Exchange between identical 1s configurations 8.2. Very easy to use exchange processing between identical configurations


Universal processing "Uploading and loading XML data" performs full or partial unloading of infobase data into a file in XML format. Subsequently, this file can be loaded into the infobase using the same processing. The upload file format differs from the file format created when uploading according to an exchange plan in the header part.

Processing can only be used in cases where the information base in which the data was uploaded and the one in which the data was loaded are homogeneous (the configurations are identical, the data may differ), or all the uploaded objects are almost completely identical in composition and types of details and table parts, properties of the “leading” metadata object, and so on.

The use of this processing is possible, for example, to create a full or partial backup copy of data, exchange data between infobases, and also as an auxiliary tool when restoring faulty infobases.

Processing supports data uploading with the ability to specify selection by period. Also implemented is checking objects for the presence of invalid characters when exchanged via XML.

Sincerely, (teacher and developer).

This processing allows you to exchange data between the same (identical) configurations on the 1C 8.3 platform - Bukh 3.0, ZUP 3.0, UT 11, UPP 2.0 and others, the main thing is that the configurations are the same!



Operating modes

Processing implements 2 operating modes: Upload (creating an upload file of user-specified data) and Load (reading an upload file created by the mode of the same name and writing the data contained in it). The mode is set by selecting it in the Mode field.

Before starting a particular mode (clicking the Run button), you need to specify the name of the upload file, either by entering it manually in the "File name" field, or using the button to select this field and the standard file selection dialog.

In download mode, it is possible to edit the use of totals when writing registers, which may affect the download speed.

The "Disable totals" and "Enable totals" buttons are available when the "Enable the ability to edit the use of totals during data loading" flag is set and are used to manually control the mode of using totals when loading data.

Conditions for the applicability of processing

Processing can only be used in cases where the information base in which the data was uploaded and the one in which the data was loaded are homogeneous (the configurations are identical, the data may differ), or all the uploaded objects are almost completely identical in composition and types of details and table parts, properties of the “leading” metadata object, etc. It should be noted that, due to these limitations, processing is mainly intended for exchange between homogeneous IS.

The upload file format differs from the file format created when uploading according to an exchange plan in the header part. To upload data (directory elements, sets of register records, etc.), processing uses the same XML serialization mechanism as uploading according to exchange plans; in this part, the file formats are identical.

Determining the composition of the unloading

Processing allows for both full and partial uploading of infobase data to a file. The composition of the uploaded data is configured in the dialog by checking the boxes in the column of the tree that displays metadata objects for which data can be uploaded. An additional column of checkboxes, “If necessary,” sets the need to unload objects of this type “by reference.” That is, if the checkbox is checked only in the “If necessary” column, then the data for such an object will not be downloaded completely, but only to the extent that is necessary to maintain referential integrity in the infobase that will load the download file.

When opening a form, processing sets the sign of unloading by reference to all objects, which guarantees the referential integrity of the unloaded fragment of the information base.

When you click on the “Detect objects that are unloaded by link” button, processing analyzes what data links may be contained in objects that have the full unload attribute set, and automatically fills in the column of flags indicating the need to unload by link. If the object already has the full unload flag set, then the unload by reference flag is not set.

Possible applications

The use of this processing is possible, for example, to create a full or partial backup copy of data, exchange data between information bases, and also as an auxiliary tool when restoring problematic information bases.

Probably every 1C specialist has encountered the need to transfer data from one information base to another. In the case where the configurations are different, you have to write data conversion rules. These rules are created in the 1C “Data Conversion” configuration.

Data can also be transferred using . Many 1C 8.3 configurations have standard functionality for setting up data synchronization between different configurations and seamless integration with 1C Document Flow.

But when data needs to be transferred between absolutely identical configurations, you can simplify your task and use standard processing for uploading and loading via XML. Please note that this method, like data conversion, compares objects with each other by a unique identifier (GUID), and not by name.

You can download this processing on the ITS disk, or using the links:

It is universal and suitable for any configuration.

Let's consider an example of unloading the "Nomenclature" directory from one 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 information base to another. A prerequisite will be selection by the parent (group) “Woodworking”.

Uploading data from 1C to XML

Go to the information base from which the data will be downloaded (source). Be sure to check them, taking into account all possible conditions to avoid undesirable consequences.

Open XML data upload and download processing (Ctrl+O).

We are interested in the “Upload” tab. First of all, specify the name of the file into which the data will be uploaded and the path for saving. In this case, the data is uploaded “To a file on the server.”

In the processing header you can configure the period for which the selection will be carried out. Also, for periodic registers, you can specify the method of applying selection by period. If it is necessary to upload movements along with documents, the corresponding flag is set. In this case, we overload the directory, so there is no need to configure anything in the header.

Let's move on to selecting data for uploading. In the tabular part of the processing form, select the checkboxes for the configuration objects that you need to transfer.

The “Unload if necessary” column means whether it is necessary to overload this object if it is referenced by the attribute of the directory we are overloading. For example, the position of the item you are loading has a unit of measurement that is not in the target database. If the flag in the “Upload if necessary” column is checked opposite the reference book with units of measurement, a new position will be created. Otherwise, the value of the attribute will be “<Объект не найден>" and its unique identifier.

In a simple case without selections, the item overload setting will look like this.

In this example, you need to select only the items that are located in the “Woodworking” folder.

Similar processing for 8.2 allows you to set selections for each configuration object in a convenient form. In 8.3, unfortunately, there is no such functionality. One way out in this situation would be to select the necessary items on the “Additional objects for unloading” tab.

You can add objects here either manually (the “Add” button) or by request (“Add by request...”). If there are a large number of them, the second option is preferable.

In this case, the request will be as follows. Fill in the parameters, complete the request after checking the data, and click on the “Select result” button.

After you have specified all the necessary objects and additional elements for uploading, click on the “Upload data” button. They will end up in an XML file, the name and path of which you specified earlier. The results of this operation will be displayed in messages.

In this example, it was necessary to unload only 3 positions, but five were unloaded. This is because a flag was set opposite the “Nomenclature” directory in the “Upload if necessary” column. Along with the necessary positions, their parents were overloaded.

Loading a directory from XML

After successfully downloading data from the source configuration into an XML file, open the destination database. The structure of objects and their details must match each other. In this case, the transfer is carried out between two standard configurations 1C: Accounting 3.0.

Open processing in the receiver database. This processing is used for both uploading and loading data. Go to the “Download” tab and specify the path to the XML file into which the data was previously downloaded. After that, click on the “Download data” button.

The download result will be displayed in messages. In our case, everything went well.

The “Nomenclature” reference book in the receiving database was not filled out. Now it has five elements: three nomenclature positions and two groups.

When maintaining several working 1C databases, sometimes there is a need to exchange data between them. There are 2 ways to transfer data:

Data transfer using the exchange and processing rules “XML Data Exchange”. Exchange rules are created using the 1C: Data Conversion configuration.

Transferring data between similar infobases using the “Uploading and loading XML data” processing.
Let's consider the second option, i.e. uploading and loading data from/to configurations that contain the same (identical) objects we need. To do this, we will use the external processing “Uploading and loading XML data”, which can be downloaded here.

The condition for using this processing is as follows: The information base from which data is downloaded must contain the same objects and with the same details (name and data type) as in the database into which the data is loaded.

Let's consider an example with data transfer using this processing. Suppose you need to transfer the documents “Incoming payment order” and “Outgoing payment order”. The solution to this problem will be as follows.

We open the external processing “Uploading and loading XML data” through the main menu: File? Open... On the “Upload” tab we specify the XML file into which we will save the data.

Then you need to specify the period for which we will unload data objects from the 1C database and the objects themselves. We mark the documents we need for uploading with a tick in the configuration object structure field in the “Data for uploading” column. If the uploaded documents contain links to directory elements that are not in another configuration, then it makes sense to check the boxes in the “If necessary” column so that these elements are also uploaded along with the documents.

Now at this step you need to decide whether to upload their movements along the registers along with the documents or transfer these documents to another database? To re-post uploaded documents in another database, you can use the “Group processing of directories and documents” processing. If the processing algorithms in these information databases differ in some way, then the checkbox next to “Upload all its movements with the document” should not be checked.

That's it, the upload setup is complete, everything is simple here! Click the “Upload data” button and wait until the data is saved to an XML file. For more complex unloadings, you can specify selection for unloaded objects not only by period.

After unloading, go to the second 1C database and open the same processing there. Go to the “Download” tab and indicate here the same XML file into which we uploaded the data.

On this tab, check the box next to “Continue loading objects if an error occurs” and click on the “Load data” button. We do not consider other functions, for example, the use of totals, although this function can significantly speed up the loading of objects (records by registers).
