Equipment. Sharpening and improving equipment in Black Desert Black desert how to make armor of the limit

A high degree of protection makes your character more viable when farming high-level mobs that deal significant damage. Defense is equally important in PVP, especially during a siege.

In Black Desert, armor is not tied to , unlike . Since equipment is transferred between characters on an account, the main character’s armor and jewelry can be used when leveling up a twin. At the same time, the same set of armor looks completely different on different classes, just like different armor on the same class. affects the appearance of the armor: for example, for a warrior it will always look like armor, and for a magician it will always look like a long mantle (with the exception of the boss set). There are no options for character customization when using an armor set, except for . Therefore, if you want to give a unique look to your charm, you will have to purchase a costume to change the appearance.

Types of armor

The set consists of four items: armor, helmet, gloves, shoes. Conventionally, all types of armor used by players can be divided into four categories:

Old kits

Present in the game from the start of OBT. Increases the character's combat characteristics - armor Adjeri, Tallis, Dzheres, Taritas. When wearing two or three parts of the set, a set bonus applies. Each item also provides additional bonuses. All items from these sets have one slot for inlay stones.

Kits that increase a character's non-combat parameters

These include: armor of health, luck or strength. The set bonus is valid from two or three parts of the set. Items have two slots for inlaying stones.

New kits

Appeared after the addition of the territories of Media and Valencia. They increase combat characteristics - Grunil and Rokhava. Set bonuses apply to pairs of helmet-gloves and armor-shoes items. There's also the added bonus of a four-piece set. All items have two slots for inlay stones.

Boss set

Armor of the Ancient and Red Nose, gloves of Bheg, helmet of Geass and Griffin, shoes of Muskan. The bonus applies to wearing three and four pieces of armor, as well as from each item separately. Items have two slots for inlay stones.

The abundance of additional parameters allows you, even at the initial stage, to select the armor set that is most suitable for your. By combining items from different sets and enhancing their effect with inlay stones, you will get a completely viable character.

Where to get armor

Almost all types of armor are dropped from mobs in all areas of the Black Desert game world. The exception is Grunil armor, which can only be obtained in Media. On the territory of Valencia, only Rojav armor drops, and even then rarely.

Therefore, if you need a large amount of armor of a certain type (for example, to restore maximum strength after a failed enhancement), rent a forge in the city. Depending on the level of the production facility, you can craft the following types of armor:

1) Replas;
2) Adjeri;
3) Taritas;
4) Tallis;
5) Jeres, Grunil;

Please note that Rojav's armor cannot be crafted - you can only loot it from mobs. Depending on the level of the worker and his luck, you can create armor of blue or gold quality. When crafting Taritas armor, there is a chance to get strong Taritas armor, which has the same parameters, but weighs less.

All armor sets in Black Desert can also be purchased from blacksmiths (different sets from different NPCs). For example, Taritas armor is sold in Heidel, and Grunil armor is sold in Altinova. To be able to purchase an item of interest, you will have to level up your friendship with NPCs by spending energy points, but this is not the most effective use of them. Replas armor, which many players use to gain fails when enhancing equipment, can only be purchased in Velia.

Armor Enhancement

To enhance armor up to +15, black stones are used, from +15 to +20 black enchantment stones, which are more expensive. Strengthening up to +5 is safe and is carried out with one hundred percent probability; further failures are possible. Each level of sharpening increases the character's protection, which he receives thanks to armor, as well as additional bonuses for some items. You can read more about how to sharpen equipment in.

Armor Upgrade

The types of equipment listed above come in green, blue and gold quality. The exception is the gray-quality Replas armor and the boss set (which is gold and top-end in the game). The quality of an item can be increased using armor seals of level 2 (up to blue) and limit (up to gold). An item of blue quality provides additional protection from melee, ranged or magical attacks, while a gold item provides additional protection from all types of attacks at once. Keep in mind that blue-quality items of different names, such as Ajeri's armor of agility and Ajeri's armor of valor, belong to different sets, so using them does not provide an additional bonus.

Where to get the boss set

Some equipment can be obtained by killing world bosses - Red Nose, Ancient One and Cowardly Bheg. There is a chance to receive other items as rewards when farming summoned bosses - Geass (daily), Maskan and Griffin (weekly).

However, the chance of getting equipment in this way is extremely low, so you need to use the services of a night merchant as a safety net. This NPC only works at night and offers mainly various junk: black stones and jewelry and blue awakening. However, occasionally you can craft items from the boss set, including weapons. Changing a product if it doesn't suit you costs 50 energy points.
And, of course, don't forget about the auction. For example, you can almost always buy Red Nose armor there; you can try to buy other items, including already enhanced ones, at the rate.

Wear, repair and maximum durability

Any piece of armor initially has 100 points of maximum strength. When a character receives damage, the armor's strength decreases, and when it reaches zero, the effects of the item and inserted inlay stones do not apply. You can restore strength from a blacksmith or gunsmith by paying him silver. When repairing armor with an incomplete maximum strength scale, there is a chance to restore one point.
Maximum durability is reduced if an attempt to enhance an item fails. You can restore it (10 points) from a blacksmith using a similar green-quality item (for cheap items) or fragments of memories (for a boss set). One scrap restores one point of maximum strength.

Inlay stones

Each piece of Black Desert armor has its own inlay stones for inlaying, and it is impossible to insert them into another item. The exception is the grenades of people, animals and Ain, Cubic Zirconia (Protection) and Cubic Zirconia (Luck), which are inserted into any piece of equipment. The more expensive the stone is, the more bonuses it gives the character. Most often, stones are used as inlays that increase maximum health, evasion, defense, accuracy, and resistance to control effects. If you prefer PVE content and try to avoid fights with other players, stones that increase carrying capacity and movement speed are also suitable.

What armor to wear

The ultimate goal is to get the boss set and strengthen it to the maximum. In this case, the armor of the Ancient One is preferable to that of the Red Nose, since it gives an additional 200 health points to the character. However, at the initial stage of the game it is difficult to get a boss set. The best option for a beginner is the Grunil set. When using four items, the character's maximum health will increase by 150, and the entire attack by 7. It will be cheaper to buy a set of green items, enhanced by +15, sharpen them yourself to +17 and recraft them into gold-quality items. This will allow you to farm mobs in Media from level 50, receiving little damage and feeling comfortable.

In the world of Black Desert there are different types and sets of armor. True, almost all of them can be counted on one hand, and with time and understanding of what your character needs, the choice turns out to be very, very small... So it turned out that my character from level twenty to this day runs in the Grunil set.

It was very sad for me to look at this whole thing, and the situation had to be corrected somehow. As part of the quest line, I got my first costume, which fits in a special cell. It also gives a +2 bonus to running speed. But over time, his appearance became boring.

However, it turned out that in the world of Black Desert there are a lot of other costumes, for every taste, and even a special production workshop - a costume shop for sewing them. I was happy about this fact and, having scouted out the situation, decided to sew Jareth’s Clothes.

It must be said that crafting in Black Desert is a difficult process, requiring skills, organization, money and patience. So, before I started sewing, I needed to earn additional influence points to buy a house (for the production of this costume - specifically in Heidel). I already had local free hands, so the next step was to get materials for crafting.

The crafting of the costume itself was divided into three stages: making gold armor, making patterns for expensive clothes, and sewing the suit itself.

For the golden armor, I first needed to... steal a pattern from a specific NPC! At the same time, she practiced her zero theft skills. However, I managed to steal this particular pattern the first time. An auction helped me with gold and steel bars, as well as silk. The black stone powder was made by my workers in Velia, so the golden armor was made quite quickly.

Rubbing my hands, I moved on to the second stage - the pattern of expensive clothes. For her, I needed permission to produce the best women's clothing, which, of course... had to be stolen from the same NPC! The permit did not want to sneak around, but the vigilant guards very quickly came running after my soul every time the owner of the coveted recipe caught me by the hand. This is how I learned how to quickly ruin relationships with NPCs and drain positive karma. There were no other options for obtaining the pattern, so I had to learn to steal and not get caught, no matter how much my righteous soul protested against such a pastime in the game. What was there in the maid’s pockets? But after a bunch of unnecessary things and a stack of recipes for golden armor, I finally came across that same pattern. Rejoiced, I began to study the recipe further... well, thick leather of the highest quality, thin leather of the highest quality... The auction this time did not help me much, there was only one piece of thin leather in stock, the remaining two had to be obtained in another way.

I looked into the manufacturing recipe. I realized that for one piece of top quality leather I need to cut 100 pig skins. Upset. I decided to take a roundabout route, buying intermediate crafting results at an auction - high-quality leather and a softener. I started production... and nothing happened. It turns out that only a master can make such leather. Only his rank gives the corresponding knowledge about manufacturing. At my rate, I will probably only receive the master by the end of next year... I had to seek salvation again at an auction.

After a week of checking and stalking the coveted leather, I finally managed to buy it. Black Stone Powder was still available. And finally, my worker was able to make a pattern for expensive clothes.

The third stage, compared to the second, turned out to be quite easy - raise the level of the blacksmith’s friendship points using a mini-game to 500, buy a pattern of Jareth’s clothing for the dark knight, get a couple of rare opals (at auction) and also black stone powder... Start production...

And here it is, my coveted suit! Shines gold on the character. What is it - he took up all the slots of the armor, and not the suit?

So this can be easily solved - just buy a coupon for an outfit for 800 rubles in the game store and transfer the costume to the correct cells! Hands up.
A curtain.

The character's equipment window looks like this:

In addition to armor (armor, gloves, helmet, boots, belt) and weapons (primary and secondary), the character also wears jewelry (2 rings, 2 earrings, necklace).
Additionally, there are slots for a collection tool and a flashlight.


A character of any class can wear any armor, but it will look different depending on the class.
Armor does not have a level, but all elements of armor have their own base def value, which is displayed in total in the center of the equipment window. You can equip your character with armor with any characteristics. Armor in the game is divided into fabric, leather and plate, purely nominally; you can wear any, regardless of class, but you should take into account the weight (for example, plate armor gives more basic defense, but is also heavier).

In addition to the basic defense indicator, armor has special bonuses. These bonuses can be either for a single item or for a set. The best items in the game will be those obtained through crafting. They have the most variety of bonuses. In the example below, the bonus is for the extra weight.

Armor can be purchased from the appropriate merchants, knocked out from mobs, exchanged for items from mobs, crafted and received for cooperation points.

Armor can be strengthened, either with the help of inlay stones (stones of a different color are inserted into each element of armor, the properties of the stones are also different - they have different cuts),

Weapons, like armor, do not have a level, but have their own base attack rate. In addition to the base attack indicator, the weapon has special bonuses.

Weapons can be purchased from the appropriate merchants, knocked out of mobs, crafted and obtained for cooperation points.
Weapons can be enhanced with inlay stones,

Jewelry, like armor, has no class differences.
There are two types of jewelry:
1) with a basic protection indicator,

2) with a basic attack indicator.

Jewelry cannot be enhanced.
Jewelry can be knocked out of mobs, crafted and obtained for cooperation points.

Gathering Tools and Lanterns

You can insert one of the tools for collecting resources into a special slot. There are 6 tools in total: pickaxe, axe, skinning knife, carving knife, hoe, syringe. Depending on the equipped tool, you can collect one or another resource, this is notified by a special icon above the resource.

Gathering tools can be purchased from a merchant of these items or crafted. More advanced tools affect the collection speed, as does the leveling up of gathering.

The lantern, like the collection tools, is a consumable item and illuminates the area around the character in the dark.

Unlike a collection tool, a lantern has an age indicator, i.e. issued for a period of time. You can purchase a lantern from a traveling merchant.


Most pieces of equipment have durability. The exceptions are quest items, items for cooperation points and jewelry (rings, earrings, necklace).

Strength is indicated by a red stripe in the item window, and has three indicators N1/N2, where
N1 is the current strength state of the item,
N2 is the maximum strength state of a given item,
N3 is the maximum possible state of strength of an object.

There are two types of strength:
1) not restored when the strength of the thing is consumed. Such items include, for example, gathering tools and a lantern. The strength indicator N3 for such items usually ranges from 10 to 30. After using such items to the indicator N1=0, all that remains is to hand them over to the merchant;
2) restorable, when the strength of an object can be restored. The strength index N3 for such items is usually 100. Such items include armor and weapons.

You can restore two strength indicators:
a) from a decreasing indicator N1 to an indicator N2,
b) from the maximum state of strength of a given item N2 to the maximum possible state of strength N3.

A) In the process of hunting monsters, our equipment wears out, i.e. loses strength, the N1 indicator decreases. At the same time, the character’s appearance changes, and clothes deteriorate. In addition, attack and defense stats are reduced, although they can still be used. When strength decreases to zero, a special notification icon appears under the radar.

To increase the N1 indicator to the N2 indicator again, you need to repair the thing. This can be done at a blacksmith or in your own home workshop. Getting it repaired by a blacksmith costs money.
There is a choice of repairs:

  • repair an individual item - right-click on the item that needs to be repaired,
  • repair all possible equipment,
  • repair all items in inventory.

In a home workshop, strength can be restored 10 times.

B) In the process of unsuccessfully strengthening an item, it loses its maximum possible strength N3. It can be restored using an identical item with the highest possible strength.

- the game has a system for painting clothes (each item can be painted in several colors);

Equipment items can be freely transferred between characters, with the exception of those purchased for cooperation points;
- “black stones” can be pulled out of objects, while the object itself is destroyed.

Armor sets and their bonuses

In order for you to feel strong, confident and protected in front of the enemy, you will need a strong and reliable equipment . IN Black Desert Online It is represented not only by weapons and armor, but also by various additional accessories: jewelry, collecting tools, and even a lantern. Our today's gajd is dedicated to such an important part of the game as equipment.

Characteristics of equipment

Equipment in Black Desert is presented:

- armor: gloves, armor, boots, helmet, belt;

- weapons: primary and secondary (one for each class);

- jewelry: 2 earrings, 2 rings, necklace;

- collection tool;

- a lantern.

The equipment window looks like this:

Let's take a closer look at each component.


1. Characteristics. In the vastness of the Black Desert you can meet characters in a variety of armor. They can be classic steel, or painted in bright colors. It is noteworthy that the armor for any class is the same, but looks individually on each character. Armor in News-game does not have a level, but differs in the basic def value for each element. This is the number that is indicated in the central part of the equipment window.

A character can be equipped with absolutely any armor, regardless of the indicator. The only thing you pay attention to is the weight. For example, plate armor is quite heavy, although it has a higher def value. It will not be difficult for a barbarian to wear them, but for an archer, for example, this can be an obstacle to speed. Armor can also be leather, fabric or plate.

In addition to the main defense indicator, armor has special bonuses. Bonuses can be set bonuses or for a separate piece of equipment. The armor that you craft has the best characteristics. They will have more bonuses and have a high def. In the example below, there is additional weight as a bonus:

Where to get? You can get armor in different ways:

- purchase from traders;

- craft;

- knock out of the mob;

- get for cooperation points;

- exchange for items received from mobs.

How to improve?

1. You can enhance the quality of armor using inlay stones . They are inserted into individual armor elements according to color. Each stone has its own organics and unique properties.

2. You can also improve your armor thanks to sharpening (using black stones).

Armor obtained from hunting can be upgraded to level +15, and those obtained through crafting can be upgraded to +25.

In addition to armor, Game 2015 has decorative armor, which has certain production indicators.


Characteristic . Unlike armor, each class is tied to a specific weapon. It is unique and cannot be used by another class.

Weapon type by class:

Warrior - sword and shield.

Witch - bracelets and amulets.

Archer - long bow and knife.

Barbarian - axes and brushes.

Blader - katana sword and bow.

Valkyrie - sword and shield.

Sakura - sword and bow.

Weapons in an online game also do not have a level, but differ in terms of basic attack and also have special bonuses.

Where to get? You can get weapons in the following ways:

-knock out mobs;

- buy with cooperation points;

- purchase from traders;

- craft.

How to improve? You can enhance the quality of a weapon using special inlay stones

And black stones (sharpening ).

The maximum upgrade rates are the same as for armor.


Characteristic. Costume jewelry also has no class differences, but can be of two types:

1. Have a basic protection indicator:

2. Have a base attack rate:

Where to get? You can get jewelry for cooperation points, knock it out of mobs, or craft it.

How to strengthen? Unfortunately, it is impossible to strengthen jewelry.

Resource Gathering Tools

Characteristic. Each character has one slot in which you can place a tool to collect resources. There are a total of six such instruments in the game. This:

- hoe;

- pickaxe;

- syringe;

- knife for skinning;

- axe;

- cutting knife.

Each tool is designed to collect a specific type of resource. For which one, you can see on a special icon above the resource.

Where to get? You can get the tool from a dealer of these items and craft it. Naturally, it is better to give preference to more advanced tools. The speed of collection and pumping of gathering depends on this. All tools are consumed during use and require replacement over time.


The character needs a lantern for illumination at night. It also has its own performance indicator and is consumed over time. This is evidenced by the recency indicator. You can get a lantern from a traveling merchant for a certain time.


Most equipment components have an indicator strength . This does not apply to quest items, jewelry, or items purchased with cooperation points. This parameter is indicated in the item window as a red stripe at the bottom.

Strength has three indicators:

N1 - current indicator of the item's strength;

N2 - the maximum strength indicator of this item;

N3 is the maximum possible indicator of the strength of an item.

Equipment can have two types of durability:

1. Non-repairable . These are items that have their own expiration date and do not have the ability to restore strength. For example, this is a lantern and collecting tools. When the first durability parameter drops to 0, such items can only be handed over to a merchant. The maximum possible strength indicator for such items is usually no higher than 30.

2. Recoverable . The maximum possible durability of such equipment is 100, and the first indicator of the current durability is restored.

How to restore strength? There are two indicators of strength that can be restored:

1. The N1 indicator, which decreased during the game, can be restored to the N2 indicator. This can also be done in several ways:

The first indicator is responsible for the current state of the equipment. Naturally, in the process of hunting mobs, constant battles or backbreaking work, the equipment wears out and loses its amazing appearance, its strength also decreases, and at the same time the ability to attack and defend decreases. Agree, such things are of little use. When durability drops to zero, a notification will appear under the radar.

To increase the base indicator to universal, the item must be repaired. You can do this in your workshop or at a blacksmith, who will have to pay for the work. You can repair a single item, all equipment, or all items that are in your inventory. You can independently restore the durability of your equipment 10 times in the workshop.

2. The maximum possible strength may also drop if you unsuccessfully strengthen the item. To restore it, you need to find an identical item with the same strength.

Another feature of BDO is that all clothes can be dyed. We will talk about this in a separate guide. Also, individual items of equipment can be freely transferred between characters (the only exception is those that were purchased for cooperation points).

Hi all. The Gamebizclub team is on air. The topic of our article today is equipment in Black Desert. Sharpening, inlaying, restoring strength - sooner or later every player has to deal with all this.

The system for improving equipment in the game cannot be called simple. It has its secrets and its pitfalls. And successfully sharpening armor or weapons to the maximum is a task no less difficult than.

From this article you will learn:

Character equipment

The equipment window in the game contains slots for armor (this includes armor, gloves, boots, helmet, main weapon and offhand) and for jewelry (two for rings, two for earrings, and one slot each for a necklace and a belt). There are also additional cells for a lantern, various items and decorations from the store and work tools.

The game offers many activities besides wars and mob hunting, and each requires the appropriate equipment. For example, to catch fish you will need a fishing rod. But we will talk about this in a separate guide dedicated to fishing.


In Black Dessert, a character, regardless of class, can be equipped with any armor. However, it will look different on representatives of different gaming “classes”.

Armor does not have a level, but all its elements have basic protection. This indicator is displayed in total in the center of the equipment window. Whichever you control, you have the option to choose between cloth, leather and plate armor. However, its weight should be taken into account. For example, plate armor has inflated basic def values, but it also weighs a lot.

In addition to the starting protection indicators, the armor is endowed with special effects. They can apply to either one item or a set. In the second case, to activate, you need to assemble the complete set or part of it.

There are many ways to get armor: buying from merchants, completing quests, dropping from mobs, exchanging for influence points. The game also has all the possibilities for crafting armor. Weapons, armor, and various sharpening and gathering tools are created at the forge.


Unlike armor, weapons are class bound. So, you need to equip yourself with a bow and a dagger, a sword and a shield, a keychain and a blade, etc. This type of equipment has basic damage indicators, to which additional effects are also added.

In addition, there are certain types of weapons required to complete missions. For example, Bastio's weapon is necessary to complete the sharpening quest, and you cannot get rid of it before completing the entire quest line.


Jewelry, like armor, has no class connection. Its entire range in the game can be divided into three types:

  • with basic damage indicators;
  • with basic def indicators;
  • with combined def and damage indicators.

Jewelry only becomes stronger during the sharpening process. Moreover, it is sharpened differently than other equipment: for this purpose only similar jewelry is used. Useful decorations can be knocked out in PVE, received for completing quests, or exchanged for influence points. Also in the game there is an opportunity to organize their production, but here it should be taken into account that craft jewelry will not be sharpened.

Strength indicators and repair of gear

Each piece of equipment, except for outfits from the premium store and items rented, has its own reserve of durability. If this indicator drops to zero, the item no longer provides bonuses and cannot be equipped again. Strength is divided into two types:

  1. Unrecoverable. In this case, it is gradually consumed, and when the zero mark is reached, the item must be replaced. Equipment with a non-renewable safety margin includes, for example, a gathering tool.
  2. Recoverable strength. Armor and weapons have it. As a rule, the maximum value is 100 units. You can repair an item that has used up all its resources at a blacksmith or using your own anvil, if you have one.

The durability of weapons and armor is reduced for several reasons. In pvp and pve your character takes damage and hits enemies. As a result, the equipment wears out. In addition, items lose their entire reserve of maximum possible strength after unsuccessful sharpening. And to restore equipment in such a situation, you will need an identical thing.

Sharpening equipment

Strengthening armor and weapons by sharpening them with Black Stones is one of the main ways to increase protection and damage. Armor can be safely sharpened to +5, and weapons up to +7. Further actions give a random result, and if the circumstances are unsuccessful, you spend not only sharpening, but also the durability of the item. We'll talk about how to improve armor and weapons with the maximum chance of success a little later. In the meantime, our main question is where to farm sharpenings?

There are several options here. The longest and most unprofitable is their production in the processing workshop. By collecting all possible resources (wood, stone and others), you can get regular or sharpened pieces of hard black crystal. The former are suitable for sharpening armor, the latter - for weapons. To get a full sharpening, you need to grind two identical pieces. But using these resources in this way is unprofitable. After all, they may be needed to create a reinforced Black Stone (armor) and a Black Enchantment Stone (weapon).

The maximum sharpening of equipment is +15. However, for crafted items this threshold increases to +20. To sharpen weapons and armor above +15, the above-mentioned items are required. You can get them by heating two standard sharpening points and one piece of crystal of the appropriate shape.

One of the most common options for obtaining enchantments is drop from mobs and bosses. Buying them at auction is also not prohibited, but the price is unlikely to please you.

It would also be useful to purchase the Seal of Travelers for influence points, with the help of which your supply of sharpenings will be replenished daily. It can be exchanged with certain NPCs: the mayor of Velia, the mayor of the city in Heidel, and the warehouseman in Calpheon.

The seal is in your inventory and can be clicked on once a day to receive the task. After completing it, you contact the NPC who sold you the seal and receive the appropriate reward. You can return the seal to its owner and receive influence points back. We can say that you rent it for the required time.

Enchantments can also be removed from equipment that you no longer need. To do this, you need to contact a gunsmith or blacksmith. When removed, the selected armor or weapon will be destroyed. If the item has been sharpened to a safe limit (+5 for armor and +7 for weapons), then as a result you will receive 5 or 7 Black Stones, respectively. In case of unsafe sharpening, it acts randomly. You can never determine how many Black Stones you will receive in the end.

The higher the sharpening level, the greater the likelihood of damaging equipment when upgrading. For a successful action, you need to accumulate a certain number of failures (failures).

When you contact the Black Spirit to sharpen an item, the interface displays the chance of a safe enhancement. To maintain the durability of expensive equipment, it would be best to fill failures on cheaper armor or weapons. This is the most effective way to successfully sharpen, but you will have to spend a lot of Black Stones on it.

A cheaper option is to fill the fails on cheap jewelry. Since there is no safe point for it, the average cost of a failed upgrade will be about four times lower than with the armor and weapon point.

If you decide to start crafting equipment, you should remember one more feature. The blue and gold items that your workers can create are much more difficult to sharpen than the green ones. But when you recraft green weapons or armor into blue or gold, the enchant does not come off. Thus, it is much more profitable to raise the workpiece to the required level, and only then remake it.

In general, we can say that crafting and improving equipment in Black Desert is a very exciting and multifaceted process. Some people will want to plunge into it headlong and study all the nuances, while others will find it easier to buy ready-made armor or weapons at an auction. All we can do is wish you success in battles and the favor of random people. Subscribe to blog updates and follow the news about your favorite games. See you soon. Bye bye.
