Where is the cache stored in the browser? What is cache in Google Chrome? How to clear the cache in Google Chrome for an individual page.

All modern browsers create cache files that record information about already loaded Internet pages. It is thanks to the cache that reopening a page in the Google Chrome web browser is much faster, because the browser does not have to reload images and other information.

Unfortunately, over time, the browser cache begins to accumulate, which almost always leads to a decrease in the speed of its operation. But the solution to the performance problem of the Google Chrome web browser is extremely simple - you just need to clear its cache.

Below we will look at three ways to delete the accumulated cache: you can do it either with built-in browser tools or use third-party tools.

Method 1: Google Chrome

Method 2: CCleaner

The popular CCleaner program is an effective tool for comprehensively cleaning your computer from unnecessary information. In particular, with its help it will not be difficult to delete the cache in Google Chrome.

  1. Close Google Chrome and launch CCleaner. On the left side of the window, open the tab "Cleaning". Select the item slightly to the right "Applications".
  2. Find the section in the list "Google Chrome". Make sure you have checked the box next to "Internet cache". Please fill out all other items at your own discretion. To search for information, click on the button "Analysis".
  3. When CCleaner has finished searching, start the cache removal process by pressing the button "Cleaning".
  4. Method 3: Chrome Cleaner

    The Chrome Cleaner tool is a browser extension that allows you to quickly delete your cache, browsing history, download list, cookies, and other information.

Every modern browser by default partially saves information from web pages, which significantly reduces the waiting time and the amount of traffic consumed when opening them again. This stored information is nothing more than a cache. And today we will look at how you can increase the cache in the Google Chrome Internet browser.

Increasing the cache is necessary, of course, to store more information from websites on your hard drive. Unfortunately, unlike the Mozilla Firefox browser, where increasing the cache is available by standard means, in Google Chrome a similar procedure is performed in slightly different ways, but if you have a compelling need to increase the cache of a given web browser, then this task is quite easy to cope with.

How to expand the cache in the Google Chrome browser?

Considering that Google considered it necessary not to add a cache increase function to its browser menu, we will take a slightly different tricky route. First, we need to create a browser shortcut. To do this, go to the folder with the installed program (usually this address is C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application), click on the application "chrome" right-click and select the option in the pop-up menu "Create shortcut" .

Right-click on the shortcut and in the additional menu that pops up, select the option "Properties" .

In the pop-up window, double-check that you have a tab open "Label" . In field "An object" The address leading to the application is posted. We need to enter two parameters to this address separated by a space:



As a result, the updated “Object” column in your case will look something like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disk-cache-dir="c:\chromeсache" --disk-cache-size=1073741824

This command means that you increase the size of the application cache by 1073741824 bytes, which is equivalent to 1 GB. Save your changes and close this window.

Launch the created shortcut. From now on, Google Chrome will work in increased cache mode, but remember that now the cache will accumulate in significantly larger volumes, which means it will need to be cleared in a timely manner.

We hope the tips in this article were useful to you.

Each Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.), when viewing a web page, downloads it into temporary files. This is done so that the next time you open this web page, it will not be downloaded from the Internet, but will be immediately downloaded from a temporary file that is stored in a special place - cache. In this case, the loading time is significantly reduced and the document loading speed increases accordingly.

Thus, the browser has temporary storage - a cache, where it saves all documents viewed by the user. And a huge number of such temporary files accumulate, which increases the size of the stored data on the disk. This is where the need to clear the cache arises. Each browser has its own characteristics, i.e. their location, methods of storing and cleaning them, etc. In this article we will consider the question

To do this, open the Google Chrome browser and in the upper right corner select the “set up and manage Google Chrome” menu - just click on the icon - three sticks (I can’t describe this icon more precisely) And in older versions of the browser there will be a wrench icon.

In the menu that opens, hover over “Tools” and again in the submenu click “Delete data from viewed pages.”

The “clear history” window opens.

First, let's look at the button where it says “all time.” If you click on the small triangle with the mouse, a choice will open: for the past hour, for yesterday, etc. Next, check the “Clear cache” checkbox and click the “Clear history” button. All. The cache has been cleared.

Where is the google chrome cache located?

In the Windows 7 operating system, the cache is located at:

C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\

In general, to clear temporary files you can do this. In the lower left corner of the operating system, click the “Start” button. In the search form we enter %TEMP% and press the key Enter.

Where everything is visible. Select the files with the mouse and delete them.

Attention! Some will not want to leave, because... they are used by the operating system. Well, let them live.

Today we will talk about such a simple thing as clearing the cache in Google Chrome. Every Internet user periodically needs this procedure, since clearing the cache eliminates some common page loading problems, which is especially important for bloggers and webmasters.

What is cache

cache - English. "cache, secret reserve"

Before clearing the cache, it would be useful to find out what it is and what its purpose is. Without going into technical details, a cache is a storage facility for quick access to files that you have already downloaded from the Internet: video and audio files, photographs, texts, web pages. The cache remembers everything and puts it in the computer's memory.

For example, if you watched a video over the Internet, then it is stored in the cache until it is cleared by itself or with your help. If you want to watch the video again, it will be loaded from the cache, which significantly saves traffic and speeds up loading - and these two main functions are its purpose.


cache saves traffic and speeds up loading

The same goes for browsing web pages: the cache “photographs” them and places them in memory. The next time you download it, it will offer you the copy first, not the original. And here lies an important point for webmasters and bloggers who work with their websites. In some cases, the cache does a disservice by loading outdated page images. It is for this reason that the changes made are not always displayed correctly in the browser.

When should you clear your cache?

If you have made any changes to the html code, for example, changed the font of the title of your site or the design, often the cache shows the previous saved version of the page, and updating does not always help - the page looks as if nothing was changed in it. This happens to me quite often. In this case, open the page in another browser, make sure that the changes are recorded, and then return to Google and clear the cache. The next time you refresh the page, you will see the updated version.

The cache requires clearing even if if pages are not displayed correctly. This is not a panacea for solving all problems that happen with page loading, but it is one of the first steps.

Clearing the cache often helps when problems occur. , which is a frequent visitor in all browsers.

It is recommended to clear the cache even if there are any problems downloading, for example video files, when the internet goes down. In this case, the display continues until the point where the connection was lost. And to overcome this rubicon, clearing the cache is required.

How to quickly clear cache in Google Chrome

  • The fastest way to clear the cache:

While the browser is open, simultaneously press three buttons on the keyboard

Shift + Ctrl + Delete

You can use the quick method.

A more detailed explanation is for those who want to understand deeper and know where to look for the cache in the browser. And at the very end of the article you will find a video on how to clear the cache in Google Chrome.

In the upper right corner of the top bar of the browser there is a menu button, which in older versions looked like a gear, but now it is three bold lines located one below the other. When you hover your mouse over it, the following message appears: “SETUP AND MANAGE Google Chrome.” Click on it.

  • In the drop-down window select “ SETTINGS". Go to the tab that opens.
  • Next you need to go to the very bottom of the page and find the line "SHOW ADDITIONAL SETTINGS«.
  • In the expanded window we find the section “ PERSONAL DATA" and click on the menu " CLEAR THE HISTORY". The following picture appears:

  • We put a tick in the line “ CLEAR CACHE"(we uncheck the rest of the boxes if we don’t want to delete something else) and select a time period in the top panel. If the problem with loading pages started recently, you can start with small periods of time - over the past hour or yesterday.
  • Press the button " CLEAR THE HISTORY«.
  • After which you can close the settings window and try to load or update the problematic page. If the problem does not disappear after cleaning, choose a longer period.

Video on how to clear the cache in Google Chrome:

After clearing the cache for the first time, pages that loaded quickly before may load more slowly. This is fine. As soon as the cleared cache saves them to its storage, everything will be restored.

Well, what if you are a creator blog on WordPress, the cache needs to be cleared after every change in the editor code, so as not to be surprised why you did something and nothing changed.

In order to use the Internet, we use browsers. There are many of them, one of them is Google Chrome, which has recently proven itself to be excellent, thanks to very fast page loading, almost instant launch, user-friendly interface, excellent design, and so on.

Today we will talk about how to clear cache in Google Chrome. Sometimes this is simply necessary, since the browser constantly stores information about visited sites, thereby filling the cache memory. Thus, our system disk becomes clogged, and the browser begins to work slower over time.

So to clear cache in Google Chrome, we need to open the browser itself and an empty window, after closing all sites.

A new tab opens with the history of visits to all sites, for all time. Here we find the button “ Clear the history" and press it.

In the window that opens, indicate how long you need to delete the necessary elements, then check the box next to the item “ Clear cache" and press the button " Clear the history».

We wait a few seconds and the cache in Google Chrome is cleared.

As you probably noticed, there you can not only clear the cache, but also delete your browsing and download history, clear Cookies, etc. Now you know where these settings are.

There is also another way to get there. To do this, also, click on the “Options” icon, and in the context menu we select something slightly different. Namely, we find the item “Tools – Deleting data about viewed pages.”

We get there again, all we have to do is check the box, select the period and click “Clear history”.

You can also use the hotkeys Ctr+Shift+Del.

It's so easy in Google Chrome clear cache, that's all I wanted to tell you in this lesson. Keep your browser tidy and don't forget to clear your cache at least once a month.
