How to communicate on the Internet. Communication on the Internet: will it replace real life?

Communication on the Internet is an invariable component of the life of any modern person. At the same time, online communication has some unique properties that face-to-face communication cannot boast of. These include:

  • anonymity - not a single person can reveal himself anywhere as much as this can be done on the Internet. At the same time, the user himself determines how much he is ready to open up to a particular interlocutor, which of his character traits he would like to show and which to hide, and, importantly, the person himself regulates the duration of his communication, devoting to it exactly as much time as he can afford;
  • a huge audience of potential interlocutors. Only through the Internet is it possible to communicate with people whom a person has never seen before and, perhaps, will never see;
  • the opportunity to find not only friends with similar interests, but also a life partner, if you’re lucky.

In our article we will talk about existing programs for communication on the Internet, discuss their main differences from each other and advantages for the user. In addition, we will give you some tips on how to more organically join the Internet crowd in order to avoid discomfort and create an interesting social circle for you.

Programs for communicating on the Internet

Programs for communicating on the Internet today are quite diverse. Some, by modern standards, are already considered a little outdated, but still hold their positions. Such programs, with the help of which communication via the Internet was initially organized, includes e-mail. By going to your Mailbox on the selected service, you can read and write letters. Examples of such services are, hotmail, and other mail sites.

Of course, mail is great, but first it is logical to find those to whom you can write letters. Traditionally, forums and chats are considered convenient for finding new acquaintances, where you can organize a discussion on a topic that interests you, make inquiries on topics that interest you, receive answers to questions asked, and ultimately form a certain circle of communication, the unifying factor for which will be common professional or personal interests.

Forums can be highly specialized (for example, a forum about computing and digital technology) or general topics, which cover a variety of topics that are interesting to a specific target audience. There are also universal forums where you can just chat with people “about nothing.”

A more dynamic program for communicating via the Internet is chats such as ICQ, Skype and others. There are thematic and general chats. It is in chats that you need to be active and quickly respond to events! Probably one of the most common chat programs today is ICQ, and this is quite understandable: the program allows you to quickly and easily communicate with online users. At the same time, the program does not load PC resources and takes up minimal space on the monitor. Using this program you can send files, links to pages, SMS.

Some useful tips for newbies to chat life:

  1. Always say hello when you arrive and goodbye when you leave. This is a basic rule of politeness, do not neglect it.
  2. Try to choose chats with fewer visitors, then there is a greater chance that you will be able to find interesting interlocutors with whom it will be easier to communicate in the future in real life.
  3. Avoid big capital letters! In chats, this is considered a sign of bad taste, since it means shouting, and screamers are not liked.
  4. Add emoticons to your phrases, especially if this is the only way to determine your true attitude to what is written.
  5. Don’t have a complex about inserting yourself into someone else’s conversation. The whole point of chat rooms is that if the conversation takes place in open mode, the interlocutor can join it at any moment. However, intervene as tactfully as possible, do not start communication with accusations or arguments.

Of course, sooner or later you will be faced with the question, what next? Should we limit ourselves to written communication or meet live with interesting interlocutors? You decide! Most chat rooms traditionally gather in certain places where people can chat with each other live and make new friends.

Social networks for communication

Now we invite you to talk about such a modern phenomenon as “social networks for communication.” There are countless of them!

WhatsApp is currently considered the most popular service for communication around the world. The program can be installed on any mobile devices and is suitable for any operating system, WhatsApp can be used by Apple fans, BlackBerry lovers, and smartphone owners Windows Phone. The essence of the program is that it searches for all users known to it by phone numbers, with its help you can send text messages to these users for free during the first year of using the application, and starting from the second year, pay $1 per year for this service. In addition to text correspondence, using this service you can exchange photo, video and audio files.

A program similar to WhatsApp that uses the subscriber’s number as a subscriber identifier is Viber. In addition to the listed functions, the program makes voice calls. And unlike its main competitor, this program is free.

The “ChompSMS/Textra” program has been developed specifically for the Android platform. This program sends a message to any number bypassing the network mobile operator, however, not for free, but in accordance with the prices on the official website.

Naturally, we couldn’t ignore the global giant – Facebook Messenger! This program allows you to exchange text messages with friends from Facebook without going to the network's website, as well as view your news feed and notifications. In addition to text messages, you can also send voice messages, but only if you are in a Wi-Fi zone.

The developer of the most famous social network in our country, VKontakte, Pavel Durov, created the Telegram messenger, which is essentially similar to WhatsApp. One feature is that sent messages can be prohibited from being forwarded to anyone else and the program can be configured so that they self-destruct after some time. Registration is carried out by phone number.

Surely we will not be mistaken if we say that the main purpose of using social networks is to communicate with the opposite sex on a variety of topics. And indeed, communicating with a girl on the Internet is easier and simpler for those who find it difficult to overcome their shyness and start freely communicating with a person immediately after seeing him for the first time in their life. In this context, social networks play the role of a kind of “bringer” - when people communicate with each other for some time, get used to the communication style, and subsequently it is easier for them to interact in reality. However, we should not forget that not a single one, even the most advanced chat or forum, can replace a sincere conversation face to face in the company of a pleasant interlocutor. So get acquainted, communicate, find new friends and be sure to meet! We wish you good luck!

The Internet today is an inexhaustible source for communication. At the same time, providing a number of unique properties of this communication:

Anonymity. In general, anonymity is one of the main pillars on which the Internet stands - communication. Nowhere else can a person allow himself to open up as much as here. Exactly as much as he wants, as much time as he allows himself. Choose a certain image for yourself or, on the contrary, have fun changing your faces.

The second pillar is Immense audience width, unavailable in real life. The opportunity to communicate with people whom you have never seen and may never see.

2. Historically conferences appeared earlier, and as the most convenient form for exchanging useful information or discussing something, they still have not lost their relevance. Try it at any time search engine a request on a topic of interest and, almost certainly, one of the answer options will be found in someone’s forum. Forums can be narrowly focused - such as the forum on issues related to computing and digital technology on IXBT, a fascinating forum dedicated to all facets of the difficult life of a woman in the modern world :-) on . There are also universal forum systems, such as on

3. Forums are good for everyone, and, above all, for the balance of opinions posted on it, but the rhythm of life in them is somewhat sluggish. For those who want to get laid more intensely, there are chats. It is safe to assume that almost everyone has visited at least one of the chats at least once. Chats, like conferences, can also be thematic, but still, as a rule, this is just a place where people gather to chat on completely different topics. This is where you need and can learn to quickly react to what is happening! The better the chat is made, the more comfortable the atmosphere for communication is. For example, visit the chat on - everything is simple and clear, it will be interesting for those with aesthetics “Hotel at Maxim’s”. It is equally convenient for both beginners and veterans of conversational battles. Up to the possibility of creating separate “offices” for one-on-one conversations.

Here are some tips for chat life newbies to help them adapt:

1. Don't forget to say hello when you arrive and goodbye when you leave.
2. Try to be in chat “rooms” where there are few visitors, and if the chat has a system indicating the gender of the interlocutor, in a room with a predominance of the opposite sex :-) .
3. Do not write in “capital” letters unless absolutely necessary - this means shouting and is considered bad manners.
4. Don’t be lazy to add faces to your words that indicate your attitude towards them; sometimes the true meaning of your words can only be clear in this case.
5. Don’t be afraid to get involved in someone else’s conversation - after all, if it is going on openly, then participation in it is allowed for everyone, but do it tactfully, without accusing the participants of incompetence like in a dispute.

Nowadays there are a number of voice and even video chats (as well as voice and video conferencing). You can hear and even see your interlocutor in them. However, for this you need to have additional equipment, as well as a powerful Internet channel, which not everyone has. And the notorious element of anonymity in such communication will be lost.

Everything would be fine in forums or chats, but they take up a lot of attention, not allowing you to devote enough time to other things - for example, work :-) .

4. And here they are irreplaceable ICQ type programs. ICQ (ICQ) is an Internet pager that has recently become fashionable to develop into a monster in terms of its capabilities. :-) . The main thing that was, is and will be in it is convenient and simple communication with those users who, like you, are now on the Internet. It takes up minimal space on the screen and is very gentle on PC resources. From the outside, communication via ICQ resembles exchanging notes in dialogue mode, as if it were in the real world. Although you can also send files, links to interesting pages and even SMS. You can set up your own small chats, etc.

There have been rumors for many years that ICQ will become paid, but fortunately this has not happened yet. ICQ is developing quite dynamically and for many years has enjoyed the reputation of being the most frequently downloaded program in the world - thousands of users download it every day. Now the company has taken an important step towards users - firstly, it has released a lightweight version of ICQ, the so-called ICQ Lite, which does not have the bulky and often unnecessary bells and whistles of regular ICQ.

There are also a number of ICQ clone programs, but they are either shells of the same ICQ or create similar networks that are much less convenient and popular. But one analogue is still worth mentioning, because it has special properties.

One could add newsgroups, FIDO, IRC, etc. to this list, but as Internet life shows, firstly, these services pass by the majority of Internet users; secondly, they are dying out - because they are being replaced by more popular ones.

It should be borne in mind that anonymity on the Internet is relative. The administrator of the site that the user has visited can obtain information about from which country and through which provider he accesses the Internet this user. So you shouldn’t act like a hooligan, hoping that they won’t find you. They will find, give, catch up and give again! :-)

And he draws us figs

It can be difficult for a beginner to communicate in a place where computer jargon is often used. Therefore, here is a small cheat sheet on basic words and notations:

IMHO (IMHO) and other abbreviations see !

Basic emotions:

:) - smile
:)) - Broad smile
:(- chagrin
:((- great disappointment
;) - wink

There are dozens of such designations. There are even dictionaries!

Admin- site administrator, terrible person!!! :-)
Aska, Asya– ICQ.
Screw– hard drive - built-in HDD computer.
Dedicated office- so-called dedicated channel - connection to local network, and through it to the Internet.
Glitch– work with glitches, jerks, incorrectly, “freeze.”
Modem– a device for accessing the Internet via the telephone network.
Soap– e-mail, i.e. electronic mail.
Klava– computer keyboard.
Computer- computer.
Hang– (depending on the phrase) a state when it stops working operating system or data is not transferred to/from the Internet.
Software– software – software.
Hard– hardware – the computer itself and its “hardware” components.
Yahoo, Yahoo, Yasha- yahoo (usually the service – Yahoo! Messenger)
"Fell"- depending on the context - an unexpected disconnection from the Internet if the user accesses it via a modem or an unexpected termination of the operation of any program.

So what's next?

The question inevitably arises - communication is communication, but what next? So everything is limited to writing? Of course not! Most chats have their traditional places and times for “live” gatherings; sooner or later, a significant number of regular forum participants come to this when they want to see people who are interesting in discussions in life. For example, our forum (see, under the brand name “BZ” :-) ) which began with a discussion of problems similar to each other, then turned into an online get-together, moreover, we regularly meet “live”, there were no disappointments in such a pastime, those who don’t believe can watch photos from these meetings, well, all sorts of topics are discussed, including those far from where it all once began...

So, start communicating right now! See you on the forums!

Progress is moving forward by leaps and bounds. Until recently, computers were primarily used for work or gaming. And we had no problems with communication. We spent half our lives in queues and traveling. There is only one minus - we called friends from other cities and countries once every six months. And only for five minutes, otherwise we would then receive a bill with six-figure sums.

Today, thanks to the development of technology, it has become possible to make purchases in online stores, solve a number of administrative issues and, of course, actively communicate on the Internet. And you don’t need to go outside, visit a neighbor or work colleague to exchange news. You can do this at home, sitting on your favorite chair or sofa. Convenient, isn't it?

But is everything really as good as it seems to us at first glance? If you look closely at the current situation, you might be horrified! Communication on the Internet replaces real relationships for us. Statuses “engaged”, “have a boyfriend”, “everything is complicated”, hearts under photos. But what is really going on in the soul of the person who sent us the emoticon, we may never know.

What are social networks and why are they dangerous?

Social networks are gaining more and more popularity and are becoming an important part of our lives. A page on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or Facebook is a reflection of your Self. Through the same profiles of your friends, you learn the latest news from their lives, listen to the music they prefer. Watch movies that your colleagues or comrades have uploaded. There is a concern that communication on the Internet will completely replace real communication in the near future. Is this so, and what benefit do we have from the World Wide Web?

Many animals interact with each other, but only humans do this not for joint hunting or survival, but simply for the sake of pleasure. Only Homo Sapiens (homo sapiens) have a need for communication as such. From a psychological point of view, communicative relationships are the process of establishing and developing contacts between people. Arises from the need for collaboration and involves exchanging information as well as perceiving and influencing each other.

What are the specifics of communication on the Internet? Due to anonymity, there are no barriers to interaction based on gender, age, appearance, social status, financial status, and so on on the list. There is an opportunity to create any impression about yourself. It’s interesting that many people tend to invent a different life and image for themselves in general. This applies to so-called “virtual personalities”. These people do things that a person would never dare to do in everyday life.

So, for example, a shy representative of the fair sex can flirt with respectable and intelligent men, a harassed teenage boy will insult and criticize older people, a person offended by life will be rude and prove that she is right. Where else can you show your character without fear of receiving serious rebuff from your opponent?

An important feature of communication on the Internet is also voluntariness. You and only you determine who you will communicate with now. And if you get tired of it, you can simply switch off. (For the same reason, sometimes interruptions in communication can be misinterpreted by interlocutors as a reluctance to communicate with them). But in real life you will have to be responsible for all your actions and actions.

Communication on the Internet, just like regular communication, has two sides - information exchange and perception. Here we get to know each other, establish contacts and establish relationships with people we like. However, in network communication (due to the lack of a common physical space), the third party is limited - interaction with each other. You will not be able to touch a person, hug him, look into his eyes. You won’t understand whether your friend is telling the truth or what your significant other is doing at that particular moment.

But this same feature makes online communication so universal and limitless. Wherever you are, all you have to do is turn on your computer and find the network. You just have to want it, and there will be a huge number of people in front of you who want to talk. In reality, it is very difficult to find a friend who would share your thoughts, ideas, and suggest how and what should be done in a given situation.

The perception of another person on the Internet is also limited. Most online communication is carried out through written language, which cannot express your intonation or facial expressions. Dialogue cannot be accompanied by any eloquent gesture. Mutual understanding often suffers from this. Tell me how you will understand that your interlocutor really likes you without hearing the trembling in his voice, a sly look and a flirting smile.

Proponents of online correspondence decided to eliminate this drawback. They tried to create a special language for Internet communication. It, like many other slangs, is distinguished by its tendency to abbreviations (for example, “comp” - computer, “inet” - Internet) and jargon (for example, “LOL” in English laughing out loud - “laughed loudly” - this is how they comment on what very funny things).

In addition to special words and expressions, the language of communication on the Internet also includes special icons - emoticons, which reflect your facial expression, gestures, actions or mood. Using them, you need to clearly understand the meaning of a particular sign, and also be sure that your interlocutor knows it. Otherwise, firstly, he may think that you are littering your speech with incomprehensible brackets and squiggles, and secondly, he may confuse the meanings and decide that what is happening to you is not at all what was meant.

How people communicate on the Internet

Live and direct communication includes many various types and types: business, friendly, formal, spiritual, educational, verbal, non-verbal and so on. Communication on the Internet, unlike physical communication, can be reduced to three main types:

  • Business

One of the main reasons why the Internet is developing so quickly and efficiently is because it serves business goals and objectives. Fifteen years ago, all work issues were resolved by us by telephone, fax or mail. However, now even the cleaning lady has her own email address. After all, this way she can send her resume to any company, and not go there, wait for an appointment, and give a piece of paper to the recruiting manager.

Compared to conventional ones, business communication via the global network is much cheaper for organizations. You provide dedicated Internet, install Skype, and your employee can answer calls from all over the world. Plus, you don’t have to wait several weeks for papers to be sent to you from, say, Canada. Two minutes - and you're done. Here you can conduct training seminars - they are also called webinars - and network conferences. The transfer of information is easy, and the costs of such events are negligible.

Thanks to the Internet, such an area of ​​business life as freelancing is rapidly developing. Previously, it was very difficult for a young mother on maternity leave to find a job that met her needs: with a flexible schedule, interesting and well-paid. But now, thanks to various freelance exchanges and opportunities to work via the Internet, it has become real.

  • Informal

The Internet, as a means of communication, functions not only in business terms, but also in personal terms. Moreover, informal contacts currently occupy the lion's share of our lives. Now, probably, there is no longer a person left who is not sitting in in social networks and does not flinch at the sounds of ICQ running.

The Internet is one of the most common answers to the question of how to find a partner, because it is thanks to global network It has become possible to search among millions of other people for your soul mate. You can provide only the information you want about yourself and it will certainly be easier for you to control what you say. In doing so, you will be able to make the appropriate impression.

But the above advantages smoothly turn into disadvantages when your partner has the same capabilities. Agree, it’s disappointing when, after a long correspondence, you meet a person in person, and he turns out to be completely different from what you imagined. A tall, blue-eyed, blond man with a two-story villa can turn into a short, plump man who last went to work two years ago. And there is no magic in this. This person just wanted to please you.

But the Internet is more than capable of satisfying the need for communication - which is why it is now believed that you cannot be lonely if you have access to the Internet. But is it? Do you feel happy when you close your Facebook page and go to sleep in an empty bed?

  • Gaming

This type is placed in a separate category from the informal type due to its place in human lives. Online games are a huge layer of modern culture. The nature of communication depends on the type of toy. For example, communication in role-playing games (so-called “adventure games”) is built on the principle of theater and masks. Each participant is assigned his own special role, which he plays to the end.

Sometimes characters need to unite to achieve a common goal. For example, you need to kill the main sorcerer or defeat someone else's clan. And then group correspondence takes on the character of communication, accompanied by some kind of joint activity. At the same time, the characters love each other and can even gather at gatherings of similar interests.

Communication in other games such as “shooting games” and racing is distinguished by its aggressiveness (this is not surprising, because the goal of the game is victory at any cost). Friendship usually has no place here. By the way, this is why you should limit access to such sites if you have small children.

In intellectual games (such as preference, chess, checkers), people’s conversations are more reminiscent of conversations between old friends who have gathered together. They are distinguished by a variety of topics and a unique manner of discussion. Here no one will insult, ridicule or offend you. You can only run into aggression if you are a beginner who is rude to your elders, or if you are trying to deceive your partner.

Why is communication via the Internet dangerous?

Like any other phenomenon in our lives, online communication has its drawbacks. Therefore, before you plunge headlong into the World Wide Web and forget about the real world, think about whether you need it. Weigh the pros and cons, assess the danger and future prospects.

The good thing is that you can contact anyone in just a couple of seconds. At the same time, you won’t have to pay fabulous sums for communications and communication. Negative aspects include abuse of anonymity, frequent deception, as well as Internet addiction.

Abuse of anonymity or who is who

Quite often, when meeting people on the Internet, people, instead of being themselves, invent a new personality for themselves and play it. Therefore, lying becomes a rather serious problem in online communication. And if people do not tell the truth about themselves, then establishing trusting contacts becomes impossible. When dating online, there is no responsibility or obligation, and without them no serious relationship is possible. Research by psychologists shows that representatives of the fair sex most often suffer from fantasies and inventing a new “I”.

Deception: scammers are allowed entry

During online communication, you can easily deceive another person. As mentioned above, due to anonymity you do not have true information about gender, age, social status, the work of the interlocutor. What he says is often very difficult or almost impossible to verify. This is why you must be especially careful when communicating over the Internet. Often, maniacs lure the victim to them in this way. Would you be suspicious if a person with whom you have developed a trusting relationship invites you for a cup of coffee after a date?

It is enough just to be skeptical about what is said and not to trust everything that is said to you at the initial stage of acquaintance. You'll be smart to be wary of what people tell you about themselves. It is especially difficult when your relationship is still in its infancy. It is also worth talking carefully and carefully about your life. Fraudsters usually use the data to find out passwords, codes and other information that will help them get rich.

Therefore, pay attention to the fact that self-disclosure should only be mutual. In any case, take your time and first talk about abstract topics, and then about personal ones. Anonymity and deception become especially dangerous when children communicate online. That is why you should pay special attention to how and with whom your child corresponds or calls on the Internet.

Internet addiction or say no to real life

The delights of online communication can cause the deterioration of “ordinary” human relationships. In particular, there are cases where families broke up due to the fact that one of the spouses spent too much time communicating on social networks with members of the opposite sex. In addition, communication on the Internet is characterized by permissiveness, relaxation, and lack of shyness.

It’s easier to meet people online and find like-minded people on any issue. And a person, having become accustomed to such ease and the lack of effort in communication, begins to plunge deeper and deeper into the abyss of online communications. And then the Internet turns from good to evil. To determine if you have an Internet addiction, try answering the questions below honestly.

Virtual addiction test:

  • When you're offline, do you feel depressed, in a bad mood, and irritated?
  • Can you spend the last of your money on the Internet and online entertainment?
  • Are you at risk of losing your family, job or relationships with friends because you spend too much time online?
  • Do you think about the Internet without being online?
  • Do you need to spend more time on the Internet to increase your comfort?
  • Do you sometimes feel like you can't live without the Internet?
  • When you go online, do you spend much more time there than you planned?
  • Do you use the Internet to escape from real problems and cope with anxiety, depression or guilt?
  • Do you occasionally lie to your family and friends, downplaying the amount of time you spend online?

If you answered yes to at least three questions, then you should consider whether using the Internet is causing too much harm to your life. Remember that, despite all the advantages that communication on the global network has, it also has serious limitations and cannot completely replace relationships in the real world.

People who have an addiction find it quite difficult to get rid of it. In the twenty-first century it is considered a serious disease. In this case, you will need the help of a specialist who will understand the problems that led to this disease. He will also set the patient in the right mood.

How to communicate on the Internet

Follow the same rules of communication online as you do in real life. Don't be rude or insult other people. Many of them react just as sharply to sharp attacks as usual. Therefore, comply with moral and social norms, despite the lack of possible punishment. Then online communication will really bring you joy.

When you visit various forums and sites, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the specific rules of communication on them. Read what other users write. Remember the saying: “Don’t take your charter into someone else’s monastery.” If you don't like something on a particular forum, it's easier to try to find another one rather than redo this one (unless you're its owner, of course).

Respect your interlocutors. Do not neglect the norms of the Russian language and grammar. The “padonkaff language”, which once became widespread, mostly causes rejection and reluctance in cultured people to carry on a conversation. Watch your speech in all aspects. For example, overusing quotes can cause hostility. Believe me, the phrases “I am a woman, which means I am an actress. I have a hundred faces and a thousand roles…” are already in the minds of most users. Write something smart and not hackneyed in your status. And people will be drawn to you.

Listen to other participants and share your knowledge with them. Many people turn to the Internet for help, including you. Therefore, if you know the answer to a question asked in the chat, do not be lazy to write a couple of lines. Share all the information you have with the person asking.

Contain strong emotions. There is such a phenomenon - “trolling” - when one person writes something solely in order to cause a violent reaction in other people and pit them against each other. Don’t give him such pleasure, be moderately calm and restrained. The same goes for you. Do not ask provocative questions that could irritate all forum participants.

Be tolerant of your own and others’ rights to privacy. Don't try to hack your boyfriend's email to read the correspondence. It's just as ugly as in real life. If, for example, you turned on the computer and your partner’s or friend’s page loaded in the browser, exit it.

How to please your interlocutor on the Internet

Many people, as mentioned above, use communication on the Internet to make new friends. In this regard, the network provides almost limitless possibilities. But in reality it turns out to be not so simple. In order to attract other people in cyberspace, try to properly use the advantages of the Internet and negate its disadvantages.

As stated earlier, no one will appreciate your appearance on the Internet. And this can be both a plus and a minus. If you are accustomed to the idea that beauty is your trump card, prompting people to start getting to know you, then you may feel out of place in online communication. You may feel like no one is paying attention to you. But if there are any shortcomings in your appearance that in everyday life scare away other people, then the Internet can serve you well. It is here that your inner world will become your main trump card, with which men will fall in love.

By the way, about the soul and your thoughts. This is what determines how others will perceive you. Therefore, as many people train their figure and pump up their abs, “pump up” your inner world! Read books, watch films, take an interest in the latest news and events happening in the world.

If you want to meet a man on the Internet, try to develop in the direction of purely masculine topics. Of course, sports, weapons, cars, fishing and similar hobbies are not as interesting as shopping, but you can get involved in it over time. Be sure to visit forums dedicated to similar topics. There are usually much fewer representatives of the fair sex than on other sites. You will be a unique woman who shares the interests of a man, and they are very attracted to this!

But in no case do not forget about your individuality. Since looks don't matter on the Internet, it becomes especially noticeable how similar some girls are to each other. The same interests (such as “expensive clothes, beautiful cars, sexy men”), the same statuses (classics of the genre - “I’m hard to find, easy to lose and impossible to forget”), the same pictures on avatars. All this causes a sad smile in smart and interesting men (and that’s exactly what we need?). Don't try to stand out too much. Just don't be banal.

When communicating, try to be natural. Even if your partner does not see your face and gestures, he can still sense deception and falsehood. Therefore, do not try to maintain a conversation on the topic “cognitive dissonance as a factor in the formation of negative emotions” while constantly using a search engine and Wikipedia. It’s better to honestly admit that you don’t understand anything about this, but you’ll be happy to learn something new. And then your interlocutor (especially a man) will be happy to tell you about it.

To make it easier and more pleasant to communicate with you, post a couple of your photos. But only those where you are depicted in a favorable light. Thanks to this, the interlocutor, when talking to you, will imagine you in his mind. And this will only improve the relationship and make your contact direct. In addition, some things or events can be conversation starters. For example: “What, you were also in Goa? I love this place! What did you like most?” etc. ... Gradually, such a conversation can lead to a discussion of plans for a joint vacation. Just don’t need to specifically look for topics that can be discussed.

Communication on the Internet on various topics is generally a useful and safe platform for practicing new behavior options. For example, you always wanted to be bold and relaxed when communicating with men. And there is nothing better than trying it on the Internet! The worst that can happen is that you cut off contact and never see these partners again. And if you like it, you can transfer the acquired style into everyday life with relative ease.

What not to do on the Internet

How to communicate on the Internet so that no problems arise later? To begin with, always and everywhere take precautions and communicate only on distant topics. First, do not post personal information publicly. Year of birth, place of residence and work, presence of children - all this must be classified. Also, do not upload intimate photos and videos to your profile. This may provoke you in the future. It is unknown how your husband will react if he finds a photo of you in your underwear (or, worse, without it).

You should not talk on forms about the problems that are happening in your home. Don't wash dirty linen in public. Think about it, you would like to find your husband’s correspondence with other people, where he would tell you what a bad housewife and wife you are. Your partner will experience the same thing if they accidentally stumble upon the site. Plus, almost always everything secret becomes clear.

As a last resort, if you still need to get advice from people not related to your family, remain anonymous. Change names, locations, and other information that might give you away. Don't write the way you usually do. Every person has their own style. And it is by the manner of writing that your friends can understand that you are the author.

Imagine that you like a young man, although you have no idea how to start communicating with him, so as not to seem too banal and the guy will certainly be offended by your message. After all, you won’t be limited to primitive phrases “Hello”, “How are you” here and won’t surprise a single guy. Acquaintance is the very first, initial stage in communication, at which it is necessary to make a special impression on the gentleman.

How to properly communicate with a guy on the Internet? - illustrative examples

Girls always have a question: “Where should you start communicating with an unfamiliar guy on the Internet?” Now we will try to answer it for you.

  • For example, you can start with the following phrases: “Knock-knock, can I come to you...”, “Hello. You have such a cool photo,” or simply start the conversation with an emoticon, which is not such a bad start, even because you will no longer receive an “okay” answer, which in itself can lead to a stupor in further dialogue. Emotionally charged conversation is an unavoidably important attribute. Naturally, it is extremely difficult to convey all your emotions in virtual correspondence, but they can easily be replaced with emoticons. Don't forget about this important point.
  • Also one of the important aspects is the interests of your interlocutor. If the topic does not cause much delight in the guy, change the topic, don’t delay it until the guy loses his enthusiasm for communication! Among other things, you shouldn’t be very intrusive and immediately hint about dating, as this can scare off your chosen one, even if at first glance, he seems desperate and completely brave.
  • Ask as many questions as possible, try to answer in two or three sentences. With this you will demonstrate to the young man that you are in no way bored with him and you are not going to interrupt or stop communicating with him. A good addition to your dialogue could be a few anecdotes related to the topic of your conversation with him.
  • Tell us more about yourself. Any interesting facts from your life that would be interesting to him, in your opinion. It is quite possible that this will be a funny story from your childhood, or it will just be information about your hobbies. It would not hurt to talk and discuss such abstract abstract topics as special places in your city, the hometown of your interlocutor, remember pleasant moments of relaxation, and review the news with him, be it sports or political news. Many guys follow the news and love to be aware of all events.

  • Also, do not be too intrusive and ask the young man too many questions about his personal life. If he has such a desire, he will personally tell you about everything.
  • There is no need to fantasize and embellish yourself. In any case, during the dialogue, he will find out the truth, and all your efforts have every chance of going down the drain.
  • You don't need to talk too often. More precisely, keep the conversation going often, but at least not every day. After all, after a while you will get tired of such communication and it will simply not be interesting to talk with each other.
  • And never forget to say goodbye gracefully. There is no need to skimp on farewell words or good night wishes. It will be necessary to end the conversation even before you realize that he is tired of your questions. If the guy answered several messages in a row in monosyllables, and, in turn, did not ask you anything, then, alas, your interlocutor is already fed up with you.

These are, perhaps, the basic rules for being the first to communicate with a stranger on the Internet.

Let us give you one piece of advice: if, while communicating with a guy on the Internet, you realize that you like this person, do not delay in setting up a real meeting, because the ultimate goal of every acquaintance on the Internet, especially on dating sites, is to find your soul mate. Especially important is the first meeting, where you will have the opportunity to get to know your new friend more thoroughly, and perhaps even have the opportunity to flirt with him a little.

We have already written about how to flirt correctly and you can learn about it from the article: “How - 6 rules for flirting with men.”

The main thing is to remember that young men are also worried and think about what they can talk about. Alternatively, you can imagine that you are communicating with your old friend, then the communication will be easy and relaxed. Don't worry, just be yourself.

And you won’t even think about how to properly communicate with a guy on the Internet; the dialogue will flow like a stream. Communication on dating websites should be enjoyable, this is how you will have the opportunity to find interesting topics for conversation and interest a guy. It is extremely important to remain sincere, then the dialogue will be very easy, moreover, it will bring a lot of positive emotions and impressions to both interlocutors.

Communication on the Internet provides an ocean of freedom. But even the ocean has shores - rules, adhering to which you will significantly decorate your posts, comments and messages. Back in 1994, a book by programmer Virginia Shea, who had many years of experience in Silicon Valley, was published. A publication called “Netiquette” (a play on the English words net and etiquette – “Network” and “etiquette”; there is also a translation such as “netiquette”) gave its name to the code of civilized communication on the Internet. This code is expressed in just ten rules:

Rule #1: Remember the person

Treat the other person the way you would like to be treated. A truth as old as time that is always relevant.

Rule #2: Stick to the rules of behavior that you follow in real life

Rudeness, rudeness, threats, violation of laws on the Internet - fight! Ignore boors and trolls - without receiving food in the form of your experiences, they will go to graze elsewhere. Don’t forget about the blacklist and settings that limit outsiders’ access to your pages on social networks.

Rule #3: Remember where you are in cyberspace

The language of online game fans is inappropriate in correspondence with colleagues or clients, and in groups dedicated to art or books, more attention will inevitably be paid to the commentator and his ability to express his own thoughts.

Rule #4: Respect other people's time

This rule calls for regulating, firstly, the volume of messages: it is better to write concisely or break up large text into parts (in a blog, use subheadings). It has been established that the size of an Internet page that is comfortable for our eyes is 2500–3500 characters with spaces (when viewed from a laptop or tablet). Secondly, the frequency of publications, reposts, and mailings is important: if you are present every minute in the friend feeds of friends and acquaintances, some of them will unfollow you simply for spam.

This point also reminds you: do not be offended by your interlocutor if he does not answer immediately. Even with the “online” status, your recipient may be busy with urgent work, a conversation with the boss, or finally lunch.

Rule #5: Write correctly

You can invent almost anything about yourself on the Internet, but it’s harder to fake your own. It is this, reflected in the texts of messages, posts and comments, that becomes the portrait of our “I” on the Internet.

Perhaps, main advice– take into account the circumstances of communication. In a dialogue with friends, you can relax as much as possible: use a bunch of emoticons and exclamation marks, moderately ignore commas (except for cases like “you can’t come today tomorrow”) and avoid putting periods at all, simply starting a new sentence in the next line or making it a separate message. You can laugh together at the typos that are inevitable when typing quickly, not distinguish between capital and lowercase letters and not work on quotation marks (“we’re going to the Imperial Club”) - many are calm about the fact that friends write their name in small letters (“Anya , Hi, how are you?"). And even insert a strong word if this is common in your company.

But if you are writing to a colleague, a client, a specialist at a government services portal, or for other official reasons, then, of course, it is better to imagine yourself in a Russian language lesson during a test. Be sure to re-read the text of the letter or message, remove typos and roughness in the style, and “comb” the punctuation. If you are not confident in your abilities, use the dictionaries and checking services of the portals,,

Rule #6: Share knowledge

Help others with what you are strong at. It’s easy for someone to suggest an easy dessert recipe; someone, having a diploma and experience as a professional lawyer, is able to restore order on the forum of young mothers, dispelling the heresy of previous comments on the topic of maternal capital. You see, not only, as they say, will improve your karma, but you will also make new friends, and even get a part-time job on the Internet.

Rule #7: Don't lose control of the discussion

Should you feed the flames with dry branches? If participants in an online dispute get personal, completely forgetting about the subject of discussion, leave it, wisely writing that you don’t see the point in further bickering in such a tone. If you have moderator rights, then it is much easier for you to direct the discussion back into a productive direction by cooling off hotheads with a warning or a ban.

Rule #8: Respect other people's privacy

You cannot post any personal information of other people on the Internet: real name, address, contact phone number, logins and passwords, even photographs, without their consent. This is a violation of both the law and ethical standards. It wouldn’t hurt girlfriends who like to create pages on dating sites on behalf of their single friends to learn this point of netiquette - of course, exclusively for good purposes. But the heroine of the questionnaire with the message “I want to get married at any cost” is not aware that she dreams of a dress with a veil and is corresponding with three allegedly divorced Apollos at once...

Rule #9: Don't abuse your authority

This point of the code of Internet etiquette follows from the previous one and is addressed to moderators, system administrators and other specialists who have access to private data of users - their full profile, personal account etc. Gender, age, email address and other information about your audience should remain classified as “Top Secret”.

Rule #10: Know how to forgive other people's mistakes

The meaning of this rule is close to the first rule - “Remember the person.” Everyone has the right to make a mistake, a question or conclusion that is stupid from someone’s point of view. If you want to correct your interlocutor, do it correctly, explain politely where he is wrong. No one likes grammar Nazis and know-it-alls (in fact, they are often “armchair” experts, rather than real experts on the subject). It is no coincidence that there are jokes on the Internet that when your opponent runs out of arguments, he finds fault with your spelling, and during school hours on the Internet the number of those who have an excellent understanding of politics, economics, military affairs, history, cinema and others sharply decreases spheres.

Let's summarize what was said above, for consolidation:

Do not put a period at the end of the message: it can be perceived as an unnecessary pause and even as a sign of rudeness or aggression. When you emphasize points, your interlocutor may think that you are trying to hammer home your every remark.
On the Internet, outside of work-related issues, it is customary to use the democratic form of “you” – set aside the pretentious “you” for congratulating your boss on his anniversary.
If you write to a person several times a day and start each message with a greeting, he may think that you have memory problems. One tablet is enough (that is, the first exchange of messages containing the words “hello” and “hello”)!
Don't write anything in Caps Lock mode. Please DO NOT WRITE!
The meaning of like is “I’m interested.” Tell this to those who accuse you of being heartless when you like posts on sensitive socio-political issues.
Polemics on the Internet are a waste of time, especially if your opponent does not shine with knowledge of the topic and culture of communication. Everything you say will be used against you.
Signature templates in emails: “With respect”, “With best wishes”, etc. - very boring and old. Come up with something original that suits you, or don’t use label forms at all, because the name of the sender and the date the letter was sent are easy to see in its form.
In informal online communication, large (capital) letters are optional: Masha is walking along the Moscow River embankment.
Some posts are much shorter than the lines with accompanying hashtags. In fact, one or three tags are enough: #beconcise!
Make it a habit to respond to non-urgent emails within the next day. You can specify this information in the signature settings in e-mail. This way, your recipients will know that you will definitely respond to their letter, and will not bother you with reminders a couple of hours after sending your message.
