How to create a left page in Odnoklassniki. Registration in the social network Odnoklassniki for a new user: instructions

The social network Odnoklassniki is one of the largest social networks in RuNet. The audience of this network is predominantly people over 30 years old. This is one of the features and highlights of the network, in which it is difficult to find people of the new generation. Now there are 150 million people on the social network who want to log into the social network every day. The social network welcomes every user in a friendly manner. On the site you can chat and add a new friend.

Anyone from beginner to advanced user with basic computer knowledge can create a social page on a website. To create a new account, you need to log into the site and go through a simple registration procedure to log in and use the site's features.

However, as studies have shown, any social network contains several hundred thousand dead pages. The information on these pages is not updated for various reasons. A situation often arises when a social network does not accept your password and it is impossible to access the page. To avoid losing contact with friends with former classmates, you can create a new account. Login to the new page will be available immediately after this.

Also, a second page on a social network may be needed to control younger family members, who may go to the site and encounter unfriendly information or become victims of scammers who often use social networks now. After all, creating a new profile does not take much time and does not take much effort.


Registration on the site is quite simple and does not require much knowledge or the help of consultants. You can create a new page on Odnoklassniki for free, immediately log into it and use all the functions of the social network.

The first step in the algorithm of actions will be to go to your page in OK RU. If you are already logged in at the moment, you will need to log out of your page to register again.

After exiting, you will be taken to the OK RU main page, on which you need to click on the green “Registration” button.

It is worth remembering that in order to register you need a mailbox. If you don't have a second e-mail, you can create one again relatively easily. The most popular sites for creating email are, as well as the foreign Google, with its Gmail mail. You can get a new mailbox completely free of charge.

Creating a new mailbox

You need to go to a website, for example, click on the “Registration with mail” button. On the next page you need to enter your data directly into the appropriate fields. Enter the necessary information, such as first name, last name and year of birth in the appropriate fields, as well as create a username and password.

The login and password should not be monosyllabic or consist of only numbers. The most important recommendation is that the more complex the password, the less likely it is that you will be hacked in the future. Try not to use memorable dates, first and last names of relatives, or their birthdays. It is best to use uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, add one or more numbers to them, as well as symbols such as: “!@#$%^&?”. It is also not recommended to use the same login and password to register on different sites.

Save your email login information as you will need it after a while.

The next step is to either enter your phone number or enter a captcha. Almost all users choose the second method, since a phone number may still be needed. After this, you are logged into your mailbox.

Second step after creating an email

After you have a new email account, return to the Odnoklassniki website. Next, fill out the standard registration form. And again we create a login and password to enter Odnoklassniki ru.

It's worth noting that we will need a new phone number. If you have free rooms, that's great. If there are none, then watch the attached video.

After you have entered your number, all you have to do is click on the register button and the new page is ready. You can use your page now.

Social networks are one of the most popular types of leisure activities among both young people and the older generation. Indeed, today their functionality allows not only to meet and communicate, but also to exchange different files, as well as relax by watching videos, listening to music and using online games.

Among the most widespread social networks in Russia, Odnoklassniki should be highlighted. Its interface is so easy to use that even the elderly can easily use it to keep in touch with loved ones. Registering a new user on Odnoklassniki is also easy, and the whole process takes about 5 minutes.

However, please note that to create a profile, you will need a phone number that has not previously been used to link a page on this social network. If this is not possible, then you can use the second method - registration without a phone number. This will take more time, but will allow you to create a page and fully use the functionality of the site.

How to register in Odnoklassniki

To create an account by linking it to a free phone number, you need to follow these steps. Go to the official website of the Odnoklassniki social network and pay attention to the form to fill out in the upper right side of the screen. The form header is divided into 2 categories: “Login” and “Registration”. To create a new profile, you need to select the second option.

Enter the necessary information in the free fields, namely: country of residence and phone number to link to your account. Then click the “Next” button.

A message from the sender OK.RU should soon be sent to the specified phone number. It contains a confirmation code required for further registration in Odnoklassniki. If the message does not arrive within a few minutes, you can request it again by clicking the appropriate button.

The resulting code should be entered in the field, and then click “Next”.

The social network will prompt you to enter a password for your account. According to the rules, it must necessarily consist of at least 6 characters of the Latin alphabet (English keyboard layout). If the password does not meet the standards, the system will ask you to enter it again. Once the site approves the password, you can click Next.

At this stage, you need to enter basic information about your profile, namely: first and last name, date of birth, gender. By clicking on the “Save” button, the registration of the new user will be completed.

Subsequently, the owner of the Odnoklassniki page will be able to edit the basic information of the account, enter new data (place of residence, study, work, etc.), find friends, relatives, colleagues and start communicating with them. To make it easier for beginners to navigate the site’s interface, the social network will display tips for further filling out the page.

Registration without phone number

When it is not possible to use a free mobile number or you do not want to release personal information on the Internet, there is a slightly different method of creating a profile. The main part of the account registration process remains the same: you need to visit the official Odnoklassniki website, go to the “Registration” section and then follow the instructions. However, you can rent a mobile number on a specialized resource. For example, or To use such a service on the first site you will have to spend a small amount of electronic money (no more than 10 rubles), while the second provides room rental for free.

After receiving the code, you should perform the same set of steps as in the first method, and the Odnoklassniki page will be registered. But you should understand that it will be impossible to restore access to your account if you lose it, because this requires a number linked to your profile. In addition, using such an account for personal communication is unsafe.

Both methods do not take more than a quarter of an hour, but allow you to fully use the capabilities of the Odnoklassniki social network: upload photos, communicate with loved ones and colleagues, make acquaintances and spend leisure time.


A social network is a convenient tool for communicating, obtaining information and finding acquaintances or distant relatives. Among the variety of such web resources, the Odnoklassniki service occupies a special place on the Russian Internet. We will explain later in the article how to create a page on the presented site.


To participate in the project, you must go to the official website And find a special form in the upper right corner where the registration sign is located.

In the form presented, you need to select your country of residence and enter a real phone number. Then click on the “Next” button. Please note that you must enter real information. A specialized registration code is sent to your mobile phone and entered in the following form.

If you correctly enter the code that comes from the SMS message, you will be transferred to the next stage. Here you need to come up with a password in Latin with the obligatory use of numbers. Please note that your initial login login is your phone number.

Registration is completed, now you will be asked to fill out a profile, which is an important component when creating a page in “OK”. Read on to find out how to do this.

Filling out a profile on a social network

Correctly filling out a form in Odnoklassniki increases the chances of finding you among a huge number of people. The task is completed in several stages:

  1. Entering general information, which includes your first name, last name, date of birth, and choice of gender. Next, you need to continue putting your profile in order by clicking on the following section:
  1. On the page we place our own photo, add places of study at school, university, and also set the time of military service. All this will allow you to instantly find your classmates, classmates and other familiar faces if you correctly indicate the year of graduation.
  2. Filling out information about hobbies and interests is an extremely useful component of an Internet page on a social network. The more information you enter, the higher the return you expect. Completing this part of your profile allows you to find a circle of friends based on your interests.
  3. At the final stage, be sure to fill in your email address details. This will increase your profile security. Please note that a confirmation email will be sent to your email address, where you need to click on the confirmation link.

Is it possible to make a new page for the old number?

It is impossible to register several pages on a social network from one mobile phone number. This is due to the technical aspects of getting your confidential information into the project database. If you forgot your password, then there is no need to carry out additional registration. Your profile can be restored using the login form.

Next, choose the easiest way to confirm your membership in the personalized “Phone” page, enter the number and confirm the code from SMS. After that, change your password and gain access to your account. If you need an additional profile, then you will have to take care of a different phone number.

Register on the Odnoklassniki social network, it’s free, no matter where you read or what you’re told. The process itself does not take much time.

All you need to do is follow all instructions. To do this, you need to have an electronic mailbox (email) and preferably a mobile phone number, for the security of your account.

Registration of a page in Odnoklassniki

1. Go to the official Odnoklassniki website, you can go to link. If this opens someone else's page, just click on "Exit" in the upper right corner.

2. Click the button « Register» , as it shown on the picture.

3. Fill out the form as shown in the picture. When you indicate your first and last name, you can use both Russian and English letters. Write your real data or indicate fictitious ones - it’s up to you. Login and password are what you will indicate when entering the site. You cannot use Russian letters here - check that the layout is English. Please read “Good to know” and... after thinking about it once more, click the big green “Continue” button.

When entering the site, in addition to your login, you can also use your email name. Next you will see how this can be done. By the way, it is now not necessary to provide an email address. But it’s still better to indicate your email! It will receive all sorts of notifications, for example, if someone writes you a message. In addition, you can specify your email address when entering the site, instead of your login. You can also use it to recover a forgotten password.

4. And here a page will appear, at the top it will be said that you now have your own page on Odnoklassniki and you will be asked to fill out information about yourself. If you did not indicate your email, proceed to the next step on this page (just below). And if you specified an email address, go to it now.

In your mailbox, open a letter from your classmates.

5. Well, you are back again on the page from which you entered the mail. There is no need to fill out anything now, you can do this later. Click the “Skip” button at the bottom of the page (it’s located next to the “Continue” button).

Good to know. The current version of classmates does not offer any steps. But, just in case, we leave their description in the instructions.

For all subsequent steps, click the same “Skip” button. Although, however, this is your business, you can fill out everything at once.

6. In theory, you can skip this step. But you still have to do this, because otherwise you won’t be able to communicate normally on the site.

Enter your mobile phone number and click the "Get Code" button. You will receive an SMS containing a confirmation code. As already mentioned, registration on the site is free - you will not be charged any money for it.

Be careful - enter the email name correctly. When entering your password, once again, make sure that the keyboard is on the English layout.

If you check the “remember” box as shown in the figure, then when you access your page on this computer, you will not have to enter your email name and password every time, because your page will always open. That's what everyone usually does. However, you should not do this if someone else is using the computer.

Login to Odnoklassniki on “My Page”

See also where you can chat and share photos and videos with friends.

So, today we will talk to you about how to create a page in Odnoklassniki. In fact, this is not such a difficult task. The main thing is to collect all the data you need, and also have an idea of ​​where to click when registering.

What it is?

But before you go to a page in Odnoklassniki, having previously created it, let’s try to figure out what this social network is. Why do people like her so much?

The thing is that Odnoklassniki is a Russian “social network” in which every person will have a great opportunity to find their friends at school, work or university. It is not much different from VKontakte, however, for unknown reasons, older people are mostly registered on Odnoklassniki. There are very few teenagers and children. Thus, we can say that our current social network is predominantly an adult site. Let's quickly figure out how to create a page in Odnoklassniki.

Beginning of work

If you are firmly convinced that you want to create a profile on this social network, then let's get started. The entire process must take place on the official website. There, in the future, you will be able to go to the Odnoklassniki page and work with your profile.

After you go to the site, find the green button there. It should have an inscription indicating the corresponding action. Since we are thinking about how to create a page on Odnoklassniki, the letters on the button should reflect the free establishment of the profile. Click on "register" and wait a bit. The first window will open in front of you, which you need to fill out. Without entering data, you will not be able to create a page on Odnoklassniki.

Remember that the entire process is completely free. If you notice that they are demanding money from you, then pay attention to the website address. You may have run into scammers who are just waiting for an unknowing user to transfer money to their account. If everything is fine, then let's start filling out the data.

Filling in basic data

So, the first stage that we need to complete in order to register a new page in Odnoklassniki is filling out contact information about yourself. Without this field you will not be able to proceed further. So take a close look at what is required of you.

The first thing you will have to pay special attention to is the first and last name of the new user. Previously, people loved to invent new, sometimes even non-existent, names for themselves. You shouldn’t do this - as soon as you have problems logging in, you will have to prove that you are the true owner of the profile. And it is very difficult to do this if the first and last names do not match. Enter only real data. You never know what can happen.

Next, in the same window, indicate your date of birth and your gender, as well as your country of residence. This is important, especially if you want your classmates to actually discover your profile. Just below you enter the data that is especially important - this is your password and email address. Come up with a complex “password” and use only work email. After this, you can think further about how to make a page in Odnoklassniki.


And now all users, especially those who decide to engage in fraud on social networks, are in for one little surprise - the activation of your profile. Everyone goes through it, unconditionally. To do this, you will need a working mobile phone number. Otherwise, it will simply be impossible to work in Odnoklassniki.

So there are two steps here. The first is to follow a special link that the administration will send you by email. After this, the profile will be partially activated. More precisely, the email will be confirmed. Great, all that remains is to activate your profile via mobile.

Click on the "Activate" button. You will see a window in which you must select your country of residence and also enter your mobile phone number in full. All is ready? Now wait for an SMS with a code. You will need to enter it in the appropriate field on the website. Confirm your actions. That's all, now you have access to Odnoklassniki, My Page and other services of this Internet resource. But we haven't talked about everything yet. It is worth focusing on some points. Let's quickly go over them.

Small note

Now let's see what can await us on the way to registration. Quite often, many users are surprised by what appears before them after they decide to activate their profile. We are talking about filling out a questionnaire.

In fact, this is not a mandatory action. Nevertheless, it is offered immediately, so that later the person does not forget to enter contact information to help find him. If you do not want to fill them out, then at the very bottom of the window, find the inscription “Skip”. Click on it and you will be transferred to activation.

But what kind of data will they ask from you? So, first - Here you will have to mark your school, as well as the university. Starting/graduating years are also preferred. Now, if you filled out these fields and saved them, then after you log into Odnoklassniki, “My Page” will contain information about the places of your study.

Another step that you can skip is, of course, finding friends. That is, your profile is not completely ready yet, but you can already find your comrades. Quite often this point is missed. However, if you have a desire, you can take advantage of this opportunity.

In addition, before activating your profile, you will be asked to upload an avatar - your photo. At the same time, only you should be there. Otherwise, the photo risks being rejected by the site administration. It’s best to upload an avatar right away so you don’t have to think about how this action is performed.

Login to the site

Now that we already know how to create a page in Odnoklassniki, we need to log in and work with our profile. Let's assume that we have completely completed registration and filled out all the required fields. In general, everything is ready - just come in and chat. How to login?

To get started, visit the official Odnoklassniki page. Now look at the site. Click on "Login". Now you will be required to enter your login (this is an email address or mobile phone number), as well as the password you created.

After you fill out all the fields, click on the “Login” button. If you don’t want to repeat these steps every time you log in, check the “Remember me” box. Your data will then be retained until the information in your browser is cleared. That's all. You will find yourself on your page. Now you can communicate, look at photos, play games - in general, use all the services of this social network.

Can't log into the site

Sometimes users complain about the impossibility of authorization. There are several possible options here that you should be aware of. Let's take a look at the most common authorization problems.

So, the first option is to use third-party resources for Odnoklassniki. There is a high probability that you were simply hacked. After you have registered, do not enter your information from the page anywhere. After all, then you risk finding yourself without it. Try recovery using email or phone.

The second problem is the password mismatch. It can always be restored. However, to do this you will need to use the linked phone number or email address. Once this issue is resolved, the login will become available again.

In addition, it is worth remembering that one mobile phone cannot have more than 1 page. You will not be able to re-register if you have one phone. That's all. We learned how to create a page on Odnoklassniki, fill out a form, log in, and what to do if you can’t log into your profile.


As you can see, registration will not take you very much time. You can skip most of the steps initially, but you will still need to enter information later.

Registration on Odnoklassniki is no different from a similar process on other social networks. So don’t be intimidated by seeing a lot of fields to fill out - everyone goes through this. Happy communication!
