Minimal phpmyadmin setup for open launch. How to log into phpmyadmin on hosting

When working in phpMyAdmin, please note that login features may vary depending on the tools used, operating system and development environment (admin panel). Let's look at the main options.

Attention!!! If you don’t know how to quickly and easily log into phpMyAdmin on localhost, then there is an accessible and fastest option - save the link directly in the browser, and you can always have access to the control panel. Direct link for versions 4 and 5: http://localhost/openserver/phpmyadmin/. The method works in a correctly configured environment.

How to log into phpMyAdmin on hosting

Depending on which one you choose, logging into the control panel may differ slightly. However, for Denver there are several standard options that allow you to quickly get into ISPManager. Once in your control panel, you can create a phpMyAdmin profile. Login information and the root password will also be stored here. All this information is available on the “Server Settings” tab in the “Server Databases” section. If you remember the password and know the login, then to enter the web interface just follow the link in personal account ISPManager or via standard link http://site_address/myadmin/.

If the databases were created correctly, then you will see a login window where you need to enter your password and login.

Features of interaction on Denver

If you, like most webmasters, prefer to work using Denver and if you don’t know how to log into phpMyadmin on Denver, then these instructions are for you:

    We launch Denver using the “Start Denver” shortcut.

    The browser enters the address http://localhost.

    We need the address http://localhost/Tools/phpMyAdmin, by clicking on which we can go directly to “phpMyAdmin”.

Since when purchasing hosting, most providers automatically create a user account and a database for the site, most likely you will only have to create a user on the local server, since it is already configured directly on the hoster’s server.

How to create a user on your local computer

First, you need to go to the “Privileges” tab on the phpMyAdmin page. Here you can see information on all connected users and accounts. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Add a new user –> enter the new user’s data (login and password) –> mark all privileges and click the banner that says “GO”.

If registration is successful, you will be able to see a pop-up confirmation window about creating a new user. That's it, now to work with MySQL and the php script, you will only need the authorization data that you entered during registration to log in.

To effectively use the web interface, you need to navigate the command line and know the stack of basic management commands.

Features of phpMyAdmin working with the Linux operating system

For example, let's take the simplest and most accessible version of the Unix OS - Ubuntu. In order to log into phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04 (latest stable build), the standard algorithm of actions is performed:

    Install phpMyAdmin from the repository.

    In the terminal we enter the combinations:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install

phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext

During the installation process, the program will offer several configurations to choose from; you must select apache2. Installation and configuration software is carried out completely automatically. All you need to do yourself is to mark the PCP configurations. To do this, enter the following commands in the terminal:

sudo phpenmod mcrypt

sudo phpenmod mbstring

After completing all steps, the software is restarted and the changes made are analyzed by the team sudo systemctl restart apache2.

If the installation was successful, then when you enter the command https://domain_name_or_IP_address/phpmyadmin you will see a login window where you can enter all the necessary registration data and log into the web interface.

If you forgot your database password

Operation of phpMyAdmin may vary slightly depending on the admin panel.

If you have forgotten your password, then in order to restore access to the root password, you will need to take a number of steps:

For Windows

  1. Stop the database server.
  2. Start databases with option skip-grant-tables.
  3. Connect to the server via command mysql -u root.
  4. Set a new password – mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD('root_password') where user='root' and host='localhost'.
  5. The final step is to stop all processes and restart the server to check the new password.

For Ubuntu

  1. Stopping the system - sudo service mysql stop.
  2. Launching databases - sudo /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --user=root &.
  3. We make changes and save them sudo mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD(‘new password) WHERE User=’root’.
  4. After this, you need to log out and reboot the databases using the service mysql restart or service mysql start command.

Webmasters who work in certain site admin areas (wordpress, joomla, etc.) quite often encounter the need to interact with databases. MySQL DBMS is the most popular and in-demand database that works well with PHP. Most RuNet sites are written using this particular language. Moreover, PHP is one of the most popular and popular languages ​​for front-end and back-end website programming. There are several options to access MySQL:

  1. Using the command line.
  2. Using web applications.

The first method is the optimal solution for programmers and users who know bash well. For everyone else the best solution There are special web interfaces. The most popular option is PhpMyAdmin, which allows you to manage and configure databases through a browser, without knowledge of the program code for this DBMS.

PhpMyAdmin Features

  1. Database search system.
  2. Creation and adjustment of tables, databases, records.
  3. Direct execution of SQL commands.
  4. Creating new users.

In fact, PhpMyAdmin is an Internet application created for database administration. The application is written in php programming and has open source software licensed under the General Public License, which gives everyone the right to use all the features of the web interface completely freely.

Its main purpose is to simplify the operation of the database and enable everyone to administer MySQL without learning program code. Automation and a high degree of security have made this web interface extremely in demand and popular among webmasters working in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

From the author: Are you lost again and don’t know how to log into MySQL? You're not the first! Gather all those who are lost, and now let’s go straight to visit her. To whom “to her”? To the most popular DBMS on the World Wide Web!

Where is MySQL located in Denver?

This does not mean the capital of the state of Colorado in the USA, but a software package for creating and testing applications in PHP. The kit for “gentlemen” includes a local Apache server, a MySQL server and a phpMyAdmin shell. It is with the help of this software package that “newbies” most often learn all the intricacies of working with this database management system.

Before logging into MySQL through a browser, you need to start a local server, then type localhost in the address bar, and in the window that appears, “Hurray, it’s working!” In the utilities section, select phpMyAdmin.

After which you will find yourself there (in phpMyAdmin).

We go to the databases through the “labyrinth”

You and I will go into the “dense” forest and try to “get through” it to the database server. Don’t think that we are hiding from someone, we’ll just act like this now. Go!

Before logging into MySQL via command line, you should find out where the main database server directory is located. If you use the DBMS in its “pure” form without “impurities” (outside the “gentleman’s” set), then the server root folder is located here: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysql.exe

If you are using Denver, then the file you are looking for is located in this path: Z:\usr\local\mysql-5.5\bin\mysql.exe,

where Z is the virtual disk that is created after starting the local web server. You may have it under a different name (more precisely, a letter).

We are interested in the mysql.exe file. Let's run it by specifying the name of the database server, password and user under which we will log into MySQL.

How to enable MySQL via the command line: go to “Start”, among standard programs select “Command Line”. We launch the utility, and from now on we will describe the entire procedure of “walking” in the dense forest step by step, so that the entire group of “lost” people does not get lost again. Let’s start:

In the black CMD (command line) window, enter the path where it is stored executable file MySQL, and next to it we indicate the DBMS user name and password. Since we have a local server, we enter the username root without a password after the identifier u.

This is actually incorrect and each MySQL server user must have a password set. We will consider all DBMS security issues in more detail in one of our next publications.

Here is the whole piece of “code”: Z:\usr\local\mysql-5.5\bin\mysql.exe -u root

If everything went well, then information about the version of the running service, the year of release and other “unnecessary” information for us should appear below in the command line window.

Now, to check the correctness of the connection, we will enter a query after the mysql> operator that will display all the databases stored on the server. Request code:

db1 is the name of the database we need.

In the screenshot we see that the requested database contains only one table.

Let's dig deeper!

As they say, the “appetite” comes after receiving the results of executing the code. Therefore, we will try to dig even deeper to get the data that is stored in the table. Before logging into MySQL again, here is an example of an SQL query with which we can accomplish our plans:

SELECT * FROM animal;

SELECT * FROM animal ;

We enter the request, launch it for execution and... For some reason the server gave us an error.

And all because we forgot to tell MySQL which database we are interested in. So the server “swears” that none of the databases is allocated. This once again proves that working with a DBMS through the command line is very different from interacting with it through a software shell.

In phpMySQL this request would be executed successfully and the server would return a selection of all rows contained in the requested table.

Let’s correct our common omission (it’s always difficult to admit one’s guilt), and before logging into MySQL through the console again, we’ll prepare a “specific” query with which we’ll point the system to the desired database:

After entering this line and executing it, the server will display a message confirming that the desired database has been allocated.

And now let’s enter and run a query to retrieve all data from the animal table again. “Let there be data!” - said the administrator, and launched SELECT. We got to the bottom of db1 and got the contents of the animal table. It’s not for nothing that before entering the MySQL database, we performed a whole “ritual” and wrote the correct “spell” in SQL.

What else can you dig up?

We dug deep to the very bottom of MySQL. Now let's dig a little to the side. What other information can be obtained through the command line by querying MySQL? Do you want to know the table structure, data types of all columns, primary key? Please! Run this query:

describe animal;

describe animal ;

Sometimes, in order to know how to enable the MySQL server, you need to get a list of all registered users of the DBMS. The following query is used for this.

When creating a new website project, a webmaster has to solve many problems regarding the content to be posted, its display, ensuring easy navigation through sections, etc. At the same time, making changes is complicated by the need to correlate them with databases located on the hosting server. This entails a significant waste of time and effort. In order to minimize costs and facilitate changes, many specialists use the http://localhost/Tools/phpMyAdmin tool, which allows them to simulate server space on a PC. As an example, consider the Denver software shell and one of the additional PhpMyAdmin tools.

So, Denver is a program that allows you to create a local server directly on your computer, and localhost/Tools/phpMyAdmin is one of the tools (a set of special PHP scripts) used to provide access to databases located on this server. With their help, you can manage and make changes to the site project databases, without the need to learn special MySQL commands.

Benefits of technology

The use of such technology allows you to obtain a number of advantages:

Once the site project is ready, it can be transferred from local server to a real one, and start fully using the site.

As for the PhpMyAdmin tool itself, its use eliminates the need to learn MySQL commands and makes the process of making changes to databases simple and accessible even for users with limited programming knowledge.

How to log in and use localhost/Tools/phpMyAdmin

To use the database tool, simply go to http://localhost/Tools/phpMyAdmin.

This will open the tool's interface, which allows you to create, modify, and delete new tables in databases using intuitive commands. These tables will be used to directly place the site content. The tool's interface is quite simple and clear, all important elements are labeled, so it will be easy to understand even for a beginner.

Why doesn't http://localhost/Tools/phpMyAdmin open?

When creating your first serious web project, sooner or later you will be faced with working on databases, and MySQL technology in particular. The MySQL database server is great for small and developing projects at an early stage of development due to the ease of working with it. The phpMyAdmin system makes the work even easier, which provides the user with access and a graphical interface for working with the database, managing tables, creating backups and many other useful functions. Of course, this speeds up the workflow and frees up developers’ time for more useful things.

How to login to phpMyAdmin on Denwer?

The most popular one for Windows is called Denwer, and as you might have guessed, it includes phpMyAdmin. But there is one problem that users encounter all the time: in phpMyAdmin how to log into the admin panel?

If you use Denver, then to quickly enter the admin panel of the phpMyAdmin control system, you can add a special link to your browser bookmarks: http://localhost/Tools/phpMyAdmin.

But soon you will have to upload the site to real hosting, and if you plan to implement your development to the end, study the following questions in advance: how to work with the phpMyAdmin interface? How to log into the administrative control panel?

Instructions for logging into ISP Manager and CPanel

If your remote web hosting uses the ISPmanager control panel, then log in using the links in the example below:

If the CPanel panel is installed, then questions about phpMyAdmin, how to log into the host will not create problems. Use the following link: https: // My Admin/ - you will need to remove the spaces.

Instead of the words “your”, use the domain of your resource, purchased and attached to the hosting in advance. If you do not currently own the required domain, you can authorize by IP address, in which case phpMyAdmin you will know exactly how to enter.

If you use some unpopular control panel or don’t know whether it exists at all, try adding the name of the control panel after the slash in the address of your site, or specify this word as a subdomain - this combination is used by some hosters.

Our users can use the MySQL DBMS on their virtual web servers within the limits provided for by the relevant tariffs. Currently working Version: 5.6 Main encoding: cp1251 (Windows). Additionally, KOI8-R and UTF-8 are supported.

Included in the cost of tariff plans virtual hosting, where MySQL services are supported, includes a certain number of MySQL databases and one MySQL user. In addition, databases are created for an additional fee according to the current price list.

Databases (DBs) are understood as data storage and processing systems that are accessed using the SQL (Structured Query Language) language. There are many different database management systems (DBMS), but in hosting conditions the MySQL DBMS is usually used. The reasons for this are the actual orientation of this DBMS for hosting tasks, availability on all popular server operating systems, as well as ease of setup and administration.

When choosing between different DBMSs, you need to take into account that if your web project does not have a particular load on it and the complexity of the solutions, and you, as a programmer and administrator, do not have sufficient qualifications and experience in working with various DBMSs, there are no alternatives to MySQL for you in this case not very much and it’s probably worth choosing MySQL. We direct you to the article “Why MySQL? " on server, where you will learn in detail about the pros and cons of this particular system. Also on the MySQL developers website there is complete documentation in Russian.

Parameters and methods of connecting to MySQL

  • Hostname (server) hosting MySQL:
  • Port: 3306
  • Login: corresponds to the name of the virtual platform - uXXXXX
  • Password: specified in the letter that the user receives upon registration
  • Database name: corresponds to the name of the virtual site - uXXXXX

For security reasons, direct access to MySQL servers from the Internet is prohibited (with the exception of the ssh tunnel), and clients are provided with the following options for administering and using the database:

  • access MySQL command line from unix shell
  • working with the database from user scripts in Perl, PHP, etc.
  • database management via the phpMyAdmin web interface. Access credentials are provided during registration; the login and password coincide with the access credentials for the database itself

SSH tunneling to connect to a remote MySQL database

We use software: Putty v.0.70 (last stable release on 2017-07-08.)

Initial remote connection settings:

  • Host Name: website - Host for SSH connection, where uXXXX- your site number.
  • Port: 22
  • Protocol: SSH
  • Source Port: 3306 - port for local connection after installing the tunnel.
  • Destination: Local - we explicitly indicate that the connection will be made to the local port specified above.
  • Destination: - host with which tunneling will be carried out on a specific port (3306 - standard for MySQL)

Now you need to add settings to the menu Forwarded ports by clicking the “Add” button as shown in the figure below to achieve the following result:

The original documentation is available on the developers' website.

The setup is complete, go to the first “Session” menu, as in Figure 1, and press the “Open” button to establish a connection with remote server via SSH protocol. We go through authorization using your login and password, and get into bash, being local on your site /home/uXXXX.

Meanwhile, according to our settings, the connection to the local MySQL server is tunneled using the SSH protocol and internal funds Putty. Thus, by connecting to the local port localhost:3306 and using any software for working with the MySQL server, we gain access to the administration of the remote database, while simultaneously protecting our connection via the SSH protocol.

phpMyAdmin - access MySQL via web browser

To access MySQL from a regular web browser, clients can use the tool phpMyAdmin. To do this, please refer to the page.

Access details for it are sent automatically to the contact address from the moment of purchasing a tariff plan with MySQL database support.

The only way to be sure of 100% data recovery is to perform regular backup information. To do this, you need to use the mysqldump utility, which is available through the unix shell.

Example commands for exporting and importing a database:

mysqldump -u Username -p -h database_server_name database_name> dump.sql

The data will be saved in a file dump.sql. Next (if necessary) we restore the data from the backup copy (dump) like this:

mysql -u Username -p -h database_server_name database_name

Utilities for working with MySQL launched in this way will ask for a password to the database. You must enter the password of the corresponding database user. If your password has been lost, you can change it yourself in the section Service tree(the drop-down menu is located at the very top line of the control panel on the right).

By default, the system considers that the data in the database is stored in UTF-8 encoding. If your data is stored in a different encoding, then after creating a backup copy (dump) for subsequent correct data recovery, you need to open the created file with a text editor and correct the line in it:

/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;

For example, for Windows-1251 encoding you need to specify:

/*!40101 SET NAMES cp1251 */;

Additional options for the mysqldump utility:

--add-drop-table - option that adds the DROP TABLE command before creating tables. Before restoring tables from a dump, tables with the same name in the production database will be deleted and recreated from the backup. Recommended for use to prevent possible errors after recovery;

--add-locks - option that adds LOCK TABLES commands before execution and UNLOCK TABLE after execution of each table dump. Used to speed up access to MySQL;

--quote-names- an option that tells the utility to put quotation marks on table and column names. Recommended for use for MySQL versions younger than 4.1.1. In older versions it is enabled by default.

In this case, the mysqldump utility generates an error:

mysqldump: Out of memory (Needed XXXXX bytes) mysqldump: Got error: 2008: MySQL client run out of memory when retrieving data from server

As a result, the line to create a copy of the database is as follows:

mysqldump --opt -u Username -p -h database_server_name --add-drop-table database_name> dump.sql

or like this:

mysqldump --quick -u Username -p -h database_server_name --add-drop-table database_name> dump.sql

For compatibility of a dump made on a third-party server, we recommend creating a database dump with the key:

--set-variable max_allowed_packet=2M-O max_allowed_packet=2M

If during import you receive an error like

mysqldump: Error 2020: Got packet bigger than "max_allowed_packet" bytes when dumping table `some_table_name` at row: 2 This means that your database contains data that cannot be divided into separate parts, each no more than two megabytes.

Typically, this happens if a MySQL database is used to store the contents of various files, for example, pictures or music, without placing them directly in file system. In this case, if the size of any file exceeds a certain value, the database becomes unsuitable for use on our servers and you will need to either delete such data from your database, or consider using a database server on a VPS server, where you can set the desired limit max_allowed_packet to the required value, or not use it at all.

If MySQL 4.0.x is installed on your server, then to correctly transfer data from third-party servers, you must use the key when exporting the database:


How to work with MySQL from Perl scripts

To work with MySQL from Perl scripts, the DBI module is usually used. This allows you to conveniently open and close connections to the DBMS, prepare and execute queries to the database, handle errors, and so on. If you do not have experience working with MySQL from Perl, we recommend the book “Programming in Perl DBI” (Russian, English).

So, an example of working with MySQL from Perl DBI:

#!/usr/bin/perl use DBI; my $host = ""; # fictitious MySQL server my $port = "3306"; # port to which we open the connection my $user = "u12345"; # username (fictitious) my $pass = "password"; # password my $db = $user; # database name - defaults to username print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$db:$host:$port",$user,$pass); $sth = $dbh->prepare("select field1 from table2");# prepare the query $sth->execute; # execute the request while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) ( print "$$ref\n"; # print the result ) $rc = $sth->finish; # close $rc = $dbh->disconnect; # connection

In this example, we first define variables with MySQL access parameters, then issue an HTTP header, since this is a script to be launched via the web, then connect to the database, prepare and send a select query, receive and print the results, and then close compound. This is the simplest script for working with MySQL from Perl. You can find more detailed examples in this article.

How to work with MySQL from PHP scripts

To work with MySQL you can use the built-in PHP language tools that are already supported by the hosting. PHP has a developed and understandable interface to this DBMS, which makes working with MySQL from PHP the simplest and most convenient, especially for novice webmasters and web programmers.

# connect to the server and select your database mysql_connect("","u12345","password"); mysql_select_db("database"); # prepare and execute a query to the database $query = "SELECT * FROM table"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); # display the results of the query while($i = mysql_fetch_row($result)) ( echo $i; echo $i; ..... )

Complete documentation in Russian on working with MySQL from PHP scripts is available. In addition to descriptions, you will also find tips there. experienced users and examples of using functions mentioned in the documentation. We also recommend you the article “” on the server.

Loading data using LOAD DATA

Since MySQL version 3.23.49, LOAD DATA LOCAL is disabled by default for security reasons and must be specifically enabled.

Our MySQL server runs with LOAD DATA LOCAL enabled, but this functionality needs to be enabled on the client side.

For the mysql utility there are several options for enabling this option:

  1. Parameter --local-infile=1
  2. Create a file in your home directory .my.cnf and in it allow this option for the group used by this utility: local-infile=1

Enabling this mode from perl: you need to specify the mysql configuration file in dsn when connecting (since the libmysql library does not read any additional configuration files by default) and a group in it, create this group in the file, and set for this group local-infile=1:

For example, we enter in ~/.my.cnf

Local-infile=1 and in the script we configure the connection like this: my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database:hostname;mysql_read_default_group=perl;". "mysql_read_default_file=~/.my.cnf"; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, "username", "password") ||die ": Can"t connect to MySQL: $!";

Enabling this mode from PHP: You must have your own compiled PHP interpreter installed.

In function mysql_connect() you must use argument 128 (the value of the CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES constant) as the fifth parameter.

$dbh = mysql_connect($server, $user, $pass, false, 128);

Additional MySQL database and MySQL access (MySQL user)

Users are provided with a certain number of MySQL databases as part of the purchased tariff. In this case, one database is automatically connected, and the access details for it are communicated in a letter notifying about the establishment of services. Clients can independently create additional databases and MySQL accesses.

To do this, you need to go to the section Service tree select the site for which you need to create an additional service and in the “MySQL” table select the “add” command for the “MySQL-access (add.)” or “MySQL-base (add.)” service. Database access passwords can be changed by calling the “change” command for the required MySQL access.

Additional documentation and useful links

MySQL is the most popular among database developers. Its popularity is accompanied by the presence of comprehensive and very high-quality documentation. Once you learn how to use it, you will have no problems accessing high-quality descriptions of the necessary MySQL features.

  • “Using MySQL in PHP scripts” -
  • “MySQL in web projects” -

To connect to phpMyAdmin you can use the already created database u1234567_default(Where u1234567— your hosting login), which is automatically created when you order hosting. Access details for this database are given in the article.

Attention Database u1234567_default is created only when ordering tariff plans from “Host-0” and higher. If you ordered tariff plan“Host-Lite”, and then upgraded it to a higher one, this database is not created. You need to create the database yourself according to the instructions:

I can't login to phpMyAdmin

To log into phpMyAdmin you need to use database user login and password. Do not confuse the database user login and password with the hosting service login and password (u1234567).

If the database password is not suitable, you can change it to a new one using the instructions:

How to create, delete or modify a table in the phpMyAdmin database?

Attention! Editing the database may cause your site to not work correctly. Before making changes, create a backup of your site or contact the developers.

How to add a new table to a database?

Setting up phpmyadmin (this article)

08/16/2010 Tigrusha
and you also need to remember root for those who don’t know how to find 2 files and in the phpMyAdmin folders and find /* Authentication type and info */
$cfg["Servers"][$i]["auth_type"] = "config";
$cfg["Servers"][$i]["user"] = "root";
$cfg["Servers"][$i]["password"] = "";
$cfg["Servers"][$i]["AllowNoPassword"] = true;
and minya eat on your crawler current first in the base, don’t forget

01/09/2011 serdjuzz
Tell me please:
when I type in the browser (Chrome and IE they write:
The web page at http://localhost/phpmyadmin may be temporarily unavailable or may have been permanently moved to a new location.
More information about this error
The original error message is shown below
Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): Unknown error.

What's wrong?
Thank you

01/09/2011 serdjuzz
it's always like this)))
ask and you will figure it out)))
thank you, your help is mature = I’m being stupid

01/20/2011 Alexey
Thanks for this tutorial! Everything is very detailed and well written. The only thing I couldn’t do was to allow phpMyadmin to log in from the Internet (it works locally). When typing http://sitename/phpmyadmin in the browser, it gives an error:
New XAMPP security concept:
Access to the requested object is only available from the local network.

This setting can be configured in the file "httpd-xampp.conf".

I see that I need to dig in the "httpd-xampp.conf" file, but I don't know what to fix.

Admin, can you help me? Thank you in advance.

01/21/2011 admin
Alexey, in the article “Configuring and protecting Apache under Windows” I touched on this topic.

Let's look at the very end of the article.
I quote

IN latest versions xampp access to administrative scripts is possible only with a local login, external access is closed, phpmyadmin is also available only locally.
If you want to open external access for phpmyadmin or other standard scripts, look at the file again

There is a similar design here


This construction prohibits access from outside, of course the ban itself is inside this construction, but if you need to open external access for example for phpmyadmin, then simply remove it from this list.

That is, from the line

remove phpmyadmin

03/14/2011 Andrey
When I register http://localhost/phpmyadmin/, I get the error The connection could not be established for the user specified in the controluser directive, using the parameters defined in the configuration file Help me please!

03/15/2011 admin
Andrey, we are talking about the user pma.
The login or password for pma is incorrect.
In the settings file you need to specify a login password for it if you changed it.
$cfg["Servers"][$i]["controluser"] = "pma";
$cfg["Servers"][$i]["controlpass"] = "";

05/26/2011 Dmitry
After all the settings, phpAdmin stopped opening altogether. Doesn't respond to button presses on the panel. After entering it into the command line in the local area, it gives an error 403 and “access denied.” From the outside there is also an error. Where to dig? Everything is set up strictly according to your instructions.

05/27/2011 Admin
Dmitry, most likely they did something in the server settings.
403 is most likely a request sent to a directory that does not have an index file and file listing is prohibited in the server settings.
It seems to me that somewhere in the Apache settings the wrong path to phpmyadmin was written.

05/27/2011 Dmitry
In general, I rechecked everything again and found out this thing. If in the file


That's it... phpmyadmin becomes unavailable at all. Neither from the locale, nor from outside. IN hosts file everything is spelled out that you need. the paths are all correct.

True, it gave another error:
In the php.ini file, if I specified the directory D:/xampp/, it gave an error. It turned out that you need to register D:\xampp\. In this file, half of the paths are written with slashes in one direction or the other. Maybe build 1.7.4 is not properly tested?

05/30/2011 admin
Dmitry, there’s a strange situation with slashes.
There really is such a problem, slashes in different directions.
For some this causes problems, for some it does not.
For some, slashes work in one direction, for others in the other.
And for many, all slashes work.
Why such nonsense with these slashes, I can’t understand

08/10/2011 Oleg
I installed it, made protection, configured php, mysql, phpmyadmin, I don’t need anything else yet, so this appeared
Access forbidden!

You don"t have permission to access the requested directory. There is either no index document or the directory is read-protected.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 403
10.08.2011 23:38:10
I can log into phpmyadmin, but I don’t know what to do. please help.

08/11/2011 Oleg
And I forgot to add that everything worked until I restarted Apache

08/22/2011 Victor
Oleg, in the settings there is a ban on reading a directory without an index file or somewhere else there is a ban.
But you have to look at everything locally, it’s so difficult to say why access to the directory is denied.

09/21/2011 maxim
changed the password to root and the login method set cookies
Now when I log into the admin panel it gives an error

MySQL said: Documentation
#1130 - Host "localhost" is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.
phpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the server rejected the connection. You should check the host, username and password in your configuration and make sure that they correspond to the information given by the administrator of the MySQL server.

02.09.2012 Anton
Hello! I encountered the same problem as Dmitry
"If in the file
remove the phpmyadmin parameter from the line


That's it... phpmyadmin becomes unavailable at all. Neither from the locale, nor from outside. Everything you need is written down in the hosts file. the paths are all correct."
please tell me what to do and what and how to fix it so that everything works

01/15/2013 zenon
great article, thanks

02/20/2013 Gannibal
Please tell me how to correctly remove those that are highlighted with arrows on the screen.


02/10/2014 Crooked article
After setting the password, there is no access to the admin panel. It’s 10 times easier to move the hamrr folder to another directory while NOT using phpmyadmin. And no one in life will find her.

07/26/2016 Evgeniy
A typical absolutely useless article, written by someone unknown and for what purpose!

“Go to the Privileges tab...” But there is NO SUCH TAB in PHPmyadmin!!! ABSOLUTELY NO! Why the hell write such articles???

That's why I started looking for materials because this stupid program, in principle, does not contain anything similar to access settings in its interface. And the author of this “article” did not help at all.

To connect to phpMyAdmin you can use the already created database u1234567_default(Where u1234567— your hosting login), which is automatically created when you order hosting. Access details for this database are given in the article.

Attention Database u1234567_default is created only when ordering tariff plans from “Host-0” and higher. If you ordered the “Host-Lite” tariff plan and then upgraded it to a higher one, this database will not be created. You need to create the database yourself according to the instructions:

I can't login to phpMyAdmin

To log into phpMyAdmin you need to use database user login and password. Do not confuse the database user login and password with the hosting service login and password (u1234567).

If the database password is not suitable, you can change it to a new one using the instructions:

How to create, delete or modify a table in the phpMyAdmin database?

Attention! Editing the database may cause your site to not work correctly. Before making changes, create a backup of your site or contact the developers.

How to add a new table to a database?

When creating a new website project, a webmaster has to solve many problems regarding the content to be posted, its display, ensuring easy navigation through sections, etc. At the same time, making changes is complicated by the need to correlate them with databases located on the hosting server. This entails a significant waste of time and effort. In order to minimize costs and facilitate changes, many specialists use the http://localhost/Tools/phpMyAdmin tool, which allows them to simulate server space on a PC. As an example, consider the Denver software shell and one of the additional PhpMyAdmin tools.

So, Denver is a program that allows you to create a local server directly on your computer, and localhost/Tools/phpMyAdmin is one of the tools (a set of special PHP scripts) used to provide access to databases located on this server. With their help, you can manage and make changes to the site project databases, without the need to learn special MySQL commands.

Benefits of technology

The use of such technology allows you to obtain a number of advantages:

After the site project is ready, you can easily transfer it from a local server to a real one, and begin to fully use the site.

As for the PhpMyAdmin tool itself, its use eliminates the need to learn MySQL commands and makes the process of making changes to databases simple and accessible even for users with limited programming knowledge.

How to log in and use localhost/Tools/phpMyAdmin

To use the database tool, simply go to http://localhost/Tools/phpMyAdmin.

This will open the tool's interface, which allows you to create, modify, and delete new tables in databases using intuitive commands. These tables will be used to directly place the site content. The tool's interface is quite simple and clear, all important elements are labeled, so it will be easy to understand even for a beginner.

Why doesn't http://localhost/Tools/phpMyAdmin open?
