Yandex browser does not start. Yandex browser does not work: what to do

Although Yandex Browser is a fairly reliable and fast solution for surfing the Internet, sometimes problems can arise with it. What to do if, for example, Yandex Browser does not open? Let's look at what to do step by step in such a situation. We will also immediately indicate the reasons for the failures.

Network access problems

If the connection is weak or absent altogether, Yandex Browser, like, in principle, any other browser, will not load pages. This could be a single system failure, a line failure, a damaged adapter cable, or a broken router.

Try opening any resources in a different browser first. If they open, then the problem is in Yandex. If not, then the reason may lie in the lack of a network.

If nothing has changed, call your provider's service and find out what is causing the poor connection, as problems that arise can only be resolved with the help of an IT specialist.

We complete processes related to Yandex

We continue to correct the situation using simpler methods. Processes called browser.exe may accumulate on your computer. In this case, you need to close them.

1.Launch Task Manager.

2.Switch to the “Details” block.

3.You will see that there are many processes related to Yandex Browser in the list. Complete them all using the End Task button.

Browser update

As a rule, Yandex Browser updates itself automatically in the background, that is, even without the user’s knowledge. However, failure may also occur. If you can access the browser menu, use the following method.

1.Click on the icon with three stripes.

2.Go to the “Advanced” section.

3.Open the “About Browser” item.

4.If there is an “Update” button, click on it.

5.Wait for the updates to install and then restart your browser.

System hangs

Yandex Browser may not start due to one or more Windows services do not work due to a failure. This does not mean that you urgently need to reinstall the OS. It is enough to restart the computer. Restarting, in principle, solves most computer problems.

If the situation is not resolved, continue to the next instructions.

Viruses on PC

Malware on a computer or laptop carries out its insidious plans. The result of their activities may be the failure of various programs, including Yandex Browser. The program just doesn't want to start.

In this regard, it is imperative to have an installed and updated antivirus on your device. If the signature database is always up to date, the user can surf the Internet without fear of catching a virus.

If Yandex Browser does not respond, and a simple restart of the program and OS does not help, run a scan of all hard drives. It is advisable that this be a full scan to rule out viruses as the cause and move on.

If a file is infected, the program will try to “cure” it. If the attempt is unsuccessful, you will have to delete it.

High CPU usage: cleaning other processes

Why doesn’t Yandex Browser open pages, and if it does, it does so after a long period of time? What to do in this case?

Most likely yours RAM overloaded with many unnecessary processes. Each active program consumes the amount of system resources it needs. If there are few resources, the computer or laptop begins to freeze.

In this situation, it is necessary to relieve the load by closing unnecessary processes.

  1. Press the combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete. Launch the Task Manager.
  2. Switch to the “Processes” tab. Below you can see what percentage of the total resources is currently being used.
  3. If loading is more than 85%, exit unnecessary processes and close unnecessary programs in the "Applications" tab.

Problem in the system registry

Why doesn't Yandex Browser open yet? The system registry file may be infected. Let's check if the modification has been made.

  1. Press the Win+R combination on your keyboard.
  2. In the “Run” line, enter the command “regedit” and click OK.
  3. Click on "Yes".
  4. Go to the "Edit" section, and then select "Find".
  5. Enter "AppInit_DLLs" and click on the "Find Next" button.
  6. If the search finds a file or multiple files, double-click to open them one by one. In the “Value” block you need to remove everything.
  7. Now you need to restart your PC.

The search must be performed throughout the registry; the “Computer” branch must be active on the left side of the window.

Hosts file

Changes may also be made hosts file. That's why we check it too.

  1. Copy the path to Explorer: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Launch hosts via Notepad.
  2. The window that opens will contain a set of symbols, Latin letters and numbers. We remove without regret the lines written after::1 localhost. If it is not there, delete the lines after localhost.

We save the changes we just made to the file and restart the device. Then check whether the browser wants to load after the procedure.

Often dangerous entries are hidden at the bottom of the file. They are then separated from the main lines. In this regard, you need to scroll the text to the end.

Clearing the DNS cache

The procedure described below is very useful: it will help you get rid of the list of static routes. Due to their excess, Yandex Browser also does not load.
1.Open the “Run” window and enter the “cmd” command. Click OK or Enter on your keyboard.

2.Write “route -f” in the window and press Enter:

3.Then enter the command “ipconfig /flushdns” and also press Enter:

4.Now you can check whether the pages will open in the browser. Most likely, when turned on, the browser will work in the required correct mode.

If the pages do not launch, move on to the next solution.

Uninstalling an old version of the program

If Yandex refuses to turn on and still work normally, you will have to switch to the extreme method. Before doing this, however, try deleting all information from the program or at least clearing the cache. Often the browser does not work due to a full cache. This is especially true if the cache has not been cleared for a long time or has not been cleared at all since installation. Regular cleaning is the key to stable operation in Yandex Browser.

Clearing cache didn't help? Let's move on to step by step instructions on reinstallation. The fact is that Yandex constantly creates new files, downloads additional updates, changing its structure. This happens without the user’s knowledge, since this browser has an automatic update function, which, by the way, cannot be disabled.

If there was a failure during the update, the files could become corrupted. Hence the incorrect operation: tabs do not open, the program cannot respond, etc. File damage can also be caused by viruses, so take the time to run an antivirus scan. We talked about this above.

1.Launch Control Panel via Start. This will be the right column of the menu.

2.Open the Programs and Features window. You can also enter the name of this window in the search bar in Start, so as not to go to the Control Panel.

3.Find Yandex. Click on “Delete” at the top or on the option in the context menu, which can be called up as usual with the right mouse button.

The standard uninstallation method does not involve removing residual files from the program, such as registry entries. If you want to get rid of them, then use special software to remove programs, for example, CCleaner. It is also possible to remove junk files manually, but this is not recommended for beginners.

Reinstalling the browser

Go to the official resource of the program: Click on the "Download" button.

Open the installer that your browser just downloaded. Follow the simple installation instructions. Everything will happen quickly enough.

There are a lot of methods for solving problems with Yandex Browser. It all depends on the reason for the freeze. It cannot be determined that easily, so you need to try method after method. After each procedure, check whether the browser turns on. If the program opens and loads pages quickly, then you have successfully solved the problem.

Everything breaks sooner or later, and programs are rarely an exception. Fortunately, troubleshooting problems with launching Yandex.Browser is a fairly simple task that even inexperienced users can do.

Causes of problems with Yandex.Browser

The reasons why problems arise in the operation of Yandex.Browser may be as follows:

  • network connection problems;
  • incompatibility of the current version with operating system;
  • outdated browser version;
  • viruses;
  • blocking the browser with a firewall after virus activity;
  • registry errors;
  • computer's inability to support current version browser.

Quick options for solving startup problems

The first step is to try the most banal, but often effective options for eliminating most problems:

  1. Restart your Yandex.Browser.
  2. Restart your computer.
  3. Disable your antivirus.

Troubleshooting Yandex Browser using software and other methods

If a simple restart does not help, you will have to solve the problem using one of the methods suggested below.

Checking the network connection is working properly

Very often, users confuse Internet problems with problems with their browser. Therefore, it is worth checking first network connection.

Video: Checking Wireless Connection Status and Running Diagnostics

Browser update

Yandex.Browser constantly receives updates that are downloaded and installed in the background, which the average user is not even aware of. However, even experienced users They can disable auto-update in the settings and successfully forget about it. As a result, Yandex.Browser is not updated for a long time and may become so outdated that the system will recognize it as a malicious program and block it from launching.

If Yandex.Browser still starts, although it doesn’t work, then you should try turning on auto-update.

If you were unable to enable auto-update or it simply did not help, you need to reinstall the browser.

Video: how to update Yandex.Browser

Reinstalling the browser

There are cases when Yandex.Browser is automatically updated to a version that is incompatible with your computer or operating system. As a rule, such updates are very quickly removed from the server and replaced with new ones, but users who are “lucky enough” to stumble upon an incorrect version will have to completely remove the browser and install it again.

  1. First, we need to remove the browser. Open the Start menu and select Control Panel. From the Start menu, open Control Panel
  2. Go to "Uninstall a program".
    In the window that opens, go to “Uninstall a program”
  3. Find “Yandex.Browser” here, right-click on it and delete it.
    Remove "Yandex.Browser"
  4. Most likely, the option with an optional reinstallation will not suit us, since it simply will not be able to download the latest version, so click “Delete”.
    In the window, select "Delete"
  5. Removing browser settings does not matter, so it is better to leave the application column empty.
    It is not necessary to delete browser settings and other data
  6. It should open immediately after removal. Internet Explorer with the farewell page of Yandex.Browser. Don’t rush to close it and click “Yandex.Programs” on the page that opens.
    After uninstallation, go to “Yandex.Programs”
  7. The first on the list should be “Yandex.Browser”. Download it.
    Download “Yandex.Browser” from the site that opens
  8. Depending on the version of Intenet Explorer, a security warning or download confirmation window will appear at the bottom. Click Run.
    In the pop-up window, click "Run"
  9. If no download confirmation appears or the installer does not launch on its own, open your Explorer (My Computer or any folder), select the “Downloads” section on the left side of the window, find the Yandex.Browser installer there and run it yourself.
    If startup does not start, find the installation file in “Downloads” and run it
  10. You should eventually see the installation window open. Click “Start using” and enjoy life.
    Click “Start using”, it is not necessary to tick the boxes

Video: removing Yandex.Browser

Removing viruses

Another fairly common reason for blocking Yandex.Browser is the presence of viruses on the computer, which often cause advertising in the browser itself or on the desktop. Moreover, the presence of an antivirus on a computer does not guarantee complete protection - it may require scanning with a program from alternative developers.

To download an antivirus, it is not at all necessary to shell out money for a full-fledged edition or surf torrents. Many security software developers provide free versions your programs that don’t even need to be installed on your computer.

A good solution could be the free antivirus utility Dr. Web CureIt.

  1. Use an alternative browser, such as Internet Explorer, and find and download the utility.
    Download the required utility from the website
  2. Don't try to launch the program right away and click "Download" if prompted at the bottom of the screen.
    Click "Download" in the pop-up window
  3. Once the download is complete, click “Run”.
    Click "Run" after downloading
  4. If you do not receive download confirmation prompts, launch the program yourself by going to the “Downloads” folder from the Explorer context menu.
    If startup does not start, open the installer in "Downloads"
  5. There is no need to worry about passwords and personal data; the utility will not send such information to the server.
    You can check the box to agree, there is no danger
  6. It makes no sense to select the folder with “Yandex.Browser” for scanning, since viruses are usually found in completely different places and you need to scan the computer completely.
    Open the utility, click “Start scan”
  7. At the end of the scan, click “Disarm” and enjoy a clean computer.
    Click "Disarm" to remove detected viruses

Video: how to clean your computer from viruses using Dr.Web CureIt

Solving the firewall problem

Sometimes Yandex.Browser can be blocked by the Windows firewall, which may be a consequence of viruses or a conflict in anti-virus programs.

Video: How to allow or block a program or feature from running through the Windows 7 Firewall

Repairing the registry

If not a single browser starts for you, and the network connection works fine, you will have to go into the registry.

  1. Open the Start menu and run regedit through the search bar. Enter regedit in the search bar, open the application found
  2. Now we have a long way to go. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE by clicking on the plus sign next to the folder.
  3. Then we go this way: SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion.
    The address of the file we need should be as follows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion
  4. Find here Windows folder and click on it once. Find AppInt_DLLs, right click, “Edit” Delete the modified file

Video: what to do if all browsers do not work

If all else fails

If none of the above methods helped you, it is very likely that your computer is simply unable to support the current version of Yandex.Browser and you need to choose one of these:

  • download an earlier version of Yandex.Browser from alternative sources, and not from the official website;
  • install the beta version of Yandex.Browser;
  • install an alternative browser ( Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera);
  • try reinstalling Windows.

Yandex.Browser is quite reliable and users rarely have problems launching it. In many cases, restarting or reinstalling the browser helps. However, if the problem is not solved this way, it can be easily fixed and you are unlikely to encounter it again.

On this page I will try to collect all the solutions known to me for the problem when pages in the browser do not load completely. Sites do not open completely. For example, some images or scripts on sites do not load. Pages in the browser are displayed crookedly, or only part of the site loads. And some sites don't open at all. Or they open, but not the first time, but the second or third time. We will look at solutions for Windows 10, 8, 7. Simply put, for computers. If you encounter this problem on mobile device, then most likely the reason is in the router (if you are connected through it). I will write more about this in the article. This is roughly what it all looks like.

I myself have encountered a problem several times when my browser did not open sites completely. For example, pictures were uploaded to VKontakte. In Odnoklassniki and others in social networks this also happens. I don’t remember exactly, but my solution was simple: clear the cache, restart the browser. There are also more serious reasons. For example, the MTU value is incorrect. This parameter can be changed in the router settings, or in Windows itself.

The most common reasons:

  1. Browser glitch. As a rule, restarting the browser, restarting the computer, or clearing the browser cache helps.
  2. Problem with browser add-ons. Sometimes, some add-ons installed in the browser prevent the page from loading completely. Most often, add-ons that block advertising on websites are to blame for this.
  3. Incorrect MTU value. We will not understand what this is and how it affects the loading of sites, but very often because of it, sites either do not load at all or do not load completely. As I wrote above, MTU can be changed in the router settings (if the Internet is connected directly, then in the Windows settings). Usually the value there is 1500. After setting 1460, everything starts to open normally. But there is no guarantee that in your case the problem is with the MTU.
  4. Viruses and malware. I am sure that some viruses can prevent browsers from displaying pages normally.

I would like to note that such problems with “crooked” display of sites can be observed in all browsers: Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Yandex Browser, Microsoft Edge and even Internet Explorer. Which, even without any problems, can load sites incompletely or crookedly :)

Sites do not open completely: the first solution and search for the reason

To begin with, I recommend close the browser and restart the computer, or laptop. Perhaps everything will work great. If your Internet connection is via a router or modem, you can also reboot it. It definitely won't hurt.

Since nowadays a router is almost always installed, and all devices connect to the Internet through it, check how sites open on other devices. You can even check it on Android or iOS smartphones and tablets. But it’s better, of course, on a computer. If possible, connect your computer to another Internet. For example, to another Wi-Fi networks, which you can even distribute from your phone.

Check how everything works through another browser. Even standard. Remember, maybe you installed some add-ons or programs before this.

This way we can understand the cause of our problem and where to move next. You can describe the results of these checks and reflections in the comments. I will try to help.

Clearing the browser cache

This is one of the first solutions to try when you encounter this type of problem. I am planning a separate article on this topic, but here I will briefly show how to clear the cache in the most popular browsers.

If you have some other browser, then I think that you can easily find the cache clearing function in the settings. Or ask in the comments.

Checking browser add-ons installed

If clearing the cache did not help, and the page in the browser still does not open completely, then I recommend checking the installed add-ons and temporarily disabling them (if any).

You can also do this in the browser settings, somewhere in the “Extensions”, “Add-ons” section. For example, in the Opera browser:

Disable all installed extensions for a while.

If you don’t know where these settings are located in your browser, then look at the article. In it I showed how to manage extensions in popular browsers.

Also look at what programs you have installed and running on your computer. Maybe you'll find something suspicious.

MTU and problems with incomplete loading of sites

I already talked about this parameter above in the article. As a rule, it is changed in the router settings. Very often, due to incorrect MTU values, problems arise with displaying pages when connecting to the Internet via 3G/4G modems. When the modem is connected to the router. But this also happens with a cable connection.

You can change the MTU in the router settings, in the section with Internet connection settings: “WAN”, “Internet”.

I'll show you how to change MTU on some routers.

In the WAN section there is an item "MTU Size". By default there is 1500. You can register 1460, or even 1400.

If you have PPPoE, then you need to click on the "Advanced" button and change the value there.

Save the settings and reboot the router.

In the "Internet" section. "MTU" field.

I can't show you in detail how to do this on routers from different manufacturers. Therefore, if you don’t find these settings, write in the comments.

Virus checking and more...

If all else fails, then it would be a good idea to check your computer for viruses. You can run a scan in your antivirus (if installed), or check your system with one of the free antivirus utilities. For example, Dr.Web CureIt!.

If, when connecting to another Internet (Wi-Fi network), sites load the first time and completely, then it makes sense to call the provider’s support and explain the problem. Maybe they have some kind of problem.

You can also try on Google Public DNS.

I told you everything I know on this topic at the moment. If there is new information, I will definitely add it. You can also share your observations and advice. Best wishes!

In our age of technology, uninterrupted access to the Internet is necessary for almost every person. Work, leisure - all of this is connected to the Internet in one way or another. As you know, access to the pages of the World Wide Web is carried out through a web browser.

Today there are quite a lot of them, so each user can choose a browser that is ideal for their needs. The Yandex browser has achieved unprecedented popularity today. Its secret is simple: a clear interface and stable operation without any surprises.

However, sometimes the day comes when the Yandex browser simply does not open. Why is this happening? What to do in such a situation? Find out further.

Why doesn't Yandex browser open?

There may be several reasons, let's look at each of them. The most common reason is that your web browser is simply out of date.

If your computer is configured to automatic update, then Yandex is updated to latest version without your participation, moreover, you don’t even suspect when this happens. However, if this is not provided in the settings, then the Yandex browser version becomes outdated after some time, and the computer recognizes it as malicious, thereby blocking access to it.

Sometimes it happens that the user himself, both experienced and not so experienced, goes into the settings and changes them, which leads to such negative consequences. There is only one way out: because You can’t go into your browser settings and set it to update automatically, so you just uninstall it and install it again. This is the most quick way solve the problem of.


The next, no less popular reason that the Yandex browser has stopped opening is the presence of viruses on your computer. The reason is very banal, however, if something wrong happens with programs or applications, you need to immediately check your laptop. For your information, the presence of a virus on a PC or browser can also be a cause.

Theoretically, by doing one of these two points, or maybe both at once, you will solve the problem, and Yandex browser should function normally again. Try it and you will succeed!

When using the Internet, there are some errors that can prevent you from accessing the Internet using a browser, although the Internet itself works unconditionally. To avoid this, it is recommended to install an antivirus in advance, which will greatly protect your computer and the data stored on it. After all, no one wants to lose something personal, especially since there are now many viruses circulating on the Internet that can destroy your PC in a matter of minutes. But still, the PC is turned on, you open the browser, and the question is why the Yandex browser does not open pages but the Internet works? To begin with, such well-known sites as Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte fall under such a threat. However, at the same time, search engines and any other sites may be blocked.

Blocking sites in the hosts file

The first and most common reason why the Yandex browser does not work is that a virus blocked the site and entered it into the system. To unlock, you need to go to the folder with WINDOWS installed, then select system32, then go to the drivers – folder etc, and find the hosts file and open it using notepad. There you will see a list of sites along with the IP address. So, all these sites need to be removed from the list and the document saved in this form.

Go to the “My Computer” folder

Now go to drive “C” or another drive where the “Windows” folder is located

Go to the Windows folder

Here we find the “System32” folder and go into it.

Here we look for the “Drivers” folder and go again.

In the “Drivers” folder we find the last folder we need called “etc” and also go into it.

Now you will need to find a file called " hosts" and open it with notepad.

You can also immediately launch the notepad application at “Start” -> “Accessories” -> “Notepad”, but first press the right key and select the item "Run as Administrator"«.

Click “Start” or the “Windows” icon. Select "Accessories", then right-click on "Notepad" and click on "Run as Administrator"

Then open the “hosts” file in the directory already specified above and follow further steps. They are listed below.

Now the very last step remains, cleaning the hosts file from unnecessary things. We delete the entire list of sites that you will have, as indicated in the picture, and then save the file.

After the actions we have taken, 80% of all problems are usually solved.

Viruses block Yandex Browser

Second, check the entire system with an antivirus. If there is no antivirus, then you can download it from another computer. A virus can simply block access to pages, while Skype and other managers will work as usual.

Websites are blocked by antivirus

Third, look at your antivirus settings; perhaps it itself is blocking access to sites.

To check TCP/IP you need to run command line using the Start command, then select – Run, and enter CMD and press Enter. We are recruiting route-f and click next. Next, enter the command netsh winsock reset and Enter again. Reboot the computer and try to use it.


Now you know why the Yandex browser does not open pages, but the Internet works. I would like to note that the issue may be in the browser itself, the settings have gone wrong, or a virus has attacked the roots of the program. To do this, you can try using other browsers and make sure the connection is working. If everything is settled, then it is better to reinstall Yandex Browser and reset all browser system parameters.

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