Connect payment methods. How to start accepting payments without registering a legal entity

Today, business is so integrated into processes that previously could be done exclusively in a “natural” form, at the moment they have become carried out over the Internet. For example, payment for goods or services. Instead of withdrawing cash and taking it to the store, we can always pay with a card or without leaving home. Convenient, isn't it?

The owner of a resource that offers some services for a fee should know how to accept payments on the site without additional difficulties. In this article, we will consider this issue.

Difficulties with receiving payment

Let's start with the notation general concept why it is so difficult to accept payments through the site. First, it is related to the technical nuances. The task of the payment acceptance system is to establish a relationship between the server responsible for notifying about the receipt of funds and the resource-side program that will accept such a notification and provide access to closed sections, data, materials, and so on.

In turn, it is not easy to get such a tool as communication with the payment server, because we are talking about the security of the operation of a particular electronic payment system or even a bank. In order for everything to function as it should, proper implementation of the payment system at the technical level is necessary.

Second, job security payment system also depends on the counterparty receiving the payment. If we are talking about the fact that the owner of the site can collect money from his visitors, it is necessary that in return he presents the described content. Otherwise, the payment system can become a tool for fraudsters. Therefore, there are a number of restrictions that are designed to protect the buyer in the first place.

Fraud and online scammers

In addition, if we are talking about how to accept payments on the site, it is important not to forget about the protection of the payment system itself from the so-called false payments, including “fraud”. This term comes from the English language (fraud) and denotes a false action. For example, in order to prevent payment from hacked cards or similar actions imitating a purchase, after which the bank or payment system will have to compensate the transferred money at its own expense, there are various “anti-fraud” mechanisms. Because of them, the procedure of how to accept payments on the site becomes more complicated, and the webmaster is required to take more steps to get started.

Balance between comfort and safety

At the same time, it is in the interests of any business entity to increase the volume of working capital and the number of customers. Banks and payment systems are no exception. Therefore, companies operating in this area are making various concessions in order to allow more Internet services to accept money from their customers. About what is required for this in each case, we will tell in the article.

Bank cards

Probably the most popular online are the bank cards familiar to all of us, served in systems. They can pay not only for the next meal at your favorite restaurant or the purchase of tickets, but also to pay in online shops without additional difficulties. This is why customers love them so much.

For site owners, this tool is also a favorite method of calculation. It is quite difficult to set up the acceptance of payments on the site through these systems. The resource on which the store operates must meet a number of criteria. In particular, this is the need to officially open, receive permission to receive funds from the site directly to it, open (if necessary) a security deposit in this bank, provide information about the goods and services that you are going to sell, and so on. All this together makes the procedure for connecting the possibility of paying by credit card rather complicated, especially for a small business. And, when working directly with the bank, it should be understood that information about the receipt of money in your account will be available to the tax service. It makes sense to cooperate with the bank directly to maintain your site only if you work “in a white manner”.

At the same time, many are wondering how to accept payments on a site without an IP. The situation may be different, for example, if the webmaster decided to start a small individual business selling one type of product. Of course, in such a situation it is better to work through an intermediary company. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this form of interaction in another section of the article.


According to official data, Yandex.Money is the most popular electronic payment system in Russia. This means that in addition to paying with cards, many of your visitors could theoretically pay in this currency, and the funds would go straight to your wallet.

If you are interested in how to accept payments on the site in Yandex.Money directly, then there is a special page on the official website of the system. It indicates the advantages of accepting money with Yandex and some conditions. In particular, individuals (if they have the status of an individual entrepreneur) or legal entities can connect the service after drawing up a single contract or providing identifying documents. The money that will come from buyers is credited on the next business day. For each transaction, the system collects a commission (from 3 to 5 percent on average, depending on the turnover and tariff). Another advantage of this option is that through “Yandex” you can connect payment using and through “Ya.Dengi”, Webmoney, mobile operators, and so on. Thus, working with one company, the store owner can get a real payment aggregator, which will allow you to pay in different currencies. Another advantage of accepting payments on the site is that Yandex offers its customers various bonuses: the ability to receive statistics, online banking, send payments directly to a bank account, and so on. And in general, it is quite clear here how to accept payments on the site. Simple Ways from Yandex, but, as the reviews say, they are quite effective. Therefore, you can pay special attention to this service.


Quite a convenient service for working with online stores is Qiwi. This is a payment system that allows store owners to accept money in several ways: in Qiwi currency, from plastic bank cards, from a Megafon, Beeline, MTS mobile account, as well as from branded terminals (of which there are more than 100 thousand in the country).

Connecting to the service is quite simple - you need to be an individual entrepreneur or have the status of a legal entity, provide your website and information about products that must comply with the requirements of the law. If all these points are settled, the company's managers will acquaint you with the technical solutions that the payment system has. In particular, these are both ready-made store scripts and modules designed to be connected to the project. They will help you, tell you about everything and tell you. The rate at which you will be served is discussed individually depending on the type of content or products you offer.


Another popular payment system that I would like to note is WebMoney. Legally, it is not such - therefore, in order to accept payments in this “currency”, opening a bank account or having an individual entrepreneur (legal entity) is not required. At the same time, a system participant who wants to know how to accept payments on the site (payment is accepted, of course, in WM title units) must have a so-called merchant passport. It is issued on the basis of a personal certificate, which can be obtained after confirming your data at the WebMoney registrar's office and paying a fee (about 30-50 dollars, depending on the place of residence).

The advantage of working with WM is that the procedure for receiving funds is really simpler here, the minus is that it is impossible to receive money from cards and in other currencies.

Other payment systems

In addition to the described methods of payment (cards, “YAD” and “VM”), there are many other payment systems. For example, PayPal is the world's most popular payment acceptance service. With it, you can receive funds both from cards and in the intra-system currency - depending on the user's preferences. The advantage of the system is the ability to work with foreign contractors.

There is, for example, the PerfectMoney system. Semi-legal projects work with it, for example, financial pyramids and investment HYIP sites, designed for several days of work and further closure. In order to accept this currency on the site, you do not even need to confirm your identity.

There is the same EgoPay, which also does not require any confirmation or formalities.

The advantage of working with such currencies (payment systems) is that access to their acceptance is really simplified compared to traditional tools. Minus - in a small number of users and high commissions.


Since each online store is designed for a fairly wide audience (for the most part), it is in the interests of the administrator to provide the widest possible list of possible payment methods. That is, in other words, it is better to immediately look for options on how to accept payments on the site in various ways, and not just one. This will create more comfortable service conditions for customers and, as a result, help increase sales. The best way to handle this function is the so-called aggregators. These are services that combine different methods of accepting payments together. Due to their mediation, you will not need to register separately in each of electronic systems with whom you would like to collaborate.

An example of an aggregator can be Yandex.Money, where, as mentioned above, it is proposed to work with different payment directions. There is also Robokassa, OnPay, LiqPay, PaysTo and many others. The difference between them is in the tools that these services share with the webmaster, in the working conditions and, of course, in the tariffs. It should be noted that the main advantage of these systems is the convenience and the ability to combine different currencies. The disadvantages include the commission for each transaction, which will be higher than when working directly.

How to make a choice?

A logical question arises as to which service should then be worked through if many of them perform similar functions. Or maybe it's best to work directly with a bank or payment system?

Let's put it this way: it all depends on your status and the amount of revenue that you plan to receive. If you are a private webmaster who wants to make money illegally by selling some product, it is best to work through intermediaries. If you represent a "white" legal entity, it is best to formalize your relationship directly with the bank or "payment". This is perhaps the best answer to the question “how to accept payments on the site”. Advice can be given only on the choice of a particular service, which provides for smaller payments.

Work with IP or without?

Finally, it is important to remember: if you are looking for how to accept payments on the site, the “acceptance” systems have the following policy: official companies and individual entrepreneurs pay less than those who choose “gray” methods of work. But, in turn, connecting to the receipt of payments in cases of "gray" methods is simpler. The choice is yours!

In general, any system for receiving funds works like this:

  1. a request is received from the Internet resource with the payment amount (most often by redirecting to the website of the payment instrument);
  2. the buyer enters his data and the system makes the payment;
  3. funds are transferred to the seller's accounts within a few days, minus the service commission.

To start accepting payments on the site, you need to select a payment acceptance system, conclude an agreement and carry out technical integration. It is important for an entrepreneur to understand how different means of accepting payments work, as well as what influences their choice.

What do you need to know?


Of course, the services of payment acceptance systems are not free for the business owner. Usually a fixed % of the amount of each transaction is charged, on average 3%. However, depending on the type of your business, monthly turnover and the connected method, this rate may vary. For example, high-risk categories can connect payment by card on the site for at least 5-6% and far from all payment partners, while a standard online store is likely to receive a rate of 3%.

It is also important to understand the limits on turnover: most large payment acceptance systems have special conditions for sites with a turnover of > 1 million rubles / month. And vice versa, you will not be able to connect to a major acquiring partner if only 50 thousand rubles pass through your site in a month.

Most often, the commission is charged from the Internet service, but some payment acceptance systems for online stores offer to set up the withdrawal of commission from the buyer. Those. the payment amount for you is in the website catalog and in fact does not change, and the buyer pays a little more.

Sometimes there are payment systems with a subscription fee, without% from each transaction. If purchases on your site are not made every day, we recommend that you bypass such solutions, as they are absolutely not profitable for you. Similar to a paid connection: often newcomers to retail move from partner to partner during the first time the site is up and running. Of course, you do not want to lose the amount spent at the start.


Regardless of the type of payment acceptance tool, there are several options for connecting to start accepting payments on the site.

A) Directly - you enter into an agreement with each payment system separately. Often this method allows you to access the best commission rates, but takes more time in case you need several different options.

B) Through an aggregator - you can conclude one contract, carry out one technical integration and start accepting payments on the site in several ways at once. Unfortunately, the commission rate in this case will be 0.5-1.5% higher than with a direct connection, but you will save time and resources - often payment integrators have much better customer support, especially small businesses.

Technical integration

Integration does not increase the cost of service in the payment acceptance system in any way, the commission is charged only for payments. However, the integration option affects the convenience and conversion of the payment process on your site.

The easiest option is to connect via redirection to the payment partner's website. With this option selected, your technical specialists will not have to set up almost anything - you can start accepting payments on the site in a few minutes! Note that for the user this is the most inconvenient and untrustworthy option, which will not have a very positive effect on the conversion into a successful payment.

However, if your site is implemented on one of the popular CMS, pay attention to systems or aggregators that have special modules. Thus, you will discover more options for fine-tuning (customization) of the payment process on your site.

And finally, if you have a staff of programmers and your site is written from scratch, it is reasonable to connect via the payment system API. This option will take more time to connect, but in the future it will maximize conversion due to closer integration into your site: embedding a payment form in your page, entering some data to complete the operation in your interface, no redirects and other options.

What payment systems are on the market?

So, let's look at the main types of tools:

Internet acquiring

Acceptance of payments from bank cards. The most popular and convenient way to receive payments on the site. Direct connection to banks is almost impossible for small businesses. Therefore, we recommend using the services of aggregators or processing centers (in fact, a separate category of aggregators specializing specifically in card transactions).

If you want to connect to the bank directly, compare the rates of banks for Internet acquiring. If you need a greater variety of payments, check out the TOP payment aggregators.

Internet wallets

The most numerous class of payment systems. The user creates a "purse" (account) in the system, indicates personal data and gets access to payment for goods, services, transfers of physical. persons. If such a payment method is connected to the site, then when paying, the payer is billed to the system for payment. During the payment process, Internet wallets may request additional confirmation of the transaction, similar to 3DSecure in acquiring transactions. For online wallets, there are legal restrictions on the amount of payment (FZ 115): no more than 15,000 rubles. for payers who have not passed the identification procedure.

The most popular Internet wallets in Russia are: Yandex.Wallet, WebMoney, QiwiWallet, WalletOne, EasyPay. The most famous international electronic currency is Bitcoin.

Payment terminals

A very expensive payment method: commission rates can exceed 10%! However, in remote settlements, it is often possible to pay for a purchase online only through an offline terminal. The most important parameter of the terminal network is coverage geography.

Please note that refunds for this payment method require a lot of effort, and your customers will have to wait for a refund for about a week. In addition, for terminal payments, there is also a limit on the amount of a single payment: 15,000 rubles. However, there are cases when connecting such a payment system for a site allows you to significantly expand business opportunities.

Postal services

An additional way to expand the geography of purchases is the connection of Russian Post or delivery services. Payment for the purchase occurs upon receipt of the order. It is more reasonable to implement such a method of making a payment through an aggregator: turnover restrictions are possible and quite complicated in terms of API implementation.

Internet banking

The payment method for the payment process is very similar to Internet wallets, but has a peculiarity: the invoice is issued not to the wallet, but to the payer's bank account.

Many payers prefer this payment method because it does not require entering card details, which is not always secure. Unfortunately, a direct connection is often not available to small stores due to a monthly turnover limit, similar to Internet acquiring.

Payment from mobile phone balance

For small amounts of payments, payment from the phone balance is very convenient. Especially often this payment method is used in gaming services. There are several payment options.

There are a number of mobile payment providers that act as intermediaries between the mobile operator and the service seller. Each provider has its own system of tariffs and settings for each operator and region. When connected through an aggregator, a store has access to several payment gateways, depending on the needs of the business. For all types of payment mobile phone there are limits on a one-time payment, usually in the range of 1-5000 rubles.


Even taking into account the statistics of an increase in the turnover of card transactions in recent years, some still prefer to pay for goods and services in cash. Such services are often provided by communication salons, such as Svyaznoy and Euroset.


A new payment method for the site on the market: buying goods on credit with confirmation of a loan from a bank online. The store integrates with the bank providing the service or the aggregator. During the purchase process, the client provides all the data required by the bank and receives a preliminary loan approval. The contract is concluded within a few days already without the participation of the store. After a successful loan issuance, the bank notifies the store via API, and the customer receives his order.

So, we have considered the basic concepts of accepting payments via the Internet. We recommend connecting only 2-3 popular payment systems, which will allow you to accept payments through the site from the largest possible part of your audience. Alas, novice business owners often make the same mistake: they spend a lot of time connecting all possible options, when it was possible to set up only accepting payments from bank cards and start making a profit at the very beginning of the Internet service.


Any site created on the Nethouse platform can easily be turned from a showcase into a full-fledged online store. To do this, just connect the acceptance of all types of online payments through. Your customers will be able to pay for goods and services directly on the site in one of many ways, and you will receive funds to the current account of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur or self-employed person on the next business day. .

  • Bank cards on the site Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Maestro, MIR
  • Bank cards through a mobile terminal
  • Yandex money
  • Cash (terminals, ATMs and communication stores: Svyaznoy, Euroset, Sberbank...)
  • Sberbank: payment by SMS or Sberbank Online
  • Alpha click
  • Internet banking of Promsvyazbank PSB-Retail
  • Sberbank Business Online (by bank transfer through Sberbank)
  • Pay in installments (on credit or in installments)
  • Tinkoff
The possibility of online payment is available for orders from the catalog of goods made through the Cart, as well as on the pages with the payment form.
For an order in 1 click, ordering goods with the cart turned off and for ordering a service, the option does not apply.

2. Go to the "Applications" - "Yandex.Checkout" section.

3. Carefully read the terms of accepting payments in the "Description" tab. Go to the "Connection" tab.

5. If you are self-employed, go to and click the "Connect Cashier" button.
6. Yandex.Checkout specialists will promptly contact you. Sign an agreement. After that, login to personal account Yandex.Checkout.

7. Click the "Grant access to Yandex.Checkout" button.
8. On the Payment Methods tab, enable the required payment methods.

9. Done! Your website is set up to accept online payments. On average, the process takes only 3 business days.
10. Icons of accepted payment methods will be displayed on your site in the "Accept for payment" block.

11. After saving the entered data in place of the "Connect" button, you will see the payment connection status in the upper right corner - "On". If you need to temporarily disable payment acceptance, just set the switch to the "Off" position. The switch will also be set to the "Off" position if you uncheck all the selected payment methods.

12. If you want to enable deferred payment (funds are debited from the client's card after your confirmation), follow.
13. If you want to enable payment on credit or installments ("pay in installments"), follow.

14. , bring the store's turnover to 50,000 rubles / month and use the "Business" tariff for free.

Sberbank. Mobile applications.

A convenient and simple service that allows Sberbank of Russia bank card holders to pay for OnLime services using smartphones and iPads

When paying, no commission is charged.

Yandex money is an online payment service that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Using Yandex.Money is easy. All interfaces - the site, its mobile version, smartphone applications are simple and convenient.

Payment is made on the Eleksnet Wallet website.
To make a payment, enter the personal account number of the Onlime subscriber and click on the "Pay" button, after which a page with a ready form of payment will open.
Enter the number of the Eleksnet Wallet, the amount to replenish and the payment password.

Enrollment funds are produced in the mode online.


To make a payment you need:
  • Make sure that the WebMoney Keeper wallet management application is running;
  • Go to Account replenishment service ;
  • Enter the personal account number and the amount of replenishment;
  • Log in to the WebMoney system;
  • Check payment information (type of service, account number, amount);
  • Select a wallet for payment and confirm the payment.

On-line payments
Commission 1.8%

RURU payment world is a fast, convenient and secure way to pay for the most popular services. You can pay for OnLime services on this site, or use SMS requests for payment if you are on the road. You can install mobile app"RURU payment world" in iPhone or Android phone.
You can pay for services for your relatives and friends, even if you now live in different cities.
Online payments.


IntellectMoney is a convenient and safe way to top up your account balance for all OnLime subscribers. Replenishment of the account occurs in real time on the website of the payment system. Also, through IntellectMoney, you can pay for the services of more than 750 companies, make purchases in online stores, make secure payments from bank cards, send money to the accounts of other users and instantly withdraw them from the system.

When paying, pay attention to the size of the commission.
On-line payments.

To access Citibank Online, you do not need to install a special software, the system works through a regular Internet browser.

Payment is made with a debit or credit card (when paying with a credit card, the transaction is processed as a regular purchase in a store).

On-line payments.
When paying, pay attention to the size of the commission.

Single Wallet

Registered users of the service can pay for services:
  • from a mobile phone through the "W1 Java Mobile" application;
  • With mobile device With operating system Windows Mobile via the "W1 Windows Mobile" application;
  • from a mobile device with the Symbian operating system through the "W1 Symbian Mobile" application;
  • in your personal account on the website;
  • on the wap-site;
  • from a computer with an operating Windows system Vista using "W1 Vista Gadget".

To make a payment you need:
- in any application W1 select "Payment for services";
- find a provider using the search or in the appropriate section of the rubricator;
- indicate the account number and the amount to be credited;
- check the correctness of the entered data and confirm the payment.

On-line payments.
When paying, pay attention to the size of the commission.

Russian Standard (Internet banking system and ATMs)

You can deposit funds through the Russian Standard Internet Banking system,
as well as through the Bank's ATM network.

On-line payments.
When paying, pay attention to the size of the commission.

Alfa-Click Internet Bank

Alfa-Click Internet Bank is a modern, convenient and practical set of banking services and the ability to make electronic payments via the Internet with maximum speed and reliability.

On-line payments.
When paying, pay attention to the size of the commission.

Other payment methods

Post Bank

On-line payments
When paying, pay attention to the size of the commission

USGP (Unified System of City Payments)

Addresses of terminals of the EGSN system

On-line payments
When paying, pay attention to the size of the commission


Payment acceptance points through the CyberPlat system

You can pay a monthly fee through the cash desks of stores.

Enrollment within 1-5 minutes
When paying, pay attention to the size of the commission


Terminal addresses DeltaPay systems

On-line payments
When paying, pay attention to the size of the commission


In Euroset you can pay for OnLime services - " Home Internet”, Digital and Interactive TV, Home phone

On-line payments

Please pay attention to the size of the commission charged from the payer.

How to pay?

It is enough to name the home phone number or personal account, as well as the amount that needs to be credited.


Any site created on the Nethouse platform can easily be turned from a showcase into a full-fledged online store. To do this, just connect the acceptance of all types of online payments through. Your customers will be able to pay for goods and services directly on the site in one of many ways, and you will receive funds to the current account of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur or self-employed person on the next business day. .

  • Bank cards on the site Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Maestro, MIR
  • Bank cards through a mobile terminal
  • Yandex money
  • Cash (terminals, ATMs and communication stores: Svyaznoy, Euroset, Sberbank...)
  • Sberbank: payment by SMS or Sberbank Online
  • Alpha click
  • Internet banking of Promsvyazbank PSB-Retail
  • Sberbank Business Online (by bank transfer through Sberbank)
  • Pay in installments (on credit or in installments)
  • Tinkoff
The possibility of online payment is available for orders from the catalog of goods made through the Cart, as well as on the pages with the payment form.
For an order in 1 click, ordering goods with the cart turned off and for ordering a service, the option does not apply.

2. Go to the "Applications" - "Yandex.Checkout" section.

3. Carefully read the terms of accepting payments in the "Description" tab. Go to the "Connection" tab.

5. If you are self-employed, go to and click the "Connect Cashier" button.
6. Yandex.Checkout specialists will promptly contact you. Sign an agreement. After that, log in to your Yandex.Checkout account.

7. Click the "Grant access to Yandex.Checkout" button.
8. On the Payment Methods tab, enable the required payment methods.

9. Done! Your website is set up to accept online payments. On average, the process takes only 3 business days.
10. Icons of accepted payment methods will be displayed on your site in the "Accept for payment" block.

11. After saving the entered data in place of the "Connect" button, you will see the payment connection status in the upper right corner - "On". If you need to temporarily disable payment acceptance, just set the switch to the "Off" position. The switch will also be set to the "Off" position if you uncheck all the selected payment methods.

12. If you want to enable deferred payment (funds are debited from the client's card after your confirmation), follow.
13. If you want to enable payment on credit or installments ("pay in installments"), follow.

14. , bring the store's turnover to 50,000 rubles / month and use the "Business" tariff for free.
