Very easy to use exchange processing between identical configurations. Very easy to use processing of exchange between identical configurations 1c 8 transfer of data between identical configurations


Universal processing "Uploading and loading XML data" performs full or partial unloading of infobase data into a file in XML format. Subsequently, this file can be loaded into the infobase using the same processing. The upload file format differs from the file format created when uploading according to an exchange plan in the header part.

Processing can only be used in cases where the information base in which the data was uploaded and the one in which the data was loaded are homogeneous (the configurations are identical, the data may differ), or all the uploaded objects are almost completely identical in composition and types of details and table parts, properties of the “leading” metadata object, and so on.

The use of this processing is possible, for example, to create a full or partial backup copy of data, exchange data between infobases, and also as an auxiliary tool when restoring faulty infobases.

Processing supports data uploading with the ability to specify selection by period. Also implemented is checking objects for the presence of invalid characters when exchanged via XML.

Sincerely, (teacher and developer).

Transferring various data is a very significant action in any accounting system on the 1C platform. Before exporting the directory to another database, it is necessary to make a backup copy, because the changes made are considered irreversible.

The most popular and at the same time fairly simple way to transfer a directory to 1C 8.3 is to process information data in XML form.

To perform this task, you will need to use the upload/download processing file for 8.2 or for 1C 8.3. This method is universal and the most optimal, suitable for almost any installed configuration.

Uploading data

To do this, you will first need to go to the program interface and perform a number of actions:

1. Fill in the “File name” field. Using this path, an information data file will subsequently be created for loading into the database.

2. In the “Data for downloading” table area, select the information from the directory that you want to download from the existing database.

3. After this, when the necessary objects are selected, apply a selection on the right side of the tables.

4. After completing the installation of all required settings, export the directory.

Loading data into the directory

To transfer directories to 1C, you will need to perform a number of actions:

1. Start processing in the database where you want to load information data, and use the “Load” tab.

2. Then select the previously uploaded file and use the “Load Data” command.

After completing this action, migration of the directory from one database to another is considered completely completed.

Data transfer is a very important process in any accounting system, the 1C 8.3 and 8.2 platform is no exception. Below we will look at instructions on the easiest way to transfer data from one system to another that has a similar configuration (for different configurations, you can use a tool for programmers - or).

Before any action is necessary, the changes are irreversible!

The easiest and most convenient way to transfer data from 1C 8.3 to 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 is to use the processing Upload and load data in XML format (download - for 8.2 or for 1C 8.3 or on ITS). The treatment is universal and suitable for any configuration.

We won’t go into details; let’s look at step-by-step instructions for migrating data using this processing using the example of the simplest transfer of goods.

Uploading data to XML

First of all, let’s open processing in the source database (from where we will unload goods) and look at the interface:

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You must immediately fill in the “File name” field - a new data file will be created along this path, which we will upload to the receiver database. Just below, in the tabular section “Data for uploading”, you need to select the data that we want to upload from the database.

After selecting an object from the left table part, you can apply selection in the right table part:

In our example, I want to unload all products with the name “Rake”.

Once all the settings have been completed, the data can be uploaded. To do this, click on the “Upload data” button:

Loading data from xml into 1s 8.3

The data has been unloaded from the source database; now it needs to be transferred to the destination database.

To do this, you need to start processing already in the database into which you need to load the data, and go to the “Download” tab, select the downloaded file on disk and click on the “Load data” button:

This example is only suitable for transferring data between identical configurations on the 1C platform. To understand the exchange mechanism for programmers, we wrote an article -.

This processing allows you to exchange data between the same (identical) configurations on the 1C 8.3 platform - Bukh 3.0, ZUP 3.0, UT 11, UPP 2.0 and others, the main thing is that the configurations are the same!



Operating modes

Processing implements 2 operating modes: Upload (creating an upload file of user-specified data) and Load (reading an upload file created by the mode of the same name and writing the data contained in it). The mode is set by selecting it in the Mode field.

Before starting a particular mode (clicking the Run button), you need to specify the name of the upload file, either by entering it manually in the "File name" field, or using the button to select this field and the standard file selection dialog.

In download mode, it is possible to edit the use of totals when writing registers, which may affect the download speed.

The "Disable totals" and "Enable totals" buttons are available when the "Enable the ability to edit the use of totals during data loading" flag is set and are used to manually control the mode of using totals when loading data.

Conditions for the applicability of processing

Processing can only be used in cases where the information base in which the data was uploaded and the one in which the data was loaded are homogeneous (the configurations are identical, the data may differ), or all the uploaded objects are almost completely identical in composition and types of details and table parts, properties of the “leading” metadata object, etc. It should be noted that, due to these limitations, processing is mainly intended for exchange between homogeneous IS.

The upload file format differs from the file format created when uploading according to an exchange plan in the header part. To upload data (directory elements, sets of register records, etc.), processing uses the same XML serialization mechanism as uploading according to exchange plans; in this part, the file formats are identical.

Determining the composition of the unloading

Processing allows for both full and partial uploading of infobase data to a file. The composition of the uploaded data is configured in the dialog by checking the boxes in the column of the tree that displays metadata objects for which data can be uploaded. An additional column of checkboxes, “If necessary,” sets the need to unload objects of this type “by reference.” That is, if the checkbox is checked only in the “If necessary” column, then the data for such an object will not be downloaded completely, but only to the extent that is necessary to maintain referential integrity in the infobase that will load the download file.

When opening a form, processing sets the sign of unloading by reference to all objects, which guarantees the referential integrity of the unloaded fragment of the information base.

When you click on the “Detect objects that are unloaded by link” button, processing analyzes what data links may be contained in objects that have the full unload attribute set, and automatically fills in the column of flags indicating the need to unload by link. If the object already has the full unload flag set, then the unload by reference flag is not set.

Possible applications

The use of this processing is possible, for example, to create a full or partial backup copy of data, exchange data between information bases, and also as an auxiliary tool when restoring problematic information bases.
