Transferring money from Century Group – what are these letters with receipts? An “erroneously” sent letter about the transfer of funds A letter about the transfer was received by email.

Hi all! Recently, various types of mailing lists have begun to actively spread on the Internet. For example, you may receive letters to your email with tempting text about a money transfer from Associated Bank, or a sudden inheritance. Today we will tell you what it all is and what the global goal is behind such a newsletter.

Is there any danger from these letters?

So, first, let’s tell you when and how dangerous these letters can be. Under the guise of such “advantageous offers”, “your application has been approved”, “transfer from Associated Bank”, several types of threats and dangers are spread:

Never click on links like this! Be it a simple casino advertisement, or a tempting transfer from “Associated Bank”, which has nothing to do with a real financial institution. These incoming emails are, at best, spam; at worst, they contain a virus attachment.

It’s worth mentioning separately about links that lead to identical email resources, for example,,, etc. Once there, a person again sees the start page and the need to enter a password. This is how the personal data of an inattentive user falls into the hands of criminals.

How do scammers get your address?

This is the most interesting thing. Huge databases of real (working) addresses are sold online. Also, you probably leave your data on other websites (dating, message boards, promotions and other registration forms). Your email address may also be visible on social networks - hide it in your privacy settings. In case of such a need, it is better to use a secondary mailbox, which you specify during registration. It is he who will take on all this murky mailing.

How can I remove these incoming letters?

Unfortunately, if your mailbox is included in such a scam database, then it is impossible to remove the flow of such letters. You cannot block a sender based on one address - they are always different. The only option would be filtering settings in your mail about moving them to Spam.

This way, all such messages will be sent to the spam folder and will not appear in front of your eyes. I hope you understand what kind of letters about money transfers and inheritances come to your mailbox and how you need to respond to them.

02/27/2018, Tue, 12:42, Moscow time, Text: Valeria Shmyrova 5623

Mail.Ru has added the function of sending money between mailboxes. To send money, it is enough to know the recipient’s e-mail and indicate the number of your own bank card from where the funds will be taken. You don’t need to know the recipient’s card number or the name of his bank - he will indicate all this himself when he receives the letter.

Transfers to Mail.Ru

Mail.Ru mail now has a function for sending a money transfer to an email address. To make a transfer, the sender only needs to know the recipient’s e-mail, and it does not have to be a mailbox in the Mail.Ru system. The function is available both on the mail website and in the mobile version.

There are no restrictions on the purpose of use: it can be not just transfers of money to loved ones, but also payment for purchases. Technical processing of translations is carried out by Mail.Ru Group and VTB. According to Anna Artamonova, Vice President of Mail.Ru Group, Head of the Mail and Portal business unit, the main advantage of the new service is that to make a transfer, the sender does not need to know either the bank card number or the name of the recipient’s bank.

As Mail.Ru explained at the request of CNews, the commission for making the transfer is charged by the partner bank, Mail.Ru itself receives nothing except “user convenience.” For VISA and Mir systems the commission is 1%, the minimum is 50 rubles. For MasterCard and Maestro systems the commission is 0.6% plus 20 rubles.

What does it look like

A money transfer is attached to an email in the same way as an image or other file. You can “invest” from 100 rubles in one letter. up to 75 thousand rubles. As Mail.Ru explained to CNews, the limit was dictated by security considerations, and the company hopes that most users will not notice it.

The user receives a notification about receiving a money transfer

To send a transfer, the sender needs to create a letter and click “Send money” on the toolbar. The system will request the number of the bank card from which funds should be withdrawn. The transaction will need to be confirmed using a one-time SMS code, since the system uses 3D Secure security technology. If the sender's intentions suddenly change, the transfer can be canceled.

From the recipient's side, the operation looks like this: He receives a letter notifying him that he has received a transfer. The system asks him for a bank card number to which funds can be credited. The recipient has five days from the moment the transfer is sent, otherwise the money will be returned to the sender's card.

According to a survey conducted by Mail.Ru in the fall of 2017, 72% of users agree to give up cash and pay all their expenses online. The survey was conducted among 10 thousand people. Implementing the concept of online payment, Mail.Ru added the ability to pay traffic fines to its mail service in the summer of 2017, and has now launched money transfers by e-mail.

Similar projects

In November 2013, Yandex also added to its service the ability to transfer money via email. Its difference, Mail.Ru representatives explained, is that the sender must have not only an account in Yandex.Mail, but also an electronic wallet in Yandex.Money. Anyone can receive a transfer, regardless of what domain their mailbox is located in and whether it is connected to Yandex.Money.

To credit the transfer, the recipient must indicate his bank card number

The “money letter” is sent in the same way as a regular letter. The user selects the recipient's address, writes a message, but instead of a file, attaches the amount from his Yandex.Money account. After some time, a message about the transfer arrives at the specified address. Immediately after this, the recipient can transfer the entire amount to an electronic wallet (if he has Yandex.Money) or send it to a bank card (if he doesn’t have Yandex.Money or he just wants to withdraw funds).

In the first case, the money is credited instantly, in the second - within several business days (the period depends on the bank that issued the card). You can transfer to a card only if the amount exceeds 100 rubles. The recipient can send funds to a card issued by any bank.

The sender's commission for the transfer is 0.5% if the user sends money to an email address that is already linked to an existing electronic wallet, and 3% if the recipient of Yandex.Money is unknown.

Since the beginning of the year, the number of attempts to deceive Internet users through email campaigns has increased sharply. And, if many people have long treated such letters with irony, some perceive the incoming information with curiosity and try to analyze it. For example, this is how tempting offers and receipts come from Century Group, Delta Apparel, Tax Exempt, Finance Partners and many other organizations. Today we will tell you why these letters are sent and how you should respond to them.

What kind of money transfer in letters?

First of all, all the spam mailings you receive contain tempting offers: an unknown financial transfer, receipts with account numbers, bank details, attached documents with stamps. Everything looks very serious! In the case of Century Group, the letter states that a payment has been received in your name for you to collect, and provides a receipt. Depending on the content of the letter, scammers expect different user responses:

If we talk about the name being used, then Century Group is a real company from Hong Kong, which is a multidisciplinary consortium that deals with telecommunications, financial assets, real estate, etc. Also, there are many small organizations of the same name. The companies have nothing to do with this newsletter.

What to do with the “transfer” from Century Group?

We draw an unambiguous conclusion - you must ignore such letters. Never follow links, and, moreover, do not respond to them, there is no need to follow. Besides:

Interesting fact. Foreign craftsmen have developed a service that can automatically respond to such letters. That is, the recipient sends him such spam, and the bot, in turn, begins to correspond with scammers. There is an active dialogue: the robot jokes, asks for details for sending funds, but seems to be unable to send them. After all, this takes up the time of the scammers who believe him. Unfortunately, the bot is English-speaking.

Or on an Internet messenger like ICQ a message like this: “Dear Mr. So-and-so! In accordance with previously reached agreements with you, we transferred to your electronic wallet an amount equal to $50,000 for the previously agreed list of your company’s products.

Attached to this letter is a scan of the transfer receipt and details for receiving these funds by you. With respect and hope for long-term cooperation, Executive Director of the holding company “Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat, B. Kidaloff.”

And attached to the letter is a file with a name something like scan_oplata.jpg

The essence of the scam:

I don't think there's much need for explanation? It is clear that a virus or Trojan is attached to the letter. The user, trying to open the attachment, launches it for execution. The computer becomes infected, and all sorts of miracles begin: either money or a bank card goes to God knows where, then indignant colleagues and acquaintances begin to send letters saying that spam or viruses are being sent from your address, then other “miracles”.

Of course, if you have normal anti-virus software installed on your computer and it is regularly updated, then there is nothing special to worry about, the virus will be blocked and deleted, but you always need to be careful, because sometimes even antiviruses are unaware of fresh viruses that are only a few days old , and laboratories do not yet know about them. What happens if a virus or Trojan has entered your computer is described above.

What is the meaning of the scam:

Social engineering is a set of methods used by scammers against a person - a user or administrator of a computer (local network) in order to obtain from him or perform or not perform any actions. Most often, passwords and access logins are defrauded using social engineering methods, and it is also used in the fraud method we describe in this article.


Never open attachments in the form of files attached to messages arriving at an Internet messenger address, especially from correspondents you personally do not know. If a letter with an attachment came from a friend, ask him if he sent you any file, and only if the answer is positive, open the attachment.
