How to find out friends' birthdays on VK. How to find out the hidden age and date of birth of a VKontakte user - instructions How to find out a person’s other person if it is hidden

An excellent creative application for users of the VKontakte social network, which provides the opportunity to find out the age of their friends, and indeed any VKontakte user whose information on the page indicates the day and month of birth, but the year is hidden.

The user you are interested in may have various reasons for hiding their true age. He either does not want to give out all the information about himself or for some reason he is embarrassed by his age. One way or another, most people who indicate part of their date of birth in their profile also indicate the year.

How the application works

Unlike other methods that require performing some routine steps to determine the age of a specific VKontakte user, this application will only require you to provide a link to his profile.

Judging by the operation of the application, or rather by the messages displayed by it during operation, we can conclude that the application uses the search method, which we already wrote about earlier. Let me remind you that the method consists of running the current user through a search for people on VKontakte and sorting through the values ​​in the “Age” filter. By selecting incorrect values ​​in the “Age” filter, a person disappears from the search results. But as soon as the correct value is selected in the filter, that is, as soon as we guessed the user’s age, it is immediately displayed in the search results, which is the desired result.

However, it is worth considering that if the year of the person you are checking is not just hidden, but not indicated at all, then, unfortunately, you will not find out his age by any means, unless you ask this person yourself.


In addition to the ability to determine the age of a specified person, the application also contains a function that determines the average total age of all his friends. Few people may need this, but overall it's not a bad idea.

You can go to the application and find out the hidden age of your friends and acquaintances using this link.

Social networks have become a part of our lives. Having a personal page on a social network is already the norm and there is nothing unusual about it, I’ll even say more, many of us spend quite a bit of time there. People are added, removed, you communicate. However, ignorance of some nuances may complicate communication a little.

For example, a person has been added to you, starts communicating, but you can’t tell from their avatars whether they are 16 years old or 30, and their date of birth is not indicated... And you don’t know how to communicate with the person, because asking their age is also not very helpful comfortable.

There are several simple ways to check a person’s age on the social network “vkontakte” (now called short - vk, due to the new, short address -

View hidden date of birth.

Many people have their date of birth listed, but it is simply hidden from view. For some, it may be completely absent, and for others only partially (for example, the year or month of birth or date).

Option 1 (simple).
Option 2 (more difficult).

To find out your date of birth, simply enter in the “people search” the name of the person whose date of birth you want to know. If your request comes up with a lot of people, then narrow the search, for example, indicate the city or some other data.

After that, as soon as there is only one of our little people left (if there are several, it’s okay), we begin to play with the points. See screenshot below.

As you can see, in the screenshot some items are circled in red and others in blue. Where the outline is blue, those items are needed in order to sort out the extra Medvedevs, and where it is red, these are menu items that will help determine the date of birth.

According to the information on the page.

Usually, if it is impossible to establish information using the previous option, then you can try to determine age using other parameters. For example, if the page indicates the period of schooling, then you can guess the approximate age.

If you are very good at reading people, then you can try to figure out other “clues”. For example, look at the average age of “friends”, or evaluate photographs, pictures on a page, posts on a wall.

If you go to a user’s personal page on VKontakte, you can see their date of birth and age there. But many users hide this information. But they have no idea that with due diligence they can find out how old they are. And this is not so difficult to do.

Quick navigation:

How to find out how old you are?

If you want to determine age If you search for the person you are interested in manually, you need to go to the search by people (via the main page of VKontakte), enter the username of the required person and indicate the place of residence (city, region, region).

After that, set the age range (for example, from 15 to 23 years old).

If the user is on this list, then you need to gradually narrow the list. That is, you can try from 15 to 18 years old, if the person is not already on this list, it means he is over 18 years old.

By searching, you can determine the real age of a particular user.

But if you have a browser extension installed, you can use it to check the user’s age automatically.

However, you should not trust the information received. After all, the user could have entered false data to give you a false impression.

Hello, friends! We have already told you, id or photos. So, if you want your VK page to be found by friends, acquaintances, classmates, and colleagues, then you need to indicate as much truthful information as possible in your profile.

How to add your date of birth on VKontakte

To indicate your DR on the VKontakte page, click on your profile thumbnail in the upper right corner. From the drop-down list, click “Edit”.

Then, on the “Basic” tab, find the “Birthday” line. Instead of the words “Day”, “Month”, “Year”, click on the arrows and select the necessary data from the lists.

After specifying your birthday, scroll down the page a little and click “Save”.

Now any user can see when they were born in your profile.

How to change your date of birth

In order to change the previously specified DR, again click on the miniature avatar in the upper right corner of the page and click “Edit”.

In the “Birthday” field, change what you need: day, month or year by selecting the appropriate value from the drop-down list.

How to remove others

If you once indicated a significant date on your VKontakte page a long time ago, and now you don’t want it to be displayed on your profile, then you can delete it. Click on your thumbnail avatar and select “Edit.”

On the “Basic” tab, in the “Birthday” field it will say “Show date of birth.” Click the down arrow next to this line and select “Do not show date of birth” from the list.

Save your changes.

Now, when you go to the main page of your profile, friends and guests will not be able to find out when you were born.

As you can see, we did not delete the DR in the account settings, but made sure that it was not displayed on the page, so no one would be able to recognize it.

How to hide your age

If you want other users not to know how old you are, then you can either completely remove your birthday from the page, as described in the previous paragraph, or simply indicate the day and month without the year.

Select “Edit” from the drop-down menu again.

Now the content on your page will be displayed as follows. Users will know when you were born, but how old you are will not be clear.

How to add or remove age from your phone

If you are used to using the VKontakte mobile application from a phone or tablet, then go to it and in the side menu click on the thumbnail with an avatar.

In the list that opens, select “Edit Page”.

As you know, in VK it is possible to hide your own age and date of birth. Or, for example, you can not indicate this data at all. Question - how to find out the age and birthday of a person if they are not indicated on the page?

This is not difficult to do and we will now prove it to you. However, you must understand that you will only be able to find out the age and birthday if the user indicated them for his account, but hid them (either completely or partially). If the age is not indicated at all for the page, of course, the method will not work.

So, let's go to the list of our friends. Let's say we need to find out the user's age and we know that he is between 18 and 22 years old. This means that we enter the numbers 18 and 22 in the “Age” field, respectively.

We see 4 friends who fit the given parameters. You need to find out the exact age for the first user on the list. We gradually reduce the indicated numbers, for example, set the ages to 18 and 21, then 18 and 20, etc., until we find out the exact age. Thus, we got the number 18 - exactly how old the user we are interested in is.

Please note that the user's page does not indicate his date of birth.

We just found out how old the person is. Is it possible to find out his date of birth? It’s possible if he pointed it out, even if he hid it from prying eyes.

To do this, copy the user's first and last name and add them to the search. Go to the “People” tab in the search. On the right side of the screen there are various additional search data. In the “Advanced” subsection, you can add the user’s date of birth. The point is that if you guessed the date correctly, the user will appear in the search. If the user is not shown when you entered their estimated date of birth, then you entered the wrong numbers.

In our example, we guessed right with the date, and therefore the user was displayed in the search using the given parameters.

Thus, we found out not only the exact age of the person, but also his date of birth (the latter will have to be selected, which may take a lot of time).
