Payment system is everything. Russian payment systems

Electronic money is the monetary obligations of the organization that issued them (the issuer), which are on electronic media in the management of users.

The main features of electronic money:

  • issuance in electronic form;
  • storage on electronic media;
  • the issuer's guarantees for their provision with ordinary cash;
  • their recognition as a means of payment not only by the issuer, but also by a number of other organizations.

For a clear understanding of what electronic money is, it is necessary to distinguish them from the non-cash form of traditional money (the latter are issued by the central banks of various countries, they also set the rules for their circulation).

Credit cards, which are only a means of managing a bank account, have nothing to do with electronic money. All transactions using cards are made with ordinary money, albeit in a non-cash form.

The history of the emergence of electronic money

The idea of ​​electronic payment systems appeared in the 1980s. It was based on the inventions of David Shaum, who founded the DigiCash company in the USA, whose main task was to introduce electronic money circulation technologies.

The idea was pretty simple. The system carries out operations with electronic coins, which are the issuer's obligation files with its electronic signature. The purpose of the signature was similar to the purpose of the security features of paper notes.

Principles of functioning of electronic money systems

For the successful operation of this payment instrument, the willingness of organizations selling goods and providing services to accept electronic money as payment is necessary. This condition was provided by the issuer's guarantees for the payment of amounts in real currency in exchange for electronic coins put into circulation by it.

In a simplified form, the system operation scheme can be represented as follows:

  • The client transfers real currency to the issuer's account, receiving in return a file-banknote (coin) for the same amount minus the commission. This file confirms the debt obligations of the issuer to its holder;
  • With electronic coins, the client pays for goods and services in organizations that are ready to accept them;
  • The latter return these files to the issuer, receiving real money from him in return.

With such an organization of work, each of the parties benefits. The issuer receives his commission. Trading enterprises save on the costs associated with the circulation of cash (storage, collection, work of cashiers). Customers receive discounts due to lower costs for sellers.

Advantages of electronic money:

  • Unity and divisibility. When making calculations, there is no need for change.
  • Compactness. Storage does not require additional space and special mechanical protection devices.
  • No need for recalculation and transportation. This function is performed automatically by payment and electronic money storage tools.
  • Minimum issuance costs. There is no need for minting coins and printing banknotes.
  • Unlimited service life due to wear resistance.

The advantages are obvious, but, as usual, there are no difficulties without difficulties.


  • The circulation of electronic money is not regulated by uniform laws, which increases the likelihood of abuse and arbitrariness;
  • The need for special tools for making payments and storage;
  • For a relatively short period of operation, reliable means of storing and protecting electronic money from counterfeiting have not been developed;
  • Limited application due to the unwillingness of all merchants to accept electronic payments;
  • Difficulty in converting funds from one electronic payment system to another;
  • Lack of state guarantees confirming the reliability of the issuer and electronic money as such.

Storage and use of electronic money

Online wallet- this is software, designed to store electronic money and carry out transactions with them within one system.

Who organizes the functioning of these systems and issues electronic money?

Issuers of electronic money

Issuer requirements vary from country to country. In the EU, the issue is carried out by electronic money institutions - a new special class of financial institutions. In accordance with the legislation of a number of countries, including India, Mexico, Ukraine, only banks have the right to engage in this activity. In Russia - both banks and non-banking financial organizations, provided they obtain a license.

Electronic payment systems in Russia

Let's look at the most popular domestic systems and give answers to questions about how to buy and how to cash out electronic money in each of them.

The largest operators are "Yandex.Money" and "WebMoney", in total their share exceeds 80% of the market, but there are also "PayPal", and "Moneybookers", and "Qiwi" ....


WebMoney, positioning itself as an "international settlement system", was founded in 1998. Its owner is WM Transfer Ltd. It is registered in London, but technical services and the Main Certification Center are located in Moscow.

Operations are carried out with electronic equivalents of a number of currencies.

For each of them, the guarantor is legal entities registered in various countries: Russia, Ukraine, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, Ireland and Belarus.

For work, an electronic wallet "WebMoney Keeper" is used, which can be downloaded from the company's website. There is also an instruction for its installation, registration and use. The program allows you to operate with equivalents of US dollars (WMZ), Russian rubles (WMR), euros (WME), Belarusian rubles (WMB) and Ukrainian hryvnias (WMU). Gold circulation is provided, the unit of measurement of which is 1 electronic gram (WMG).

To carry out transactions, it is necessary to register in the system and obtain a participant certificate, of which there are 12 types.

A higher level of the certificate provides greater opportunities in work.

When making transactions, the payer is charged a commission in the amount of 0.8% of the amount of the transfer. It is possible to use various types of payment protection. All disputes are decided by the Arbitration.

Here are ways to deposit electronic money into a wallet:

  • bank, postal or telegraphic transfer;
  • through the Western Union system;
  • purchase of a prepaid card;
  • by depositing cash at exchange offices;
  • through electronic terminals;
  • from electronic wallets of other system participants.

All of these methods are associated with the payment of commissions. It is the least profitable to start money through terminals and buy prepaid cards.

And how to cash out electronic money in the WebMoney system? You can use the following methods:

  • transfer to a bank account from your electronic wallet;
  • using the services of an exchange office;
  • through the Western Union system.

There are virtual points where it is possible to automatically exchange one electronic currency for another at a specified rate, although formally the system does not take part in this.

Since 2009, the use of WebMoney has been prohibited at the legislative level in Germany. This prohibition also applies to individuals.

"Yandex money"

The system has been operating since 2002. It provides settlements between participants in Russian rubles. The owner of the Yandex.Money LLC system in December 2012 sold a 75% stake to Sberbank of Russia.

There are two types of accounts:

  • "Yandex.Wallet", which is available through the web interface;
  • "Internet. Wallet" - an account with which operations are carried out through special program. Its development was terminated in 2011.

Now for new users, only Yandex. Purse.

Users of Yandex.Money can pay for utilities, pay for fuel at gas stations, and make purchases in online stores.

The advantage of Yandex.Money is the absence of commissions for most purchases and account replenishment. For transactions within the system, it is 0.5%, and for withdrawals - 3%. When accepting payments and withdrawing funds, Yandex.Money partners can set commissions at their own discretion.

Significant disadvantages are the impossibility of doing business through the system and strict limits on the amount of payments.

You can replenish Yandex.Wallet in several ways:

  • converting electronic money of other systems;
  • by bank transfers;
  • through payment terminals;
  • depositing cash at points of sale;
  • through Unistream and Contact systems;
  • from a prepaid card (now the issue of cards has been discontinued, but activation of previously purchased cards is possible).

You can cash out electronic money of the system in the following way:

  • transfer to a card or bank account;
  • receiving from a Yandex.Money card at an ATM;
  • through the transfer system.

The main share of the electronic money circulation market in Russia falls on WebMoney and Yandex.Money, the role of other systems is much less significant. Therefore, we consider only their characteristic features.


"PayPal" is the world's largest electronic payment system, created in 1998 in the United States and has more than 160 million users. It allows you to receive and send transfers, pay bills and make purchases.

For Russian participants, the acceptance of payments became possible only in October 2011, and the withdrawal of funds has so far been carried out only in American banks. These circumstances significantly reduce the popularity of the system among domestic users.

The planned conclusion of an agreement between PayPal and Russian Post can correct the situation, but this is a matter of a distant future.

I would call 8 electronic payment systems the best in the world. They will be discussed today in this article.

That's really, in truth, the people's payment system.

In it, you can create wallets for all popular runet currencies (dollar, ruble, hryvnia, tenge), while maintaining a high degree of anonymity. Here the wallet interface is Russified and it is possible to communicate with technical support in Russian. Agree that it is very convenient.

- a very young international payment system, but this did not prevent it from becoming popular both in the West, and in our country, and in the post-Soviet space. The link (as in PayPal) goes to your Email address, which is the logo in this payment system. There is little or no commission charged for transactions. Withdrawal of funds is possible to bank details or to an OKPay debit card linked to the account.

OKPay is an alternative to the untimely departed Liberty Reserve because it also turns a blind eye to the withdrawal of money from various "pyramids" and gambling. There are payment restrictions here, but this only applies to unverified accounts. Here, just like in Perfect Money, as much as 3% is credited to the balance of money in the account. Agree, it is very unusual for electronic wallets.

Payza (Alert pay)- another anonymous electronic wallet. Anyone can open it. The company was formed recently, by merging Alert pay and another similar system. The movement of funds from it is carried out by linking a bank card to it. Payza in Russia is mainly used to receive Internet money earned abroad. Sometimes there is a problem with the output, but this problem is quickly solved.

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Few people can imagine life without electronic money. With their help, you can make purchases in online stores, pay bills, purchase tickets, transfer funds from one card to another with a lower percentage. What are the most popular payment systems? A list of them is presented below.

List of payment systems

Many liked the idea of ​​paying their expenses with electronic money. The main goal that payment systems fulfill (the list will be presented later) is an instant settlement with a bank or a merchant. Now there are many electronic resources, but not all of them inspire enthusiasm and trust among the majority of citizens. So, here are the most popular domestic and international payment systems:

  • "Yandex money";
  • "";
  • webmoney;
  • PayPal;
  • Visa;
  • Mastercard;
  • "World";
  • perfect money;
  • money mail;
  • "PRO100";
  • qiwi;
  • Alipay.

This is not a complete list of services for calculating electronic money. But they are most often used by clients. Below is the TOP-5 systems that have won the trust of consumers.

"Yandex money"

In the Russian Federation it is considered the most famous. The main currency is the ruble, but this did not affect the great popularity among the population. It is distressing that Yandex.Money does not allow its customers to pay for goods and services abroad. However, Russian online stores prefer domestic electronic payment systems. According to statistics, Yandex.Money occupies a leading position in paying for services and goods on the World Wide Web in the vastness of the motherland.

The advantages of this system include the possibility of replenishing the account by transferring funds from individual. In addition, the undoubted advantage is a simple and intuitive functionality.


International payment systems, such as Webmoney, are also in demand. Such a service offers to make payments in various currencies. However, the high reliability of the system does not compensate for the difficulties in registration. That is why many beginners prefer to turn to another service “for help”. High security for clients is an important aspect when making financial transactions. This is exactly what Webmoney guarantees.

Let the service have many advantages, but popularity abroad is not as high as in Russia and the CIS countries. According to many users who refused to use this system, the currency exchange process is very inconvenient. Safe payment systems, the list of which is presented and which includes Webmoney, must sacrifice convenience in the name of the reliability of money transactions.


The oldest one has also entered the most popular electronic payment systems. This is PayPal. It was founded in 1998. The advantages of the service include a variety of currencies with which you can conduct monetary transactions. In total there are about 24 species. According to experts, PayPal is used in 190 countries around the world. By the way, it is this service that customers prefer to use when paying for orders in foreign online stores. In addition, it is rare that a virtual auction is complete without payment by PayPal.

Why is this system so popular? Its high reliability and convenient functionality won the hearts of millions of users. The disadvantages of customers include the impossibility of entering their personal data. Also, not all countries accept electronic money from PayPal.


In 2014, the government of the Russian Federation decided to create a service completely independent of Visa and MasterCard. The reason for this decision was the imposition of sanctions on domestic enterprises and banks. This is how the national payment system "Mir" (NPS) appeared. It has been carefully designed to provide convenience, accessibility and reliability for transactions for all residents of Russia. The service belongs to the Central Bank of the country. NPS developers guarantee the uninterrupted and secure conduct of various types of transactions with bank cards. Thanks to the Mir service, you can perform typical operations, namely:

  • cash withdrawal;
  • making mobile and contactless payments;
  • payment for purchases in retail chains.

The main advantage of the NPS is the impossibility of the situation in the international arena to influence the current state of affairs. Accordingly, Russian citizens need not worry about access to their savings and funds to pay for services and goods.


Visa is a payment system widely used in America and Australia. If you try to pay with this card in Europe, then sometimes there may be problems with the terminal, since here they prefer to use a direct competitor of MasterCard. However, according to statistics, 70% of customers use Visa's service, while only 30% use its "rival".

To date, this card is accepted in 166,000 locations throughout Russia and 36,000 ATMs. In 200 countries around the world are ready to accept Visa for payment. This service is really considered the largest and most famous.

Clients of the system can order one of the types (or all types) of Visa:

  • Visa Electron;
  • Visa Classic;
  • Visa Gold;
  • Visa Platinum.

The presence of so many types of cards allows us to attribute this fact to the indisputable advantages of the system. Thanks to this, you can quickly make purchases, order tickets and immediately pay for them.

As already mentioned, the payment systems, the list of which was presented in this article, are very convenient for carrying out typical financial transactions. However, experts recommend not to keep all the savings in electronic form, since now there are a lot of scammers on the Internet.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Electronic money is becoming more and more dense in our lives. This is primarily due, which has now become one of the most necessary attributes of our life.

Moreover, it has long since crossed the level when we only scooped knowledge there. Now we live in the network - we communicate, buy, sell, pay for services, make friends, etc., etc. It is quite logical that in this environment, their own systems of mutual payments arise, allowing you to move away from.

At the moment, there are already several dozen payment systems in Russia alone, and even more in the world. Of course, not all of them are heard, but the very fact that there is competition gives ordinary users of electronic payments (all sorts of goodies for lure), which might not have been in the absence of a struggle for a client.

Of course, within the framework of one article, it will not be possible to cover all the players (and now there is still a wild hype around, which I wrote about in a separate publication), but we will definitely consider the most popular ones. At the end of the publication, I will also invite you to vote for the Internet currency that you personally prefer.

Three leading payment systems in Russia

It all started a very long time ago (mostly at the end of the last and the beginning of this millennium). At that time, monetary relations (, etc.) began to actively develop on the Internet, and plastic cards were the only available form of payment. The emergence of Internet money options has significantly simplified the process of paying and receiving payments via the network (without leaving home).

But not only on the Internet, because now various electronic wallets offer you to use those lying on them not only for any operations within the Internet, but also in real life. So, for example, a system linked to an account, from which it will be possible to pay for your purchases in real life (supermarket, boutique, gas stations and other places where cards are accepted for payment). In fact, many payment systems already offer such services.

In Russia you can highlight 3 leading payment systems, but to put them in their strict places, I think, is unlikely to succeed. In each case, you will need to choose exactly according to your needs.

For example, Qiwi is truly a "people's" system and everyone who knows what payment acceptance terminals work with it. At the same time, WebMoney is used by almost everyone who earns in the Russian-speaking part of the Runet. Yandex Money and other electronic wallets have their own audience. But first things first.

Qiwi payment system

If the main complaints about working with Qiwi (and many other systems) relate to the work of their technical support service, then in the WebMoney payment system the main problem is. Personally, I solved this problem for myself, which does not allow making a single payment or authorization on sites without confirming this action on my mobile phone (a confirmation code comes in the form of SMS, or you put a special application on your phone to generate it).

Also, the safety and security of these electronic money depends. There are several of them, and I once wrote about some of them in some detail:

You also need to understand that there are various Internet currencies that are in circulation within this system. Currencies, of course, are conditional (in fact, these are just title units), but are rigidly tied to the official exchange rate of real currencies (fiat money) that coincide with them.

The main ones, of course, are dollars (WMZ) and rubles (WMR), but also euros (WME), hryvnias (WMU), Belarusian rubles (WMB), etc. are in circulation. In this regard, the need often arises. Read about the most profitable ways of this action in the above article.

Electronic Yandex Money

Personally, this system attracts me because you can link a plastic card from Yandex to your wallet so that you can later use it to pay in the store and in all other places where MasterCard is accepted. At the same time, the account on the electronic wallet is equated to the balance on the card and no interest is charged for such use of it (the commission is charged only when withdrawing money through an ATM). In my opinion, a very convenient way to withdraw pennies earned on the Internet.

This payment system allows you to deposit and withdraw funds in many ways, as well as pay for many services and goods. There is an application for mobile phone, which allows you to conveniently work with your electronic wallet without having to download a browser. And in general about that, read in the given article.

8 best electronic payment systems in the world

- Once upon a time, the Payoneer Mastercard was the only acceptable way to withdraw funds earned by freelancers and stockers abroad. Enough of such systems have already appeared, but Peyoner (or Pioneer) is still very much in demand, because many bourgeois exchanges and earning sites cooperate only with him.

The main feature of the system is to receive a branded card and withdraw money from it earned in a foreign land through any ATM in the world. Although now it is possible to withdraw money from a Payoneer account directly to a local bank account and with a not very large commission percentage, many do not want to “shine” their income in the bank and use the card, because it is not connected to a bank account (prepaid) and problems with tax only when using it should not be.

Previously, withdrawing money from Adsense was rather inconvenient, but after connecting Rapida, everything became just fine (though only for residents of Russia). The fact is that in the Rapida system you can set up payment templates for the transit of electronic money from Adsense to any terminal options for cashing out convenient for you. Moreover, the templates are executed automatically when a payment is received from the Google contextual system.

RURU- a relatively new domestic electronic payment system that allows you to pay for services (goods), as well as transfer money both within the system and to instant payment services, other payment systems and bank cards. the wallet is linked to a mobile phone number, on which, by the way, you can install mobile app for fast payments.

10 most popular cryptocurrencies in the world

Cryptocurrency is generally difficult to attribute to payment systems, because due to the nature of this system, there can be no owners or people managing (and even administering) this system. She is launched and she begins to live her life without actually obeying anyone (all thanks to cryptography based on the great and terrible, which simply works wonders). This is its beauty and, in a sense, its disadvantage.

It is also difficult to equate crypto-currency with electronic money, because there is still no developed network of services and goods that could be bought with crypto-money. Somewhere something is possible, but it is still in its infancy. But at the same time, speaking of electronic money, it’s impossible not to plunge into the crypto world. Why?

because Cryptocurrency is a great tool for speculation, i.e. fast, often high-risk, but also very high earnings. Someone sells housing, and in a month or two doubles his capital. Someone plays "on a small scale" and has a stable additional source of income. There is a rush demand for cryptocurrency and it becomes more expensive.

Almost any cryptocurrency can be freely exchanged (buy or sell) for fiat (rubles, dollars, euros...) or electronic (Qiwi, Poisons, AdvCash...) money. For this purpose, there are a whole bunch of special services, which can be divided into two parts.

Good afternoon dear friends. After analyzing the information that you can see on our website, we came to the conclusion that one extremely important aspect of successful financial activity in international markets previously remained outside of our attention.

We are talking about such things as electronic payment systems on which traders store funds and to which they withdraw profits received from trading. What is the best system to use? Where are the highest security and reliability scores and where are the fees acceptable? Let's figure it out.

So, before proceeding to the consideration of specific services and systems, I propose to give them a general description and say a few words about the mechanism of their work.

So, the utterly simplified process of the electronic payment system fits into the following algorithm:

  1. Client, i.e. you, me and another 90% of Internet users transfer a certain amount of money in real currency to the account of the issuer (payment system), receiving virtual currency for this in an amount equivalent to the amount of the transfer. The act of exchanging real currency for virtual currency fixes the debt obligations of the issuer to the client.
  2. With virtual currency, the client replenishes his trading or investment account in personal account a trading broker (you can find a list of their best representatives on our website). Thus, receiving "real money", which can be increased by conducting speculative or investment operations in Forex and the stock market.
  3. The broker returns the electronic currency to its issuer, receiving real money for this.

In the end, everyone benefits. Clients receive a fast and safe way to replenish the deposit, the broker - a new client, and the payment system - their commission, which is paid by both the client and the broker (more on them later).

I think there is no need to name the advantages of electronic currencies, such as simplicity and ease of use, high speed of payment transactions, unlimited service life, etc. Everyone already knows them, it’s better to pay attention to the criteria that should be followed when choosing a payment system, not to get lost in the sea of ​​offers and choose a really reliable option.

Criteria for selecting payment systems

I will list them briefly detailed description, because it is obvious.

  1. Year of foundation and work experience. Naturally, the larger it is, the higher the level of trust is often.
  2. Types of contracts, i.e. connectivity for individuals and legal entities, residents and non-residents of the country where the company is registered. Pay special attention to the latter, companies do not always offer the same conditions to citizens of different countries.
  3. Transfer rates, limits and commissions.
  4. Security (binding to a phone number, email address, full name, etc.).
  5. Online reviews.

In principle, nothing complicated. Usually all this information is on the official website of the company and the registration agreement. And reviews are easy to find online.

Technological development of the payment industry puts great emphasis on innovation, convenience, as well as improving the efficiency of processes. Both small businesses (online stores) and large brokerage companies are faced with the need to accept payments. It is important to get a reliable partner that will ensure effective competition in the current e-commerce market conditions.


Recently, Skrill has not been inferior in popularity. It has been operating in more than 200 countries for 10 years.

It differs from the previous one in a slightly smaller number of currencies (23) and much higher commissions for transfers to other payment systems, for example, in order to transfer money from Neteller to Qiwi, you will have to pay about 8% of the amount. There are also commissions inside the system, but they are small and set at tenths of a percent.

Among the advantages it is worth noting:

    • the opportunity to get VIP status immediately upon registration;
    • Net + MasterCard card available for all CIS countries and allowing you to withdraw money from all ATMs in the world;
    • increased limits on transfers and withdrawals;
    • high security.

As for cooperation with brokers, we can say that almost all companies accept payments from Neteller, and with minimal (and sometimes absent) commissions.

The security of the system is also at a decent level, all payments require confirmation. But, verification is necessary, without it it will not be possible to work normally.


Probably the most famous payment system in the world, which currently has more than 200 million active accounts. Works all over the world, most popular in the USA. But in Russia, for some reason, it is not as popular as the previous two.

Accounts can be opened in 25 currencies, and there is nothing to say about the level of PayPal security, the highest performance, the account is almost impossible to hack. Transfer fees are low.

But, due to the relatively low popularity of this system in post-Soviet countries, sometimes a problem arises that is the opposite of the one that was with Qiwi and WebMoney, when foreign brokers accept payments in PayPal, but domestic ones do not. And this happens quite often. Even, where everything seems to be there, PayPal introduced calculations relatively recently, and it broke such commissions that it is simply unprofitable to use it.


In general, summing up, we can say that all payment systems mentioned in this article are reliable and safe. The conditions for working with them are also, in general, similar, with the exception of the issue of limits and an error of 1-2% in transfer fees. Well, decide which option to choose by consulting with representatives of your trading broker, or by looking at the list of systems supported by him on the official website. That's all for now, until we meet again.

Sincerely, Nikita Mikhailov
