Scenario for holding a scientific and practical conference for schoolchildren. Scenario for the opening of a regional scientific and practical conference

Scenario for opening a research and development complex for students in grades 2 - 11
SLIDE No. 1 Alice sits on a chair, swings her legs, puts down the book she was holding in her hands:
- “Who needs books without pictures. - Or even poems, I don’t understand!” (approaches the table on which there is a bottle. (Voice behind the scenes): - DRINK ME!"
- Of course, it looks very tempting. No - I’ll look first, it says “Poison!” or not.
It was not for nothing that I re-read many instructive stories about children with whom various troubles happened.
However, on this bottle there is no skull, no bones, no inscription "Poison!"
(Alice risked trying its contents.)
- Extraordinarily tasty...
(She herself did not notice how the bottle was empty.) She spins and bends towards the ground.
SLIDE No. 2 - Oh, what is this happening to me! I probably really do fold up like a spyglass!
Host: Alice, have you tried the unknown contents from the bottle again? No, today you are not in Through the Looking Glass or in Wonderland. You're on scientific and practical conference of students of the Novoilinsky district at school No. 13. SLIDE No. 3
Alice: - And what will happen now?
Presenter - You will find out who the ANTIPODES are and what PARALLELS and MERIDIANS are, WHEN WHAT HAPPENED and what the FABRIC OF NARRATION is;
what MUSTARD is NOT made from and how to play CROQUET correctly; who are JURORS and how do they differ from JURORS; and what kind of TIME.
Alice: - In my opinion, no one can know ALL these things, not even an encyclopedic Dictionary.
- And the participants in today's conference know all this.
Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends!
Presenter 3: We are pleased to welcome you all to the cozy assembly hall of school No. 13!
Presenter 1: We see happy faces in the hall
Boys, girls, teachers and guests.
Presenter 2: And there are so many of you!
And this is not a dream:
Presenter 3: Nowadays all schools in the Novoilinsky district are ready to be proud of their Glorious Elite!
Presenter 1: Yes - yes by the elite! By those whose knowledge and intelligence have provided us
a happy opportunity to get together!
Presenter 2: Today is a holiday at our school - a regional scientific and practical conference! This is a report on the achievements of students and teachers in research activities, and one of the areas of implementation of the state program to support gifted children.
Presenter 1: Vivat for the gifted!
Presenter 2: Viva for researchers!
Presenter 3: Vivat to students and teachers of gymnasiums and schools in the Novoiliinsky district!!
Presenter 1: Today the most talented, inquisitive, searching guys - researchers - have gathered in this hall. Dear friends, primary school students welcome you.
I really want to know about this
But no one will say, as luck would have it,
Why is it dark at night?
Why is it light during the day?
Why do we love what tastes good?
Why is there water in the river?
Why is it so sad without a friend?
Why is it always fun to be with him?
I asked everyone patiently,
But no one wants to tell me
Why does it grow on a plum branch?
Are carrots hiding in the ground?
Someone answered me at least once
To my simple “why”,
Why does everyone want to laugh?
But no one should cry at all?
The hour of big secrets has come.
One hundred questions – one hundred answers.
We're all getting ready for it,
Answering “why?”
Presenter 2: To open a regional scientific- practical conference The floor is given to the head of the district education department, Marina Prokopyevna Samoilova
Presenter 2: At today's conference, young researchers will present the results of their exciting and rather lengthy work.
SLIDE No. 4 Presenter 3: And only in a cheerful, hot impulse, in passionate love for one’s native country, courage and energy, is victory born.
Presenter 1: And not only and not so much in a separate impulse, but in the persistent mobilization of all forces, in that constant burning that slowly and steadily moves mountains, opens unknown depths and brings them to sunny clarity.
Presenter 2: Did you come up with this yourself?
SLIDE No. 5 Presenter 1: No, these wise words were once said by Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.
Presenter 3: And these words fit perfectly with our scientific and practical conference.
SLIDE No. 6 Presenter 2: The school principal is invited to the stage for a welcoming speech
Presenter 1
In matters of study, we sometimes -
The truth is so clear
After all, we are opening today
Like stars, someone's names.
Presenter 2
Let everyone put everything aside,
Success awaits you, look cheerful,
Let the conference help
You become wiser and more mature.
Presenter 1. The Anthem of Russian Youth is played

Presenter 1: Russia's youth, hope, intelligence and strength -
A young tribe that strives to become wiser!
Presenter 2: Russia is famous for its teachers,
Presenter 3: The students bring glory to her!
Presenter1: The deputy director for scientific and methodological work of the school will introduce you to the procedure for holding the conference
Representation of sections' work
For further holding of the conference, I ask you to go to the auditorium according to the regulations.
Anthem of Russian Youth - Who else if not us?
Paraskivopulo Anastasia 8A
Time influences days and events,
Presses, dictates formats and styles,
We are on the verge of a big discovery
A strong, free, rich Russia.
Time to change obstinate promises,
But it was done here and now.
People are free, ambitious,
Russia's tomorrow depends on us.

We don’t expect calm in the epicenter of the elements,
We are building projects for a great country,
We remember the history of our Russia,
And we are making this story.
Bold, confident, bold, logical,
The general ideas and goals are correct,
It won't be easy for us, and that's logical,
Our success is called the success of the country.
Who, if not us, is the strength of the generation.
Who, if not us, scientific thinking,
Who, if not us, is the breakthrough of the decade,
Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.
Who, if not us, is a single team,
Who, if not us, is science propaganda,
Who, if not us, will make the strong beat,
Who, if not us, is free Russia!
It's another time, another generation,
Go ahead with new ideas and without doubt.
It's time to be leaders, not followers,
Time to create your new story.
Together we are united, strength clenched into a fist,
Daring Russia, strong Russia.
Strong in mind, unbroken in spirit,
Going forward, purposeful.
KMS, we don't need a reason
We will not bypass any city.
KMS, side of progress,
A strong Russia will be discovered by the people of the KMS.
We can dream, run the economy
Drive ships, and there are many of us like that,
Cold reason and clear logic,
We are proud of this and will teach it to others.
Who, if not us, is the strength of the generation.
Who, if not us, scientific thinking,
Who, if not us, is the breakthrough of the decade,
Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.
Who, if not us, is a single team,
Who, if not us, is science propaganda,
Who, if not us, will make the strong beat,
Who, if not us, is free Russia!
Huge Russia!
Great Russia!
Beloved Russia!

Shepeleva Natalia Alexandrovna

head of the school student scientific society

MBOU Secondary School No. 7

them. historian, professor N. I. Pavlenko

Yeisk, Yeisk district

Scenario of a school scientific and practical conference

"Eureka 2018"

The purpose of this event: Development of intellectual creativity of students, involving them in research activities.


1. Search and support for gifted and talented children.
2. Active inclusion of students in the process of self-education and self-development.
4. Organization of scientific research activities of students to improve the learning process and career guidance.
5. Involving students in research activities.

For what?

So that at the end of the day, students can adapt to society;
Help children decide on their future profession.

What will we develop?

skills research work;
project skills;
communication skills;

Conference plan:

1. Opening of the conference
2. Section meeting. Defense of work, discussion.
3. Closing of the conference. Summing up the conference.

Conference schedule:

Students' reports - up to 7-10 minutes.

Music No. 1 sounds. The girls come out and sing to the tune of the song “We are starting KVN)

Back in our hall

There is no empty space in our hall.

It means knowledge

And science raises the flag.

This means all of us

On the path of big, big discoveries.

It means again

We will open the conference.


Let's start the conference again.

For what? For whom?

So as not to be left out

Nobody, nobody.

May we not solve all our problems

Can't solve all problems

But it will be interesting for everyone

It will be good for everyone.

Leading Good afternoon to everyone present. To everyone who was and is warmed by its warmth, the haunting thirst for search, the thirst for discovery and inspiration. Our school has established a good tradition of holding a scientific and practical conference in the spring. This year we are opening the scientific and practical conference “EUREKA 2018” for the 20th time.

Leading: According to good tradition, we will begin the conference with the anthem of science.


We all want to know science in this world.

A huge world. Wonderful world.

And then the horizons will immediately become wider.

And the stars will become closer and dearer!

We dream of visiting the moon

And look into the depths of the seas.

Communicate with scientists, rise to their heights.

You can see the essence in riddles.


Who wants to be on first name terms with science?

Already at school he should understand

That he will achieve heights

Who is not given to laziness,

And he wants to know everything about everything!

And let us study in an ordinary Yeisk school,

Favorite school, favorite school,

But in the academies they are waiting for us and even more,

And even more than just waiting.

We are historians, physicists, chemists,

We will leave our mark in science,

But let's not forget school

We will remember her:

The light of science shines here.

Chorus: same

We wanted to test the world with harmony.

And this goal, and this goal

We will be faithful, even if we meet shallows

On a very difficult path in life.

Let luck not find us right away,

After all, Nobel didn’t know everything right away,

But we have hardened ourselves

We went to our favorite school.

And this school is our pier!

Chorus: the same.


Child 1:

I wonder why?
Well, I just don't understand
Why a humpback camel?
What is a “whole pood”?


Mom answers sternly:


You ask a lot of questions!
I want to say one thing -
I've been wanting to rest for a long time!

Child 2:

I wonder why?
Well, I just don't understand
Why does the frost crackle?
Why a snub nose?

Narrator: Dad answers sternly:

- You ask a lot of questions!
I want to say one thing -
Don't bother watching a movie!


But the guys - why are they interested in everything in the world,
Because why are children inquisitive?

Child 1 and 2:

We will get books from the shelf,
We will make observations...
And then you and I OURSELVES
We will find the answer to the question!

Head of NOU

Dear conference participants! Dear guests and all present! We are pleased to welcome you to the XX school scientific and practical conference.The main goal of our Scientific Society “Eureka” is to create all the conditions for students who strive to replenish and improve their knowledge in the fields of science, develop their intellectual potential, expand their scientific worldview, and acquire skills in research activities under the guidance of experienced teachers-mentors.

Ved: If you want to teach me something,

Let me go slowly...

Let me take a closer look and hold it in your hands



And maybe taste it...

Oh, how much I can do

Find it yourself!

Ved: Our young talents carry out unusual experiments and make new discoveries. Often their inquisitive mind offers us various hypotheses, versions, experiments. And it is no coincidence that they say that a perpetual motion machine lives inside each of them.

Ved: The floor to greet the conference participants is given to the director of our school, Alexey Anatolyevich Belikov.

Science is important to everyone in life
Everyone needs science
Science leads us forward
Flight gives us knowledge.
Let's study together
Read scientific books,
Love the whole world and everything around!
After all, life is the main science!

Science gave us strength

to comprehend the foundations of the universe,
she took us into space
and plunged deep into consciousness.

Science has opened the world to people.
She took them into space.
Taught me to think rationally.
Brought love and happiness.

Scientists drive science

Inspired by dreams and knowledge.

Their ideas take off:

Inventions, discoveries

They fly through time so quickly,

The source is a learned man.

We cannot live without science.

We can't go to the store!

Write different letters!

We will know a lot

And respect science!

Difficulties are not a hindrance to you,
In profile or full face,
On the journey from struggle to success
Time has chosen you!

Talent is a heavy burden
Or a laurel farce?
We choose talents

And time has chosen you!!!

A child comes out dressed as I. Newton

The storm has passed. The dahlias were blazing
Under the seven-color rainbow arc.
He went out into the garden and in wet lumps of clay
That apple moved his foot.

In his eyes, like some kind of vision,
He didn’t fall, but he burned and floated,
And only the trajectory of the fall
It was drawn brighter than all the planets.

So here it is, the solution! That's what it means
The eternal mechanics of the luminaries!
Thus the first day of creation began.
And he grabbed a flying star.

And that same night when everything in the world was asleep
And the voices of churches and schools fell silent,
Not an apple, but the formula fell
From the branches of the universe to the desktop.

Yes! So he will report without caring
About the prejudices of stone heads.
He will not allow fairy tales and hypotheses,
All lies are millstones of grinding.

And the day came. His Latin is dry
About the gravity of celestial bodies
It rolled out, rumbling roughly.
He told people everything he wanted.

And he wiped his tall forehead and lips
A heavy braid of a wig.
Meanwhile, the presbyter ascended to the pulpit
And he began speaking as if from afar.

About the all-good creator of the universe,
Whose plan has been revealed to us from time immemorial...
A hundred years old, gray, bald as a knee,
He pointed a long finger at Newton.

And suddenly, grinning wrinkled and flabby
With the face of a eunuch, he asked sympathetically:
- So, the fruits of your autumn apple trees
Are they fugitive slaves of magnetic forces?

But, merciful God, what a wind
Has it carried you further than the interplanetary spheres?
“I thought,” Newton answered shortly.
I'm used to it. I thought, sir.

Ved. It's time to introduce the participants of the XX school scientific and practical conference



Savikova Tatyana

4 D

"Growing crystals at home"




Kolontay Ekaterina


“Night light – beaded tree”


Solovyova T.E.

Kapustyan Daria, Lepetukha Valentina


"Production of textile



Solovyova T.E.

Tkachenko Marina


Program - simulator

"Adding numbers with different signs"

Tkachenko A. N.

Malakurbanova Violetta


“Is it possible to improve the health of the estuary?”


Ked V.I.

Sichinava Natella


"Model of the Earth in 200 million years"



Ked V.I.

Tereshchenko Ruslan

9 D

Artificial food - myth or reality

Savchenko N.V.

Mishina N. A.

Krasnoyarov Eduard


"Physics in toys"


Kravchenko N.N.

Pidenko Vladislav


"Growing Crystals"


Kravchenko N.N.

Bondarenko Ekaterina


“Similarities and differences between American and British English”


A. M.

Isaeva Elena

Mahinya Valeria

5 D

"Bad habits"



Ir. Shaft.

Koroleva Arina

9 V


Kalsina Yulia Sergeevna

Kitsenko Anna

6 B

Renovating my room"


Baryshnikova Ol. Vl.

Galustova Elina

10 V

"Our Nona"

Vepreva Irina Viktorovna

Vovk Angelina

6 B

“Reality and fiction in the works of N. V. Gogol”


Trotsan Tat. Oleg.

Panteleeva Olga

7 A

"Lost Buildings"

city ​​of Yeisk"




Shukova Kristina

9 A

“Family Heirloom (Icon of Nikita Pereslavsky)”


Kasyanenko Lar. Dm.

Trubnikova Polina

9 A

"Family Heirloom"

Kasyanenko Lar. Dm.

Shevchuk Albina

6 G

“Literary places of Russia (Spasskoye Lutovinovo)”


Kasyanenko Lar. Dm.

Topeha Alexandra

6 G

“Literary places of Russia (Bazhov House-Museum in Yekaterinburg)”

Kasyanenko Lar. Dm.

Danshova Taisiya

6 G

“Expressive means of language in Pushkin’s poems about nature”


Kasyanenko Lar. Dm.

Karnaukh Victoria

6 G

“Artists - landscape painters, composers and poets about their native nature”

Kasyanenko Lar. Dm.

Turn Andrey

5 G

“Features of Christmas celebrations in Great Britain and Russia”


Gerasimenko Maria Serg.

Kononenko Victor

5 G

“Features of Easter celebrations in Great Britain and Russia”


Gerasimenko Maria Serg.

Karkazov Nikita

7 A



Arapov Vas. Iv.

Abramenkov Roman

6 V



Arapov Vas. Iv.

Zelenskaya Sofia

7 A

“Kuban is my native land”


Shepeleva N. A.

German Kirill

5 D

"Use of cacti"


Belikova T. A.


Sauer Alina

6 G

"Is there life on Mars"


Semenko E. Ya.

Ved. The jury will be presented with 7 performances by elementary school students and 15 performances by middle and high school students. The conference will be held in sections:

    Primary school section.

    SectionRussian language and literature

    Mathematics section

    Section of computer science and physics

    Section English language

    Section history, social studies, Kuban studies

    Section geography, biology, chemistry

    Section music, technology, fine art

Children from the dance group “Confetti” came to greet the conference participants. They will perform the dance “Until One Sleeps”

Ved . Behind this great holiday lies the interesting, long, hard work of young researchers and their scientific supervisors. Let me introduce to your attention those who at this scientific and practical conference will defend their research projects and those who will evaluate the work of young researchers.

Head of NOU: A competent jury will evaluate the performances of the participants.So,chairman of the jury Director of our school Belikov Alexey Anatolyevich.

Jury members:

1. Primary school section.

Winkler Svetlana Grigorievna.

Trunova Anna Viktorovna

Sycheva Ekaterina Anatolyevna

Demyanenko Elena Alexandrovna

Fedorova Oksana Grigorievna

2. SectionRussian language and literature

Volosenkova Natalya Leonidovna

Reut Oksana Vladimirovna

Piskareva Nina Nikolaevna

3. Mathematics section

Romanova Larisa Vasilievna

Borodina Olga Borisovna

Bakalkina Lyubov Nikolaevna

4. Section of computer science and physics

Reznikova Elena Vasilievna

Gromova Anna Alexandrovna

Savchenko Natalya Vladislavovna

5. Section English

Kucheruk Galina Georgievna

Kuzmina Marina Viktorovna

6. Section history, social studies, Kuban studies

Radchenko Irina Aleksandrovna,

Lisichkin Vladimir Vladimirovich

7. Section geography, biology, chemistry

Babicheva Svetlana Vasilievna

Konovalova Elena Mikhailovna

8. Section music, technology, fine arts

Finko Marina Vladimirovna

Krengold Angela Valerievna

Leading: History... It can be different:

Cheerful, sad, beautiful.

How many years have we been living on the planet?

And the course of history flows and flows...

Could it really be the other way around?

Athena Did you call me?

Presenter : Greetings, most beautiful Athena!

Within the walls of your favorite school.

O goddess of wisdom and knowledge!

The heroine is everywhere with loud deeds

You make us tremble today.

Bless, rejoicing maiden

Free and beautiful is our union

Inseparable, eternal school bonds.

Athena : Greetings, about you, my friends!

I really wanted to come down from heaven

Seeing you for the umpteenth time,

I want to notice how you have grown.

I want to know: what did you dream about?

I want to understand what's new with you

In the minds and in creativity and in thoughts?

And what will please you this time?

Great Zeus, my lord,

Favorite of muses, gods, goddesses,

He blesses the young men and maidens,

Those who know how to dare and gnaw the granite of science,

He blesses everyone who has gathered not for the sake of boredom,

And in order for this wonderful temple

Sang praise to the sciences and gods!

Presenter: A person's life is only a moment

In the boundless time of the Universe,

And only in the memory of the living

She becomes incorruptible.

Leading : That's all true.

Yes, the trouble is that sometimes we forget

Where are we from, who are our ancestors?

Such cases are not uncommon.

I'll help a little in the old days

You need to flip through the calendar.

May it never end

The connecting thread of centuries,

May the spirit of distant ancestors live in you!

Primary school students

Russia's youth, hope, intelligence and strength -

A young tribe that strives to become wiser!

Russia is famous for its teachers,

The disciples bring glory to her!

2. People work here with passion
The curious are not turned away!
And skeptical prophecies -
“Nothing will come of it, they say!” - unrealizable!

We are the heirs of a wise genius,
We go our own ways!
Even though we are young, nevertheless -
We believe in a miracle, whose name is Science!

Ved: Science is hard work!

Science is magic.

And if in my life I touched her with my heart...

It will be given to you to take off with the joy of opening it!

So let Sciences reign here today,

Discussions are in full swing, a friendly chorus of questions sounds!

Science will never let you die of boredom!

And will make your mind sharper than an axe!

I also want to wish you a successful defense!

Break a leg!!!

Ved: We wish you all good luck! Remember that perseverance, work, and patience should be your most important helpers to achieve your goals.

Ved: Let again and again to the calling heights

Towards the sun, into the open skies

Carry the restless, talented, seeking

Hopes are in good sails!

Good luck!

See you soon!

Head of NOU: 2 days are allotted for public defense of the work. On Tuesday and Wednesday (April 24 and 25), section meetings are held where works that have already passed the preliminary round and have been selected for public defense are heard. Jury members in sections determine the meeting time and place. On Thursday, April 26, we all gather here for the ceremonial closing of the XX scientific and practical conference and the presentation of certificates to the best of the best. Today we are all convinced that the conference participants are children who have been trying their hand at scientific research for a long time, those who have already repeatedly become winners or prize-winners of scientific competitions at different levels (from school to regional). But among the conference participants there are also debutants. Let's once again greet the children who made their choice in favor of science, who spent a lot of effort and time on research, and wish them good luck!

A few days ago, the regional stage of the All-Russian competition “I am a researcher” finished its work. Zabelina Anastasia (student of 3 “B” class, scientific supervisor R.V. Maslova) presented her research project about the firefighter profession at this competition. Nastya's parents work in the fire department. She became the winner at the municipal level and the laureate at the regional level. The competition took place in Sochi. Her parents were with her at the competition, the whole family was delighted with this event. If you really want it, then everything will definitely work out!

Break a leg!

Conference appendix

Sketch “After School”
Several students come out and talk about how tired they are of studying, that no science is needed. They fantasize and make boastful statements.
First student .: Tired of studying! Why physics? I will never need it, and I don’t need Newton’s laws! And they came up with some research, who needs it? I won't teach physics! Let the techies teach it! I am a humanitarian from birth. I will be a journalist, and without physics I will glorify myself!
Second student . For example, I am not going to study biology. Why do I need it, why fill my head with unnecessary objects? I, like dad, will be a manager! Trading is my calling. And without biology, and without various scientific studies, I can learn the names of products!
Third student . Yes, chemistry, how tired I am of it! (Stretches) And these Mendeleev and Lomonosov, having inherited, came up with their own laws and tables on our heads. Teach them! And for what? And oxides and acids - what good are they? I'll go to school and become a lawyer. Tell me, I can’t understand where chemistry can be useful to me?
Fourth student . And geography is a completely unnecessary subject! Maps, atlases - color, find, show! Waste of time! If you had the money, they would take you anywhere on Earth, and you don’t have to think! I won't study any more. My uncle will give me a share in the business.
And I will quickly forget school, and lessons, and studies! And all laws are ballast for me!

Leading. Years have passed...

Scene “Journalist”
A student comes out, covered in cameras with a manuscript, promising to become a journalist. The editor is sitting at the table. There is a corresponding sign on the table.
Editor . Did you bring the report?
Journalist . Brought it. (Hands over the manuscript. The editor reads it.)
Editor. What did you write?! “The driver sharply pressed the brake, and the train stopped dead in its tracks.”
Editor . Listen! “The light born in the depths of the Moon beckoned and beckoned to where it came from.” How many classes have you completed?
Journalist. 11th grade and the Faculty of Journalism!
Editor. He probably slept during physics lessons and didn’t do any research? And what's that? “The thin squeak of a mosquito, emitted by its thin vocal cords. It prevented me from falling asleep." This cannot be published; they'll laugh at us! You don’t know physics at all, or even biology! We have a serious magazine, and without knowledge of physics there is nothing to do here! Look for a job in some cheap newspaper!
Journalist. He grabs a physics textbook and sits down at the table to study.

Scene "Businessman"
Sits in a chair and plays with mobile phone someone who wanted to become a businessman. His daughter comes up to him and asks him to help him complete his geography assignments.
Daughter . Dad, you’re so cool, why don’t you do your homework with me? Did you do poorly at school?
Businessman . What are you doing!? I was the first student!
Daughter . And is it the same for geography?
Businessman . By itself!
Daughter: Then help me do some geographical research.
Businessman . (Reluctantly) Come on.
Daughter. What is the lithosphere?
Businessman. (Thinks) Well, “sphere” is a circle of interests, and “lito” is literary interest.
Daughter. What is the “world ocean”?
Businessman . Let's think logically. World from the word “peace”, which means the world ocean is an ocean in which there has never been a war.
Daughter. All! Thank you, daddy! You're so clever!
Leading.The next day…
The daughter comes home from school and throws a tantrum at her father.
Daughter. (Crying) What did you tell me?! You disgraced me! I was made fun of in class! I got a D for your answers! You don't know anything!!!

Businessman. With a sigh, he takes a geography textbook and sits down with the journalist.

Scene "Lawyer"
A boss and a student who promised to become a lawyer are sitting at the table. They sort through papers with a thoughtful look.
Boss. (Addressing a lawyer) We received a report of the theft of sodium metal. I appoint you as an investigator. Research this matter.

Lawyer. Hooray! I was appointed as an investigator and given an important task. I will bring everyone to clean water! (Leaves).
(Enter with a folder in his hands “The Case of the Missing Sodium”)
Boss. Report the results of the investigation.
Lawyer. I checked everything. I interrogated the office employees. They assure that there was no theft. There was an accident in the storage facility where the sodium was located. The room was flooded with water. Glass jars fell and broke.
I went down to the storage room. Indeed, I saw a lot of water, broken cans, collapsed shelves. There was an oil film on the surface of the water. No trace of sodium. They did this on purpose to confuse everything. And one smart guy, indignant at my distrust, splashed some kind of transparent liquid. The water turned crimson. I almost attacked him. After all, he hid traces of the crime. I got so excited that I took out a lighter and cigarettes. But I was not allowed to use them! (Indignant) This allowed me to conclude that the employees were involved in theft.
Boss . (Thoughtfully) I didn’t think that there are such ignoramuses who don’t know the chemistry and properties of metals. With your approach, all thieves and robbers. The matter is as simple as shelling pears. (Gives a textbook) Go study chemistry!
Lawyer. He takes a chemistry textbook and sits down with other ignoramuses.

Scene "Manager"
Desk with a sign “General Director”. A student sits at the table, playing the role of the director.
CEO . (Addressing to the presenter.) Invite the manager…. . (Enter... He is recognized as a student who wanted to become a manager.) The director puts a box in front of him. Anatoly, quickly understand this device. Examine it, collect it and give an opinion about its characteristics and scope of application. We will promote it to the market. I think this is a profitable business for us.
Manager . (He takes out a device. It’s a microscope. He looks at it, goes through the details, thinks out loud.)
I don't understand! What kind of device is this?! What is it for? What are these details? They probably put in too much!? (Looks into the eyepiece, doesn’t know where to put it) What nonsense! And this is a mirror! (Admires himself) Some bungler was packing the box. (In this sketch, the participants improvise, choosing facial expressions and gestures. They try to do everything with humor in order to cause laughter in the audience.)
CEO . Didn't you ever see a microscope at school? Didn’t you do any laboratory work in biology, didn’t you take part in any research work? ? I don't need such an employee! Either study or get fired!
Manager. He takes a biology textbook and joins the rest of the ignoramuses.

All participants in the performance come out and read poetry in pairs:

Without knowledge of science, there will be no luck! Physics and chemistry are important!
Chemistry and biology are needed! Biology and Geography are required!
All sciences are irreplaceable!

There is only one answer: science is needed here! Study and you will become smart,

You will reach career heights with her!


Presentation at the conference




Ulyana: The hour of big secrets has come.
One hundred questions – one hundred answers.
We're all getting ready for it,
Answering “why?”

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Scenario of the scientific and practical conference “I am a researcher”

at MBOU "Sergeevskaya Secondary School"

Target: Development of intellectual creativity of students, involving them in research activities.


1.Support for gifted and talented children.
2. Formation of an open development environment that creates the preconditions for broad public discussion and free exchange of opinions.
3. Active inclusion of students in the process of self-education and self-development.
4. Organization of scientific research activities of schoolchildren to improve the learning process.
5. Involving students of all levels in research activities.

Plan of the scientific conference:

1. Grand opening of the conference

2. A word of greeting from Deputy Director Golikova I.V.

3. Defense of research works, discussion.

4. Summing up the results of the conference.

5. Rewarding.

Conference schedule:

Student reports – up to 5 – 7 minutes.

Works throughout the entire protection procedure expert commission consisting of:

1. Samkova Olga Veniaminovna – mathematics teacher, chairman of the jury

Jury members:

The expert commission and invited guests conduct their independent assessment of the work, determine best works and the best defense submitted to the conference.


Music sounds (Fanfare 1)

Presenter 1:Good afternoon dear friends!
Presenter 2:We are here to welcome you!
Presenter 1:We see happy faces in the hall
Participants, teachers and guests.
And how many of you there are!
And this is not a dream:
Now the whole school is ready to be proud
Its glorious elite!
Presenter 2:Yes - yes the elite! Those whose knowledge and intelligence provided us with a happy opportunity to gather together!
Presenter 1:Today is a holiday at our school - the school scientific and practical conference “I am a researcher”!
Presenter 2:Vivat to the gifted! Vivat researchers! Vivat to the students of our school!!

Presenter 1: Welcoming remarks are given to Deputy Director Golikova I.V.

Music sounds (Fanfare 2)

Golikova I.V. ….. The annual holding of a scientific and practical conference at our school has become a tradition. At the conference, young researchers present the results of their exciting and rather lengthy work……..

Music sounds (Fanfare 2)

(children read a poem)
Makar: It’s very interesting who the river runs from,
This is very interesting, what is rattling on the tram?
Why does the starling sing? Why does the bear roar?
Why does one live in a den and the other live in a nest?
Ulyana: This is very interesting, who planted the trees?
Who came up with the word “crocodile” for the crocodile?
Who called an elephant an elephant, is that very interesting?
Who gave carp and pheasant such names?
Makar: This is very interesting, why is the goat silent?
This is very interesting, is the thunderstorm beating the drum?
It’s, it’s wonderful that everyone, all people
And everyone, all children have eyes on their faces!
Ulyana: The hour of big secrets has come.
One hundred questions – one hundred answers.
We're all getting ready for it,
Answering “why?”

Presenter 2:Well, it’s time for us to get acquainted with the participants of our scientific and practical conference and, of course, with competent experts. Applications have been submitted to participate in the conference9 Human. Let's welcome them together.

(Fanfare 2)

Participants are listed:

Olesya Shchutskaya, 5th grade student, Diana Goryunova, 10th grade

Gafner Ulyana, 2nd grade student, Ksenia Samkova 4th grade

Anastasia Tiunova, 9a grade student, Timofey Buldakov, 3rd grade

Kristina Isaeva, 7b grade student, Denis Mizev, 5a grade

Andreeva Regina, 5b grade student,

Presenter 1: It is with great pleasure that we would like to introduce independent experts:

1. Samkova Olga Veniaminovna – mathematics teacher, chairman of the jury;

2. Tarasova Tatyana Anatolyevna - mathematics teacher, head of the problem-creative group of teachers of design and research activities;

3. Golikov Sergey Vladimirovich – technology teacher;

4. Tiunova Alevtina Nikolaevna – teacher of native language and literature.

Leading1: So we begin...

Presenter 2: We invite a 10th grade student to present her research work on the topic “Electoral behavior of young people in the Ivanchinsky rural settlement.” Goryunov Diana, leader Olga Veniaminovna Samkova.

Presenter 1: Welcome to the next participant, a 7b grade student Isaeva Kristina with the theme “Portrait of a 7b grade student at MBOU Sergeevskaya Secondary School”, leader Olga Veniaminovna Samkova.

Presenter 2: And now a 5th grade student will present her work Andreeva Regina, theme of the work “Nicknames of my class”, leader Galina Nikolaevna Yurkina.

Presenter 1: We invite a 2nd grade student to present her research work on the topic “Variety testing of premium class F 1 carrots “Chocolate Bunny” Gafner Ulyana, leader Olga Ivanovna Gafner.

Presenter 2: To present your research work on the topic

“Green window sill at school” we invite a 4th grade student Samkova Ksenia, leader Olga Ivanovna Vilisova.

Presenter 1: We invite you to present your work Budldakova Timofey, 3rd grade student with the topic “Toponymy of the streets of the village of Sergeevsky”, leader Tatyana Petrovna Mizeva.

Presenter 2: And now my research work on the topic “The great worker Mikhail Vladimirovich Shchutsky (fate inscribed in the development

timber industry of the Gainsky region)" will present to us Shchutskaya Olesya 5th grade student, supervisor Nadezhda Mikhailovna Petrova.

Presenter 1: To present your research work on the topic “Leader: what he should be!” we invite a 5th grade student Mizeva Denis, head Mizeva Tatyana Petrovna.

Presenter 2: And today’s latest work on the topic “Musical preferences of schoolchildren of the MBOU Sergeevskaya Secondary School” will be presented to us Tiunova Anastasia 9a grade student, head Olga Ivanovna Gafner.

Presenter 1: So, the last performance of the participants was made, while the expert group, the jury, sums up the results of our event, we need to determine which of the participants deserves the audience award. To do this, each of you needs to write only one name on pieces of paper and hand them over to the jury assistants.

Music sounds (Fanfare 3)

Presenter 2: The jury is given the floor for the award. Word of the jury (awarding)

Presenter 1:

The competition is over, no matter what you say,

He was fruitful and showed us a lot.

And even if you didn't win,

Then everyone will say: “I learned a lot.”

Presenter 2:

Our meeting has come to an end, we wish you success, new discoveries and research. And now I ask all conference participants and their leaders to gather for a group photo.

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Scientific and practical


"I am a researcher"




Fanfare sounds

The Anthem (school) is played

Presenter 1:

Russia is famous for its teachers,
The disciples bring glory to her!

Presenter 2:

Presenter 1

Presenter 1:
We invite you to the stage:

Presenter 2:

Presenter 1:

Repeat after me:

Presenter 2:

Presenter 1:

Presenter 2:

Presenter 1:
Oh, chemistry, you were given to us from above,
Called the science of life

Presenter 2:

Or they wouldn’t have lived for a long time.
If only for a moment we could imagine
That everything has already been done

Presenter 1:

Presenter 2:
The jury gives the floor.

Presenter 1:

Everything will seem different to us,
Still unknown
We will accomplish a feat with you.
Presenter 2:

Scenario of the 1st school scientific and practical conference
Fanfare sounds
Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends! Presenter 2: We are glad to welcome you in our cozy room!
Presenter 1: We see in the hall the happy faces of young researchers, teachers and guests. And how many of you there are! And this is not a dream: Now the whole school is ready to be proud of its glorious elite!
Presenter 2: Yes - yes by the elite! Those whose knowledge and intelligence provided us with a happy opportunity to gather together!
Presenter 1: Today is a holiday at our school - the 1st school scientific and practical conference “We are the future of the 21st century”!
Presenter 2: Vivat to all participants of the 1st scientific and practical conference “We are the future of the 21st century!”
Presenter 1: Vivat to our gifted students! Vivat to all researchers! Vivat to talented teachers!!
Presenter 2: Attention! Now the school choir will perform the science anthem.
The Anthem (school) is played
Presenter 1: The 1st school scientific and practical conference for schoolchildren is declared open!
Presenter 2: Today, at the conference, young researchers will present the results of their exciting and rather lengthy work.
Presenter 1:
Russia's youth, hope, intelligence and strength -
A young tribe that strives to become wiser!
Russia is famous for its teachers,
The disciples bring glory to her!
Presenter 2: Well, it’s time for us to get acquainted with the participants of our scientific and practical conference and, of course, with competent experts. This year __7__ students are taking part in the conference!
Presenter 1: Dear guys, do not forget that only in a cheerful, hot impulse, in passionate love for your native country, courage and energy, will victory be born. And not only and not so much in a separate impulse, but in the persistent mobilization of all forces, in that constant burning that slowly and steadily moves mountains, opens unknown depths and brings them to sunny clarity. M.V. once said so. Lomonosov.
Presenter 2: With great pleasure we would like to introduce our jury:
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
Presenter 1: The floor for congratulations is given to the deputy. to the school director -
Presenter 2:
- It’s April again in this world, On the joyful school planet. Nature comes to life again: It rings, sings, smells fragrant.
Presenter 1
- For the first time a miracle in our hall: What kind of people we have gathered here! Here is a sea of ​​smart, pure eyes, Here wisdom will enchant us!
Presenter 2: Oh, how many wonderful discoveries the spirit of enlightenment is preparing for us And experience, the son of difficult mistakes, And genius, friend paradoxes. 1829 Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Presenter 1: And we invite you to listen to the defense of scientific works and make sure that all the guys gathered here deserve to be called young geniuses!
Presenter 2: But first, let’s carry out the procedure of initiation into members of the school scientific society.
Presenter 1:
We invite you to the stage:
Atabaeva Lyubov, 5th grade student,
Malkina Maria and Dolganova Anna, 7th grade students
Sophia Zotova, 8th grade student
Belmesov Alexey, 9th grade student
Balovneva Victoria and Levenshtein Margarita, 11th grade students,
Presenter 2:
- More so that children from our school can step into the world of science. So let’s pass on to them according to the registry or something More knowledge into golden hands.
Presenter 1:
- They will carry through life, like a banner, the knowledge acquired at school, They will apply it skillfully in business, And we will be boldly proud of them.
Presenter 2: Guys standing on stage, now you will take an oath.
Repeat after me:
We, school students, when joining the school scientific society, swear:
always try to penetrate into the essence of the world around us;
learn to draw strength of spirit from what human culture has created;
to carry high the honor of our school;
strengthen its position in the village, city, district, region with its knowledge and successes;
master the subjects taught with constant persistence;
storm library reading rooms and Internet sites.
We swear! We swear! We swear!
Presenter 1: Guys (addresses those standing on stage), please go into the hall.
Presenter 2:
- We understand that it is difficult, very difficult for us to teach history now. After all, so much happened in it, that try to comprehend and understand everything.
Alexey Belmesov is invited to the stage to defend his school local history project “I Remember You...”
Presenter 1:
- We chew on mathematics, we don’t notice other sciences, and as a result we firmly know: we will soon become Einsteins!
Sophia Zotova is invited to the stage to defend her geometry project “Application of similarity criteria for triangles”
Presenter 2:
- Physics is like a birthday for us, We are happy to go to class. Tiles, irons, electric lamps - Physics gives us knowledge for future use.
Maria Malkina and Anna Dolganova are invited to the stage to defend their physics project “Levers”
Presenter 1:
Oh, chemistry, you were given to us from above,
Called the science of life
We'll meet you somewhere,
We'll notice something in things.
Victoria Balovneva and Margarita Levenshtein are invited to the stage to defend their chemistry project “Perfume”
Presenter 2:
We would all live much dimmer
Or they wouldn’t have lived for a long time.
If only for a moment we could imagine
That everything has already been done
Lyubov Atabaeva is invited to the stage to defend her biology project “Herbarium of our area”
Presenter 1:
- Computer, ah, computer! You are both strength and mental agility. Computer, ah, computer, You will drive a generation crazy!
We present to your attention a project of high school students in computer science - the film “Revisorro in a mathematics lesson”
Presenter 2:
The jury gives the floor.
(awarding of conference participants)
Presenter 1:
The day will come, a miracle will happen,
Everything will seem different to us,
Still unknown
We will accomplish a feat with you.
Presenter 2:
This concludes the 1st school scientific conference.
Thank you all for your participation and attention. Until next time.

Attached files

1 presenter

Good morning friends!

Today is a significant day for us. We are pleased to welcome young researchers and their mentors. And again the day has come when new discoveries, new talents, new knowledge are born. Today we have gathered for the regional scientific and practical conference “Step into the Future”, which has an anniversary this year. The regional scientific and practical conference is celebrating its 10th anniversary.

2 presenter

Students from our district took 10 steps into science.
These steps are gradually becoming more confident year by year.

1 presenter
And how it all began
10 years have passed since then. (presentation)

2 presenter

Where to start in science?
from the question: if you throw a spoon, it will fall,
if you hit the ball, it will start jumping,
and the arrow in the compass itself
This is where the solution for the mind lies.
The answer is hidden far away
probably hard to find
clues to miracles
so learn to observe,
so learn to think
look for the answers yourself.

1 presenter

To greet the participants of the anniversary conference, the floor is given to the head of the education department Lyudmila Grigorievna Bryantseva

2 presenter

Today, 13 research papers will be presented to the jury; the guys will work in three sections: humanitarian, natural science and local history.

1 presenter

It's very interesting who the river runs from,
This is very interesting, what is rattling on the tram?
Why does the starling sing? Why does the bear roar?
Why does one live in a den and the other live in a nest?

It's very interesting who planted the trees,
Who came up with the word “crocodile” for the crocodile?
Who called an elephant an elephant is very interesting,
Who gave the carp and pheasant such names?

This is very interesting, why is the goat silent?
This is very interesting, is the thunderstorm beating the drum?
It’s, it’s wonderful that everyone, all people
And everyone, all children have eyes on their faces!

2 presenter

And we present the jury members who will work on the natural science section

Deputy director of Bezhanitsa secondary school, chairman;

Teacher at Sushchevskaya secondary school;

Teacher of Ashevsky secondary school;

1 presenter

And we value the prophetic word
and we honor the Russian word
and we will not change the power of words
and we will brand the blasphemers
those who are ready to erase the edges
all words of your native language
all gems, flower fabrics
that have reached us through the centuries

2 presenter

Introducing the jury members of the humanitarian section

Teacher of Krasnoluchenskaya secondary school, chairman;

Director of Ashevskaya Secondary School;

Teacher at Bezhanitsa secondary school;

1 presenter

The connection of times is indestructible,

And states and generations.

How not to ruin the flow of moments -

This way you can’t break the connection between times...

Two feelings are wonderfully close to us -
The heart finds food in them -
Love for the native ashes,
Love for parents' coffins

2 presenter

Introducing the members of the jury of the local history section

Teacher of Bezhanitsa secondary school, chairman;

Deputy Director of Chikhachevskaya Secondary School;

Methodist at the Children's Art Center.

1 presenter

Our young heroes perform unusual experiments and make new discoveries. Often their inquisitive mind offers us various hypotheses, versions, experiments. And it is no coincidence that they say that a perpetual motion machine lives inside each of them.

2 presenter

Our holiday can be called a holiday of science, because you will demonstrate the results of your independent search in solving certain problems. I wish you all good luck! Remember that perseverance, work, and patience should be your most important helpers to achieve your goals.

1 presenter

Humanities section - office _________

Naturally - scientific section - office _________

Local history section – office ___________

2 presenter
