Now is the age of information technology. Essay “The Age of Information Technology”

Information Age

“Cyberspace is made up of interactions and relationships, thinking and constructing itself like a standing wave in the web of our communications. Our world is simultaneously everywhere and nowhere, but not where our bodies live.” (Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace by John Barlow - the figure shows an approximate diagram of Internet traffic)

Sociologist Manuel Castells explains the term as follows:

“The Information Age [...] means the historical period of human society. It is based on microelectronic information and communication technologies and genetic engineering - the basis of the technological paradigm that characterizes this period, it replaces or superimposes the technological paradigm of the industrial era, which is based mainly on the production and distribution of energy"

Relationship to other theories and concepts

The concept of the information age is closely related to the theoretical developments of sociologists D. Bell, E. Toffler, P. Drucker, M. Castells and M. McLuhan. Each of them contributed to the development of the concept of post-industrial (or information) society, which is the next step in the development of human society.

Prerequisites for its origin

With its prerequisites, IE has the consequences of the information revolution in the field of information technology (the creation of the first computers - Z3, the Atanasov-Berry computer, MESM, ENIAC, the invention of transistors, miniaturization, global networks). These advances have made it possible to create complex technical systems, which made it possible to process huge amounts of information compared to previous years.

In parallel, the scientific basis for efficient work and management of these systems. The insufficiency of a mechanistic explanation of processes in the world has led to the emergence of a new approach in research methodology - a systems approach. In the middle of ΧΧ art. N. Wiener created a new science of relationships and control of systems - cybernetics, and information theory, developed by K. Shannon, made it possible to approach information as a certain quantity that can be measured and transmitted over long distances without loss of quality.

All this laid the foundation for the information revolution, the main consequence of which was the ever-increasing importance of high-quality, relevant information.

Main features


Along with development information society a transition to a service economy is predicted, which is based not on the production of goods, but on the provision of services.


There is a tendency in culture towards mass character; mass culture arises and develops. A number of subcultures emerge with their own unique characteristics: language (argot), preferences, values. E-sports emerges, in which world competitions are regularly held. The popularity of social networks and online media is growing - huge distances are turning into nothing, the world is becoming a “global city”. The search for one's identity becomes a problem, and violence becomes one of the main means of self-expression (M. McLuhan, “McLuhan's Awakening”).

In one of his speeches, Marshall McLuhan notes the birth of a new, electronic (that is, information) person: “We are talking about a literate person: a literate person absorbs everything like a sponge, which the new electronic person does not want to do. So, literacy is going downhill.” The issue of developing a new information culture among people is acute.


Widely used for social interaction the latest tools information processing ( personal computers, mobile phones etc.) has made it possible to quickly process large volumes of information, which can flow more quickly from the source to the consumer. The associated increase in the role of the media in the organization of society makes possible new forms of government of society - netocracy and mediacracy.

The increasing role of information as a resource has led to the official recognition by the leading states of the world of a new type of war - information wars. Information warfare), the goal of which is not to physically destroy the enemy, but, using information (information operations, psychological operations), to gain and consolidate a competitive advantage over him, that is, to make the enemy dependent in terms of his own information self-sufficiency, to force him to use such information resources that would first turn served their own interests (states or corporations).

Issues and trends

These changes not only brought new challenges to humanity associated with the directly proportional dependence of the intensity of informatization and urbanization with the growing number of diseases associated with physical inactivity and constant stress of urban residents (total “obesity” of residents of developed countries), but also made it more possible than ever to implement the provisions of the ancient thinkers of humanity - first of all, the introduction of the positive aspects of such concepts as the noosphere and coevolution.

One of the problems is choosing the right information. Waves of spam and flood (not only on the Internet, but also in the media) sometimes make obtaining truly necessary, useful information a difficult task. And the widespread use of funds computer technology poses a number of new challenges information security individual organizations, individuals and entire states (see competitive intelligence, industrial espionage, cyber warfare).

Usage network technologies(based on information) made possible not only the total pooling of the resources of all mankind, but also terrorist actions unprecedented in the history of mankind (9/11, the Nord-Ost tragedy, explosions in the London Underground). Terrorism has become a serious problem.

see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Information Age” is in other dictionaries:

    It is a MEMBER of information, information infrastructure, entities collecting, generating, distributing and using information, as well as a system for regulating the social relations that arise in this case.... ... Wikipedia

    The other day Leonid Parfyonov in the TV show “The other day” Genre Information program of non-political news (1990 1994), Historical series (1994 2001), information analytical program (2001 2004) Author Leonid Parfyonov Director Dzhanik Fayziev ... Wikipedia

    - “The other day. Our Era" book album by Leonid Parfenov, created based on the documentary series "The other day. Our era". The book consists of five volumes, the first four describe historical phenomena by decade, the fifth over a five-year period.... ... Wikipedia

    adjacent system (in relation to the ERA-GLONASS system)- 3.1.13 adjacent system (in relation to the ERA GLONASS system): Automated Information system duty dispatch service, authorized in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, to carry out functions on... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

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    This term has other meanings, see Industrial Revolution (meanings). History of technology By periods and regions: Neolithic revolution Ancient technologies of Egypt Science and technology of ancient India Science and technology of ancient China ... ... Wikipedia

    History of technology By periods and regions: Neolithic Revolution Ancient technologies of Egypt Science and technology of ancient India Science and technology of ancient China Technologies of Ancient Greece Technologies of Ancient Rome Technologies of the Islamic world... ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Paleolithic era 2 10th millennium BC. e. 3 9th millennium BC uh... Wikipedia

The 21st century is the information age. This is how this century should be called. Yes, the world has changed with the advent of information technologies, which have made human life easier. Even comparing the current decade and the end of the twentieth century, you will be surprised at the transformation of the world. Nowadays machines do everything for us, and electronics are everywhere. It has become easier for a person to live because some of the physical work that he previously performed is now performed by a machine, a robot. And even more so, I’m not even talking about human mental work, which a computer can easily handle. They even started reading books in in electronic format; and there are not many people left who prefer book binding and the rustle of pages. Then what about letters? Electronic and handwritten letters are still on the same level, but based on sociological surveys, electronic letters will take over. Yes, this is understandable - emails are delivered faster, you don’t have to strain your hand to write something, and it’s convenient - everyone uses it by email! Then what happens, the past is passing away, and new information technologies will take first place in our lives?

Yes, a lot of people think so. And that's true. Indeed, throughout the entire life course of mankind from ancient times to the present day, the lifestyle has constantly changed. For example, the transition from stone tools to iron ones, or from handmade to machine work. It always has been and always will be. The past will go away, and we will know how humanity lived before, but we will not take a wooden plow to plow the field. But also part of the world’s population believes that the current generation, having become accustomed to the convenience and ease of life, no longer thinks about the development of society and sciences in general. And this opinion is easy to understand - the current generation is accustomed to a world where everything that is needed has already been discovered and proven, where everything is ready, and all that remains is to live. And then the following opinion creeps in: “They are simply not interested in learning something new and diving into the depths of what has already been proven.” But is it? I believe that external factors do not influence a person that way. After all, if you look at our great scientists, they lived in different eras, lived on different continents, and there are not so many of them compared to the rest of the world’s population! So it is now. I am sure that in our time there will be a young man interested in science. Every science is needed, every science is important - but still, not everyone will deepen their knowledge. And someone, acting in the philosophical direction “We know the world,” strives to find something new, find out how it will change humanity, and prove their point of view to the whole world and be satisfied. He is interested in this, he does everything to find the right way to solve the problem. It doesn’t matter what surrounds him, what matters is his desire to know. The aspiration always prevails over the possibilities.

“Science feeds young men”... Everything scientists do is science. And in every time period, on every continent, there is a young man whose mind demands discovery.

Chakalova Maria, 14 years old

, Introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies in education, Prospects and problems of using information technologies in, Test FOS Methodology and technology of information design, Volkov A.I. Introduction of electronic technologies.docx, Dedov.What is the harm of information technology.docx, Movement of vehicles using satellite technologies.doc, Guidelines for the course project.Information technology, 05.17.08 Processes and apparatus of chemical technologies.doc.
21st century - the century of information technology

We can call anyone, even if they are in another city or another country. We can see it with computer technology. The 21st century has advanced a lot. A lot of things have appeared that help a person live easier. But I want to write about PEOPLE of the 21st century.

People of the 21st century are very angry and greedy. They have no compassion or regret. Conscientious, kind and honest people are very rare. Nowadays, people are driven by money. Most of this money is fraudulently earned, taken from ordinary people. People are ready to kill for money and for a place in the sun.

People stopped respecting culture and loving their Motherland. Children stopped learning the history of their country. Many want to leave it, succumbing to stereotypes that our Russia is worse than other countries. Is anyone trying to make it better? Nobody cared.
Children grow up very angry. They are already very cruel. They beat up their comrades for fun. They are ready to hit each other's faces because of an unflattering word addressed to them.

If we compare before and now, huge changes have taken place. Now, if someone suddenly becomes ill on the street, many will pass by, thinking that the person is simply drunk, and that the person died because he was sick and had an attack. If they start beating someone, everyone will pass by and pretend not to do anything, so as not to get it themselves. Did this happen before? Everyone respected each other. Girls were girls, and not “cattle”, as they say in the modern world. A girl should be gentle, which is very rare now. They stopped respecting their elders. They stopped respecting Veterans. People who steal from them... I just don't know what to call them. They fought for our lives for what? So that later the world turns into this? I think no. I think that it is very painful for them to look at modern youth who drink, use drugs, smoke and swear every word.

The world has changed. Yes, technology has changed for the better, but not people. But I believe that there are still people in our world who think sensibly. And I hope that many will come to their senses and be able to change themselves, then Russia and the whole world will become better. There will be no wars or conflicts. There will be no killings.

computer science and ICT teacher

MBOU Pervomaiskaya secondary general education

Essay “The Age of Information Technology”

A teacher remains a teacher as long as he learns himself and the perfection that others need

Today, in Russia and throughout the world as a whole, the process of informatization of society is taking place, that is, humanity is moving to a completely new qualitative level of its development. This is due to the development of science and technology, information technology. A teacher of the New School must understand that today in the world there is a change in the value orientations of modern society, its goal setting, norms, and worldview, precisely under the influence of “high technology.” A teacher constantly has to change and rebuild his work.

In today's modern information society, a person can no longer imagine himself without a computer and related information technologies. The computer has become an integral part in all spheres of human life, in medicine, science, education and even art.

My essay will talk about implementation in educational process ICT, ESM, interactive whiteboards, etc. And this, in turn, necessitates the need for all information innovations and, of course, computer literacy teachers.

The problem that is currently acute in rural schools in Russia is the lack or insufficiency of computer equipment for conducting high-quality, modern lessons using all information technologies. Today, when we talk about the New School, we, first of all, mean accessibility, clarity, and reliability of the material presented in the lesson. It is for this purpose that Russian schools have been implementing a comprehensive project for the modernization of education (CPME) for several years now. During its implementation, not one of the schools was left behind. This, of course, primarily concerns the provision of information resources and technologies, computer equipment and office equipment, and access to the Internet. Schoolchildren from remote villages of the region can participate in distance competitions, olympiads, quizzes, and marathons online. Naturally, thanks to new equipment and new opportunities, not only does children’s motivation to learn increase, but also the quality of knowledge in subjects, etc. improves. This means that the range of opportunities for students and teachers in remote corners of our Motherland has expanded and deepened. The participation of teachers in all kinds of distance master classes, conferences, teacher councils allows teachers from rural areas to better navigate the current educational space, maintain contact with colleagues at a distance, exchange experiences, solve common problems, and receive advice on issues that interest them. This is all wonderful, of course, but many face another, seemingly insurmountable obstacle - the lack of necessary knowledge in the field of information technology.

Thus, another related problem appears - the insufficient level of computer literacy of teachers in rural areas. This is primarily due to the lack of necessary equipment for conducting lessons using ICT. And for the most part, teachers complain about the transition of schools to operating Linux system. Like, we just learned how to work, got used to Windows, and now again, everything is all over again, differently. But in fact, the fact that the school switched to Linux, as a computer science teacher, I don’t see any problems that would interfere with working with electronic educational resources, electronic documents, etc. The system interface is quite simple, application programs are included in the OpenOffice package. org, which is widely distributed today, including on Windows, i.e., in principle, there are no problems. There is only a fear of teachers, especially the older generation, of innovations, although it’s time to get used to it - the school of the 21st century must and will change in accordance with the requirements of the modern information society. It is impossible to be a teacher of the younger generation (i.e., the future of the country), which has already become part of this very society (today every student, even if it is a small school, knows what a smartphone, iPad and iPhone are) and at the same time be afraid to learn for yourself. It is no coincidence that the word teacher is translated from ancient Greek as “leading”, “the one who leads” the child, teacher = teacher, leads the child to knowledge, therefore he himself must not only possess this knowledge, but also strive to master something new, unknown for him. The solution to this problem depends on the teachers themselves, their competence and desire to improve themselves in their profession. Everyone finds their own way out of this situation: some attend computer courses, some look for an assistant-consultant, and some simply do it at random. And for the most part, they successfully cope with this problem.

My essay dealt with only one aspect of pedagogical activity - information. And how many of them surround us every day... Although they say that a child is an open book, every year for some reason it becomes more and more difficult to read, the teacher must look for ways, methods, how to solve this problem.....

I hope that many teachers, having read my essay, will agree with me, because we must not only pass on to our children what we ourselves possess, but also learn for them and from them.

Twenty-five years after its appearance World Wide Web a lot in the world has changed. But now the information age is coming to an end. Thanks to screens mobile devices and the Internet around the world, we are now entering an era that can be called the “age of experience.” Or that period of time where arrays of information must be skillfully applied. By themselves they no longer give anything.

When was the last time you updated your status on Facebook? Maybe you don't do this anymore? Do you know how many people are still updating? Only 21 percent. Out of 1.6 billion Facebook users. Moreover, there are fewer and fewer original posts. Users simply take what they like without creating anything of their own.

The status field is an icon of the information age. But the period when desktop computers dominated and companies organized the distribution of information to the world is over. Computers themselves have become small, technology has become mobile, and high-speed connections have become ubiquitous.

So the death of statuses on social networks is just another indicator that a person devotes time only to what he needs most. There is not enough time for everything for a long time. You must be able to use information. It is impossible to apply it all. That is, the mere presence of information is no longer enough. The context of our online interactions is changing. It is also detected by our connected devices. That is, smartphones pushed us away from PCs and forced us to change.

You are not your profile

Let's illustrate this with an example Facebook And Snapchat.

Facebook is a clear indicator of the information age. Along with other social networks of its generation, Facebook was built on the principles of the desktop era - and symbolized accumulation. More likes, more photos, more posts, more information.

Accumulation manifests itself in a digital profile, where the user's identity is made up of the entire amount of information that he has saved: text, photographs, videos, web pages. Evan Spiegel first explored this process in 2015 and posted a video on YouTube called “What is Snapchat?” The verdict is simple: in the information age, we matched ourselves to our profiles.

But the mobile era has changed us. We've changed the way we think about our digital identity. Cameras record our lives, the accumulated information reflects our self-expression. But the “virtual self” is becoming less and less obvious. An image is created that may be the result of anything the user has done, but the person behind it may not be the same. He changes masks, fades, if you like, and becomes different. The old image is no longer interesting to him. He is interested in new experiences.

Snapchat is home to this new reality. An application that destroys information after transmission does not make users loopy at all. old reality. It breaks the habit of hoarding. No old texts, photographs, clips - everything will be destroyed. There is only here and now and new experience.

The program seems to say: “You are not a profile, you are you who lives in today’s moment.”

Show and don't tell

The main idea of ​​gaining new experience is to show your point of view by getting attention. No one shouts during the process or comments. The stories we tell each other nowadays begin and end visually, making storytelling more literal than ever.

In the information age, the beginning of communication was information. On Facebook, you enter your metadata into the status field, such as your location, and use emoticons to convey feelings, intonation, and emotions. This information approach is also visible in the mechanisms feedback Facebook – pre-selected reactions with comment templates. People are becoming more and more like robots, living according to a pre-designed program.

In contrast, Snapchat always starts with the camera. Feedback begins passively - with an image. The feedback loop does not tighten around the user's neck. Attention is concentrated on details. The brain begins to work. And soon virtual reality and interaction will be connected here, and obtaining new experiences will become virtually real, right down to tactile sensations, as new gadgets are developed with feedback.

Gaining experience

A new reality is being actively created by virtual reality. Facebook's recent investments in live video, 360-degree cameras and devices virtual reality show that social network understands that the old part of her is dying off, something new is being born.

But Facebook isn't the only tech giant looking ahead and seeing technology changing. By now you've probably heard of Magic Leap. Companies such as: Google And Alibaba.

The global arms race is in full swing, and the layering of technologies that will fuel the "age of experience" begins.

At the bottom is layer 0 - the real world. Reality is its basis.

As we move up, we move from the physical to the logical layer. On top is a layer of products like Snapchat Live and Periscope. For now. Tomorrow they will be replaced by new virtual reality offerings and technologies like Magic Leap.

The "age of experience" will encourage new products to get to market faster, since each layer can grow independently of each other, while at the same time benefiting from the achievements of lower layers. An example of this phenomenon is high-speed 3G, which allows App Store companies Apple develop Advanced Mobile as a whole. The best Experience Age products will promptly introduce new applications that will make this whole pyramid move. Considering that some layers are still in their infancy, enormous opportunities lie ahead.

As our online and offline identities come closer together, the stories we tell each other now begin and end visually, just as investments in every layer of the new age are accelerating the evolution of experiences through managed products. Taken together, these trends open the door to a new golden age of technology.

This is an exciting time to create and implement.
