How to expand only one page. How to flip a separate sheet in Word, instructions

To place large figures, diagrams or tables, you often need rotate page in Word. Let's change the page orientation for the paragraph Paragraph and the spacing between lines.

There are several ways to change the page orientation.

1st method:

Select a fragment of any text for which you should change page orientation.
Execute the special command File/Page Setup.

On the Paper Size tab: set the page orientation to landscape, in the Apply field, select To selected text.
Click OK.

Switch to Normal viewing mode. When the page orientation changes (as, for example, when the number of columns changes), a new section begins, and a section break appears at this point. Remove these breaks and your text will return to its original form.

ATTENTION! When deleting a section break current section acquires the formatting options for the next section.

2nd method:

If pages in landscape orientation must be filled completely, and you do not know where they will end, then it is advisable to use the following method:

Place the input cursor at the beginning of the fragment for which you want to change the page orientation (at the beginning of the Paragraph and line spacing heading).
Run this command: File/Page Settings.

On the Paper Size tab: set the page orientation to landscape, and in the Apply field, select To the end of the document.
Click OK. All text, starting with this paragraph, is now located on pages in landscape orientation.

Let's return the pages to portrait orientation, starting with the third. To do this, place the input cursor at the beginning of it, and then do the same operations (only on the Paper Size tab, set portrait orientation and in the Apply field, do not forget to select the Until the end of the document mode!). The page orientation has returned to its original orientation.

Finally, to make our text seem continuous, remove paragraph indentation at the beginning of the third page.

I continue to describe working issues related to Word, because of which I had to climb, if not into search engines, then definitely ask my colleagues. Well, or these questions caused me a dullness, a stopper in the work process.

This time we will talk about how to rotate a page in Word. Personally, I feel the need to turn pages “horizontally-vertically” when writing reports. Since the results of measurements and tests, in addition to tabular data, are various graphs, diagrams, and the same tables, but with a huge number of columns, which are more convenient to display on an inverted sheet.

As usual, I will describe the situation with Word 2003, and a few words about the features known to me in version 2007.

This means that the sheet orientation in Word has two meanings - portrait and landscape.

The menu itself, with which you can turn the sheet over, is located at the following address:

  • In Word 2003 - file => page settings => orientation => landscape or portrait
  • In Word 2007 - top menu => page layout => orientation => portrait or landscape

With this, everything seems to be clear. The only difficulties arise when you have a report consisting of many pages and the page whose orientation should be changed to landscape is located between two pages in portrait orientation. There are already features here that should be discussed in more detail.

There are such concepts as page breaks and section breaks. It is in these concepts, or rather in one of them, that the answer to the question of turning one page out of consecutive ones lies. To rotate just one or more pages, those pages need to end with a “section break,” and the page before our pages also ends with a “section break.”

The breaks menu is located in the following places:

A couple of parting words about the gap menu:

Video about changing page orientation through a page break in word 2003, 2007

Similarly, instead of inserting section breaks through the menu, you can use the word 2003 menu - top menu => file => page options => select orientation type => further in the same window => sample => apply => to the end of the document.

As a result, the orientation of subsequent pages after the one on which the mouse pointer is positioned will change. Then you can select the next page in a row with a changed orientation and do this procedure again - it turns out that it alone will have, for example, landscape orientation. It seems like the second method works - since we do it through other menu items, but if we show the hidden symbols “non-printable characters”, then it will become clear that we were again dealing with section breaks from the next page.

Video about rotating a page through page parameters in Word 2003, 2007

Another option, for those who do not want to bother, may be the option when the pages that need to be turned are located at the end of the report, for example, appendices to the protocol or report. In this case, they can be created in separate files, where the required orientation is simply created immediately. In some cases this is more convenient, for example, if section break symbols take up space in the last line and because of them the break is transferred to the next page, which creates an unnecessary report unit =) and the numbering is continuous, this is where the location will help separate page to a separate file. But in the end, the choice is up to everyone.

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In the MS Office text editor, page orientation is set to vertical by default. But when working with a document, you may need to learn how to flip a sheet horizontally in Word. The options for action depend on the year the program was released and the number of sheets being turned over.

Might be interesting:

Word 2003 and older versions

To flip a sheet horizontally in Word for versions 2003 and earlier (1997 and 2000):

Advice! Also, this can be done in a document opened in markup mode. By double-clicking on the free space next to one of the rulers, open the same options window, which allows you to make a horizontal sheet.

Flipping part of the text

If you don't want to expand the page horizontally in Word for the entire document, first set the text format. Then select the information you need (one sheet or several) and go to the parameters:

In versions of Office 2007 and later

To turn a page horizontally in Word in Office 2007 and newer editors, use another method:

As a result of these steps, the document is completely displayed in landscape format.

For one sheet

If it is necessary in Word to rotate only one sheet horizontally, leaving the rest vertical, actions are performed similar to the method for the 2003 program. The difference is the location of the custom fields button on the options tab.

After you manage to expand the sheet horizontally in Word, the information on it is placed in a separate section in landscape format. On other pages - in the book. Already exposed sections allow you to rotate one page as desired by clicking anywhere on the part. The location is changed not for part of the text or document, but for the section.

If you have a question with Word settings. Tell us in detail what the problem is so that we can help.

Good day, my dear friends. Again with you this, well, whatever his name is... in general, I. And today I want to start a small series of articles about Microsoft Word. Still, this is the main one office program and the vast majority of people use it. But despite this, they do not know very many elementary things. I deal with this almost every day.

So, to fill these gaps, I will prepare special articles for you. And we’ll start with a topic that really gets many people confused. There are times when you need to write text or something else on a horizontal sheet of paper, but no one knows how to implement it. And today I’ll tell you how to expand a sheet horizontally in Word to fit it to your needs. I will do this using Office 2013 as an example, but for 2010 and 2007 this method is also relevant.

The entire document

The easiest way to expand our workspace horizontally or vertically is to go to the "Layout" menu, then select "Orientation" - "Landscape". Voila. Thanks to this simple method, you can expand all the pages of the document.

Specific Pages

There are often times when it is necessary to rotate only one sheet, or several pages, horizontally. What then to do in such cases? It's very simple here. To begin, you need to select one or more sheets that you want to flip. Done? Handsome guys!

Now we go to the menu again "Page layout", only now we don’t select the orientation there, but look for the “Options” item, after which we click the tiny icon to the right of it.

The page settings window will open. This is exactly what we need. Pay attention to the very bottom. There, opposite the orientation, there is a drop-down list. Expand it and select "Selected pages". Well, now you can switch to landscape orientation.

After this manipulation, only the leaves you selected will be rotated horizontally. Well, accordingly, you can return the vertical view in the same way, that is, portrait orientation. Just keep in mind that if you select all the text on a vertical page, this does not mean that it will entirely fit on one horizontal page. Therefore, from one book sheet you can get two landscape ones.

This is where I end my article. There seems to be nothing more to add. I hope that I helped you in resolving your issue. If so, then do not forget to subscribe to my blog updates and share the article with your friends on in social networks. Good luck to you, and of course don’t forget to visit my blog again. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

To change the book orientation to landscape on all pages of a document, do the following.

  1. Click the Page Layout tab (in Word 2016, this menu is in the Layout tab) at the top of the document.
  2. In the Page Setup category, click the Orientation button.
  3. To flip all pages horizontally, select “landscape”.

After selecting horizontal (landscape) orientation, all pages of the document will change their orientation. How to turn only some pages, read below.

Changing the orientation of some pages in a Word document 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016

To turn only one or more pages in a document, do the following.

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the first character on the page you want to turn.
  2. Click the Page Layout tab (in Word 2016, this menu is under the Layout tab) in the vertical menu at the top of the document.
  3. In order to turn only one page, you need to create breaks in the document. Click "Breaks" and select "Next Page".
  4. Click on this page of the document in the “Page Layout” menu and select “Orientation” - “Landscape”.

After performing these steps, all pages will turn over starting from the one on which you set the break.

To ensure that only this page remains upside down, place the cursor at the end of the last character of the page and make another break, as shown above.

Now, you can return the orientation of all subsequent pages. To do this, place the cursor at the very beginning of the next page and select “Page Layout” - “Orientation” - “Portrait”.

Thus, we ensured that only one page in the document has landscape orientation, and the rest are portrait.

In versions of Office 2007 and later

For one sheet

If you have any questions about Word settings, write to us. Tell us in detail what the problem is so that we can help.

How to turn a sheet of paper horizontally in the office. How to turn a page in Word? How to rotate only one sheet using Page Options

Quite often, when working with text in Microsoft program Word, there is a need to rotate the sheet horizontally. And how to rotate a sheet in Word? Let's figure it out.

In Microsoft Word, there are two types of sheet layout - vertical and horizontal. The vertical arrangement of the sheet is called a book spread, the horizontal one is called landscape.

The default page orientation in Word is portrait. However, when you are working with charts for example, or when you are creating something like a leaflet, you may need to rotate the sheet 90 degrees, i.e. switch to landscape sheet.

Luckily, Word makes it easy to switch to landscape mode.

If you are using Word 2003, then select the menu item File -> Page Setup.

Then, in the Page Setup dialog box, select the Margins tab.

Under the Orientation heading, click Landscape. A blue outline should appear inside the edge of the window with a picture of a leaf in a horizontal position.

If you want all sheets in your document to be in landscape orientation, then simply click the OK button at the bottom of the dialog box. If you want to apply changes only from the current sheet and to all subsequent ones, then select the Apply option to the end of the document in the Sample section, and then click OK.

In addition, you can make any pages in the middle of the document landscape. Simply select the pages you need before opening the Page Setup dialog box. And then, following the instructions described above, select the option for the selected text in the drop-down list called Apply.

Landscape sheet in Word 2007, 2010

In newer versions of Word (2007, 2010), changing the sheet orientation is even easier. Go to the Page Layout tab of the main menu, in the Page Setup group of commands, select Orientation -> Landscape. All pages of the document will change orientation.

If you need to rotate only one or several selected pages, click on the button in the lower right corner of the Page Settings group of commands.

In the MS Office text editor, page orientation is set to vertical by default. But when working with a document, you may need to learn how to flip a sheet horizontally in Word. The options for action depend on the year the program was released and the number of sheets being turned over.

To flip a sheet horizontally in Word for versions 2003 and earlier (1997 and 2000):

Advice! Also, this can be done in a document opened in markup mode. By double-clicking on the free space next to one of the rulers, open the same options window, which allows you to make a horizontal sheet.

If you don't want to expand the page horizontally in Word for the entire document, first set the text format. Then select the information you need (one sheet or several) and go to the parameters:

To turn a page horizontally in Word in Office 2007 and newer editors, use another method:

As a result of these steps, the document is completely displayed in landscape format.

If it is necessary in Word to rotate only one sheet horizontally, leaving the rest vertical, actions are performed similar to the method for the 2003 program. The difference is the location of the custom fields button on the options tab.

After you manage to expand the sheet horizontally in Word, the information on it is placed in a separate section in landscape format. On other pages - in the book. Already exposed sections allow you to rotate one page as desired by clicking anywhere on the part. The location is changed not for part of the text or document, but for the section.

If you have a question with Word settings. Tell us in detail what the problem is so that we can help.

After reading this article, you will learn how to rotate only one sheet out of all in Word.

Suppose you are writing an essay or coursework or dissertation, and you have wide tables with many columns that do not fit into the standard A-4 book format, and you need to expand one or more sheets in the middle of the work, that is, make as many sheets as landscape format so that a wide table, or drawing or graph is included. How to do this, read on...


  1. Place the cursor on the sheet that needs to be expanded.
  2. Open the “Page Layout” tab in Word 2010

Page Layout tab

3. Then open “Insert page and section breaks”

4. Select the “Page Breaks? Next Page” tab

Page Breaks - Next Page

  1. Click “Orientation? Landscape”

Orientation - Landscape

And the entire sheet unfolds, becoming landscape.

"Orientation - Book"

And the sheet becomes standard A-4 format.

Microsoft Office. Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 365

By default in a new Microsoft document Word sheet oriented vertically (so-called portrait page orientation). This option is most convenient for most documents. However, sometimes you need to rotate the Word page (landscape orientation). This is required, for example, for graphs. Now I will tell you how to rotate one or more pages of a document in Word.

How to rotate only one page in Word

If you need it, then all actions are performed almost the same. The only difference is in which part of the Word document to apply page rotation.

Look at the previous picture. At the very bottom of the window there is an “Apply” list, which indicates the default value: “to the entire document.” That is why all the pages were turned last time. If you want to rotate only one page of a Word document, then you need to select another item in the list, namely “to the end of the document.” This will rotate all pages to the very end.

If you don’t need to expand all the pages, but only one, then the operation is performed in a similar way. The result of turning one page out of three is shown in the figure below.


If you think about it, there are only three options for turning pages in a document:

  • All pages are rotated, starting from the first
  • Only the last page is expanded
  • One or more pages are rotated in the middle of the document

Obviously, the last case is the general one. Given the above, it should be quite clear to you how Word rotates only one page. If it is not very clear, then watch the instructional video, in which the operation of turning Word pages is shown step by step.

The easiest and fastest way to make landscape orientation in the program

Let's consider the process of changing the position using the example of "Word 2013" - a common updated word processor. To make a landscape view in Word, follow the instructions:

  • Find the tab for page layout on the toolbar;
  • the change occurs by clicking on the drop-down list in the “Orientation” field. Select the landscape version of the page. After performing this action, everything is in open file will become landscape;

Fig 1. In the orientation field, select portrait or landscape

You can also set landscape orientation in Word using the Page Options window. Click on the settings icon as shown in the image below:

Fig 2. Second method of change, through the parameters window

A window will open for detailed editing of the open file format.

Fig 3. Editing the format in the page settings

The following sheet parameters can be changed in the window: position of pages, difference in headers and footers, width and height of margins, beginning and end of sections and paper size. To flip a sheet horizontally in Word, select landscape orientation.

Flipping a sheet horizontally is one of the most common tasks when typing. This task faces users in a variety of situations. For example, when working with large tables or when creating a booklet. Therefore, it is very important to know how to flip a sheet in Word. In this material we will talk about how this is done in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

How to Flip a Sheet in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

In order to flip a sheet horizontally in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016, you only need to do a couple of steps. First, you should go to the Page Layout tab. This tab contains all the functions text editor Words that relate to appearance leaf. The “Orientation” button is responsible for turning the sheet over. Click on this button and select the “Landscape” option from the menu that opens. This way you can flip all the sheets horizontally in your Word document.

If you want to flip only one sheet horizontally in a Word document, then this will be a little more difficult. First, you need to enable the display of hidden characters. To do this, go to the “Home” tab and click on the corresponding button there (screenshot below).

Once the display of hidden characters is enabled, you need to place the section breaks correctly. In order to flip one sheet horizontally, you need to set a section break before and after that sheet. This is done as follows. Place the cursor at the end of the sheet that comes before the sheet you want to flip. After that, open the “Page Layout” tab, click on the “Breaks” button and select the “Next Page” option. This way you will set a section break before the desired sheet.

Next, you need to place the cursor at the end of the sheet that you want to turn over and repeat the procedure (click on the “Breaks” button again and select “Next Page”). As a result, you should have two section breaks. One in front of the sheet and one at the end. Now place the cursor on the sheet that you want to flip, go to the “Page Layout” tab and select “Page Orientation - Landscape”.

If everything was done correctly, then the sheet you need should turn over horizontally. If you do not get the expected result, then check how the section breaks were placed.

How to flip a sheet horizontally in Word

By default, all sheets in Word have a vertical position. But during work, the user may need to rotate the sheet to a horizontal position. Below we will discuss methods for rotating both one sheet and the entire document.

1 First, consider the method of rotating a sheet in Microsoft versions Word 2003. If you intend to rotate all sheets of the document to a horizontal position, this operation can be carried out in a couple of clicks. After launching the program, find the “File” tab in the top panel.

2 If the submenu is not completely displayed, expand it using the corresponding “Expand” button. Next, find the “Page Options” item.

3 A window will open allowing you to customize the document. Open the “Margins” tab and pay attention to the “Orientation” block. In it you need to select the “Landscape” position. With its help, all sheets of the document will take a horizontal position. Then we confirm our actions by pressing the “Ok” button. If you need to correct your changes, switch to Portrait view. All sheets of the document will immediately take a vertical position.

4 This method is relevant only if it is necessary to rotate all sheets. But in some cases it is necessary to change the position of only one or several sheets. A similar option is provided in Word 2003, and is implemented in almost the same way. Select the text on those pages on which you plan to change the position of the sheet.

5 After completing this action, open the “File” tab and also find the “Page Setup” item.

6 Select the Fields tab and change the view to Landscape. The next steps are slightly different from the previous ones: at the bottom of the window, find the “Sample” button. And in the “Apply” column, select “To selected text”. After confirmation, only those sheets whose text has been selected will be changed.

7 The versions of Word 2007 and Word 2010 have a similar algorithm of actions and the most lightweight. In order to change the position of sheets throughout the document, just click the “Page Layout” tab and select the “Orientation” block in the submenu that appears.

8 After clicking it, a small submenu will open with the items “Portrait” and “Landscape”. Select the bottom option, after which all sheets in the document will take on a horizontal view.

9 To apply the change to only one or more sheets, select the text on the required pages. Next, open the “Page Layout” tab.

10 After completing these steps, the next steps will be slightly different. In the “Page Options” block, find the small button located at the very bottom right.

11 A window with parameters will open. Select the “Margins” tab and find the “Orientation” block. Here you need to set the view to “Landscape”.

12 All that remains is to change the last parameter. At the very bottom, in the “Apply” item, change the value to “To selected text”.

Using the above methods, you can easily rotate a page in Word. As a rule, these operations do not take much time. Regardless of the versions installed on users' computers, the entire process takes only a few seconds.

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