Where to get money for a teenager: all available ways. Where to get money for a teenager: all available ways How to promote your video course

More and more often, teenagers are thinking about how to make money at 16 years old. Especially if you want to prepare for adulthood or just fulfill an expensive dream. After all, not every parent will finance the "whims" of a teenager. Next, you will be presented best advice part-time work for children over 16 years old. It is worth remembering that it is best to start building a career in the summer or during long vacations. Then you can work more. This means that income will only increase.


How can you make money at 16? A fairly common vacancy among schoolchildren is the position of a promoter.

The essence of earnings is the distribution of leaflets or participation in promotions. For example, in food tasting. Pay is usually hourly. On average, a promoter earns 100-150 rubles per hour.

Thus, a part-time job lasting up to 4 hours (as much as you can work at 16) brings about 700-800 rubles a day.

Employment requires a minimum of documents - usually only a passport is enough. Some companies hire promoters informally.

Today, this vacancy is found in every region of the Russian Federation. And getting a job as a promoter is not difficult. The vacancy does not provide for any skills, knowledge or skills of the employee.

Courier service

How to make money at 16? Working as promoters usually suits girls. It is easier for young people in their teens to earn an income.

The thing is that some companies offer vacancies for couriers. The work consists in the delivery of small parcels and mail to recipients. Employment is simplified if the child has a personal bike.

Payment depends directly on the work done. Getting a job as a courier is also easy. But girls are rarely hired for such positions.

dog walking

How to make money as a teenager? At the age of 16 in Russia, it is problematic to find your place in the labor market. And people start making money out of everything they come up with.

In some regions, you can find offers to walk dogs for money. Often such services are provided to acquaintances, friends and neighbors. Offers are distributed by word of mouth.

For an hour of walking with one animal, you can earn from 100 rubles or more. The cost of the service is negotiated with the owner of the dog. At a time, a teenager can walk several animals at once.

Important: walking dogs for money is very popular in the United States. In Russia, this work is not very common.

Sale of hand-made

How can you make money at 16? The previously considered proposals do not require any special skills and knowledge from the employee. And so they can be considered universal.

Some people (including children) make money selling hand-made items. Such work is in demand among the female half of society. Handmade things are considered fashionable in the modern world. And they pay good money for them.

You can sell anything - from furniture to jewelry. The product can be exhibited personally or offered to stores. Income depends only on the success of sales.

Important: making money on hand-made can be a good business. Especially if the seller has few competitors.

Accompanying children

How to make money at 16? Sometimes teenagers are engaged in accompanying young children to school, home, to circles and sections.

Piecework payment. Usually parents give money for the trip, if necessary + direct payment for escort services. It is from 150 rubles.

Most often, teenage girls moonlight as escorts. But young people can also earn in this way. The main thing is to find clients. In today's world, this service is required by parents more and more often.

Fast food cafe

How can you make money at 16? The next common job among teenagers is work in the field of catering. Or rather, in a cafe. For example, workers in the kitchen or cashiers.

Usually schoolchildren are offered vacancies for cafe employees for several hours. Pay varies depending on the institution. In general, an hour of work is paid at 250-350 rubles.

A feature of the part-time job under study is its full compatibility with the school. The child will be able to earn and gain work experience constantly.

Among the shortcomings of the chosen direction of work are often distinguished:

  • high staff turnover;
  • heavy load;
  • cheating with wages from some employers.

Nevertheless, adolescents often prefer this kind of work. The sphere of public catering really helps to earn even schoolchildren. But they recruit people from the age of 14 for the corresponding positions. And most importantly - find a conscientious employer.


Where can you earn money at 16? Increasingly, children are recruited into cafes and restaurants as waiters.

The salary consists of an hourly shift (from 150 rubles / hour) and a tip. The work is responsible and requires accuracy from a teenager. For employment, it is often necessary for a child to have a medical book.

Important: a child cannot be hired as a waiter for night shifts. You are allowed to work until 22:00.

Some schoolchildren note that the position of a waiter requires good endurance. It is not always easy for a child and even an adult to serve tables. And so this type of part-time work is not suitable for everyone.

Park worker

How to make money at 16? In the summer, teenagers can turn to amusement parks. They often recruit people for part-time jobs for the summer.

Schoolchildren can be taken as sellers of cotton candy, popcorn, toys in tents. In some cases, you can become an employee of a particular attraction.

Similar work, as we have already said, appears in the summer. Responsible employers ask if the child has a medical book. You can find someone who will hire only a passport.

Working in the park often involves a huge load - most of the time you have to stand. But the work is well paid. Usually employers pay 150-200 rubles per hour + interest on sales.

Sale of the mind

How to earn money as a student at 16? Some prefer to trade their knowledge and skills. Sometimes this approach allows you to earn extra money at any time of the year. When the child has time.

Schoolchildren 16 years old can:

  • do homework for money;
  • offer tutoring services for elementary school students;
  • solve control and independent work for a fee;
  • write essays for money.

If the child has special skills and knowledge, he can use them. For example, repair computers for money or create websites. A great start for a freelancer! It is possible that it is the "mind trading" that will become the main source of profit for the young man in the future.

Work on the Web - captcha

Where can you earn money at 16? For example, on the Internet. More and more students are looking for jobs online. And successfully find it.

There is To work, you just need to register on a specialized exchange (for example, on RuCaptcha) and enter text from the pictures on the screen. For each image they pay from 5 to 30 kopecks. Some captcha exchanges allow you to earn up to 500 rubles per day.

Important: in Russia, you can earn on captcha using the Kolotibablo website. This resource has a rating system that allows you to increase the cost of work over time.

Earnings on the Internet - social networks

You can earn money for a teenager on the Internet at the age of 16 using a promoted account on a social network. For example, performing simple tasks. For example, "like" or "repost".

To work, you need to register on a specialized exchange, sometimes - download special program, and then go through authorization. After adding a page of a particular social network, you can select tasks, complete them and get paid for it.

In a month, this method of part-time work brings about 2-3 thousand rubles. It is best to work with these resources:

  • VkTarget;
  • V-Like;
  • LikesRock.

Now it is understood how to make money at 16 years old. It's not that hard to do if you want to. The main thing is to find an area in which it turns out to work.

Schoolchildren at the age of 16 are already physically and intellectually developed enough to be trusted with the performance of this or that work. They are ready and eager to make money, and you should not limit these impulses. Previously, teenagers with their parents need to study the legislative framework, assess the possibilities and desires, and draw up an optimal work schedule that does not interfere with their studies. Most of today's millionaires are people who started their careers and businesses in their teenage years, having studied from the inside and thoroughly all the possibilities and limitations. And, with youthful maximalism, they believed in the impossible, and achieved their goal.

Here are some examples of such success:

  1. F. Doherty, who at the age of 14 started producing jam according to his grandmother's recipe and selling it to neighbors and acquaintances. Already at 16, he registered the SuperJam brand, under which he not only produced a sweet product, but also published collections of recipes (the SuperJam cookbook, a popular publication on Internet auctions).
  2. K. Johnson. It all started with the design of an invitation card that the parents asked the boy to make. The design impressed the guests and their acquaintances so much that in a few years the child was able to open his own line of postcards under the Cheers And Tears brand, and even before graduating from high school, to form a capital of $ 1 million.
  3. David and Katherine Cook, brother and sister who created the popular online school diary at MyYearbook.com.

What needs to be done to repeat and surpass their experience? Work hard, have an interesting idea and come up with ways to implement it. And help and support from loved ones. For example, David and Katherine Cook were able to accelerate their success because their older brother Jason believed in them and their idea and loaned $250,000 to start the business.

It's important to know! Not everyone in the family has the opportunity to help financially, but every parent can provide moral support and deal with the legal aspects of earning money for sixteen-year-old schoolchildren.

What does the Labor Code of the Russian Federation say about the employment of 16-year-olds

The law does not prohibit working and doing business at this age. There are some restrictions that you should be aware of and respect.

Schoolchildren 16 years oldDuring the academic yearDuring school holidays
Allowed to work per dayno more than 4 hoursno more than 7 hours
Allowed to work per weekno more than 17.5 hoursno more than 35 hours
Work with harmful and dangerous substancesforbiddenforbidden
Work associated with significant physical and psychological stressforbiddenforbidden
Work related to making responsible decisionsforbiddenforbidden

Adolescence is a period when a minor is no longer a baby, but not yet an independent adult. At this time, the final growing up, estrangement from parents and universal control takes place. Many teenagers begin to wonder where to get the money. A teenager always wants something new. The demands of modern children are extensive, and not all parents are ready to satisfy them. Therefore, some young people are looking for ways to earn money or are simply thinking about where at one age or another they can ask for pocket money. Next, everything about getting money by teenagers will be told.


Where to get money for a teenager urgently? The most effective and obvious option for the development of events is to contact the parents. They are legal representatives of minors. It is the responsibility of parents to fully provide for the needs of children until they reach 18 years of age.

Accordingly, if a child needs money, he can ask his mother or father for it. For pocket expenses, modern teenagers are almost always allocated certain funds. But, as already mentioned, not all parents are ready to satisfy the desires of their children. Teenage appetites are limitless. Buying another phone or gadget is not a vital action. Therefore, some parents refuse to buy.

Then where to get money for a teenager? What to do when parents refuse to finance certain desires of a child?


The next option is to ask for a loan. It is best to contact close people. For example, to friends or relatives. Especially if the amount is small.

The disadvantage of this approach is that the borrowed funds still have to be repaid. Therefore, sooner or later you will have to think about where to get the money. A teenager living in the modern world is offered a huge number of different options for the development of events.


Where else can you get money? The most obvious answer is a call to work. This means that a teenager just needs to get a job and get a certain amount of finance with his work. Quite normal and common. Especially in the summer.

Some parents discourage their children's desire for employment. You don't need to do that. After all, if a child thinks on his own about where he can get money for his desires and requests, we can talk about the correct growing up of a minor.

Summer work is very popular among teenagers. Where can a teenager get money? Modern employers in Russia offer many vacancies for part-time jobs. Next, we will talk about exactly where modern youth work.


The first way to earn money is employment as a courier. Many say that such work is popular in the summer. What exactly to deliver? This is not so important. Most often in practice, children deliver announcements to mailboxes, as well as free newspapers. Sometimes teenagers are trusted with small loads or food delivery. A huge advantage here is the presence of a bicycle. In addition, the child should know the city and its roads well.


Where to quickly get money for a teenager? You can try to earn them by working at the post office. In general, the process will resemble courier delivery. The only difference is that you need to look for temporary job advertisements at post offices.

In some cases, work at the post office involves not only the delivery of letters and small parcels, but also serving the population. For example, as a cashier-operator. They don't pay very much at post offices, but this will be enough for pocket expenses.

Cleaning of gardens/plots

Where can a 14-year-old teenager get money? The next position is not for everyone. Boys usually face it. We are talking about cleaning gardens and private plots (houses).

The work consists in ennobling gardens and flower beds near various institutions. Such work is in demand in the summer, when gardeners hired for permanent work go on vacation.

In Russia, such work is not particularly popular. It is attractive for nature lovers. Planting trees and flowers, caring for gardens and bushes is not so difficult. Even a teenager will cope with the task!

dog walking

But that's not all! Where can a teenager get money? For example, you can offer dog walking services. This tradition came to Russia from America. There, many children and young people earn in this way.

Many citizens simply do not have time to walk their four-legged friends. If a teenager loves dogs, is not afraid of them and is ready for increased responsibility, you can offer such services. It is advisable to look for clients near your place of residence. Earnings are usually issued after walking the dog. You can earn big money this way if you try very hard. For one walking they usually ask for 150-200 rubles.


Where can I get money for a teenager of 17 years old? If a person likes to communicate with children, you can offer tutoring services in a variety of subjects. Often, by the age of 17, teenagers not only study, but also teach. For example, children from elementary grades.

In addition, for money you can help with homework and essays. Even some young people and adults, experienced teachers earn extra money as tutors. This is a great way to make money. Schoolchildren thus earn less than experienced teachers, but you can get money for pocket expenses and more or less large purchases (phone, tablet, and so on). If the clients like the lessons, the student will be able to enjoy the glory of the tutor in the future.


Where can I get money for a 15-year-old teenager? You can get a job as a counselor at a summer camp. More specifically, his assistant. Directly counselors are allowed to work only after 18 years. This is due to the increased responsibility for minor children.

What is the job of an assistant counselor? Such people (they can be of any age) carry out personal assignments of their boss. In fact, teenagers are also counselors, but without criminal responsibility and with an observer. How much can you earn this way? This is an individual question. It is necessary to agree on earnings in advance, because some camps do not at all provide for the payment of assistant counselors.

Ad Poster

Where can a teenager get money for a phone or not the most expensive tablet? Today, the vacancy called "poster of ads" is very popular today. The work is somewhat reminiscent of courier delivery - it also requires the child to have good orientation in the city.

What are the tasks of an employee? It is necessary to put up various announcements around the city. Usually there are specially designated places for this. But posters are often told to stick the appropriate pieces of paper on poles, entrances and bus stops.

Earnings depend on the number of pasted ads. Some employers promise daily or weekly payouts. So, for 7 days of work, some teenagers earn 2-3 thousand rubles. It is desirable to work without intermediaries. This way you can increase your earnings.


And where to get money for a teenager-girl? Today, handmade goods are in great demand. They are called handmade. You can do needlework and sell your products. A good way to make money. Especially if the child really has a talent for some kind of needlework. Often this approach helps to earn a lot of money.

Not only teenagers, but also adults are engaged in the sale of hand-made. What are they buying? Jewelry, textiles, clothes, handmade soap, original chocolates and even candles. Cakes, sweets and other food can also be sold. Earnings will directly depend on the sold goods. The price must be calculated on the principle of "the cost of the goods + its markup."

car wash

As a rule, "express" washing is in great demand among the population. If a teenager himself offers his services, earnings will depend on a personal agreement with the driver. Otherwise, the car service will offer a specific salary based on the work done.

What is needed for employment and successful work? Good physical shape, attentiveness and friendliness. The work is not the easiest, but quite profitable.


A simpler vacancy is the position of a promoter. Today, even children aged 10-12 can find a job in this way. The essence of the work is simple - distribute leaflets.

Earnings will depend on the amount of material distributed. They pay money by agreement with the employee - once a week or daily. Often, children work as promoters all year round on weekends. Usually the working day lasts 4 hours. You can earn money for pocket expenses and small expenses, but for quick and significant earnings you will have to find another place.

Repair work

Where can a teenager earn money? The following offer is ideal for boys who know how to work with technology. They may offer repair services for computers and other gadgets.

Income depends on the number of orders. The advantage is the opportunity to work on a free schedule all year round. Some people start their careers this way.

Internet to help

All previously proposed methods require the child to go outside. But in the modern world, you can earn money without going to work every day. What is this about?

The Internet is where some people have learned to make good money. But how exactly? Where can I get money for a teenager on the Internet? The main ways of earning here require the age of majority!

Among the available methods of making a profit, there are:

  1. Surfing. It consists in viewing sites for money through a browser or specialized programs. You can get up to 2,000 rubles a month from one job offering service. It is recommended to pay attention to VipIP, Wmmail, SeoSprint.
  2. Working with file sharing. Some file sharing services pay for a certain number of downloads of a particular document. For example, Deposit Files, Vip-File Letitbit and so on. The work is difficult, since the main problem is to attract an audience to download a document that was "uploaded" to the service in advance.
  3. Writing reviews. Some review sites pay to post product reviews. iRecommend is in great demand. It guarantees earnings for the number of views of a review. What to write about? About everything that a teenager used. You can't make a lot of money this way. The maximum will be to get 1.5-2 thousand rubles. Nevertheless, this is a good way to passively earn money. It is enough to write new reviews every few weeks so that the profile is not deactivated.

But that's not all. There are other ways to work online. What is this about?

We promote communities

Where can a teenager get money on the World Wide Web? Programmers and web designers can offer in in social networks community promotion services. You need to attract new users to the public. For this, the person will be paid money.

In addition, some are offered to perform simple tasks like "put like", "make a repost", "add as a friend". For such work, it is better to use a variety of services and programs. For example, LikesRock or VKTarget. It will be possible to get several thousand rubles in this way.

For photographers

Some teenagers are fond of photography. You can make good money from this hobby. The thing is that there are photobank sites on the Internet. They pay for downloading certain photos. By posting your creations here, the child will be able to earn some extra money.

The presence of a professional or semi-professional camera, as well as the skills of "Photoshop" is desirable. So it will be possible to create truly interesting and attractive photos and pictures.


Now it is clear where to get money for a teenager. If parents do not provide pocket money, you just need to find a job. In addition to the listed vacancies, teenagers and students are often employed as waiters, sales managers, cashiers and workers in fast food cafes.

What to give preference? The answer directly depends on the desire of the child. It is not recommended to protect him from independence. Especially if he wants to consistently receive money for personal expenses.

Last update:  02/20/2020

Reading time: 17 min. | Views: 5861

Greetings readers "site"! Today we will tell you how to make money for a schoolboy, is it possible for a teenager to make money on the Internet, and also list sites, where can minor receive money online without investing your own funds.

Children often feel the desire to receive additional income. At the same time, they have a huge advantage over students and adults. It consists in the presence of a large amount of free time.

By carefully studying the presented publication, you will learn:

  • is it true that schoolchildren today can earn money;
  • what ways will help a student earn money without using the Internet;
  • is it possible for a teenager to get a good income on the Internet and what needs to be done for this;
  • what ways to make money on the Internet without investments with the withdrawal of money are suitable for teenagers.

Also at the end of the article you will find examples of schoolchildren who have earned money more⇑ than in adults, and tips for teenagers on πŸ’».

The presented publication will be useful not only to schoolchildren, teenagers and future students, but also to their parents. To learn how to get real income, start reading right now!

How to make money for a schoolboy, is it possible for a teenager (10-11-12 years old and older) to make money on the Internet - read in the article, where we will also list sites for making money without investments for schoolchildren with money withdrawal πŸ’³

Today, many students dream of learning on one's own earn. However, teenagers often encounter scammers in search of income. They promise children huge pay for doing basic things.

Faced with deception, many students cease to believe in the possibility of independent earnings. That is why today we will talk in detail about the opportunities for generating income for children.

The reasons why a student is looking for ways to earn money can be different:

  1. πŸ’° some do not have enough pocket money issued by their parents;
  2. πŸ’Έ others dream of a big purchase;
  3. πŸ‘ others just want to help low-income parents.

In fact, modern schoolchildren can use a large number of ways to earn money. The only thing you need to know is which ones are really real . In the presented publication, we talk only about those options that have been repeatedly tested and are absolutely legal .

Those children who are well versed in working with a computer can earn income using the Internet. However, even in the absence of such knowledge, it is quite possible to make money today.

2. How to make a teenager money and not harm his studies - 4 useful tips for minors

Many schoolchildren, and even more so their parents, are afraid that if they start working, they can greatly harm their studies. In fact, you can combine these two classes without any problems if you heed the advice of more experienced people.

Tip 1. It is important to learn how to properly allocate your time ⌚

Upon returning home, you should first start doing homework. This will keep you distracted while you work.

It is important to minimize activities that eat up a huge amount of time - computer games, social networks, e-mail.

Tip 2. You should follow the diet πŸ”πŸ•

Working on an empty stomach can be difficult. But snacking during work only gets in the way. While eating ( including when drinking tea or cocoa) blood flows from the brain to the stomach. Thinking becomes much more difficult.

Moreover, in the process of digestion of food, a huge amount of glucose is produced, from which a person can fall asleep. It turns out that it is forbidden snack during work . This is especially true for activities that require mental costs.

Best to eat around 30 -60 minutes before starting work. Gradually, this mode will become habitual. As a result, not only the work will be effective, but it will also be possible to prevent the occurrence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tip 3. You need to remember the gradual decrease in work efficiency πŸ‘€

It has been scientifically proven that performance is highest during the first hour. To the greatest extent, this applies to mental and sedentary activities.

After 60 minutes, performance begins to decline ⇓. Therefore, experts recommend taking a break every hour for a duration about 15 minutes.

When the break is over, you can get back to work with renewed vigor.

Tip 4. During the break, you should do a warm-up πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈβ€πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

During a break, you should not waste time on empty entertainment. Much better to make a small warm-up . This will help relieve tension that accumulates while sitting in the neck, back, and shoulders.

Fatigue is primarily associated with the almost complete immobility of muscles and joints during work. Regular warm-up will help to avoid such side effects as rachiocampsis. Moreover, in a few months the whole body will come into tone.

If you strictly adhere to the above rules, you can get a good increase in pocket money. In this case, there will be no interference with learning.

11 main ways how you can earn money for a schoolboy or teenager without Internet

3. How to make money for a schoolboy (10, 11, 12, 13, 14 years old) without the Internet - TOP 11 offline ways

Today, modern technologies are being introduced into life everywhere. Despite this, schoolchildren still have the opportunity to learn how to earn money without sitting at home.

However, today it has become much more difficult to earn income without a computer. Moreover, finding a part-time job often takes a lot of time.

Perfect option – part-time work with parents or their friends . In this case, you can count on a suitable schedule that will help you not to miss classes and do your homework on time.

Below are ways that allow students to earn income without using the internet . Of course, this list cannot be called exhaustive, we present only the most popular options,.

Method 1. Hobby and handmade (needlework) πŸ‘©β€πŸ”§πŸ‘·β€β™€οΈ

Schoolchildren in any locality have the opportunity to earn money by doing what they love.

Making money with your own hands (handmade and hobby)

Most often, income in this case is brought:

  • modeling;
  • drawing;
  • design;
  • embroidery;
  • crochet and knitting;
  • modeling;
  • production of various handicrafts;
  • cutting and burning on wood;
  • weaving;
  • macrame;
  • manufacture of leather goods.

disadvantage this type of income is the need to find buyers . However, over time, there will be buyers for any quality work. Moreover, regular customers may gradually appear who will definitely recommend your work to friends and acquaintances.

Method 2. Car wash πŸš—

Among foreign students, one of the most popular types of earnings is car wash . In Russia, budget car washes are also gradually starting to use child labor.

car wash

For such work, you can get about 300 rubles per hour. In this case, the working day is 3 -4 hours. As a result, it is quite realistic to receive order per day 1 000 rubles.

Most often, the main requirements for accepting a student to work in a car wash are:

  • no allergic reactions to household chemicals;
  • obtaining the consent of parents or guardians in writing.

However, it should be borne in mind that in most cases, employers take only high school students to car washes. Younger children and those who are short will simply not be able to reach the roof of large cars.

Method 3. Animators and counselors πŸ‘»

The main qualities of animators and counselors are love for children, as well as the ability to organize and cheer them up. Such workers must necessarily be good artists and be in good health.

The leaders (and often the animators) are subject to strict age requirements. Children under the age of 16 are rarely hired for such work.

At the same time, the counselors have a serious responsibility for the children resting in the camp. Therefore, it is mandatory to provide a health certificate.

Also, the duties of the counselor and animator include:

  • organization of exciting and useful games;
  • knowledge and strict observance of safety regulations;
  • demanding discipline from children and from oneself;
  • teaching the most useful things in life;
  • the ability to find a way out in any difficult situation.

When choosing between the profession of an animator and a counselor, it should be noted that the latter can be practiced only in season. In addition, it often involves going out of town.

important advantage earning income in this way is the opportunity to develop organizational and artistic skills.

Method 4. Courier or promoter πŸ‘¨πŸ‘©

A good way to make money for a 14-year-old schoolboy is to work as a courier or promoter

Children who are already over 14 years , can find a job as a courier or promoter. Before agreeing to receive income in this way, you should understand what these employees do.

Promoter spends most of his working time outside the office (in most cases on the street). The task of such an employee is to attract a flow of customers and buyers to the institution.

To this end, he is distribution of flyers, coupons and leaflets, as well as posting ads. The promoter must understand how to get people's attention. Moreover, he needs to know where to place ads.

Among cons (βˆ’) Promoter jobs include:

  • you will have to spend time on the street at any time of the year, in any weather;
  • people simply do not pay attention to many ads;
  • passers-by often do not want to take leaflets, while it is necessary to distribute quite a lot;
  • Posters are often reprimanded and banned from posting ads.

Courier job , as well as the promoter, does not imply a permanent presence in the office. However, the difference lies in the absence of the need to constantly be in one place. Couriers are constantly moving around the city, delivering correspondence or goods. However, many companies do not pay compensation for travel.

Among cons (βˆ’) courier work can be distinguished:

  • the need to carry heavy bags;
  • constant movement around the city, regardless of the weather.

Working as a courier and promoter is popular among schoolchildren living in large cities. In most cases, the payment for such vacancies is hourly - from 70 to 200 rubles per hour.

However, you should be as careful as possible to avoid scammers:

  • One of them they simply do not pay for the work performed, finding in it any non-existent shortcomings.
  • Other- under the word courier they hide the need to move around the city with bags, selling goods that no one needs at exorbitant prices.

To understand how honest the employer is, it is worth talking with the guys who are already working in the company in question.

Method 5. Employment Center πŸŒ²πŸ‚

Schoolchildren looking for work without the Internet are often faced with scammers or the unwillingness of companies to employ them. You can avoid this if, in search of income, contact district administration or state employment center .

In most cases, here you can find vacancies for young people who want to work in their free time.

Among the advantages of this method of finding a job are the following:

  • honesty of the employer;
  • responsible attitude of management;
  • free lunch;
  • the opportunity to gain work experience;
  • free of charge give out all the necessary equipment, as well as overalls.

Work for the state is primarily characterized by a guarantee of honesty. This way of earning income guarantees the payment of wages. Moreover, when contacting government agencies, you can be sure that you will not encounter scammers.

Method 6. Doing homework for classmates πŸ“•πŸ“”

Excellent students can earn money by helping classmates, as well as students of junior and parallel classes with their studies. At the same time, it is important to choose those subjects in which there is the best knowledge.

A 10-year-old schoolboy can earn money by helping his classmates do their homework

Homework can be done for a small fee. drawing, mathematics, physics and chemistry. High-quality essays can be in demand literature, art culture, Russian language.

For a fee you can do Not only homework, but also control, as well as laboratory. Today, prompting services using micro-earphones in exams and tests are also popular.

Method 7. Room cleaning πŸ—‘

Small companies are happy to accept schoolchildren for a shortened working day. First of all, this is due to the lack of the need to formalize official employment. Cleaning several rooms in the evenings, you can get an increase in pocket money.

Method 8. Dog walking 😎

Working people often do not have enough time to walk the dog. Students may offer to walk them for a small fee.

Among pluses (+) such work stand out:

  • the ability to go for a walk with several dogs at the same time;
  • combining dog walking with social media, e-mails, school books, and other similar activities.

Method 9. Landscaping parks πŸŒ³β˜˜πŸƒ

Schoolchildren who have already received passport ( 14 years) . Such work can be found in various city parks.

Assistance in cleaning and landscaping parks

But you should keep in mind that landscaping parks requires serious physical effort.

This may require planting plants, watering and weeding them, carrying heavy pots and bags of earth.

Method 10. Harvest trading πŸ₯’πŸ…πŸ“πŸ„

Schoolchildren who have a dacha can earn good money in autumn-summer period selling harvest. Parents and grandmothers usually give their children vegetables, fruits and berries for sale in the market without any problems.

In order for goods to be in demand, it is important to set prices below ↓ than in the store. Also, at a cost, you should focus on those installed by those who trade nearby.

One side , the main goal is the desire to sell your product at the maximum cost. With another- if you overestimate the cost, there may not be demand for the crop.

Method 11. Personal instructor πŸ•Ί

Schoolchildren who are good at any sport or dance direction can get a job in sports children's center.

Without much difficulty, you can teach young children various games. At the same time, adolescents can receive up to 500 rubles per day of classes .

The above list is not exhaustive. However, the most popular and reliable ways for schoolchildren to earn income are described here.

4. Is it possible to make money on the Internet without investments for teenagers with the withdrawal of money?

Not all students spend time only on lessons and video games. Many children today are looking for ways to earn pocket money on their own.

At the same time, choosing an employer and a suitable position often takes them a lot of time and effort. Not all teenagers manage to quickly find a source of income, they may be disappointed and abandon such an idea.

In the meantime, don't worry. Teenagers are usually accepted without any problems for vacancies that do not require special experience. This may include cleaning, delivery of correspondence, unloading and packaging of goods.

Moreover, if you have a computer and a laptop connected to the Internet at home, you can find a job for which you don’t even have to leave your home. Today, children feel quite comfortable online. By the way, we wrote about that in one of our previous publications.

Many people start earning at an early age by completing elementary tasks that do not require much effort.

The following activities are most often paid:

  • link transitions;
  • clicks on ads;
  • registration on the website;
  • watching videos.

It's important to understand that the pay for such elementary work is at a very low level ⇓. That is why many schoolchildren already at this stage refuse the idea of ​​making money on the Internet, believing that it will not be possible to get rich online.

However, such thoughts are far from reality. In fact, you can make good money online. In this case, age is absolutely not important. Most importantly, have the desire to develop.

5. What you need to start making money on the Internet for schoolchildren and teenagers βœ”

Method 9. Elementary earnings (social networks, surveys, captchas, and so on)

Under elementary income understand the performance of simple actions for which payment is provided. Such actions do not require any effort from the student. It is enough to be registered in a certain social network or to pass an elementary registration on any service.

Among the types of elementary earnings, the most popular are the following:

  1. Enter captcha. To earn income in this way, certain skills or any conditions are not required. In order to be guaranteed to receive the earned funds, it is worth registering only on proven resources;
  2. Social networks. To earn here, you need to put paid likes, do reposts and subscriptions. An important condition for this is that all actions must be performed only from live accounts;
  3. Writing comments. On the Internet you can find services that pay money for writing comments. At the same time, there are no requirements for a beautiful style and special design, as is the case with articles. Even schoolchildren can share their opinions on forums, getting paid for it;
  4. Passing paid surveys - Another option for elementary earnings. Enough to register for special service and answer the questions of the submitted questionnaire. With this kind of work, you can not count on a large income. However, if the student regularly takes surveys, he will gradually accumulate a good amount.

Method 10. Selling photos

The demand for unique high-quality images is always quite high. You can use them to sell specialized photobanks .

  1. LoriπŸ“Έ. One of the few photobanks in Russian. You can earn from 30 to 3500 rubles for one photo (about 50% goes to the authors, and the other part goes to the service). Money can be withdrawn to bank cards, QIWI, Yandex.Money, WebMoney, etc.
  2. DreamtimeπŸ“Έ. English-language site where there is no exam. The minimum amount for withdrawal from the service is $100, withdrawal systems are Paypal, Payoneer and others.
  3. depositphotosπŸ“Έ. To start selling photos, you need to pass an exam by uploading at least 5 photos. The service has an interface in Russian, the minimum withdrawal amount is $50.
  4. FotoliaπŸ“Έ. The service offers remuneration to authors of about 33% of the cost of the photo. The amount can be 50 or 1000 rubles. There are no entrance exams and therefore you can immediately post your pictures and photos for sale. The minimum amount for withdrawal is $50 through payment systems - PayPal, MoneyBookers and others.

In order for such work to generate income, it is important first of all to study what images on which topics are the most popular. Then you can take photos, create vector images and put them up for sale.

Method 11. Design

Work as a designer is suitable for those students who are fond of programs photoshop and Illustrator and are well versed in them.

Working as a designer, schoolchildren and teenagers can start earning good money on the Internet

Today there is no need to create illustrations for free. It is quite possible to make money on such a hobby. At the same time, by drawing for others, you can not only earn income, but also develop, gradually study the program better and better.

There are vacancies for a designer in almost every company. At the same time, it is unprofitable for small organizations to hire such a specialist.

Therefore, they are looking on the Internet for a person who will quickly, efficiently and inexpensively create a simple icon or a simple banner. Such work can be one-time or represent several projects..

To search for customers, you can use specialized exchanges , or directly offer their services to communities in social networks, bloggers on YouTube.

Experienced designers regularly review the information posted in groups and channels. If they see that there are problems with the design, they contact the management. At the same time, it is important to tell in detail what you can fix and set an adequate price.

Working as a remote designer allows you to earn a good income. Moreover, it helps to become a real specialist in this field. Such experience can be useful in building a future career.

Method 12. Curating

Often on the Internet they offer vacancies for curators for existing online training programs. Before starting work, you will have to go through preparatory Course .

The curator must have all the necessary information, and also know how to test the knowledge of students. This income option is suitable for older students. At the same time, it is important that there is no fear of performing the functions of a coordinator.

Method 13. Surfing

Earnings on surfing involves the following actions:

  • viewing ads;
  • following links;
  • banner clicks.

You can't close the site right away. It will have to be a designated amount of time ( usually no more 1 minutes). After that, to confirm the view, you must enter captcha .

Surfing can be divided into:

  1. independent. In this case, the user himself chooses the task to be performed;
  2. auto. In which an ad block is automatically loaded in the Internet browser.

Due to the fact that the tasks in surfing are elementary, and even a small child can do them, the payment for such work is minimal ↓. Most often, the fee for one action ranges from 1 before 30 kopecks.

Surfing makes money no more than 10 rubles per hour . Therefore, experts do not recommend using it as the main activity.

Method 14. Income from watching videos

Many people watch YouTube videos and other resources for entertainment. At the same time, not everyone knows that this activity can generate income.

For a fee you can watch Not only advertising. Often users want to increase the number of views. However, modern systems without any problems recognize cheating using various programs. That is why video owners pay to watch them.

Important to remember, that you won't be able to make much money this way. Most often, the level of payment is in the range from 10 kopecks to 4 rubles per video. At the same time, it is necessary to look at least 10 seconds (on some services - a few minutes).

Viewing tasks can be found on specialized sites, as well as exchanges of elementary earnings. This option usually allows you to earn near 50 rubles per hour(less often to 200 rubles).

How teenagers can earn pocket money during the summer holidays, read our selection of ideas.

Adolescents 14, 15, 16 years old are no longer children, and they would like to have their own money that they would not have to ask their parents for. But they are not adults yet, so it is much more difficult for teenagers to find ways. We have 17 ideas on how to make money for a teenager in his spare time.

Thanks to the Internet, teenagers today have many opportunities to earn money. However, we will tell not only about how a teenager can make money on the Internet, but also about other available options.

Ideas for teenagers on how to earn money during the holidays

So, you are a teenager and you want to earn extra pocket money, but you can't figure out how to do it. We have collected 17 earning ideas for you that do not require incredibly complex skills, abilities, and official employment.

Dog walking, pet care

Even the most responsible dog owners do not always have the time or opportunity to walk their pet, so they would be happy to delegate this pleasant task to someone.

If you have a dog, you know how to walk it and have never lost it, try selling your services.

Your potential employers could be neighbors, friends of your parents, and friends of friends - any adults your parents can trust and who naturally have a dog.

If dog walking didn’t work out, but you would be interested in working with animals, you can take fish, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, turtles or cats for overexposure (if parents allow, of course).

Often, when people go on vacation or a business trip, they have no one to leave their pets with. Offer to help them, and at the same time you can earn some pocket money.

Where to look for work: friends, neighbors, Kabanchik.ua, olx.com, you can leave your contacts at the nearest pet store.

sit with children

In America, teenagers quite often make money as a babysitter. Why don't you try babysitting while his mom goes grocery shopping, beauty salon, or just works at the computer in the next room.

Of course, you should not leave a teenager with a very small child, but a child from 2-3-5 years old may well be entrusted to you. Listen carefully (or better yet, write down) all the instructions on what to do in what cases and where to call in unexpected situations.

Tutoring with elementary children

A fairly simple way to make money for a teenager is to tutor primary school children or help them do their homework. You have not yet managed to forget the school curriculum, and the mothers of schoolchildren will be just happy to relieve themselves of the need to understand it again.

Where to look for an employer: neighbors, acquaintances and friends of parents.

You can also sell your tutoring services online - in this case, the potential circle of your employers is expanding, while not reducing the level of security.


Yes, few teenagers like to clean. But if money is paid for it, motivation already appears. No, we do not suggest asking your parents for money to clean your room. But to wipe the dust, take out the trash, wash the floor or dishes for those who cannot or do not have time to do this, but are willing to pay - you can try. At first, it is worth looking for such orders only through acquaintances and friends of the parents.

Food and grocery delivery

Perhaps from your first attempt you will not have a customer like a large office. But you can start with small errands for adults you know who just don't have time to go out for lunch or dinner, and for whom you can bring prepared food home or to the office. It can also be a shopping order in a store.

Help for the elderly

Surely, everyone in the neighborhood has elderly people whose children live separately. You can arrange with them that for a small fee you will help their parent(s) around the house, make sure that there is fresh food in the refrigerator, perhaps cook something, go to the pharmacy for medicines, etc.

How to make money on the Internet for a teenager: make crafts and sell them

Make and sell crafts

A good option for a creative teenager to make money is to make crafts with their own hands and sell them. We have already written, we will only add that you can also make such crafts for sale:

  • Mermaid doll (see)
  • Sock toys ()
  • Do , design for .

You can sell crafts not only at hand-made fairs or in small shops, but also via the Internet, on sites like Etsy.

Cultivation of plants - good way how to make money as a teenager

Grow indoor plants for sale

The easiest way to grow cacti and succulents for sale. However, it should be borne in mind that succulents are slow-growing plants, so growing them is for making money in the future. If you need more fast way earn, pay attention to adeniums. They grow very quickly and you can already sell a three-month-old seedling.

Breeding and selling aquarium fish

The principle is the same as with plants. Suitable for experienced aquarists. Teenagers who are into aquarium fish may consider breeding them for sale.

Where to look for clients: on free bulletin boards on the Internet (for example, on olx), on specialized sites.

Take children of primary school age to circles

If both parents work for a child of primary school age (grades 1-4), there is no grandmother or she lives far away, and hiring a nanny is too expensive, then he has to stay at school until the evening on an after-school. No drawing, no aikido dancing, no programming, because there is no one to take you to classes.

You can give your child a chance to develop their talents and earn some money if you agree with his parents that for a small fee you will take the child to circles and take him home after classes are over.

Transcription of texts, translation

Teenagers who have everything in order with spelling, syntax and punctuation can earn money by transcribing texts. Journalists who always do not have enough time to transcribe interviews really need this. To search for orders, you can contact the editors of the media directly or look for jobs on freelance exchanges, for example, Kabanchik.ua.

There you can also find an order for translating texts from English, German or any other foreign language that you study at school.

Write an e-book and sell it

Perhaps you are a future writer. Or in your desk drawer (well, let it be on a hard drive) there is a ready-made manuscript of a novel, a collection of stories, fairy tales or poems. You can send it to publishers and wait a long time for a response. Or you can try selling your art online. For example, on the Amazon Kindle Store or apple.com.

Take pictures and sell pictures

If you are fond of photography and you get good pictures, then you can also make money on your hobby on the Internet.

There are many photo stocks where you can sell your photos. The main condition is that the pictures must be of good quality, they must be taken by you, and if the photo shows a person, you must have permission to use his image.

You will need a passport to register on photo stocks. If you have not yet received a passport, contact your parents for help, perhaps one of them will agree to register an account in their name.

You will also need a bank account to which money from the sale of photographs will be transferred.

Photo processing

If you are familiar with Photoshop, try to find orders for photo processing (retouching, correction, etc.) on freelance exchanges. If you have not worked in Photoshop before, but would like to try this way of making money, take free online lessons on the Internet.

Draw and sell illustrations

You can sell illustrations both directly - to book publishers, websites and magazines, and through photobanks. See photobank sites in paragraph 13 (Selling photos).

To work on illustrations, you will need knowledge of Illustrator. You can also learn how to work in this program using online lessons on the Internet.

blog, youtube channel

Here, too, you should not count on quick profits. However, if you have interesting topics for a blog or youtube channel, you regularly write or shoot photos and videos for them, then over time, in addition to pleasure and feedback from your fans, you will also receive material profit.

Keep an eye out for casting announcements on dedicated social media groups and on film and advertising sites like acmodasi or silvestroff. You can find all the necessary information in Google if you enter the phrase "castings for teenagers".

Be prepared to be asked to read a script, monologue, or play an impromptu scene at the casting.

You can independently continue this list of ways to earn money as a teenager, having thought carefully about what talents or skills you have.

You can also ask for help from parents and relatives - perhaps they need help in the office (micro-tasks that a teenager can handle).

Whatever way you choose to earn money, always remember that it must be safe. Be sure to let your parents know who you're arranging a job with. If necessary, ask your parents to mediate between you and your potential employer.
