Serviceman's personal account user registration. Serviceman's personal account

Electronic mail (e-mail) for communication with the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense:

– Consulting department (Call – center);

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.- Secretary;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Legal department;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Administrative and regulatory department;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Management (accounting) of the Southern Military District, Western Military District;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Management (calculation) of Central Military District, Eastern Military District;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Management (analysis and control);

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– IT department;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Management (bank settlements)

When making your request, do not forget to indicate:

1. Your personal number of a military person (SNILS - civilian).
2. Position (military).
3. Military rank - for military personnel.
4. Your last name, first name, patronymic (for alimony recipients additionally - last name, first name, patronymic of the alimony payer).
5. The essence of the appeal.
6. Telephone for communication.

IRC contact information (phone numbers and address)

Address of the unified settlement center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

105066, Moscow, Spartakovskaya street, building 2, fifth floor.

Phone number to order a pass 8-495-693-65-01.

Located on the fifth floor clearing center.

At the fourth call center, there is a database where you can check information on payments to military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces.

Hotline of the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

To know Additional information about monetary allowances, check accruals and ask questions to employees of the unified settlement center of the Russian Ministry of Defense at the following contact numbers:

- IRC hotline 8-800-200-22-06 (toll-free number).

Schedule hotline ERC (Moscow time)
Monday - Friday from 08.00 to 20.00
Saturday - Sunday from 09.00 - 18.00

More hotline numbers: 8 495 951 18 01, 8 495 693 66 33
- Head Loschenova Olga Vasilievna 8 495 693 65 02
- You can also call: 8-495-693-65-09, 8-495-693-65-10, 8-495-693-65-11, 8-495-693-65-12, 8- 495-693-65-13, etc. up to 31 at the end of the number.

Other contact numbers of the RF Ministry of Defense:

Starting from mid-2012, the payslip, in other words, all money transferred to the serviceman is displayed in the corresponding section on the official website of the Ministry of Defense

Any military person has access to his personal account. Let's take a closer look at what a serviceman's pay slip is and how to enter your personal account without registration.

Registration of a personal account

To constantly monitor your own financial well-being, you need to register on the website. This is an extremely simple process. The serviceman is required to indicate the following personal data:

  • the identification number that was assigned to him;
  • date of his birth;
  • the password required to enter your page;
  • write your email address.

The password must not be simple; for this reason, to create it, it is recommended to use a combination of Latin letters and numbers. In order to check and confirm your login to the site, you will need to enter your password twice.
Also, in order to find out and calculate salaries, in addition to specifying personal data and creating a password, you must indicate email for further account activation and in case the password is lost, to restore it.

To register in your personal account, follow the Registration link and enter all your data in the form.

Login without registration

Dear readers, recently viewing pay slips is available only to registered users of the “Personal Account” on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The information in the “Login without registration” section of the article is no longer relevant.

In order to log into a website and check your salary, you do not always need to enter a username and password. For military personnel using the services of the Ministry of Defense website, login using a personal number is provided. This provides the right to receive a payslip without undergoing the necessary registration. To view the necessary data, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the button "Login without registration". As a result, a form will open (see below and fill out), which indicates the serviceman’s personal number and date of birth.
  2. Enter the code from the picture.

After such actions, the user will be given the opportunity to enter the website and view the data he requires. The simplified entry system is considered the most secure, since entering a numeric code and indicating personal data makes it possible to visit account only by the owner himself, another person cannot do this.

If a citizen is considered a government employee, and not a military contract employee, he will need to dial his social security number and his own date of birth. It should be taken into account that a serviceman’s pay slip in a case where registration has not been carried out can provide the citizen with only part of the available data. If you need complete information, then you need to register.

Personal account features

After completing all the steps described above, you can start working in your personal account on the Ministry of Defense website. The following is now available to the user:

  • you can generate a payslip that indicates all the detailed information about accrued, incoming funds and other actions with the serviceman’s finances;
  • save pay sheets in electronic form on a PC, which provides the right to view documents when necessary;
  • continuously monitor the amounts paid.

This list of actions allows a serviceman to have maximum control over his finances in a single register.

It should be noted that the funds transferred monthly by the Unified Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to all military personnel, regardless of their rank, are called monetary allowance and not salary.

The site provides the right to familiarize yourself with information on pay slips, which previously could only be found out through a system of special closed channels.

The online data viewing system was launched due to frequently received complaints from military personnel regarding inappropriate amounts of accrued salaries, bonuses and other allowances.

The military man is required to provide information about accruals on the pay slip. The document must be issued together with funds and it contains the following information:

  • components of wages that are due to a military man for a specific time period;
  • other financial benefits, including those provided during vacation,
  • being on sick leave, etc.;
  • total amount of accrued funds;
  • amounts that are withheld from wages;
  • the total amount that is supposed to be given to the military.

Thanks to the functionality of the portal, every military citizen has the right to order the required extracts and certificates online, without losing time for a personal visit to the relevant units.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the military account on the Ministry of Defense website is provided in a fairly clear and simple form. The user has the right to visit his own page at any time and check all the information of interest.

Ministry of Defence Russian Federation- the federal executive body that conducts military policy and carries out public administration in the field of defense of Russia.

Like other federal ministries of the country, the Russian Ministry of Defense has its own official website, where you can obtain up-to-date information regarding the activities of this body.

Official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Among other things, the official website of the ministry provides a personal account, a link to which can be found on the left side of the main page of the web resource.

Personal Area contains a menu that allows you to access its main page, information about pay slips and other information, and search for answers to questions. Information on improving financial literacy and contact details are also provided here.

In order to gain access to the maximum capabilities of your personal account, you must log in to it. It is possible to enter the serviceman’s office without the need to register on the web resource, as well as with registration.

In the first case, select “Login without registration” and fill out the form provided. First of all, indicate who you are logging into your personal account as: a military personnel or a civilian employee. After this, enter the personal number of the military personnel (for a civil servant - SNILS - insurance number of an individual personal account), then indicate the date of birth and the code from the presented picture, then click “Login”.

Login to your personal account without registration

To register on the online resource, use the “Register” link. After this, you will also be asked to fill out a standard form in which you will need to indicate whether you are a military personnel or a civilian employee and accordingly enter your personal number or SNILS.

Next, you will need to indicate your date of birth, a password (consisting of at least 6 characters and starting with a letter), re-enter the password and indicate the email address that will be required to activate your account (a message with the corresponding content will be sent to it). The last action is to enter the code from the proposed image. After providing all the required information, click “Register”.

In the future, to enter the serviceman’s personal account, you will need to enter the login and password specified during registration and click “Login.”

If, when you try to log into your personal account, you find that you have forgotten your password, use the “Recover Password” link. Then indicate whether you are a military man or a civil servant, enter the personal number of the military man or SNILS (for a civil servant), indicate the date of birth and the code from the picture. After that, click “Recover Password”.

An important advantage of a military personnel’s personal account is the ability to obtain information about wages, which contain pay slips. Such a sheet displays the components of the salary that are due for a certain period, other monetary accruals (including cash compensation, vacation pay, dismissal pay, etc.), the total accrued amount, as well as the amount and deductions from the salary, the amount that the employee should receive in your arms.

In order to receive this information, select the “Payment slips” section, after which you will be able to generate and download the corresponding document with all the information it contains. Here you will be asked to select the time period for which you will need to generate a payslip. You can generate a document for a specific month or period. In the first case, select a specific month and year, in the second, indicate the period of formation: from which and until which month and year must you provide a payslip.

After this, you will be able to view information about the amount of your salary, accruals and deductions made. By the way, these sheets are available in both regular and mobile versions; to switch between them, just click on “Show in mobile version” or “Show in regular version”. If you entered the personal account of a serviceman with mobile device, will be displayed by default mobile version document.

If necessary, you can download the generated payslip in one of the available formats: PDF, DOCX and XLSX. All you need to do is select the one you need. After this, you can open the document on your device. You can also print a payslip by simply clicking on the appropriate button.

Your personal account also allows you to receive notifications by email informing you about updates or the addition of a new payslip. To do this, just check the “Receive notifications” item in the user credentials window. If you would like to unsubscribe from receiving these notifications, simply uncheck the box you previously checked.

The serviceman's account also allows its users to take part in surveys. You can access the surveys using the appropriate link provided in the credentials window. Information about the appearance of a new survey in which you can participate is transmitted using a red indicator located to the right of the “Survey” link.

After you click on the link, a window with the text of the survey will open in front of you, which contains the title, announcement, questions and answer options. After answering the suggested question, click “Next”, after which the next question with answer options will open. After you have answered all the questions, the “Complete” button will appear, by clicking on which you will complete the survey and save the specified answers.

The “Information” section contains various types of information, primarily related to cash payments, as well as materials that appear in the serviceman’s personal account.

Of significant interest is the “Questions and Answers” ​​tab, which contains materials on topics such as obtaining various certificates, transferring allowances to bank cards, providing tax deductions, and receiving funds in a smaller amount. Here you can also find answers to questions related to payments of financial assistance, alimony, maternity benefits and monthly child care benefits, as well as payment upon dismissal from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Besides, in this section answers were collected on questions regarding pay slips and the serviceman’s personal account itself.

A separate tab in the main menu available in your personal account is dedicated to information for military personnel and their family members on improving financial literacy. This is where you can find a memo on minimizing risks when concluding loan agreements with credit institutions, a memo on security when using bank cards, a memo on opening bank deposits, information on credit institutions participating in salary projects of the Unified Settlement Center of the Russian Ministry of Defense, as well as a memo on refinancing loans .

The last tab of the main menu is dedicated to contact information. Here you can find the address of the Federal State Institution “Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”, as well as find out the email address and telephone number where you can contact specialists to resolve any issues that may arise. It also provides information regarding the schedule for receiving and issuing documents.

In addition to the main menu, there is another menu in your personal account, which can be found at the bottom of the web resource. It combines links to the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, user instructions for a serviceman’s personal account, regulations, electronic reception and contact information.

Undoubtedly, the instructions for the user of the LKV (personal account of a military personnel) are of interest, where you can familiarize yourself with the issues of registering and authorizing a user in your personal account, changing and restoring the password, generating a pay slip, participating in surveys, as well as settings for notifications about new pay slips.

Regulatory legal acts are a bank of documents that combines the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal constitutional laws, Federal laws, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, International treaties of the Russian Federation that form the basis of international humanitarian law, Orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as draft regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, information related to monitoring legislation and other documents.

As for the electronic reception, the link to which, among others, is presented at the bottom of the military personnel’s personal account, here you can find information about the reception of citizens, send a message, go to the FAQ section, read reference information, as well as a list of electronic military receptions districts and fleets.

The described personal account of a serviceman is a new version and is working in test mode, so if you have any suggestions related to improving the operation of this service, you can send them to the address provided on home page email address with a note in the subject line - “New Personal Account”. Here is a link to the previous version of the account.

You can also log into your personal account in the previous version without registering or using registration. In the first case, you will need to select whether you are a military personnel or a government employee and indicate your personal number or SNILS, respectively, as well as your date of birth and the numbers from the picture, and then click “Login.” In the second case, registration is required (with the appearance new version, registration in the previous one has become unavailable).

The official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation also provides Instructions for users of the “Personal Account” ( old version), which outlines the questions for logging into your personal account (without registration and with it) and describes the registration process (creating an account and activating it). Here you can also find information about how a registered user can log into a serviceman’s personal account, as well as how to recover the user’s password. In addition, the instructions contain information regarding the formation of a pay slip
and the user changing his own password.

Personal account is an online service presented not only on the official websites of various ministries and departments, but also of numerous organizations and companies, one of which is Mobile TeleSystems - a Russian telecommunications company providing cellular and wireline telephone services, broadband Internet access, mobile, cable, satellite and digital television. You can access these services directly on the company’s website.

Military personnel and civil servants can create a personal account on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Here they receive reliable information about all transactions for calculating monetary allowances.

Personal account functionality

The functionality of a serviceman's account is not particularly rich. All you can do in the office is:

  • generate a pay slip containing information about the amount of cash payments, charges and deductions;
  • participate in surveys;
  • set up a service for receiving notifications by email via the Internet.

Let's look at each function separately.

You can create a payslip using the following algorithm:

  1. Log in to the serviceman’s personal account on the Mil.Ru website.
  2. In the “Pay slips” section, select the required time period. There are two tabs for this – “per month” and “per period”.
  3. Click on the “Generate” button. After this, the page will display a payslip for the specified period.
  4. Download the generated document. For these purposes, three formats are provided - XLSX, PDF; DOCX.

You can also print the sheet immediately without downloading.

Military personnel can participate in surveys that appear periodically in the office. The indicator, which turns red in this case, will help you find out about the availability of a new one.

To receive email notifications about new payslips:

  1. Go to the data accounting window (after authorization).
  2. Check the box next to “Receive notifications.”

Every time a new payslip is available, notifications with relevant information will be sent to the email address specified by the user. To not receive notifications, you will need to uncheck the box.

Registration in the serviceman's office

To create an account, you need to click on the “Personal Account” button on the main page of the Russian Ministry of Defense website - A registration page will open where you will need to enter the following information:

  • type of employee - military or civilian;
  • personal number for a military personnel, or pension insurance certificate number (SNILS) if it is a civil servant;
  • day, month and year of birth of the user;
  • password;
  • Password confirmation;
  • email address

After entering the code from the picture, click on the “Register” button. The system will check the information entered, and if they match those contained in the database, an email will be sent with a confirmation link and login. Clicking on it will be the final stage of registration.

It is important to take into account that if you do not click on the link within 2 hours after it is sent, then all stages of registration will have to be completed again. You will also need to re-enter your personal information if you do not receive a confirmation email.

Authorization in a military personnel's personal account

Both those who are registered in the system and those who have not registered can confirm their account.

The Ministry of Defense on its official website has a unique service for all Russian military personnel. Here, every military man has the opportunity to enter the office using a personal code. Direct link to this service:

What is a military personnel’s personal account for and how to enter?

Anyone who serves in accordance with a contract agreement has access to the personal account of a military personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The login procedure is carried out through the following link. The service was created so that military personnel could familiarize themselves with the accrued allowances. Information on charges has been available since 2012.

Your personal account contains data not only on allowances according to the contract, but also on various additional payments. All receipts are decrypted - for example:

  • salary according to rank,
  • salary according to the job contract,
  • bonus for years of service,
  • regional coefficient, etc.

The service allows you to print out the necessary information on your current account in a convenient format.

How to enter a military personnel’s personal account without registering using a personal number

To log in you will need a military personal number. It is indicated on tokens and in contract service agreements. Knowing it, you should go to the website of the Ministry of Defense. It is located at the following link: You should immediately check the box next to the “Login without registration” field. In the “User Category” field, leave “Military Person” selected (the same service is also available for civil servants of the Russian Federation). Then enter your personal number and date of birth. To protect against bots, the site additionally requires you to enter numbers from the picture. All you have to do is click “Login” and information about the military will be provided.

Is it possible to enter a military personnel’s personal account without registering using a personal number?

Since the creation of this service, registration in it has not been mandatory to view information. However, it is still recommended to register. Thus, the military themselves will take care of the protection of data that can be accessed by unscrupulous Internet users. To register you will need to enter instead personal number with date of birth - login with a created password. In this case, the login coincides with the personal number.

Is it possible to log into a military personnel’s personal account without a password?

Today it is possible to log in without a password for unregistered users. However, if the registration procedure has been completed, but you have forgotten your password, you will need to recover it. To recover the password for a serviceman’s personal account, you need to spend 2-3 minutes. To do this, follow the following instructions:

  • Click "Forgot your password";
  • Click "Next";
  • Enter your personal number (according to the contract) and the corresponding date of birth;
  • Rewrite characters from the picture;
  • Click next;
  • Read the letter from the support service of this service and follow the link provided in it;
  • Enter the new password twice;
  • Click "Change Password" and then continue.

Immediately after the procedure is completed, the login will be available to the user.

Military mortgage through a serviceman’s personal account

Information on mortgages can be found in your personal account on another website. The institution Rosvoeipoteka is responsible for the mortgage, and therefore information on the savings account is available at the following link: After registering and logging into their page, people serving under a contract agreement can generate queries about the status of the account, learning about the amount of money and the payment schedule.

How to order a personal income tax certificate 2 through a military personnel’s personal account

To obtain a 2-NDFL certificate, you can use the reference information of this online resource. After logging into your page, you can familiarize yourself with a comprehensive list of PFIs. There is also a sample application there. The Internet letter should be sent not only to the Ural Federal District of the Moscow Region, but also to the ERC email address. The certificate is prepared three days after registration of the application and, using the services of the Russian Post, is sent to the address indicated in the letter.

How to find out your salary through the personal account of a contract soldier

After logging in, you need to go to the section with the pay slip. On the left side you can select the month and year for which the user wants to receive salary information. Having selected them, you must click “Generate”. The total amount will appear on the screen with a breakdown - which part represents salaries by rank and contract, and which part are various allowances.
