Unable to uninstall the game. How to completely remove the game from the computer? How to uninstall portable programs

It often happens that after uninstalling the game, it leaves a bunch of unnecessary files and folders, which means that it was not completely uninstalled. Now we will look at how to completely remove the game from a computer on Windows 10.

First way

The easiest way to get rid of the application is through the start menu. To do this, go to start, and look in the list of programs for the game we want to delete.

Right-click on the name and select "delete". This window will appear:

The process is so easy when the game is downloaded from the Windows Store. If it is not from there, then we will be transferred to the control panel:

Here we are looking for a game, click on it first with the left, then with the right mouse button, and delete it:

Windows will ask you to confirm the action, to get rid of the application, click "yes". If it is not removed, you should make sure that the game is closed. To do this, open the task manager. You can find it in the search near the start menu:

Task Manager shows all running applications, as well as those applications and services that are running in the background.

In order to close the game, we are looking for it in this list, right-click on it and poke "end task". Now it should uninstall without any problems.

This instruction will help you set the optimal settings in the PUBG game so that it does not slow down,.

It is worth noting that this is a great way to close any application that is stuck and does not want to close. Thus, it is possible to free up RAM from unnecessary processes.

Second way

Now we will try to uninstall the game through Options. To do this, go to the settings through the "start" menu and go to the "applications" tab:

Here you need to go to the "Apps and features" section and select the application to remove. Click on it, and under the game there will be a button "delete".

We confirm the action, and it will be erased.

Third way

If the game is downloaded from Steam, then uninstalling it is as easy as shelling pears. To get started, open the library in Steam and select the one that needs to be uninstalled in the list of games.

Right-click on it, and almost at the end of the list, select "delete". Steam will ask you to confirm the action, after which it will completely erase it.

Fourth way

So, open the explorer and go to the folder with the installed game. When downloading and installing games, Windows creates the games directory. If the application cannot be found anywhere, you should look in this directory.

As you can see, here we have one game. Since it does not have an uninstaller and cannot be quickly removed, we found it in the folders. Select the directory with the left mouse button, then right-click on it again and select the "delete" option.

It would seem that everything is so simple, and the program is no longer there. But in this way, we only moved it to the trash. To completely delete it, you need to go to the Trash. Basically, you can find it on the desktop:

We go to the basket, and we see our folder safe and sound there. To finally say goodbye to it, in the upper left corner, click "empty trash", or select the directory, right-click on it and delete it.

And that's it, the game is completely erased.

How to clean up tails

Many games after a seemingly complete removal still leave junk files and data on the computer. They are mainly stored on the C drive in this location: This computer - Local Disk(C:) - Users - Username.

We go along this path, and look for extra files. For example, after uninstalling the Brawlhalla game, we still have replays of battles:

Thus, we “destroy” all the tails of the application.

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Using uninstallers for games

There are also special programs for removal. The advantages of such utilities are that they allow you to completely uninstall several games and other applications in just a few clicks and do not leave any extra folders and files.

One such program is Revo Uninstaller. This uninstaller fully monitors the work of programs during their installation and removal, which allows you to find any left "tail" and get rid of it.


There are many ways to get rid of the game. But in order to be completely sure of its complete removal, you must either manually search for the remains in the folders, or download an additional application for complete cleaning.

Today we will talk about how to completely remove the game from the computer. You need to deal with this issue, because some applications take up too much space and leave traces behind.


First, let's see how you can completely uninstall the game from a computer with an operating system. Windows system 8. Find the shortcut located on the desktop of the computer, which is responsible for launching the application you do not need. Right-click on it and go to the File Location menu item. This will open the game folder. You can completely remove the game from your computer here. Below you need to find the file unins000. You will also need the Uninstall folder in which this item is located. This file is responsible for removing the application from the computer. Launch it and confirm your intentions. A few seconds later, your problem will be solved.

Russian studio

Consider how to completely remove the game "Alavar" from your computer. To do this, go to the "Control Panel". You can find it in the start menu. Then you need to find and launch the "Programs" element. As a result, a list of applications that have been installed on the computer will appear. Find an unnecessary game from the company "Alavar" and click on it with the left mouse button.

After that, use the "Delete" function. A similar item can be selected from the context menu that will appear if you right-click on the line with the game. After that, confirm the deletion. To do this, click on the "Yes" button, and if necessary, on the "Next" button. As soon as it disappears from the list of programs this application, it will be erased from the computer as well. The problem with the products of the Avalar studio has been resolved.


Let's look at how you can completely remove the game from your computer using special programs. You can also remove the game folders from the computer and clean the system registry. To the most effective applications of this type refers to Revo Uninstaller. This free program, with which you can completely remove any game from your computer. It also allows you to clean your computer from unnecessary applications. To use this tool, you need to run Revo Uninstaller.

Next, in the "Uninstaller" window, select the game you want to remove from the system. After that, go to the top menu and click on the "Delete" button. Select the uninstallation mode and click on the "Next" button. It is recommended to use the moderate option. After the uninstallation process is completed, a list of game components that have been saved in the system will appear on the screen. You need to select them and click on the "Delete" button. It is recommended not to wash with hard drive the directory with the game.

The entertainment application in this case, of course, will stop running, but traces of its presence will remain in the system. This can degrade performance over time. personal computer. If you do not find this application in the list installed programs, you need to activate the "Hunting Mode". Select the appropriate function from the menu. As a result, a special sight will appear, which you need to point at the application icon in the folder where the executive files are located. Now you know how you can completely remove the game from your computer.

Good day. I recently received one question from a user. I'll quote it verbatim:

"Greetings. Please tell me how to uninstall the program (one game). In general, I go to the control panel, find the installed programs, press the delete button - the program is not deleted (some error appears and that's it)! Is there any way how to uninstall any program from PC? I use Windows 8. Thank you in advance, Michael…”

In this article I want to answer this question in detail (especially since it is asked quite often). So…

Most users use the standard Windows utility to install and remove programs. To remove a particular program, you need to go to the panel Windows controls and select " uninstall programs» (see Fig. 1).

But relatively often, when removing programs in this way, various kinds of errors occur. Most often, these problems occur:

With games (apparently the developers do not really care that their game will ever need to be removed from the computer);

With various toolbars and add-ons for browsers (this is generally a separate issue ...). As a rule, many of these add-ons can be immediately attributed to viral ones, and the benefits of them are doubtful (except for displaying ads on the floor of the screen as a “benefit”).

If you didn’t succeed in uninstalling the program through Add or Remove Programs (sorry for the tautology), I recommend using the following utilities: Geek Uninstaller or Revo Uninstaller.

Geek Uninstaller

A great little utility to uninstall any programs! Works in all popular Windows OS: XP, 7, 8, 10.

Allows you to see all installed programs in Windows, perform forced removal (which will be relevant for non-removable programs in the usual way), and besides this, Geek Uninstaller will be able to clean up all the "tails" remaining after software removal (for example, various kinds of entries in the registry).

By the way, the so-called "tails" are usually not removed standard means Windows, which is not very good for Windows(especially if there is too much of such "garbage").

What makes Geek Uninstaller especially attractive:

The ability to manually delete an entry in the registry (as well as find it out, see Fig. 3);

The ability to find out the installation folder of the program (thus also remove it manually);

Find out the official website of any installed program.

Rice. 3. Features of Geek Uninstaller

Outcome: program in the style of minimalism, there is nothing superfluous. At the same time, a good tool within the framework of its tasks allows you to remove all software installed in Windows. Convenient and fast!

Revo Uninstaller

One of the best removal tools unwanted applications from Windows. The program has in its arsenal a good algorithm for scanning the system not only for installed programs, but also for those that have long been removed (leftovers and "tails", erroneous entries in the registry that can affect the speed of Windows).

By the way, many recommend installing such a utility one of the first, after installation. new Windows. Thanks to the "hunter" mode, the utility is able to serve all the changes that occur to the system when installing and updating any programs! Thanks to this, at any time you can remove the failed application and return your computer to its previous working state.

Outcome: in my humble opinion, Revo Uninstaller offers the same functionality as Geek Uninstaller (except that it is more convenient to use - there are convenient sorters: new programs that have not been used for a long time, etc.).


That's all. All the best 🙂

If you need to know about the process of uninstalling a game from a computer, then this article will be useful to you - it will reveal all the intricacies of uninstallation.

Do I need any programs to uninstall the game?

Yes, we will need the revo uninstaller pro program. This program will help you remove absolutely any game that is installed on your computer.

Where to begin

You stopped using a certain game and decided to uninstall it. Now we will tell you how to do it. We launch the program that we talked about above. The program opens and in the window you need to print the name of the game, which we decided to remove from the computer. After that, the search starts and the option is displayed.

After selecting the "delete" item, the wizard for deleting the game opens. In order for the game to be deleted from your computer, you must click on the "Yes" button. After pressing the button, the removal of the game starts. Upon completion of the game removal process, an alert window will appear that will tell you that the game has been removed. Now you can click on "OK".

Residual files

Residual files after deletion are quite natural. Therefore, carry out the analysis through the “scan” item. If this item is not there, then you need to go to the settings and activate the "Advanced" item. After that, we start scanning. The program will begin to examine your computer for residual traces. If any were found, the program will show them to you. You will only have to remove them. To do this, you need to select all these files and click on the "delete" button. Next, a confirmation window pops up, so you need to confirm your intentions by clicking "Yes". After that, all files will be deleted. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that these entries may appear again in the pop-up window, so we select them again and delete them if they appear. After clicking the "Delete" item, as usual, a confirmation item will open - click on "Yes". After that, absolutely all the files that remain from the game will be deleted. This is how the process of uninstalling the game looks like.


Often people are faced with the fact that they stopped playing a game for various reasons (for example, they could play it, and it is no longer of interest), so the goal is to remove it. How to do it? Of course, you can just right-click and select "delete", but this is not the correct deletion. It is necessary to use special programs that will help not only to remove the game from the computer, but also to remove absolutely all the files that were installed along with the game. Special Program by uninstalling games allows you not to leave residual files, so the computer will not clog.

How to uninstall games from computer

A detailed guide on how to remove games from a computer using completely standard operating system tools and using third-party software.


Along with the installation of a computer licensed game, a special uninstaller program is always installed in case the user gets tired of this game at some point and expresses a desire to remove it. However, in pirated versions and amateur assemblies, such a program is often missing, and many users have no idea how to get rid of an already completed game and free up space on their hard drive.

In our article, you will learn how to completely remove the game from your computer using standard tools. Windows and special third-party utilities.

How to properly remove the game completely and all its components from a computer, laptop using the built-in method?

  • When installing a game or program, its shortcut is almost always automatically created on the desktop of the computer and a folder in the menu " Start". It is in the menu folder " Start” is often the uninstaller program. However, if it was not there, then this does not mean that it is absent at all.

Image 2. Finding the folder with the uninstaller program in the Start menu.

  • The first thing you need to do is open the root folder of the game through " My computer" and find the file " Uninstall". If you do not remember where the game was installed, click on its shortcut on the desktop, in the list that appears, select " Properties" and in the window that opens in the line " Work folder» copy the game installation address. If the folder contains a file with the same name and extension " .exe", then run it and uninstall the game following the prompts of the uninstall program.

  • In order not to search for the file manually, you can open " Control Panel", go to the section" Programs and Features", find your game in the list and press the button" Delete". If the folder with the game contains an uninstaller program, the system will automatically launch it and remove the game.

How to completely remove the game and all its components from the computer if there is no uninstaller?

In the event that you could not find the uninstall program in the root folder, and the removal through the control panel failed, there are several ways to get rid of the game.

How to remove the game and all its components from a computer, laptop using standard tools of the Windows operating system?

You can also remove a game that does not have an uninstaller program manually without resorting to third-party software. However, in order not to harm operating system, it is recommended to perform manual removal in safe mode. This is done as follows:

Step 1.

  • Restart your computer and at the very beginning of its loading, press the " F8».
  • On the screen you will see a list of operating system boot modes. Use the keyboard arrows to select " Safe mode ” and press the “ Enter" to continue.

Step 2.

  • After loading the operating system, confirm in the pop-up window to continue working in safe mode.
  • Next, right-click on an empty space on the taskbar and select the line " Launch Task Manager».

Step 3.

  • In the window that opens, go to the " Processes", find all the processes whose names are similar to the name of the game being deleted, and one by one terminate their work with the button " End Process».
  • If game processes missing, close Task Manager and proceed to the next step.

Step 4.

  • Find the root folder with the game on the disk, open it, select all the folders and files in it and delete it with the " Del».
  • Go back to the root directory and delete the game folder itself in exactly the same way.
  • Close the root directory and empty the trash on the desktop.

Step 5.

  • Next, open the menu Start”, select the item “ Run” and in the window that opens, enter the command “ regedit».
  • In the new window that opens, press the key combination ctrl+f and search the registry files for your game name. Delete all search results and repeat this procedure several times to ensure that all game registry files have been removed.
  • Restart your computer and log into the operating system in normal mode.

How to remove the game and all its components from a computer, laptop using third-party programs?

In principle, any game can be uninstalled using standard means. Windows in the manner described above. However, if you have to uninstall two, three or more games, then restarting the computer each time, manually cleaning folders and the registry can be an extremely tedious task.

To make your task easier, you can use one of the many utilities that can automatically uninstall any game and clean up all traces of it, including residual registry files.

In our personal opinion, one of the best game removal utilities is Revo Uninstaller. The program cleanly deletes all files and folders associated with the game, and also cleans the registry after it. Revo Uninstaller able to get rid of even those games and programs that cannot be removed by standard means of the operating system. You can download the program from this link .

Uninstalling the game through the program Revo Uninstaller is carried out as follows:

Step 1.

  • Download, install and run the utility Revo Uninstaller.
  • In the main window of the program, select the game to be deleted from the list, then in the upper part of the program window, click on the button " Delete».

Image 8. Launching the "Revo Uninstaller" program and starting to uninstall the game.

Step 2.

  • The program will automatically create a system restore point in case you want to reverse your decision to uninstall this game.
  • After creating the checkpoint, the uninstaller game program, if available, will be launched.

Step 3.

  • After the removal process is completed, mark with a marker one of the three proposed modes for scanning the system for residual files and click on the button " Scan».
  • The program will scan the entire system and remove residual files associated with the game.

IMPORTANT: If the game does not have its own uninstaller, in the first step, instead of the "Uninstall" button, click on the "Force Uninstall" button.

How to remove all games from a computer, laptop at a time?

  • Many people wonder if there is a way to remove all games from the computer in one go. We have to disappoint you, but this function is not provided in any operating system. There are no third-party programs that can perform it today either.
  • The thing is that the game is the same program as all the others. It is simply impossible to create an algorithm that could filter out gaming applications from all others.

VIDEO: How to completely uninstall a program or game from a computer?
