I don't remember my Office account username or password. What to do if you forgot your Nokia Lumia password? What to do if you forgot your Microsoft password

The user sets a password on his computer to protect himself from third parties logging into his account. But sometimes the irreparable happens - after a while you can forget your password, or when changing it to a new one, you make a typo, and then you certainly won’t be able to log into your Windows account. What to do in this situation? The first thing you need to try is to type the password by changing the keyboard layout, Russian to English and vice versa, turn on the Caps Lock key and try again. If you don’t succeed, then you need to move on to a more complex solution, and this instruction will help you figure it out. The methods described below are suitable for resetting Windows password, as for account Microsoft records, and local account Windows 8.1 and Windows 10:

Reset your Microsoft account password online

If your PC has one of the latest versions Windows, then most likely it uses a Microsoft account, which gives much more capabilities compared to a local one. To reset the password on such a computer, you need it to be connected to the Internet, and then use another computer, tablet or even smartphone to change the password.

Step 1 Open a browser on another device and go to account.live.com/resetpassword.aspx

Step 2 Select “I don’t remember my password” and click Next

Step 3 After that, enter your address Email and enter the verification characters. Click Next to continue

Step 4 When registering for a Microsoft account, it is mandatory to provide an additional email or phone number, so at this stage you will need to indicate this. Then check your phone or email and enter the code sent to change your password

The last step is that you will need to enter a new password for the account on the locked computer.

Changing a user's password using the command line

To use this method, you will need to boot from a LiveCD, system recovery disc, or bootable flash drive with Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. We will give an example of how to do this with boot disk or flash drives.

If you decide to use LiveCD, then you will need to open the disk on which Windows is installed and go to the Windows → System32 folder, there find and rename the file utilman.exe to utilman2.exe, and also make a copy (duplicate) of the cmd.exe file and rename it to utilman.exe. Next, restart your computer and begin Step 6 this instruction.

Step 1 Insert the Windows disk or flash drive into your computer and boot into the Windows installation environment

Step 2 After the screen appears with the choice of language, keyboard and regional settings, click Next and in the lower left corner of the window click on the link System Restore and select Troubleshooting (Diagnostics)Extra options Command line or press the keyboard shortcut Shift + F10

Step 3 Now you need to find out on which disk the system is installed. At the command prompt, enter the following commands:

After which a list of computer disk partitions will be displayed on the screen; you will need to remember the partition letter with installed Windows(you can determine it by size), we will need it for further actions. Exit Diskpart with the command:

Step 4 Now that you know the letter of the partition with the installed OS, enter the following commands with your letter (in our case it is C):

move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe
copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

Step 5 Restart your computer to normal mode. To do this, use the command:

Step 6 After the password entry window loads, click on the “Accessibility” icon in the lower right corner. You should see a Windows command prompt

Step 7 At the command prompt, enter the following command:

net user username new password

If you don't remember the username, use net command users to display all users on the system. Usernames consisting of two or more words must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Now you can safely log into your account with a new password.

Changing a user's password using the built-in Administrator account

This method can only be used by owners of the operating system Windows 8/8.1/10 Professional and Enterprise, and Windows 7 also Ultimate. Also, one of the conditions for opening an Administrator account is the activated Command Line, as we described above.

Step 1 Open the Command Prompt program on the screen, to do this, in the lower right corner, click on the “Accessibility” icon

Step 2 Activate the Administrator account using the command:

net user Administrator /active:yes (for users using Russified Windows version)
net user Administrator /active:yes (for users using the English version of Windows)

After restarting your computer, you should have another account: Administrator

Step 3 Select Administrator account and login

Step 4 Open the program Computer management, press the Win + R key combination and enter: compmgmt.msc

Step 5 In the left pane, go Local users→ Users. In the right pane you will see a list of computer users. We would like to warn you that this method only works for local accounts. Windows records. If you have a Microsoft account, then you need to use the very first method.

net user Administrator /active:no or net user Administrator /active:no
and return the files to their places so that the "Accessibility" icon displays them on the screen, and not Command line. To do this, boot again from the bootable USB flash drive or disk and call the Command Prompt, then enter the following commands:
del c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe
move c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

You can also boot from any LiveCD and delete the utilman.exe file, and rename utilman2.exe back to utilman.exe. These files are located in Windows folder→ System32.

We hope the article was useful to you, and now, when you forget your password, you can easily reset it.

Many others useful tips You can find it on our pages on social networks.

Mail, cloud storage OneDrive, Windows 8, 10 - all this is a Microsoft account. It is not surprising that the loss of a Microsoft account can be a tragedy for the user. But not everything is as bad as it might seem at first; the service is equipped with a convenient tool for restoring a profile, even if the user has forgotten his login and password.

Password recovery

Before you begin the procedure for recovering a lost Microsoft profile password, you must make sure of the following:

  1. When entering a password, Caps lock is disabled, that is, the function of entering upper case;
  2. The layout is set to English language(it is in this language that it is specified security code from account);
  3. Please check the correct spelling of the email used to login.

If all the above points are met, then you can proceed to resetting and recovering your password. For this:

  • Go to the official Microsoft website and click the “Login” button in the upper right corner;
  • The user will be redirected to the account login panel. At the bottom, click “Forgot my Password”:
  • At this step, you need to select the reason why the account owner cannot log in. There are no global differences when recovering a password, but for your information it should be noted:

a) “I forget my password” - the user has forgotten the password;

b) “I know my password, but can’t sing in” - the profile owner is sure that he enters the code correctly, but cannot log in;

c) “I think someone else is using my Microsoft account” - there are suspicions that the account has been hacked.

  • We choose the 1st option, since the code was forgotten;
  • In the next window you must enter the email or phone number to which the profile is attached:
  • After entering the email, the user will receive a letter containing a link to reset the password. We go through it and enter a new code.

If the account owner has entered a phone number, an SMS message will be sent to him with secret code. Entering these numbers will allow you to replace your lost password.

What to do if you lose your login

To sign in to your Microsoft account, use your email address as your login. If the user has forgotten it, then it will be impossible to send a request to restore the account. You can find out the email to which your profile is linked in several ways:

If you still cannot recover your email, then the only option is technical support:

To submit a request for account recovery through technical support, you must provide detailed information of the following nature:

  • Full name indicated in the profile;
  • Phone number and lost email;
  • Account details: date of birth, country of residence, city and time zone, etc.

There are no specific deadlines for consideration of an application for account restoration. Usually the answer comes within three days. If the account information is correct, the profile will be restored.

Read How to regain access to your Microsoft account. A detailed guide on how to recover a forgotten or lost password from your account. With this article we are opening a series of short articles in which we will try to explain to users how they can recover a forgotten account password on various popular websites and social networks.

Corporation "Microsoft" claims that about seven hundred million devices worldwide use the latest operating system "Windows 10", not counting earlier versions of the system. Therefore, at a minimum, this number of users are registered on the corresponding website of the corporation in order to access all the opportunities that it offers "Microsoft".

By registering their own account, users can perform special additional settings parameters for full management of corporation products "Microsoft". A single account allows users to manage settings across the corporation's entire product line "Microsoft", which are available to the user in one place.

This approach greatly simplifies the process of monitoring and managing the parameters of the corporation's products and relieves the user of remembering many passwords. But in turn, it significantly increases liability if the password is lost, because in this case access to all registered products is lost.

In the vastness of the international world computer network "Internet" Users can find a variety of desktop and remote network applications to store various passwords and other sensitive information. Such password managers allow the user to access their private data at any time if necessary, and also guarantee the user a certain level of protection for their information and block any unauthorized access to their personal data.

If you, for some reason (for example, you are afraid of hacking your password if it is stored remotely), do not use a password manager to store credentials and rely on your memory, then due to the fact that these passwords are quite complex, at some point you will You may simply not remember them. Most websites, including the corporation's website "Microsoft", recommend using a complex combination of letters and numbers in different cases to protect your account from hacking and possible malicious entry. If you have forgotten your account password "Microsoft", which can also be an account for "outlook.com", "live.com", "hotmail.com" or even "skype.com", you will not be able to recover the same password. However, it is quite simple to regain access to your account by resetting your old password and replacing it with a new one.

How to recover your account password "Microsoft"

Open your favorite web browser, no need to use any specific browser, and go to your account page "Microsoft" and then click the button "To come in" in the upper right corner.

On the account login page, enter your username "Microsoft" and press the button "Further".

Please note that due to changes in past years, you may have used any email account associated with Corporation products "Microsoft" as your site account "Microsoft". This includes sites "outlook.com", "live.com", "hotmail.com" And "skype.com". "Microsoft" even allows you to register for an account "Microsoft" using email addresses third party applications, for example, your "Gmail" address. But the password is for your original account "Microsoft" will be different from your other passwords.

Once the username has been verified, a password entry page will appear. Below the password field, click the text link "Forgot your password".

On the next page, you will be asked to choose one of three possible answers that explain why you are unable to sign in to your account. Check the box next to “I don’t remember my password”, and then click the button "Further".

You will be prompted to enter certain characters that you see on the account recovery screen as a security measure. Do this and then click the button "Further".

Verify your identity with the email address or phone number connected to your account

On the new page that opens, you will need to confirm your identity, that you are the owner and have the right to manage the settings of this account. From the options provided, you will need to choose how you want to complete identity verification verification. You will have two options to choose from. In the first case, you can receive a security code for your account "Microsoft" by letter to the email address specified in your account settings. In the second option, you can get a text "SMS" message with a code to a confirmed phone number. If you choose the option with a letter, then check the first box and click the button "Send code". If you decide to choose to receive your security code through "SMS", then activate the corresponding cell to receive the code on your mobile device, and also click the button "Send code". First, to confirm that you are the owner of the phone number specified in your account settings, you will have to enter its last four digits.

Check your email for a letter from the service technical support accounts "Microsoft". On the identity verification page, enter the code you received in the email and click "Further".

On the password reset page, enter your new password on the first line (be sure to make it complex to increase the security of your account). On the next line, confirm your new password by re-typing it again and click the button "Further".

Your password has now been changed and you will be notified immediately on the account recovery page. Click the button "Further" again and you will be taken to your account login screen where you can use your new password to login.

Verify your identity if you don't have an alternative email

If on the User Account Control page "Microsoft" you have selected a cell from the list of options to receive a security code, "Microsoft" will have to send you a security code to another email address as verification.

On the next page, enter the email address where you would like to receive the security code and click the button "Further".

Now check the email address you provided. Once you receive the security code for your account "Microsoft", enter it in the specified field and click the button "Confirm".

Once confirmed, you will be redirected to the user account recovery section pages. On them you will need to fill out a form with information related to your account, such as first and last name, date of birth, country in which you created the account, emails sent, products used from the corporation "Microsoft" etc. Click the button "Further" and submit the completed form.

After you submit the form, Account Technical Support "Microsoft" will review the information you provide and notify you whether the information you submit is sufficient to restore access to your account within 24 hours via the email address you provided.

If you have entered enough correct and valid information and your request has been accepted, you will receive email with instructions on how to reset your old password.

If your request is denied, you have the option to try submitting your account recovery request again up to two times per day. If you cannot remember enough of the required information to recover your account, you may need to create a new account.

The process of restoring your own account "Microsoft" It's not complicated and doesn't take much time. You just need to carefully follow the instructions provided and enter the correct information that you used when registering your account. Then you can reset your old password and create a new one, and then log into your account and gain access to all corporation products associated with it "Microsoft".

For each user software Microsoft may have problems accessing your account for a number of reasons. To recover your Microsoft account, you need to follow the action plan we outlined in this article. Here you can find out about returning access to your account in the following cases: losing your password, login, after deleting your profile, or hacking your profile.

What to do if you lose your password

If the user has forgotten the password for his own account, then all he needs to do is follow the plan presented below.

Go to pageMicrosoft and trying to log into your account. Don't notice the button Reset"The password will be difficult, click on it. Now you need to enter all the data in the required fields, writing down your email address or phone number, followed by the process of entering the captcha. Then the user will have the opportunity get access code to profile. He can choose between sending the access code by email or mobile phone. Having chosen the appropriate option, all that remains is to wait for the message.

Lost login

For Microsoft, login is there E-mail address. If the user has forgotten his mail, then he can look at it, for example, using Skype, since he is directly Microsoft product and uses exactly the same identification data. If the user still could not find his login, then there is nothing left but to contact Customer Support. But they will definitely help there, or they will diligently try to help.

Recovery after account deletion

This method can only be used if the profile has been deleted less than 30 days back. If the period is even slightly longer, then nothing can be done to help. In this case, all data has already been erased. If the user managed to do it on time, then the following manipulations should be carried out: go to official site Microsoft company, go through the login procedure, enter your email address or phone number and password. Then a window with a button “ Activate". Click on it and that’s it, the account is activated and you can use it.

What to do if your account is hacked

If you encounter this problem, we regret in advance, because the process of obtaining an account to the rightful owner will be somewhat difficult or not at all possible, depending on the situation itself. While the user is looking for ways to solve his problem, the attacker is already sending various spam and malware, and also, most likely, he managed to change the password for his account. Therefore, in order to gain access back to the account, the user must reset the password and try to log into your account. If it works, then you immediately need to ensure further security by activating the rest protection systems. If you were unable to do this, you should urgently contact support " Microsoft«.

Alexander Grishin

Probably, each of us, trying to protect personal information, came up with an extremely complex password, which was then safely forgotten. In this article we will tell you what to do if you have forgotten your password. Nokia Lumia.

Forgotten account password

If you have forgotten the password for your Nokia Lumia account (Microsoft account), then don’t worry, it can be easily fixed. We do the following: go to the phone settings - mail and accounts, remember the Live account address. Go here https://login.live.com, click on “Can’t access your account?” and recover.

Forgotten lock password

The situation with locking is not so rosy, and if you forget your Lumia password, you will have to say goodbye to all the information and roll back to the factory settings, i.e. hard reset.

It is advisable to fully charge before doing this.

  • Turn off the phone, press and hold the volume down + power + camera button at the same time until it vibrates.
  • After vibration, release the power button while continuing to hold the camera and volume buttons. We press “WIN”, wait for the reboot and joyfully clap our hands. Congratulations on your new phone!

Important! Remember that by doing a hard reboot, you lose all the information that is stored on your phone: files, photos, games, contacts, music and others.
