iPhone 5s sits down while charging. Why does the iPhone battery drain quickly?

irik2012 » Date: 04/07/2017, 20:39

Regardless of the model, the battery life of a fashionable device is 10-13 hours. Moreover, in some cases it also happens that the battery charge indicator literally “melts” before our eyes. First of all, when faced with a similar problem, do not panic. Don't rush to take your iPhone to a service center. There is no need to immediately run to the store for a new battery without identifying the root cause. Let's try to understand the reasons that contribute to "drawdown" of the battery in "Apple devices", we will give ways to eliminate such a nuisance.

Owners of Apple devices may encounter such an unpleasant problem as the iPhone quickly draining. It's time to dispel the myth that the iPhone's battery, like any other smartphone, should last three to five days. Unfortunately, iPhones and iPads run out of charge in one day, especially if the mobile device is used intensively.

Regardless of the model, the battery life of a fashionable device is 10-13 hours. Moreover, in some cases it also happens that the battery charge indicator literally “melts” before our eyes. First of all, when faced with a similar problem, do not panic. Don't rush to take your iPhone to a service center. There is no need to immediately run to the store for a new battery without identifying the root cause. Let's try to understand the reasons that contribute to the "drawdown" of the battery in "Apple devices", we will give ways to eliminate such a nuisance.

Why iPhone discharges quickly: reasons

As already noted, regardless of the iPhone model, downloading applications, useful software, operating an email client, playing video games, or surfing the web will in one way or another contribute to draining the battery. Why does my iPhone run out quickly? Let's try to understand this issue.

The percentage of battery charge is also affected by the constant operation of Wi-Fi, as well as Spotlight, the iOS search engine that indexes all the content available on the mobile device.

Not in the most favorable way charging the iPhone battery This is due to the activated geolocation service, which determines your location. In addition, for the system to fully load an application, it takes time and, accordingly, the battery charge will be consumed. This is especially true for the Live Photos application and 4K video. The battery in iPhones and iPads is significantly drained by continuous calls, SMS, web surfing, and prolonged work with digital and text documents. Battery charge is affected by animated applications, resource-intensive animated screensavers, and screen brightness. In addition, after purchasing an Apple device, we all want to evaluate the functionality and capabilities of the new mobile device.

Advice! If you notice that in the first days after purchase, the iPhone battery lasts less than the time stated by the manufacturer, you may be using the functionality of your device too actively.

The condition of the iPhone battery and charging time are affected by the ambient temperature. Many users have repeatedly noticed that the battery discharges very quickly in the cold, at sub-zero temperatures, or vice versa, in extreme heat.

To check if everything is okay with the battery, after fully charging, put the iPhone aside for 20-35 minutes without using any applications, remember the current battery charge, and then check how much it has decreased. If the indicator decreases slightly, everything is fine with your device and there is no reason to worry. Excessive intensive charge consumption may indicate various technical problems. In such a situation, we recommend using the tips below or contact an authorized service center for help.

What to do if your iPhone battery drains quickly

The solution to many problems associated with the incorrect operation of an Apple device is a regular reboot. Often, a full reset to factory settings literally brings devices back to life. To reboot your iPhone, you need to:

  • Press and hold the Home and Power keys simultaneously for a few seconds;
  • hold until the Apple icon appears on the display; release the keys, after which the device will reboot.

After such manipulations, see if the charging level has returned to the standard, familiar mode. If this does not happen, the situation has not changed, we recommend using the tips below.

iPhone battery charge Applications running in the background are very slow, so in order to increase the operating time of the device on a single charge, we recommend simply disabling them.

As you know, iOS is very power consuming. battery energy, so it’s worth looking at what services and programs are consuming percentages of charge. To do this, go to " Settings" - "Battery", activating the last item. After a few seconds, the system will finish calculating the percentage consumed. Then you need to click on the clock icon to see the battery consumption in the background. For more accurate detailed information about energy expended, click on the “Last Week” tab.

Note that % battery consumption only indicates recent activity. If, for example, you have just downloaded or updated an application or program, the system displays the level of battery energy consumption as a percentage during the activation of this process. After the download stops, everything will return to normal. Moreover, if the system displays that you have recently used, for example, Twitter, and the consumption level displayed is 4%, but in the background it shows 35-45%, then most likely there is a problem that a forced ending a running power consuming application:

  • Double-tapping "Home" will bring up a screen to quickly switch between recently active applications.
  • Swipe to mark the “unnecessary” icon (pictogram) of the program.
  • By clicking on the icon with your finger, we take the application off the display with a sharp swipe.

Advice! If you notice that any applications are not working correctly, we recommend that you reinstall them again. You can also install similar software that will consume less battery life on your iPhone.

If after OS recovery something went wrong from the backup copy, a failure occurred, the iPhone will not only consume a lot of battery power, but also freeze, glitch, and work incorrectly. We can advise returning to the original factory settings, but this should only be done in extreme cases, since again you will have to reinstall the software, create personal settings and passwords. If you don’t know how to do this correctly, contact professional specialists who work and specialize in Apple equipment or contact the company’s technical support.

If the battery level is normal, but you would like to increase its potential, we recommend activating the “Energy Saving Mode”. Go to “Settings” - “Battery” - launch this mode. The slider should light green, and the iPhone battery should be displayed in the tray on the main screen in yellow.

Important! This mode will be disabled if the battery charge exceeds 80%. For permanent activation, you need to go to the “settings” menu again, and then click on its activation.

Finally, here are some useful tips that will extend the charging of your iPhone battery:

  1. Remove the animation from the screen, put the Clock application icon in a folder. When listening to the radio or audio files, use a stereo headset, not a speaker.
  2. Reduce the brightness of the display. If you do not need to use Bluetooth, disable this option.
  3. Turn off Wi-Fi unless necessary.
  4. Get rid of unnecessary Notifications, disable startup programs.
  5. Opt out of Photo Stream.
  6. Disable geolocation for unnecessary applications, traffic, router. Disable third-party sounds, for example clicks when typing.

In terms of functionality and capabilities, modern smartphones are becoming closer to their older brothers - personal computers. At the same time, energy consumption is growing, and battery capacity is regularly increasing from model to model. For the new iPhone 6, 7, 8 models, the capacity has increased significantly and amounted to 2000 mAh. It is not surprising that the well-worn iPhone 5s discharges very quickly, its battery is only 1600 mAh.

With the release of iOS 10 version, the situation worsened, with the advent of new features and “beauties”; a fully functional 5s holds a charge for about 16 hours. What can we say about “tired” devices that have been running with their original battery for several years.

If your iPhone 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6s, 7, 8 quickly discharges after 2-3 years of active use, the first thing to do is replace the battery with a new one. Otherwise, the tips below will be of little help in solving your problem.

How long does a new iPhone battery last to charge? This question is asked by many users, but not everyone knows the correct answer. It all depends on many factors, for example, what applications are running in the background, how often the Internet is used, and many other options.

By standards, 100% of the battery of an iPhone of any model (4, 5, 6, 7, 8) is consumed in about a day, the phone should last from morning until late evening, if this is not the case, then you have come to the right article. Read from beginning to end, you will learn a lot.

Why does my iPhone battery fail?

  • Time is why your phone's battery drains quickly. Over time, irreversible damage to the Li-ion battery material begins. Therefore, manufacturers provide a guarantee only for 300-500 complete charge-discharge cycles. Which corresponds to the usual use of the gadget for 3, maximum 4 years.
  • Mechanical damage is one of the most common reasons that the iPhone 6 quickly discharges. As a result of strong mechanical impact, those same irreversible consequences are accelerated, rendering the new battery unusable.
  • The chip called the power controller has failed. In case of failure, it can quickly discharge the smartphone, even if it is in standby mode. It breaks down as a result of using low-quality chargers that do not stabilize the charging current well. It can only be treated by resoldering the board; it would be best to contact knowledgeable craftsmen, otherwise it can turn your cell phone into a piece of expensive plastic.
  • Incorrect temperature conditions of use may be the reason when the battery on a smartphone quickly runs out.
  • Problems with the software part of the iPhone, for example, incorrect settings, the appearance of viruses in the system and other factors, we will talk about them a little later, in the following sections of the article.

Rebooting the device is the first thing to do if your iPhone 5s is quickly discharged. This action will help in 70% of cases, of course, if you have a fully functional battery. To perform a hard reboot, you need to hold down the mechanical “Home” and “lock” buttons, hold them for about 4-5 seconds, after which the reboot will occur and the “apple” will appear on the screen.

After iOS is fully loaded, the problem of fast battery discharge will most likely be solved. If there is no improvement, it is worth resorting to more radical methods of restoring performance.

Looking at usage statistics

It's no secret that many iOS apps consume too much energy to run. To identify electricity “eaters” and remove, or at least significantly reduce their use, we follow simple instructions.

  • Go to the menu “Settings - Battery”
  • We are waiting for the system to finish collecting statistics
  • The main consumers will be at the top of the list, you can study in detail which of the applications is active for how long
  • We draw conclusions and limit the use of “eaters”.


iPhone models 8,7,5, 6 quickly sits down even after the above manipulations? So it's time to configure the iOS system settings.

Location services

Communication with GPS satellites significantly reduces battery life, it is recommended to disable this service when not needed. This is easy to do, go to “Settings → Privacy → Location Services” and turn it off. If necessary, you can configure access to GPS satellites separately for each program.

Removing programs in the background

Few people believe in the effectiveness of this method, but it works. Double-click the “Home” button and swipe away all running programs. Thereby saving valuable minutes of work without using a charger.

Removing interface animation

We save on the “beauties” of the system. To do this, we will turn on a special mode, which will save the battery by 5%. Go to “Settings” → General → Accessibility → Motion Reduction → Enable.” That's it, there is less animation, therefore the processor will spend less energy on graphics processing.

Screen brightness

This is one of the main consumers of electricity in the iPhone, to reduce it, just set the brightness to the minimum value. You can do this from the bottom menu or by going to “Settings → Wallpaper and brightness”, turning it down using the slider.

Turn on airplane mode

As an option to save battery, use airplane mode. You can enable it both from the main menu and from the bottom menu, called by swiping. Click on the airplane icon, thereby disabling all wireless interfaces of the device, including wi-fi and cellular communications, along with 3G Internet. Airplane mode can extend operating time by an hour or even a little more.

Turn off 3G and other mobile Internet

Mobile Internet is another reason why the iPhone quickly runs out. A battery charged to 100% can last for literally a couple of hours of surfing the Internet, and this is normal. Maintaining a good connection with a cellular repeater requires a lot of energy, so it is recommended to use a Wi-Fi connection whenever possible.

Update apps in the background

Be sure to remove background application updates, especially if the phone quickly discharges in standby mode. Go to “Settings → General → Content Update” and switch the toggle switch to the non-working position.

If necessary, you can leave some programs and allow them to update automatically.

Disable Spotlight search

Constant indexing of iPhone content does not contribute to long-term battery life, so it is recommended to disable the search entirely or greatly limit it. This is done this way: in the “Settings → General → Spotlight Search” menu, turn off the radio button.

Airdrop is capable of draining the battery quickly

Due to the use of Airdrop, iPhone 5 quickly runs out of battery, especially if you actively exchange files with other devices. When it is turned off, the system stops sending signals to other iOS devices, significantly reducing electricity consumption.

Getting rid of push notifications

Push notifications are messages from programs, for example, when you receive an SMS. At the same time, the battery on an iPhone can quickly run out precisely because of the large number of constantly pop-up messages. Getting rid of annoying notifications is quite simple, go to “Settings → Notifications”, select the application and switch “Allow notifications” to the inactive state.

Photo stream drains battery

Photo stream is one of the main features of the iOS system; it’s hard to imagine iCloud without it. Uploading photos from the gallery to the cloud, by default, is done automatically; we recommend turning it off so that the battery on the iPhone does not drain so quickly. Go to “Settings → Photos and Camera → iCloud Photo Library” and move it to the non-working position.


To effectively save battery power, you must follow the tips above. Tips will help keep the battery on iPhone 5s, 6, 6 plus, 7 in working condition for a long time.

If the recommendations do not help, most likely the device’s battery has become unusable and should be replaced with a new one. The procedure is not complicated or expensive, any master can perform it, so good luck and see you in the next articles.

Video instruction

He told me how to independently identify “fatigue” of the battery, as well as find applications and services that drain the iPhone battery the most. And, of course, I’ll tell you how to fix it.

Most often, the iPhone discharges quickly because it is not configured correctly. It is enough to quickly go through the settings to identify and eliminate what is eating up the battery.

But, if your iPhone is already more than a year old, then it will no longer be possible to return it to its former agility solely by setting it up. Most likely he will have to change the battery.

Now I will tell you how to independently identify “fatigue” of the battery, as well as find applications and services that drain the iPhone battery the most. And, of course, I’ll tell you how to fix it.

1. Check the battery condition

Starting with iOS 12.1, it became possible to independently check the “health” of the battery, from Settings iPhone:

iPhone battery capacity 81% of original

Battery capacity affects not only the operating time, but also the performance of the phone. One of my iPhone 7s has 81% remaining capacity and the phone is still running at maximum speed.

Once the capacity drops below 80%, the phone will start to run a little slower, and will gradually lose performance as capacity is lost.

According to Apple's website, the standard battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity after 500 full charge cycles when used under "normal conditions."

What to do if battery capacity is below 80%

It's worth thinking about replacing it. The battery can be changed at any certified service center.

If the battery capacity is 70–75%, it is time to change it. With such a battery, the iPhone will work significantly less time and slower in performance.

Personally, I love tinkering with electronics, so I bought an iPhone 7 battery on Aliexpress for $19 and installed it myself.

You can change the battery yourself, but it is better to take the phone to a service center

If everything is fine with the capacity, but the iPhone still discharges quickly, then the problem is in its settings.

2. Check which apps are using the most energy

In chapter Battery You can see a list of applications that eat up the iPhone battery the most.

👉 Settings ▸ Battery ▸ Battery status

I recently noticed that the standard Calendar, which I don’t use, consumed 18% of the battery in 10 days. It is not normal.

Abnormal application energy consumption Calendar

There can be three reasons for abnormal behavior: a crooked program, increased consumption of mobile Internet or geolocation.

In my case, disabling and enabling iCloud calendar synchronization helped. And also disabling synchronization via the mobile Internet. But more on that below.

View a table of application energy consumption. You may find some anomalies.

3. Set up rules for using mobile Internet

You've probably noticed that when you use only mobile Internet, your phone drains faster. Everything is simple here: a 3G/4G modem consumes more energy than WiFi.

View a list of all the apps and the amount of mobile data they've used recently.

👉 Settings ▸ Cellular

On my phone I can see that the app Calendar used 450 MB of mobile traffic. I don’t use a calendar, so I disabled synchronization via the mobile Internet.

The calendar shows suspicious internet activity and drains the battery

Look for abnormal mobile Internet consumption by applications. Perhaps some program is eating up your mobile traffic and battery.

You can disable downloading updates via the mobile Internet in:

👉 Settings ▸ iTunes Store and App Store ▸ Cellular Data

Disabling application updates via mobile Internet

4. Set up background content refresh

Almost all programs can update their content even if they are not running. The thing is convenient, but it eats up the mobile Internet, which means it drains the battery.

You can save some internet and battery life if you allow background app updates over WiFi only.

👉 Settings ▸ General ▸ Content Update ▸ Content Update

Allow background app updates only over WiFi

5. Disable unnecessary geolocation

For some applications, geolocation (GPS) is really important: Maps, Foursquare, Uber, Camera, Weather, Tinder... All these programs need to know your location in order to work correctly.

But there are applications that do not need to know your coordinates. I personally have disabled GPS for Facebook, Instagram, Messanger, Tweetbot and Reddit. I just don’t want to show my geolocation on social networks.

Look at your list of apps and turn off geolocation where you don't need it. It’s great if the applications in which you spend a lot of time come under the knife (see point 2).

👉 Settings ▸ Privacy ▸ Location Services

Disable geolocation where you don't need it

Please note that there are three GPS options for each application:

  1. Always;
  2. When using the program;
  3. Never.

The “Always” option is death for the battery. Various trackers, Foursquare, Swarm, and taxi service apps are guilty of this.

Telegram is the only program that I allowed to always use geolocation. Thanks to this, I can share my location with friends. The messenger does not abuse this and practically does not drain the battery.

6. Turn off unnecessary notifications

If you go to 👉 Settings ▸ Cellular ▸ System services, you will see how much traffic is spent on notifications from applications via the mobile Internet.

Over the past month, 109 MB of mobile Internet was spent on Push notifications alone.

Each new notification:

  • “lights up” the screen of your phone or tablet;
  • wastes mobile Internet when there is no WiFi connection;
  • plays sound from the speaker.

All this wastes the battery. Therefore, to turn off unnecessary notifications, go to:

👉 Settings ▸ Notifications

Now just turn off everything that has been distracting and interfering with you for a long time.

Turned off intrusive notifications from the Opera Mini browser

🌿 Remember:

  1. After about a year and a half, the iPhone battery loses 25-30% of its capacity. The phone will work less and slower, so it is better to replace the battery;
  2. The phone dies faster when using mobile Internet than when using WiFi. It makes sense to configure your iPhone so that installed programs use WiFi more;
  3. Each notification lights up the screen and can use the mobile Internet. It is better to turn off all unnecessary notifications;
  4. Some programs constantly check your location in the background. But not all applications need access to your geolocation. Disable unnecessary programs from geolocation.

The most popular iPhone is a truly excellent gadget that opens up many amazing possibilities for the user.

However, using all the services available to iPhone owners causes the full battery charge to drop to zero in just 7-8 hours. Therefore, gadget owners have to carry a charger with them and charge it as soon as possible.

It is important to determine for what reasons the new iPhone quickly discharges and, if possible, eliminate them. The main task is to check all applications that significantly consume energy and determine the need for their constant operation.

Some programs may no longer be used at all, but they take up a certain part of the memory and, running in the background, reduce the battery life. They must be uninstalled immediately.

In addition to all kinds of programs that are energy hogs, the device’s screen has a huge impact on the battery’s energy resource. At the same time, as its diagonal increases, energy consumption also increases. In this situation, you should reduce the brightness of the display.

The rapid loss of battery power can be caused by a malfunction of the battery itself in an Apple smartphone.

This can happen for several reasons:

One of the main reasons for the rapid discharge of the battery on an iPhone is the use of a non-original (low-quality) charger. Also, the reason for short battery retention on an iPhone may be poor battery quality.

Clean your device with the Phone Clean app

The fewer programs you have on your smartphone, the more likely it is that your new iPhone battery will stay charged longer. Therefore, you should strive not to install anything unnecessary on your gadget. In addition to this, after removing unnecessary applications, the free space will increase.

The easiest way to clean a gadget is to use the specialized Phone Clean application.. It will free your smartphone from garbage, both system and software. The utility is completely free, very convenient and easy to use. After removing everything unnecessary from the gadget, the performance of the device will increase significantly and the free space of the internal memory will increase.

Immediately after launching the application, you will be prompted to connect your iOS device to your computer. In the second step, you need to start scanning the system. The developers claim that the application uses an advanced search technique that finds unwanted or unused files that were created by programs or iTunes in just a limited time.

At the next stage, you just need to confirm that iOS is cleared of “garbage” found in memory.

Video: iOS 7 - how to extend battery life

Disable Geolocation

The main reason for the rapid discharge of the iPhone is rightly considered to be the use of geolocation services. It constantly works in the background and significantly reduces battery charge, since GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and geodata from mobile operator towers are used to determine the device’s geoposition.

Therefore, if the gadget is rapidly discharged, it is recommended to disable the geolocation function, and you will see how the iPhone’s operating time has increased without recharging.

This function is active in the settings of most iPhone applications.

You can disable it like this:

After analyzing the purpose of the program and its importance, you should remove unnecessary services from this list and leave this feature only for those applications for which it is truly necessary.

The procedure for using GPS is another important point that affects the safety of the battery charge. The use of GPS in the background must be disabled. In addition, it is recommended to disable most system functions, leaving only the most necessary ones.

Get rid of Notifications

Another reason for the rapid discharge of Apple's top gadget is the use of Push notifications from various services, which are annoying signals and periodically appearing windows. Their purpose is to inform the user about new comments, messages and letters on various social networks.

Their benefits are rather doubtful, but the irritating effect is obvious. But the most important thing is that their use greatly contributes to the rapid discharge of the gadget.

Therefore, it is advisable to leave only those notifications that are truly important to you, and turn off all others.

To disable them you should:

  • use the Notifications menu item;
  • Settings tabs.

Limit updates

Almost every application receives updates from time to time, and in a situation where your smartphone is running iOS 8, programs often download new versions of the software in the background. At the same time, the iPhone user is not even aware of these processes.

On the one hand, this is logical and convenient, but on the other hand, after the update, the battery level is significantly reduced. And with a large number of programs installed on the iPhone, automatic updates can be simply fatal for the device.

Updates can be canceled, and this should only be done for those applications that are not essential for the functioning of your gadget.

For settingsand shutdownautomatic update is necessary:

What to do if your iPhone discharges quickly? Disable 3G

3G communication is a convenient and useful connection that has already become a habit for many. However, when you are in an area of ​​weak 3G signal reception or even its absence, the smartphone has to constantly send out information packets to search for a station located nearby with a significant signal strength.

This behavior of the iPhone is extremely energy-consuming; therefore, it is recommended that when leaving the city, where the 3G signal is weak, you disable the use of this feature.

For this it is necessary:

Disabling 3G is also advisable in places where there is stable Wi-Fi, which is much less energy intensive and thus significantly saves the device’s battery power.

Opt out of Photo Stream

Photo Stream is one of the components of iCloud, which automatically uploads new photos to the cloud if the iPhone has access to the Internet via Wi-Fi.

The photo stream function is convenient and useful if you need to save all your pictures to the cloud. In cases where there is no such need, the photo stream must be turned off, since this function, when active, greatly discharges the device.

To disable it you must:

Turn off startup programs

The automatic software download feature allows you to download custom applications and data purchased on another device using 3G or Wi-Fi. The function can be very useful sometimes, but there are some problems when using it - it drains the gadget extremely quickly.

This becomes especially noticeable if the iPhone tries to download some data automatically via 3G. It is recommended to disable this function for longer operation of the device.

Turn off Wi-Fi or Bluetooth if you don't need it

Keeping Wi-Fi or Bluetooth on all the time also contributes significantly to rapid battery drain. It is highly advisable to turn them off and turn them on only when necessary, otherwise they turn into ruthless battery destroyers.

Calibrate your battery

Another essential detail is that the iPhone must be correctly calibrated. For this purpose, it is optimal to use the specialized application Battery HD Pro.

In addition to the calibration itself, using this software you can obtain statistics on battery usage, which will allow the owner of the gadget to actually monitor changes in the operating time of the iPhone.

The sequence of actions for calibrating the battery is as follows:

  1. completely discharge the iPhone battery before turning it off;
  2. charge the battery to one hundred percent;
  3. after charging the iPhone to one hundred percent, leave it connected to the network for another 60 minutes;
  4. disconnect the gadget from the network and use it until the battery is completely discharged and turns off;
  5. follow steps 2 and 3.

During operation, many users of the Apple iPhone smartphone agree that there is a problem with the rapid discharge of the battery of their device, which necessitates the need to recharge the battery during the day, and when staying in one place, many do not disconnect the smartphone from charging at all.

To solve the problem associated with the fact that the iPhone began to discharge quickly, it is recommended, first of all, to determine the reasons for this behavior of the top-end device.

Having found out the reason for the accelerated discharge of the smartphone, it is not at all difficult to fix the problem, since the iOS operating system installed on Apple devices is very trivial to configure, unnecessary settings are simply disabled, which allows you to reduce the power consumption of the iPhone and increase its operating time.


As time passes, the battery of the iPhone 5S and iPhone 6S quickly discharges, and consumers of Apple products are at a loss as to why this is happening. Less than a month passes before the time of its active operation, after the device is charged, noticeably decreases and, in turn, causes dissatisfaction with its customers. In our article, we will try to figure out why the iPhone 5S discharges quickly, what is the reason for this decrease in energy levels, and how to avoid excessive waste of battery reserves by ensuring its factory capabilities.

The specifications for the device indicate that the iPhone 5S can and should work for up to 9 hours straight. Typically, users charge it in the evening after work every day. In this case, one charge lasts up to 10 hours and even retains about 5-10% of the charge. Users also actively use Wi-Fi mode, have 2-4 hours of active telephone conversations online, use 3G Internet, read and send mail, various applications and games.

In fact, the reason lies in the optimal operation of the iPhone 5 S. The fact is that various of our favorite applications “eat up” the smartphone’s energy in an enhanced mode and the iSO firmware cannot withstand such loads, subsequently punishing us with a low battery level.

How quickly does the battery run out on the new iPhone 5S and iPhone 4S, why does the iPhone discharge quickly and what to do if the iPhone begins to discharge quickly? Let's look at the main factors that allow the iPhone to work in full optimal mode.

Like the rest of us, iPhones also love regular self-care. And this care is called cleaning. What needs to be cleaned in the iPhone 5S? So, you probably guess that all of our usual favorite applications are also not only hogs of battery energy, but also leave behind a lot of garbage, and we will have to clean it ourselves. Therefore, first, delete those applications that you do not use at all or use little. In addition, all applications like to be updated periodically, several times a day, absorbing additional energy from the smartphone. The most harmless and easiest way is to clean your iPhone quickly using special applications or the PhoneClean utility, which can even speed up the iPhone 4 or iPhone 5 itself a little, making it free of system junk. This, in particular, will be felt by users of older generation iPhones.

Constantly running the GPS function causes the battery to drain quickly in standby mode. Some people constantly use the geolocation service, thinking that it is more convenient, however, they are not aware of the huge waste of energy this service uses. Therefore, if you have this geolocation enabled, you need to disable it unnecessarily. To do this, you need to go to the “Settings” menu of your smartphone, then to “Privacy”, and then to “Location Services”, where select “disable”.

In addition, frequent application notifications are not only often distracting, but also the battery of the iPhone 5c, iPhone 5 or iPhone 7 runs out very quickly. For example, signals about updating programs, applications, games, mail and other things. To disable unnecessary notifications, you need to go to the “Settings” window and, by selecting the “Notifications” line, disable unnecessary automatically received ones. After all, each such message comes along with a corresponding update. Therefore, to disable both, you need to go to the “Settings” section and, selecting “General”, go to “Content Update”, and then select those that need to be deactivated.

If the 3G signal mode is also constantly turned on, then the battery of the iPhone 6S and 5S may run out, constantly searching for a network, and thereby drain the battery. To disable this function, you need to select the “Cellular” window in the “Settings” menu and disable/enable it as necessary if there is no available WI-FI.

Also, the iPhone often discharges when receiving a large media stream that comes from iCloud automatically if the Wi-Fi network is turned on. Therefore, by disabling the iCloud function through the “settings” menu, you will significantly save your smartphone’s energy, and it will not consume energy.

Too often launched gaming applications with great pleasure absorb the remaining battery power. Therefore, if possible, give up unnecessary games or manage your time correctly when using games.

How often do we witness the auto-loading of some programs on the iPhone when there is a Wi-Fi or 3G network. This may be necessary, but not always, since the smartphone’s memory is overloaded, making it more vulnerable. To disable, find the Settings menu and select iTunes Store mode.

If there is no need at all, then it is better to turn off Wi-Fi or 3G mode to preserve charging.

Hard cleaning of iPhone
