses. If you add a little text at the top before the page break, it will not affect the state of the next page after the break.

If you have a lot of information, a new sheet will be automatically created when the text no longer fits on the first sheet.

How to move text using a ruler

There are two bars at the top and on the left side of the Microsoft Word 2007/2010 window.

Using a ruler, you can move text without making a lot of spaces, but with two or three clicks of the mouse.

First line indent. Makes a paragraph the desired size, while the Tab key is set to the default value of 1.25 cm. Select a paragraph or all text, and set the desired first line indent.

To move all text to the right except the first line, use Indent

If you want to place all the text closer to the right side, drag the rectangle called “Left Indent.”

Click on any number on the ruler with the mouse. This sign appears on it.

Now, after pressing the Tab key, the text will move this distance and will be located to the right of the sign.

Click again on another ruler value, move the cursor further on the same line, and press Tab again.

This makes it convenient to distribute text when designing works, titles, and the like.

With each click on it, one of the tools will appear:

Having selected one of them, it will appear when you click on the ruler until you replace it with another.

How to make an interval

To set the required spacing between lines in the text, go to the “Home” tab. In the paragraph menu there is a symbol, clicking on which brings up a window with standard line spacing options.

You can adjust the spacing according to your own parameters if you select the “Other line spacing options...” item.

When you change the spacing value, the bottom “Sample” window will clearly show the gap between lines of text.

How to Space Between Paragraphs

In the main tab, the “Paragraph” menu, there is a tool for editing line spacing, and here the user will also find a function for adding space before and after a paragraph.

Place the cursor in the desired paragraph and select one of the spacing options - single, one and a half, double or other.

How to find out the number of characters

In order to find out the number of characters in a document, the number of words or pages, just look at the lower left corner of the open Microsoft Word 2007/2010 window. The number of pages and information about which page the user is currently on is immediately displayed in the line “Page: 1 of _”. Other statistical data can be obtained by clicking on the line “Number of words: _”.

How to make pagination

The blank sheet in the program has its own invisible markings. At the top and bottom of the sheet there are areas for headers and footers, which are empty by default.

Any text (entered manually; it will be repeated on each sheet) or page numbering can be located here.

Double-clicking with the left mouse button on the sheet area closer to its top or bottom border will automatically open the header and footer editing designer for the user. In the menu on the left you can select any of the desired types of numbering.

The numbering can be located at the top of the page, at the bottom, and even in the margins.

You will also find the page numbering function in the “Insert” tab.

How to make content in Word

To use the auto-assembled table of contents, you need:

Set the style of the heading or subheading (“Home” - “Styles”) for those sentences that will be in the content;

You can change the style - choose the desired font, color, spacing, and set it for the header style. All other proposals in this style will have the same design.

You can also change the word “Table of Contents”. Select it and use the tools from the Font panel.

How to make content without dots

You've added a table of contents to your text, but you don't like that the space between the section title and the page number is filled with dots. This can be changed. Highlight your table of contents, then go to the "References" tab.

After clicking "Table of Contents" a dialog box appears. In the Placeholder line, select any of the four options and click OK.

After this, another dialog box will appear asking you to confirm that you really want to apply the adjustments to the table of contents. Click Yes again.

The row filler will then be the one you selected. In the example, we chose the placeholder “(none)”, that is, there is nothing as a placeholder between the words and the number.

How to hyphenate words

To add hyphens to the text, go to the “Page Layout” tab.

Here in the Page Setup menu you will find the Hyphenation tool. Click on the arrow in the command line and a menu with hyphenation options will open.

To automatically hyphenate, select the “Auto” line.

How to make a footnote

To make a footnote in Microsoft Word 2007/2010, go to the "References" tab.

Place the cursor after the text you want to point to as a footnote and click “Insert Footnote.” A small number will appear after the text, and at the bottom of the sheet there will be a line with the same number and a place for entering footnote text.

The footnote numbering will automatically follow the order in the text, regardless of the order in which you placed the footnotes - from the end of the document, from the beginning of the document, or scattered.

How to make a gap

The break function in Microsoft Word 2007/2010 is placed in two tabs. In the “Insert” tab in the “Pages” menu there is a “Page Break” item. It is used to move from the end of the text on one sheet to the beginning of the page of the next sheet in one click.

In the “Page Layout” tab, “Page Setup” menu, there is also a break function, but not only for moving to the next page, but also for breaking columns and sections.

You can see where the break is located using the “Display all characters” function on the main tab, “Paragraph” menu.

How to make a numbered list

To create a numbered list in Microsoft Word 2007 2010, go to the Home tab, Paragraph menu.

To select a numbering format, click on the arrow and the numbering library will open. It includes both Arabic and Roman numerals and letters of the alphabet.

If there is no suitable number format, you can set it yourself through the “Define new number format” item. In the “Number format” line, the character that is located after the number is specified.

How to make fields

Go to the "Page Layout" tab to set the page margin size in Microsoft Word 2007/2010. In the second left menu “Page Settings” there is a sub-item “Margins”. When you click on it, a window with standard field options appears.

You can also make them larger or smaller at your own discretion, or set specific fields for one page.

How to make a landscape sheet

The standard sheet orientation in Microsoft Word is portrait (vertical).

To make a page with landscape orientation (place the sheet horizontally), the user needs to go to the “Page Layout” tab, where the page options offer two types of sheet orientation.

To make just one sheet in a different orientation, select the text on the page you want, and then open the Page Setup dialog box.

Here, in the “Margins” tab, select the orientation for the sheet, and in the bottom line “Apply” select “to selected text”.

How to change the background of a sheet

To change the background of the sheet (from white to a different color, or to insert a picture as a background), go to the “Page Layout” tab in Microsoft Word 2007/2010. There is a “Page Background” menu and a “Page Color” item.

When you click on it, a window appears with color palette options. Select one from the available ones, or define another using the “More Colors” function.

To use a picture as a background, click on the “Fill methods” line. In the “Image” tab, select the desired image from those available on your PC.

How to split text into columns

To divide text into columns, go to the “Page Layout” tab.

Select the text you want to split into a certain number of columns and click the Columns icon. A menu will appear in which you can select the desired number of columns to distribute the text.

Click on “Three” and we get:

If you need more than three columns, click on the “Other columns” line, after which a window like this will open.

In the “Number of Columns” line, select the number you need (using the side arrows next to the line or manually using the keyboard), and also adjust the spacing between columns.

By clicking on the “Apply” menu, you can make a choice - to split the entire document into columns or only the section that is highlighted.

How to make a booklet

The booklet is an A4 sheet, which has a specific background, landscape orientation, and its text is divided into three columns.

Steps to create a booklet:

  1. Enable landscape orientation.
  2. Add a background. Just fill it with some color or add a picture instead.
  3. Enter text and divide it into three columns.

Select the color and font type you want using the Font panel in the main tab, and position the text as desired.

How to make a frame

If the user needs a regular frame in the form of a rectangular frame of the sheet, in Microsoft Word 2007/2010 you need to go to the “Page Layout” tab. In the “Page Background” menu there is an item “Page Borders”, click on it.

In the window that appears, select the type - “Frame” and the desired type of line that will act as it.

Here they change its color, thickness, or choose a frame with a pattern instead of a line.

If you accidentally select the wrong type of frame, you can delete it. Immediately after making an incorrect choice, press the “Ctrl+Z” combination on your keyboard and go back to the “Page Borders” menu to select a different type.

How to make text in a frame:

  1. Select the desired text.
  1. On the “Home” tab in the “Paragraph” menu, click on the icon
  2. In the menu that appears, you can immediately set simple boundaries in the form of a thin black line for the selected area. For example, select “external boundaries”:

And we get:

  1. or go to “Borders and Shading”:

Then a window opens:

  1. Choose any type of border, line type, color, and thickness. After clicking "OK", the frame you selected will be applied to the selected text.

How to make a paragraph

To highlight a paragraph, write it from the so-called red line - indent the first line to the right. To make a paragraph highlighted in Microsoft Word 2007/2010:

  1. Place the cursor with the mouse before the first word of the paragraph and press “Tab” on the keyboard.
  2. Use the ruler:
    1. turn on the ruler (if not enabled);
    2. place the cursor before the first word of the paragraph;
    3. move the first line indent arrow to the required distance.

In these versions of Word, text design and layout (indents and paragraphs) are preserved as you move to the next paragraph after pressing Enter.

How to indent

Indentation in Microsoft Word (not only in the latest 2010 and 2007 versions) is the function of moving the left border of the entire text or one paragraph. It looks like this.

The functions to increase/decrease indentation on the “Home” tab will help you make an indent.

The same operation can be done using the program ruler.

Select the text that you want to indent and drag the rectangle slider called “Left Indent” to the desired distance.

How to make text vertical

There are two ways to make text vertical in Microsoft Word. The first is to add a caption.

  1. In the “Insert” tab, section “Text” there is a button “Inscription”
  2. Clicking on the button brings up the menu:
  3. If one of the suggested types suits you, choose it. If you need your own, specific location, choose a simple inscription. After clicking on it, the following window appears:

Insert the text into the inscription:

The “Format” tab appears at the top:

In the “Format” tab there is a “Text Direction” button. Here we select the turn in the desired direction.

Move the text to the desired location and remove the text frame:

The second way to make text vertical is to use a table.

  1. In the “Insert” tab, “Tables” section, add one table cell:
  2. Enter text into it. The “Working with Tables” tab will appear at the top, where in the “Layout” tab there is a “Text Direction” button.
  3. By clicking on the “Text Direction” button, it rotates 90 degrees left or right in turn.

Change cell sizes using up/down arrows:

Remove table frames using an eraser. Hover your mouse over the side of a cell after clicking the Eraser button in the Table Drawing menu on the Design tab.

How to underline text

To underline certain text in Microsoft Word 2007/2010:

  1. Select the required text:
  2. Go to the “Home” tab, “Font” menu:
  3. Click on the button:
    1. , if you need an underline with one straight black line;
    2. Click the arrow next to the symbol to select a different line to underline.

You can select other underlines, or change the color by clicking on the “Other underlines” or “Underline color” line, respectively.

How to align text

To align text left, centered, or in another way, go to the “Home” tab, “Paragraph” menu.

Here in this area there are four buttons, which visually make it clear how the text will be positioned after they are pressed.

Select the text you want and click one of these buttons.

How to make an underscore line

To create a blank underlined line in Microsoft Word 2007/2010, use one of three methods:

  1. Drawing.

Instead of the mouse arrow, a cross appears, which draws a blue line. You can change its color through the “Drawing Tools”.

  1. Table.

Use an eraser to remove the side borders of the table.

  1. Autocorrect from the program.

Enter the required number of underscores “_” from the keyboard. Then press Enter and AutoCorrect will make a solid black line out of them. Its length is adjusted using a ruler.

How to wrap text

When a Microsoft Word 2007/2010 document needs to add a picture around which text should be located, use the “Text Wrap” function.

Add a picture to the document. This is how it will be positioned without wrapping around it.

Click on the picture. The “Work with Pictures” tab appears.

In the Arrange menu there is a text wrapping button. Clicking on it opens a menu with options.

Choose the one that suits you by clicking on the line.

How to make text the same

To ensure that all text in Microsoft Word 2007 2010 has the same font and layout settings, select all the text by pressing Ctrl+A on the keyboard.

Go to the “Home” tab and set the desired font parameters manually using the “Font” menu.

How to make different pagination numbers

In Microsoft Word 2007 2010, by working with headers and footers, you can set different headers and footers for even and odd pages. Instead of even page numbers, in this case you can write the phrase you need, which will be repeated identically on all other even pages.

Odd numbers will follow their course in order - 1, 3, 5, 7 and so on.

If you need to not show its number on one of the pages, it’s better not to delve into all the details, but just cheat.

How to make mirror fields

To make mirrored margins, go to the “Page Layout” tab. Select the text for which you want to apply this function.

Open the Page Setup dialog box.

In the page menu, click on the side arrow and select mirror fields.

In the “Apply” line, select which part of the document you want to apply the function to.

How to sign a line

To create signatures under the following type of line

you will need:

  1. Add subscript text to the second line.
  2. Move the text to the area below the line. For example, you can press the Tab button and use the ruler to move the text below the line.
  3. Go to the first line and remove the space after the paragraph:

And also set single spacing between lines:

  1. Make a small font suitable for the signature

How to make a table

In order to create a table in Microsoft Word (versions 2007 and 2010), you need to go to the “Insert” tab, where the table settings window is located in the access panel.

You can create a table of the desired dimensions by selecting table inserts for the desired number of rows and columns.

A table will simultaneously appear on the sheet, and its size will be indicated in the table insertion window. The maximum grid size is 10 by 8.

If you need more columns, you can go to the "Insert Table..." menu and specify the size you require.

How to split a table into two or more parts:

  1. Select a row in the original table that will be the first row of the second table.
  2. In the “Working with Tables” tab, “Layout” in the “Merge” menu, click on the “Split Table” command.

Or the same can be done using the combination Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

How to make a repeating table header

Let's say you have a large table that doesn't fit on one sheet. To avoid manually transferring the table headings to a new sheet each time, you can make a repeating header.

Select the entire table title row.

In the “Table Tools” tab, “Layout”, in the “Data” menu, select “Repeat Header Rows”

Once clicked, the next page displays the exact same header with the same formatting as the first page. If you change the title in one place, it will automatically become exactly the same on other sheets.

How to make a continuous table

To ensure that the table maintains its integrity when adding text higher up in the document, do the following:

  1. Select the paragraph with the name of the table and the table itself.

On the Home tab, go to the Paragraph dialog menu. Check the position tab on the page opposite to keep from the next one.

How to make an announcement

To make a tear-off announcement, use the table.

Merge the cells in one of the rows.

Select the second row and change the height of the cells in it. To do this, in the “Working with Tables”, “Layout” tab, change the value in this field:

Now in the same line you need to change the text orientation. Select a line. In the Layout tab, click on the Text Direction icon.

Here, select one of the text alignment options.

You can add, edit text and change the appearance, type, and size of the font as usual - through the “Font” and “Paragraph” menus on the “Home” tab. In a horizontal continuous line, add the basic information of the ad.

How to add a picture

If you need to add a picture to the text, and this picture is saved on your computer, go to the “Insert” tab, “Illustrations” menu.

Click on the “Picture” button and a selection dialog box will open in front of you. Go to the folder where the picture is saved and select it. The Insert Picture dialog box will look different depending on the version of the operating system on your PC.

The picture will be added to the text, and you will control its position using the “Working with Pictures” tab, which appears after clicking on the picture in the document.

Clicking on a picture also includes six tools to control its size. If you pull one of them, the picture will follow it.

If you want to draw a picture yourself, then a set of simple shapes is located in the same place as the picture insert.

When you click on the “Shapes” symbol, a window appears with a set of standard shape options.

How to make a drawing transparent

You can’t just change the transparency level of the entire picture. For this operation you will have to go through several steps.

  1. Insert a shape from the Illustrations panel into your document. For example, for a regular rectangular picture, a rectangle will do. Click on it, then click on the white area of ​​the sheet.

A square like this will appear - blue in the 2010 version, white with a black outline - in 2007. Change its size by dragging the corners or sides, grabbing the circles in the corners with the left mouse button, and the squares in the middle of the sides.

The Drawing Tools tab appears in the toolbar. It is active when the shape is selected, and disappears when the user is working in another area of ​​the document, for example, on text.

In the “Format” tab, “Shape Styles” menu, select the “Shape Fill” - “Drawing” command.

The Insert Picture dialog box will appear, in which you select one of the picture files available on your PC.

After selecting a picture and adding it, you will see this result:

Manually adjust the dimensions of the figure (rectangle) so that the drawing is not distorted.

Now, when you click on the drawing area, two additional tabs will appear:

In the “Drawing Tools” - “Format” tab, you need to remove the outline of the figure.

Now you can start changing the transparency of the picture. In the same “Drawing Tools” - “Format” tab, open the “Format Shape” dialog box.

In the window that appears for version 2010, there is a side menu; select the “Fill” line in it.

Drag the transparency slider to the desired value and click Close.

In the 2007 version, the shape format window looks like this:

Drag the transparency slider and click OK.

How to make a picture frame

Add a drawing to your document by going to the Insert tab, Illustrations menu.

When the picture is in the document, click on it to display the additional “Working with Pictures” tab.

In this tab in the “Picture Styles” menu there are ready-made options for framing the picture.

You can change them slightly through the Format Shape dialog box after you've applied one of the styles to your drawing.

For version 2007 this window looks like this:

For version 2010 - as follows:

In this window, the boundaries of the drawing include the lines “Line Color” and “Line Type”. After clicking on one of them, the parameters available for change open on the right side of the dialog box.

You can make a frame yourself using the “Picture Border” function.

In the menu that opens after clicking the “Drawing Border” line, you need to select the line thickness and its color.

How to add a caption to a drawing

For these cases, it is better to use graphic editors, even the simplest Paint. But even here you can add inscriptions to the picture using simple and more complex methods.

  1. Add a caption.

When you click on the “Draw an inscription” line, the mouse takes the form of a black plus, and with it you can make a field for an inscription anywhere in the document. Click on the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move it in any direction. When you release the mouse, a rectangle like this will appear:

Enter text into it, change the text color using the “Font” menu in the “Home” tab.

You also need to make the background of the inscription transparent. Click on the field with the inscription so that the “Drawing Tools” tab appears.

Here you can remove the outline of the inscription:

How to mirror a picture

Select a picture to display the Picture Tools tab.

Click on the line “Flip left to right” and the image will be mirrored.

How to make a cover page

The program has blank cover pages. They are located in the “Insert” tab.

For version 2007:

For version 2010:

Choose from any of the appropriate cover page types.

The page contains markup for text, by clicking on which you can enter text.

How to make a non-breaking space

In situations where parts of the text must be adjacent (for example, a surname and initials), you need to use a non-breaking space. It is set instead of the usual space by pressing the combination Ctrl+Shift+Space (spacebar) on the keyboard.

You can find out whether there is a regular space or a non-breaking one using the “Display all characters” function.

By clicking on this symbol between words, at the end of paragraphs and in other places, those symbols that are not visible without this function will be displayed. This includes space, non-breaking space, moving to next section, etc.

A space is represented by a single dot between words. A non-breaking space is shown in a small circle.

The function is turned off, just as it is turned on, by a single left-click on its symbol in the “Paragraph” menu, “Home” tab.

How to make equal space

By default, the space between words in Microsoft Word is permanent if you align text in any way other than Justify.

The latter alignment occurs precisely due to the increase in the intervals between words.

Disable it so that the spaces are equal again. To ensure that the text is evenly spaced between the left and right margins, turn on automatic hyphenation.

The space size can be changed. To do this, select the text and then right-click. Click on the “Font” line.

A dialog menu will open. Go to the “Advanced” tab, where there are various functions for changing text. The second line says “Interval”. It can be made smaller (dense) or larger (sparse).

How to make a flowchart

Microsoft Word has almost all (if not all) of the elements needed to create flowcharts. They are located in the “Insert” tab, “Illustrations” menu. It is better to create a full-fledged technological, electrical or other diagram in an editor more suitable for these matters, and through it.

Click on the "Shapes" symbol and a large menu will open in front of you with all the shapes available in this editor. Among them, block diagram figures are highlighted in a separate paragraph.

You can connect individual blocks using lines, different options for which are also available in this menu.

Click on the desired flowchart element and draw it on the sheet. For example:

Change the color of the element's outline and inner margin manually using the following tools:

or select one of the ready-made styles for the block:

To add text to a block, select it and start writing without waiting for the blinking cursor to appear.

The text inside the block can be changed like any other text in the program.

If the block diagram will be located inside a text document, it is better to make it in a separate document. This way you will avoid unnecessary shifts while working on the text above the diagram.

To make the finished block diagram convenient to move through the text without losing any part of it, you need to combine the blocks into a single element.

Select one element of the diagram and hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard. While holding down the key, click on the remaining elements of the diagram, release the Ctrl key. All blocks will be highlighted. Then right-click on the outline of one of the block shapes, and in the menu that appears, click on the “Group” line.

Now all the elements will form a single whole. You can do the merger in stages, in separate blocks, combining only a few parts - this will make it easier for you to make adjustments.

How to sort alphabetically

If you need to alphabetize a list (for example, a bibliography), do the following:

  1. Select the list.
  2. In the "Home" tab, "Paragraph" menu, click on the sort symbol. This will open the Sort Text dialog box.

Without changing any settings, you will receive an alphabetically sorted list after clicking “OK”. In both 2007 and 2010 versions of the program, the function has the same location, a dialog box.

The same applies to sorting in tables. Let's say you have a table like this.

You need to alphabetize the last names. Select the column with last names and click on the sort symbol.


Sorting placed last names in alphabetical order, while moving the data in the second column.

I want to devote today’s article entirely to working in the Microsoft Word editor. It will be especially useful for novice users to familiarize themselves with it. At first glance, the working methods described here may turn out to be simple and do not require study, but they form the basis without which further study of the editor is impossible. We will look at the example of Microsoft Word 2010.

How to change the font in Word?

The font changes on the tab home in Group Font.

Here you can change, in fact, the font itself, its size, color, make it bold, italic, underlined or strikethrough.

Aligning text in Word

To align text left, center, right, or justified, click the corresponding buttons on the tab home in Group Paragraph, having previously selected the text that needs to be formatted.

How to insert a table into a Word document?

You can insert a table from the menu Insert/Table by clicking on the drop-down list and selecting the number of rows and columns.

You can also use ready-made formatted table templates by calling the menu item Express tables.

How to change line spacing and indentation in Word?

You can change the spacing between lines on the tab Page layout, group Paragraph.

To do this, you need to place the cursor on the line Before or After which you want to change the interval and set the desired value. Indentations are made from the right or left edge in the same way.

Inserting a picture into a Word document

To insert a picture into a document, select the tab Insert, group Illustrations and press Drawing.

A window will appear where you need to find the file on your hard drive that we are going to insert into the document. Click on it, press the button Open and rejoice at the drawing in the document.

If you want to learn how to put footnotes in a document, then read here.

There are many different files in different formats on your computer. We use some files from these formats often, while we work with others extremely rarely or never at all. But there are also those in the computer that you simply need to know and be able to use. And one of them is doc files. These are a variety of documents that all users who decide to master a computer begin their work with. Of course, if you use your computer only for games and communicating on the Internet, then you can easily do without Word. But in this case, you can hardly be called a confident user. After all, a confident user is one who knows how to perform basic operations on a computer (create a folder, copy, delete) and work with popular programs, including Word and Excel. In this review, I will tell you how to use the free WindowsWord program to view and edit Doc files.

Open the program. We need to open a new text document. To do this, click on the file, as shown in the picture

then click open button as shown below

We get this usual file as a result:

Saving the file is also very easy. You need to press the button with the floppy disk and the file will be saved

Now let's look at the document search function. After all, if a document is more than a dozen pages long, a search is often required. To do this, on the top toolbar we find the edit tab and search in it, as shown in the figure or simply by pressing Ctrl+F

There you can enter the words you are looking for.

But let's not forget that we are editing the text. Therefore, it is very important for us to work with the font. The WindowsWord program has a special Font window, which can be opened by clicking on the button in the top Font toolbar. Here you can easily change the font, font size, writing style (bold, bold, italic, strikethrough), as well as the font color and font background color. This is what the window looks like

Now let's look at working with tables. Everything is very simple here, to create a table, click on the table tab, create a table as shown below

In the window that opens, select the number of rows and columns, as well as the table scale

If you right-click on a table field, in the menu that opens you can choose: cut, copy, paste, change font, paragraph, list parameters, you can add a row above or below, and also add a column to the left or right, split a cell and view the properties of the entire tables

You can also easily change the document size from A4 to A5, A6, or even set your own page size. The size button is at the bottom of the toolbar

This concludes my review of the main features of the new free WindowsWord editor. As a result, I can say that it is very easy to use, easier than Microsoft Office in my opinion. And it’s more suitable for beginners, because... There are not a huge number of buttons that are so easy for a beginner to get confused about. Great for general editing. Main advantages: ease of use and freeness of this text editor.

Quite recently, a new program was released that performs all office functions, but does not require additional activation and is quite easy to use in practice. We will talk about the basics of working with it below.

First steps

So, you have installed the program; its step-by-step installation is described in the previous article. What's next? Double-click on the desktop icon that looks like this

A program window opens in front of us. It is quite unremarkable, no different from those that you may have seen before, but its interface is convenient and everything you need and often use is located in front of your eyes, which makes it easy to navigate.

At the top in front of us there is a toolbar, just below there is a white field, which is analogous to a blank sheet of paper and on which you actually need to type and edit text, and on the left you can view the number of pages and their thumbnail image.


This is what the entire toolbar looks like:

As you can see, its uppermost part has the following tabs:

When you click on any of them, a context menu pops up, consisting of various tools that help when working with text. This way you can click on each tab to visually familiarize yourself with the interface.

Below are icons for the most frequently used functions that are used when working with text documents. They are organically sorted into sections, which makes it easy for even an inexperienced user to navigate.

We will not list them all, since there are quite a lot of them, but we will deal with the main tasks.


The first thing you need to constantly remember when working with documents is saving; without this function, all your work will be done in vain. It looks like this on the toolbar. And then select the location to save the document according to the standard procedure.


Once you become more familiar with all the features, the toolbar (or quick access toolbar) can be customized based on how often you use the features you need to always have at your fingertips. This will organize your work and make it even more efficient.

Editing documents

The program contains all the standard editing functions:

Many more useful things can be found in the WindowsWord program, but its main feature is its ease of use and clear interface. Inspiration to you!

The Windows word editor contains a set of all the necessary functions for creating/editing text.

To quickly edit a document, it is useful to use the Quick Access Toolbar at the top right of the screen. All important actions: “Create”, “Open”, “Save”, “Print”, “Paste”, “Undo/Redo”, “Bullets”, “Numbering”, “Indents”, editing text in a document, as well as styles fonts, style options and scaling are always at hand.

To create a new document, you need to click the “Create” button in the upper right corner of the quick access panel, or perform the action: “File” -> “Create”. To edit an existing document, you must click on the “Open” button, or the action “File -> “Open”, and then select the desired file and confirm your choice.

You can save the document by clicking on the floppy disk icon on the quick access panel, or by using the action: “File” -> “Save”. To save a document in different formats, you need to go to: “File” -> “Save as...” and select the desired format.

You can print the entire document, or a specific page by clicking the "Print" button in the form of a printer icon on the panel, or through "File" -> "Print...". You will be prompted to select a printer, print range, and number of copies.

If you need to find a specific word or sentence in the text, you can use the "Find..." button on the quick access panel, or go to: "Edit" - Find.

Setting the page parameters, margins, headers and footers and paper parameters can be found by following the action: “File” -> “Page Settings”, and in the window that appears, set the desired value. Then confirm by clicking “Ok”.

Often when editing there is a need to cancel a completed action or return it. For this case, there are “Undo” and “Redo” buttons on the panel and in the “Edit” tab.

Changing the font style, style, size, color and background of the text is possible in the "Font" and "Format" tabs. For quick changes, there are columns of styles and text size on the quick access panel.

When working with paragraphs, you can edit text along the edges, width, center, and distribute it along the length if you use the “Paragraph” tab

If you need to create a bulleted/numbered list, you can use the "Paragraph" -> "List" tab.

The "Insert" tab will allow you to insert into the document: a file, a picture, horizontal lines, a hyperlink, page number, text field, number of pages and various types of footnotes.

When working with tables, you must use the "Table" tab, or the table icon on the panel for quick placement with the selected number of cells. Even after placing the table, you can add columns and rows to it from any side, as well as delete, merge and split cells. To do this, you need to select the table and right-click, and in the window that appears, select the desired action.

When working with large amounts of text, you can use the Thumbnails on the left side of the screen to quickly navigate through pages. The current page and its number are highlighted with a red frame.

How to use the WindowsWord editor

The WindowsWord text editor is an indispensable program in the office and at home. It is easy to use and performs a full range of necessary functions for creating and editing text files.

The main program window consists of several parts:

    Control panel at the top of the window,

    Navigation bar on the left,

    The text field itself is in the form of a white sheet,

    At the bottom there is a panel with document statistics and a choice of display scale.

Main screen

File menu

At the top of the control panel there are drop-down menus with a variety of functions.


After launching the program, a blank sheet will open in front of you that can be edited - this is a new document. To create another new document, in the “File” menu, click on the “Create” item - a new empty file will open.

To open an existing document, select the first item “Open” in the “File” menu, after which a dialog box will open prompting you to go to a specific directory (folder) and select the desired document. In addition, you can select in the same window the type of documents that will be displayed: doc, docx, rtf, etc.

Open file

After finishing editing the document, save it using the “Save As” item in the “File” menu or press the key combination Ctrl+s. In the window that appears, select a folder, a name for the file and its format.

Save as

Page settings

If you need to create your file on a sheet other than the default A4, go to the File menu, Page Setup. There you can change the size, orientation, margins and footers of the sheet.


The “Print” item in the “File” menu provides the ability to print the finished document by selecting the printer, the desired document pages (print range) and the number of copies.

The next drop-down menu in the program is “Edit”. The items in this menu are provided with icons to help you understand the menu functions.

The first part contains “Undo” and “Redo” - that is, each of your actions in the current document can be canceled or, if it is still necessary, returned as it was. It is convenient to use the hotkeys Ctrl+z and Ctrl+y, respectively.

The second part contains the functions “Cut”, “Copy”, “Paste” - these are actions with text and images that are done on selected elements. This helps you work not only with text and images from one document, but also copy, cut and paste from another file or browser

Edit menu


You can find and replace a phrase or word in the text using the corresponding item in the “Edit” menu.


Menu Format

Background (window)


Line numbers

Adding elements is done through the “Insert” menu. A picture can be added through the “Picture” item dialog box.

Insert menu



Add symbols of mathematical formulas and other symbols that are not on the keyboard using the “Symbols” item.

You can add a table and change its parameters through the “Table” menu, where all the necessary functions are present

Menu Table

Insert table

Menu Service

In the “Service” drop-down menu there are only two items “Spell Check” and “Settings”.


The “Spell Check” item helps to avoid spelling, punctuation and other errors in the text of a document by simply pointing out them or suggesting correction options.


The “Settings” item will help you configure the program, change the design, select the language and spelling nuances. For example, by selecting “Appearance - Skins” the user can choose the design theme of the program itself to suit his taste. The default is Windows.

After saving all changes, you can close the program in three ways:

    Selecting "Exit" from the "File" menu,

    By clicking on the cross icon in the upper right corner of the window,

    Using the key combination Alt+F4.


To see the entire document or zoom in on a fragment of it, use the right side of the bottom panel of the reactor window. To change the document display scale, move the slider or click on “+” or “-”.

Windows Word is a new convenient text file editor available for free download. The program is suitable for creating and editing files with text information, reading books and the like. The editor looks like this:

Once you launch the application, you can start creating a new document, and then use the function to save it. It is extremely simple and similar to the same function in any other Windows applications: File -> Save, or File -> Save As...

Or you can open an existing file in order to familiarize yourself with its contents and/or edit the information contained in it. This is also done in the standard way: File -> Open -> Name of the file you are looking for.

Like any reputable editor, Windows Word, among other things, has the function of quickly searching for words or text fragments in an open file. To open the search window, you can press the key combination Ctrl + F, or the button with the image of binoculars. In the window that opens, you must enter the word or phrase that you want to find in the text. You can also select search functions: case-sensitive or case-insensitive, search only for matches of the entire word, search below or above the current cursor position. After this, you need to click on the “Find Next” button, and matches in the text will be highlighted in blue.

Editing text information in Windows Word is subject to the same rules as working with texts in any other editor. In addition to directly editing texts, using this editor you can add hyperlinks, pictures, tables to the file. This can be done either through the “Insert” and “Table” menus, or using the corresponding buttons on the panel. Using the sequence of actions Insert -> Symbol, you can insert symbols of the Greek alphabet, mathematical formulas and many others into the document.

Of course, Windows Word also provides a large number of options for changing the text style. You can choose the font, text and background color, make the font bold, italic, underlined or strikethrough, subscript or superscript. All this can be done both through the “Font” menu (“Type”, “Size”, “Text Color”, “Text Background Color”), and using the corresponding buttons.

The Windows Word editor also has a convenient “Paragraph” menu item, with which you can format the text: select the distribution of lines to the left, right, justified or centered. Also through this menu item you can add numbering, bullets, change indents and spacing. The same can be done using the buttons on the panel, as well as by dragging the corresponding sliders on the main work field.

A document opened in Windows Word can also be sent for printing. This can be done either through the File -> Print menu, or using the button with the image of a printer. It is also possible to preview an open document before printing to get a better idea of ​​how it will look on paper.
