How to remove unnecessary programs in Android and when it is possible. How to remove applications on Android, standard and installed by the user - several ways How to quickly remove applications on Android

Smartphones and tablets under Android control OS is getting bigger day by day. They occupied all possible price categories - from several thousand rubles to several thousand dollars. It is also noteworthy that Android is an open operating system and is easy to customize, including custom. But often gadget manufacturers are an obstacle to this very customization - they install their own shell and a number of standard applications that come with the kit. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of them without intervening inside the system, but did that stop anyone else? Let's figure out how to remove applications from Android that are not deleted. You should start with the standard and most common methods: from the simplest to the most difficult.

How to uninstall apps from android that won't uninstall

From apps downloaded from Google Play The market and some built-in ones can be got rid of using system tools. Yes, at first glance it is not so difficult, but inexperienced users often encounter similar problems, and therefore we simply have to tell about everything in as much detail as possible.

Standard applications are those downloaded to smartphones and tablets by the manufacturer or distributor. But first you need to deal with the applications that were installed by the user. How to remove them so that there are no traces of their presence?

There are only three ways. All of them are equally popular, simple and easy to implement.

Removing android applications through Settings

The program or game will be erased from the device's memory, and all additional files associated with it in one way or another will also be lost. Of course, the method is truly simple, however, not all applications can be removed so easily.

Removal by pinching

You have probably noticed that the icons of any applications can be dragged if you hold your finger on them for a while.

So, you can also remove them in the same way. Go to the menu where all applications are located or right on the desktop, hold your finger on the game or program that you want to uninstall.

See the basket on top? Drag the icon into it without releasing your finger. Confirm the deletion with your consent.

If this method does not work, move on to the next one.

"Control" in the head

Often we are asked to explain how to remove applications that do not want to be removed using the first two methods. Fortunately, there is a solution - use third-party utilities to erase a capricious program or game.

The most popular among them is Uninstaller:

It also happens that programs, games or standard applications are not removed even in this way, then you can try to uninstall the Market itself.

Google Play as a way to uninstall apps

How to uninstall system apps on android?

Perhaps this is really the most difficult way. The fact is that most manufacturers block the ability to remove programs and games built into the shell. In this case, it will not be possible to do without obtaining Root-rights.

And you are lucky if you have a Chinese brand device. In these, they are often already built-in and they only need to be activated by going to the companion application. Each gadget has its own, so see the instructions specifically for your device.

If you are sure that the Administrator rights are activated, download the Root App Delete program. It acts like the Uninstaller app and has a similar interface, so the instructions for them are the same. Only you will have to choose not the downloaded game, but the standard application. Therefore, be extremely careful not to uninstall anything superfluous.

If there are no Superuser (Root) rights, you will have to reflash the device to obtain them. Here already get off with two spent minutes will not work. Think carefully, is it worth it to reflash the gadget because of some applications?

In one of my previous articles, I told you, dear readers, how you can install applications or games on your mobile device. Sooner or later, the programs on the smartphone lose their relevance, get bored, and also “ask” to be deleted in order to save space on the phone or memory card. This review will focus on the topic of uninstalling applications.

To begin with, I want to give a classification of removal methods. These include:

1. Removing third-party applications using the standard method, through the “native” application management utility on Android.
2. The use of various (not "native") programs that facilitate removal.
3. Using the built-in utilities that are part of the application (file managers).
4. Removing programs from the android market.
5. Uninstalling the standard utilities of your mobile device(those that are pre-installed by the manufacturer).

Removing third-party applications in a standard way, through the “native” application management utility on Android

Let's start with the simplest, in my opinion, method of removal. To do this, you need to go to the application manager in the Android operating system (application management tool). We follow the path: Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications . Here you have the opportunity to view all installed programs, both on the memory card and in the phone itself (there are four tabs at the top of the screen: third-party, just launched, all applications, on SD card). Choose what you need and delete it. The only thing is, you won't be able to uninstall all applications. The thing is that some programs have a high priority ( MANUFACTURER INSTALLED ), and in order to uninstall them you need to get ROOT rights. We will dwell on this below.

The use of various (not “native”) programs that facilitate removal.

Apart from standard means application management, there is another type of program (third-party, also called downloaded) that can help you remove unnecessary ones. An example of such utilities are , . Your attention is provided with a complete list of installed applications, uninstallation takes place with one touch of a finger, but again, you can not delete everything you want.

Using built-in utilities that are part of the application (file managers)

Another way to get rid of the redundancy of your mobile device is file managers, which include, in addition to their immediate functions, routines that remove applications. These include:, and others. As in the two previous cases, you are provided with the entire list of installed programs, with the ability to remove, but not all utilities.

Removing programs from the android market.

There are two ways to get the desired result:
1. Removing a free application, in which you simply go to the android market, click on the corresponding application or game and uninstall it. There are no difficulties in this.
2. Deleting (Returning) applications or games that you purchased with money. There is no particular difficulty here either. You can get money back. Learn more about how to do it.

Uninstalling the standard utilities of your mobile device (those that are preinstalled by the manufacturer).

Perhaps the most interesting and time-consuming paragraph of this article. You probably noticed that some programs on your mobile device, for some reason, are not deleted. I'll tell you a little secret, they are pre-installed (the manufacturer installs a set of standard software and protects it from accidental removal). The difference from third-party or downloaded programs is that they can only be deleted with administrator rights (you need root folder permissions /system).
For those who have such a privilege, they can read the article further, and for those who do not have the opportunity to own root rights to start with.

So, in order to remove standard applications, we will use a program called. For those who do not know, all programs installed on your mobile device are stored in a folder at / system / app. And in order to remove such an unnecessary program as Footprints and its widget (in our country this service is not very popular and is rarely used by anyone), you need to remove the following files from memory:

1. /system/app/HtcFootprintsWidget.odex
2. /system/app/HtcFootprintsWidget.apk
3. /system/app/HtcFootprints.odex
4. /system/app/HtcFootprints.apk

In order to clearly show you how standard applications or games are deleted, I want to show you the example of uninstalling a primitive file manager OI File Manager .

Before that, let me remind you again, you need superuser rights (Root) to perform this kind of manipulation. And it turns out that users install such programs, and subsequently blame the author teams for the inoperability of these applications. In addition, there is still a decrease in the overall rating of programs in the Android Market and other users, looking at the ratings, make hasty conclusions.

After a lyrical digression, let's go directly to the consideration of an application called. This program is able to uninstall not only system programs, but also common use (third-party). But let's not deviate from the goal, namely the removal of the pre-installed file manager. We go into me and launch the pre-downloaded application.

Select the application you need to remove (in addition to manually, you can use auto-search by entering the appropriate name in the context menu, which is located at the bottom of the screen)

After we have made a choice, we click on the application, after which a window opens in which there are two selection buttons: Recycle(removal) or Cancel(cancellation). Click on Recycle and see that this application trying to get the right to act as the system administrator of his mobile device. If you own such an opportunity, then the Superuser program opens, which requires confirmation to provide this application Root rights.

As soon as we agreed with the above actions, this utility will display a message stating that the uninstallation was successful. True, there is a small but, you have not completely removed what you wanted. Saved backup copy in the so-called "recycle bin", so that in case of erroneous deletion you can restore it. If desired, it is possible to finally and irrevocably rid the memory of your device of all traces of this program.

So, I can congratulate you, firstly, on the fact that you have gained invaluable experience when working with your smartphone, and secondly, something new and useful, and also freed up some space in your mobile device.

I hope that this article could be useful for beginners in the field of knowledge. operating system Android. The only thing I want to advise you is not to delete everything in a row, especially those applications that you have no idea about. Otherwise, you can uninstall some kind of service, after which you will have to reflash your mobile device.

You can install many applications and games on your smartphone using the Google Play store. It can be instant messengers, clients social networks, banking programs and other software. Over time, most programs cease to be actively used, so a person decides to remove them. But for obvious reasons, he does not know how to do this. There are several ways to uninstall installed applications, which we will discuss in detail below.

The Android operating system is a very flexible platform, so it is not surprising that the ability to delete applications is implemented in it by default. Moreover, this can be done in several ways at once, which are described in detail below.

Method 1: remove the icon from the screen

This method is the easiest, and allows you to remove the program without having to go into the settings. It is enough to hold your finger on the icon of the desired application, and then transfer it to the trash icon or the "Delete" button.

A window will appear on the screen in which you must click on the "Delete" button to uninstall the program. The method is the simplest, but at the same time the most effective.

Method 2: remove the application through the settings

If the first method does not suit you for some reason, then you can uninstall the application using the appropriate section in the settings. The following instructions will help you do everything right and avoid mistakes, suitable for almost all smartphones running the Android operating system:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Go to the "All Applications" or "Program Manager" section.
  3. We find the desired program and go to the page with it. To do this, just click on the name of the utility in the list.
  4. Click on the "Delete" button and select "OK" in the window that appears.

After that, the selected program will be deleted from the device.

Method 3: temporarily disable the application

An unused application does not need to be deleted at all. It can be temporarily disabled, again using the built-in capabilities of the system. So, this procedure is described in detail in the following instructions:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Go to the section "All applications" or " Installed programs". Note that the names of the tabs directly depend on the installed firmware and Android version.
  3. Go to the page with the program that you want to disable.
  4. Click on the "Close" or "Disable" button. We also recommend that you clear all software data by clicking on the appropriate key.
  5. A window will appear on the screen in which you need to confirm the procedure by selecting "OK".

To enable the selected application, you need to restart your smartphone, or visit the corresponding settings section again. And so that the program does not start when the smartphone is loaded, we recommend that you uncheck the box next to the "Autostart" item.

We use third party software

With the help of the system's capabilities, of course, you can remove unwanted applications, but this is not always convenient. If you need to get rid of a large number of programs, then it is wiser to use third-party utilities. For example, the App Remove application is very popular among users. It is completely free and you can install it from Google Play. After the installation is complete, do the following:

  1. We accept the privacy policy by clicking on the "Accept" button.

  1. We mark the necessary applications to be removed. It is convenient that opposite each package its volume is indicated. The utility also displays residual files from already uninstalled programs.

  1. In the window that appears, select "OK" to remove the selected software. If a large number of programs are removed at the same time, then this procedure must be done for each of the applications.

Click on the “OK” button

There are a lot of similar programs, so you can choose something else. And if necessary, remove the system application, you can use the utility ADB Run designed for computers.

Every smartphone has standard apps installed that the average person never uses. In addition to the fact that this software takes up space on the desktop, it also consumes a significant part of the RAM. The standard functions of the system will not be able to remove them, as well as transfer them to a memory card. In this regard, users are interested in how to remove system applications on Android without complicated and unnecessary manipulations. The answer to this and other questions can be found in this article.

Why other articles on the Internet won't help you

There are many articles on the Internet that, it would seem, can help remove the built-in applications from the phone. In fact, this is only an illusion, since most of the content is out of date, and the editors of the sites are in no hurry to publish relevant material. Often in such instructions it is about what to do on modern smartphones almost impossible. And if you try to get them, then there is a risk of turning the device into "". We propose to consider the principle of removing system programs on Android completely without root rights.

Which built-in applications can be completely removed without consequences

It is important to understand that not every system utility can be completely removed without consequences. Depending on the device, the list of factory applications that can be removed is different. Before proceeding to the instructions, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this list for a specific smartphone model.

Google services and apps

Go to the desktop of any Android device and there will definitely be . Almost all of them are subject to uninstallation, but for safety, it is better to consider a specific list:

  • Google Maps. The program will be useless to users who never use the navigator. This service drains the battery quite a bit., and also monitors the movement of a person.
  • Disk. This is the usual cloud storage. The service is harmless, but it occupies both RAM and internal memory.
  • duo. This utility is designed to make video calls. Most people use instant messengers for these purposes, so the software is of no use.
  • gmail. This is a mailbox from Google.
  • Google Photos. The the service is designed to store photos and videos on Google servers. The function is convenient, but on the other hand, and useless.
  • Google Music. The program allows you to listen to music, but only after purchasing a subscription.
  • Google Movies. Useless utility for Russian-speaking users. All series are paid, and often there is no translation in them.
  • Google. It's a voice assistant, which takes up a lot of memory space.
  • YouTube. The service is designed to watch videos.
  • Google Chrome. A browser that does no harm to the system. However, it may consume battery power.

The Google apps presented above can be safely deleted from an Android phone.


On a Samsung device, you can uninstall the following standard applications without consequences:

  • Weather widget. Weather block located on the desktop.
  • Calculator;
  • Calendar;
  • ChatON;
  • Built-in Samsung browser;
  • Samsung Apps. An analogue of Google Play, which most people do not use.
  • Samsung Wallet;
  • S Voice;
  • Samsung Link;
  • Music, books and videos;

This list also includes all the programs and services from Google mentioned in the first paragraph.

Huawei and Honor

Huawei phones are also equipped with useless programs that the average user never opens. Their list includes Google services, as well as a number of proprietary utilities:

  • Huawei HiSuite. The software is designed to synchronize a smartphone with a computer.
  • hicloud. Cloud storage , an analogue of Google or Yandex Disk.
  • Huawei backup. The utility allows you to backup data.
  • Huawei App Gallery. Company game store from the manufacturer.
  • Huawei Health.
  • technical support.
  • Hilink. A utility for configuring and managing a network.
  • Mirror, compass and weather;

The presented software can be safely removed without fear of damaging the system.


There are many official applications from the manufacturer in the MIUI firmware by default. Most of them are useful, such as calculator, music and security. But you can also find completely useless software. It can be found in this list:

  • BugReport. Sends reports about errors and crashes in the system.
  • cloud print. virtual printer.
  • Email. Email from Xiaomi. The program does not consume battery power, but takes up space on the desktop.
  • Fasdormancy. The function is not in demand among Russian-speaking users, but it affects the speed of the device.
  • Mi Link Service. The utility allows you to share files between two Xiaomi phones.
  • QuickSearchBox;
  • StepsProvider;
  • Browser;
  • shell;
  • weather. Weather forecast widget.
  • Calculator, voice recorder, scanner, compass and screen recording;
  • Google services mentioned in the first paragraph.

All these utilities can be uninstalled completely without consequences.


You can remove the following unnecessary applications from your smartphone:

  • Built-in browser;
  • Music;
  • cloud service;
  • Search;
  • Performance monitoring;
  • Weather;
  • Easy mode;

It is worth noting that the names of pre-installed programs may be different. It depends on the version of Android and firmware.


Lenovo devices also have native applications that can be safely removed. You can check them out in this list:

  • king soft office. Utility for opening files from the manufacturer.
  • Built-in synchronization service.
  • Mail;
  • Weather;
  • UC Browser;
  • File Manager;
  • installer. Used to install applications downloaded from third party sites.
  • Tutorial for beginners;
  • TouchPal Language Pack;
  • MobileLog;
  • modemlog;
  • Notes;
  • Google services from the first paragraph;

These programs can be safely uninstalled.

General Applications

Not all smartphones were collected in this list, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with common programs, the removal of which is safe:

  • Mail:
  • weather widget;
  • Google services;
  • clock widget;
  • Alarm;
  • Calculator;
  • Dictaphone;
  • Report;

Depending on the device, the list may increase, but this is a basic set of programs.

Instructions for removing system applications on Android through a PC without root rights

Now let's move on to the instructions themselves, which will tell you how to completely, and most importantly, correctly remove the application from Android. Before starting the procedure, turn on your computer or laptop, and also charge your smartphone.

Step 1: Enable USB Debugging

The first step is to enable USB debugging on your phone. Depending on the device, this is done in different ways, but often the principle is as follows:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Go to the section " About phone" or " About device».
  3. Several times click on the item " Firmware version».
  4. After the message “You have become a developer” appears, go to the section “ Advanced settings". Also, the tab can be called " Additional functions».
  5. Go to the section " For developers».
  6. Here you need to move the slider to the right opposite the line " Post byUSB».
  7. At the end, confirm the activation of the mode with the button " OK».

Now the function required for operation is enabled.

Step 2: install ADB Run on your computer


Before starting the installation, you need to download the ADB Run program to your computer. The utility is available to anyone Windows versions, Linux and macOS. After downloading, open the archive, where we click on the file " Setup. exe».

In the installation window that appears, click " Further", then " Install».

Upon successful completion of the installation, the program icon will appear on the desktop.

Step 3: select apps to uninstall

To work with the program, you need to know not only the name of the application, but also the name of its package. The App Inspector utility, which can be installed for free from Google Play, will help you get the necessary information.

After downloading the software, do the following:

  1. We open the program.
  2. From the list, select the application that is not deleted by the standard functions of the system.
  3. In point " Data dir” indicates the name of the package, which for convenience is better to write down or remember somewhere. For example, at google apps Duo package name is

Now we connect the smartphone to a computer or laptop via a USB cable. In the notification panel, select the " File transfer”, and if necessary, install the drivers on the PC.

Step 4: remove the application via ADB RUN

First, run the ADB Run program, then in the window that appears, enter the command " a» and press « Enter».

Now enter the query " adb shell» and press « Enter».

On the next line, write " pm uninstall -k --user 0 packagename". Instead of “package_name”, we indicate pre-prepared data from the App Inspector application.

Press " Enter". If the operation is successful, the message “Success” will be displayed on the screen.

You can also go the other way by returning to the main program window. Here instead of the letter "a" enter the number 12 .

Press " Enter” and on the next page indicate the command with the number 7.

Now, without skipping spaces, enter the package name and click " Enter».

Upon successful completion of the procedure, a corresponding inscription will appear on the screen.

Removing system applications is a certain risk. That's why in a programmeadbit is possible to freeze the pre-installed utility. Then at any time, if necessary, you can return the application back to your smartphone. To freeze, go to the program on the computer and enter the command " a". Next, specify the following combination: adb shell pm disable-user package_name. Click " Enter” and wait until the end of the procedure.

You can unfreeze the program through the reverse command: adb shell pm enable -user 0 package_name.

What is the difference between deleting and freezing apps?

A frozen application can be brought back through the ADB program, but a deleted one cannot.

Where can I download ADB Run?

You can download the ADB software on the official website of the developer or from the link in our section.

Summing up, we note that in order to remove a system application on Android, it is not necessary to have a smartphone with root rights. Thanks to the ADB program, this can be done in a few clicks, and without the need to perform complex manipulations with the smartphone.

The number of companies producing Android devices is constantly increasing. A couple of years ago, no one heard of manufacturers such as Xiaomi or Leco. And today they are starting to compete with such giants as Samsung and Lenovo. The competition is also in the development of applications for their devices so that users can take advantage of all the features of their devices. That is why when buying a new phone or tablet, it turns out to be almost completely filled with different programs, they are also called system or stock ones. Whether they are needed or just take up free space, it's up to you. But if you still decide not to desired programs, and at the same time clean it to speed up the work, then we will tell you how to remove pre-installed applications on Android.

What applications can be removed?

There is no single list of programs that can be safely removed without harming the system, so everyone must determine for himself which ones are not needed. We offer a list basic programs and those elements, the removal of which will not harm the operation of the android device, such as Google maps.

List of programs:

  • Voice search or dialing;
  • Help and support from the manufacturer;
  • Standard mail client or browser (Internet);
  • Unused video, audio players;
  • Google services not needed (Maps, Gmail, Gtalk, etc.);
  • All kinds of games, books, etc.

In no case, do not randomly delete applications or a file that you do not like, this can lead to a failure of the entire system! Any application is a file with the apk extension. It is this file that should be deleted. If available, you also need to delete files with the .odex extension. Then this procedure can be considered performed correctly.

This is what the system file itself looks like:

And here is a list of possible system applications to remove:

  • AccuweatherWidget.apk - weather widget;
  • AnalogClock.apk - analog clock widget;
  • BlueSea.apk , Aurora.apk etc. – all kinds of live wallpapers;
  • ChatON_MARKET.apk - chat from Samsung;
  • Encrypt.apk - encryption of a memory card;
  • Geniewidget.apk - news widget;
  • GooglePartnerSetup.apk - another social program Google;
  • Kobo.apk - magazines;
  • Layar-samsung.apk - augmented reality browser;
  • MobilePrint.apk - remote printing of documents;
  • PlusOne.apk is another social service from Google;
  • SamsungWidget* - different types of widgets from Samsung developers;
  • VideoEditor.apk - video editor;
  • Voice*.apk - programs for working with voice;
  • Zinio.apk - Internet magazines.

How to remove unnecessary pre-installed applications?

Removal standard programs without root rights, that is, manually, is carried out in the usual way. Choose "settings", Further "applications". Activate the required, and click delete.

There's nothing complicated here. Difficulties usually arise when deletion is not possible, or an error pops up during the operation. Then you need to use special programs or just turn it off (for more details, see our video).

  1. We use ES Explorer.

We already wrote about where to download and how to use it. In the framework of this material, we will talk specifically about deleting on android.

After starting the explorer, scroll to the right or click at the top of the window, depending on the version, to open the menu. In it, you need to find and activate the "Root Explorer" in order to obtain the rights to remove preinstalled programs. It is usually located in the "resources" section.

Now it is possible to proceed to the removal procedure itself. In the Android system, pre-installed applications are located on the internal memory in the "system / app" folder. Highlight the desired file with a touch and click delete.

Some of them download their updated version additionally to the “data/app” folder. We recommend that you check for the presence of the program to be removed there as well.

A faster way is to uninstall the files from the "system" menu section. It is located in the initial menu, tab "APPS".

  1. We use CCleaner.

We have already published instructions for installing and working with c. To remove pre-installed programs, run cleaner and enter the main menu. We are interested in the "system" tab. We select it.

In the window that opens, there will be a list of all programs available for removal. You do not have to look for where exactly the applications are located. Removal is carried out automatically, literally with a couple of clicks (before deletion, the cleaner will ask). And then, he will reboot your device, for the correct completion of the work.

  1. Remove pre-installed programs using titanium backup.

In this video we offer you visual instruction Another way to remove system applications on android.

We note once again that if you are not sure about the purpose of a particular program, it is better not to delete it. We hope that this material was useful to you. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. We will try to help.
