Make a claim beeline. How to write a complaint to Beeline if the home Internet, communication does not work, or because of poor service? How to complain if home internet or other services are not working

The telephone communication system sometimes fails, which the client may regard as the provision of low-quality services. In such cases, and if there are other grounds, a citizen can file a complaint about the quality of Beeline communication.

Grounds for appeal

You can file a complaint against a provider for the following reasons:

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  • account blocking without any reason;
  • poor-quality service was provided in the representative office of the company;
  • the quality of the support service does not satisfy the client;
  • annoying messages from the operator;
  • the legal rights of a citizen are violated;
  • low quality of communication, interactive communication;
  • claim against the operator hotline rude, rude, obscenely expressed;
  • the operator refused to terminate the existing service agreement;
  • the expenditure of funds deposited on the account by the subscriber is unlawful.

Other reasons may also be identified. The main thing when contacting is to provide sufficient reasons and supplement them with misconduct or incorrect attitude towards the client.

How to write

  1. The written statement should be written concisely, without unnecessary information.
  2. The text should convey only essential data that will help to accurately describe the problem at hand, and the body in question will be able to make a faster decision to resolve the dispute.
  3. If the claim is made against an employee, then the location of the department where he worked must be indicated.
  4. If the contacting client has evidence in documentary or other form, then they must be attached to the claim.

The complaint must include the following mandatory items:

  • where is the claim sent?
  • data of the applicant, which will allow correctly assigning the addressee when sending a response to the complaint;
  • body text describing the gist of the complaint;
  • for what purposes the application (requirements) was drawn up and sent;
  • if the application is sent to the operator, then it is necessary to indicate what consequences await if the claim is ignored, for example, or.

The main text of the appeal should include:

  • the nature of the problem or violation;
  • date and time of the incident;
  • data of employees who took part in the conflict or themselves became its provocateurs;
  • what exactly was violated (clauses of the contract with the operator, legislative norms).

Sample 2020


Where can I file a complaint against Beeline

The following grounds give the right to send a complaint to Beeline:

  1. Poor quality service.
  2. Poor mobile connection, poor quality connection.
  3. Illegal spending of funds on the subscriber's account. If you begin to notice that the money in your account is running out quickly, you need to request account details.
  4. Home or mobile Internet is not working, or if the Internet speed is significantly lower than advertised.
  5. Poor customer service in the office.
  6. Boorish or rude communication of telecom operators on the phone.
  7. Changing the terms of the contract without notifying the subscriber.

Disabling mobile communications or home Internet in connection with technical work, without prior notice to the client, is illegal.

When it comes to the operation of the Internet or communication, problems can be on both sides. Therefore, before writing a claim, you need to find out that the reason for the interruption or poor performance of the service comes from the network operator. For this you need to check:

  • do you have debts;
  • whether the devices are working/configured correctly (modem, mobile phone, PC, etc.);
  • there were no announcements of upcoming technical work.

If everything is “clean” on your part, contact your mobile operator. Initially, it is worth trying to resolve issues peacefully by calling the hotline or at the company's office, if you are ignored, move on to more decisive action and write a complaint.

How to complain if home internet or other services are not working?

With the help of a formally filed complaint, the user has the right to demand compensation for financial damage or correction of malfunctions in the work of the mobile operator. There are several ways to submit a claim.

Via email

One of the most convenient ways to file a claim is to contact the operator by e-mail. You can make a claim in free form, describing your problem in detail. The appeal must be sent to the email address:

Where to call?

When contacting by phone, you can express a claim in a free form. The hotline employee will ask all the necessary clarifying questions. Available telephone numbers of Beeline operators:

  • 8 800 700-06-11 or 0611. The number can be used to clarify questions regarding mobile communications.
  • 8 800 700-02-11 for problems with internet access.
  • 8 800 700-80-00 hotline for issues related to home equipment (home telephone, internet, television).
  • +7 495 974-88-88 phone for calls in international roaming.

Calls are free for Beeline subscribers. Calls from other telecom operators will be charged at the current rate.

How to leave a message on the official site?

You can write a complaint to the operator on his official website.

  1. On the main page in the upper right corner, find the "Feedback" item (an icon with a message).
  2. After clicking on it, a special window "Electronic Assistant" will appear. In the window you must enter: phone number, name, code from the picture.
  3. A new window will open where you will need to specify the subject of the appeal: question, complaint, communication quality, fraud.
  4. Choose a topic that suits you and describe the problem in the message box. Then click on the "Submit" icon.

If you are registered on the Beeline website, then similar actions can be performed in the "Personal Account".

  1. On the "Feedback" tab, you also select the type of appeal and describe the reason for the appeal in the message field.
  2. After describing the problem, you must specify the method for receiving a response and provide contact information. The answer can be requested by e-mail or in the form of a phone call from a company specialist.

Terms of consideration of applications by the operator

In accordance with paragraph 7 of Art. 55 Federal Law "On Communications" the period for consideration of subscribers' appeals should not exceed 30 days. However, the period may be extended when sending a claim by mail, taking into account the time for delivery of the application. If the answer from the organization is not received within the prescribed period or does not satisfy the subscriber, then he has the right to apply to law enforcement agencies.

If the date of registration of the appeal fell on a weekend or holiday, then it will be registered on the first working day after.

Letter to the regulatory authorities


You can file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor in case of unlawful debiting of funds from the account, the imposition of additional services or poor-quality service.

Rospotrebnadzor is a federal service dealing with:

  • consideration of complaints and claims;
  • verification and detection of violations of the law;
  • conflict resolution.

You can file a claim against the operator in the following ways:

  1. Send a letter of complaint by mail.
  2. Send an email to the organization's email address.
  3. Use the feedback form on the organization's website.
  4. Sign up for a personal reception of citizens at the place of registration.
  5. You can ask questions of interest by calling 8 800 100-00-04.

A response about the decision will be sent to the address indicated when contacting, or to the email address of the subscriber.

Complaints regarding the return of funds are not within the competence of Rospotrebnadzor. Such claims may be satisfied by the court.

Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights

In case of unsatisfactory results of the consideration of the claim by the operator, you should contact the consumer protection department. The company's specialists will advise you and provide qualified assistance on an exciting problem.

You can contact the OPP by using one of the following options:

  1. Call the hotline number +7 915 300-41-82. The room is available around the clock.
  2. Send a complaint by email to [email protected].
  3. Write a written complaint and send it by mail.
  4. Visit the OZPP office at the place of registration.

How to write an application?

  1. The free-form statement must be clear, stating the important facts of the issue. It is necessary to describe the situation and indicate the reasons that made you complain about the Beeline operator.
  2. If there are documents confirming the fact of illegal actions, they should be attached to the complaint.
  3. Be sure to include your contact phone number in your claim.
  4. Before sending a complaint, you should carefully study the contract. The text of the appeal should be filled in in accordance with the recommendations of Federal Law No. 59 "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation".
  5. In the case of filing an appeal in the format of an e-mail, the length of the text should not exceed 2000 characters.

There are more than enough ways to file a complaint against a telecom operator. The main thing is that the cause should be really serious grounds and arguments. If the claim is legitimate, you can count on the issue being resolved in your favor and the return of funds if necessary.

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Do you use telephone and Internet from Beeline? Have you noticed that the service has become substandard? Do you think that you are unreasonably overpaying for communication?

Do I need to go all the way (up to filing a lawsuit) if your rights have been violated?


In 2015, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications issued a Concept that established that communications should be secure, affordable and sustainable. The goal of all operators and providers in the Russian Federation is for 80% of citizens to be satisfied with the services provided.

Who has the right to write a complaint to Beeline? In what instances to file a complaint to subscribers? To answer these questions, one should refer to the federal legislation in the field of communications and the protection of consumer rights, as well as Rules No. 1342 established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

You can complain about Beeline both to the organization itself and to government agencies. The main thing is to correctly draw up a claim and state the essence of what happened.

Responsibilities of a telecom operator

The activities of Beeline, as well as other providers in the Russian Federation, are regulated by the Federal Law "On Communications" and the Rules Regulating Telephone Services No. 1342.

  1. P. 5 Art. 44 of Federal Law No. 126 says that the connection of new communication services is possible only with the consent of the subscriber. Beeline must notify the citizen in advance of the tariffs for such services, their content and cost;
  2. Art. 44.1 established that the distribution from the operator is illegal, if there is no consent of the citizen - a separate agreement to receive it;
  3. 45 determined that it is legal to change the service contract with prior notice individual 2 months before the change;
  4. Art. 63 consolidated the obligation to maintain the secrecy of telephone calls and correspondence. An exception is viewing and listening to correspondence by a court decision;
  5. Clause 24 of the Rules obliges the provider to notify users of tariff changes 10 days in advance.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Regulation No. 1342, the company may transfer the subscriber's data to other persons only with the written consent of the subscriber.

Communication must be carried out around the clock, the provider must promptly eliminate malfunctions that prevent the use of the Internet and telephone.

Violation of these requirements (the full list of duties is enshrined in paragraph 24 of the Rules) gives citizens the right to write a claim to Beeline.

The activity of any operator, including Beeline, is regulated by the Federal Law "On Communications". Violation of it can lead to serious fines for the company.

Reasons for complaining about Beeline services

Each subscriber has the right to demand clarification from the company if:

  • Money is regularly debited from his account for an unknown reason;
  • Internet speed is much less than stated in the contract;
  • A mailing list comes to the citizen's phone without his permission;
  • There is no quality of telephone communication that allows you to communicate normally in your region (noise, interference, loss of sound);
  • The account was blocked for an unknown reason;
  • Paid services were connected without notifying the subscriber;
  • The Internet was not connected within 3 days after the client topped up the subscriber account;
  • The provider changed the tariff or service agreement without notice.

To date, the most frequent "unauthorized" debiting of money from a phone account is the so-called wap subscription. The trouble is that it is usually connected without the knowledge of the user. To do this, just click on the "doubtful" advertising or watch a video on a dubious site.

Impolite treatment, employees' refusal to solve the problem, the purchase of low-quality products in the salon also give reason to complain about Beeline.

Claim to the head office or to the Beeline website?

Initially, the user should contact the company itself. If managers refuse to help, ask for a complaint book. Beeline management is obliged to eliminate violations within 3 days and send a response to the applicant no later than 5 days. The measures taken must be recorded on the back of the application.

How to write a complaint to the complaint book:

  1. Set the date of the appeal to the management;
  2. Compose the text of legal requirements;
  3. Put a personal signature and fill in personal contacts for feedback.

Initially, the victim should still contact the company itself.

The refusal of the management to provide the book or its absence are grounds for applying to Rospotrebnadzor (Article 55 of the Federal Law No. 126).

Where can the subscriber complain if the Beeline office is far away or a trip for personal appeal is impossible?

  • Call the hotline (8-800-700-06-11; 0611);
  • Leave a request on the official website of the company (;
  • Send an application through a special mobile app or to the provider's email [email protected].

These methods are effective for solving current communication problems. To compensate for material harm, losses and moral compensation, they complain to supervisory authorities.

Institutions that control the activities of providers

Where can the subscriber complain if peaceful negotiations with the Beeline management did not lead to an improvement in the quality of communication services?

A complaint against Beeline is the basis for checking the company from the side:

  1. Rospotrebnadzor;
  2. Roskomnadzor - a service that oversees telecom operators and Internet providers;
  3. Regional branch of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights;
  4. Prosecutor's offices;
  5. Ships.

Beeline management is obliged to eliminate violations within 3 days and send a response to the applicant no later than 5 days. The main thing is to fix the fact of the transfer of the same complaint

A complaint against Beeline to Rospotrebnadzor must contain:

  • Name and address of the Beeline office;
  • Applicant's full initials, phone number and registration;
  • Number of the contract for the provision of communication services;
  • Description of violations of the contract or law by the operator;
  • Links to requirements violated by the provider;
  • Personal signature and date of preparation of the paper.

Write a complaint correctly, do not allow insults, threats in it. You can print the application on a computer or make an electronic appeal (a sample is on the website of the supervisory authority).

In 2015, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications issued a Concept that established that communications should be secure, affordable and sustainable. The goal of all operators and providers in the Russian Federation is for 80% of citizens to be satisfied with the services provided.

Who has the right to write a complaint to Beeline? In what instances to file a complaint to subscribers? To answer these questions, one should refer to the federal legislation in the field of communications and the protection of consumer rights, as well as Rules No. 1342 established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Responsibilities of a telecom operator

The activities of Beeline, as well as other providers in the Russian Federation, are regulated by the Federal Law "On Communications" and the Rules Regulating Telephone Services No. 1342.

  1. P. 5 Art. 44 of Federal Law No. 126 says that the connection of new communication services is possible only with the consent of the subscriber. Beeline must notify the citizen in advance of the tariffs for such services, their content and cost;
  2. Art. 44.1 established that the distribution from the operator is illegal, if there is no consent of the citizen - a separate agreement to receive it;
  3. 45 determined that a change in a service contract is legal upon prior notification of an individual 2 months before the change;
  4. Art. 63 consolidated the obligation to maintain the secrecy of telephone calls and correspondence. An exception is viewing and listening to correspondence by a court decision;
  5. Clause 24 of the Rules obliges the provider to notify users of tariff changes 10 days in advance.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Regulation No. 1342, the company may transfer the subscriber's data to other persons only with the written consent of the subscriber.

Communication must be carried out around the clock, the provider must promptly eliminate malfunctions that prevent the use of the Internet and telephone.

Violation of these requirements (the full list of duties is enshrined in paragraph 24 of the Rules) gives citizens the right to write a claim to Beeline.

Reasons for complaining about Beeline services

Each subscriber has the right to demand clarification from the company if:

  • Money is regularly debited from his account for an unknown reason;
  • Internet speed is much less than stated in the contract;
  • A mailing list comes to the citizen's phone without his permission;
  • There is no quality of telephone communication that allows you to communicate normally in your region (noise, interference, loss of sound);
  • The account was blocked for an unknown reason;
  • Paid services were connected without notifying the subscriber;
  • The Internet was not connected within 3 days after the client topped up the subscriber account;
  • The provider changed the tariff or service agreement without notice.

Impolite treatment, employees' refusal to solve the problem, the purchase of low-quality products in the salon also give reason to complain about Beeline.

Claim to the head office or to the Beeline website?

Initially, the user should contact the company itself. If managers refuse to help, ask for a complaint book. Beeline management is obliged to eliminate violations within 3 days and send a response to the applicant no later than 5 days. The measures taken must be recorded on the back of the application.

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How to write a complaint to the complaint book:

  1. Set the date of the appeal to the management;
  2. Compose the text of legal requirements;
  3. Put a personal signature and fill in personal contacts for feedback.

The refusal of the management to provide the book or its absence are grounds for applying to Rospotrebnadzor (Article 55 of the Federal Law No. 126).

Where can the subscriber complain if the Beeline office is far away or a trip for personal appeal is impossible?

  • Call the hotline (; 0611);
  • Leave a request on the official website of the company (;
  • Send an application through a special mobile application or to the provider's email box.

These methods are effective for solving current communication problems. To compensate for material harm, losses and moral compensation, they complain to supervisory authorities.

Institutions that control the activities of providers

Where can the subscriber complain if peaceful negotiations with the Beeline management did not lead to an improvement in the quality of communication services?

Free legal advice:

A complaint against Beeline is the basis for checking the company from the side:

  1. Rospotrebnadzor;
  2. Roskomnadzor - a service that oversees telecom operators and Internet providers;
  3. Regional branch of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights;
  4. Prosecutor's offices;
  5. Ships.

A complaint against Beeline to Rospotrebnadzor must contain:

  • Name and address of the Beeline office;
  • Applicant's full initials, phone number and registration;
  • Number of the contract for the provision of communication services;
  • Description of violations of the contract or law by the operator;
  • Links to requirements violated by the provider;
  • Personal signature and date of preparation of the paper.

Write a complaint correctly, do not allow insults, threats in it. You can print the application on a computer or make an electronic appeal (a sample is on the website of the supervisory authority).

Grounds for a claim against Beeline

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 55 of the Law "On Communications", the subscriber has the right to file a lawsuit if the communications provider does not comply with the terms of the subscription agreement, or performs them poorly.

The initial claim to the Beeline management is registered and considered within a period not exceeding 1 month. The absence of a response from the company after the expiration of the month, refusal to meet the requirements are also grounds for a claim.

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The court refuses to satisfy the claims if the company proves that the failure to fulfill contractual obligations was due to the fault of the plaintiff, and not the provider. In this case, the subscriber will be obliged to compensate Beeline for legal losses.

How to write a complaint about a provider - a real life example

On May 27, 2916, the head of the Beeline department in Samara received a written claim from citizen P. O. Kovalenko. In it, the subscriber asked to explain the reason for the daily debiting of money from his phone number, in the amount of 8 rubles for 30 days.

Thus, the operator illegally deducted 240 rubles from the citizen's account.

Kovalenko argues the complaint with several violations:

  • Lack of notification of a change in tariff;
  • Lack of notification of a change in the contract;
  • The absence of a written agreement of the subscriber to connect paid services.

Kovalenko demands to return the written-off funds of rubles and to check the work of the operators.

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During the review of the claim, management identified a failure in automatic system client service. The manager in charge of this equipment was penalized for late detection of an error. The deducted funds were returned to the citizen's account. Additionally, the company gave Kovalenko 500 free minutes as a bonus.

On June 30, 2017, I received an SMS from you on my number 232, in which you confront me with the fact that from July 6, 2017, my tariff has changed. The subscription fee will be 4.33 rubles, and if before I had free 50 minutes. Now there will be 100 of them, but these 100 also include calls to BEELINE. With such a predatory change in the tariff, you are punishing me as a consumer twice

1. I paid 4 rubles, you have to pay 4.33 rubles

2. There were free 50 minutes. now there will be 100 of them, but these 100 also include calls to BEELINE. In other words, on the first day of communication, after talking with Beeline customers, I lose communication with other operators. And where then is the correspondence to the name of the tariff “Welcome everyone”. ALL minutes were taken by BEELINE.

I don’t need the Internet, and by connecting to the “Welcome Everyone” tariff, I counted on communicating not only with Beeline, but also with other operators.

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By changing unilaterally (in such a predatory way) the terms of the tariff, you violate my rights as a consumer of your services.

The activities of Beeline in the Russian Federation are regulated by the Federal Law "On Communications" and the Rules Regulating Telephone Services No. 1342.

1. P. 5 Art. 44 of Federal Law No. 126 says that the connection of new communication services is possible only with the consent of the subscriber. Beeline must notify the citizen in advance of the tariffs for such services, their content and cost;

2. 45 determined that a change in a service contract is legal upon prior notification of an individual 2 months before the change;

3. Clause 24 of the Rules obliges the provider to notify users of tariff changes 10 days in advance.

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BY YOUR ACTIONS you violate all the above points of the law and violate my rights as a consumer of your services.

1. Explain (with reference to regulatory and legal documents) what are the reasons for such significant predatory changes in payment and provision of free minutes (it used to be for everyone, it became only for BEELINE). 2. Leave me on the old tariff with the original conditions.

3. If not possible, then find an equivalent rate.

4. Upon violation of Federal Law No. 1342 in accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 55 of the Law "On Communications", the subscriber has the right to file a lawsuit

My complaint to Beeline will be the basis for checking the company from the outside:

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2. Roskomnadzor - a service that supervises telecom operators and Internet providers;

3. Regional branch of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights;

Looking forward to continuing our cooperation. If a compromise is not found, I will be forced to move to another company with the acquired number.

Please reply to my email. mail

So, why are you writing your claim here? 🙂 Beeline won’t see it here) Contact lawyers, they will prepare materials for Rospotrebnadzor and the court if you decide. What’s more, consultations are free.

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Free phone consultations:

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  • St. Petersburg and regionadd. 105
  • Other cities: ext. 105

How to write a claim to Beeline?

Each telecom operator is obliged to provide its customers with quality services within the terms specified in the contract. This rule recorded in the provisions of the Federal Law No. 126 "On Communications" dated July 7, 2003.

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Citizens who are dissatisfied with the performance of their obligations by the company have the right to send a corresponding claim to it.

When can I complain about a carrier?

Any client can apply to Beeline with a claim for the quality of the service provided. If necessary, a complaint is submitted to the company through a legal representative, if he has a notarized power of attorney.

A claim may be required in the following cases:

  • receiving regular spam;
  • low speed Internet connection;
  • inaction of the support service;
  • low-quality mobile communication;
  • incorrect behavior of office staff or call center operators;
  • unreasonable refusal to terminate the contract;
  • constant interruptions in the Internet;
  • illegal connection of additional services without the permission of the client.

In the cases listed above, the subscriber can contact Beeline with a corresponding claim. Lawyers prefer the written version, but an oral complaint also has a positive effect.

Ways to file a claim with Beeline

You can send a request to the telecom operator in several ways. accessible ways. The easiest is to call a call center employee at 0611 or 0611 and tell him the problem that has arisen.

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Depending on the type of complaints, the client may need a different phone number, which can be found on the company's official website in the "Contact Information" section.

Another way to remotely file a claim is to communicate with a Beeline representative in an online chat on the company's website. You just need to log in to the system, select the subject of the appeal, indicate your phone or Internet number, as well as your name to enter the chat.

The operator will provide you with detailed advice on any issue of interest and help solve the problem.

When submitting an electronic request, it is important to choose the subject of the appeal and the method of receiving a response, indicate the name, phone number and the nature of the problem.

The last option for filing a claim is to contact the nearest office of the company with a passport and documents confirming the validity of your claims.

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How to write a claim to Beeline according to the model?

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not have a standard claim form, however, in order to consider the appeal on the merits, its text must contain the following data:

  • the name of the telecom operator;
  • Name and residential address of the client;
  • his contact phone number;
  • core of the problem with detailed description the circumstances of the violation of the applicant's rights;
  • customer requirements;
  • date of preparation of the document;
  • personal signature of the applicant.

When drawing up a claim, it is important to refer to the clauses of the contract that were violated, and the norms of Russian law, confirming the validity of the applicant's position. The appeal must be supplemented by documents relevant to the case (for example, an agreement for the provision of a particular service, payment receipts).

The client must provide two copies of the claim to the Beeline office, one of which is certified by an authorized employee (the date of receipt of the papers and the signature of the official is put on it) and returned to the applicant.

Claim Samples

In accordance with part 3 of article 16 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the telecom operator is not entitled to connect additional paid services without first obtaining the permission of the client.

If you encounter such a violation, and money has already been debited from your account, you have the right to send a claim to Beeline about connecting services without the consent of the subscriber and demand the return of the amount paid.

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It is worth noting that the client's permission to connect a particular service provided on a paid basis must be in writing.

In addition, you can also use another sample Beeline claim for a refund of money illegally debited from your account.

Often, customers make erroneous payments, which can be returned by contacting the company's office with a corresponding application. A blank form is provided by the telecom operator's employees, but you can download the current template here on the website.

If the transfer amount does not exceed 200 rubles, you can return the money remotely - by calling 0611 or by writing to e-mail.

Tired of regular spam? Subscribers may receive SMS-messages about discounts, expected events and ongoing promotions. To unsubscribe from this mailing list, it is enough to submit a corresponding application to the Beeline office, the form of which can also be obtained from a company employee.

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Where to write a claim?

If the company has not provided a written response to your complaint, and also if you do not agree with the decision of the telecom operator on the conflict that has arisen, you can appeal against the actions or inaction of Beeline by filing a similar claim with the supervisory authorities:

The term for consideration of the appeal is a calendar month. How to write a claim to Beeline? The procedure for compiling the text of the document corresponds to that described above.

Additionally, the applicant submits to the above authorities documents confirming the validity of the stated requirements. If attempts to negotiate with the company were unsuccessful, a citizen has the right to go to court to restore the violated rights.

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Sample claim for connection of paid communication services

Mobile operator ______________

G. ________, _________________


for mobile services

(connection of paid services without the knowledge and consent of the subscriber)

I am a user of mobile services provided by ____, mobile phone number 8-xxx-xxx-xxx-xx.

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In accordance with the contract No. ______ dated "_____" ________ 2011, concluded between me and OJSC "_______" for the provision of telecommunication services at the subscriber number +7-xxx-xxx-xx-xx, from "___" ________ 2011, I was connected payable service "_______________".

I did not apply to OJSC "_______" with a request to provide this service and did not give my consent to its connection. In this regard, I believe that this service is imposed on me and there is a violation of paragraph 3 of Article 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", according to which the Seller (executor) is not entitled to perform additional work, services for a fee without the consent of the consumer.

In view of the foregoing, on the basis of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", I demand a refund of the amount of ____________ rubles ______ debited from personal account No. ________ for this service in the period from by adjusting the balance of personal account No. _____________________.

Article 16 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"

Invalidity of the terms of the contract that infringe the rights of the consumer

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The seller (executor) is not entitled to perform additional work, services for a fee without the consent of the consumer. The consumer has the right to refuse to pay for such works (services), and if they are paid, the consumer has the right to demand that the seller (executor) return the amount paid.

How to complain to Beeline

Beeline is one of the most popular Russian mobile operators. It provides its subscribers with a huge number of useful services. Unfortunately, netizens are not always satisfied with their quality. Therefore, every day more and more subscribers begin to ask questions about how to write a claim to Beeline in order to solve this problem.

In what cases it is worth writing a complaint against a mobile operator

  • provision of low-quality communication;
  • low internet connection speed;
  • sudden blocking of the number;
  • unreasonable write-off of funds from a personal account;
  • sending spam from various numbers, including from the operator itself;
  • boorish attitude on the part of technical support and call center workers;
  • refusal to request termination of the concluded contract;
  • connection of unnecessary paid services without the permission of the subscriber.

If at least one reason is identified, the user has every right to complain about Beeline in any way available to him.

Filing a complaint through the official website of the operator

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

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If you want to know how to solve your particular problem, please use the online consultant form on the right or call:

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A person using the services of the Beeline company can file a complaint through the official website of the mobile operator. It will be accepted by technical support consultants involved in resolving conflict issues. The first thing to do is to contact them.

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To write a complaint to Beeline in this way, you need to perform a number of actions:

  • You should go to the official website of the mobile operator (link:
  • On the main page there is an option "Ask a question". It can be found in the upper right corner of the site. In this section, the user will receive all the necessary information about the services and tariffs connected to his number. A robot consultant will help him, generating the correct answers after recognizing the key phrases in the questions.
  • Tariff and service information is also available at personal account Beeline subscriber. Here he has the opportunity to get a detailed statement of the account. For convenience, there is a button in your personal account that allows you to file a complaint.
  • After going to a special feedback form, you should correctly fill in all its fields.

After writing, the complaint is sent to Beeline by e-mail of the company (address:). Employees of the company will consider it and try to help the contacting subscriber with solving the problem. They can also be contacted via a hotline (number for mobile phones: 0611).

Complaint against a manager

A complaint form can be found online. But there is nothing difficult in writing a claim. It is compiled on the basis of a standard form, and can also be used when contacting other authorities that deal with consumer protection. The letter must correctly state the following information:

  • In the upper corner, which is located on the right, we write the full name or the name of the addressee company. After that, you should specify your data, including phone number and address of residence.
  • The following is the essence of the problem. It is desirable to describe each nuance in as much detail as possible. It is necessary to indicate the points that are available in the contract with the operator, which are not performed by the second party.
  • After that, you can write your requirements, the satisfaction of which will lead to a solution to the conflict situation.
  • At the end of the complaint, the signature of the applicant and the date must be put.

The management of the company must consider such a letter without fail.

Where else can a subscriber of the Beeline mobile network go?

A subscriber who intends to solve the problem of violation of his rights by a mobile operator can seek help from the following authorities:

  • Roskomnadzor. Handles complaints related to poor call quality. The institution can be contacted by email.
  • Rospotrebnadzor. He deals with cases that are related to the failure of the company to fulfill direct obligations to the client specified in the contract. The appeal should be filled out on the website
  • Court. This is the last resort when none of the instances has given a positive result in the case.

Complaints to any of the listed institutions can be handwritten and sent by mail or typed on a computer and sent to the e-mail address of the institution.

Rules for writing a complaint

Before you start compiling a letter of claim, you must carefully re-examine the contract concluded with Beeline. This will allow the applicant to be convinced that his rights have indeed been violated. When writing a complaint, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The text in the letter should be concise and understandable. When filing a complaint, you should follow the rules of the Russian language.
  • In the text, it is desirable to indicate the legislative acts that speak in favor of the applicant.
  • Be sure to indicate the names of persons who participated in the conflict with the subscriber.
  • Important documents must be attached to the appeal, which can confirm the veracity of the applicant's words. It can be various contracts, statements or checks.
  • The appeal must be signed by the real name of the applicant. Anonymous letters will not be considered.

You should not give up if no changes have occurred since the first complaint was sent. The subscriber has the right to use quality services, as he pays money for them. If a person cannot achieve justice on his own, then he should enlist the support of a competent lawyer.

Beeline: feedback on the quality of communication and not only

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Complaint against Beeline

Mobile communication is our constant companion in everyday life. Every day we call someone, send SMS and MMS messages. In addition, almost every smartphone owner uses the mobile Internet. And therefore, each of us wants to receive high-quality services and always stay in touch.

Beeline is one of the largest organizations offering mobile communications and the Internet to everyone. It also offers its users home Internet and digital television at an affordable price. In general, his work is of sufficient quality, as evidenced by the huge number of branches throughout the country and millions of customers. However, even such a large provider of mobile communications and the Internet is not perfect. In this article, we will tell you how to fight for your interests if Beeline employees have violated them.

Reasons for filing a complaint

Before describing where to complain about Beeline and how to do it, consider the reasons for contacting. There are quite a lot of them, since this organization provides a huge number of services - from mobile communications to the sale of electronics. You can complain about absolutely any violations in the rules of trade, provision of services and services. However, the most common reasons for referral are:

  • The quality of mobile communications. If your conversations are often disrupted, you cannot get through to anyone, and during conversations you hear extraneous noise or interference that is not related to your phone, then you should file a complaint about the quality of the services provided;
  • Internet connection quality. If your home or mobile or home Internet constantly disappears for no apparent reason or is too often on maintenance or repair, then this may well be the reason for filing a complaint. In addition, a similar complaint can be filed if the speed of the Internet connection does not match the one stated in your tariff;
  • Service imposition. One of the most pressing issues. Often, without his knowledge, a client is connected to dozens of services that he does not need. Most of them, however, are free of charge. If you find yourself with a whole package of paid options that you did not agree to, then file a claim and demand compensation;
  • Writing off money, carrying out other operations with your account without your knowledge. You have the right to demand a strict report on exactly what operations are carried out with your money: what they are written off for, how they are charged, what this or that part of the expenses goes to. If you find that your money is going nowhere, then this can be considered a serious reason for filing a claim;
  • Poor service in branches and offices. In communication salons, conflicts can often arise related to poor service, low-quality goods, denial of service or return of goods. ;
  • Sending spam, "Letters of happiness" and other notifications. A huge number of messages containing spam can also become a reason for complaining about Beeline. It is worth remembering that the service standards established by law govern even such a trifle as the distribution of advertising and informational messages. Therefore, if SMS notifications have become too intrusive, then you should contact the Beeline office and file a claim.

Where can you apply?

You can write a complaint about Beeline to many different authorities. In this case, the place of the complaint will depend on what kind of problem you are facing. So, in total there are 6 institutions to which you can apply:

Since they all have their own characteristics and reasons for applying, they should be considered separately.

To the organization itself

The first place to apply with a claim is Beeline itself. It should be borne in mind that most problems can be caused by simple inattention of both the client himself and the employees of the organization. So do not rush to contact the civil services, because in most cases the issue can be resolved peacefully. Beeline provides several ways to file a complaint with the organization itself. You can contact the organization itself in four different ways:

  • Submitting a complaint on the official website. In order to send an appeal using a browser, just go to the main page of Beeline. There you can follow the link and leave your appeal in the book of complaints;
  • File a complaint using the app. Beeline accepts complaints, suggestions and recommendations from customers and with the help of a special application. In order to file a claim in this way, install the application and select the form of communication with the operator;
  • Telephone call. You can report your claim quickly and conveniently by phone. All you need is to dial the Beeline hotline and follow the instructions. For mobile communications, call free number. Please note that all calls are recorded;
  • Written appeal. The most efficient way to file your complaint. It is written in free form. But at the same time, it must necessarily contain information on the contract (if the complaint is filed for violation of its terms), your data and a clearly described essence of the problem. You can submit a finished appeal to any office or branch of Beeline, but it must be addressed to the central office.

To Rospotrebnadzor and Roskomnadzor

These two services are responsible for checking the quality of service. At the same time, they should not be confused in any way - Rospotrebnadzor deals with services, goods and compliance with the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, and Roskomnadzor, in turn, deals with communications issues. In order to contact one of these services, you will need to make a standard complaint, consisting of three parts:

  1. Title. Contains:
    1. Information on the department to which the complaint is filed (name, address, full name of the head);
    2. Information on the applicant (name, address);
    3. Contacts for communication.
  2. Information part. Contains:
    1. The circumstances of the complaint;
    2. The nature of the complaint;
    3. your requirements;
    4. Justification of the requirements.
  3. Conclusion. Contains:
    1. List of documents attached to the complaint;
    2. Applicant's signature;
    3. The date the complaint was filed.

To the prosecutor's office and FAS

These two organizations take much more serious complaints than complaints related to poor service or poor quality communications. Complaints are filed with both the prosecutor's office and the Federal Antimonopoly Service if a serious violation of the law has been committed. However, first things first.

Complaints to the prosecutor's office should be written if Beeline somehow violated your civil rights. This can be expressed both in a separate crime and in the offense of one of the employees, who is actively “covered up” by the authorities. A complaint to the prosecutor's office is completely identical to the standard sample of complaints. At the same time, in the information part, it will be necessary to indicate which legal norms were violated. If you are unable to determine exactly which laws were violated in Beeline, then ask a lawyer for advice.

The Federal Antimonopoly Service is another government organization that will take your complaint against Beeline. However, she will do this only if her appeal concerns economic crimes. These can be both cases of significant violation of the contract, and open fraud in offices or stores.


You should go to court in two cases - if your situation is unique, and none of the public services can consider it, and also if no other authority has been able to help you. In order to start proceedings in your case, prepare a statement of claim. Such a statement is almost completely identical to the standard sample of the complaint with one exception - in the heading, after indicating the name of the court, it is not necessary to indicate the person responsible for the consideration. Instead, the field “Respondent” will be indicated.

Experience as a lawyer since 2003. Graduated from the Moscow State Open University with honors. Specialization - protection of consumer rights.

How to file a claim with Beeline?

Sample Documents


Termination of a tenancy agreement.

State executive authorities of the Russian Federation

Termination of the contract of sale

Addendum to the appeal

Violation of the employment contract


On the territory of the Russian Federation there are many mobile operators that provide their services to our citizens. One of the leaders in this industry is Beeline. The quality of service, as well as connection and speed of the Internet, unfortunately, do not always meet high standards. Today, subscribers often face various problems and unpleasant situations, for example, such as spam, which happened through the fault of the operator. So, what to do in such a situation, how to write a claim to Beeline?

To resolve the issue related to writing and filing a complaint, you just need to:

  • Request a consultation using the form.
  • Use the online chat in the lower right corner.
  • Call:

☎ for Moscow and MO:

☎ for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region: -67-81

Grounds for a claim

A claim is a tool that allows a citizen to declare that his rights have been violated and demand that the culprit restore justice. You can complain about the actions of the Beeline network in the following situations when:

  • the company violates the terms of the contract or public offer;
  • does not protect its users from fraudulent activities;
  • company employees violate consumer rights.

So, if you understand the situation that has arisen, any offense can be brought to the listed 3 grounds in order to appeal against the actions of the telecom operator.

Where to write a claim to Beeline

First of all, a claim for the quality of communication and service of the Beeline company must be submitted to the company's management. The legislator establishes that conflicts must be resolved peacefully at the internal level. If it was not possible to reach a compromise, you can resort to more radical methods of influence by writing an appeal to higher authorities.

Important! An alternative option is to decide to send a letter to Beeline's email address or to the main office of the company.

It is necessary to choose the option for filing a complaint, based on the principle of expediency and reasonableness, since the company's management will not consider the issue of poor-quality communication or spam, for these problems you need to contact competent employees - maintenance operators.

In the event that they cannot help or the specialists ignore your appeal, as well as in situations where they themselves violate the rights of subscribers, the complaint must be sent to one of the following structures:

How to write a claim to Beeline?

Today there is no strict format for such a statement, but it should contain:

  • the name of the authority where you are filing the claim;
  • information about the applicant and his contacts;
  • essence of the question;
  • subscriber requirements;
  • an indication of the legal norms that the company has violated;
  • signature and date of the applicant.

The document must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of business correspondence. It should be noted that the complaint should be written in 2 copies. On one of them, the receiving party is obliged to put a mark that the paper has been accepted.

Important! The answer to the claim comes within a day, but you should know that the case may be delayed. Also, experts advise to obtain the most effective result, you need to apply simultaneously to several instances.

ATTENTION! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in the article could be out of date! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below.
