Program for communication within the network. Chat for LAN

Today there is two main ways organization of a corporate chat. The first of which is to use the most common IM clients in our country: ICQ, QIP, Skype etc. Its main advantage is ease of implementation and low cost. Indeed, it is impossible to come up with something simpler: it is enough for all employees to install the client and add each other to contacts. The use of these systems is generally free.

However, this solution has a number of serious drawbacks. Firstly, they lack many very useful features. In particular, in all systems (with the exception of Skype) there are no group chats, message read confirmation functions, etc. Secondly, IM chats completely unmanageable across the organization. Each employee has his own account, with which he is free to do whatever he wants. This raises the problem of controlling the correspondence of employees, access to the archive of messages, creating “corporate” numbers, etc.

Thirdly, usage IM clients- a potential threat to the company's information security. Moreover, we are talking not only about technical issues (for example, the risk of downloading infected files, clicking on dangerous links, etc.), which can be successfully dealt with. IM chats are one of the main channels for the leakage of confidential information, which, among other things, is rather difficult to control by DLP systems. This is especially true for Skype, which transmits encrypted traffic. In addition, there is always a risk that an employee will lose control over his ICQ account. Having acquired it, the attacker will be able to communicate with the company's customers, implementing certain fraudulent schemes in order to deceive them. Which, in the end, will have an extremely negative impact on the reputation and business of the company.

Second the way to organize a chat for the office is to use special software. And although this is a slightly more expensive method, it is free from all of the above disadvantages. Well, additional features that can be actively used in business processes, increasing their efficiency, quickly pay for the implementation costs. Naturally, for this it is necessary that all the necessary functions are implemented in the software. Therefore, the choice of a program for organizing a corporate chat should be approached very carefully: the greater the functionality of the product, the wider it can be used. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to another aspect - namely, the possibilities of implementation and administration. Integration with Active Directory, remote management, and the ability to scale the solution make it possible to significantly simplify the management of a corporate chat, and therefore reduce the cost of owning it.

An example of a solution that fits the bill is MyChat from Network Software Solutions. This is with a client-server architecture. This means that a special server is used to ensure the operation of the product, which takes on communication and other functions. The client-server approach is optimal for organizing a corporate chat in both small and large networks. It is distinguished by good manageability, wide capabilities and low load on network channels.

In terms of features intended for end users, the program MyChat have something to brag about. Need to start with the presence of two modes of communication: personal and group. The first one is very simple. Two users can chat with each other in much the same way as in ICQ. Group communication is implemented in the form of channels - special "groups" to which either everyone or only certain employees of the organization can connect. At the same time, channels can be created by the administrator and always exist, or opened by the users themselves (who have the rights to do so) if necessary. This flexibility comes in very handy in practice. For example, you can create one common channel for communication of all office employees and separate channels for correspondence within each department.

During communication, users can use a wide range of different functions. Among them, it is possible to note the possibility of using text formatting and emoticons, arbitrary pictures and links in messages, transferring files both directly and through the chat server, saving the history of correspondence, ignore lists, filters (anti-mat, anti-flood), etc. In fact, in MyChat implemented everything necessary for the full and comfortable communication of employees with each other.

Naturally, it is impossible to imagine a chat for the office without a contact book. AT MyChat there are even two of them. The first contains a complete list of all users registered in the system. Moreover, they can be divided into departments, highlighting the chief in each group. This is especially true for large companies where employees from different departments may not know each other. The second contact book is personal. Each user has their own. It can include all the people with whom you need to communicate often.

In addition, in the considered chat for the office, a whole a number of additional features. The first one is alert system. With its help, you can send a certain message to all or only some users and ask them for confirmation of reading. This allows you to send orders for review, notification of meetings, etc. Moreover, employees will no longer be able to say that they have not seen or read the message.

Second additional opportunitybuilt-in FTP server. Its presence in the chat for the office may seem strange. However, this is actually very convenient, especially if the company has not yet deployed its own FTP server. What does he give? Firstly, storage for writing files, both general, accessible to all users, and personal. Secondly, it can be used to exchange documents (for example, an FTP server can store documents for a user who is currently offline). Thirdly, an FTP server is required for automatic update chat clients (more on this later).

The next optional feature is Bulletin board. You can “hang” an ad on it, which will be visible to all users in a specified period of time. You can also note the account manager, which provides convenient use of clients on those computers that different employees can work on.

Many features in MyChat is designed to increase the convenience of its deployment and administration. The more opportunities the system has in this regard, the more convenient it is to manage. So, the lower the total cost of owning a chat. Distinctive feature MyChat is the possibility of using it in networks, including distributed ones, of a very different scale, from a few to thousands and even tens of thousands of customers located in different cities or even countries. This is provided by a whole set of administration functions.

You need to start with how to install client programs. You can install them both manually and automatically using group policies. Active Directory. The same can be said about updating clients. However, MyChat has a more convenient implementation of this process. This office chat has an automatic update feature. When using it, the client is updated independently at the command of the user, who receives a corresponding notification (in this case, the built-in FTP server is used, where the administrator must first download the distribution kit of the new version). Implemented in, which can greatly facilitate the life of the IT department of the company.

Another very important feature the chat in question for the office is own scripting engine. What is it for? This engine allows you to write arbitrary scripts that are used to automate various processes and integrate chat with other corporate software tools. Here you can also note the possibility of connecting various plugins. For example, a plug-in for remote control of users' computers. Combined with some other features MyChat(sending screenshots, MyChat Actions technology, etc.) this allows you to organize effective technical support for users.

The developers of the security program paid a lot of attention. All traffic transmitted in the system is encrypted, which makes it useless to intercept it. This allows you to safely connect remote users over the Internet. You can also note the presence of a very flexible system for setting user access rights to the chat capabilities. They are installed in groups, and the administrator can enable or disable almost any operation. This allows you to customize the chat for the office exactly as you need in each case.

A distinctive feature of the MyChat program is the active use of web technologies. This product includes its own web server which can be used to manage this office chat. This way of administration perfectly complements the traditional local console. It allows you to manage the chat server remotely from your work computer or even from home via the Internet.

Free client-server chat for full-fledged communication in a small office, supporting up to 20 active users.

I work in a small office where almost every one of the 8 employees who has a computer is in a separate office. When someone needs something, we usually either call each other on the phone, or just go from office to office. This, unfortunately, is not always convenient. Therefore, as the main technical specialist, I have repeatedly made attempts to optimize this moment of the workflow. And it looks like I can do it :)

And the free version of a rather well-known chat for local networks in Runet will help me with this. MyChat Free Edition.

Key Features

The program allows you to deploy a full-fledged local chat with the following features:

  • support for up to 20 active connections on the server;
  • text messaging and file exchange;
  • voice and video communication;
  • implementation of a local FTP (file) and SMTP (mail) server;
  • flexible configuration of general and local chat rooms;
  • chat availability for all platforms, including a good web interface;
  • the ability to access the server via the Internet.

And this is not all the features of the chat! It also has a built-in system of announcements, distribution of tasks and tracking their implementation. And, if this is not enough, then it can be integrated with almost any software solutions that are used in your office (although this will already require basic programming and API skills).

Comparison with the paid version

The situation is overshadowed only by the fact that we, after all, are talking about demons. paid version, which has certain limitations:

That's all the differences. The only serious limitation of the free version of MyChat is the connection to the server of no more than 20 clients. For small offices like mine, this is quite enough. Large offices will have to pay $40 for every additional 10 connections.

Installing and configuring the server

For MyChat to work in your local network, you must first install a server program on one of the computers. There will be no difficulties with this. You just need to run the MyChat Server.exe file from the downloaded archive and follow the prompts of the installer:

After installation, the server is already running and you can already connect to it. And before us there is a window with statistics. It displays information about the operation of the server itself, clients connected to it and running services. By default, only the SMTP email sending protocol did not work for me. In principle, he did not particularly interest me, but if desired, everything can be configured. Actually, we have nothing more to do in the statistics window, so let's move on to the settings. To do this, press the button "Administration":

The server management (as well as the performance of some other tasks) in MyChat takes place through the web interface, so a browser window will open in front of you with the address of the local host (

A small pop-up window will tell us that we can use the localhost address for further quick login to the server control panel and give us a temporary login with a password ("admin | admin"). For security reasons, it is these data for entering the server admin panel that must be changed first. To do this, in the left side menu we are looking for section "USERS" and open the item in it "A list of users". Here we select the "admin" account, press the button "Change" and change the name, password, and, if desired, other parameters:

Actually, on this all the preliminary settings can be completed. If you wish, in the future you can add an additional password to enter the server, configure anti-flood and swear filters, add additional chat rooms, etc. But for starters, what you have already done will be enough. All the main functionality of the server is available to us and we can start chatting by installing the client program on our own or someone else's computer (although you can get by with the web version of the chat if you don’t want to install anything).

Connecting Clients

Installing the MyChat client is not much more complicated than installing the server. Here you will not need to enter any data at all. In fact, the entire installation comes down to just choosing the interface language and pressing the "Next" buttons. In addition, you may not install anything by downloading the portable version of the client from the official site. At the first start, a special step-by-step wizard will appear in front of you, which will allow you to connect to the newly created server step by step:

At the first step, we need to decide on the option to connect to the server:

There are only 4 of them:

  1. Automatically find a server on my local network- allows you to automatically scan the network and detect an active MyChat server in it. The item is selected by default and is the most in a simple way connections.
  2. I know the server address and I will enter it manually- allows you to enter the server address yourself. Suitable, for example, if the client to be connected is in a different local network or you need to create a connection via the Internet.
  3. I have a settings file received from the administrator- opens a dialog for selecting a file with settings, which can be created by the server owner for simplified connection of clients. The configuration file already contains both the server address and the necessary access passwords, which allows you to minimize the actions on the client side.
  4. I want to connect to the web developer server- implements a quick connection with developers through their server on the Internet.

For a simple connection within a local network, the first option, selected by default, is usually suitable. If you leave the choice on it, then in the next step we will be offered a list of discovered servers:

For some reason, at this stage, two identical servers were highlighted for me. Without further ado, I chose the first one. By the way, in this step we will see the first mention that we want to connect to an unregistered version of the server. But these are trifles.

The last step is registering on the server:

Here we will see a traditional form in which you must enter your login, password (twice), email address and secret question with the answer to recover the password in case it is lost. After that, press the "Finish" button and complete the connection stage.

Client Interface

If everything went well, we will see the interface of the MyChat client itself:

For those who have ever used instant messaging programs like ICQ or QIP, the appearance of the MyChat messenger will be familiar in many ways. The upper part of the window is reserved for the traditional menu and toolbars (we'll talk about some of them later). On the left side is a list of contacts and online users. The central part of the window is reserved directly under the field for displaying chat correspondence and entering your own remarks.

Also note that above the text input field there is a panel with buttons and drop-down lists. With their help, you can insert emoticons (including animated ones) into messages, attach files, add quick phrases (up to 10 pieces) and activate the text formatting panel (the button on the right above the "Send" button).

Also take a look at the row of tabs below the input field. By default, you have access to a tab with a list of all public conferences open on the server and a tab with a general chat "main", in which all users connected to the server can write. If you want to chat with one of the users in private mode, click on his name in the left list and you will see another tab with the name of the contact you have chosen:

In private mode, the left panel does not display a list of contacts, but information about the profile of the user you have selected. There are also buttons for audio, video and screen sharing. True, all these functions work only on Windows 7 and older. Otherwise, everything is the same as in the general chat.

Additional functions

As I said just above, in MyChat not only server settings, but also most of the functions are available through the web interface. It has its own online chat client, and the ability to create forums, and a bulletin board, and even some kind of CRM! Let's talk about some of these possibilities.

Online chat client

The MyChat server can be called such a "thing in itself". Despite the fact that it is more convenient to communicate with it through a special client, nevertheless, it is possible not to install anything! For basic text correspondence, the web version of the client will be enough!

To open it, you need to know the exact IP address of the computer on your local network where the server is installed. If you don't know it or forgot it, you can always look it up in the client settings (or ask the administrator who installed the server :)). We enter the address in the search bar of the browser and get to the following page:

Here we see links to download clients for almost all popular operating systems. And on the right, at the very edge of the row, there is a button Web, which opens the web interface we need. We press it, enter our login-password in the form that appears (or register as a new user) and get into something like this environment:

The workspace here is divided into three main columns. On the left is a menu that allows you to switch between conferences, as well as access additional Kanban and Bulletin Board tools. Looking ahead, I’ll say that Kanban is the analogue of CRM I mentioned earlier, but the Bulletin Board is a kind of analogue of a mailing list that only the server administrator can create, so it makes no sense for a simple user to go there.

The right column is analogous to the left column of the client program. It displays information about users in the current chat room or data about your specific interlocutor in private mode. Tellingly, under the avatar there are buttons for audio call, video call and screen sharing, but for some reason they did not work for me (maybe I need to make some additional server settings).

The central column is reserved directly for the chat. True, there are much fewer opportunities here than in the client program. Of the entire arsenal, only the function of sending files is available to us. There is not even a button for inserting emoticons, not to mention text formatting and adding quick phrases. However, if you just need to quickly discuss something, the available options are enough and you do not need to spend time installing and connecting the client.


The strange name caught my attention when I first started the client program, which had a similar button on the toolbar. According to Wikipedia, kanban is one of the principles of effective work organization, which implies an even distribution of the load on all participants in any production process with a clear control of the time allotted for the performance of a particular task. By the way, the word itself is Japanese and literally means "signboard", and the technique was developed by the Japanese automotive company Toyota back in 1959!

In MyChat, kanban is implemented quite well and has flexible settings. The first time you run kanban, you will see an empty space with a single button "Create Project". Clicking it will open a window with a number of options. You can set a name and description for the project, specify deadlines for its completion, and break the final task into logical stages. By default, 4 classic kanban stages are created ("Task", "In Progress", "Review" and "Done"), however, if you wish, you can remove the standard ones and add your own:

After creating a project, "signboards" with tasks and a sidebar for monitoring the progress of the planned work will appear. In the list, select the desired project, add tasks for it, describe their essence and assign performers. As the task is completed, it can be transferred to the next stage of execution until it is completely and within the specified time frame:

There are no restrictions on the number of tasks in the project (as well as the projects themselves). Therefore, you can simultaneously assign tasks to different employees and track their implementation without embarrassing yourself in convenience.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • minimum server settings;
  • rich functionality and choice of means of communication;
  • availability of clients for almost all operating systems;
  • the ability to transfer data and store files (FTP-server);
  • a lot of additional features.


  • support for no more than 20 active clients;
  • storing the history of correspondence only for the past month.


Before finding MyChat, I tried several similar LAN chat programs. However, none of them had such a rich set of features and at the same time was not so easy to install and configure. Almost immediately after installation, the chat server is ready to go.

You, as an administrator, can create Accounts for the right users, and then arrange for them to connect using configuration files, which minimizes the actions on the client side. In addition, clients can be distributed in the form of already configured portable versions, or even just give a link to access the web version of the chat.

I think even the most inexperienced users will find this solution convenient. So far, the experience of using MyChat in my case can be called positive. Almost everything works as it should and does not cause any special difficulties. Therefore, with a clear conscience, I can authoritatively recommend a program for organizing communication and file sharing in small offices and government offices.

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

Did you want to “raise” your own Skype or ICQ in your company network? In order not to be tied to external services of Microsoft or With your own server, so that you can unite employees “under one wing” and not worry that someone can read confidential information or illegally obtain closed documents of the company.

There is such a program, and we will talk about an internal corporate messenger MyChat.

In the article we will talk about the Russian free version, which is practically no different from its older brother, the commercial one.

Imagine that the server you are connecting to is running inside your company, on a local network, on some computer. All employees connect to it by IP address or computer name. What operating system do you have: Windows, Linux, macOS or Android smartphone - it doesn't matter, there are applications for almost all operating systems. MyChat even works in a browser...

This messenger is "sharpened" for use within the company, messages and files are stored only on your server and are not transmitted to the Internet.

There is everything that is required from a modern chat: personal messages and conferences, voice and video calls, quick exchange of pictures, documents and files of any size, contact lists and general work over projects (kanban board).
Admin panel for management works in the browser:

All messages, help and program interface are in Russian.

How to make MyChat work over the Internet?

If everything is clear inside the local office network, then how to connect people with smartphones via the Internet to your internal chat if the MyChat server is located in the local network?

You will need an external IP address and, preferably, a domain name like “” to make it easier to remember the server address and make SSL certificates for secure connections in the browser and audio / video calls. A "white" IP address can be provided by your Internet provider.

People in the local area will, as before, connect to the internal address, for example, “”, but those who are “outside” will connect to the external one that the Internet provider provides you.

Details on how to do this are described in the article " Local ICQ or how to set up MyChat over the Internet» .

Why is your messenger good?

  • First, safety. You know for sure that all your information is only yours, and not the property of Facebook, Microsoft, Viber or If you think that these are empty words, then carefully read the license agreements that are usually accepted without reading, and remember the real terms that people received through stupidity or negligence for publishing content in closed publics on social networks.
  • Second, manageability. Customize anything from the style of writing nicknames in chat to general contact lists. Powerful admin panel, user rights groups, call recording and control of running programs. Paradise for the administrator, and only.
  • Third, reliability. Your messenger server won't suddenly crash like Skype, it won't get blocked like Telegram. It works because you want it to. It will work even if the Internet is cut off.

Download MyChat office messenger for free

Free version limitations:
1. Maximum 20 users
2. No traffic encryption
3. The message box says that this is a free version
4. In the window "About the program" - "UNREGISTERED VERSION"
5. History of conversations - only for 1 month

Video from the manufacturer ...


With the expansion of the office LAN, the question often arises of what means of communication between employees to use. This is especially true if the workplaces are separated into different rooms or neighboring buildings. To resolve this issue, there special program chat for local network. There are a lot of such services, so you can choose one for the office that would satisfy all employees and solve the tasks in full. You can use server chats or programs that work without servers, paid or free.

Why do you need a chat program for a local network

Quite often you can hear the opinion: why do you need a chat for local, because there is e-mail? There is no definite answer here, but the following advantages of using local messengers for communication can be distinguished:

  • no need to use the Internet to communicate within the LAN;
  • no need to install additional servers and deploy mail services or messaging services on them;
  • chat can be installed by any user without special skills and abilities and use it;
  • leaking information from the intranet is simply impossible, while mail services, especially public ones, are constantly under attack and monitored by special services.

These are the main benefits, but not all. Chat allows you to conduct a mailing list pointwise or to individual groups. Messages come instantly, and you can see the notification on the monitor screen. You do not need to fill in the "To" and "Subject" fields, as in postal services. You can transfer files without size limits and other data. Consider several programs that allow you to create a free chat for a local network as an example. They have gained popularity among people and are actively used as corporate or home messaging tools.

Free LAN Chat - MyChat

The MyChat utility, in our opinion, is the most successful solution. It is suitable for use in small local networks, the free version is limited to 15 computers, or the paid version has no limits. The free version has a few other differences from the commercial version, for example, there is no possibility of interacting with Active Directory, but such a server is unlikely to be installed in a small office.

To start using MyChat, you must first install its server on one of the computers, for example, on the manager's computer, and all other clients will connect through it. The server performs the following functions:

  • in fact, the free chat for the local network itself, which allows clients to connect, keeps their statistics (network time, traffic indicators, number of connections, etc.);
  • acts as a file server with access via FTP protocol;
  • differentiates users by groups, access rights (multiple administrators can be assigned);
  • filters users and messages according to certain characteristics.

Through the server, you can create bulletin boards and mailing lists, using scripts for frequently repeated actions. Configuration can be done directly through the interface of the program itself, as well as through the Web interface. It is possible to fine-tune the settings for data backup, logging, remote control of computers, etc.

The MyChat client must be installed on users' computers in order to connect to the server. The client allows you to correspond through channels, register in them or conduct private conversations encrypted with special protocols, transfer files, view bulletin boards. Particular attention should be paid to the flexibility of the program due to the installed plugins. Plugins greatly expand the capabilities of the client.

QChat - chat for local network without a server

Another great utility that deserves attention is Qchat. It allows you to organize a chat for a local network without a server, which is sometimes simply necessary in some cases. The program has the following features:

  • working with channels allows you to combine several computers or exchange messages in private mode one-on-one;
  • custom font and size in the message box;
  • the ability to insert various emoticons;
  • you can set up a user card, i.e. his name, address, telephone number and other data;
  • it is possible to send files with no size limit;
  • broadcasts to all users, or to clients from the list.

QChat does not require installation and can be run as portable even from removable media. The only drawback is that there are no message logs, so all correspondence will be deleted after exiting. This is solved if you use the server version of QChat, and the developers have also provided this possibility.

The best corporate messenger for joint work and communication.

Slack is a corporate messenger for productive collaboration. It allows you to transfer all communication of the company into a single space, supplementing it with convenient tools and the ability to integrate with popular Internet services.

Slack is suitable for both a small development team and a large enterprise with a large number of employees.

Communication in Slack is divided into thematic channels (chats). You can create an unlimited number of them on any topics and projects. This helps to conveniently structure all work processes related to correspondence and discussions. In addition, for direct communication in the messenger there is a function of private messages.

With Slack, you can exchange text messages, make video calls, share files, and create and edit documents. By the way, Slack provides users with file hosting for storing and transferring work materials.

Unfortunately, the messenger chat does not support the Markdown markup language, however, text formatting is present there. For example, *bold*, _italics_, ~strikethrough~ and > quote.

At any moment of communication, you can invite the @employee you need to the conversation.

Since Slack keeps all correspondence, it's easy for the invited person to get in on the action and continue the discussion with you.

In addition, the messenger automatically indexes and, if necessary, searches the entire message archive and downloaded documents.

Serverless network messenger with chat capability

This approach eliminates the loss of any important information or file, and also allows you to return to past conversations at any time.

In order not to be distracted from business and focus on your work, Slack provides a convenient notification setting. For example, you can simply turn off notifications in a channel, or allow notifications only when your name or keyword you are following is mentioned.

Thanks to the support of extensions, bots and integration with a large number of third-party services, including Google Drive, Trello, Dropbox, Salesforce, Box, Twitter, GitHub, Zendesk, and others, the work in the messenger becomes even more efficient.

In addition, messenger users have the ability to create their own extensions using the Slack API.

Slack is shareware (freemium), therefore it contains a number of restrictions for users of the FREE version. In particular, the integration of up to 10 third-party services, an archive of up to 10 thousand recent messages, 5 GB of file hosting and video calls between only two users. Usually, the free version is enough for a small development team. However, if you want to remove these restrictions and get additional features, Slack has paid plans that are billed monthly.

Slack currently has over 9 million weekly active users. It is used by companies such as Medium, Dow Jones, eBay, PayPal, Wall Street Journal, Sony, Dell, AOL, Airbnb, Adobe and others in more than 100 countries around the world. It is the fastest growing business app in history and was named Best Startup of 2017 at the 10th Crunchies Awards hosted by TechCrunch.

The messenger is available for all popular platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS and Windows Phone. The developers also provided a web version of Slack to work from a browser. This means that you can communicate with colleagues, access information and be in the know at any time, anywhere and from any device.

Is your company experiencing difficulties with communication within the team? Tired of calling every colleague to a meeting? Tired of walking around the office to solve the simplest issue? If you answered “yes” to at least one of these questions, then it's time to implement a corporate local messenger.

Softros LAN Messenger is a simple and convenient office messenger - a program for exchanging messages on a local network of any size. Messenger for the company does not require and does not use an Internet connection and thus guarantees that the transmitted information will not go beyond the local network. The application is easy to install and use, has a nice, intuitive interface and works correctly for users with limited rights. For your convenience, the function of exchanging files between users of the network messenger is also provided. Fine-tuning allows the administrator to prohibit the use of certain application functions and changing its settings, which can be useful in a large company with a disparate infrastructure. Serverless messaging and file exchange allows you to save on hardware. 14 years of continuous improvement guarantee the quality and stability of our messenger for your local network.

short information

Latest version: 9.1.1

Supported OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 2012, Windows 2016

Supported network types: LAN, WAN

Key features of the Corporate Messenger:

  • Messaging with chat capability
    Create virtual chats within your network with any number of users.
  • Secure network communication
    Messages do not travel outside the local network.
  • Group messages on the local network
    Use bulk messaging to inform employees about upcoming events.
  • Quick Messages
    Set up up to 10 predefined template messages with the ability to instantly send a hotkey, for quick responses with typical phrases or sentences.
  • Huge set of emoji emoticons
    Add mood to your messages with the built-in set of emoji emoticons (about 830 emoticons)
  • Transfer files within the network
    It has become much easier to exchange documents with colleagues.
  • User grouping
    Assign your colleagues to departments or positions for ease of communication.
  • Remote Desktop Sharing
    Request remote assistance from your colleague or network administrator directly from the Messenger, giving him access to your desktop remotely. Ask your administrator to help you set up any programs or Windows on your computer, ask a colleague to help you with work issues.
  • Remote Desktop Administration
    Administrators authorized in the domain as domain administrators, or on a remote computer as local administrators, can connect to user desktops directly, bypassing connection permissions from the user.
  • User rights management
    The administrator can disable the use of any function if necessary.
  • Message history
    You will never lose a single message as they are all stored in the history files.
  • Serverless messenger architecture
    LAN Chat does not require the installation of a dedicated server.


  • No need for an Internet connection
    The LAN messenger works only within your company network and saves your subordinates from wasting time in ICQ, saving your traffic and minimizing the possibility of attacks.
  • Terminal Server Support
    LAN Messenger runs successfully on a terminal server from Microsoft or Citrix, and also supports multiple user sessions at the same time. (After installing Softros TS Engine.)
  • Easy to install
    You don't need any administrative skills to start using our program. Just install the internal messenger on every computer in your local network and it's ready to go.
  • Ease of Distribution
    After configuring network settings, as well as settings for user groups on one computer, you can export them to a file so that you can then use them on all computers within the company's network. This simplifies the setup of the program in complex networks.

Client-server messenger for local network. Integrates with Active Directory, multi-level contact list, bulletin board, mass notification system, conferences, SSL traffic encryption, offline message and file transfer, flexible user rights management system, file and folder transfer. Built-in Kanban boards for projects

A client-server program for communication in a corporate network that runs on the Windows OS platform. CommFort includes modules for chat, image sharing, file transfer, VoIP and video communication.

Top 10: LAN Chat

Supports video conferencing up to 32 users

Softros LAN Messenger

A simple and reliable messenger for the local network. Does not require an internet connection. In addition to sending instant messages and transferring files, it allows you to create virtual rooms, do mass mailings, save message history, group contacts by department or position.

Corporate mobile messenger in source codes. Includes Corporate mobile messenger in source codes

Multimedia corporate messenger. Supports online status control, chat, voice and video communication, conferencing, video mail, screen-sharing. Works on PC, Mac and mobile platforms - iPhone, iPad, Nokia, Android and BlackBerry. Uses the open Jabber protocol (XMPP)

Corporate client-server platform for real-time interaction and communication. Integration with Active Directory, access to the archive of all transferred messages and files, offline data delivery and assignment of documents to employees with strong encryption.

Simple and fast multi-user chat with activity control in the local network. Designed for medium and small local networks (up to 300 computers). It does not require a dedicated server and can be quickly deployed even on a network without a professional administrator.

Simple and powerful open source cross-platform client-server chat for local network and Internet.

Free open-source cross-platform messenger for local network. Does not require a server. Message logging. File transfer.

Free cross-platform chat for corporate networks. File transfer. Offline messages.

All Chat for LAN

Companies are increasingly faced with the choice software for everyday use. And to imagine an office with computers and without a network is almost impossible. The network is used to exchange data, to access file shares, a corporate website, databases, network printers, to communicate, this list can be supplemented for a very long time.

Often, if the number of computers in a company is more than ten, for more efficient interaction of employees, management begins to think about the need for a program for communicating over the network. Instant messaging services (or chats) are designed for just that.

Why introduce new technologies or modify old ones when there are telephones and faxes, when employees sit in the same office? After all, you can just come up and say, call or even stick a sticker on a colleague's monitor with a request if he is not there.

However, the messaging system has a number of undeniable advantages. And among them it is worth highlighting:

  • Messaging significantly saves employees' working time. One post or image with detailed description what and how to do is worth a whole phone call.
  • Messaging makes it possible to notify a whole group or groups of employees with a single message, which would otherwise have to be called by phone. And it doesn't matter if it's five or a hundred people - the notification is made with a few mouse clicks.
  • Sent messages or files will be stored on the server and will be delivered to the recipient, even if he is not at his workplace. He just needs to turn on his computer and get them. And on the phone - you will have, at a minimum, to listen to all the recordings of the answering machine.
  • Received and sent messages are stored in the history. Therefore, when looking through the history of messages, you can always remember what the conversation was about or copy the necessary fragments of the text of the negotiations.
  • Messaging can significantly reduce the cost of long-distance and cellular communications. Sometimes these can be very significant amounts. After all, sending messages costs nothing. You pay only for Internet access. But you're paying for it anyway, right?
  • Conferences (channels or rooms) allow you to gather any number of people to discuss projects. Moreover, the discussion will go on in real time, the minutes of conversations do not need to be transcribed - everything is automatically recorded in the message history, both on client applications and on the server.
  • If there are several branches, communication between company employees is greatly simplified due to the fact that, in addition to communication, chats support the ability to exchange documents.
  • Safety. Telephone conversations, especially cellular ones, are easy enough to eavesdrop. But corporate instant messaging uses encryption. And session keys. Therefore, it can be safely used even over the Internet.

The reader may object: why install some kind of messaging system if there are free ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, Skype and so on. But why: using public services that cannot be controlled - you yourself provide commercial information to a third party. All correspondence. Voluntarily. And also there is no way to limit the communication of employees for personal purposes not related to work.

What it can result in for business - no need to explain. Learn more about the risks of using similar systems can be read in the article “Why do you need a corporate messenger in a company? Security and control in MyChat” and in a note on the control of transmitted messages in ICQ by the US security service.

Everyone decides for himself whether to use paid or free software. If the number of users online does not exceed 15 people, it is not advisable to buy an expensive messenger.

In July 2010, a free version of MyChat Free Edition was released, which is a free analogue of a fully functional commercial version and allows you to create corporate system instant messaging and file sharing in just a few minutes without much effort.

Users appreciated the convenience and simplicity of the system: in just the first month, more than 200 servers were installed. Free version successfully used by various companies in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Convenient and thoughtful interface, familiar to users Microsoft Office, undemanding to computer resources and many useful functions makes MyChat practical tool.

Well, for those who have already tried the program and want to increase the number of connections, there is a nice bonus: the commercial version MyChat can integrate with Active Directory.

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This makes it possible to quickly deploy the system on any number of computers in the company's network. All users who are already registered in Active Directory, will be automatically imported into the database MyChat(name, phone numbers, e-mail and other information specified in the Active Directory).

Apply for a free trial MyChat Server Free Edition.
