Purpose and use of technical means of informatization in the enterprise. Used software of automated enterprise information systems

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Subject: GeneralcharacteristicAndclassificationtechnical means of informatization

1. Technicalfacilitiesinformatization-hardwarebasisinformationtechnologies

Technicalfacilitiesinformatization- this is a set of systems, machines, devices, mechanisms, devices and other types of equipment designed to automate various technological processes of computer science, and those whose output product is information (data) used to satisfy information needs in various areas of society.

In the process of its development, human society went through the stages of penetration into the secrets of matter, learned to manage various types of energy and, finally, entered the era of informatization. Until the middle of the 19th century, when the dominant processes were collection And savings information, the means of informatization were a pen, an inkwell and paper.

To replace primitive means of information technology at the end of the 19th century. mechanical ones came: a typewriter, a telephone, a telegraph, which served as the basis for fundamental changes in information processing technology. Only many years later information processes memorization And transfers there were information supplemented its processes processing . This became possible with the appearance in the second half of the 20th century. such information technology as electronic computers (computers), which laid the foundation informational technologies.

Information Technology are based on the following technical achievements:

New means of storing information on machine-readable media (magnetic tapes, films, magnetic and laser disks, etc.);

Systems for remote information transmission (local computer networks, data networks, telephone networks, radio communications, satellite communications, etc.);

Automated information processing using a computer according to specified algorithms.

It is natural that informational technologies are built on a combination of hardware, software and the creative thought of the creators, both of these tools and computer technology.

Experts call computer hardware Hardware(hardware or rigid wire), and software -- Software(soft wire). The combination " Hardware&Software", translated as "hard and soft", is a professional term. In Russia, programs in professional slang are sometimes called a new word “ software", and the computer and peripherals - " iron" The priority of the role of software or hardware in information technology is not subject to discussion, since without software, any most advanced computer is a set of electronic circuit boards.

Technicalfacilitiesinformatization represent totality computer equipment and its peripheral devices - Hardware, providing collection, storage and processing of information, and communication equipment (telephone, telegraph, radio, television, satellite communications, computer networks), carrying out remote transmission of information. informatization technical technology information

Creation of computers in the middle of the 20th century. is one of the most outstanding achievements in human history. Permanent development The industry of computer equipment and other technical means of information technology has in a short time become one of the determining factors of scientific and technological progress. Many major scientific and technical projects of our time in the field of space research, nuclear energy, and ecology could not be implemented without the use of technical means of informatization. Over the past decades, information technology based using modern technical means of informatization, they are increasingly invading various spheres of human activity. Undoubtedly tight relationship improving software, technical means of informatization and high-tech technologies on the basis of which they are produced. The development of new software requires the creation of increasingly advanced technical means, which, in turn, stimulates the development of new high-performance and economical technological processes for the production of technical means of informatization.

2 . ClassificationTSI

All technical means of informatization, depending on the functions performed, can be divided into six groups:

1. Devicesinputinformation:

Pointers (mouse, light pen, trackball, graphics tablet, joystick)

Multimedia (graphics (scanner and digital camera), sound (tape recorder, microphone), video (web camera, video camera))

2. Devicesoutputinformation:

Text (monitor);

Multimedia (graphics (printer, plotter), sound (headphones, speaker systems), video (VCR, video camera))

3. Devicesprocessinginformation:



4. DevicestransfersAndreceptioninformation:

LAN card

5. Multifunctionaldevices:

Copy devices

Breeding devices

Publishing systems

6. Devicesstorageinformation

As follows from the above classification, most of the modern technical means of informatization are in one way or another connected with computers - personal computers (PCs).

DevicesinputAndoutput are an indispensable and obligatory element of any computer, from the very first to modern PCs, since it is these devices that ensure user interaction with the computing system.

All input/output devices of a personal computer belong to peripheral devices, i.e. connected to the microprocessor via the system bus and the corresponding controllers. Today, there are entire groups of devices (for example, location devices, multimedia) that provide efficient and convenient user experience.

The main device of a computer is microprocessor , which in the most general case provides control of all devices and information processing. To solve specific problems, for example, mathematical calculations, modern personal computers are equipped with coprocessors. These devices are Todevicesprocessinginformation.

DevicestransfersAndreceptioninformation(or communication devices) are indispensable attributes of modern information systems, which are increasingly acquiring the features of distributed information systems, in which information is not stored in one place, but is distributed within a network.

Modem (modulator-demodulator)- a device that converts information into a form in which it can be transmitted over telephone communication lines. Internal modems have a PCI interface and are connected directly to the motherboard. External modems are connected via COM ports or USB.

Network adapter (network pay)- an electronic device made in the form of an expansion board (can be integrated into the system board) with a connector for connecting to a communication line.

Devicesstorageinformation They occupy not the last place among all technical means of informatization, since they are used for temporary (short-term) or long-term storage of processed and accumulated information.

Multifunctionaldevices began to appear relatively recently. Distinctive feature of these devices is to combine a number of functions (for example, scanning and printing or printing and binding hard copies, etc.) to automate user actions.

In the general case, TSI can be represented as an information and computing complex containing the computer itself with its main devices, as well as additional or peripheral devices.

To the number main devices of a personal computer located in its system unit are classified as maternal fee, CPU, video adapter(video card), sound map, facilities processing video signal, operational memory, TV tuner. The system unit also contains drives and drives for information storage devices of various types: floppy and hard disks, compact discs such as CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD.

The variety of functions performed by peripheral devices in solving various tasks can be divided into several groups, as shown in rice.1.1 .

Devicesdisplayinformation serve to process video information and present it for visual perception. These are primarily monitors made on the basis of a wide range of modern technologies. Three-dimensional images are formed using helmets virtual reality, 3D glasses and 3D monitors of various operating principles. To solve problems related to displaying information on a screen for a large audience, they use overhead projectors, liquid crystal panels and multimedia projectors.

To ensure communication between the computer and the information display device, it is used video adapter, which converts the digital signal circulating inside the PC into analog electrical signals supplied to the monitor. For computer processing of signals from devices such as a television tuner, VCR, video camera, i.e. to convert them from analog to digital form, use special video signal processing tools, for example, video blaster.

Sound And acousticsystems computers provide processing and reproduction of audio information.

Devicesinputinformation are a set of control and data input devices. These functions are performed by a keyboard, mouse, and joystick. To enter information into a PC, a light pen, scanner, digital camera, and digitizer are increasingly being used. Scanners are distinguished by a particular variety of design solutions. They are tablet, roller, drum, projection, manual and multifunctional.

Printersdevices(printers) used for output to solid, usually paper, media text information. According to the operating principle, printers are very diverse: drums, inkjet, laser, LED, thermal. For withdrawal graphic information used in the form of drawings plotters . The functioning of plotter writing units is based on the same principles as printers, and according to their design they are divided into flatbed and roll.

Facilitiestelecommunications designed for remote transmission of information. These include pagers, radiotelephones, personal terminals for satellite communications, providing transmission of audio and text information. Facsimiledevices, which carry out the process of remote transmission of images and text, are divided into thermographic, electrographic, inkjet, laser, photographic, electrochemical and electromechanical. Modems are mainly used for exchanging information between computers via a telephone line and are structurally implemented both externally, functioning autonomously, and internally, built into the equipment.

Widespread means of working with information on hard media are numerous devicescopyingtechnology: electrographic, thermographic, diazographic, photographic, electronic graphic. To destroy confidential information on hard media, special devices are used - shredders.


1. What is accepted as a unit of measurement of the amount of information?

2. What units of measurement of information do you know, their relationship?

3. How can you measure the amount of information? Give formulas connecting the number of possible outcomes N and the amount of information I

4. How are text characters encoded?

5. What encodings of Russian letters exist?

6. How do existing encodings of Russian letters differ?

7. What is the difference between traditional 8-bit encodings and the new Unicode encoding?

8. On what parameters does the quality of binary audio encoding depend?

9. How is binary coding of graphic information performed?

10. What is included in the technical means of information technology?

11. Give the classification of TSI.


Exercise 1.

1). How much information will the second player receive in the game “Guess the Number” if the first player guessed the number: 32, 128?

2). How much information is needed to encode one image point with a palette of 16 colors?

Exercise 2.

Using the Character Table, write down the Windows encoding (CP1251) decimal numeric code sequence for the word computer.

Exercise 3.

Using the Symbol Table and then the Calculator, write down the Windows encoding (CP1251) binary numeric code sequence for the word bit.

Exercise 4.

Using Notepad, determine which words in the Windows encoding (CP1251) are specified by sequences of numeric codes:

225, 224, 233, 242


Exercise 5.

Using Notepad, determine which words in MS-DOS (CP866) encoding are specified by sequences of numeric codes:

161, 160, 169, 226

10011101, 10000010, 10001100

Exercise 6.

Recently, a graphics mode with a color depth of 32 bits has begun to be used. Define:

1). How many colors are displayed on the screen at this color depth?

2). How much video memory is needed to implement a given color depth at different screen resolutions?

Exercise 7.

1). How many audio levels are encoded in legacy 8-bit sound cards?

2). Calculate the size of a 10-second mono audio file with 16-bit encoding and a sampling rate of 44 kHz.




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Computers, systems, networks and complexes

Technical means of informatization- this is a set of systems, machines, devices, mechanisms, devices and other types of equipment designed to automate various technological processes of computer science, and those whose output product is information (data) used to satisfy information needs in various areas of society.

All technical means of informatization, depending on the functions performed, can be divided into six groups:

  • 1. Information input devices:
    • - Text
    • - Location(mouse, light pen, trackball, graphics tablet, joystick)
    • - Multimedia(graphics (scanner and digital camera), sound (tape recorder, microphone), video (web camera, video camera))
  • 2. Information output devices:
    • - Text(monitor);
    • - Multimedia(graphics (printer, plotter), sound (headphones, speaker systems), video (VCR, video camera))
  • 3. Information processing devices:
    • - Microprocessor
    • - Coprocessor
  • 4. Devices for transmitting and receiving information:
    • - Modem
    • - LAN card
  • 5. Multifunctional devices:
    • - Copy devices
    • - Breeding devices
    • - Publishing systems
  • 6. Storage devices

As follows from the above classification, most of the modern technical means of informatization are in one way or another connected with computers - personal computers (PCs).

Input and output devices are an indispensable and obligatory element of any computer, from the very first to modern PCs, since it is these devices that ensure user interaction with the computing system.

All input/output devices of a personal computer belong to peripheral devices, i.e. connected to the microprocessor via the system bus and the corresponding controllers. Today, there are entire groups of devices (for example, location devices, multimedia) that provide efficient and convenient user experience.

The main device of a computer is microprocessor, which in the most general case provides control of all devices and information processing. To solve specific problems, for example, mathematical calculations, modern personal computers are equipped with coprocessors. These devices are to information processing devices.

Devices for transmitting and receiving information(or communication devices) are indispensable attributes of modern information systems, which are increasingly acquiring the features of distributed information systems, in which information is not stored in one place, but is distributed within a network.

Modem (modulator-demodulator)- a device that converts information into a form in which it can be transmitted over telephone communication lines. Internal modems have a PCI interface and are connected directly to the motherboard. External modems are connected via COM or USB ports.

Network adapter (network card)- an electronic device made in the form of an expansion board (can be integrated into the system board) with a connector for connecting to a communication line.

Storage devices They occupy not the last place among all technical means of informatization, since they are used for temporary (short-term) or long-term storage of processed and accumulated information.

Multifunction devices began to appear relatively recently. A distinctive feature of these devices is the combination of a number of functions (for example, scanning and printing or printing and binding hard copies, etc.) to automate user actions.

Computing machine, calculating machine- a mechanism, electromechanical or electronic device designed to automatically perform mathematical operations.

Recently, this concept is most often associated with various types of computer systems. However, computing mechanisms appeared long before the first computer worked.

Back in 1623, the German Wilhelm Schickard created the so-called “Counting Clock,” which today is considered the first automatic calculator. In letters to Johannes Kepler, Schickard explained how his machine could be used to calculate astronomical tables. Schickard's machine could add and subtract six-digit numbers, ringing a bell when it was full. More complex calculations were performed using a set of Napier dominoes mounted on the mechanism body. The original car was lost in a fire before the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1960, based on the surviving drawings, a copy of this computer was built, confirming its existence and performance.

In 1642, a machine that helped in adding numbers was invented by the French scientist Blaise Pascal. “Pascalina,” as the inventor called his design, was a mechanical device in the form of a box filled with numerous gears. The numbers to be added were entered into the machine by turning the dials accordingly. Each of these wheels, corresponding to one decimal place, had divisions with numbers from 0 to 9. When entering a number, the wheels scrolled to the corresponding number. Upon completion of a full revolution, the excess above the number 9 was transferred to the adjacent digit (the adjacent wheel was shifted by 1 position) and so on. “Pascal’s machine” made it possible to perform not only addition, but also other operations, but at the same time it required the use of a rather inconvenient procedure for repeated additions.

In 1673, another famous scientist, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, made mechanical calculator, making it easy to perform subtraction, multiplication and division.

1723 - German mathematician and astronomer Christian Ludwig Gersten created an arithmetic machine based on the works of Leibniz. The machine calculated the quotient and the product (due to sequential addition operations). In addition, it provided the ability to monitor the correctness of data entry.

In 1820, the Frenchman Thomas de Kalmar launched the industrial production of adding machines.

The difference engine developed by the Englishman Charles Babbage in 1823 was intended for calculating mathematical tables.

The study of Babbage's works and his advice helped the Swedish inventor Per Georg Scheutz, starting in 1854, to build several difference engines, and in 1859 even sell one of them to the British government office.

Another "Difference Engine", built soon after by Martin Wiberg (Swedish: Martin Wiberg), was also basically an improved version of Charles Babbage's machine and was used to calculate and publish printed logarithmic tables.

By 1890, American Herman Hollerith had developed an electrical tabulating system that was used in the 1890 and 1900 US Censuses.

In 1938, German engineer Konrad Zuse built his first car, called the Z1, in his parents' apartment. It was a trial model of a completely mechanical programmable digital computer. That same year, Zuse began building the Z2. And in 1941, Zuse created the first computer with all the properties modern computer Z3.

Computing systems

A DDS (data processing system) configured to solve problems in a specific area of ​​application is called computing system. A computing system includes hardware and software aimed at solving a specific set of problems. There are two orientation methods. Firstly, a computing system can be built on the basis of a computer or a general-purpose computing complex, and the orientation of the system is ensured through software - application programs and, possibly, operating system. Secondly, focus on a given class of problems can be achieved through the use of specialized computers and computing systems. In this case, it is possible to achieve high productivity at moderate equipment costs. Specialized computing systems are most widely used in solving problems of vector and matrix algebra, as well as those related to the integration of differential equations, image processing, pattern recognition, etc.

Computing systems built on the basis of specialized complexes began to be intensively developed since the late 60s. Such systems used processors with specialized instruction systems; the configuration of the complexes was strictly oriented towards a specific class of tasks. In the last decade, research and development of adaptive computing systems that flexibly adapt to the problems being solved have begun. Adaptation of a computing system in order to adapt it to the structure of the implemented algorithm is achieved by changing the system configuration. In this case, connections between processors, as well as memory modules and peripheral devices, are established dynamically in accordance with the needs of the tasks processed by the system at the current time. In this regard, adaptive computing systems are otherwise called systems with a dynamic structure. Due to adaptation, high performance is achieved in a wide class of tasks and the system is resilient to failures. Therefore, adaptive systems are considered as one of the promising directions for the development of data processing systems.

Computing systems.

Beginning in the 60s, to increase the reliability and performance of SOD, several computers were connected with each other, forming multi-machine computing complex.

In early multi-machine complexes, communication between computers was provided through common external storage devices - magnetic disk drives (MDS) or magnetic tape drives (NMT) (Fig. 1.1, A), those. through access to shared data sets. This connection is called indirect and turns out to be effective only in the case when computers interact quite rarely, for example, when one of the computers fails or at the moments of the beginning and end of data processing. More efficient computer interaction is achieved through direct communication through an adapter that provides data exchange between PCIV input-output channels) of two computers (Fig. 1.1, b) and transmission of interrupt signals. This creates good conditions for coordinating data processing processes and increases the efficiency of data exchange, which makes it possible to conduct parallel processing processes and significantly increase the productivity of the data processing system. Currently, multi-machine computing systems are widely used to improve the reliability and performance of ODS.

In multi-machine computing systems, the interaction of data processing processes is ensured only through the exchange of interrupt signals and data transfer through channel-to-channel adapters or shared external storage devices. The best conditions for process interaction are when all processors have access to the entire amount of data stored in random access memory (RAM) and can interact with all peripheral devices of the complex. A computing complex containing several processors with shared RAM and peripheral devices is called multiprocessor. The principle of constructing such complexes is illustrated in Fig. 1.2. Processors, RAM modules (RAM) and input/output channels to which peripheral devices (PU) are connected are combined into a single complex using switching tools that provide each processor with access to any RAM module and I/O channel, as well as the ability transferring data between the latter. In a multiprocessor complex, failures of individual devices affect the performance of the ODS to a lesser extent than in a multi-machine complex, i.e. multiprocessor systems are more resilient to failures. Each processor has direct access to all data stored in shared RAM and to peripheral devices, which allows parallel processing of not only independent tasks, but also blocks of a single task.


Teacher 2nd quarter categories

Berezovskaya SKOSHI

Yanysheva S.A.

Control questions

  • What is included in the technical means of information technology?

  • What is the unit of measurement for the amount of information?

  • How are text characters encoded?

  • What is the difference between traditional 8-bit encodings and the new Unicode encoding?

  • What parameters determine the amount of binary encoding of audio?

  • How is binary encoding of graphic information performed?

Information technology (IT)

is a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon.

Information technologies are based on the following technical achievements:

  • New means of storing information on machine-readable media (magnetic tapes, films, magnetic and laser disks, etc.);

  • Systems for remote information transmission (local computer networks, data networks, telephone networks, radio communications, satellite communications, etc.);

  • Automated information processing using a computer according to specified algorithms.

information Technology

1 byte = 8 bits.

1 byte = 8 bits.

1 KB = 210 bytes = 1024 bytes;

1 MB = 210 KB = 1024 KB.

Binary coding -

This is the encoding of information in a computer in a sequence of electrical impulses: there is an impulse - 1, no impulse - 0, i.e. in a sequence of zeros and ones.

Binary coding of text information

  • use 1 byte (8 binary bits) to encode each character, which allows you to encode N=28=256 different characters

  • Each character is assigned a specific binary code in the code table, its own unique sequence of eight zeros and ones

  • there are five different code tables for Russian letters

Difference between traditional 8-bit encoding and the new Unicode encoding

One of the first standards for encoding Russian letters on computers was the KOI-8 code (8-bit information exchange code), which is used on computers with operating UNIX system.

New international standard Unicode allocates not one byte for each character, but two, and therefore with its help you can encode not 256 characters, but N= 216=65536 different characters. This encoding is supported by the Microsoft Windows platform @ Office 97

Binary coding of graphic information

There are two ways to create and store graphic objects on your computer: raster or how vector image.

Each type of image uses its own encoding method.

Bitmap encoding

A raster image is a collection of points ( pixels ) different colors.

In the case of a regular black and white image (without grayscale), each point on the screen can have only two states - “black” (1) or “white” (0), i.e. 1 bit is needed to store its state.

Each color can be considered as a possible state of a point, and then according to the formula N=2I the number of colors displayed on the monitor screen can be calculated.

Raster image

  • When enlarged, it breaks down into pixels

  • large in volume

  • can be created in GR Paint

Vector image encoding

A vector image is a collection of graphic primitives (point, line, ellipse...).

Each primitive is described by mathematical formulas.

Encoding depends

from the application environment.

Vector image

  • does not worsen with increasing

  • small in volume

  • can be created in TR Word

Binary coding of audio information

is a binary encoding of a continuous audio signal after its sampling, i.e. converting the latter into a sequence of electrical impulses - samples.

The dependence of the volume, as well as the pitch of sound, on the intensity and frequency of the sound wave.

Converting a continuous audio signal into a digital discrete form.

Accuracy of the binary coding procedure for audio information

  • the number of discrete values ​​that a computer's sound system (sound card) can provide

  • the number of discrete samples taken in one second.

Input devices

are a set of control and data input devices.



  • Tablets for digitizing images, or in Russian - coordinateographs.

  • Typically, such a tablet includes an internal high-resolution coordinate system on top of which a map or graphic is placed.

Printing devices

are used to output textual information onto hard, usually paper, media.

According to the principle of operation, printers are:
  • drums,

  • inkjet,

  • laser,

  • LED,

  • thermal.


designed for remote transmission of information.

These include pagers, radiotelephones, and personal terminals for satellite communications that provide the transmission of audio and text information.


are mainly used for exchanging information between computers via a telephone line and are structurally implemented both externally, functioning autonomously, and internally, built into the equipment.

Fax machines

carry out the process of remote transmission of images and text.

Divided into:
  • thermographic,

  • electrographic,

  • inkjet,

  • laser,

  • photographic,

  • electrochemical

  • electromechanical.

Tools for working with information on hard media

There are numerous copier devices: electrographic, thermographic, diazographic, photographic, electronic graphic.


  • Gagarina L.G. Technical means of informatization. "Forum", 2010.

  • Grebenyuk E.I., Grebenyuk N.A. Technical means of informatization: – M.: Academy, 2003.

  • Kolesnichenko O.V., Shishigin I.V. PC Hardware – 5th ed. – St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2004.

Technical means of informatization– is a set of systems, machines, devices, mechanisms, devices and other types of equipment designed to automate various technological processes of computer science, and those whose output product is information (information, knowledge) or data used to satisfy information needs in different areas substantive activities of society.

Modern technical means of informatization and information systems based on them are characterized by two main properties.

Firstly, they consist of a large number of interconnected and interacting elements, not necessarily of the same physical nature, united by common goals and objectives of functioning as part of the system.

Secondly, they are distinguished by the complexity of the processes of information flow and behavior, which is due to a large number of interrelated functions implemented by technical means and systems, the random nature of external influences, the need to operate under conditions of a priori uncertainty and frequently changing circumstances.

All technical means of informatization, depending on the functions performed, can be divided into six groups (Fig. 1.2.1):

    Information input devices.

    Information output devices.

    Information processing devices.

    Devices for transmitting and receiving information.

    Information storage devices.

    Multifunctional devices.

Figure 1.2.1. Technical means of informatization


As follows from the above classification, most of the modern technical means of informatization are in one way or another connected with electronic computers - personal computers (PCs), which, in fact, combine many technical means that provide automated information processing.

For example, input and output devices(input/output) are an indispensable and obligatory element of any computer, from the very first to modern PCs, since it is these devices that ensure user interaction with the computing system.

On the one hand, the user enters commands or data into the computer through input devices for processing them, on the other hand, the computing system provides the user with the results of its work through output devices.

All input/output devices of a personal computer are classified as peripheral devices, i.e. connected to the microprocessor via the system bus and corresponding controllers. With the development of computer technology, they have received significant development. Today, there are entire groups of devices (for example, location devices, multimedia) that provide efficient and convenient user experience.

The main device of a computer is a microprocessor, which in the most general case provides control of all devices and information processing. To solve specific problems, for example, mathematical calculations, modern personal computers are equipped with coprocessors. These devices are to information processing devices.

Devices for transmitting and receiving information(or communication devices) are indispensable attributes of modern information systems, which are increasingly acquiring the features of distributed information systems in which information is not stored in one place, but is distributed within a network, for example, an enterprise network or the global Internet.

Depending on a number of parameters (type of communication line, type of connection, remoteness of information resource carriers, etc.), various communication devices are used.

Modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device that converts information into a form in which it can be transmitted over telephone communication lines. Internal modems have a PCI interface and are connected directly to the motherboard. External modems are connected via COM or USB ports.

Modems perform digital-to-analog conversion of digital PC signals for transmission over a telephone communication line or analog-to-digital conversion of analog signals from a communication line into digital signals for processing in a PC. Modems transmit data over regular telephone lines at speeds of up to 56,000 bits per second. Modems also compress data before sending it and, accordingly, their actual speed may exceed the maximum speed of the modem.

Network adapter (network card) is an electronic device made in the form of an expansion card (can be integrated into the system board) with a connector for connecting to a communication line. A network adapter is used to connect a PC to a local computer network.

Storage devices They occupy not the last place among all technical means of informatization, since they are used for temporary (short-term) or long-term storage of processed and accumulated information.

Multifunction devices began to appear relatively recently. A distinctive feature of these devices is the combination of a number of functions (for example, scanning and printing or printing and binding hard copies, etc.) to automate user actions. Multifunctional devices include publishing systems, copying devices, and information reproduction devices.

In the future, when studying the discipline, technical means of informatization will be considered in more detail.
