Where does Windows 10 install programs? Launching uninstallation of a program from the Start menu

Users who were using Windows XP before upgrading to Windows 10 are accustomed to uninstalling programs using the Add or Remove Programs tool. But, Windows 10 does not have a tool with exactly the same name, which sometimes confuses users. In this article we will talk about which tools replace Add or Remove Programs in Windows 10 and where they are located.

Installing and removing programs in the Control Panel of Windows 10

Windows 10 Control Panel has a tool for installing and uninstalling programs. In order to access this tool, you must first. The easiest way to do this is to use the new Start button menu. Right-click on the “Start” button or press the Windows-X key combination and select “Control Panel” in the window that opens.

After opening the “Control Panel”, click on the “Uninstall programs” link.

You can also use the search in the Start menu to access this tool. To do this, open Start and enter the search term “Programs and Features.”

One way or another, as a result, the “Uninstall or change a program” window will open in front of you with a list of all installed programs.

In order to remove one of the programs, you need to right-click on it and click on the “Delete” button that appears.

If you can’t find the program you need, you can use the search. In the upper right corner of the window there is a search form with which you can find the programs you need.

Add or remove programs from the Settings menu in Windows 10

Windows 10 also has a new tool for installing and uninstalling programs. It is accessible from the Options menu. In order to open it, you need to follow the path “Start - Settings - System - Apps and Features” or you can open the “Start” menu and enter “Applications and Features” into the search.

As a result, you will see a list of installed programs. At the top of the list there will be a search bar for finding the applications you need, as well as drop-down menus for sorting the list of programs.

In order to delete a program here you need to select it with the mouse, and then click on the “Delete” button.

After clicking the “Delete” button, a warning will appear informing you that the program and all its data will be deleted. In order to continue, you need to click on the “Delete” button again.

Uninstall programs in Windows 10 directly from the Start menu

Also in Windows 10, you can uninstall programs directly from the Start menu. To do this, you need to find the program in the list of programs or use the search. After which you just need to right-click on the program and select the “Delete” menu item.

If this is an application from the Microsoft App Store, it will be removed immediately. If this is a program that you installed manually, then when you try to remove it directly from the start menu, the “Uninstall or change a program” window from the “Control Panel” will open in front of you.

Microsoft tries to make its operating system as user-friendly as possible, but not everyone agrees with its decisions. In Windows 10, the familiar Programs and Features panel has been replaced by a new one. If you are conservative enough and want to use the old version, then here are some ways to do it.

Via "Control Panel"

To open the old menu through the “Control Panel”, you first need to find it. To do this, click on the search icon next to the Start menu and enter the query “Control Panel”.

In Control Panel, find the Programs icon and click Uninstall a program underneath it.

Using the Start Menu

A fairly simple method, however, it does not work with pre-installed applications and downloaded from the Microsoft store. Open Start, select an application and right-click on it. In the menu that appears, click “Delete”. The classic Programs and Features panel opens.

However, there is a possibility that this method will no longer work. Microsoft wants you to master the new interface. Well, while you have the opportunity, take advantage of it.

Via the Run dialog box

Windows has a hidden command that launches the Programs and Features menu. To use it, press the Win + R keys. In the dialog box that appears, enter the command and click “Ok”:

By creating a shortcut

To create a shortcut, right-click on the desktop and select “New” → “Shortcut”. In the "Specify object location" field, paste the following command:

rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl

Many users have encountered the problem of third-party or built-in applications. It is impossible to remove the program or, conversely, the system removes applications on its own. There are several reasons for these problems, ranging from incorrect installation to Windows Defender. Uninstalling programs in Windows 10 is exactly the issue that this article will focus on.

How to permanently remove a program on Windows 10?

Most often, this question is asked by users who want to start the process of removing built-in applications from the Microsoft Store that are installed automatically.

How to remove built-in unnecessary programs in Windows 10:

  • First, you need to prohibit independent downloading and installation of applications from the Store. Open Settings - Personalization - Start and disable the option “Sometimes show recommendations in the Start menu”.
  • Then, you need to prohibit the installation of advertising games and applications. To do this, you need to add one parameter to the registry. Open the registry editor with the regedit command, and then go to the branch
  • and set the SilentInstalledAppsEnabled parameter to 0.

We made sure that applications do not install themselves. Now let's move on to removing what's left. Follow the steps indicated in the pictures and remove the unnecessary application.

Where can I remove installed programs in Windows 10?

If tiled (UWP) applications are dealt with, then deleting classic programs (Win32) still remains to be done. They can also be simply deleted from Settings or through the control panel; consider the 2nd option.

  • Open the Control Panel by entering the control command in the search for Control Panel or in the Run window (Win+R). Then, open the corresponding item (see picture).

  • In the list that appears, select the required program and click “Uninstall”.

What to do with uninstallable programs?

It happens that you cannot remove uninstallable programs from your computer in Windows 10, and the methods described above do not help, then special utilities will come to the rescue.

For classic Win32

If the absence of a component or errors prevents removal, a utility from Microsoft will help.

  • Download the Troubleshoot installation or uninstallation tool;
  • Run the tool and at the stage of selecting the type of problem, select Uninstall.

A list will be displayed, among which there should be the necessary software with which difficulties arise. Select it and wait a bit while the utility performs the necessary actions.

For tiled UWP – this will help you.

Why does Windows 10 uninstall programs on its own?

We will not ignore cases when applications are deleted by the system itself. As was written earlier, there are many reasons for this, one of them is Windows Defender. The problem is that all “hacking” and license bypass tools use, in almost all cases, the same method of bypassing the license, which is known not only to Windows Defender, but also to other antiviruses. Not only can Defender block and delete so-called “cracks,” but some free and paid antiviruses also suffer from this, especially if the “crack” actually contains malicious code.

Prohibit the removal of unlicensed programs

But what if Windows 10 removes unlicensed programs: how to fix this situation? So that Windows does not disdain unlicensed software and does not swear at it, you need to put the folder where the software is installed in the exclusion list. To get started, open Windows Defender and go to Virus and threat protection – Virus protection settings – Exceptions and click on "Adding or removing exceptions".

You can add a file or folder, file type or process to exceptions, depending on what kind of “crack” you are using. Usually, the authors of builds or hacks write about what exactly needs to be added to the exceptions so that everything works correctly.

Prevent Windows 10 from uninstalling programs

If the application is free or honestly purchased, but the system is still deleted, then there may be several reasons for this:

  • As a result of installing a major update, the system may find incompatible software and remove it; most often, before installation, the system warns and says that the update will not be installed until the incompatible component is removed. But there are exceptions when, after installing a new version of Windows 10, your favorite program is not in the list of installed ones, nor in the folder, anywhere.
  • Antiviruses can remove not only “cracks,” but also entire applications if they are considered potentially dangerous or adware. Usually, before this, the antivirus reports this and only if it is repeatedly ignored, deletes it or moves it to quarantine.
  • When it comes to tiled applications, things get more complicated. With each new update, Microsoft increasingly puts a spoke in the wheels of Windows 10. For example, with the release of the Fall Creators Update (1709), many users could not open the Store and other built-in applications, and standard recovery paths through PowerShell did not help. In most cases, only reinstalling the system helped. The algorithm for operating and installing UWP components is more complex than classic ones, so difficulties still arise.

Have a great day!

When using a computer, the user is faced with the need to uninstall one or another program. In the old version of the operating system, to do this, you need to go to the Control Panel and, selecting the desired software, uninstall it. In Windows 10, several methods are available to uninstall unnecessary software from the device.

Manual removal

Manually uninstalling software in Windows 10 is done in one of four ways.

On the Start menu

Removing software through the Start menu is the easiest, fastest and most accessible way.

Start menu -> All applications -> right-click (RMB) on unnecessary software -> Uninstall

In the Settings app

In Settings there are functions that duplicate those of the Control Panel. This is because this application is designed to replace the outdated interface and is designed to replace the functions available in the Control Panel. Therefore, you can uninstall the software through Settings.

Settings -> System -> Applications and features -> right-click on unnecessary software -> Uninstall

Healthy! The list that opens indicates the software installation date and its size. This is important to know if you are freeing up hard drive space and removing unnecessary or malicious software.

In Control Panel

Start menu -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> right-click on unnecessary software -> Uninstall

Important! You can get to the “Programs and Features” section through the “This PC” window menu, in which select “Computer” and in the list that opens, click “Uninstall or change a program.”

Using PowerShell

To remove built-in Windows 10 applications, use the PowerShell utility. In the search bar, run “PowerShell” as Administrator.

In the window that opens, enter the command:

Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName

Where " PackageFullName" is the full name of the application.

After this, a complete list of installed standard applications will appear.

To remove them, enter the following command in PowerShell:

Get-AppxPackage PackageFullName | Remove-AppxPackage

Using special programs

To save time and make it easier to remove software on your computer, use programs specially designed for this.

Removes unnecessary software, its additional files and Registry entries from your computer in a few clicks. This allows you to get rid of the “tails” remaining after the uninstallation process.

To remove using Revo Uninstaller, select unnecessary software in the active window, then click “Delete”.

In the window that opens, select the uninstallation method:

    • built-in;
    • safe;
    • moderate;
    • advanced.


The video describes in detail how to remove programs in Windows 10 using the specified methods, including using other special software.


On a Windows 10 computer, you can remove both installed and built-in programs and applications. It is better to do this with the help of special programs that clean up the “tails”. You can also uninstall manually using the Settings application or through the Start menu in the general list.

When you actively use the operating system, a large amount of unnecessary software constantly accumulates on the disk. However, most of them are practically not used. To free up space on the system drive, you have to resort to deleting them in Windows 10. There are many options for how to do this.

Uninstalling Windows 10 programs through the Start Menu

The easiest way is to remove the software through the Start menu. To do this, you need to go to the Start menu, open “All applications”. Then right-click (RMB) on the unnecessary software and select “Delete”

After following the instructions of the uninstaller, the application can be completely removed from the disk.

How to remove a program in Windows 10 through Control Panel

One of the simplest and most convenient methods in any version of Windows is to remove it through the Control Panel. The control panel item “Add or Remove Programs” or “Programs and Features” is located in Windows 10 in the same place as before.

You will need to open the panel by right-clicking on the “Start” button and then selecting the desired menu item. If “Category” is set in the “View” field at the top right, then in the “Programs” section you need to open “Uninstall a program”.

If the View field is set to “Icons,” then open the “Programs and Features” item to access the list of applications installed on your computer.

In order to remove one of them, simply select it in the list, click the “Delete” button in the top line, as a result of this the uninstaller provided by the software developer will be launched and, most likely, the application and all its components will be removed from the computer correctly and fully.

Uninstalling programs in Windows 10 through Settings

In the new OS, in addition to the control panel, you can use the new Settings application to change settings. To open it, you will need to click the “Start” button and select “Settings”. This utility allows you to remove software installed on your computer.

To remove unnecessary software, you will need to go to the “System” section, then the “Applications and Features” item. Then select the one you want to delete from the list, click the corresponding
If the software you are deleting is a Windows 10 store application, you will simply need to confirm the deletion. If a classic application is uninstalled, its official uninstaller will be launched.

How to quickly and easily open Programs and Features

In the second case, the application will not be deleted, but a list of installed software on the computer will open, from which you can remove any element.

Uninstalling Software Using PowerShell

To remove built-in Windows 10 applications, use the PowerShell utility.

In the search bar you will need to run “PowerShell” as Administrator.

In the window that opens, enter the command “Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName", where "PackageFullName" is the full name of the application.
After this, a complete list of installed standard applications will appear.

To start the process, you will need to enter the command “Get-AppxPackage PackageFullName | Remove-AppxPackage".

To remove uninstallable programs, you can use special programs, for example, Revo Uninstaller, CCleaner.

Uninstall using Revo Uninstaller

This application displays a list of installed programs. Revo Uninstaller can remove the program completely, including additional files and registry entries that often remain on the computer after uninstallation in the standard way. Revo Uninstaller will also be useful if the program cannot be uninstalled.

In order to remove a program in Windows 10 using Revo Uninstaller, you need to select the program in the Revo Uninstaller window and click on the “Delete” button.

In the deletion warning window, simply click on the “Yes” button.

Next, a window will appear to select the removal method.

There are four ways:

  1. Built-in – standard method of removing software;
  2. Safe – with a search for additional files and registry entries;
  3. Moderate – with an advanced search for additional files and registry entries;
  4. Advanced – with the most thorough search for additional files and registry entries;

After selecting one of the uninstallation methods, Revo Uninstaller begins uninstallation.

After analyzing the system, the standard installer will launch, with which you can remove the program. After the installer completes, you need to click on the “Next” button in order to delete additional files and registry entries. The program will require your confirmation before deleting this data.

After removing additional files and registry entries, the program uninstallation is complete.

Removing unnecessary software using CCleaner

CCleaner app removes all built-in apps in Windows 10.
First you need to download, install and run CCleaner.
In the window that opens, go to the “Services” section, select “Uninstall programs”
A list of software will open, where you will need to select the ones you don’t need, then click “Uninstall”.

Using these methods, you can permanently get rid of unnecessary software on your computer.
