Is it possible to install office on linux. Microsoft office Linux installation

One of the reasons why some people can't give up Windows is because they get used to the programs they are used to running on their system. You know, I understand them. I'm also used to working with some programs in Linux, and when I find myself in a hostile environment, I feel unarmed, weaned.

For Windows free programs there are a great many for the office, but there are a lot of them for Linux, even more than the average user needs home computer. Here are the ones I use.

sudo apt-get install abiword

This is an analogue of Word and this application is often put in light versions of Linux instead of the powerful libreoffice package.

If you still need spreadsheets, such as Excel, then you can install the program Gnumeric. You can install it with the command:

sudo apt-get install gnumeric

Basic operations can be done in these two applications without installing a huge office suite, most of whose functions are most often simply not needed. What other office programs for Linux can I use?

I really like the Cherry Tree notepad that I wrote about in THIS post. But you can not go to the official site, but install it from:

sudo apt-get install cherrytree

Let's start with WPS OFFICE, a Chinese office suite for Linux and Windows. The Chinese did not bother for a long time - they took it and almost completely copied it. ribbon" or " Microsoft Fluent Interface interface. It turned out cool. Almost full support for Microsoft Office formats, all files open one to one (there are problems with pictures in docx files, and presentations).

The office is constantly updated - the current version is a19p1. You can download from the official site, Russian dictionary from here(off. VKontakte group), Russify the interface as shown in the picture below:

Linux version is free and can be used in commercial organizations for free, from their forum:

I sent a question to [email protected]: " it possible to use the WPS Office version under Linux wps-office_9.1.0.4945~a16p3_i386.deb, for free in a commercial organization?" ,
梁维添 answered me: "Yes, you can use it in commercial as free. "

A significant drawback is the partial support for the Russian language, which is what it means - in WPS Presentation and WPS Spreadseets there is no word wrapping in lines, i.e. they "tear":

Same problem in WPS Presentation:

Well, be that as it may, if you open a file created in this office in MS Office, then everything looks good.

One of the advantages of this office is tabs, i.e. all documents are opened in one window, switching is done using tabs.

I will not write much about this office suite in detail, but I will describe all the pros and cons below, since I have 2 years of experience in using this suite, and I have also implemented it in my organization along with LibreOffice and FreeOffice Sotmaker. I will list everything in the form of supported functionality and bugs found by me and other users:

What does it support

Disadvantages of WPS OFFICE (and how to fix errors);

  • there is no diagram support for linux version, the old version of diagrams was written in Delphi, the developers have not yet rewritten it, although they have been promising to do so for 2 years;
  • there is no full support for the Russian language, poor spell checking;
  • tables from WPS WRITER and WPS SPEADSHEETS are inserted into WPS PRESENTATION very crookedly - they are inserted with text formatting with 1 point size (font size "1") and without preserving the formatting of cell and column sizes - it's just hard;
  • the office is dumb when resizing the page - it sometimes freezes at this moment;
  • if in your linux networks many printers are shared, then when you click on print, it can freeze - there is only one solution - delete unnecessary printers (although they appear after a reboot). Libreoffice didn't have this problem;
  • when printing from a large depth of directories or if the file has a very long Russian name (i.e. a lot of attachments or a very long file name with spaces), nothing happens. The solution is to move the file to your desktop or home folder.

Softmaker FreeOffice

I found this office suite on the net by accident, until 2014 I didn’t know about other office suites at all, except for MS OFFICE and OPEN (LIBRE) Office. Microsoft is working well on the implementation of its products, although there are many solutions in the world, if not the best, then at least not inferior in functionality to the well-known small office. I am generally a supporter of free software, and from my own experience I was convinced that products from microsoft are not a “trueway”. I respect open soft, and I do my best to support and promote it, at least within my organization. Of course, there are some individuals who do not want to learn anything new, but I believe that you can find an approach to any person and help him with the transition to open source software.

So, after a small lyrical digression, let's go directly to the review of Softmaker FreeOffice. This office suite includes free version(and there is also a paid one, it is wider in functionality, and the price is the same as MS OFFICE (today the price of the paid version is 99 euros)) word processor, spreadsheet, presentation program.

Oddly enough, there are very few articles on the Internet on the topic of this office, although it opens doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx files well, but does not know how to save them.

That is, if you open the DOCX format, but you can save either in the old DOC format, ODT (Open Document Format) or TextMaker's own format.

And the most pleasant thing is that this office product has no restrictions on use. in the office or at home.It is completely free.
The official site says:

Get SoftMaker Office Mobile and/or FreeOffice here for free. Use them for as long as you want, both at home and for business, and never pay a dime!

In addition, there are versions of the program SoftMaker FreeOffice for Windows, Linux and Android and are completely free to use in the office or at home.

Let's take a closer look at each component of this office product.

Text editor TextMaker.

This is what the editor looks like text documents FreeOffice TextMaker on Ubuntu:

There is a spell check in Russian:

Saving is also available in open format ODT (ODF):

PlanMaker spreadsheet editor.

This is how the FreeOffice PlanMaker spreadsheet editor looks like in Linux mint (Ubuntu-like):

The ability to set protection for a sheet or the entire document is available:

Presentation editor.

This is what the FreeOffice Presentations editor looks like in Ubuntu:

SoftMaker FreeOffice has a Russian-language interface and a spell checker in Russian. Good compatibility with application file formats Microsoft Office.
The disadvantage of the program is that the help is only in English, but it is very extensive and detailed: From major restrictions the free version only that it cannot be saved in DOCX, XLSX and PPTX format, although you can edit them.
You can read about the differences between the free version and the paid version in English in this document:

Installing SoftMaker FreeOffice on Ubuntu (linux mint).

To download the program, go to the following link to the developer's site:

Click download for Linux, fill in the fields in the form that opens:

Please enter a real email address.
On the specified Mailbox you will receive links for downloading the program and data for activating the program - there you will need to enter your name, email and key - everything is free:

Download only 32 bit deb package. Because the 64 bit version of the package requires ia32libs, which has been removed from Ubuntu.

Another related article: "Native Microsoft Office on Linux"

Many people are deterred from switching to Linux by the inability to work in professional applications that are written only for Windows. Until recently, Microsoft Office 2010 also belonged to such applications. Now the situation has changed dramatically. Currently possible:

  • install Microsoft Office 2010 on Linux (without much difficulty, in just a few clicks, there is no need to download any additional libraries yourself, the installation process itself has become much more reliable and almost always leads to a positive result);
  • you can associate Microsoft office suite file extensions with your installed office. That is, for example, on our Linux machine.doc and .docx files will open with Microsoft Word 2010;
  • achieved stable and reliable operation of Microsoft Office 2010 on Linux - without failures and glitches.
All of the above applies equally to both Microsoft Office 2010 and Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft Office 2003. Sounds tempting, doesn't it? I will say more, installing Microsoft Office 2010 on Linux has become easier than installing the same LibreOffice!

So let's finally get started. We need the PlayOnLinux program, version 4.1 or higher. The Mint repository, at the time of this writing, was version 4.0, which does not meet the necessary requirements.

Let's go to

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And download the version suitable for our Linux

By the way, Mint users should download the Ubuntu version.

Give the downloaded file permission to execute.

We open the file for installation, the following warning window appears.

Close it, click "Install package".

For this program, Wine's packages are dependent, so the necessary packages are downloaded and installed - we are waiting patiently.

If everything went well, PlayOnLinux appears in the game section. We open it.

We press the "Install" button and at the bottom of the window we must click the "Update" button - the scripts will be updated - this is very important for the first launch:

The update process has begun - we are waiting again:

So, select the "Office" item, select Microsoft Office 2010 (or any other, by the way), in it, click the "Install" button.

A welcome window appears, just click "Next":

A virtual disk is created for our office:

I almost forgot, if your office is written to a disk, then the disk should already be in dvd-rom by this moment. If your office installation files are located on your hard drive (like mine), then select the “Other” item and specify the directory with the distribution.

The necessary components are installed in our virtual disk:

After everything you need is downloaded and installed, the usual office installer appears. Remember: do not change the default directories, do not press the “cancel” button - the program may think for a while, this is normal, it does its own internal operations.

Everything is ready, click the "Close" button.

We have such a window left and it seems that everything is ready, but this window just hung and I want to click the "Cancel" button or close it - no need to do this, the program places shortcuts, writes file associations, etc. Just wait. Click "Next", the window closes.

In the main PlayOnLinux window, we see something like this:

Let's move on to file association with our office suite. To do this, in the main PlayOnLinux window, select "Settings" → "File Associations". You will have a slightly different list - I accidentally erased mine and had to drive them in manually:

Now select any Word file and right-click on it, select "Open in program", "Other application". Select from the PlayOnLinux list, or if it is not there, click "Use own command" and copy it there


Check the box "Remember this app for files like...":

We press "Open" and ... nothing happens. Did the developers deceive us?

I assumed that the program has a problem with Russian letters in the file name (it happens, you know). I named the file in Latin, double click and ... voila:

Bottom line: we have a real, fully functional Microsoft Office 2010 on Linux. The only fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey was the problem with files that have Russian letters in their names - they do not open with Microsoft Office when you click on them. I think very soon this problem will be fixed, and then everything will be just perfect.

UPD: the problem of opening files in the name of which there are Russian letters was solved very quickly. Starting with PlayOnLinux 4.1.4 everything is fine. Currently, this version can be downloaded from here

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Everything worked out? Great! Let's move on to the next article.

Questions and answers

Please see the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact our support team.

What is MyOffice?

MyOffice is a platform consisting of a set of office applications for joint editing and storage of documents, mail system, corporate messenger for all popular operating systems and mobile platforms: Windows starting from Windows XP, Linux, Android, iOS, Tizen.

Applications within the MyOffice platform: Documents, Text, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Mail, Calendar, Contacts, Storage and Logos.

What is the advantage of MyOffice products?

Key features of our product is:
opportunity joint work in real time;
the ability to deploy the platform in both private and public clouds;
unified display of documents on all platforms;
work on all popular platforms, including mobile (Android, iOS, Tizen);
support for operating systems included in the register of domestic software, such as Astra Linux and Alt Linux;
certificates of conformity FSTEK and FSB.

How to buy MyOffice products?

1. Deploy the MyOffice platform on your own servers or on the servers of your partners.
2. Buy MyOffice applications for Windows and Linux workstations from .
3. Purchase access to MyOffice applications on a subscription model (SaaS) from .
4. Download free apps for mobile devices possible in .

Are there special conditions for educational organizations?

What is the free MyOffice Education product?

This is a new product designed for use in educational organizations. It was developed on the basis of MyOffice Standard and is primarily aimed at schools. The products will be delivered to educational organizations (state comprehensive schools) free of charge.

Can I buy MyOffice products directly from you?

MyOffice products are distributed exclusively through the Partner Network.

What types and levels of cooperation are presented in the Affiliate Program?

We strive to make our Affiliate Program the most effective and attractive. At the moment we offer the following options for cooperation:
- Reseller
- OEM partner
- Service provider
More details can be found in the section.

Can I learn more about the Affiliate Program and its conditions?

All relationships with partners are built through distributors who take on the operational activities of selling MyOffice products and are responsible for organizing and supporting deliveries to partners. Details affiliate program are available after completing the registration procedure and fulfilling a number of legal conditions.

What are the system requirements for working with products?

For workstation
Computer and processor: 32-bit or 64-bit processor with a clock speed of 1 GHz or higher and support for the SSE2 instruction set.
RAM: 2 GB.
Required disk space: 3.0 GB.
Display: 1024 x 768 screen resolution.
Supported operating systems: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Astra Linux Special Edition Smolensk version, Alt Linux, macOS, OS X (El Capitan).
Supported Browsers: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Satellite.

For the server
Minimum configuration HDD: 500GB, RAM: 20, CORE: 10.
Recommended HDD configuration: 2.6 TB, RAM: 96, CORE: 42.

What file formats do your products support?

MyOffice applications work correctly with documents in DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX, PPT/PPTX, RTF, TXT, ODT, ODS, ODP formats and support saving to PDF.

Do you use encryption of communication channels?

Yes, MyOffice uses encryption of communication channels. It is now TLS 1.2 using the most common and strong cryptographic algorithms supported by most modern browsers.

Do you have an electronic signature?

Currently being implemented in various MyOffice Support products electronic signature and encryption, both mail messages and office documents. Technologically, MyOffice products work with the most common certified tool cryptographic information(CIPF) on the Russian market, manufactured by CryptoPro. Software products can also be modified to work with any other certified CIPF in accordance with the needs of the customer.

How secure is your solution in terms of data storage?

MyOffice platform products were originally designed to work in a corporate environment with the highest security requirements, which is confirmed by an external audit of the system and received FSTEC and FSB certificates. In addition, the platform provides role-based data access control and logging of user operations.
The system architecture is designed and implemented in such a way that there is no single point of failure, including 3-fold redundancy in terms of data storage.
MyOffice provides the opportunity to deploy the server part of the solution both in the public cloud and in the closed loop of the customer or the partner chosen by him - so the information will not leave the organization.

Performance, without a doubt, is a very important parameter of the operating system, which can make the platform one of the best. But an equally important factor is the availability of applications. If everything is done correctly, then the transition of the enterprise to the new OS will be completed very quickly and efficiently.

Today, Linux is certainly a viable and viable alternative to Windows, both in the consumer segment and in business.

The ecosystem of any platform, that is, the applications available to it, largely determines its success. We can clearly see this with FirefoxOS and SaififshOS, which are alternatives to Android and iOS. They did not gain much popularity, despite their advantages, they lacked a large application base to attract the attention of users.

Previously, Linux also had much more problems with the availability of the necessary software. But over the years, we have a huge number of applications adapted to different user needs and convenient for beginners.

But when we start talking about commercial applications, the first thing that comes to mind is the office suite, and more specifically, Microsoft's product, Microsoft Office. Linux has a worthy replacement for it - LibreOffice, and besides, this is not the only office suite for Linux.

In this article, we have collected the best analogues of microsoft office Linux. Some of the sixteen solutions are cross-platform, which automatically makes them alternatives to Microsoft Office for Windows and MacOS. Let's go to the list.

This office suite is the most popular among other office suites for Linux. It can be said to be the best replacement for Microsoft Office Linux. It supports most MS Office formats, including doc, xlsx, etc. Many open formats are also supported, such as odf.

LibreOffice is a cross-platform solution, and it includes a word processor, spreadsheet, Presentation Tool, etc. LibreOffice supports various icon sets and extends functionality with plugins.

2. Apache OpenOffice

OpenOffice is very similar to LibreOffice, given that they originally shared the same source code. Right now OpenOffice's development is a bit behind LibreOffice, especially due to its slow development cycle. This was the main reason why LibreOffice split from this project. But until now, OpenOffice remains a viable alternative to microsoft office linux with extensive functionality.

OpenOffice is also cross-platform, like LibreOffice, and is available for Linux, Windows, and MacOS.

3 Calligra Suite

Calligra is one of the oldest office suites for Linux. It has been developing for 15 years. It used to be known as KOffice.

The package is based on Qt and is intended primarily for the KDE desktop, but it is also available for other platforms.

Calligra is suitable for all kinds of documents. In addition to standard document management tools, this office suite includes the popular Krita image editor. Package contents:

  • Calligra Words - word processor
  • Calligra Sheets - Spreadsheet
  • Calligra Stage - presentations
  • Calligra Author - Epub tool
  • Calligra Plan - project planner
  • Krita - drawing
  • Calligra Flow - drawing flowcharts
  • Karbon - vector graphics
  • Braindump - mind maps
  • Kexi - database manager

4. WPS Office

WPS office (word processor and spreadsheet) has become one of the most used in a very short time. This was mainly due to his modernized appearance and accessibility for both desktop platforms and mobile devices. Since it is very similar to Microsoft Office, WPS will be one of the first candidates to install in the list of microsoft office alternatives for Linux.

WPS used to be called Kingsoft Office and launched in July 2013. The program code is proprietary, but there are both free and paid version. The premium version includes more than 230 fonts, the ability to work on documents simultaneously and encrypt documents.

The free version also has enough features to work comfortably, as well as a user interface very similar to Microsoft Office. WPS Office is used as the default office program in Deepin Linux.

The program supports all product formats from Microsoft, as well as several proprietary formats.

5GNOME Office

This is another office suite with an open source code, but unlike Calligra it is designed for Gnome. It is developed for Gnome and based on the GTK library.

It supports all exactly the same formats as the packages mentioned above. Gnome Office is only available for the Linux platform and contains the following programs:

  • AbiWord- word processor
  • Gnumeric- spreadsheets
  • Ease- presentations
  • inkscape- drawing
  • Glom- database manager
  • GnuCash- Financial Manager
  • evolution- Email and RSS manager
  • Evince- PDF viewer
  • gLabels- creating business cards
  • Dia- diagram designer

6 Softmaker Office

Softmaker is a closed source office suite compatible with Microsoft Office in both free and premium versions. The free version is called Softmaker FreeOffice, while Softmaker is the premium version that contains all the features.

Like WPS, Softmaker is available on multiple platforms and includes the following applications:

  • text maker- word processor
  • PlanMaker- tables
  • Soft Maker Presentations- presentations
  • Basic Maker- VisualBasic programming
  • eM Client- Email client

7. Oxygen Office

It is a continuation of OpenOffice, supporting all the features and formats of Apache Office and LibreOffice, but with notable GUI differences and extended core code.

All necessary applications are supported, text editing, tables, charting, and a calculator.

8 Yozo Office

It is one of the lesser-known office suites that also supports a wide range of features, including most Microsoft Office formats. The package includes word processing applications, spreadsheets, a PDF viewer, and presentations.

Yozo is proprietary, but free and cross-platform. But if you want more features, then you will have to upgrade to the premium version. It also has its own file format, .eio.

9. Google Docs

Analogues of Microsoft Office linux are not only ordinary programs, but also online applications. Google Docs is a cloud office suite that takes a completely different approach to document creation and is very powerful, free and cross-platform.

It is used by millions of people around the world and has native apps for the two most popular mobile operating systems Android and iOS. Written in JavaScript, it can work both online and offline, without access to the Internet. It is the choice of thousands of schools and businesses around the world.

Google docs include:

  • Text editor
  • Steets- spreadsheets
  • Drawing- diagrams and block diagrams
  • Forms- surveys
  • Slides- presentations

10. Zoho Docs

This is another web-based office suite similar in functionality to Google Docs, but targeted at the business market. Although there is a free version. But unlike Google Docs, features like co-authoring and offline work are only available in the premium version.

The program has its own Android app as well as desktop clients. Windows systems, Linux, MacOS.

It is another analogue of microsoft office linux with a wide range of features such as word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and database management. All programs are written in Java.

Joeoffice is open source and has a completely modern interface.

12 Siag Office

Another little-known office suite that supports all known Microsoft Office formats and quite a few components:

  • Spreadsheet Siag - Spreadsheets
  • Pathetic writer - word processor
  • Egon - work with animation
  • XedPlus - text editor
  • Xfiler - file manager
  • gvu viewer

Siag is available for Linux, Mac, OpenBSD. The only downside is the outdated user interface.


EuroOffice is another open source microsoft office Linux replacement that aims to be better by combining the best of OpenOffice and LibreOffice. It provides additional features compatibility and extensibility.

There is both a free and a professional version. However, the free version includes most if not all of the features found in office suites. The professional version contains additional tools.

14Think Free Office

ThinkFree is another branded office suite that aims to look and function just like Microsoft's. It is written in Java and Ajax, is cross-platform, and includes the following applications:

  • Write- word processor
  • Calc- spreadsheets
  • show- presentation
  • note- block editor
  • WYSIWYG- HTML editor

This is only a premium office suite and does not have a free version. There is a trial period of 30 days.

15.Hancom office

Hancom is a closed source office suite popular in Asia (especially South Korea). The program is cross-platform. The program supports all the most commonly used Microsoft formats.

This office suite has been pre-installed on a range of Samsung-powered Android devices.

16 Office 365

This is Microsoft's own office suite. Office in the Cloud is a stripped-down version of regular Microsoft Office and lacks a lot of features.

You will be limited to only basic functionality, although in most cases you will be able to do everything you need. Of the pluses, one can note full integration with OneDrive and the ability to co-edit documents.


This was the complete list. office packages for Linux. If something was missed, write in the comments!
