The Windows 10 start menu cannot be clicked. Using Registry Editor if the Start menu is not working

In most cases, a simple rewrite will help. Windows boot. To do this, switch to the Desktop and press the + key combination, and then select “Restart Windows” and click on “OK”.

The reason for the unstable operation of the start menu may also be an antivirus. To check this feature, uninstall the antivirus and check the operation of the Start menu. If the menu works normally, you can install the antivirus program again. The antivirus version must be the latest.

Windows Explorer can also negatively affect the functioning of the Start menu. You can restart Explorer by opening Task Manager using the ++ hotkeys. Click "More details" in the lower left corner and then go to the "Processes" tab and scroll to the "File Explorer" line. Right-click on the line and select “Restart” from the context menu.

In addition, working in tablet mode may help you. Use the +[A] key combination to exit the Windows 10 Info Center and switch to tablet mode. After clicking Start in full screen mode, the start menu should appear again. Tapping “Tablet Mode” again will switch you back to desktop mode.

In some cases, a specific log file is responsible for such problems. You can delete it as follows: open Explorer and go to the path “C:\Users\*Username*\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer\Database” (instead of the words *Username* you need to enter your username).

In the folder that opens, find the EDB00001.log file and delete it. Instead of the number "1" in the file name there can be any other number. To perform this operation, you may have to go to “Manage | Services and Applications" find the service "tiledatamodelsvc" and stop it.

Photo: manufacturing company

With Windows 10, Microsoft has gone back to basics and, by popular demand, has brought back the Start button. Moreover, it has undergone significant changes, becoming more functional, beautiful and user-friendly.

Windows 10 is constantly updated and there are often cases when, when installing a new update, the Start button stops working and does not respond to clicks with either the mouse or the keyboard. If your Start button does not work in Windows 10, then most likely the culprit is either a crooked update or changes in the registry.

There are a few simple ways solutions to this problem. Let's look at all the solutions, starting with the easiest and ending with the most difficult.

Restart explorer.exe

The Explorer program (also known as the explorer.exe process) is one of the main programs in operating systems. Windows systems and many other programs depend on it. Restarting Explorer can be done in two ways.

Press the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination on your keyboard and select “Task Manager”. You can also call it by right-clicking on the taskbar.

In the Task Manager window that appears, in the “Processes” tab, find “Explorer” (Windows Explorer in English). Windows versions 10). Right-click on it and click “Restart”. You can also restart it by clicking the button in the lower right corner.

After that, try launching the Start menu. If the method does not help, then read on.

Restoring the Start menu by editing the Windows registry

The essence this method consists of editing the registry parameter responsible for the operation of the Start menu.

Press the Win+R key combination. In the window that appears, write the command to call the regedit registry and click OK.

In the registry window that opens, go to the following branch:


Now we need to create a new parameter. To do this, right-click anywhere in the right window and select “New” - “DWORD Value (32 bits)”.

Name the new parameter EnableXAMLStartMenu. Double-click on this parameter and assign a value to it 0 .

After this, you need to restart your computer. Make sure that after rebooting the Start button starts working.

Using PowerShell to solve a problem with the Start menu

Click on the magnifying glass icon next to the Start menu and write PowerShell there. You will find the application in the search. Windows PowerShell. Right-click on it and run as administrator.

In the PoweShell window that opens, paste the following code:

Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + “\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml”))

Press Enter and restart your computer. Check the operation of the Start button.

Official Microsoft utility that fixes a problem with the Start menu

The guys from Microsoft are aware of the problems that arise with the Start menu in Windows 10 and even released a special utility that almost always works.

A Start menu troubleshooting window will appear.

If there are no problems with the Start menu, the following message will appear. If there were problems, the utility will automatically fix them and nothing should interfere with the launch of the Start button.

Creating a new user with a working Start menu

If none of the methods helped you, then you can solve the problem radically and create a new computer user.

When you log in as a new user, a new registry branch will be created that is responsible for the settings of this new user and, accordingly, the Start menu should work under it.

All you have to do is transfer files from the old one account to a new one.

To create a new account, search for “Control Panel” and click on it.

Go to the "User Accounts" menu.

Select "Manage another account."

Click "Add new user".

The Windows Settings menu will open. At the bottom of the window, select “Add a user for this computer.”

On the next page, indicate that you do not have login information for a new user so that you do not have to provide an address Email or phone number for authorization on the computer.

Windows insists that we link our account to their services. Click that you want to add a user without a Microsoft account.

And finally we have reached the final point. Specify the username and password of the new computer user.

After this, restart your computer and log in as a new user. Check the operation of the Start button. If everything works, then simply transfer the files from the old user’s folder to the new computer user’s folder.

Video solving problems with the Start button

Especially for those who find it easier to perceive material not in text form, I suggest you watch the video on how to get the Start button back working.

The Start Menu and Taskbar in Windows 10 are one of the most significant features operating system Microsoft. After all, with the help of this menu you can quickly find this or that program, launch the application, editors, administrative functions, and the taskbar provides excellent usability for comfortable work. But what should you do if the Start menu or taskbar stops working? If your Windows 10 Start button or Taskbar has disappeared, is not responding to clicks, is not working, will not open, or you are receiving a critical error message, then follow the below methods to fix and find solutions to this problem.

Fix Taskbar and Start Menu Not Working in Windows 10

Whenever you get any error related to various functions in Windows, the first thing to do (besides restarting your computer) is to check for damaged files using a “checker”, which will automatically try to fix any errors in the system files.

To do this, open a command prompt as administrator ( Win+R, enter cmd) and enter the command in the line sfc /scannow. The scan will check Windows for damaged files and then fix them if possible.

If all else fails, still at the command prompt, use the Deployment and Maintenance Management tool, which can repair the corruption that was preventing SFC from doing its job. At the command prompt, enter:

  • dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

This will launch the tool DISM, wait for the process to complete. Then run an SFC scan back (sfc /scannow) to fix any problems. If the start button or taskbar is still not working, then let’s dive into the solutions.

1. Start Menu Repair Tool for Windows 10

Microsoft is well aware of Start menu and taskbar issues, and it has released the Troubleshooter to fix many common Start menu problems in Windows 10. Download the tool. troubleshooter Microsoft to fix problems.

2. Restart Windows Explorer

The next simple try is to restart the File Explorer process, which is not only responsible for the Start Menu and Taskbar in the Windows 10 system. Press the button combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open task manager. In the "processes" tab, find the process named " conductor" and press restart.

3. Configure the registry

This is a new method that appeared recently and has helped many users fix the error so that the Start and Taskbar work in Windows 10. To begin with, I recommend it, because we will edit the registry.

  • Press Win + R and enter regedit to open Registry Editor. In Registry Editor, navigate to the following path:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WpnUserService
  • Next, in the field on the right, find the parameter Start, click on it twice and set the value 4 .
  • Keep the registry open and follow the instructions below.

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
  • On the right, if you don't have the EnableXamlStartMenu option, then right-click on the empty field and New > DWORD Value (32-bit).
  • Name the new parameter EnableXamlStartMenu, then double-click on it and give it a value 0 .
  • Restart your PC and check if the Start menu button works and opens in Windows 10.

4. Disable account information for automatic login

If you have noticed that the "taskbar" and "start" are not working when you have windows updates or after restarting your computer, then several people have suggested that disabling account information when you boot your PC could be a solution to this problem.

  • Go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in Options and turn off "Use my login details..."

5. Start Application Identity Service

Application identification in Windows 10 is used by a service called Applocker to determine which applications are and are not allowed to run on your computer. Usually this function knows what your PC needs to start, but when there is a problem that the start button does not work in Windows 10, you can check the service.

  • To launch the service identity application, click Win+R, enter services.msc, this will allow you to open Device Manager Services.

  • Find a service Application Identity, right-click on it and Launch. Restart your computer or laptop, after which the Start button should work.

6. Boot in safe mode with network drivers loaded

Many users have reported that booting Windows into safe mode using the network and then booting into regular Windows can fix a broken Start Menu and a broken Taskbar. To press Win+R, enter msconfig, then in the "System Configuration" window, open the "tab", check the "checkbox", click " Net", then " OK". When you boot into safe mode, do not forget to clear the boot options to boot back into normal Windows mode.

7. Register or reinstall the Start menu in Windows 10

You must be logged in as an administrator. Next, open PowerShell and run it as administrator.

Then enter the below command into the PowerShell window, copying it.

  • Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + "\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml"))

Restart your computer.

8. Reinstall your Windows applications

UWP Windows apps, if you have a lot of them installed, can create clutter and latency that causes the Start menu to freeze and the taskbar to lag. That's why Windows has one handy command that allows you to reinstall and restore all stock UWPs at once Windows applications 10.

  1. Type in "search" PowerShell, right-click on it and run as administrator.
  2. Enter the following command into the window that opens to reinstall all Windows applications:
  3. Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”)
  4. You will see processes begin to load and a lot of red, alarming text. Ignore this, wait for the process to finish, and restart your computer to launch the Start menu again.

9. Dropbox, Anti-Virus and AMD Graphics Drivers

Windows 10 users complained that Dropbox was interfering with the Start menu by blocking certain user account files that were essential to its operation. Dropbox claims to have addressed this issue in an update released last year, but if you have Dropbox, it may be worth uninstalling to see if the problem with the Windows 10 start button not working persists.

Some services AMD video cards can be connected to the start menu. Some users reported that disabling them fixed the problem. You can check this by clicking win+r and enter services.msc, then find the services associated with the video card and disable them for a while to check if the problem is resolved.

Other users have reported that antivirus programs such as Avast, Malwarebytes and various third party applications for Windows Store cause startup and taskbar problems in Windows 10. Try removing them to identify the culprit.

Some users find that their Start button and taskbar stop functioning properly after large periods of time. Windows updates. If you are one of such users, then a proven solution is to create a new Windows Administrator account.

  • Click Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open task manager.
  • Next, click "File" > " Start a new task".
  • In the window that opens, enter net user yourname yourpassword /add. (yourname is your account name, and yourpassword is the password for the new account).

Sign in to your new account. If the start button works, then you need to follow these steps to transfer your settings and applications to the newly created account.

  • Log in to your old account, then go to Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > Advanced tab, then under " User Profiles"click" Options".
  • In the User Profiles window, select the newly created account from the list and click " Copy". (This will create folders documents, videos, music, etc.) If for some reason you were unable to create a profile, then click on the “Accounts” link below and follow the instructions.


The Start menu is a very important element in the Windows ecosystem. If in Windows 8 they experimented with it and eliminated some features, then in Windows 10 they decided to stop all experiments and returned most of the once-abolished functionality.

Naturally, if problems arise with the Start menu, working with the computer becomes significantly more difficult.

There can be many, many reasons why the “Start” button stops responding to pressing and, accordingly, displaying a menu. This may be a consequence of exposure to harmful software, damage to system files, errors in the registry (which are introduced by utilities that are designed to combat these same errors) and other reasons.

Below are a few solutions that may help. However, as you understand, there is no absolute guarantee due to a large number of factors.

It’s worth saying right away that to perform most of the operations described, you must have administrator rights. If you are working under a restricted account, then your ability to restore the functionality of the Start menu in Windows 10 will be significantly limited.

Fixing the Start menu button in Windows 10 using a restore point

operating room Windows system 10 automatically creates system restore points during its operation. Select and roll back to one of these points that was created when there were no problems with the Start menu.

To run this built-in Windows tool, you need to do the following:

Press the key combination on your keyboard Win+R and in the window that appears Execute enter rstrui.exe, and then click OK for start.

In the window that opens, following the wizard's instructions, select a checkpoint and restore the system state to the moment when the system was fully operational.

If this does not help, or the recovery system is disabled in your case, then move on to the next method for solving problems with a broken Start menu in Windows 10.

Repairing the Start menu in Windows 10, which is associated with corruption of system files

Windows 10 system files may be damaged. The reasons for this can be both software and hardware.

On our part, it is worth checking (verifying) system files for damage.

To do this, press the key combination on your keyboard Ctri + Alt + Del and in the menu that appears, click on the item Task Manager.

The task manager will open. If its window is displayed in simplified mode, in which the menu is hidden, then click on the item More details.

The Task Manager window will expand and you will be able to access additional options. Click on an item File -> Start a new task.

In the window that opens, enter sfc /scannow, and just below check the box Create a task with administrator rights and press the key OK.

As a result, a window will open command line, which will display the process of checking system Windows files 10.

After checking and restoring system files, restart your computer. If this does not help, then try the next method.

Restoring Start using the PowerShell command

Repeat the procedure for launching the task manager, call up the window for launching a new task from there and enter powershell and press OK.

In the console window that opens, enter the following code:

Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + "\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml"))

And press the key Enter.

After the command has completed successfully, close the PowerShell window and restart your computer. If after this the start menu has not been restored, we will try to fix it using the method described below - through the registry.

Repairing Windows 10 Start by editing a parameter in the registry

First of all, you need to open the registry editor itself, to do this, press the keyboard shortcut Win +R on keyboard. In the window that appears and has already become familiar Execute enter the command regedit and press the key OK.

In the Registry Editor window, go to the following address:


There we need to create another record. To do this, right-click on the free area on the right side of the Registry Editor window. A context menu will be displayed in which you must select Create-> DWORD value (32 bits).

A new parameter will be created - give it a name EnableXAMLStartMenu. And then double-click on it and in the window that opens, set the value 0 (digit zero), and press OK to save.

Now all you have to do is restart your computer. I really hope that this manual helped you.

Fixing Start problems using a utility from Microsoft

This utility was created in the depths of Microsoft and is designed to eliminate most of the problems that arise with Start in Windows 10.

Download it and run it. Follow the Menu Troubleshooting Wizard.

Brief summary

The Start menu crashing in Windows 10 is a significant problem and requires an immediate solution. This material highlighted some of the reasons that cause various types of failures with the Start menu in Windows 10. Instructions and solutions are provided that will help restore the functionality of the ever-popular menu in Windows.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments.
